Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2004 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.springframework.richclient.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.core.enums.LabeledEnum;

 * Misc static utility functions for java classes.
 * @author Keith Donald
 * @author Jim Moore
public class ClassUtils {
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ClassUtils.class);

    private static Set simpleClasses = new HashSet();
    static {

    private ClassUtils() {

     * Intializes the specified class if not initialized already.
     * This is required for EnumUtils if the enum class has not yet been loaded.
    public static void initializeClass(Class clazz) {
        try {
            Class.forName(clazz.getName(), true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Returns the qualified class field name with the specified value. For
     * example, with a class defined with a static field "NORMAL" with value =
     * "0", passing in "0" would return: className.NORMAL.
     * @return The qualified field.
    public static String getClassFieldNameWithValue(Class clazz, Object value) {
        Field[] fields = clazz.getFields();
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            Field field = fields[i];
            try {
                Object constant = field.get(null);
                if (value.equals(constant)) {
                    return clazz.getName() + "." + field.getName();
            } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

     * Gets the field value for the specified qualified field name.
    public static Object getFieldValue(String qualifiedFieldName) {
        Class clazz;
        try {
            clazz = classForName(ClassUtils.qualifier(qualifiedFieldName));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
            return null;
        try {
            return clazz.getField(ClassUtils.unqualify(qualifiedFieldName)).get(null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * Load the class with the specified name.
     * @param name
     * @return The loaded class.
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static Class classForName(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        try {
            return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return Class.forName(name);

    public static Method findMethod(String methodName, Class clazz, Class[] parmTypes) {
        try {
            return clazz.getMethod(methodName, parmTypes);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            return null;

    public static String unqualify(String qualifiedName) {
        return ClassUtils.unqualify(qualifiedName, '.');

     * Returns the unqualified class name of the specified class.
     * @param clazz the class to get the name for
     * @return The unqualified, short name.
    public static String unqualify(Class clazz) {
        return unqualify(clazz.getName());

    public static String unqualify(String qualifiedName, char separator) {
        return qualifiedName.substring(qualifiedName.lastIndexOf(separator) + 1);

     * Returns the qualifier for a name separated by dots. The qualified part is
     * everything up to the last dot separator.
     * @param qualifiedName The qualified name.
     * @return The qualifier portion.
    public static String qualifier(String qualifiedName) {
        int loc = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (loc < 0)
            return "";

        return qualifiedName.substring(0, loc);

     * Check if the given class represents a primitive array.
    public static boolean isPrimitiveArray(Class clazz) {
        return (clazz.isArray() && clazz.getComponentType().isPrimitive());

     * Does the provided bean class represent a simple scalar property? A simple
     * scalar property is considered a value property; that is, it is not
     * another bean. Examples include primitives, primitive wrappers, Enums, and
     * Strings.
    public static boolean isSimpleScalar(Class clazz) {
        return clazz.isPrimitive() || simpleClasses.contains(clazz) || LabeledEnum.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

    public static Method getStaticMethod(String name, Class locatorClass, Class[] args) {
        try {
            logger.debug("Attempting to get method '" + name + "' on class " + locatorClass + " with arguments '"
                    + + "'");
            Method method = locatorClass.getDeclaredMethod(name, args);
            if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0)
                return method;

            return null;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            return null;

    private static final Map primativeToWrapperMap = new HashMap();
    static {
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(char.class, Character.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(byte.class, Byte.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(short.class, Short.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(int.class, Integer.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(long.class, Long.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(float.class, Float.class);
        primativeToWrapperMap.put(double.class, Double.class);

     * Gets the equivalent class to convert to if the given clazz is a
     * primitive.
     * @param clazz Class to examin.
     * @return the class to convert to or the inputted clazz.
    public static Class convertPrimitiveToWrapper(Class clazz) {
        if (clazz == null || !clazz.isPrimitive())
            return clazz;

        return (Class) primativeToWrapperMap.get(clazz);

     * Given a {@link Map}where the keys are {@link Class}es, search the map
     * for the closest match of the key to the <tt>typeClass</tt>. This is
     * extremely useful to support polymorphism (and an absolute requirement to
     * find proxied classes where classes are acting as keys in a map).
     * <p />
     * For example: If the Map has keys of Number.class and String.class, using
     * a <tt>typeClass</tt> of Long.class will find the Number.class entry and
     * return its value.
     * <p />
     * When doing the search, it looks for the most exact match it can, giving
     * preference to interfaces over class inheritance. As a performance
     * optimiziation, if it finds a match it stores the derived match in the map
     * so it does not have to be derived again.
     * @param typeClass the kind of class to search for
     * @param classMap the map where the keys are of type Class
     * @return null only if it can't find any match
    public static Object getValueFromMapForClass(final Class typeClass, final Map classMap) {
        Object val = classMap.get(typeClass);
        if (val == null) {
            // search through the interfaces first
            val = getValueFromMapForInterfaces(typeClass, classMap);

            if (val == null) {
                // now go up through the inheritance hierarchy
                val = getValueFromMapForSuperClass(typeClass, classMap);

            if (val == null) {
                // not found anywhere
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Could not find a definition for " + typeClass + " in " + classMap.keySet());
                return null;

            // remember this so it doesn't have to be looked-up again
            classMap.put(typeClass, val);
            return val;
        return val;

    private static Object getValueFromMapForInterfaces(final Class typeClass, final Map classMap) {
        final Class[] interfaces = typeClass.getInterfaces();

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("searching through " + Arrays.asList(interfaces));

        for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
            final Class anInterface = interfaces[i];
            final Object val = classMap.get(anInterface);
            if (val != null) {
                return val;

        // not found, but now check the parent interfaces
        for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
            final Class anInterface = interfaces[i];
            final Object val = getValueFromMapForInterfaces(anInterface, classMap);
            if (val != null) {
                return val;

        return null;

    private static Object getValueFromMapForSuperClass(final Class typeClass, final Map classMap) {
        Class superClass = typeClass.getSuperclass();
        while (superClass != null) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("searching for " + superClass);
            Object val = classMap.get(superClass);
            if (val != null) {
                return val;

            // try the interfaces
            val = getValueFromMapForInterfaces(superClass, classMap);
            if (val != null) {
                return val;

            superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
        return null;

     * Is the given name a property in the class? In other words, does it have a
     * setter and/or a getter method?
     * @param theClass the class to look for the property in
     * @param propertyName the name of the property
     * @return true if there is either a setter or a getter for the property
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null
    public static boolean isAProperty(Class theClass, String propertyName) {
        if (theClass == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("theClass == null");
        if (propertyName == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("propertyName == null");

        if (getReadMethod(theClass, propertyName) != null)
            return true;
        if (getWriteMethod(theClass, propertyName) != null)
            return true;
        return false;

    private static Method getReadMethod(Class theClass, String propertyName) {
        // handle "embedded/dotted" properties
        if (propertyName.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            final int index = propertyName.indexOf('.');
            final String firstPropertyName = propertyName.substring(0, index);
            final String restOfPropertyName = propertyName.substring(index + 1, propertyName.length());
            final Class firstPropertyClass = getPropertyClass(theClass, firstPropertyName);
            return getReadMethod(firstPropertyClass, restOfPropertyName);

        final String getterName = "get" + propertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                + (propertyName.length() == 1 ? "" : propertyName.substring(1));

        Method method = getMethod(theClass, getterName);
        if (method == null) {
            final String isserName = "is" + propertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                    + (propertyName.length() == 1 ? "" : propertyName.substring(1));
            method = getMethod(theClass, isserName);

        if (method == null) {
  "There is not a getter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass);
            return null;

        if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
            logger.warn("The getter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass + " is not public: " + method);
            return null;

        if (Void.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType())) {
            logger.warn("The getter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass + " returns void: " + method);
            return null;

        if (method.getName().startsWith("is")
                && !(Boolean.class.equals(method.getReturnType()) || Boolean.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType()))) {
            logger.warn("The getter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass
                    + " uses the boolean naming convention but is not boolean: " + method);
            return null;

        return method;

    private static Method getMethod(final Class theClass, final String getterName) {
        try {
            return theClass.getMethod(getterName, null);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            return null;

    private static Method getWriteMethod(Class theClass, String propertyName) {
        // handle "embedded/dotted" properties
        if (propertyName.indexOf('.') > -1) {
            final int index = propertyName.indexOf('.');
            final String firstPropertyName = propertyName.substring(0, index);
            final String restOfPropertyName = propertyName.substring(index + 1, propertyName.length());
            final Class firstPropertyClass = getPropertyClass(theClass, firstPropertyName);
            return getWriteMethod(firstPropertyClass, restOfPropertyName);

        final String setterName = "set" + propertyName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                + (propertyName.length() == 1 ? "" : propertyName.substring(1));

        final Method[] methods = theClass.getMethods();
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            Method method = methods[i];
            if (setterName.equals(method.getName()) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {

                if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
                    logger.warn("The setter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass + " is not public: " + method);
                    return null;

                if (!Void.TYPE.equals(method.getReturnType())) {
                    logger.warn("The setter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass + " is not void: " + method);
                    return null;

                return method;
        }"There is not a setter for " + propertyName + " in " + theClass);
        return null;

     * Returns the class of the property.
     * <p />
     * For example, getPropertyClass(JFrame.class, "size") would return the
     * java.awt.Dimension class.
     * @param parentClass the class to look for the property in
     * @param propertyName the name of the property
     * @return the class of the property; never null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either argument is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException <tt>propertyName</tt> is not a
     * property of <tt>parentClass</tt>
    public static Class getPropertyClass(Class parentClass, String propertyName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (parentClass == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("theClass == null");
        if (propertyName == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("propertyName == null");

        final Method getterMethod = getReadMethod(parentClass, propertyName);
        if (getterMethod != null) {
            return getterMethod.getReturnType();

        final Method setterMethod = getWriteMethod(parentClass, propertyName);
        if (setterMethod != null) {
            return setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];

        throw new IllegalArgumentException(propertyName + " is not a property of " + parentClass);
