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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.integration.file.remote.gateway;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext;
import org.springframework.expression.Expression;
import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser;
import org.springframework.integration.IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor;
import org.springframework.integration.expression.ExpressionUtils;
import org.springframework.integration.expression.FunctionExpression;
import org.springframework.integration.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.springframework.integration.file.FileHeaders;
import org.springframework.integration.file.filters.FileListFilter;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.AbstractFileInfo;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.MessageSessionCallback;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.RemoteFileOperations;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.RemoteFileTemplate;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.RemoteFileUtils;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.session.Session;
import org.springframework.integration.file.remote.session.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.integration.handler.AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler;
import org.springframework.integration.handler.ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.messaging.Message;
import org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException;
import org.springframework.messaging.MessagingException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * Base class for Outbound Gateways that perform remote file operations.
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @author Artem Bilan
 * @since 2.1
public abstract class AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway<F> extends AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler {

    private final RemoteFileTemplate<F> remoteFileTemplate;

    private final Command command;

    private final Set<Option> options = new HashSet<>();

    private final ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor<String> fileNameProcessor;

    private final MessageSessionCallback<F, ?> messageSessionCallback;

    private ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor<String> renameProcessor = new ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor<>(
            new FunctionExpression<Message<?>>(m -> m.getHeaders().get(FileHeaders.RENAME_TO)));

    private Expression localDirectoryExpression;

    private boolean autoCreateLocalDirectory = true;

     * A {@link FileListFilter} that runs against the <em>remote</em> file system view.
    private FileListFilter<F> filter;

     * A {@link FileListFilter} that runs against the <em>local</em> file system view when
     * using MPUT.
    private FileListFilter<File> mputFilter;

    private Expression localFilenameGeneratorExpression;

    private FileExistsMode fileExistsMode;

    private Integer chmod;

     * Construct an instance using the provided session factory and callback for
     * performing operations on the session.
     * @param sessionFactory the session factory.
     * @param messageSessionCallback the callback.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(SessionFactory<F> sessionFactory,
            MessageSessionCallback<F, ?> messageSessionCallback) {

        this(new RemoteFileTemplate<F>(sessionFactory), messageSessionCallback);

     * Construct an instance with the supplied remote file template and callback
     * for performing operations on the session.
     * @param remoteFileTemplate the remote file template.
     * @param messageSessionCallback the callback.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(RemoteFileTemplate<F> remoteFileTemplate,
            MessageSessionCallback<F, ?> messageSessionCallback) {

        Assert.notNull(remoteFileTemplate, "'remoteFileTemplate' cannot be null");
        Assert.notNull(messageSessionCallback, "'messageSessionCallback' cannot be null");
        this.remoteFileTemplate = remoteFileTemplate;
        this.messageSessionCallback = messageSessionCallback;
        this.fileNameProcessor = null;
        this.command = null;

     * Construct an instance with the supplied session factory, a command ('ls', 'get'
     * etc), and an expression to determine the filename.
     * @param sessionFactory the session factory.
     * @param command the command.
     * @param expression the filename expression.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(SessionFactory<F> sessionFactory, String command,
            @Nullable String expression) {

        this(sessionFactory, Command.toCommand(command), expression);

     * Construct an instance with the supplied session factory, a command ('ls', 'get'
     * etc), and an expression to determine the filename.
     * @param sessionFactory the session factory.
     * @param command the command.
     * @param expression the filename expression.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(SessionFactory<F> sessionFactory, Command command,
            @Nullable String expression) {

        this(new RemoteFileTemplate<F>(sessionFactory), command, expression);

     * Construct an instance with the supplied remote file template, a command ('ls',
     * 'get' etc), and an expression to determine the filename.
     * @param remoteFileTemplate the remote file template.
     * @param command the command.
     * @param expression the filename expression.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(RemoteFileTemplate<F> remoteFileTemplate, String command,
            @Nullable String expression) {

        this(remoteFileTemplate, Command.toCommand(command), expression);

     * Construct an instance with the supplied remote file template, a command ('ls',
     * 'get' etc), and an expression to determine the filename.
     * @param remoteFileTemplate the remote file template.
     * @param command the command.
     * @param expression the filename expression.
    public AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway(RemoteFileTemplate<F> remoteFileTemplate, Command command,
            @Nullable String expression) {

        Assert.notNull(remoteFileTemplate, "'remoteFileTemplate' cannot be null");
        this.remoteFileTemplate = remoteFileTemplate;
        this.command = command;
        if (expression == null) {
                    Command.LS.equals(this.command) || Command.NLST.equals(this.command)
                            || Command.PUT.equals(this.command) || Command.MPUT.equals(this.command),
                    "Only LS, NLST, PUT and MPUT commands can rely on the working directory.\n"
                            + "All other commands must be supplied with the filename expression");
            this.fileNameProcessor = null;
        } else {
            Expression parsedExpression = new SpelExpressionParser().parseExpression(expression);
            this.fileNameProcessor = new ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor<>(parsedExpression);
        this.messageSessionCallback = null;

     * Specify the options for various gateway commands as a space-delimited string.
     * @param options the options to set
     * @see Option
    public void setOptions(String options) {
        Assert.hasText(options, "'options' must not be empty.");
        this.options.clear();"\\s")).filter(StringUtils::hasText).map(s -> Option.toOption(s.trim()))


     * Specify the array of options for various gateway commands.
     * @param options the {@link Option} array to use.
     * @since 5.0
     * @see Option
    public void setOption(Option... options) {
        Assert.notNull(options, "'options' must not be null");
        Assert.noNullElements(options, "'options' cannot contain null element");


        Collections.addAll(this.options, options);

     * Set the file separator when dealing with remote files; default '/'.
     * @param remoteFileSeparator the separator.
     * @see RemoteFileTemplate#setRemoteFileSeparator(String)
    public void setRemoteFileSeparator(String remoteFileSeparator) {

     * Specify a directory path where remote files will be transferred to.
     * @param localDirectory the localDirectory to set
    public void setLocalDirectory(File localDirectory) {
        if (localDirectory != null) {
            this.localDirectoryExpression = new ValueExpression<>(localDirectory);

     * Specify a SpEL expression to evaluate the directory path to which remote files will
     * be transferred.
     * @param localDirectoryExpression the SpEL to determine the local directory.
    public void setLocalDirectoryExpression(Expression localDirectoryExpression) {
        this.localDirectoryExpression = localDirectoryExpression;

     * Specify a SpEL expression to evaluate the directory path to which remote files will
     * be transferred.
     * @param localDirectoryExpression the SpEL to determine the local directory.
     * @since 5.0
    public void setLocalDirectoryExpressionString(String localDirectoryExpression) {
        this.localDirectoryExpression = EXPRESSION_PARSER.parseExpression(localDirectoryExpression);

     * A {@code boolean} flag to identify if local directory should be created automatically.
     * Defaults to {@code true}.
     * @param autoCreateLocalDirectory the autoCreateLocalDirectory to set
    public void setAutoCreateLocalDirectory(boolean autoCreateLocalDirectory) {
        this.autoCreateLocalDirectory = autoCreateLocalDirectory;

     * Set the temporary suffix to use when transferring files to the remote system.
     * Default {@code .writing}.
     * @param temporaryFileSuffix the temporaryFileSuffix to set
     * @see RemoteFileTemplate#setTemporaryFileSuffix(String)
    public void setTemporaryFileSuffix(String temporaryFileSuffix) {

     * Set a {@link FileListFilter} to filter remote files.
     * @param filter the filter to set
    public void setFilter(FileListFilter<F> filter) {
        this.filter = filter;

     * A {@link FileListFilter} that runs against the <em>local</em> file system view when
     * using {@code MPUT} command.
     * @param filter the filter to set
    public void setMputFilter(FileListFilter<File> filter) {
        this.mputFilter = filter;

     * Specify a SpEL expression for files renaming during transfer.
     * @param renameExpression the expression to use.
     * @since 4.3
    public void setRenameExpression(Expression renameExpression) {
        this.renameProcessor = new ExpressionEvaluatingMessageProcessor<String>(renameExpression);

     * Specify a SpEL expression for files renaming during transfer.
     * @param renameExpression the String in SpEL syntax.
     * @since 4.3
    public void setRenameExpressionString(String renameExpression) {
        Assert.hasText(renameExpression, "'renameExpression' cannot be empty");

     * Specify a SpEL expression for local files renaming after downloading.
     * @param localFilenameGeneratorExpression the expression to use.
     * @since 3.0
    public void setLocalFilenameGeneratorExpression(Expression localFilenameGeneratorExpression) {
        Assert.notNull(localFilenameGeneratorExpression, "'localFilenameGeneratorExpression' must not be null");
        this.localFilenameGeneratorExpression = localFilenameGeneratorExpression;

     * Specify a SpEL expression for local files renaming after downloading.
     * @param localFilenameGeneratorExpression the String in SpEL syntax.
     * @since 4.3
    public void setLocalFilenameGeneratorExpressionString(String localFilenameGeneratorExpression) {
        Assert.hasText(localFilenameGeneratorExpression, "'localFilenameGeneratorExpression' must not be empty");
        this.localFilenameGeneratorExpression = EXPRESSION_PARSER.parseExpression(localFilenameGeneratorExpression);

     * Determine the action to take when using GET and MGET operations when the file
     * already exists locally, or PUT and MPUT when the file exists on the remote
     * system.
     * @param fileExistsMode the fileExistsMode to set.
     * @since 4.2
    public void setFileExistsMode(FileExistsMode fileExistsMode) {
        this.fileExistsMode = fileExistsMode;
        if (FileExistsMode.APPEND.equals(fileExistsMode)) {

     * String setter for Spring XML convenience.
     * @param chmod permissions as an octal string e.g "600";
     * @see #setChmod(int)
     * @since 4.3
    public void setChmodOctal(String chmod) {
        Assert.notNull(chmod, "'chmod' cannot be null");
        setChmod(Integer.parseInt(chmod, 8)); // NOSONAR octal radix

     * Set the file permissions after uploading, e.g. 0600 for
     * owner read/write.
     * @param chmod the permissions.
     * @since 4.3
    public void setChmod(int chmod) {
        Assert.isTrue(isChmodCapable(), "chmod operations not supported");
        this.chmod = chmod;

    public boolean isChmodCapable() {
        return false;

    protected final RemoteFileTemplate<F> getRemoteFileTemplate() {
        return this.remoteFileTemplate;

    protected void doInit() {
        Assert.state(this.command != null || this.messageSessionCallback != null,
                "'command' or 'messageSessionCallback' must be specified.");
        if (Command.RM.equals(this.command) || Command.GET.equals(this.command)) {
            Assert.isNull(this.filter, "Filters are not supported with the rm and get commands");

        if ((Command.GET.equals(this.command) && !this.options.contains(Option.STREAM))
                || Command.MGET.equals(this.command)) {
            Assert.notNull(this.localDirectoryExpression, "localDirectory must not be null");
            if (this.localDirectoryExpression instanceof ValueExpression) {

        if (Command.MGET.equals(this.command)) {
                    "Cannot use " + Option.SUBDIRS.toString() + " when using 'mget' use "
                            + Option.RECURSIVE.toString() + " to obtain files in subdirectories");


    private void populateBeanFactoryIntoComponentsIfAny() {
        BeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory();
        if (beanFactory != null) {
            if (this.fileNameProcessor != null) {

    private void setupLocalDirectory() {
        File localDirectory = ExpressionUtils.expressionToFile(this.localDirectoryExpression,
                ExpressionUtils.createStandardEvaluationContext(getBeanFactory()), null,
        if (!localDirectory.exists()) {
            try {
                if (this.autoCreateLocalDirectory) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("The '" + localDirectory + "' directory doesn't exist; Will create.");
                    if (!localDirectory.mkdirs()) {
                        throw new IOException("Failed to make local directory: " + localDirectory);
                } else {
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(localDirectory.getName());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);

    protected Object handleRequestMessage(final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        if (this.command != null) {
            switch (this.command) {
            case LS:
                return doLs(requestMessage);
            case NLST:
                return doNlst(requestMessage);
            case GET:
                return doGet(requestMessage);
            case MGET:
                return doMget(requestMessage);
            case RM:
                return doRm(requestMessage);
            case MV:
                return doMv(requestMessage);
            case PUT:
                return doPut(requestMessage);
            case MPUT:
                return doMput(requestMessage);
        return this.remoteFileTemplate
                .execute(session -> AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway.this.messageSessionCallback
                        .doInSession(session, requestMessage));

    private Object doLs(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String dir = this.fileNameProcessor != null ? this.fileNameProcessor.processMessage(requestMessage) : null;
        if (dir != null && !dir.endsWith(this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator())) {
            dir += this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator();
        final String fullDir = dir;
        List<?> payload = this.remoteFileTemplate.execute(session -> ls(requestMessage, session, fullDir));
        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(payload).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, dir);

    private Object doNlst(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String dir = this.fileNameProcessor != null ? this.fileNameProcessor.processMessage(requestMessage) : null;
        if (dir != null && !dir.endsWith(this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator())) {
            dir += this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator();
        final String fullDir = dir;
        List<?> payload = this.remoteFileTemplate.execute(session -> nlst(requestMessage, session, fullDir));

        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(payload).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, dir);

     * List remote files names for the provided directory.
     * The message can be consulted for some context related to the current request;
     * isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the message related to the current request
     * @param session the session to perform list file names command
     * @param dir the remote directory to list file names
     * @return the list of file/directory names in the provided dir
     * @throws IOException the IO exception during performing remote command
     * @since 5.0
    protected List<String> nlst(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String dir) throws IOException {
        String remoteDirectory = buildRemotePath(dir, "");
        List<String> fileNames = Arrays.asList(session.listNames(remoteDirectory));
        if (!this.options.contains(Option.NOSORT)) {
        return fileNames;

    private Object doGet(final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String remoteFilePath = obtainRemoteFilePath(requestMessage);
        String remoteFilename = getRemoteFilename(remoteFilePath);
        String remoteDir = getRemoteDirectory(remoteFilePath, remoteFilename);
        Session<F> session = null;
        Object payload;
        if (this.options.contains(Option.STREAM)) {
            session = this.remoteFileTemplate.getSessionFactory().getSession();
            try {
                payload = session.readRaw(remoteFilePath);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new MessageHandlingException(requestMessage, "Error handling message in the [" + this
                        + "]. Failed to get the remote file [" + remoteFilePath + "] as a stream", e);
        } else {
            payload = this.remoteFileTemplate.execute(
                    session1 -> get(requestMessage, session1, remoteDir, remoteFilePath, remoteFilename, null));
        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(payload).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, remoteDir)
                .setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_FILE, remoteFilename)
                .setHeader(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CLOSEABLE_RESOURCE, session);

    private Object doMget(final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String remoteFilePath = obtainRemoteFilePath(requestMessage);
        final String remoteFilename = getRemoteFilename(remoteFilePath);
        final String remoteDir = getRemoteDirectory(remoteFilePath, remoteFilename);
        List<File> payload = this.remoteFileTemplate
                .execute(session -> mGet(requestMessage, session, remoteDir, remoteFilename));
        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(payload).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, remoteDir)
                .setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_FILE, remoteFilename);

    private Object doRm(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String remoteFilePath = obtainRemoteFilePath(requestMessage);
        String remoteFilename = getRemoteFilename(remoteFilePath);
        String remoteDir = getRemoteDirectory(remoteFilePath, remoteFilename);

        boolean payload = this.remoteFileTemplate.execute(session -> rm(requestMessage, session, remoteFilePath));

        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(payload).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, remoteDir)
                .setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_FILE, remoteFilename);

     * Perform remote delete for the provided path.
     * The message can be consulted to determine some context;
     * isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the request message related to the path to remove
     * @param session the remote protocol session to perform remove command
     * @param remoteFilePath the remote path to remove
     * @return true or false as a result of the remote removal
     * @throws IOException the IO exception during performing remote command
     * @since 5.0
    protected boolean rm(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteFilePath) throws IOException {
        return session.remove(remoteFilePath);

    private Object doMv(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String remoteFilePath = obtainRemoteFilePath(requestMessage);
        String remoteFilename = getRemoteFilename(remoteFilePath);
        String remoteDir = getRemoteDirectory(remoteFilePath, remoteFilename);
        String remoteFileNewPath = this.renameProcessor.processMessage(requestMessage);
        Assert.hasLength(remoteFileNewPath, "New filename cannot be empty");

        Boolean result = this.remoteFileTemplate
                .execute(session -> mv(requestMessage, session, remoteFilePath, remoteFileNewPath));

        return getMessageBuilderFactory().withPayload(result).setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_DIRECTORY, remoteDir)
                .setHeader(FileHeaders.REMOTE_FILE, remoteFilename)
                .setHeader(FileHeaders.RENAME_TO, remoteFileNewPath);

    private String obtainRemoteFilePath(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        String remoteFilePath = this.fileNameProcessor.processMessage(requestMessage);
        Assert.state(remoteFilePath != null,
                () -> "The 'fileNameProcessor' evaluated to null 'remoteFilePath' from message: " + requestMessage);
        return remoteFilePath;

     * Move one remote path to another.
     * The message can be consulted to determine some context;
     * isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the request message related to this move command
     * @param session the remote protocol session to perform move command
     * @param remoteFilePath the source remote path
     * @param remoteFileNewPath the target remote path
     * @return true or false as a result of the operation
     * @throws IOException the IO exception during performing remote command
     * @since 5.0
    protected boolean mv(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteFilePath, String remoteFileNewPath)
            throws IOException {

        int lastSeparator = remoteFileNewPath.lastIndexOf(this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator());
        if (lastSeparator > 0) {
            String remoteFileDirectory = remoteFileNewPath.substring(0, lastSeparator + 1);
            RemoteFileUtils.makeDirectories(remoteFileDirectory, session,
                    this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator(), this.logger);
        session.rename(remoteFilePath, remoteFileNewPath);
        return true;

    private String doPut(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        return doPut(requestMessage, null);

    private String doPut(Message<?> requestMessage, String subDirectory) {
        return this.remoteFileTemplate.invoke(template -> put(requestMessage, template.getSession(), subDirectory));

     * Put the file based on the message to the remote server.
     * The message can be consulted to determine some context.
     * The session argument isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the request message related to this put command
     * @param session the remote protocol session related to this invocation context
     * @param subDirectory the target sub directory to put
     * @return The remote path, or null if no local file was found.
     * @since 5.0
    protected String put(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String subDirectory) {
        String path = this.remoteFileTemplate.send(message, subDirectory, this.fileExistsMode);
        if (path == null) {
            throw new MessagingException(message, "No local file found for " + message);
        if (this.chmod != null && isChmodCapable()) {
            doChmod(this.remoteFileTemplate, path, this.chmod);
        return path;


     * Set the mode on the remote file after transfer; the default implementation does
     * nothing.
     * @param remoteFileOperations the remote file template.
     * @param path the path.
     * @param chmodToSet the chmod to set.
     * @since 4.3
    protected void doChmod(RemoteFileOperations<F> remoteFileOperations, String path, int chmodToSet) {
        // no-op

    private Object doMput(Message<?> requestMessage) {
        File file = null;
        Object payload = requestMessage.getPayload();
        if (payload instanceof File) {
            file = (File) payload;
        } else if (payload instanceof String) {
            file = new File((String) payload);
        } else if (!(payload instanceof Collection)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only File or String payloads (or Collection of File/String) allowed for 'mput', received: "
                            + payload.getClass());
        if ((payload instanceof Collection)) {
            return ((Collection<?>) payload).stream()
                    .map(p -> doMput(new MutableMessage<>(p, requestMessage.getHeaders())))
        } else if (!file.isDirectory()) {
            return doPut(requestMessage);
        } else {
            File localDir = file;
            return this.remoteFileTemplate.invoke(t -> mPut(requestMessage, t.getSession(), localDir));

     * Put files from the provided directory to the remote server recursively.
     * The message can be consulted to determine some context.
     * The session argument isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the request message related to this mPut command
     * @param session the remote protocol session for this invocation context
     * @param localDir the local directory to mput to the server
     * @return The list of remote paths for sent files
     * @since 5.0
    protected List<String> mPut(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, File localDir) {
        return putLocalDirectory(message, localDir, null);

    private List<String> putLocalDirectory(Message<?> requestMessage, File file, String subDirectory) {
        List<File> filteredFiles = filterMputFiles(file.listFiles());
        List<String> replies = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            for (File filteredFile : filteredFiles) {
                if (!filteredFile.isDirectory()) {
                    String path = doPut(new MutableMessage<>(filteredFile, requestMessage.getHeaders()),
                    if (path != null) {
                    } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                "File " + filteredFile.getAbsolutePath() + " removed before transfer; ignoring");
                } else if (this.options.contains(Option.RECURSIVE)) {
                    String newSubDirectory = (StringUtils.hasText(subDirectory)
                            ? subDirectory + this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator()
                            : "") + filteredFile.getName();
                    replies.addAll(putLocalDirectory(requestMessage, filteredFile, newSubDirectory));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            throw handlePutException(requestMessage, subDirectory, filteredFiles, replies, ex);
        return replies;

    private RuntimeException handlePutException(Message<?> requestMessage, String subDirectory,
            List<File> filteredFiles, List<String> replies, RuntimeException ex) {

        if (replies.size() > 0 || ex instanceof PartialSuccessException) {
            return new PartialSuccessException(requestMessage,
                    "Partially successful 'mput' operation" + (subDirectory == null ? "" : (" on " + subDirectory)),
                    ex, replies, filteredFiles);
        } else {
            return ex;

     * List remote files to local representation.
     * The message can be consulted for some context for the current request;
     * isn't used in the default implementation.
     * @param message the message related to the list request
     * @param session the session to perform list command
     * @param dir the remote directory to list content
     * @return the list of remote files
     * @throws IOException the IO exception during performing remote command
    protected List<?> ls(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String dir) throws IOException {
        List<F> lsFiles = listFilesInRemoteDir(session, dir, "");
        if (!this.options.contains(Option.LINKS)) {
        if (!this.options.contains(Option.ALL)) {
        if (this.options.contains(Option.NAME_ONLY)) {
            List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
            for (F file : lsFiles) {
            if (!this.options.contains(Option.NOSORT)) {
            return results;
        } else {
            List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> canonicalFiles = this.asFileInfoList(lsFiles);
            for (AbstractFileInfo<F> file : canonicalFiles) {
            if (!this.options.contains(Option.NOSORT)) {
            return canonicalFiles;

    private List<F> listFilesInRemoteDir(Session<F> session, String directory, String subDirectory)
            throws IOException {

        List<F> lsFiles = new ArrayList<>();
        String remoteDirectory = buildRemotePath(directory, subDirectory);

        F[] files = session.list(remoteDirectory);
        boolean recursion = this.options.contains(Option.RECURSIVE);
        if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(files)) {
            for (F file : filterFiles(files)) {
                if (file != null) {
                    processFile(session, directory, subDirectory, lsFiles, recursion, file);
        return lsFiles;

    private String buildRemotePath(String parent, String child) {
        String remotePath = null;
        if (parent != null) {
            remotePath = (parent + child);
        } else if (StringUtils.hasText(child)) {
            remotePath = "." + this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator() + child;
        return remotePath;

    protected final List<F> filterFiles(F[] files) {
        return (this.filter != null) ? this.filter.filterFiles(files) : Arrays.asList(files);

    private void processFile(Session<F> session, String directory, String subDirectory, List<F> lsFiles,
            boolean recursion, F file) throws IOException {

        if (this.options.contains(Option.SUBDIRS) || !isDirectory(file)) {
            if (recursion && StringUtils.hasText(subDirectory)) {
                lsFiles.add(enhanceNameWithSubDirectory(file, subDirectory));
            } else {
        String fileName = getFilename(file);
        if (recursion && isDirectory(file) && !(".".equals(fileName)) && !("..".equals(fileName))) {
            lsFiles.addAll(listFilesInRemoteDir(session, directory,
                    subDirectory + fileName + this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator()));

    protected final List<File> filterMputFiles(File[] files) {
        if (files == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        return (this.mputFilter != null) ? this.mputFilter.filterFiles(files) : Arrays.asList(files);

    protected void purgeLinks(List<F> lsFiles) {

    protected void purgeDots(List<F> lsFiles) {
        lsFiles.removeIf(f -> getFilename(f).startsWith("."));

     * Copy a remote file to the configured local directory.
     * @param message the message.
     * @param session the session.
     * @param remoteDir the remote directory.
     * @param remoteFilePath the remote file path.
     * @param remoteFilename the remote file name.
     * @param fileInfoParam the remote file info; if null we will execute an 'ls' command
     * first.
     * @return The file.
     * @throws IOException Any IOException.
    protected File get(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteDir, // NOSONAR complexity
            String remoteFilePath, String remoteFilename, F fileInfoParam) throws IOException {

        F fileInfo = fileInfoParam;
        if (fileInfo == null) {
            F[] files = session.list(remoteFilePath);
            if (files == null) {
                throw new MessagingException("Session returned null when listing " + remoteFilePath);
            if (files.length != 1 || files[0] == null || isDirectory(files[0]) || isLink(files[0])) {
                throw new MessagingException(remoteFilePath + " is not a file");
            fileInfo = files[0];
        File localFile = new File(generateLocalDirectory(message, remoteDir),
                generateLocalFileName(message, remoteFilename));
        FileExistsMode existsMode = this.fileExistsMode;
        boolean appending = FileExistsMode.APPEND.equals(existsMode);
        boolean exists = localFile.exists();
        boolean replacing = FileExistsMode.REPLACE.equals(existsMode)
                || (exists && FileExistsMode.REPLACE_IF_MODIFIED.equals(existsMode)
                        && localFile.lastModified() != getModified(fileInfo));
        if (!exists || appending || replacing) {
            OutputStream outputStream;
            String tempFileName = localFile.getAbsolutePath() + this.remoteFileTemplate.getTemporaryFileSuffix();
            File tempFile = new File(tempFileName);
            if (appending) {
                outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(localFile, true));
            } else {
                outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile));
            if (replacing && !localFile.delete() && this.logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                this.logger.warn("Failed to delete " + localFile);
            try {
      , outputStream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                /* Some operation systems acquire exclusive file-lock during file processing
                   and the file can't be deleted without closing streams before.
                if (!tempFile.delete() && this.logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    this.logger.warn("Failed to delete tempFile " + tempFile);

                if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
                    throw (RuntimeException) e;
                } else {
                    throw new MessagingException("Failure occurred while copying from remote to local directory",
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Exception ignored2) {
                    //Ignore it
            if (!appending && !tempFile.renameTo(localFile)) {
                throw new MessagingException("Failed to rename local file");
            if ((this.options.contains(Option.PRESERVE_TIMESTAMP)
                    || FileExistsMode.REPLACE_IF_MODIFIED.equals(existsMode))
                    && (!localFile.setLastModified(getModified(fileInfo)) && this.logger.isWarnEnabled())) {
                logger.warn("Failed to set lastModified on " + localFile);
            if (this.options.contains(Option.DELETE)) {
                boolean result = session.remove(remoteFilePath);
                if (!result) {
                    logger.error("Failed to delete: " + remoteFilePath);
                } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug(remoteFilePath + " deleted");
        } else if (FileExistsMode.REPLACE_IF_MODIFIED.equals(existsMode)) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Local file '" + localFile + "' has the same modified timestamp, ignored");
            if (this.command.equals(Command.MGET)) {
                localFile = null;
        } else if (!FileExistsMode.IGNORE.equals(existsMode)) {
            throw new MessageHandlingException(message,
                    "Error handling message in the [" + this + "]. Local file " + localFile + " already exists");
        } else {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Existing file skipped: " + localFile);
            if (this.command.equals(Command.MGET)) {
                localFile = null;
        return localFile;

    protected List<File> mGet(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteDirectory, String remoteFilename)
            throws IOException {

        if (this.options.contains(Option.RECURSIVE)) {
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled() && !("*".equals(remoteFilename))) {
                logger.warn("File name pattern must be '*' when using recursion");
            return mGetWithRecursion(message, session, remoteDirectory, remoteFilename);
        } else {
            return mGetWithoutRecursion(message, session, remoteDirectory, remoteFilename);

    private List<File> mGetWithoutRecursion(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteDirectory,
            String remoteFilename) throws IOException {

        List<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
        String remotePath = buildRemotePath(remoteDirectory, remoteFilename);
        List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> remoteFiles = lsRemoteFilesForMget(message, session, remoteDirectory,
                remoteFilename, remotePath);
        try {
            for (AbstractFileInfo<F> lsEntry : remoteFiles) {
                if (lsEntry.isDirectory()) {
                File file = getRemoteFileForMget(message, session, remoteDirectory, lsEntry);
                if (file != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw processMgetException(message, remoteDirectory, files, remoteFiles, ex);
        return files;

    private RuntimeException processMgetException(Message<?> message, String remoteDirectory, List<File> files,
            List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> remoteFiles, Exception ex) {

        if (files.size() > 0) {
            return new PartialSuccessException(message,
                    "Partially successful recursive 'mget' operation on "
                            + (remoteDirectory != null ? remoteDirectory : "Client Working Directory"),
                    ex, files, remoteFiles);
        } else if (ex instanceof MessagingException) {
            return (MessagingException) ex;
        } else if (ex instanceof IOException) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException((IOException) ex);
        } else {
            return new MessagingException("Failed to process MGET", ex);

    private List<File> mGetWithRecursion(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteDirectory,
            String remoteFilename) throws IOException {

        List<File> files = new ArrayList<>();
        List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> fileNames = lsRemoteFilesForMget(message, session, remoteDirectory,
                remoteFilename, remoteDirectory);
        try {
            for (AbstractFileInfo<F> lsEntry : fileNames) {
                File file = getRemoteFileForMget(message, session, remoteDirectory, lsEntry);
                if (file != null) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw processMgetException(message, remoteDirectory, files, fileNames, ex);
        return files;

    private List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> lsRemoteFilesForMget(Message<?> message, Session<F> session,
            String remoteDirectory, String remoteFilename, String remotePath) throws IOException {

        List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> remoteFiles = (List<AbstractFileInfo<F>>) ls(message, session, remotePath);
        if (remoteFiles.size() == 0 && this.options.contains(Option.EXCEPTION_WHEN_EMPTY)) {
            throw new MessagingException(
                    "No files found at " + (remoteDirectory != null ? remoteDirectory : "Client Working Directory")
                            + " with pattern " + remoteFilename);
        return remoteFiles;

    private File getRemoteFileForMget(Message<?> message, Session<F> session, String remoteDirectory,
            AbstractFileInfo<F> lsEntry) throws IOException {

        String fullFileName = remoteDirectory != null ? remoteDirectory + getFilename(lsEntry)
                : getFilename(lsEntry);
         * With recursion, the filename might contain subdirectory information
         * normalize each file separately.
        String fileName = getRemoteFilename(fullFileName);
        String actualRemoteDirectory = getRemoteDirectory(fullFileName, fileName);
        return get(message, session, actualRemoteDirectory, fullFileName, fileName, lsEntry.getFileInfo());

    private String getRemoteDirectory(String remoteFilePath, String remoteFilename) {
        String remoteDir = remoteFilePath.substring(0, remoteFilePath.lastIndexOf(remoteFilename));
        if (remoteDir.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        return remoteDir;

     * @param remoteFilePath The remote file path.
     * @return The remote file name.
    protected String getRemoteFilename(String remoteFilePath) {
        int index = remoteFilePath.lastIndexOf(this.remoteFileTemplate.getRemoteFileSeparator());
        if (index < 0) {
            return remoteFilePath;
        } else {
            return remoteFilePath.substring(index + 1);

    private File generateLocalDirectory(Message<?> message, String remoteDirectory) {
        EvaluationContext evaluationContext = ExpressionUtils.createStandardEvaluationContext(getBeanFactory());
        if (remoteDirectory != null) {
            evaluationContext.setVariable("remoteDirectory", remoteDirectory);
        File localDir = ExpressionUtils.expressionToFile(this.localDirectoryExpression, evaluationContext, message,
                "Local Directory");
        if (!localDir.exists()) {
            Assert.isTrue(localDir.mkdirs(), "Failed to make local directory: " + localDir);
        return localDir;

    private String generateLocalFileName(Message<?> message, String remoteFileName) {
        if (this.localFilenameGeneratorExpression != null) {
            EvaluationContext evaluationContext = ExpressionUtils.createStandardEvaluationContext(getBeanFactory());
            evaluationContext.setVariable("remoteFileName", remoteFileName);
            return this.localFilenameGeneratorExpression.getValue(evaluationContext, message, String.class);
        return remoteFileName;

    protected abstract boolean isDirectory(F file);

    protected abstract boolean isLink(F file);

    protected abstract String getFilename(F file);

    protected abstract String getFilename(AbstractFileInfo<F> file);

    protected abstract long getModified(F file);

    protected abstract List<AbstractFileInfo<F>> asFileInfoList(Collection<F> files);

    protected abstract F enhanceNameWithSubDirectory(F file, String directory);

     * Enumeration of commands supported by the gateways.
    public enum Command {

         * (ls) List remote files.

         * (nlst) List remote file names.

         * (get) Retrieve a remote file.

         * (rm) Remove a remote file (path - including wildcards).

         * (mget) Retrieve multiple files matching a wildcard path.

         * (mv) Move (rename) a remote file.

         * (put) Put a local file to the remote system.

         * (mput) Put multiple local files to the remote system.

        private final String command;

        Command(String command) {
            this.command = command;

        public String getCommand() {
            return this.command;

        public static Command toCommand(String cmd) {
            for (Command command : values()) {
                if (command.getCommand().equals(cmd)) {
                    return command;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Command with value '" + cmd + "'");


     * Enumeration of options supported by various commands.
    public enum Option {

         * (-1) Don't return full file information; just the name (ls).

         * (-a) Include files beginning with {@code .}, including directories {@code .}
         * and {@code ..} in the results (ls).

         * (-f) Do not sort the results (ls with NAME_ONLY).

         * (-dirs) Include directories in the results (ls).

         * (-links) Include links in the results (ls).

         * (-P) Preserve the server timestamp (get, mget).

         * (-x) Throw an exception if no files returned (mget).

         * (-R) Recursive (ls, mget)

         * (-stream) Streaming 'get' (returns InputStream); user must call {@link Session#close()}.

         * (-D) Delete the remote file after successful transfer (get, mget).

        private final String option;

        Option(String option) {
            this.option = option;

        public String getOption() {
            return this.option;

        public static Option toOption(String opt) {
            for (Option option : values()) {
                if (option.getOption().equals(opt)) {
                    return option;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No option with value '" + opt + "'");

