Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util; import static*; import static org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.CFAUtils.leavingEdges; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.FileOption; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.UnrecognizedCCodeException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.VariableClassification.Partition; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @Options(prefix = "cfa.variableClassification") public class VariableClassificationBuilder { @Option(secure = true, name = "logfile", description = "Dump variable classification to a file.") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path dumpfile = Paths.get("VariableClassification.log"); @Option(secure = true, description = "Dump variable type mapping to a file.") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path typeMapFile = Paths.get("VariableTypeMapping.txt"); @Option(secure = true, description = "Dump domain type statistics to a CSV file.") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path domainTypeStatisticsFile = null; @Option(secure = true, description = "Print some information about the variable classification.") private boolean printStatsOnStartup = false; /** * Use {@link FunctionEntryNode#getReturnVariable()} and * {@link AReturnStatement#asAssignment()} instead. */ @Deprecated public static final String FUNCTION_RETURN_VARIABLE = "__retval__"; private static final String SCOPE_SEPARATOR = "::"; /** normally a boolean value would be 0 or 1, * however there are cases, where the values are only 0 and 1, * but the variable is not boolean at all: "int x; if(x!=0 && x!= 1){}". * so we allow only 0 as boolean value, and not 1. */ private boolean allowOneAsBooleanValue = false; private final Set<String> allVars = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<String> nonIntBoolVars = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<String> nonIntEqVars = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<String> nonIntAddVars = new HashSet<>(); private final Dependencies dependencies = new Dependencies(); /** These sets contain all variables even ones of array, pointer or structure types. * Such variables cannot be classified even as Int, so they are only kept in these sets in order * not to break the classification of Int variables.*/ // Initially contains variables used in assumes and assigned to pointer dereferences, // then all essential variables (by propagation) private final Set<String> relevantVariables = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<String> addressedVariables = new HashSet<>(); // Variables and fields used in the right hand side private final Multimap<VariableOrField, VariableOrField> assignments = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); /** Fields information doesn't take any aliasing information into account, * fields are considered per type, not per composite instance */ // Initially contains fields used in assumes and assigned to pointer dereferences, // then all essential fields (by propagation) private final Multimap<CCompositeType, String> relevantFields = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); private final CollectingLHSVisitor collectingLHSVisitor = new CollectingLHSVisitor(); private final LogManager logger; public VariableClassificationBuilder(Configuration config, LogManager pLogger) throws InvalidConfigurationException { logger = checkNotNull(pLogger); config.inject(this); } /** This function does the whole work: * creating all maps, collecting vars, solving dependencies. * The function runs only once, after that it does nothing. */ public VariableClassification build(CFA cfa) throws UnrecognizedCCodeException { checkArgument(cfa.getLanguage() == Language.C, "VariableClassification currently only supports C"); // fill maps collectVars(cfa); // if a value is not boolean, all dependent vars are not boolean and viceversa dependencies.solve(nonIntBoolVars); dependencies.solve(nonIntEqVars); dependencies.solve(nonIntAddVars); // Now build the opposites of each non-x-vars-collection. // This is responsible for the hierarchy of the variables. final Set<String> intBoolVars = new HashSet<>(); final Set<String> intEqualVars = new HashSet<>(); final Set<String> intAddVars = new HashSet<>(); final Set<Partition> intBoolPartitions = new HashSet<>(); final Set<Partition> intEqualPartitions = new HashSet<>(); final Set<Partition> intAddPartitions = new HashSet<>(); for (final String var : allVars) { // we have this hierarchy of classes for variables: // IntBool < IntEqBool < IntAddEqBool < AllInt // we define and build: // IntBool = IntBool // IntEq = IntEqBool - IntBool // IntAdd = IntAddEqBool - IntEqBool // Other = IntAll - IntAddEqBool if (!nonIntBoolVars.contains(var)) { intBoolVars.add(var); intBoolPartitions.add(dependencies.getPartitionForVar(var)); } else if (!nonIntEqVars.contains(var)) { intEqualVars.add(var); intEqualPartitions.add(dependencies.getPartitionForVar(var)); } else if (!nonIntAddVars.contains(var)) { intAddVars.add(var); intAddPartitions.add(dependencies.getPartitionForVar(var)); } } propagateRelevancy(); // add last vars to dependencies, // this allows to get partitions for all vars, // otherwise only dependent vars are in the partitions for (String var : allVars) { dependencies.addVar(var); } boolean hasRelevantNonIntAddVars = !Sets.intersection(relevantVariables, nonIntAddVars).isEmpty(); VariableClassification result = new VariableClassification(hasRelevantNonIntAddVars, intBoolVars, intEqualVars, intAddVars, relevantVariables, addressedVariables, relevantFields, dependencies.partitions, intBoolPartitions, intEqualPartitions, intAddPartitions, dependencies.edgeToPartition); if (printStatsOnStartup) { printStats(result); } if (dumpfile != null) { // option -noout try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(dumpfile)) { w.append("IntBool\n\n"); w.append(intBoolVars.toString()); w.append("\n\nIntEq\n\n"); w.append(intEqualVars.toString()); w.append("\n\nIntAdd\n\n"); w.append(intAddVars.toString()); w.append("\n\nALL\n\n"); w.append(allVars.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write variable classification to file"); } } if (typeMapFile != null) { dumpVariableTypeMapping(typeMapFile, result); } if (domainTypeStatisticsFile != null) { dumpDomainTypeStatistics(domainTypeStatisticsFile, result); } return result; } private void dumpDomainTypeStatistics(Path pDomainTypeStatisticsFile, VariableClassification vc) { try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(pDomainTypeStatisticsFile)) { try (PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(w)) { Object[][] statMapping = { { "intBoolVars", vc.getIntBoolVars().size() }, { "intEqualVars", vc.getIntEqualVars().size() }, { "intAddVars", vc.getIntAddVars().size() }, { "allVars", allVars.size() }, { "intBoolVarsRelevant", countNumberOfRelevantVars(vc.getIntBoolVars()) }, { "intEqualVarsRelevant", countNumberOfRelevantVars(vc.getIntEqualVars()) }, { "intAddVarsRelevant", countNumberOfRelevantVars(vc.getIntAddVars()) }, { "allVarsRelevant", countNumberOfRelevantVars(allVars) } }; // Write header for (int col = 0; col < statMapping.length; col++) { p.print(statMapping[col][0]); if (col != statMapping.length - 1) { p.print("\t"); } } p.print("\n"); // Write data for (int col = 0; col < statMapping.length; col++) { p.print(statMapping[col][1]); if (col != statMapping.length - 1) { p.print("\t"); } } p.print("\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write variable classification statistics to file"); } } private void dumpVariableTypeMapping(Path target, VariableClassification vc) { try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(target)) { for (String var : allVars) { byte type = 0; if (vc.getIntBoolVars().contains(var)) { type += 1 + 2 + 4; // IntBool is subset of IntEqualBool and IntAddEqBool } else if (vc.getIntEqualVars().contains(var)) { type += 2 + 4; // IntEqual is subset of IntAddEqBool } else if (vc.getIntAddVars().contains(var)) { type += 4; } w.append(String.format("%s\t%d%n", var, type)); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, "Could not write variable type mapping to file"); } } private void printStats(VariableClassification vc) { int numOfBooleans = 0; for (Partition p : vc.getIntEqualPartitions()) { numOfBooleans += p.getVars().size(); } assert numOfBooleans == vc.getIntBoolVars().size(); int numOfIntEquals = 0; for (Partition p : vc.getIntEqualPartitions()) { numOfIntEquals += p.getVars().size(); } assert numOfIntEquals == vc.getIntEqualVars().size(); int numOfIntAdds = 0; for (Partition p : vc.getIntAddPartitions()) { numOfIntAdds += p.getVars().size(); } assert numOfIntAdds == vc.getIntAddVars().size(); final String prefix = "\nVC "; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("VariableClassification Statistics\n"); Joiner.on(prefix).appendTo(str, new String[] { "---------------------------------", "number of boolean vars: " + numOfBooleans, "number of intEq vars: " + numOfIntEquals, "number of intAdd vars: " + numOfIntAdds, "number of all vars: " + allVars.size(), "number of addr. vars: " + addressedVariables.size(), "number of intBool partitions: " + vc.getIntBoolPartitions().size(), "number of intEq partitions: " + vc.getIntEqualPartitions().size(), "number of intAdd partitions: " + vc.getIntAddPartitions().size(), "number of all partitions: " + dependencies.partitions.size(), }); str.append("\n---------------------------------\n"); logger.log(Level.INFO, str.toString()); } private int countNumberOfRelevantVars(Set<String> ofVars) { return Sets.intersection(ofVars, relevantVariables).size(); } /** This function iterates over all edges of the cfa, collects all variables * and orders them into different sets, i.e. nonBoolean and nonIntEuqalNumber. */ private void collectVars(CFA cfa) throws UnrecognizedCCodeException { Collection<CFANode> nodes = cfa.getAllNodes(); for (CFANode node : nodes) { for (CFAEdge edge : leavingEdges(node)) { handleEdge(edge, cfa); } } } private void propagateRelevancy() { // Propagate relevant variables from assumes and assignments to pointer dereferences to // other variables up to a fix-point (actually as the direction of dependency doesn't matter // it's just a BFS) Queue<VariableOrField> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(relevantVariables.size() + relevantFields.size()); for (final String relevantVariable : relevantVariables) { queue.add(VariableOrField.newVariable(relevantVariable)); } for (final Map.Entry<CCompositeType, String> relevantField : relevantFields.entries()) { queue.add(VariableOrField.newField(relevantField.getKey(), relevantField.getValue())); } while (!queue.isEmpty()) { final VariableOrField relevantVariableOrField = queue.poll(); for (VariableOrField variableOrField : assignments.get(relevantVariableOrField)) { final VariableOrField.Variable variable = variableOrField.asVariable(); final VariableOrField.Field field = variableOrField.asField(); assert variable != null || field != null : "Sum type match failure: neither variable nor field!"; if (variable != null && !relevantVariables.contains(variable.getScopedName())) { relevantVariables.add(variable.getScopedName()); queue.add(variable); } else if (field != null && !relevantFields.containsEntry(field.getCompositeType(), field.getName())) { relevantFields.put(field.getCompositeType(), field.getName()); queue.add(field); } } } } private static CCompositeType getCanonicalFieldOwnerType(CFieldReference fieldReference) { CType fieldOwnerType = fieldReference.getFieldOwner().getExpressionType().getCanonicalType(); if (fieldOwnerType instanceof CPointerType) { fieldOwnerType = ((CPointerType) fieldOwnerType).getType(); } assert fieldOwnerType instanceof CCompositeType : "Field owner should have composite type, but the field-owner type of expression " + fieldReference + " in " + fieldReference.getFileLocation() + " is " + fieldOwnerType + ", which is a " + fieldOwnerType.getClass().getSimpleName() + "."; final CCompositeType compositeType = (CCompositeType) fieldOwnerType; // Currently we don't pay attention to possible const and volatile modifiers if (compositeType.isConst() || compositeType.isVolatile()) { return new CCompositeType(false, false, compositeType.getKind(), compositeType.getMembers(), compositeType.getName()); } else { return compositeType; } } /** switch to edgeType and handle all expressions, that could be part of the edge. */ private void handleEdge(CFAEdge edge, CFA cfa) throws UnrecognizedCCodeException { switch (edge.getEdgeType()) { case AssumeEdge: { CExpression exp = ((CAssumeEdge) edge).getExpression(); CFANode pre = edge.getPredecessor(); VariablesCollectingVisitor dcv = new VariablesCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> vars = exp.accept(dcv); if (vars != null) { allVars.addAll(vars); dependencies.addAll(vars, dcv.getValues(), edge, 0); } exp.accept(new BoolCollectingVisitor(pre)); exp.accept(new IntEqualCollectingVisitor(pre)); exp.accept(new IntAddCollectingVisitor(pre)); exp.accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(null)); break; } case DeclarationEdge: { handleDeclarationEdge((CDeclarationEdge) edge); break; } case StatementEdge: { final CStatement statement = ((CStatementEdge) edge).getStatement(); // normal assignment of variable, rightHandSide can be expression or (external) functioncall if (statement instanceof CAssignment) { handleAssignment(edge, (CAssignment) statement, cfa); // pure external functioncall } else if (statement instanceof CFunctionCallStatement) { handleExternalFunctionCall(edge, ((CFunctionCallStatement) statement).getFunctionCallExpression().getParameterExpressions()); ((CFunctionCallStatement) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(null)); } break; } case FunctionCallEdge: { handleFunctionCallEdge((CFunctionCallEdge) edge); break; } case FunctionReturnEdge: { Optional<CVariableDeclaration> returnVar = ((CFunctionReturnEdge) edge).getFunctionEntry() .getReturnVariable(); if (returnVar.isPresent()) { String scopedVarName = returnVar.get().getQualifiedName(); dependencies.addVar(scopedVarName); Partition partition = dependencies.getPartitionForVar(scopedVarName); partition.addEdge(edge, 0); } break; } case ReturnStatementEdge: { // this is the 'x' from 'return (x); // adding a new temporary FUNCTION_RETURN_VARIABLE, that is not global (-> false) CReturnStatementEdge returnStatement = (CReturnStatementEdge) edge; if (returnStatement.asAssignment().isPresent()) { handleAssignment(edge, returnStatement.asAssignment().get(), cfa); } break; } case MultiEdge: for (CFAEdge innerEdge : (MultiEdge) edge) { handleEdge(innerEdge, cfa); } break; case BlankEdge: case CallToReturnEdge: // other cases are not interesting break; default: throw new UnrecognizedCCodeException("Unknown edgeType: " + edge.getEdgeType(), edge); } } /** This function handles a declaration with an optional initializer. * Only simple types are handled. */ private void handleDeclarationEdge(final CDeclarationEdge edge) throws UnrecognizedCCodeException { CDeclaration declaration = edge.getDeclaration(); if (!(declaration instanceof CVariableDeclaration)) { return; } CVariableDeclaration vdecl = (CVariableDeclaration) declaration; String varName = vdecl.getQualifiedName(); allVars.add(varName); // "connect" the edge with its partition Set<String> var = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1); var.add(varName); dependencies.addAll(var, new HashSet<BigInteger>(), edge, 0); // only simple types (int, long) are allowed for booleans, ... if (!(vdecl.getType() instanceof CSimpleType)) { nonIntBoolVars.add(varName); nonIntEqVars.add(varName); nonIntAddVars.add(varName); } final CInitializer initializer = vdecl.getInitializer(); List<CExpressionAssignmentStatement> l = CInitializers.convertToAssignments(vdecl, edge); for (CExpressionAssignmentStatement init : l) { final CLeftHandSide lhsExpression = init.getLeftHandSide(); final VariableOrField lhs = lhsExpression.accept(collectingLHSVisitor); final CExpression rhs = init.getRightHandSide(); rhs.accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(lhs)); } if ((initializer == null) || !(initializer instanceof CInitializerExpression)) { return; } CExpression exp = ((CInitializerExpression) initializer).getExpression(); if (exp == null) { return; } handleExpression(edge, exp, varName, VariableOrField.newVariable(varName)); } /** This function handles normal assignments of vars. */ private void handleAssignment(final CFAEdge edge, final CAssignment assignment, final CFA cfa) throws UnrecognizedCCodeException { CRightHandSide rhs = assignment.getRightHandSide(); CExpression lhs = assignment.getLeftHandSide(); String function = isGlobal(lhs) ? null : edge.getPredecessor().getFunctionName(); String varName = scopeVar(function, lhs.toASTString()); // only simple types (int, long) are allowed for booleans, ... if (!(lhs instanceof CIdExpression && lhs.getExpressionType() instanceof CSimpleType)) { nonIntBoolVars.add(varName); nonIntEqVars.add(varName); nonIntAddVars.add(varName); } dependencies.addVar(varName); final VariableOrField lhsVariableOrField = lhs.accept(collectingLHSVisitor); if (rhs instanceof CExpression) { handleExpression(edge, ((CExpression) rhs), varName, lhsVariableOrField); } else if (rhs instanceof CFunctionCallExpression) { // use FUNCTION_RETURN_VARIABLE for RIGHT SIDE CFunctionCallExpression func = (CFunctionCallExpression) rhs; String functionName = func.getFunctionNameExpression().toASTString(); // TODO correct? if (cfa.getAllFunctionNames().contains(functionName)) { Optional<? extends AVariableDeclaration> returnVariable = cfa.getFunctionHead(functionName) .getReturnVariable(); if (!returnVariable.isPresent()) { throw new UnrecognizedCCodeException("Void function " + functionName + " used in assignment", edge, assignment); } String returnVar = returnVariable.get().getQualifiedName(); allVars.add(returnVar); allVars.add(varName); dependencies.add(returnVar, varName); } else { // external function Partition partition = dependencies.getPartitionForVar(varName); partition.addEdge(edge, -1); // negative value, because all positives are used for params } rhs.accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(lhsVariableOrField)); handleExternalFunctionCall(edge, func.getParameterExpressions()); } else { throw new UnrecognizedCCodeException("unhandled assignment", edge, assignment); } } /** This function handles the call of an external function * without an assignment of the result. * example: "printf("%d", output);" or "assert(exp);" */ private void handleExternalFunctionCall(final CFAEdge edge, final List<CExpression> params) { for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { final CExpression param = params.get(i); /* special case: external functioncall with possible side-effect! * this is the only statement, where a pointer-operation is allowed * and the var can be boolean, intEqual or intAdd, * because we know, the variable can have a random (unknown) value after the functioncall. * example: "scanf("%d", &input);" */ if (param instanceof CUnaryExpression && UnaryOperator.AMPER == ((CUnaryExpression) param).getOperator() && ((CUnaryExpression) param).getOperand() instanceof CIdExpression) { final CIdExpression id = (CIdExpression) ((CUnaryExpression) param).getOperand(); final String varName = id.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName(); dependencies.addVar(varName); Partition partition = dependencies.getPartitionForVar(varName); partition.addEdge(edge, i); } else { // "printf("%d", output);" or "assert(exp);" // TODO do we need the edge? ignore it? CFANode pre = edge.getPredecessor(); VariablesCollectingVisitor dcv = new VariablesCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> vars = param.accept(dcv); if (vars != null) { allVars.addAll(vars); dependencies.addAll(vars, dcv.getValues(), edge, i); } param.accept(new BoolCollectingVisitor(pre)); param.accept(new IntEqualCollectingVisitor(pre)); param.accept(new IntAddCollectingVisitor(pre)); } } } /** This function puts each param in same partition than its arg. * If there the functionresult is assigned, it is also handled. */ private void handleFunctionCallEdge(CFunctionCallEdge edge) { // overtake arguments from last functioncall into function, // get args from functioncall and make them equal with params from functionstart final List<CExpression> args = edge.getArguments(); final List<CParameterDeclaration> params = edge.getSuccessor().getFunctionParameters(); // functions can have more args than params used in the call assert args.size() >= params.size(); for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { CParameterDeclaration param = params.get(i); String varName = param.getQualifiedName(); // only simple types (int, long) are allowed for booleans, ... if (!(param.getType() instanceof CSimpleType)) { nonIntBoolVars.add(varName); nonIntEqVars.add(varName); nonIntAddVars.add(varName); } // build name for param and evaluate it // this variable is not global (->false) handleExpression(edge, args.get(i), varName, i, VariableOrField.newVariable(varName)); } // create dependency for functionreturn CFunctionSummaryEdge func = edge.getSummaryEdge(); CFunctionCall statement = func.getExpression(); Optional<CVariableDeclaration> returnVar = edge.getSuccessor().getReturnVariable(); if (returnVar.isPresent()) { String scopedRetVal = returnVar.get().getQualifiedName(); if (statement instanceof CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement) { // a=f(); CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement call = (CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement) statement; CExpression lhs = call.getLeftHandSide(); String function = isGlobal(lhs) ? null : edge.getPredecessor().getFunctionName(); String varName = scopeVar(function, lhs.toASTString()); allVars.add(scopedRetVal); allVars.add(varName); dependencies.add(scopedRetVal, varName); final VariableOrField lhsVariableOrField = lhs.accept(collectingLHSVisitor); assignments.put(lhsVariableOrField, VariableOrField.newVariable(scopedRetVal)); } else if (statement instanceof CFunctionCallStatement) { // f(); without assignment // next line is not necessary, but we do it for completeness, TODO correct? dependencies.addVar(scopedRetVal); } } } /** evaluates an expression and adds containing vars to the sets. */ private void handleExpression(CFAEdge edge, CExpression exp, String varName, final VariableOrField lhs) { handleExpression(edge, exp, varName, 0, lhs); } /** evaluates an expression and adds containing vars to the sets. * the id is the position of the expression in the edge, * it is 0 for all edges except a FuntionCallEdge. */ private void handleExpression(CFAEdge edge, CExpression exp, String varName, int id, final VariableOrField lhs) { CFANode pre = edge.getPredecessor(); VariablesCollectingVisitor dcv = new VariablesCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> vars = exp.accept(dcv); if (vars == null) { vars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1); } vars.add(varName); allVars.addAll(vars); dependencies.addAll(vars, dcv.getValues(), edge, id); BoolCollectingVisitor bcv = new BoolCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> possibleBoolean = exp.accept(bcv); handleResult(varName, possibleBoolean, nonIntBoolVars); IntEqualCollectingVisitor ncv = new IntEqualCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> possibleIntEqualVars = exp.accept(ncv); handleResult(varName, possibleIntEqualVars, nonIntEqVars); IntAddCollectingVisitor icv = new IntAddCollectingVisitor(pre); Set<String> possibleIntAddVars = exp.accept(icv); handleResult(varName, possibleIntAddVars, nonIntAddVars); exp.accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(lhs)); } /** adds the variable to notPossibleVars, if possibleVars is null. */ private void handleResult(String varName, Collection<String> possibleVars, Collection<String> notPossibleVars) { if (possibleVars == null) { notPossibleVars.add(varName); } } private static String scopeVar(@Nullable final String function, final String var) { return (function == null) ? (var) : (function + SCOPE_SEPARATOR + var); } private static boolean isGlobal(CExpression exp) { if (exp instanceof CIdExpression) { CSimpleDeclaration decl = ((CIdExpression) exp).getDeclaration(); if (decl instanceof CDeclaration) { return ((CDeclaration) decl).isGlobal(); } } return false; } /** * Use {@link FunctionEntryNode#getReturnVariable()} and * {@link AReturnStatement#asAssignment()} instead. */ @Deprecated public static String createFunctionReturnVariable(final String function) { return function + SCOPE_SEPARATOR + FUNCTION_RETURN_VARIABLE; } /** returns the value of a (nested) IntegerLiteralExpression * or null for everything else. */ public static BigInteger getNumber(CExpression exp) { if (exp instanceof CIntegerLiteralExpression) { return ((CIntegerLiteralExpression) exp).getValue(); } else if (exp instanceof CUnaryExpression) { CUnaryExpression unExp = (CUnaryExpression) exp; BigInteger value = getNumber(unExp.getOperand()); if (value == null) { return null; } switch (unExp.getOperator()) { case MINUS: return value.negate(); default: return null; } } else if (exp instanceof CCastExpression) { return getNumber(((CCastExpression) exp).getOperand()); } else { return null; } } /** returns true, if the expression contains a casted binaryExpression. */ private static boolean isNestedBinaryExp(CExpression exp) { if (exp instanceof CBinaryExpression) { return true; } else if (exp instanceof CCastExpression) { return isNestedBinaryExp(((CCastExpression) exp).getOperand()); } else { return false; } } /** This Visitor evaluates an Expression. It collects all variables. * a visit of IdExpression or CFieldReference returns a collection containing the varName, * other visits return the inner visit-results. * The Visitor also collects all numbers used in the expression. */ private static class VariablesCollectingVisitor implements CExpressionVisitor<Set<String>, RuntimeException> { private CFANode predecessor; private Set<BigInteger> values = new TreeSet<>(); public VariablesCollectingVisitor(CFANode pre) { this.predecessor = pre; } public Set<BigInteger> getValues() { return values; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CArraySubscriptExpression exp) { return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CBinaryExpression exp) { // for numeral values BigInteger val1 = getNumber(exp.getOperand1()); Set<String> operand1; if (val1 == null) { operand1 = exp.getOperand1().accept(this); } else { values.add(val1); operand1 = null; } // for numeral values BigInteger val2 = getNumber(exp.getOperand2()); Set<String> operand2; if (val2 == null) { operand2 = exp.getOperand2().accept(this); } else { values.add(val2); operand2 = null; } // handle vars from operands if (operand1 == null) { return operand2; } else if (operand2 == null) { return operand1; } else { operand1.addAll(operand2); return operand1; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CCastExpression exp) { BigInteger val = getNumber(exp.getOperand()); if (val == null) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } else { values.add(val); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CComplexCastExpression exp) { // TODO complex numbers are not supported for evaluation right now, this // way of handling the variables my be wrong BigInteger val = getNumber(exp.getOperand()); if (val == null) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } else { values.add(val); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CFieldReference exp) { String varName = exp.toASTString(); // TODO "(*p).x" vs "p->x" String function = isGlobal(exp) ? "" : predecessor.getFunctionName(); Set<String> ret = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1); ret.add(scopeVar(function, varName)); return ret; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CIdExpression exp) { Set<String> ret = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1); ret.add(exp.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName()); return ret; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CCharLiteralExpression exp) { return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CFloatLiteralExpression exp) { return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CImaginaryLiteralExpression exp) { return exp.getValue().accept(this); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CIntegerLiteralExpression exp) { values.add(exp.getValue()); return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CStringLiteralExpression exp) { return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CTypeIdExpression exp) { return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CUnaryExpression exp) { BigInteger val = getNumber(exp); if (val == null) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } else { values.add(val); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CPointerExpression exp) { BigInteger val = getNumber(exp); if (val == null) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } else { values.add(val); return null; } } } /** This class stores dependencies between variables. * It sorts vars into partitions. * Dependent vars are in the same partition. Partitions are independent. */ private static class Dependencies { /** partitions, each of them contains vars */ private final List<Partition> partitions = Lists.newArrayList(); /** map to get partition of a var */ private final Map<String, Partition> varToPartition = Maps.newHashMap(); /** table to get a partition for a edge. */ private final Map<Pair<CFAEdge, Integer>, Partition> edgeToPartition = Maps.newHashMap(); /** This function returns a partition containing all vars, * that are dependent with the given variable. */ public Partition getPartitionForVar(String var) { return varToPartition.get(var); } /** This function creates a dependency between function1::var1 and function2::var2. */ public void add(String var1, String var2) { // if both vars exists in some dependencies, // either ignore them or merge their partitions Partition partition1 = varToPartition.get(var1); Partition partition2 = varToPartition.get(var2); if (partition1 != null && partition2 != null) { // swap partitions, we create partitions in the order they are used if (partitions.lastIndexOf(partition1) > partitions.lastIndexOf(partition2)) { Partition tmp = partition2; partition2 = partition1; partition1 = tmp; } if (!partition1.equals(partition2)) { partition1.merge(partition2); partitions.remove(partition2); } // if only left side of dependency exists, add right side into same partition } else if (partition1 != null) { partition1.add(var2); // if only right side of dependency exists, add left side into same partition } else if (partition2 != null) { partition2.add(var1); // if none side is in any existing partition, create new partition } else { Partition partition = new Partition(varToPartition, edgeToPartition); partition.add(var1); partition.add(var2); partitions.add(partition); } } /** This function adds a group of vars to exactly one partition. * The values are stored in the partition. * The partition is "connected" with the expression. * * @param vars group of variables tobe added * @param values numbers, with are used in an expression together with the variables * @param edge where is the expression * @param index if an edge has several expressions, this index is the position ofthe expression * */ public void addAll(Collection<String> vars, Set<BigInteger> values, CFAEdge edge, int index) { if (vars == null || vars.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator<String> iter = vars.iterator(); // we use same varName for all other vars --> dependency String var =; // first add one single var addVar(var); // then add all other vars, they are dependent from the first var while (iter.hasNext()) { add(var,; } Partition partition = getPartitionForVar(var); partition.addValues(values); partition.addEdge(edge, index); } /** This function adds one single variable to the partitions. * This is the only method to create a partition with only one element. */ public void addVar(String var) { // if var exists, we can ignore it, otherwise create new partition for var if (!varToPartition.containsKey(var)) { Partition partition = new Partition(varToPartition, edgeToPartition); partition.add(var); partitions.add(partition); } } /** This function adds all depending vars to the set, if necessary. * If A depends on B and A is part of the set, B is added to the set, and vice versa. * Example: If A is not boolean, B is not boolean. */ public void solve(final Set<String> vars) { for (Partition partition : partitions) { // is at least one var from the partition part of vars if (!Sets.intersection(partition.getVars(), vars).isEmpty()) { // add all dependend vars to vars vars.addAll(partition.getVars()); } } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("["); Joiner.on(",\n").appendTo(str, partitions); str.append("]\n\n"); // for (Pair<CFAEdge, Integer> edge : edgeToPartition.keySet()) { // str.append(edge.getFirst().getRawStatement() + " :: " // + edge.getSecond() + " --> " + edgeToPartition.get(edge) + "\n"); // } return str.toString(); } } /** This Visitor evaluates an Expression. It also collects all variables. * Each visit-function returns * - null, if the expression is not boolean * - a collection, if the expression is boolean. * The collection contains all boolean vars. */ private class BoolCollectingVisitor extends VariablesCollectingVisitor { public BoolCollectingVisitor(CFANode pre) { super(pre); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CFieldReference exp) { nonIntBoolVars.addAll(super.visit(exp)); return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CBinaryExpression exp) { Set<String> operand1 = exp.getOperand1().accept(this); Set<String> operand2 = exp.getOperand2().accept(this); if (operand1 == null || operand2 == null) { // a+123 --> a is not boolean if (operand1 != null) { nonIntBoolVars.addAll(operand1); } if (operand2 != null) { nonIntBoolVars.addAll(operand2); } return null; } switch (exp.getOperator()) { case EQUALS: case NOT_EQUALS: // ==, != work with boolean operands if (operand1.isEmpty() || operand2.isEmpty()) { // one operand is Zero (or One, if allowed) operand1.addAll(operand2); return operand1; } // We compare 2 variables. There is no guarantee, that they are boolean! // Example: (a!=b) && (b!=c) && (c!=a) // -> FALSE for boolean, but TRUE for {1,2,3} //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: // +-*/ --> no boolean operators, a+b --> a and b are not boolean nonIntBoolVars.addAll(operand1); nonIntBoolVars.addAll(operand2); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CIntegerLiteralExpression exp) { BigInteger value = exp.getValue(); if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(value) || (allowOneAsBooleanValue && BigInteger.ONE.equals(value))) { return new HashSet<>(0); } else { return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CUnaryExpression exp) { Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (inner == null) { return null; } else { // PLUS, MINUS, etc --> not boolean nonIntBoolVars.addAll(inner); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CPointerExpression exp) { Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (inner == null) { return null; } else { nonIntBoolVars.addAll(inner); return null; } } } /** This Visitor evaluates an Expression. * Each visit-function returns * - null, if the expression contains calculations * - a collection, if the expression is a number, unaryExp, == or != */ private class IntEqualCollectingVisitor extends VariablesCollectingVisitor { public IntEqualCollectingVisitor(CFANode pre) { super(pre); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CCastExpression exp) { BigInteger val = getNumber(exp.getOperand()); if (val == null) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } else { return new HashSet<>(0); } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CFieldReference exp) { nonIntEqVars.addAll(super.visit(exp)); return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CBinaryExpression exp) { // for numeral values BigInteger val1 = getNumber(exp.getOperand1()); Set<String> operand1; if (val1 == null) { operand1 = exp.getOperand1().accept(this); } else { operand1 = new HashSet<>(0); } // for numeral values BigInteger val2 = getNumber(exp.getOperand2()); Set<String> operand2; if (val2 == null) { operand2 = exp.getOperand2().accept(this); } else { operand2 = new HashSet<>(0); } // handle vars from operands if (operand1 == null || operand2 == null) { // a+0.2 --> no simple number if (operand1 != null) { nonIntEqVars.addAll(operand1); } if (operand2 != null) { nonIntEqVars.addAll(operand2); } return null; } switch (exp.getOperator()) { case EQUALS: case NOT_EQUALS: // ==, != work with numbers operand1.addAll(operand2); return operand1; default: // +-*/ --> no simple operators nonIntEqVars.addAll(operand1); nonIntEqVars.addAll(operand2); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CIntegerLiteralExpression exp) { return new HashSet<>(0); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CUnaryExpression exp) { // if exp is numeral BigInteger val = getNumber(exp); if (val != null) { return new HashSet<>(0); } // if exp is binary expression Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (isNestedBinaryExp(exp)) { return inner; } if (inner != null) { nonIntEqVars.addAll(inner); } return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CPointerExpression exp) { // if exp is numeral BigInteger val = getNumber(exp); if (val != null) { return new HashSet<>(0); } // if exp is binary expression Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (isNestedBinaryExp(exp)) { return inner; } // if exp is unknown if (inner == null) { return null; } nonIntEqVars.addAll(inner); return null; } } /** This Visitor evaluates an Expression. * Each visit-function returns * - a collection, if the expression is a var or a simple mathematical * calculation (add, sub, <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, !), * - else null */ private class IntAddCollectingVisitor extends VariablesCollectingVisitor { public IntAddCollectingVisitor(CFANode pre) { super(pre); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CCastExpression exp) { return exp.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CFieldReference exp) { nonIntAddVars.addAll(super.visit(exp)); return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CBinaryExpression exp) { Set<String> operand1 = exp.getOperand1().accept(this); Set<String> operand2 = exp.getOperand2().accept(this); if (operand1 == null || operand2 == null) { // a+0.2 --> no simple number if (operand1 != null) { nonIntAddVars.addAll(operand1); } if (operand2 != null) { nonIntAddVars.addAll(operand2); } return null; } switch (exp.getOperator()) { case PLUS: case MINUS: case LESS_THAN: case LESS_EQUAL: case GREATER_THAN: case GREATER_EQUAL: case EQUALS: case NOT_EQUALS: case BINARY_AND: case BINARY_XOR: case BINARY_OR: // this calculations work with all numbers operand1.addAll(operand2); return operand1; default: // *, /, %, shift --> no simple calculations nonIntAddVars.addAll(operand1); nonIntAddVars.addAll(operand2); return null; } } @Override public Set<String> visit(CIntegerLiteralExpression exp) { return new HashSet<>(0); } @Override public Set<String> visit(CUnaryExpression exp) { Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (inner == null) { return null; } if (exp.getOperator() == UnaryOperator.MINUS) { return inner; } // *, ~, etc --> not simple nonIntAddVars.addAll(inner); return null; } @Override public Set<String> visit(CPointerExpression exp) { Set<String> inner = exp.getOperand().accept(this); if (inner == null) { return null; } nonIntAddVars.addAll(inner); return null; } } private class CollectingLHSVisitor extends DefaultCExpressionVisitor<VariableOrField, RuntimeException> { @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CArraySubscriptExpression e) { final VariableOrField result = e.getArrayExpression().accept(this); e.getSubscriptExpression().accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(result)); return result; } @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CFieldReference e) { final CCompositeType compositeType = getCanonicalFieldOwnerType(e); final VariableOrField result = VariableOrField.newField(compositeType, e.getFieldName()); if (e.isPointerDereference()) { e.getFieldOwner().accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(result)); } else { e.getFieldOwner().accept(this); } return result; } @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CPointerExpression e) { e.getOperand().accept(new CollectingRHSVisitor(null)); return null; } @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CComplexCastExpression e) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CCastExpression e) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public VariableOrField visit(final CIdExpression e) { return VariableOrField.newVariable(e.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName()); } @Override protected VariableOrField visitDefault(final CExpression e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The expression should not occur in the left hand side"); } } private void addVariableOrField(final @Nullable VariableOrField lhs, final VariableOrField rhs) { if (lhs != null) { assignments.put(lhs, rhs); } else { final VariableOrField.Variable variable = rhs.asVariable(); final VariableOrField.Field field = rhs.asField(); if (variable != null) { relevantVariables.add(variable.getScopedName()); } else { relevantFields.put(field.getCompositeType(), field.getName()); } } } private class CollectingRHSVisitor extends DefaultCExpressionVisitor<Void, RuntimeException> implements CRightHandSideVisitor<Void, RuntimeException> { private final @Nullable VariableOrField lhs; private boolean addressed = false; CollectingRHSVisitor(@Nullable VariableOrField pLhs) { lhs = pLhs; } @Override public Void visit(final CArraySubscriptExpression e) { CollectingRHSVisitor arrayExprVisitor = new CollectingRHSVisitor(null); arrayExprVisitor.addressed = true; e.getArrayExpression().accept(arrayExprVisitor); return e.getSubscriptExpression().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CFieldReference e) { final CCompositeType compositeType = getCanonicalFieldOwnerType(e); addVariableOrField(lhs, VariableOrField.newField(compositeType, e.getFieldName())); return e.getFieldOwner().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CBinaryExpression e) { e.getOperand1().accept(this); return e.getOperand2().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CUnaryExpression e) { if (e.getOperator() != UnaryOperator.AMPER) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } else { addressed = true; e.getOperand().accept(this); addressed = false; return null; } } @Override public Void visit(final CPointerExpression e) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CComplexCastExpression e) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CCastExpression e) { return e.getOperand().accept(this); } @Override public Void visit(final CIdExpression e) { final VariableOrField.Variable variable = VariableOrField .newVariable(e.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName()); addVariableOrField(lhs, variable); if (addressed) { addressedVariables.add(variable.getScopedName()); } return null; } @Override public Void visit(CFunctionCallExpression e) throws RuntimeException { for (CExpression param : e.getParameterExpressions()) { param.accept(this); } return null; } @Override protected Void visitDefault(final CExpression e) { return null; } } private static class VariableOrField { private static class Variable extends VariableOrField { private Variable(final @Nonnull String scopedName) { this.scopedName = scopedName; } public @Nonnull String getScopedName() { return scopedName; } @Override public String toString() { return getScopedName(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (!(o instanceof Variable)) { return false; } else { final Variable other = (Variable) o; return this.scopedName.equals(other.scopedName); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return scopedName.hashCode(); } private final @Nonnull String scopedName; } private static class Field extends VariableOrField { private Field(final CCompositeType composite, final String name) { this.composite = composite; = name; } public CCompositeType getCompositeType() { return composite; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String toString() { return composite + SCOPE_SEPARATOR + name; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } else if (!(o instanceof Field)) { return false; } else { final Field other = (Field) o; return this.composite.equals(other.composite) &&; } } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 67; return prime * composite.hashCode() + name.hashCode(); } private @Nonnull CCompositeType composite; private @Nonnull String name; } public static Variable newVariable(final String scopedName) { return new Variable(scopedName); } public static Field newField(final @Nonnull CCompositeType composite, final @Nonnull String name) { return new Field(composite, name); } public @Nullable Variable asVariable() { if (this instanceof Variable) { return (Variable) this; } else { return null; } } public @Nullable Field asField() { if (this instanceof Field) { return (Field) this; } else { return null; } } } }