Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import gmp.Mpfr; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.predicates.pathformula.SSAMap; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.states.MemoryLocation; import apron.Coeff; import apron.DoubleScalar; import apron.MpfrScalar; import apron.MpqScalar; import apron.Scalar; import apron.Tcons0; import apron.Texpr0BinNode; import apron.Texpr0CstNode; import apron.Texpr0DimNode; import apron.Texpr0Node; import apron.Texpr0UnNode; import; import; public class ApronRequirementsTranslator extends CartesianRequirementsTranslator<ApronState> { private Pair<ApronState, Collection<String>> stateToRequiredVars; public ApronRequirementsTranslator(Class<ApronState> pAbstractStateClass, LogManager pLog) { super(pAbstractStateClass, pLog); } @Override protected List<String> getVarsInRequirements(ApronState pRequirement) { Collection<String> result = getConvexHullRequiredVars(pRequirement, null); // TODO stateToRequiredVars = Pair.of(pRequirement, result); return new ArrayList<>(result); } @Override protected List<String> getVarsInRequirements(final ApronState pRequirement, final @Nullable Collection<String> pRequiredVars) { Collection<String> result = getConvexHullRequiredVars(pRequirement, pRequiredVars); stateToRequiredVars = Pair.of(pRequirement, result); return new ArrayList<>(result); } @Override protected List<String> getListOfIndependentRequirements(ApronState pRequirement, SSAMap pIndices, final @Nullable Collection<String> pRequiredVars) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> varNames = getAllVarNames(pRequirement); Collection<String> requiredVarNames = null; if (stateToRequiredVars != null) { requiredVarNames = stateToRequiredVars.getSecond(); if (stateToRequiredVars.getFirst() != pRequirement) { requiredVarNames = null; } } if (requiredVarNames == null) { requiredVarNames = getConvexHullRequiredVars(pRequirement, null); // TODO } String converted; for (Tcons0 constraint : pRequirement.getApronNativeState() .toTcons(pRequirement.getManager().getManager())) { converted = convertConstraintToFormula(constraint, varNames, pIndices, requiredVarNames); if (converted != null) { result.add(converted); } } return result; } private List<String> getAllVarNames(final ApronState pRequirement) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(pRequirement.getIntegerVariableToIndexMap().size() + pRequirement.getRealVariableToIndexMap().size()); for (MemoryLocation mem : pRequirement.getIntegerVariableToIndexMap()) { result.add(mem.getAsSimpleString()); } for (MemoryLocation mem : pRequirement.getRealVariableToIndexMap()) { result.add(mem.getAsSimpleString()); } return result; } private Collection<String> getConvexHullRequiredVars(final ApronState pRequirement, final @Nullable Collection<String> requiredVars) { Set<String> seenRequired = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> required; if (requiredVars == null) { required = new HashSet<>(); } else { required = new HashSet<>(requiredVars); } List<String> varNames = getAllVarNames(pRequirement); Tcons0[] constraints = pRequirement.getApronNativeState().toTcons(pRequirement.getManager().getManager()); List<Set<String>> constraintVars = new ArrayList<>(constraints.length); for (Tcons0 constraint : constraints) { constraintVars.add(getVarsInConstraint(constraint, varNames)); } Iterator<Set<String>> it = constraintVars.iterator(); int setSize; Set<String> intermediate; while (it.hasNext()) { intermediate =; if (!Sets.intersection(required, intermediate).isEmpty()) { setSize = seenRequired.size(); seenRequired.addAll(intermediate); required.addAll(intermediate); if (setSize != seenRequired.size()) { it = constraintVars.iterator(); } } } return seenRequired; } private Set<String> getVarsInConstraint(final Tcons0 constraint, final List<String> varNames) { Set<String> vars = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(constraint.getSize()); Deque<Texpr0Node> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); stack.push(constraint.getExpression().toTexpr0Node()); Texpr0Node current; while (!stack.isEmpty()) { current = stack.pop(); if (current instanceof Texpr0BinNode) { stack.push(((Texpr0BinNode) current).getLeftArgument()); stack.push(((Texpr0BinNode) current).getRightArgument()); } else if (current instanceof Texpr0UnNode) { stack.push(((Texpr0UnNode) current).getArgument()); } else if (current instanceof Texpr0DimNode) { vars.add(varNames.get(((Texpr0DimNode) current).dim)); } } return vars; } private @Nullable String convertConstraintToFormula(final Tcons0 constraint, final List<String> varNames, final SSAMap map, final Collection<String> varsConsidered) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("("); switch (constraint.kind) { case Tcons0.EQ: sb.append("="); break; case Tcons0.SUPEQ: sb.append(">="); break; case Tcons0.SUP: sb.append(">"); break; case Tcons0.DISEQ: sb.append("not (="); break; case Tcons0.EQMOD: sb.append("= (mod"); break; default: assert (false); } String left = convertLeftConstraintPartToFormula(varNames, map, varsConsidered); if (left == null) { return null; } sb.append(left); if (constraint.kind == Tcons0.EQMOD) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(getIntegerValFromScalar(constraint.getScalar())); sb.append(")"); } sb.append(" 0)"); if (constraint.kind == Tcons0.DISEQ) { sb.append(")"); } return sb.toString(); } private String getIntegerValFromScalar(final Scalar pCst) { double value; if (pCst instanceof DoubleScalar) { value = ((DoubleScalar) pCst).get(); } else if (pCst instanceof MpfrScalar) { value = ((MpfrScalar) pCst).get().doubleValue(Mpfr.RNDN); } else { assert (pCst instanceof MpqScalar); value = ((MpqScalar) pCst).get().doubleValue(); } if (DoubleMath.isMathematicalInteger(value)) { return String.valueOf((int) value); } throw new AssertionError("Cannot deal with this non-integer scalar"); } private @Nullable String convertLeftConstraintPartToFormula(final List<String> varNames, final SSAMap map, final Collection<String> varsConsidered) { boolean toConsider = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Deque<Pair<Texpr0Node, Integer>> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); Pair<Texpr0Node, Integer> currentPair; Texpr0Node current; Coeff cst; String variableName; while (!stack.isEmpty()) { currentPair = stack.pop(); current = currentPair.getFirst(); if (current instanceof Texpr0BinNode) { sb.append(" ("); switch (((Texpr0BinNode) current).getOperation()) { case Texpr0BinNode.OP_ADD: sb.append("+"); break; case Texpr0BinNode.OP_SUB: sb.append("-"); break; case Texpr0BinNode.OP_MUL: sb.append("*"); break; case Texpr0BinNode.OP_DIV: sb.append("/"); break; case Texpr0BinNode.OP_MOD: sb.append("mod"); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unsupported binary operator."); } stack.push(Pair.of(((Texpr0BinNode) current).getLeftArgument(), 0)); stack.push(Pair.of(((Texpr0BinNode) current).getRightArgument(), currentPair.getSecond() + 1)); } else if (current instanceof Texpr0UnNode) { switch (((Texpr0UnNode) current).getOperation()) { case Texpr0UnNode.OP_NEG: sb.append(" (-"); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unsupported unary operator."); } stack.push(Pair.of(((Texpr0UnNode) current).getArgument(), currentPair.getSecond() + 1)); } else { if (current instanceof Texpr0DimNode) { variableName = varNames.get(((Texpr0DimNode) current).dim); if (varsConsidered.contains(variableName)) { toConsider = true; } sb.append(" "); sb.append(getVarWithIndex(variableName, map)); } else if (current instanceof Texpr0CstNode) { cst = ((Texpr0CstNode) current).getConstant(); if (cst.isScalar()) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(getIntegerValFromScalar((Scalar) cst)); } throw new AssertionError("Cannot handle coefficient"); } addClosingRoundBrackets(sb, currentPair.getSecond()); } } return toConsider ? sb.toString() : null; } private void addClosingRoundBrackets(final StringBuilder sb, final int number) { for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { sb.append(")"); } } }