Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.ShutdownNotifier; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.Address; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.CFAPathWithAssignments; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.ConcreteState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.ConcreteStatePath; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.ConcreteStatePath.ConcerteStatePathNode; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.IDExpression; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.LeftHandSide; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.Memory; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.MemoryName; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.counterexample.Model; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.AbstractStates; import; import; import; import; public class ValueAnalysisConcreteErrorPathAllocator { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final LogManager logger; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final ShutdownNotifier shutdownNotifier; private MemoryName memoryName = new MemoryName() { @Override public String getMemoryName(CRightHandSide pExp, Address pAddress) { return "Value_Analysis_Heap"; } }; public ValueAnalysisConcreteErrorPathAllocator(LogManager pLogger, ShutdownNotifier pShutdownNotifier) { logger = pLogger; shutdownNotifier = pShutdownNotifier; } public ConcreteStatePath allocateAssignmentsToPath(ARGPath pPath) { List<Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge>> path = new ArrayList<>(pPath.size()); PathIterator it = pPath.pathIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.advance(); ValueAnalysisState state = AbstractStates.extractStateByType(it.getAbstractState(), ValueAnalysisState.class); CFAEdge edge = it.getIncomingEdge(); if (state == null) { return null; } path.add(Pair.of(state, edge)); } return createConcreteStatePath(path); } public Model allocateAssignmentsToPath(List<Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge>> pPath, MachineModel pMachineModel) throws InterruptedException { pPath.remove(pPath.size() - 1); ConcreteStatePath concreteStatePath = createConcreteStatePath(pPath); CFAPathWithAssignments pathWithAssignments = CFAPathWithAssignments.of(concreteStatePath, logger, pMachineModel); Model model = Model.empty(); return model.withAssignmentInformation(pathWithAssignments); } private ConcreteStatePath createConcreteStatePath(List<Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge>> pPath) { List<ConcerteStatePathNode> result = new ArrayList<>(pPath.size()); /*"We generate addresses for our memory locations. * This avoids needing to get the CDeclaration * representing each memory location, which would be necessary if we * wanted to exactly map each memory location to a LeftHandSide.*/ Map<LeftHandSide, Address> variableAddresses = generateVariableAddresses(pPath); for (Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge> edgeStatePair : pPath) { ValueAnalysisState valueState = edgeStatePair.getFirst(); CFAEdge edge = edgeStatePair.getSecond(); ConcerteStatePathNode node; if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.MultiEdge) { node = createMultiEdge(valueState, (MultiEdge) edge, variableAddresses); } else { ConcreteState concreteState = createConcreteState(valueState, variableAddresses); node = ConcreteStatePath.valueOfPathNode(concreteState, edge); } result.add(node); } return new ConcreteStatePath(result); } private ConcerteStatePathNode createMultiEdge(ValueAnalysisState pValueState, MultiEdge multiEdge, Map<LeftHandSide, Address> pVariableAddresses) { int size = multiEdge.getEdges().size(); ConcreteState[] singleConcreteStates = new ConcreteState[size]; ListIterator<CFAEdge> iterator = multiEdge.getEdges().listIterator(size); Set<CLeftHandSide> alreadyAssigned = new HashSet<>(); int index = size - 1; while (iterator.hasPrevious()) { CFAEdge cfaEdge = iterator.previous(); ConcreteState state; // We know only values for LeftHandSides that have not yet been assigned. if (allValuesForLeftHandSideKnown(cfaEdge, alreadyAssigned)) { state = createConcreteState(pValueState, pVariableAddresses); } else { state = ConcreteState.empty(); } singleConcreteStates[index] = state; addLeftHandSide(cfaEdge, alreadyAssigned); index--; } return ConcreteStatePath.valueOfPathNode(Arrays.asList(singleConcreteStates), multiEdge); } private boolean allValuesForLeftHandSideKnown(CFAEdge pCfaEdge, Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { if (pCfaEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.DeclarationEdge) { return isDeclarationValueKnown((CDeclarationEdge) pCfaEdge, pAlreadyAssigned); } else if (pCfaEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge) { return isStatementValueKnown((CStatementEdge) pCfaEdge, pAlreadyAssigned); } return false; } private void addLeftHandSide(CFAEdge pCfaEdge, Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { if (pCfaEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge) { CStatement stmt = ((CStatementEdge) pCfaEdge).getStatement(); if (stmt instanceof CAssignment) { CLeftHandSide lhs = ((CAssignment) stmt).getLeftHandSide(); pAlreadyAssigned.add(lhs); } } } private boolean isStatementValueKnown(CStatementEdge pCfaEdge, Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { CStatement stmt = pCfaEdge.getStatement(); if (stmt instanceof CAssignment) { CLeftHandSide leftHandSide = ((CAssignment) stmt).getLeftHandSide(); return isLeftHandSideValueKnown(leftHandSide, pAlreadyAssigned); } return false; } private boolean isLeftHandSideValueKnown(CLeftHandSide pLHS, Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { ValueKnownVisitor v = new ValueKnownVisitor(pAlreadyAssigned); return pLHS.accept(v); } /** * Checks, if we know a value. This is the case, if the value will not be assigned in the future. * Since we traverse the multi edge from bottom to top, this means if a left hand side, that was already * assigned, may not be part of the Left Hand Side we want to know the value of. * */ private static class ValueKnownVisitor extends DefaultCExpressionVisitor<Boolean, RuntimeException> { private final Set<CLeftHandSide> alreadyAssigned; public ValueKnownVisitor(Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { alreadyAssigned = pAlreadyAssigned; } @Override protected Boolean visitDefault(CExpression pExp) throws RuntimeException { return true; } @Override public Boolean visit(CArraySubscriptExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); } @Override public Boolean visit(CBinaryExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return pE.getOperand1().accept(this) && pE.getOperand2().accept(this); } @Override public Boolean visit(CCastExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return pE.getOperand().accept(this); } //TODO Complex Cast @Override public Boolean visit(CFieldReference pE) throws RuntimeException { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); } @Override public Boolean visit(CIdExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); } @Override public Boolean visit(CPointerExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); } @Override public Boolean visit(CUnaryExpression pE) throws RuntimeException { return pE.getOperand().accept(this); } } private boolean isDeclarationValueKnown(CDeclarationEdge pCfaEdge, Set<CLeftHandSide> pAlreadyAssigned) { CDeclaration dcl = pCfaEdge.getDeclaration(); if (dcl instanceof CVariableDeclaration) { CIdExpression idExp = new CIdExpression(dcl.getFileLocation(), dcl); return isLeftHandSideValueKnown(idExp, pAlreadyAssigned); } return false; } private Map<LeftHandSide, Address> generateVariableAddresses(List<Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge>> pPath) { // Get all base IdExpressions for memory locations, ignoring the offset Multimap<IDExpression, MemoryLocation> memoryLocationsInPath = getAllMemoryLocationInPath(pPath); // Generate consistent Addresses, with non overlapping fields. return generateVariableAddresses(memoryLocationsInPath); } private Map<LeftHandSide, Address> generateVariableAddresses( Multimap<IDExpression, MemoryLocation> pMemoryLocationsInPath) { Map<LeftHandSide, Address> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(pMemoryLocationsInPath.size()); // Start with Address 0 Address nextAddressToBeAssigned = Address.valueOf(BigInteger.ZERO); for (IDExpression variable : pMemoryLocationsInPath.keySet()) { result.put(variable, nextAddressToBeAssigned); // leave enough space for values between addresses nextAddressToBeAssigned = generateNextAddresses(pMemoryLocationsInPath.get(variable), nextAddressToBeAssigned); } return result; } private Address generateNextAddresses(Collection<MemoryLocation> pCollection, Address pNextAddressToBeAssigned) { long biggestStoredOffsetInPath = 0; for (MemoryLocation loc : pCollection) { if (loc.getOffset() > biggestStoredOffsetInPath) { biggestStoredOffsetInPath = loc.getOffset(); } } // Leave enough space for a long Value // TODO find good value long spaceForLastValue = 64; BigInteger offset = BigInteger.valueOf(biggestStoredOffsetInPath + spaceForLastValue); return pNextAddressToBeAssigned.addOffset(offset); } private Multimap<IDExpression, MemoryLocation> getAllMemoryLocationInPath( List<Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge>> pPath) { Multimap<IDExpression, MemoryLocation> result = HashMultimap.create(); for (Pair<ValueAnalysisState, CFAEdge> edgeStatePair : pPath) { ValueAnalysisState valueState = edgeStatePair.getFirst(); for (MemoryLocation loc : valueState.getConstantsMapView().keySet()) { IDExpression idExp = createBaseIdExpresssion(loc); if (!result.containsEntry(idExp, loc)) { result.put(idExp, loc); } } } return result; } private IDExpression createBaseIdExpresssion(MemoryLocation pLoc) { if (!pLoc.isOnFunctionStack()) { return new IDExpression(pLoc.getIdentifier()); } else { return new IDExpression(pLoc.getIdentifier(), pLoc.getFunctionName()); } } //TODO move to util? (without param generated addresses) private ConcreteState createConcreteState(ValueAnalysisState pValueState, Map<LeftHandSide, Address> pVariableAddressMap) { Map<LeftHandSide, Object> variables = ImmutableMap.of(); Map<String, Memory> allocatedMemory = allocateAddresses(pValueState, pVariableAddressMap); // We assign every variable to the heap, thats why the variable map is empty. return new ConcreteState(variables, allocatedMemory, pVariableAddressMap, memoryName); } private Map<String, Memory> allocateAddresses(ValueAnalysisState pValueState, Map<LeftHandSide, Address> pVariableAddressMap) { Map<Address, Object> values = createHeapValues(pValueState, pVariableAddressMap); // memory name of value analysis does not need to know expression or address Memory heap = new Memory(memoryName.getMemoryName(null, null), values); Map<String, Memory> result = new HashMap<>(); result.put(heap.getName(), heap); return result; } private Map<Address, Object> createHeapValues(ValueAnalysisState pValueState, Map<LeftHandSide, Address> pVariableAddressMap) { Map<MemoryLocation, Value> valueView = pValueState.getConstantsMapView(); Map<Address, Object> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<MemoryLocation, Value> entry : valueView.entrySet()) { MemoryLocation heapLoc = entry.getKey(); Value valueAsValue = entry.getValue(); if (!valueAsValue.isNumericValue()) { // Skip non numerical values for now // TODO Should they also be integrated? continue; } Number value = valueAsValue.asNumericValue().getNumber(); LeftHandSide lhs = createBaseIdExpresssion(heapLoc); assert pVariableAddressMap.containsKey(lhs); Address baseAddress = pVariableAddressMap.get(lhs); Address address = baseAddress.addOffset(BigInteger.valueOf(heapLoc.getOffset())); result.put(address, value); } return result; } }