Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; /** * Helper class that collects the set of variables on which all assume edges in the given path depend on (i.e. the transitive closure). */ public class AssumptionUseDefinitionCollector { /** * the set of global variables declared in the given path */ private final Set<String> globalVariables = new HashSet<>(); /** * the set of variables in the transitive-closure of the assume edges */ private final Set<String> collectedVariables = new HashSet<>(); /** * the set of variables for which to find the referencing ones */ private final Set<String> dependingVariables = new HashSet<>(); /** * after the assumption closure has been determined, this value states at which offset all dependencies are resolved */ private int dependenciesResolvedOffset = 0; /** * the last traversed function return edge - needed as we go backwards through the edges to obtain the * FunctionSummaryEdge corresponding to a currently visited ReturnStatementEdge */ private FunctionReturnEdge previousFunctionReturnEdge = null; /** * This method acts as the constructor of the class. */ public AssumptionUseDefinitionCollector() { } /** * This method collects the respective referenced variables in the given path. * * @param path the path to analyze * @return the mapping of location to referenced variables in the given path */ public Set<String> obtainUseDefInformation(List<CFAEdge> path) { dependingVariables.clear(); collectedVariables.clear(); determineGlobalVariables(path); for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CFAEdge edge = path.get(i); collectVariables(edge, collectedVariables); if (Iterables.getLast(path).getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.AssumeEdge && dependingVariables.isEmpty()) { dependenciesResolvedOffset = i; return collectedVariables; } } // for full paths, the set of depending variables always has be empty at this point, // but sometimes, the use-def information is derived from incomplete paths, // and for those it can happen that not all depending variables are consumed // disabled again, because handling for pointers is incomplete // assert dependingVariables.size() == 0 || isIncompletePath(path); // add the remaining depending variables to the set of collectedVariables collectedVariables.addAll(dependingVariables); return collectedVariables; } /** * This method collects the respective referenced variables in the given ARG path. * * @param path the path to analyze * @return the mapping of location to referenced variables in the given path */ public Set<String> obtainUseDefInformation(MutableARGPath pFullArgPath) { return obtainUseDefInformation( from(pFullArgPath).transform(Pair.<CFAEdge>getProjectionToSecond()).toList()); } public int getDependenciesResolvedOffset() { return dependenciesResolvedOffset; } /** * This method determines if the given path is only a suffix of a complete path. * * @param path the path to check * @return true, if the path is incomplete, else false */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean isIncompletePath(List<CFAEdge> path) { return path.get(0).getPredecessor().getNumEnteringEdges() > 0; } /** * This method determines the set of global variables declared in the given path. * * @param path the path to analyze */ private void determineGlobalVariables(List<CFAEdge> path) { for (CFAEdge edge : path) { if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.DeclarationEdge) { CDeclaration declaration = ((CDeclarationEdge) edge).getDeclaration(); if (isGlobalVariableDeclaration(declaration)) { globalVariables.add(declaration.getName()); } } else if (edge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.MultiEdge) { determineGlobalVariables(((MultiEdge) edge).getEdges()); } } } /** * This method decides whether or not a declaration is a global (variable) declaration or not. * * @param declaration the declaration to analyze * @return true if the declaration is a global (variable) declaration or not, else false */ private boolean isGlobalVariableDeclaration(CDeclaration declaration) { return declaration.isGlobal() && !(declaration instanceof CFunctionDeclaration); } /** * This method collects the referenced variables in a edge into the mapping of collected variables. * * @param edge the edge to analyze * @param collectedVariables the mapping of collected variables */ private void collectVariables(CFAEdge edge, Set<String> collectedVariables) { switch (edge.getEdgeType()) { case BlankEdge: case CallToReturnEdge: //nothing to do break; case FunctionReturnEdge: previousFunctionReturnEdge = (FunctionReturnEdge) edge; break; case DeclarationEdge: CDeclaration declaration = ((CDeclarationEdge) edge).getDeclaration(); if (declaration instanceof CVariableDeclaration) { if (declaration.getName() != null) { String variableName = declaration.getQualifiedName(); if (dependingVariables.contains(variableName)) { dependingVariables.remove(variableName); collectedVariables.add(variableName); if (((CVariableDeclaration) declaration) .getInitializer() instanceof CInitializerExpression) { CInitializerExpression initializer = ((CInitializerExpression) ((CVariableDeclaration) declaration) .getInitializer()); if (initializer != null) { collectVariables(edge, initializer.getExpression()); } } } } } break; case ReturnStatementEdge: CReturnStatementEdge returnStatementEdge = (CReturnStatementEdge) edge; // for cases where error path ends with a return statement if (previousFunctionReturnEdge == null) { break; } CFunctionSummaryEdge cFunctionSummaryEdge = (CFunctionSummaryEdge) previousFunctionReturnEdge .getSummaryEdge(); CFunctionCall functionCall = cFunctionSummaryEdge.getExpression(); if (functionCall instanceof CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement) { CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement funcAssign = (CFunctionCallAssignmentStatement) functionCall; if (funcAssign.getLeftHandSide() instanceof CIdExpression) { String assignedVariable = ((CIdExpression) (funcAssign.getLeftHandSide())).getDeclaration() .getQualifiedName(); if (dependingVariables.contains(assignedVariable)) { dependingVariables.remove(assignedVariable); collectedVariables.add(assignedVariable); // also add special function return variable as relevant variable Optional<? extends AVariableDeclaration> returnVarName = returnStatementEdge.getSuccessor() .getEntryNode().getReturnVariable(); if (returnVarName.isPresent()) { collectedVariables.add(returnVarName.get().getQualifiedName()); } if (returnStatementEdge.getExpression().isPresent()) { collectVariables(returnStatementEdge, returnStatementEdge.getExpression().get()); } } } } previousFunctionReturnEdge = null; break; case FunctionCallEdge: CFunctionCallEdge functionCallEdge = (CFunctionCallEdge) edge; CFunctionDeclaration functionDefinition = functionCallEdge.getSuccessor().getFunctionDefinition(); int j = 0; for (CParameterDeclaration parameter : functionDefinition.getParameters()) { // collect the formal parameter, and make the argument a depending variable if (dependingVariables.contains(parameter.getQualifiedName())) { dependingVariables.remove(parameter.getQualifiedName()); collectedVariables.add(parameter.getQualifiedName()); collectVariables(functionCallEdge, functionCallEdge.getArguments().get(j)); } j++; } break; case AssumeEdge: handleAssumption(edge); break; case StatementEdge: CStatementEdge statementEdge = (CStatementEdge) edge; if (statementEdge.getStatement() instanceof CAssignment) { CAssignment assignment = (CAssignment) statementEdge.getStatement(); if (assignment.getLeftHandSide() instanceof CIdExpression) { String assignedVariable = ((CIdExpression) (assignment.getLeftHandSide())).getDeclaration() .getQualifiedName(); if (dependingVariables.contains(assignedVariable)) { dependingVariables.remove(assignedVariable); collectedVariables.add(assignedVariable); collectVariables(statementEdge, assignment.getRightHandSide()); } } } break; case MultiEdge: List<CFAEdge> edges = ((MultiEdge) edge).getEdges(); // process MultiEdges also in reverse order for (int i = edges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { collectVariables(edges.get(i), collectedVariables); } break; } } /** * This method collects variables from a given assume edge. * * @param edge the assume edge from which to collect variables */ protected void handleAssumption(CFAEdge edge) { CAssumeEdge assumeEdge = (CAssumeEdge) edge; collectVariables(assumeEdge, assumeEdge.getExpression()); } /** * This method delegates the collecting job to the CollectVariablesVisitor. * * @param edge the edge to analyze * @param rightHandSide the right hand side of the assignment */ protected void collectVariables(CFAEdge edge, CRightHandSide rightHandSide) { rightHandSide.accept(new CollectVariablesVisitor(edge)); } /** * the visitor responsible for the actual collecting job */ private class CollectVariablesVisitor extends DefaultCExpressionVisitor<Void, RuntimeException> implements CRightHandSideVisitor<Void, RuntimeException> { /** * This method acts as the constructor of the class. * * @param currentEdge the assignment edge to analyze * @param collectedVariables the mapping of locations to variable names up to the current edge */ public CollectVariablesVisitor(CFAEdge currentEdge) { } private void collectVariables(String variableName) { dependingVariables.add(variableName); } @Override public Void visit(CIdExpression pE) { collectVariables(pE.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName()); return null; } @Override public Void visit(CArraySubscriptExpression pE) { collectVariables(pE.toASTString()); pE.getArrayExpression().accept(this); pE.getSubscriptExpression().accept(this); return null; } @Override public Void visit(CBinaryExpression pE) { pE.getOperand1().accept(this); pE.getOperand2().accept(this); return null; } @Override public Void visit(CCastExpression pE) { pE.getOperand().accept(this); return null; } @Override public Void visit(CFieldReference pE) { collectVariables(pE.toASTString()); pE.getFieldOwner().accept(this); return null; } @Override public Void visit(CFunctionCallExpression pE) { for (CExpression param : pE.getParameterExpressions()) { param.accept(this); } return null; } @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT", justification = "bug in FindBugs") public Void visit(CUnaryExpression pE) { UnaryOperator op = pE.getOperator(); switch (op) { case AMPER: collectVariables(pE.toASTString()); //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: pE.getOperand().accept(this); break; } return null; } @Override protected Void visitDefault(CExpression pExp) { return null; } } }