Java tutorial
/* * JIRA Plugin for SonarQube * Copyright (C) 2009 SonarSource * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02 */ package; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.JiraSoapService; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.RemoteAuthenticationException; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.RemoteComponent; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.RemoteIssue; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.RemotePermissionException; import com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client.RemoteValidationException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.sonar.api.CoreProperties; import org.sonar.api.Properties; import org.sonar.api.Property; import org.sonar.api.PropertyType; import org.sonar.api.ServerExtension; import org.sonar.api.config.Settings; import org.sonar.api.issue.Issue; import org.sonar.api.rules.Rule; import org.sonar.api.rules.RuleFinder; import org.sonar.api.rules.RulePriority; import org.sonar.api.utils.SonarException; import org.sonar.plugins.jira.JiraConstants; import org.sonar.plugins.jira.soap.JiraSoapSession; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * SOAP client class that is used for creating issues on a JIRA server */ @Properties({ @Property(key = JiraConstants.SOAP_BASE_URL_PROPERTY, defaultValue = JiraConstants.SOAP_BASE_URL_DEF_VALUE, name = "SOAP base URL", description = "Base URL for the SOAP API of the JIRA server", global = true, project = true), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_PROJECT_KEY_PROPERTY, defaultValue = "", name = "JIRA project key", description = "Key of the JIRA project on which the JIRA issues should be created.", global = false, project = true), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_INFO_PRIORITY_ID, defaultValue = "5", name = "JIRA priority id for INFO", description = "JIRA priority id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues with severity INFO. Default is 5 (Trivial).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_MINOR_PRIORITY_ID, defaultValue = "4", name = "JIRA priority id for MINOR", description = "JIRA priority id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues with severity MINOR. Default is 4 (Minor).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_MAJOR_PRIORITY_ID, defaultValue = "3", name = "JIRA priority id for MAJOR", description = "JIRA priority id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues with severity MAJOR. Default is 3 (Major).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_CRITICAL_PRIORITY_ID, defaultValue = "2", name = "JIRA priority id for CRITICAL", description = "JIRA priority id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues with severity CRITICAL. Default is 2 (Critical).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_BLOCKER_PRIORITY_ID, defaultValue = "1", name = "JIRA priority id for BLOCKER", description = "JIRA priority id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues with severity BLOCKER. Default is 1 (Blocker).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE_ID, defaultValue = "3", name = "Id of JIRA issue type", description = "JIRA issue type id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues. Default is 3 (= Task in a default JIRA installation).", global = true, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER), @Property(key = JiraConstants.JIRA_ISSUE_COMPONENT_ID, defaultValue = "", name = "Id of JIRA component", description = "JIRA component id used to create JIRA issues for SonarQube issues. By default no component is set.", global = false, project = true, type = PropertyType.INTEGER) }) public class JiraIssueCreator implements ServerExtension { private static final String QUOTE = "\n{quote}\n"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JiraIssueCreator.class); private final RuleFinder ruleFinder; public JiraIssueCreator(RuleFinder ruleFinder) { this.ruleFinder = ruleFinder; } public RemoteIssue createIssue(Issue sonarIssue, Settings settings) throws RemoteException { JiraSoapSession soapSession = createSoapSession(settings); return doCreateIssue(sonarIssue, soapSession, settings); } protected JiraSoapSession createSoapSession(Settings settings) { String jiraUrl = settings.getString(JiraConstants.SERVER_URL_PROPERTY); String baseUrl = settings.getString(JiraConstants.SOAP_BASE_URL_PROPERTY); String completeUrl = jiraUrl + baseUrl; // get handle to the JIRA SOAP Service from a client point of view JiraSoapSession soapSession = null; try { soapSession = new JiraSoapSession(new URL(completeUrl)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.error("The JIRA server URL is not a valid one: " + completeUrl, e); throw new IllegalStateException("The JIRA server URL is not a valid one: " + completeUrl, e); } return soapSession; } protected RemoteIssue doCreateIssue(Issue sonarIssue, JiraSoapSession soapSession, Settings settings) { // Connect to JIRA String jiraUrl = settings.getString(JiraConstants.SERVER_URL_PROPERTY); String userName = settings.getString(JiraConstants.USERNAME_PROPERTY); String password = settings.getString(JiraConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY); try { soapSession.connect(userName, password); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Impossible to connect to the JIRA server (" + jiraUrl + ").", e); } // The JIRA SOAP Service and authentication token are used to make authentication calls JiraSoapService jiraSoapService = soapSession.getJiraSoapService(); String authToken = soapSession.getAuthenticationToken(); // And create the issue RemoteIssue issue = initRemoteIssue(sonarIssue, settings); RemoteIssue returnedIssue = sendRequest(jiraSoapService, authToken, issue, jiraUrl, userName); String issueKey = returnedIssue.getKey(); LOG.debug("Successfully created issue {}", issueKey); return returnedIssue; } protected RemoteIssue sendRequest(JiraSoapService jiraSoapService, String authToken, RemoteIssue issue, String jiraUrl, String userName) { try { return jiraSoapService.createIssue(authToken, issue); } catch (RemoteAuthenticationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Impossible to connect to the JIRA server (" + jiraUrl + ") because of invalid credentials for user " + userName, e); } catch (RemotePermissionException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Impossible to create the issue on the JIRA server (" + jiraUrl + ") because user " + userName + " does not have enough rights.", e); } catch (RemoteValidationException e) { // Unfortunately the detailed cause of the error is not in fault details (ie stack) but only in fault string String message = StringUtils .removeStart(e.getFaultString(), "com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemoteValidationException:") .trim(); throw new IllegalStateException( "Impossible to create the issue on the JIRA server (" + jiraUrl + "): " + message, e); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Impossible to create the issue on the JIRA server (" + jiraUrl + ")", e); } } protected RemoteIssue initRemoteIssue(Issue sonarIssue, Settings settings) { RemoteIssue issue = new RemoteIssue(); issue.setProject(settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_PROJECT_KEY_PROPERTY)); issue.setType(settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE_ID)); issue.setPriority(sonarSeverityToJiraPriorityId(RulePriority.valueOf(sonarIssue.severity()), settings)); issue.setSummary(generateIssueSummary(sonarIssue)); issue.setDescription(generateIssueDescription(sonarIssue, settings)); if (settings.hasKey(JiraConstants.JIRA_ISSUE_COMPONENT_ID)) { String componentId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_ISSUE_COMPONENT_ID); RemoteComponent rc = new RemoteComponent(); rc.setId(componentId); issue.setComponents(new RemoteComponent[] { rc }); } return issue; } protected String generateIssueSummary(Issue sonarIssue) { Rule rule = ruleFinder.findByKey(sonarIssue.ruleKey()); StringBuilder summary = new StringBuilder("SonarQube Issue #"); summary.append(sonarIssue.key()); if (rule != null && rule.getName() != null) { summary.append(" - "); summary.append(rule.getName().toString()); } return summary.toString(); } protected String generateIssueDescription(Issue sonarIssue, Settings settings) { StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder("Issue detail:"); description.append(QUOTE); description.append(sonarIssue.message()); description.append(QUOTE); description.append("\n\nCheck it on SonarQube: "); description.append(settings.getString(CoreProperties.SERVER_BASE_URL)); description.append("/issues/show/"); description.append(sonarIssue.key()); return description.toString(); } protected String sonarSeverityToJiraPriorityId(RulePriority reviewSeverity, Settings settings) { final String priorityId; switch (reviewSeverity) { case INFO: priorityId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_INFO_PRIORITY_ID); break; case MINOR: priorityId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_MINOR_PRIORITY_ID); break; case MAJOR: priorityId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_MAJOR_PRIORITY_ID); break; case CRITICAL: priorityId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_CRITICAL_PRIORITY_ID); break; case BLOCKER: priorityId = settings.getString(JiraConstants.JIRA_BLOCKER_PRIORITY_ID); break; default: throw new SonarException("Unable to convert review severity to JIRA priority: " + reviewSeverity); } return priorityId; } }