Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Sonar C++ Plugin (Community)
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Waleri Enns and CONTACT Software GmbH
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02
package org.sonar.cxx.preprocessor;

import com.sonar.sslr.api.AstNode;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.Preprocessor;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.PreprocessorAction;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.Token;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.TokenType;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.Trivia;
import com.sonar.sslr.impl.Parser;
import com.sonar.sslr.squid.SquidAstVisitorContext;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.sonar.cxx.CxxConfiguration;
import com.sonar.sslr.api.Grammar;

import org.sonar.cxx.lexer.CxxLexer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Map;

import static com.sonar.sslr.api.GenericTokenType.EOF;
import static com.sonar.sslr.api.GenericTokenType.IDENTIFIER;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CppKeyword.IFDEF;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CppKeyword.IFNDEF;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CppPunctuator.LT;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CxxTokenType.NUMBER;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CxxTokenType.PREPROCESSOR;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CxxTokenType.STRING;
import static org.sonar.cxx.api.CxxTokenType.WS;

public class CxxPreprocessor extends Preprocessor {
    private class State {
        public boolean skipping;
        public int nestedIfdefs;
        public File includeUnderAnalysis;

        public State(File includeUnderAnalysis) {
            this.includeUnderAnalysis = includeUnderAnalysis;

        public final void reset() {
            skipping = false;
            nestedIfdefs = 0;
            includeUnderAnalysis = null;

    static class MismatchException extends Exception {
        private String why;

        MismatchException(String why) {
            this.why = why;

        public String toString() {
            return why;

    class Macro {
        public Macro(String name, List<Token> params, List<Token> body, boolean variadic) {
   = name;
            this.params = params;
            this.body = body;
            this.isVariadic = variadic;

        public String toString() {
            return name + (params == null ? "" : "(" + serialize(params, ", ") + ")") + " -> '" + serialize(body)
                    + "'";

        public boolean checkArgumentsCount(int count) {
            return isVariadic == true ? count >= params.size() - 1 : count == params.size();

        public String name;
        public List<Token> params;
        public List<Token> body;
        public boolean isVariadic;

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("CxxPreprocessor");
    private Parser<Grammar> pplineParser = null;
    private MapChain<String, Macro> macros = new MapChain<String, Macro>();
    private Set<File> analysedFiles = new HashSet<File>();
    private SourceCodeProvider codeProvider = new SourceCodeProvider();
    private SquidAstVisitorContext<Grammar> context;
    private ExpressionEvaluator ifExprEvaluator;

    // state which is not shared between files
    private State state = new State(null);
    private Stack<State> stateStack = new Stack<State>();

    public CxxPreprocessor(SquidAstVisitorContext<Grammar> context) {
        this(context, new CxxConfiguration());

    public CxxPreprocessor(SquidAstVisitorContext<Grammar> context, CxxConfiguration conf) {
        this(context, conf, new SourceCodeProvider());

    public CxxPreprocessor(SquidAstVisitorContext<Grammar> context, CxxConfiguration conf,
            SourceCodeProvider sourceCodeProvider) {
        this.context = context;
        this.ifExprEvaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator(conf, this);

        codeProvider = sourceCodeProvider;
        codeProvider.setIncludeRoots(conf.getIncludeDirectories(), conf.getBaseDir());

        pplineParser = CppParser.create(conf);

        try {

            // parse the configured defines and store into the macro library
            for (String define : conf.getDefines()) {
                LOG.debug("parsing external macro: '{}'", define);
                if (!define.equals("")) {
                    Macro macro = parseMacroDefinition("#define " + define);
                    if (macro != null) {
              "storing external macro: '{}'", macro);
                        macros.put(, macro);

            // set standard macros
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : StandardDefinitions.macros().entrySet()) {
                Token bodyToken;
                try {
                    bodyToken = Token.builder().setLine(1).setColumn(0).setURI(new""))
                } catch ( e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);

                macros.put(entry.getKey(), new Macro(entry.getKey(), null, Lists.newArrayList(bodyToken), false));

            // parse the configured force includes and store into the macro library
            for (String include : conf.getForceIncludeFiles()) {
                LOG.debug("parsing force include: '{}'", include);
                if (!include.equals("")) {
                    parseIncludeLine("#include \"" + include + "\"");
        } finally {

    public PreprocessorAction process(List<Token> tokens) {
        Token token = tokens.get(0);
        TokenType ttype = token.getType();
        File file = getFileUnderAnalysis();
        String filePath = file == null ? token.getURI().toString() : file.getAbsolutePath();

        if (ttype == PREPROCESSOR) {

            AstNode lineAst = null;
            try {
                lineAst = pplineParser.parse(token.getValue()).getFirstChild();
            } catch (com.sonar.sslr.api.RecognitionException re) {
                LOG.warn("Cannot parse '{}', ignoring...", token.getValue());
                return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                        new ArrayList<Token>());

            String lineKind = lineAst.getName();

            if ("ifdefLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleIfdefLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("elseLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleElseLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("endifLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleEndifLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("ifLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleIfLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("elifLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleElIfLine(lineAst, token, filePath);

            if (inSkippingMode()) {
                return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                        new ArrayList<Token>());

            if ("defineLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleDefineLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("includeLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleIncludeLine(lineAst, token, filePath);
            } else if ("undefLine".equals(lineKind)) {
                return handleUndefLine(lineAst, token, filePath);

            // Ignore all other preprocessor directives (which are not handled explicitly)
            // and strip them from the stream

            return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                    new ArrayList<Token>());

        if (ttype != EOF) {
            if (inSkippingMode()) {
                return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                        new ArrayList<Token>());

            if (ttype != STRING && ttype != NUMBER) {
                return handleIdentifiersAndKeywords(tokens, token, filePath);

        return PreprocessorAction.NO_OPERATION;

    public void finishedPreprocessing(File file) {
        // From 16.3.5 "Scope of macro definitions":
        // A macro definition lasts (independent of block structure) until
        // a corresponding #undef directive is encountered or (if none
        // is encountered) until the end of the translation unit.

        LOG.debug("finished preprocessing '{}'", file);


    public String valueOf(String macroname) {
        String result = null;
        Macro macro = macros.get(macroname);
        if (macro != null) {
            result = serialize(macro.body);
        return result;

    private PreprocessorAction handleIfdefLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        if (state.skipping) {
        } else {
            Macro macro = macros.get(getMacroName(ast));
            TokenType tokType = ast.getToken().getType();
            if ((tokType == IFDEF && macro == null) || (tokType == IFNDEF && macro != null)) {
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: '{}' evaluated to false, skipping tokens that follow",
                        new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
                state.skipping = true;

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleElseLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        if (state.nestedIfdefs == 0) {
            if (state.skipping) {
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: #else, returning to non-skipping mode", filename, token.getLine());
            } else {
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: skipping tokens inside the #else", filename, token.getLine());

            state.skipping = !state.skipping;

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleEndifLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        if (state.nestedIfdefs > 0) {
        } else {
            if (state.skipping) {
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: #endif, returning to non-skipping mode", filename, token.getLine());
            state.skipping = false;

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleIfLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        if (state.skipping) {
        } else {
            LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: handling #if line '{}'",
                    new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
            try {
                state.skipping = !ifExprEvaluator.eval(ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.constantExpression));
            } catch (EvaluationException e) {
                LOG.error("[{}:{}]: error evaluating the expression {} assume 'true' ...",
                        new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
                state.skipping = false;

            if (state.skipping) {
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: '{}' evaluated to false, skipping tokens that follow",
                        new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleElIfLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        // Handling of an elif line is similar to handling of an if line but
        // doesn't increase the nesting level
        if (state.nestedIfdefs == 0) {
            if (state.skipping) { //the preceeding clauses had been evaluated to false
                try {
                    LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: handling #elif line '{}'",
                            new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });

                    // *this* preprocessor instance is used for evaluation, too.
                    // It *must not* be in skipping mode while evaluating expressions.
                    state.skipping = false;

                    state.skipping = !ifExprEvaluator.eval(ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.constantExpression));
                } catch (EvaluationException e) {
                    LOG.error("[{}:{}]: error evaluating the expression {} assume 'true' ...",
                            new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
                    state.skipping = false;

                if (state.skipping) {
                    LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: '{}' evaluated to false, skipping tokens that follow",
                            new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
            } else {
                state.skipping = !state.skipping;
                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: skipping tokens inside the #elif", filename, token.getLine());

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleDefineLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        // Here we have a define directive. Parse it and store the result in a dictionary.

        Macro macro = parseMacroDefinition(ast);
        if (macro != null) {
            LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: storing macro: '{}'", new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), macro });
            macros.put(, macro);

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    private void parseIncludeLine(String includeLine) {
        AstNode includeAst = pplineParser.parse(includeLine);
        handleIncludeLine(includeAst, includeAst.getToken(), "");

    PreprocessorAction handleIncludeLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        // Included files have to be scanned with the (only) goal of gathering macros.
        // This is done as follows:
        // a) pipe the body of the include directive through a lexer to properly expand
        //    all macros which may be in there.
        // b) extract the filename out of the include body and try to find it
        // c) if not done yet, process it using a special lexer, which calls back only
        //    if it finds relevant preprocessor directives (currently: include's and define's)

        File includedFile = findIncludedFile(ast, token, filename);
        if (includedFile == null) {
            LOG.warn("[{}:{}]: cannot find the sources for '{}'",
                    new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue() });
        } else if (!analysedFiles.contains(includedFile)) {
            LOG.debug("[{}:{}]: processing {}, resolved to file '{}'",
                    new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), token.getValue(), includedFile.getAbsolutePath() });

            state = new State(includedFile);

            try {
            } finally {
                state = stateStack.pop();
        } else {
            LOG.debug("[{}:{}]: skipping already included file '{}'",
                    new Object[] { filename, token.getLine(), includedFile });

        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleUndefLine(AstNode ast, Token token, String filename) {
        String macroName = ast.getFirstDescendant(IDENTIFIER).getTokenValue();
        return new PreprocessorAction(1, Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(token)),
                new ArrayList<Token>());

    PreprocessorAction handleIdentifiersAndKeywords(List<Token> tokens, Token curr, String filename) {
        // Every identifier and every keyword can be a macro instance.
        // Pipe the resulting string through a lexer to create proper Tokens
        // and to expand recursively all macros which may be in there.

        PreprocessorAction ppaction = PreprocessorAction.NO_OPERATION;
        Macro macro = macros.get(curr.getValue());
        if (macro != null) {
            List<Token> replTokens = new LinkedList<Token>();
            int tokensConsumed = 0;
            List<Token> arguments = new ArrayList<Token>();

            if (macro.params == null) {
                tokensConsumed = 1;
                replTokens = expandMacro(, serialize(evaluateHashhashOperators(macro.body)));
            } else {
                int tokensConsumedMatchingArgs = expandFunctionLikeMacro(,
                        tokens.subList(1, tokens.size()), replTokens);
                if (tokensConsumedMatchingArgs > 0) {
                    tokensConsumed = 1 + tokensConsumedMatchingArgs;

            if (tokensConsumed > 0) {
                replTokens = reallocate(replTokens, curr);

                LOG.trace("[{}:{}]: replacing '" + curr.getValue()
                        + (arguments.isEmpty() ? "" : "(" + serialize(arguments, ", ") + ")") + "' -> '"
                        + serialize(replTokens) + "'", filename, curr.getLine());

                ppaction = new PreprocessorAction(tokensConsumed,
                        Lists.newArrayList(Trivia.createSkippedText(tokens.subList(0, tokensConsumed))),

        return ppaction;

    public String expandFunctionLikeMacro(String macroName, List<Token> restTokens) {
        List<Token> expansion = new LinkedList<Token>();
        expandFunctionLikeMacro(macroName, restTokens, expansion);
        return serialize(expansion);

    private int expandFunctionLikeMacro(String macroName, List<Token> restTokens, List<Token> expansion) {
        List<Token> replTokens = null;
        List<Token> arguments = new ArrayList<Token>();
        int tokensConsumedMatchingArgs = matchArguments(restTokens, arguments);

        Macro macro = macros.get(macroName);
        if (macro != null && macro.checkArgumentsCount(arguments.size())) {
            if (arguments.size() > macro.params.size()) {
                //Group all arguments into the last one
                List<Token> vaargs = arguments.subList(macro.params.size() - 1, arguments.size());
                Token firstToken = vaargs.get(0);
                arguments = arguments.subList(0, macro.params.size() - 1);
                        .setURI(firstToken.getURI()).setValueAndOriginalValue(serialize(vaargs, ","))
            replTokens = replaceParams(macro.body, macro.params, arguments);
            replTokens = evaluateHashhashOperators(replTokens);
            expansion.addAll(expandMacro(, serialize(replTokens)));

        return tokensConsumedMatchingArgs;

    private List<Token> expandMacro(String macroName, String macroExpression) {
        // C++ standard 16.3.4/2 Macro Replacement - Rescanning and further replacement
        List<Token> tokens = null;
        try {
            tokens = stripEOF(CxxLexer.create(this).lex(macroExpression));
        } finally {
        return tokens;

    private List<Token> stripEOF(List<Token> tokens) {
        if (tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1).getType() == EOF) {
            return tokens.subList(0, tokens.size() - 1);
        } else {
            return tokens;

    private String serialize(List<Token> tokens) {
        return serialize(tokens, " ");

    private String serialize(List<Token> tokens, String spacer) {
        List<String> values = new LinkedList<String>();
        for (Token t : tokens) {
        return StringUtils.join(values, spacer);

    private int matchArguments(List<Token> tokens, List<Token> arguments) {
        List<Token> rest = tokens;
        try {
            rest = match(rest, "(");
        } catch (MismatchException me) {
            return 0;

        try {
            do {
                rest = matchArgument(rest, arguments);
                try {
                    rest = match(rest, ",");
                } catch (MismatchException me) {
            } while (true);

            rest = match(rest, ")");
        } catch (MismatchException me) {
            return 0;

        return tokens.size() - rest.size();

    private List<Token> match(List<Token> tokens, String str) throws MismatchException {
        if (!tokens.get(0).getValue().equals(str)) {
            throw new MismatchException("Mismatch: expected '" + str + "' got: '" + tokens.get(0).getValue() + "'");
        return tokens.subList(1, tokens.size());

    private List<Token> matchArgument(List<Token> tokens, List<Token> arguments) throws MismatchException {
        int nestingLevel = 0;
        int tokensConsumed = 0;
        int noTokens = tokens.size();
        Token firstToken = tokens.get(0);
        Token currToken = firstToken;
        String curr = currToken.getValue();
        List<Token> matchedTokens = new LinkedList<Token>();

        while (true) {
            if (nestingLevel == 0 && (",".equals(curr) || ")".equals(curr))) {
                if (tokensConsumed > 0) {
                return tokens.subList(tokensConsumed, noTokens);

            if (curr.equals("(")) {
            } else if (curr.equals(")")) {

            if (tokensConsumed == noTokens) {
                throw new MismatchException("reached the end of the stream while matching a macro argument");

            currToken = tokens.get(tokensConsumed);
            curr = currToken.getValue();

    private List<Token> replaceParams(List<Token> body, List<Token> parameters, List<Token> arguments) {
        // Replace all parameters by according arguments
        // "Stringify" the argument if the according parameter is preceded by an #

        List<Token> newTokens = new ArrayList<Token>();
        if (!body.isEmpty()) {
            List<String> defParamValues = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (Token t : parameters) {

            for (int i = 0; i < body.size(); ++i) {
                Token curr = body.get(i);
                int index = defParamValues.indexOf(curr.getValue());
                if (index == -1) {
                } else if (index < arguments.size()) {
                    Token replacement = arguments.get(index);

                    // The arguments have to be fully expanded before expanding the body of the macro
                    String newValue = serialize(expandMacro("", replacement.getValue()));

                    if (i > 0 && body.get(i - 1).getValue().equals("#")) {
                        newTokens.remove(newTokens.size() - 1);
                        newValue = encloseWithQuotes(quote(newValue));

        return newTokens;

    private List<Token> evaluateHashhashOperators(List<Token> tokens) {
        List<Token> newTokens = new ArrayList<Token>();

        Iterator<Token> it = tokens.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Token curr =;
            if (curr.getValue().equals("##")) {
                Token pred = predConcatToken(newTokens);
                Token succ = succConcatToken(it);
                        .setURI(pred.getURI()).setValueAndOriginalValue(pred.getValue() + succ.getValue())
            } else {

        return newTokens;

    private Token predConcatToken(List<Token> tokens) {
        while (!tokens.isEmpty()) {
            Token last = tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1);
            if (last.getType() != WS) {
                return last;
        return null;

    private Token succConcatToken(Iterator<Token> it) {
        Token succ = null;
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            succ =;
            if (!succ.getValue().equals("##") && succ.getType() != WS) {
        return succ;

    private String quote(String str) {
        return StringUtils.replaceEach(str, new String[] { "\\", "\"" }, new String[] { "\\\\", "\\\"" });

    private String encloseWithQuotes(String str) {
        return "\"" + str + "\"";

    private List<Token> reallocate(List<Token> tokens, Token token) {
        List<Token> reallocated = new LinkedList<Token>();
        int currColumn = token.getColumn();
        for (Token t : tokens) {
            currColumn += t.getValue().length() + 1;

        return reallocated;

    private Macro parseMacroDefinition(String macroDef) {
        return parseMacroDefinition(pplineParser.parse(macroDef).getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.defineLine));

    private Macro parseMacroDefinition(AstNode defineLineAst) {
        AstNode ast = defineLineAst.getFirstChild();
        AstNode nameNode = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.ppToken);
        String macroName = nameNode.getTokenValue();

        AstNode paramList = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.parameterList);
        List<Token> macroParams = paramList == null
                ? ast.getName().equals("objectlikeMacroDefinition") ? null : new LinkedList<Token>()
                : getParams(paramList);

        AstNode vaargs = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.variadicparameter);
        if (vaargs != null) {
            AstNode identifier = vaargs.getFirstChild(IDENTIFIER);
            macroParams.add(identifier == null ? Token.builder().setLine(vaargs.getToken().getLine())
                    : identifier.getToken());

        AstNode replList = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.replacementList);
        List<Token> macroBody = replList == null ? new LinkedList<Token>()
                : replList.getTokens().subList(0, replList.getTokens().size() - 1);

        return new Macro(macroName, macroParams, macroBody, vaargs != null);

    private List<Token> getParams(AstNode identListAst) {
        List<Token> params = new ArrayList<Token>();
        if (identListAst != null) {
            for (AstNode node : identListAst.getChildren(IDENTIFIER)) {

        return params;

    private File findIncludedFile(AstNode ast, Token token, String currFileName) {
        String includedFileName = null;
        File includedFile = null;
        boolean quoted = false;

        AstNode node = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.includeBodyQuoted);
        if (node != null) {
            includedFileName = stripQuotes(node.getFirstChild().getTokenValue());
            quoted = true;
        } else if ((node = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.includeBodyBracketed)) != null) {
            node = node.getFirstDescendant(LT).getNextSibling();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            while (true) {
                String value = node.getTokenValue();
                if (value.equals(">")) {
                node = node.getNextSibling();

            includedFileName = sb.toString();
        } else if ((node = ast.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.includeBodyFreeform)) != null) {
            // expand and recurse
            String includeBody = serialize(stripEOF(node.getTokens()), "");
            String expandedIncludeBody = serialize(stripEOF(CxxLexer.create(this).lex(includeBody)), "");

            boolean parseError = false;
            AstNode includeBodyAst = null;
            try {
                includeBodyAst = pplineParser.parse("#include " + expandedIncludeBody);
            } catch (com.sonar.sslr.api.RecognitionException re) {
                parseError = true;

            if (parseError || includeBodyAst.getFirstDescendant(CppGrammar.includeBodyFreeform) != null) {
                LOG.warn("[{}:{}]: cannot parse included filename: {}'",
                        new Object[] { currFileName, token.getLine(), expandedIncludeBody });
                return null;

            return findIncludedFile(includeBodyAst, token, currFileName);

        if (includedFileName != null) {
            File file = getFileUnderAnalysis();
            String dir = file == null ? "" : file.getParent();
            includedFile = codeProvider.getSourceCodeFile(includedFileName, dir, quoted);

        return includedFile;

    private String getMacroName(AstNode ast) {
        return ast.getFirstDescendant(IDENTIFIER).getTokenValue();

    private String stripQuotes(String str) {
        return str.substring(1, str.length() - 1);

    private File getFileUnderAnalysis() {
        if (state.includeUnderAnalysis == null) {
            return context.getFile();
        return state.includeUnderAnalysis;

    private boolean inSkippingMode() {
        return state.skipping;