Java tutorial
/* * Autopsy Forensic Browser * * Copyright 2013-15 Basis Technology Corp. * Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.logging.Level; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.Observable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.concurrent.Worker; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator; import javafx.scene.layout.Background; import javafx.scene.layout.BackgroundFill; import javafx.scene.layout.CornerRadii; import javafx.scene.layout.Region; import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle; import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory; import org.openide.util.Exceptions; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.casemodule.Case; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.History; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.Logger; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.coreutils.ThreadConfined; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.Category; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.CategoryManager; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.DrawableDB; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.DrawableFile; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.datamodel.HashSetManager; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.grouping.GroupManager; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.grouping.GroupViewState; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.gui.NoGroupsDialog; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.gui.SummaryTablePane; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.imagegallery.gui.Toolbar; import org.sleuthkit.autopsy.ingest.IngestManager; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.AbstractFile; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.BlackboardArtifact; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.BlackboardAttribute; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.Content; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.FileSystem; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.Image; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitCase; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException; import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData; /** * Connects different parts of ImageGallery together and is hub for flow of * control. */ public final class ImageGalleryController { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ImageGalleryController.class.getName()); private final Region infoOverLayBackground = new Region() { { setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.GREY, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY))); setOpacity(.4); } }; private static ImageGalleryController instance; public static synchronized ImageGalleryController getDefault() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ImageGalleryController(); } return instance; } private final History<GroupViewState> historyManager = new History<>(); /** * true if Image Gallery should listen to ingest events, false if it should * not listen to speed up ingest */ private final SimpleBooleanProperty listeningEnabled = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); private final ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper queueSizeProperty = new ReadOnlyIntegerWrapper(0); private final ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper regroupDisabled = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(false); @ThreadConfined(type = ThreadConfined.ThreadType.JFX) private final ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper stale = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(false); private final ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper metaDataCollapsed = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(false); private final FileIDSelectionModel selectionModel = FileIDSelectionModel.getInstance(); private DBWorkerThread dbWorkerThread; private DrawableDB db; private final GroupManager groupManager = new GroupManager(this); private final HashSetManager hashSetManager = new HashSetManager(); private final CategoryManager categoryManager = new CategoryManager(); private StackPane fullUIStackPane; private StackPane centralStackPane; private Node infoOverlay; public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty getMetaDataCollapsed() { return metaDataCollapsed.getReadOnlyProperty(); } public void setMetaDataCollapsed(Boolean metaDataCollapsed) { this.metaDataCollapsed.set(metaDataCollapsed); } private GroupViewState getViewState() { return historyManager.getCurrentState(); } public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty regroupDisabled() { return regroupDisabled.getReadOnlyProperty(); } public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<GroupViewState> viewState() { return historyManager.currentState(); } public synchronized FileIDSelectionModel getSelectionModel() { return selectionModel; } public GroupManager getGroupManager() { return groupManager; } public DrawableDB getDatabase() { return db; } synchronized public void setListeningEnabled(boolean enabled) { listeningEnabled.set(enabled); } synchronized boolean isListeningEnabled() { return listeningEnabled.get(); } @ThreadConfined(type = ThreadConfined.ThreadType.ANY) void setStale(Boolean b) { Platform.runLater(() -> { stale.set(b); }); if (Case.isCaseOpen()) { new PerCaseProperties(Case.getCurrentCase()).setConfigSetting(ImageGalleryModule.getModuleName(), PerCaseProperties.STALE, b.toString()); } } public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty stale() { return stale.getReadOnlyProperty(); } @ThreadConfined(type = ThreadConfined.ThreadType.JFX) boolean isStale() { return stale.get(); } private ImageGalleryController() { listeningEnabled.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { //if we just turned on listening and a case is open and that case is not up to date if (newValue && !oldValue && Case.existsCurrentCase() && ImageGalleryModule.isDrawableDBStale(Case.getCurrentCase())) { //populate the db queueDBWorkerTask(new CopyAnalyzedFiles()); } }); groupManager.getAnalyzedGroups().addListener((Observable o) -> { if (Case.isCaseOpen()) { checkForGroups(); } }); groupManager.getUnSeenGroups().addListener((Observable observable) -> { //if there are unseen groups and none being viewed if (groupManager.getUnSeenGroups().isEmpty() == false && (getViewState() == null || getViewState().getGroup() == null)) { advance(GroupViewState.tile(groupManager.getUnSeenGroups().get(0))); } }); viewState().addListener((Observable observable) -> { selectionModel.clearSelection(); }); regroupDisabled.addListener((Observable observable) -> { checkForGroups(); }); IngestManager.getInstance().addIngestModuleEventListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { Platform.runLater(this::updateRegroupDisabled); }); IngestManager.getInstance().addIngestJobEventListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { Platform.runLater(this::updateRegroupDisabled); }); // metaDataCollapsed.bind(Toolbar.getDefault().showMetaDataProperty()); } public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty getCanAdvance() { return historyManager.getCanAdvance(); } public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty getCanRetreat() { return historyManager.getCanRetreat(); } public void advance(GroupViewState newState) { historyManager.advance(newState); } public GroupViewState advance() { return historyManager.advance(); } public GroupViewState retreat() { return historyManager.retreat(); } private void updateRegroupDisabled() { regroupDisabled .set(getFileUpdateQueueSizeProperty().get() > 0 || IngestManager.getInstance().isIngestRunning()); } /** * Check if there are any fully analyzed groups available from the * GroupManager and remove blocking progress spinners if there are. If there * aren't, add a blocking progress spinner with appropriate message. */ public void checkForGroups() { if (groupManager.getAnalyzedGroups().isEmpty()) { if (IngestManager.getInstance().isIngestRunning()) { if (listeningEnabled.get() == false) { replaceNotification(fullUIStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog("No groups are fully analyzed; but listening to ingest is disabled. " + " No groups will be available until ingest is finished and listening is re-enabled.")); } else { replaceNotification(fullUIStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog( "No groups are fully analyzed yet, but ingest is still ongoing. Please Wait.", new ProgressIndicator())); } } else if (getFileUpdateQueueSizeProperty().get() > 0) { replaceNotification(fullUIStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog( "No groups are fully analyzed yet, but image / video data is still being populated. Please Wait.", new ProgressIndicator())); } else if (db != null && db.countAllFiles() <= 0) { // there are no files in db if (listeningEnabled.get() == false) { replaceNotification(fullUIStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog( "There are no images/videos available from the added datasources; but listening to ingest is disabled. " + " No groups will be available until ingest is finished and listening is re-enabled.")); } else { replaceNotification(fullUIStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog("There are no images/videos in the added datasources.")); } } else if (!groupManager.isRegrouping()) { replaceNotification(centralStackPane, new NoGroupsDialog("There are no fully analyzed groups to display:" + " the current Group By setting resulted in no groups, " + "or no groups are fully analyzed but ingest is not running.")); } } else { clearNotification(); } } private void clearNotification() { //remove the ingest spinner if (fullUIStackPane != null) { fullUIStackPane.getChildren().remove(infoOverlay); } //remove the ingest spinner if (centralStackPane != null) { centralStackPane.getChildren().remove(infoOverlay); } } private void replaceNotification(StackPane stackPane, Node newNode) { clearNotification(); infoOverlay = new StackPane(infoOverLayBackground, newNode); if (stackPane != null) { stackPane.getChildren().add(infoOverlay); } } private void restartWorker() { if (dbWorkerThread != null) { // Keep using the same worker thread if one exists return; } dbWorkerThread = new DBWorkerThread(); getFileUpdateQueueSizeProperty().addListener((Observable o) -> { Platform.runLater(this::updateRegroupDisabled); }); Thread th = new Thread(dbWorkerThread); th.setDaemon(false); // we want it to go away when it is done th.start(); } /** * configure the controller for a specific case. * * @param theNewCase the case to configure the controller for */ public synchronized void setCase(Case theNewCase) { this.db = DrawableDB.getDrawableDB(ImageGalleryModule.getModuleOutputDir(theNewCase), getSleuthKitCase()); setListeningEnabled(ImageGalleryModule.isEnabledforCase(theNewCase)); setStale(ImageGalleryModule.isDrawableDBStale(theNewCase)); // if we add this line icons are made as files are analyzed rather than on demand. // db.addUpdatedFileListener(IconCache.getDefault()); restartWorker(); historyManager.clear(); groupManager.setDB(db); hashSetManager.setDb(db); categoryManager.setDb(db); SummaryTablePane.getDefault().refresh(); } /** * reset the state of the controller (eg if the case is closed) */ public synchronized void reset() {"resetting ImageGalleryControler to initial state."); selectionModel.clearSelection(); setListeningEnabled(false); ThumbnailCache.getDefault().clearCache(); Platform.runLater(() -> { historyManager.clear(); }); Category.clearTagNames(); Toolbar.getDefault().reset(); groupManager.clear(); if (db != null) { db.closeDBCon(); } db = null; } /** * add InnerTask to the queue that the worker thread gets its work from * * @param innerTask */ public void queueDBWorkerTask(InnerTask innerTask) { // @@@ We could make a lock for the worker thread if (dbWorkerThread == null) { restartWorker(); } dbWorkerThread.addTask(innerTask); } public DrawableFile<?> getFileFromId(Long fileID) throws TskCoreException { return db.getFileFromID(fileID); } public void setStacks(StackPane fullUIStack, StackPane centralStack) { fullUIStackPane = fullUIStack; this.centralStackPane = centralStack; Platform.runLater(this::checkForGroups); } public ReadOnlyIntegerProperty getFileUpdateQueueSizeProperty() { return queueSizeProperty.getReadOnlyProperty(); } public ReadOnlyDoubleProperty regroupProgress() { return groupManager.regroupProgress(); } /** * invoked by {@link OnStart} to make sure that the ImageGallery listeners * get setup as early as possible, and do other setup stuff. */ void onStart() { Platform.setImplicitExit(false);"setting up ImageGallery listeners"); //TODO can we do anything usefull in an InjestJobEventListener? //IngestManager.getInstance().addIngestJobEventListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> {}); IngestManager.getInstance().addIngestModuleEventListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { switch (IngestManager.IngestModuleEvent.valueOf(evt.getPropertyName())) { case CONTENT_CHANGED: //TODO: do we need to do anything here? -jm case DATA_ADDED: /* we could listen to DATA events and progressivly * update files, and get data from DataSource ingest * modules, but given that most modules don't post new * artifacts in the events and we would have to query for * them, without knowing which are the new ones, we just * ignore these events for now. The relevant data should all * be captured by file done event, anyways -jm */ break; case FILE_DONE: /** * getOldValue has fileID getNewValue has * {@link Abstractfile} */ AbstractFile file = (AbstractFile) evt.getNewValue(); if (isListeningEnabled()) { if (ImageGalleryModule.isSupportedAndNotKnown(file)) { //this file should be included and we don't already know about it from hash sets (NSRL) queueDBWorkerTask(new UpdateFileTask(file)); } else if (ImageGalleryModule.getAllSupportedExtensions().contains(file.getNameExtension())) { //doing this check results in fewer tasks queued up, and faster completion of db update //this file would have gotten scooped up in initial grab, but actually we don't need it queueDBWorkerTask(new RemoveFileTask(file)); } } else { //TODO: keep track of what we missed for later setStale(true); } break; } }); Case.addPropertyChangeListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { switch (Case.Events.valueOf(evt.getPropertyName())) { case CURRENT_CASE: Case newCase = (Case) evt.getNewValue(); if (newCase != null) { // case has been opened setCase(newCase); //connect db, groupmanager, start worker thread } else { // case is closing //close window, reset everything SwingUtilities.invokeLater(ImageGalleryTopComponent::closeTopComponent); reset(); } break; case DATA_SOURCE_ADDED: //copy all file data to drawable databse Content newDataSource = (Content) evt.getNewValue(); if (isListeningEnabled()) { queueDBWorkerTask(new PrePopulateDataSourceFiles(newDataSource)); } else {//TODO: keep track of what we missed for later setStale(true); } break; } }); } public HashSetManager getHashSetManager() { return hashSetManager; } public CategoryManager getCategoryManager() { return categoryManager; } // @@@ REVIEW IF THIS SHOLD BE STATIC... //TODO: concept seems like the controller deal with how much work to do at a given time // @@@ review this class for synchronization issues (i.e. reset and cancel being called, add, etc.) private class DBWorkerThread implements Runnable { // true if the process was requested to stop. Currently no way to reset it private volatile boolean cancelled = false; // list of tasks to run private final BlockingQueue<InnerTask> workQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); /** * Cancel all of the queued up tasks and the currently scheduled task. * Note that after you cancel, you cannot submit new jobs to this * thread. */ public void cancelAllTasks() { cancelled = true; for (InnerTask it : workQueue) { it.cancel(); } workQueue.clear(); queueSizeProperty.set(workQueue.size()); } /** * Add a task for the worker thread to perform * * @param it */ public void addTask(InnerTask it) { workQueue.add(it); Platform.runLater(() -> { queueSizeProperty.set(workQueue.size()); }); } @Override public void run() { // nearly infinite loop waiting for tasks while (true) { if (cancelled) { return; } try { InnerTask it = workQueue.take(); if (it.cancelled == false) {; } Platform.runLater(() -> { queueSizeProperty.set(workQueue.size()); }); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } } } public SleuthkitCase getSleuthKitCase() throws IllegalStateException { if (Case.isCaseOpen()) { return Case.getCurrentCase().getSleuthkitCase(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No Case is open!"); } } /** * Abstract base class for task to be done on {@link DBWorkerThread} */ static public abstract class InnerTask implements Runnable { public double getProgress() { return progress.get(); } public final void updateProgress(Double workDone) { this.progress.set(workDone); } public String getMessage() { return message.get(); } public final void updateMessage(String Status) { this.message.set(Status); } SimpleObjectProperty<Worker.State> state = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(Worker.State.READY); SimpleDoubleProperty progress = new SimpleDoubleProperty(this, "pregress"); SimpleStringProperty message = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "status"); public SimpleDoubleProperty progressProperty() { return progress; } public SimpleStringProperty messageProperty() { return message; } public Worker.State getState() { return state.get(); } protected void updateState(Worker.State newState) { state.set(newState); } public ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Worker.State> stateProperty() { return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(state.get()); } protected InnerTask() { } protected volatile boolean cancelled = false; public void cancel() { updateState(Worker.State.CANCELLED); } protected boolean isCancelled() { return getState() == Worker.State.CANCELLED; } } /** * Abstract base class for tasks associated with a file in the database */ static public abstract class FileTask extends InnerTask { private final AbstractFile file; public AbstractFile getFile() { return file; } public FileTask(AbstractFile f) { super(); this.file = f; } } /** * task that updates one file in database with results from ingest */ private class UpdateFileTask extends FileTask { public UpdateFileTask(AbstractFile f) { super(f); } /** * Update a file in the database */ @Override public void run() { try { DrawableFile<?> drawableFile = DrawableFile.create(getFile(), true, db.isVideoFile(getFile())); db.updateFile(drawableFile); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // This is one of the places where we get many errors if the case is closed during processing. // We don't want to print out a ton of exceptions if this is the case. if (Case.isCaseOpen()) { Logger.getLogger(UpdateFileTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in UpdateFile task"); } } } } /** * task that updates one file in database with results from ingest */ private class RemoveFileTask extends FileTask { public RemoveFileTask(AbstractFile f) { super(f); } /** * Update a file in the database */ @Override public void run() { try { db.removeFile(getFile().getId()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // This is one of the places where we get many errors if the case is closed during processing. // We don't want to print out a ton of exceptions if this is the case. if (Case.isCaseOpen()) { Logger.getLogger(RemoveFileTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Case was closed out from underneath RemoveFile task"); } } } } /** * Task that runs when image gallery listening is (re) enabled. * * Uses the presence of TSK_FILE_TYPE_SIG attributes as a approximation to * 'analyzed'. Grabs all files with supported image/video mime types, and * adds them to the Drawable DB */ private class CopyAnalyzedFiles extends InnerTask { final private String DRAWABLE_QUERY = "name LIKE '%." + StringUtils.join(ImageGalleryModule.getAllSupportedExtensions(), "' or name LIKE '%.") + "'"; private ProgressHandle progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory .createHandle("populating analyzed image/video database"); @Override public void run() { progressHandle.start(); updateMessage("populating analyzed image/video database"); try { //grab all files with supported extension or detected mime types final List<AbstractFile> files = getSleuthKitCase().findAllFilesWhere(DRAWABLE_QUERY + " or tsk_files.obj_id in (select tsk_files.obj_id from tsk_files , blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes" + " where blackboard_artifacts.obj_id = tsk_files.obj_id" + " and blackboard_attributes.artifact_id = blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id" + " and blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id = " + BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_GEN_INFO.getTypeID() + " and blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id = " + BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_FILE_TYPE_SIG.getTypeID() + " and blackboard_attributes.value_text in ('" + StringUtils.join(ImageGalleryModule.getSupportedMimes(), "','") + "'))"); progressHandle.switchToDeterminate(files.size()); updateProgress(0.0); //do in transaction DrawableDB.DrawableTransaction tr = db.beginTransaction(); int units = 0; for (final AbstractFile f : files) { if (cancelled) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "task cancelled: not all contents may be transfered to database"); progressHandle.finish(); break; } final Boolean hasMimeType = ImageGalleryModule.hasSupportedMimeType(f); final boolean known = f.getKnown() == TskData.FileKnown.KNOWN; if (known) { db.removeFile(f.getId(), tr); //remove known files } else { if (hasMimeType == null) { if (ImageGalleryModule.isSupported(f)) { //no mime type but supported => add as not analyzed db.insertFile(DrawableFile.create(f, false, db.isVideoFile(f)), tr); } else { //no mime type, not supported => remove ( should never get here) db.removeFile(f.getId(), tr); } } else { if (hasMimeType) { // supported mimetype => analyzed db.updateFile(DrawableFile.create(f, true, db.isVideoFile(f)), tr); } else { //unsupported mimtype => analyzed but shouldn't include db.removeFile(f.getId(), tr); } } } units++; final int prog = units; progressHandle.progress(f.getName(), units); updateProgress(prog - 1 / (double) files.size()); updateMessage(f.getName()); } progressHandle.finish(); progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("commiting image/video database"); updateMessage("commiting image/video database"); updateProgress(1.0); progressHandle.start(); db.commitTransaction(tr, true); } catch (TskCoreException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CopyAnalyzedFiles.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "failed to transfer all database contents", ex); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CopyAnalyzedFiles.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Case was closed out from underneath CopyDataSource task", ex); } progressHandle.finish(); updateMessage(""); updateProgress(-1.0); setStale(false); } } /** * task that does pre-ingest copy over of files from a new datasource with * (uses fs_obj_id to identify files from new datasource) * * * TODO: create methods to simplify progress value/text updates to both * netbeans and ImageGallery progress/status */ class PrePopulateDataSourceFiles extends InnerTask { private final Content dataSource; /** * here we grab by extension but in file_done listener we look at file * type id attributes but fall back on jpeg signatures and extensions to * check for supported images */ // (name like '.jpg' or name like '.png' ...) private final String DRAWABLE_QUERY = "(name LIKE '%." + StringUtils.join(ImageGalleryModule.getAllSupportedExtensions(), "' or name LIKE '%.") + "') "; private ProgressHandle progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory .createHandle("prepopulating image/video database"); /** * * @param dataSourceId Data source object ID */ public PrePopulateDataSourceFiles(Content dataSource) { super(); this.dataSource = dataSource; } /** * Copy files from a newly added data source into the DB */ @Override public void run() { progressHandle.start(); updateMessage("prepopulating image/video database"); /* Get all "drawable" files, based on extension. After ingest we use * file type id module and if necessary jpeg signature matching to * add/remove files */ final List<AbstractFile> files; try { List<Long> fsObjIds = new ArrayList<>(); String fsQuery; if (dataSource instanceof Image) { Image image = (Image) dataSource; for (FileSystem fs : image.getFileSystems()) { fsObjIds.add(fs.getId()); } fsQuery = "(fs_obj_id = " + StringUtils.join(fsObjIds, " or fs_obj_id = ") + ") "; } // NOTE: Logical files currently (Apr '15) have a null value for fs_obj_id in DB. // for them, we will not specify a fs_obj_id, which means we will grab files // from another data source, but the drawable DB is smart enough to de-dupe them. else { fsQuery = "(fs_obj_id IS NULL) "; } files = getSleuthKitCase().findAllFilesWhere(fsQuery + " and " + DRAWABLE_QUERY); progressHandle.switchToDeterminate(files.size()); //do in transaction DrawableDB.DrawableTransaction tr = db.beginTransaction(); int units = 0; for (final AbstractFile f : files) { if (cancelled) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "task cancelled: not all contents may be transfered to database"); progressHandle.finish(); break; } db.insertFile(DrawableFile.create(f, false, db.isVideoFile(f)), tr); units++; final int prog = units; progressHandle.progress(f.getName(), units); } progressHandle.finish(); progressHandle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("commiting image/video database"); progressHandle.start(); db.commitTransaction(tr, false); } catch (TskCoreException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PrePopulateDataSourceFiles.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "failed to transfer all database contents", ex); } catch (IllegalStateException | NullPointerException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PrePopulateDataSourceFiles.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Case was closed out from underneath prepopulating database"); } progressHandle.finish(); } } }