Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * The MIT License (MIT) * Copyright 2015 Inshua,, All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the Software?), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial * portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS?, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES * OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *******************************************************************************/ package org.siphon.jssql; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.RowId; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLType; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Base64.Decoder; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.UUID; import javax.script.Invocable; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ScriptObjectMirror; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeArray; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeDate; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeFunction; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeObject; import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeString; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ConsString; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptObject; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.DelegatingPreparedStatement; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.postgresql.core.Oid; import org.postgresql.util.ByteConverter; import org.postgresql.util.PGobject; import org.siphon.common.js.JsTypeUtil; import org.siphon.common.js.UnsupportedConversionException; /* * query(sql, [1,2,"John"]) * * query(sql, [{'INT', 19}, * {'DOUBLE': 20.2}, * {'DECIMAL': 2.344}, * {'BINARY': [1,2,3,4]}, * {'BINARY': 'BASE64 String'}, * {'DATE': JavascriptNativeDate}, * {'DATE': 1381284810036}, * {'DATE': '2013-02-29 22:22:22'}, * {'TIME': '22:22:22'} * {'ARRAY': ['int4', 1, 2, 3]} // * {'JSON' : JSON OBJECT} * {'JSONB' : JSON OBJECT} * ]) * * ??? DECIMAL ??INT * * STRING, DECIMAL, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DATE, ROWID, BINARY, BOOLEAN, OUTCURSOR, UNKNOWN, CLOB * ? BLOB LONGRAW BINARY, CLOB STRING * ,?? CLOB, {CLOB : ''} ?? MERGE INTO ?,? ORA-00600[KOKLISMEM1: R_LENGTH IS 0] * $OUTP()? * * @author Inshua <> * */ public class SqlExecutor { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SqlExecutor.class); private DataSource dataSource; private String driverClass; private boolean oracle; private boolean postgreSQL; private boolean mySql; private int columnNameCase = COLUMN_NAME_CASE_LOWER; public final static int COLUMN_NAME_CASE_LOWER = 0; public final static int COLUMN_NAME_CASE_KEEP = 1; public final static int COLUMN_NAME_CASE_UPPER = 2; private ScriptEngine jsEngine; private org.siphon.common.js.JSON JSON; private JsTypeUtil jsTypeUtil; private String defaultJsonDbType; private ZoneId utcZone = ZoneId.of("UTC"); public int getColumnNameCase() { return columnNameCase; } public void setColumnNameCase(int columnNameCase) { this.columnNameCase = columnNameCase; } public boolean isUseColumnLabelAsName() { return useColumnLabelAsName; } public void setUseColumnLabelAsName(boolean useColumnLabelAsName) { this.useColumnLabelAsName = useColumnLabelAsName; } private boolean useColumnLabelAsName; public SqlExecutor(DataSource dataSource, ScriptEngine jsEngine, org.siphon.common.js.JSON json) throws ScriptException { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.jsEngine = jsEngine; jsTypeUtil = new JsTypeUtil(jsEngine); this.JSON = json; if (this.dataSource instanceof org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource) { BasicDataSource bds = (BasicDataSource) this.dataSource; this.driverClass = bds.getDriverClassName(); if ("org.postgresql.Driver".equals(this.driverClass)) { this.postgreSQL = true; } else if ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver".equals(this.driverClass)) { = true; } else if (this.driverClass.contains("mysql")) { this.mySql = true; } } } public SqlExecutor(DataSource dataSource, ScriptEngine jsEngine, ScriptObjectMirror json) throws ScriptException { this(dataSource, jsEngine, new org.siphon.common.js.JSON(json)); } public void release() { // TODO"TODO SqlExecutor.relase()"); } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return getConnection(false); } public Connection getConnection(boolean beginTransaction) throws SQLException { Connection conn = this.dataSource.getConnection(); if (beginTransaction) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); } return conn; } public Connection beginTransaction() throws SQLException { return this.getConnection(true); } /** * * @param function isFunction * @throws Exception */ public void doTransaction(NativeFunction function) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { conn = beginTransaction();, "call", function); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } throw e; } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } /** * * @param callProcStmt * @param args isArray * @return * @throws SqlExecutorException */ public boolean call(String callProcStmt, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); return call(conn, callProcStmt, args); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when call " + callProcStmt + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), ex); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } // /*** * * @param connection * @param callProcStmt pkg.proc(?, ?, ?) * @param args [arg1, arg2, {OUTCURSOR, arg3}] * @return success or not * @throws SqlExecutorException */ public boolean call(Connection connection, String callProcStmt, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { if (connection == null) { return, args); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); CallableStatement proc = null; boolean errorOccu = false; try { // if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("execute procedure " + // callProcStmt + " with args: " + JSON.tryStringify(args)); proc = connection.prepareCall(String.format("{call %s}", callProcStmt)); NativeArray nargs = args; setArgs(proc, nargs); boolean result = proc.execute(); for (int i = 0; i < JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(nargs); i++) { Object oarg = args.get(i); if (oarg instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) { ScriptObjectMirror arg = (ScriptObjectMirror) oarg; if (arg.containsKey("OUTCURSOR")) { Object oarr = arg.get("OUTCURSOR"); if (oarr instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) { ScriptObjectMirror outArr = (ScriptObjectMirror) oarr; ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) proc.getObject(i + 1); ScriptObjectMirror rsArry = rsToDataTable(rs); rs.close(); Object[] ids = rsArry.keySet().toArray(); for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { outArr.put((String) ids[j], rsArry.get(ids[j])); } } } else if (arg.containsKey("OUT")) { int type = (int) arg.get("JDBC_TYPE"); Object output = translateOutputParameterValue(type, proc, i + 1); arg.put("result", output); } } } return result; } catch (SQLException | UnsupportedDataTypeException | ScriptException | NoSuchMethodException e) { errorOccu = true; throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when execute " + callProcStmt + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { long exhaust = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (exhaust > 30000) { logger.warn(String.format("%s with args:%s exhaust %s", callProcStmt, args, exhaust)); } DbConnectionUtil.close(proc); } } public int execute(String sql, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); return execute(conn, sql, args); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when execute " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } public int execute(Connection connection, String sql, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { if (connection == null) { return this.execute(sql, args); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement ps = null; boolean errorOccu = false; try { // logger.debug("execute update " + sql + " with args: " + // JSON.tryStringify(args)); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); setArgs(ps, args); return ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException | UnsupportedDataTypeException | NoSuchMethodException | ScriptException e) { errorOccu = true; throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when execute " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(ps); long exhaust = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (exhaust > 30000) { logger.warn(String.format("%s with args:%s exhaust %s", sql, args, exhaust)); } } } public Object query(String sql, NativeArray args, boolean returnSealed) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); return query(conn, sql, args, returnSealed); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), ex); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } /*** * {columns : [{name : , type : }, ...], rows : [{fieldName : value, fieldName : value, ...}]) * @param connection * @param sql * @param args * @return * @throws SqlExecutorException */ public Object query(Connection connection, String sql, NativeArray args, boolean returnSealed) throws SqlExecutorException { if (connection == null) { return this.query(sql, args, returnSealed); } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean errorOccu = false; try { // logger.debug("execute query " + sql + " with args: " + // JSON.tryStringify(args)); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); setArgs(ps, args); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ScriptObjectMirror arr = rsToDataTable(rs); return returnSealed ? jsTypeUtil.getSealed(arr) : arr; // JSON.stringify(arr) } catch (SQLException | UnsupportedDataTypeException | ScriptException | NoSuchMethodException e) { errorOccu = true; throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { long exhaust = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (exhaust > 30000) { logger.warn(String.format("%s with args:%s exhaust %s", sql, args, exhaust)); } DbConnectionUtil.close(rs); DbConnectionUtil.close(ps); } } public Object pageQuery(Connection connection, String sql, int start, int limit, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { if (limit == -1) { return this.query(connection, sql, args, true); } if (connection == null) { return this.pageQuery(sql, start, limit, args); } String countSql = wrapTotalCount(sql); Object totalCount = queryScalar(connection, countSql, args); String pageSql = wrapPageSql(sql, start, limit); ScriptObjectMirror result = (ScriptObjectMirror) this.query(connection, pageSql, args, false); result.put("total", totalCount); result.put("start", start); return jsTypeUtil.getSealed(result); } public Object pageQuery(String sql, int start, int limit, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); return pageQuery(conn, sql, start, limit, args); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), ex); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } final static String PAGE_SQL = "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ *" + " FROM (SELECT A.*, ROWNUM RN" + " FROM (%s) A" + " WHERE ROWNUM <= %s)" + " WHERE RN > %s"; protected String wrapPageSql(String sql, int start, int limit) { if (this.isOracle()) { return String.format(PAGE_SQL, sql, start + limit, start); } else { return sql + " limit " + limit + " offset " + start; } } public Object queryScalar(String sql, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); return queryScalar(conn, sql, args); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), ex); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } public Object queryScalar(Connection connection, String sql, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean errorOccu = false; try { // logger.debug("execute query " + sql + " with args: " + // JSON.tryStringify(args)); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); setArgs(ps, args); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getObject(1); } else { return null; } } catch (SQLException | UnsupportedDataTypeException | NoSuchMethodException | ScriptException e) { errorOccu = true; throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { long exhaust = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (exhaust > 30000) { logger.warn(String.format("%s with args:%s exhaust %s", sql, args, exhaust)); } DbConnectionUtil.close(rs); DbConnectionUtil.close(ps); } } protected String wrapTotalCount(String sql) { return "SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM (" + sql + ") t"; } /** * * @param sql * @param args isArray * @param traveler isFunction * @throws SqlExecutorException */ public void travel(String sql, NativeArray args, ScriptFunction traveler) throws SqlExecutorException { Connection conn = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); travel(conn, sql, args, traveler); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), ex); } finally { DbConnectionUtil.close(conn, false); } } /*** * ?? * @param connection * @param sql * @param args * @param travele function(columns, row) , return true , return false * @return * @throws SqlExecutorException */ public void travel(Connection connection, String sql, NativeArray args, ScriptFunction traveler) throws SqlExecutorException { if (connection == null) {, args, traveler); return; } long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean errorOccu = false; try { // logger.debug("execute travel " + sql + " with args: " + // JSON.tryStringify(args)); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql); setArgs(ps, args); rs = ps.executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); ScriptObjectMirror columns = columnListToNativeArray(rsm); while ( { ScriptObjectMirror item = jsTypeUtil.newObject(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsm.getColumnCount(); i++) { String cname = this.useColumnLabelAsName ? rsm.getColumnLabel(i) : rsm.getColumnName(i); String label = convertColumnName(cname); item.put(cname, fieldValueToNativeObject(rsm.getColumnType(i), rs, cname)); } Object result =, traveler,, columns); // traveler.callMember("call", traveler, item, columns); if (JsTypeUtil.isTrue(result)) { break; } } } catch (SQLException | UnsupportedDataTypeException | ScriptException | NoSuchMethodException e) { errorOccu = true; throw new SqlExecutorException( "error occurs when query " + sql + " with args : " + JSON.tryStringify(args), e); } finally { long exhaust = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (exhaust > 30000) { logger.warn(String.format("%s with args:%s exhaust %s", sql, args, exhaust)); } DbConnectionUtil.close(rs); DbConnectionUtil.close(ps); } } private ScriptObjectMirror rsToDataTable(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, SqlExecutorException, ScriptException { ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); ScriptObjectMirror result = jsTypeUtil.newDataTable(); int c = 0; result.put("columns", columnListToNativeArray(rsm)); ScriptObjectMirror arr = jsTypeUtil.newArray(); NativeArray narr =; while ( { ScriptObjectMirror item = jsTypeUtil.newObject(); for (int i = 1; i <= rsm.getColumnCount(); i++) { String cname = this.useColumnLabelAsName ? rsm.getColumnLabel(i) : rsm.getColumnName(i); String label = convertColumnName(cname); item.put(label, fieldValueToNativeObject(rsm.getColumnType(i), rs, cname)); } //NativeArray.pushObject(narr,; arr.callMember("push", item); } result.put("rows", arr); return result; // JSON.stringify(result) } String convertColumnName(String columnName) { switch (this.columnNameCase) { case 0: return columnName.toLowerCase(); case 2: return columnName.toUpperCase(); } return columnName; } private ScriptObjectMirror columnListToNativeArray(ResultSetMetaData rsm) throws SQLException, ScriptException { ScriptObjectMirror arr = jsTypeUtil.newArray(); NativeArray narr =; // JSON.stringify(arr) for (int i = 1; i <= rsm.getColumnCount(); i++) { ScriptObjectMirror obj = jsTypeUtil.newObject(); String cname = this.useColumnLabelAsName ? rsm.getColumnLabel(i) : rsm.getColumnName(i); String label = convertColumnName(cname); obj.put("name", label); obj.put("type", translateTypeName(rsm.getColumnType(i), rsm.getColumnTypeName(i))); // NativeArray.pushObject(narr,; arr.callMember("push", obj); } return arr; } private String translateTypeName(int columnType, String columnTypeName) { switch (columnType) { case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.CHAR: case Types.NCHAR: case Types.NVARCHAR: case Types.LONGVARCHAR: case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: return "STRING"; case Types.INTEGER: case Types.SMALLINT: return "INT"; case Types.BIGINT: return "LONG"; case Types.FLOAT: return "FLOAT"; case Types.REAL: case Types.DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE"; case Types.NUMERIC: case Types.DECIMAL: return "DECIMAL"; case Types.DATE: case Types.TIME: case Types.TIMESTAMP: case Types.TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE: return "DATE"; case Types.ROWID: return "ROWID"; case Types.BLOB: return "BINARY"; // return "BLOB"; case Types.CLOB: return "STRING"; // return "CLOB"; case Types.VARBINARY: case Types.LONGVARBINARY: return "BINARY"; case Types.BOOLEAN: return "BOOLEAN"; case Types.ARRAY: return "ARRAY"; case Types.OTHER: return columnTypeName.toUpperCase(); default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } private Object fieldValueToNativeObject(int columnType, ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException, SqlExecutorException, ScriptException { // System.out.println("get column " + columnName + " type " + // columnType); // longraw ? getObject() ??? byte[], // ojdbc6 ? longraw? BLOB // LONGRAW getObject ? LongRaw?? // BLOB ??? LONGRAWBinary? // LongRaw BLOB ? t.longraw, t.blob , t.blob, // t.longraw // if (columnName.equals("datefld")) { // System.out.println(); // } Object obj = rs.getObject(columnName); if (obj == null) { return null; } else { switch (columnType) { case Types.DATE: obj = rs.getDate(columnName); break; case Types.TIME: obj = rs.getTime(columnName); break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: obj = rs.getTimestamp(columnName); break; case Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE: obj = rs.getTimestamp(columnName); break; // PG TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE ?? // ? JDBC ????? // ? joda ?? jdbc ?? } } return jdbcReturnTypeToJsObject(obj); } private void setArgs(PreparedStatement ps, NativeArray args) throws SqlExecutorException, SQLException, UnsupportedDataTypeException, NoSuchMethodException, ScriptException { for (int i = 0; i < JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(args); i++) { setArg(ps, i, args.get(i)); } } void setArg(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Object arg) throws SQLException, SqlExecutorException, UnsupportedDataTypeException, NoSuchMethodException, ScriptException { boolean output = false; int outputParameterType = 0; CallableStatement cs = null; if (ps instanceof CallableStatement) { cs = (CallableStatement) ps; if (arg instanceof ScriptObjectMirror && ((ScriptObjectMirror) arg).containsKey("OUT")) { ScriptObjectMirror jsarg = ((ScriptObjectMirror) arg); outputParameterType = (int) jsarg.get("JDBC_TYPE"); arg = jsarg.get("VALUE"); output = true; } } if (output) { cs.registerOutParameter(index + 1, outputParameterType); if (JsTypeUtil.isNull(arg) || (arg instanceof Double && Double.isNaN((Double) arg))) { return; } } if (JsTypeUtil.isNull(arg)) { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } else if (arg instanceof CharSequence) { ps.setString(index + 1, arg.toString()); } else if (arg instanceof NativeString) { ps.setString(index + 1, arg.toString()); } else if (arg instanceof Double) { // js number always be // Doublebut if its came from // JSON.parse since JSON is jdk // given global object, it will // make Integer and ... double d = ((Double) arg).doubleValue(); if (d == (int) d) { ps.setInt(index + 1, (int) d); } else if (d == (long) d) { ps.setLong(index + 1, (long) d); } else { ps.setBigDecimal(index + 1, new BigDecimal(d)); } } else if (arg instanceof Integer) { ps.setInt(index + 1, (Integer) arg); } else if (arg instanceof Long) { ps.setLong(index + 1, (Long) arg); } else if (arg instanceof Float) { ps.setFloat(index + 1, (Float) arg); } else if (jsTypeUtil.isNativeDate(arg)) { ps.setTimestamp(index + 1, parseDate(arg)); } else if (arg instanceof ZonedDateTime) { ZonedDateTime zdt = (ZonedDateTime) arg; ps.setTimestamp(index + 1, new Timestamp(zdt.toInstant().toEpochMilli())); } else if (arg instanceof Boolean) { ps.setBoolean(index + 1, JsTypeUtil.isTrue(arg)); } else if (arg instanceof ScriptObjectMirror || arg instanceof ScriptObject) { String attr = null; Object value = null; if (arg instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) { ScriptObjectMirror atm = (ScriptObjectMirror) arg; if (atm.keySet().contains("toJavaObject")) { Object obj = atm.callMember("toJavaObject"); setArg(ps, index, obj); return; } attr = atm.keySet().iterator().next(); value = atm.get(attr); } else { ScriptObject obj = (ScriptObject) arg; if (obj.containsKey("toJavaObject")) { ScriptObjectMirror atm = (ScriptObjectMirror) jsTypeUtil.toScriptObjectMirror(obj); Object result = atm.callMember("toJavaObject"); setArg(ps, index, result); return; } String[] arr = obj.getOwnKeys(false); if (arr.length == 0) { throw new SqlExecutorException("js argument " + arg + " (" + arg.getClass() + ") at " + index + " is an empty js object"); } attr = arr[0]; value = obj.get(attr); } if ("STRING".equals(attr)) { ps.setString(index + 1, String.valueOf(value)); } else if ("DECIMAL".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { ps.setBigDecimal(index + 1, new BigDecimal((Double) value)); } else { ps.setBigDecimal(index + 1, new BigDecimal(value + "")); } } else if ("INT".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } else { ps.setInt(index + 1, ((Double) value).intValue()); } } else { ps.setInt(index + 1, new Integer(value + "")); } } else if ("BOOLEAN".equals(attr)) { ps.setBoolean(index + 1, JsTypeUtil.isTrue(arg)); } else if ("DOUBLE".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } else { ps.setDouble(index + 1, (double) value); } } else { ps.setDouble(index + 1, new Double(value + "")); } } else if ("FLOAT".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } else { ps.setFloat(index + 1, (float) (double) value); } } else { ps.setFloat(index + 1, new Float(value + "")); } } else if ("DATE".equals(attr)) { ps.setTimestamp(index + 1, parseDate(value)); } else if ("TIME".equals(attr)) { ps.setTimestamp(index + 1, parseTime(value)); } else if ("BINARY".equals(attr)) { ps.setBytes(index + 1, parseBinary(value)); } else if ("CLOB".equals(attr)) { Clob clob = ps.getConnection().createClob(); clob.setString(1, String.valueOf(value)); ps.setClob(index + 1, clob); } else if ("LONG".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } else { ps.setLong(index + 1, ((Double) value).longValue()); } } else { ps.setLong(index + 1, new Long(value + "")); } } else if ("OUTCURSOR".equals(attr)) { // cs.registerOutParameter(i+1, OracleTypes.CURSOR); cs.registerOutParameter(index + 1, -10); } else if ("ARRAY".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof NativeArray) { ps.setArray(index + 1, createSqlArray(ps.getConnection(), (NativeArray) value)); } else { setArg(ps, index, value); // value is {ARRAY : ['int', e1, e2, ...]} } // ps.setObject(i+1, createSqlArray(ps.getConnection(), // (NativeArray) value)); } else if ("JSON".equals(attr) || "JSONB".equals(attr)) { PGobject obj = new PGobject(); obj.setType(attr.toLowerCase()); obj.setValue(this.JSON.tryStringify(value)); ps.setObject(index + 1, obj); } else if ("UUID".equals(attr)) { if (value != null) { ps.setObject(index + 1, UUID.fromString(value.toString())); } else { ps.setObject(index + 1, null); } } else { if (this.defaultJsonDbType != null) { PGobject obj = new PGobject(); obj.setType(this.defaultJsonDbType); obj.setValue(this.JSON.tryStringify(arg)); ps.setObject(index + 1, obj); } else { throw new SqlExecutorException("js argument " + arg + " (" + arg.getClass() + ") not support"); } } } else { throw new SqlExecutorException( "js argument " + arg + " (" + arg.getClass() + ") at " + index + " not support"); } } private Object convertJsObjToJavaType(Object arg) throws UnsupportedDataTypeException, SqlExecutorException { if (JsTypeUtil.isNull(arg)) { return null; } else if (arg instanceof ScriptObjectMirror) { ScriptObjectMirror atm = (ScriptObjectMirror) arg; String attr = (String) atm.keySet().iterator().next(); Object value = atm.get(attr); if ("STRING".equals(attr)) { return String.valueOf(value); } else if ("DECIMAL".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { return new BigDecimal((Double) value); } else { return new BigDecimal(value + ""); } } else if ("INT".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { return null; } else { return ((Double) value).intValue(); } } else { return new Integer(value + ""); } } else if ("BOOLEAN".equals(attr)) { return JsTypeUtil.isTrue(arg); } else if ("DOUBLE".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { return null; } else { return (double) value; } } else { return new Double(value + ""); } } else if ("FLOAT".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { return null; } else { return (float) (double) value; } } else { return new Float(value + ""); } } else if ("DATE".equals(attr)) { return parseDate(value); } else if ("TIME".equals(attr)) { return parseTime(value); } else if ("BINARY".equals(attr)) { return parseBinary(value); } else if ("CLOB".equals(attr)) { return String.valueOf(value); } else if ("LONG".equals(attr)) { if (value instanceof Double) { if (((Double) value).isNaN()) { return null; } else { return ((Double) value).longValue(); } } else { return new Long(value + ""); } // } else if ("ARRAY".equals(attr)){ // TODO ?? // NativeArray arr = (NativeArray) value; } else { throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException( "js object " + arg + " (" + arg.getClass() + ") not support"); } } else if (arg instanceof String) { return (String) arg; } else if (arg instanceof ConsString) { return arg.toString(); } else if (arg instanceof Double) { // js number always be Doublebut if // its came from JSON.parse since // JSON is jdk given global object, // it will make Integer and ... double d = ((Double) arg).doubleValue(); if (d == (int) d) { return (int) d; } else if (d == (long) d) { return (long) d; } else { return new BigDecimal(d); } } else if (arg instanceof Integer) { return arg; } else if (arg instanceof Long) { return arg; } else if (arg instanceof Float) { return arg; } else if (jsTypeUtil.isNativeDate(arg)) { return parseDate(arg); } else if (arg instanceof Boolean) { return parseBinary(arg); } else { throw new UnsupportedDataTypeException("js object " + arg + " (" + arg.getClass() + ") not support"); } } private Array createSqlArray(Connection connection, NativeArray arr) throws SQLException, UnsupportedDataTypeException, SqlExecutorException { Object[] objs = new Object[JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(arr)]; for (int i = 0; i < JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(arr); i++) { objs[i] = arr.get(i); } String type = (String) objs[0]; objs = Arrays.copyOfRange(objs, 1, objs.length); for (int i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) { objs[i] = convertJsObjToJavaType(objs[i]); } Array result = connection.createArrayOf(type, objs); return result; } private Object translateOutputParameterValue(int sqlType, CallableStatement cs, int index) throws SQLException, SqlExecutorException, ScriptException { Object obj = cs.getObject(index); if (obj == null) { return null; } else { switch (sqlType) { case Types.DATE: obj = cs.getDate(index); case Types.TIME: obj = cs.getTime(index); case Types.TIMESTAMP: obj = cs.getTimestamp(index); } } Object result = jdbcReturnTypeToJsObject(obj); if (result instanceof String) { return ((String) result).trim(); } else { return result; } } private Object jdbcReturnTypeToJsObject(Object obj) throws SQLException, SqlExecutorException, ScriptException { if (obj == null) { return null; } else if (obj instanceof String) { return obj; } else if (obj instanceof BigDecimal) { return ((BigDecimal) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Integer) { return ((Integer) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Float) { return ((Float) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { return ((Double) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Byte) { return ((Byte) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Long) { return ((Long) obj).doubleValue(); } else if (obj instanceof Timestamp) { Timestamp tstmp = ((java.sql.Timestamp) obj); return jsTypeUtil.toNativeDate(tstmp.getTime()); } else if (obj instanceof java.sql.Date) { return jsTypeUtil.toNativeDate(((java.sql.Date) obj).getTime()); } else if (obj instanceof Time) { return jsTypeUtil.toNativeDate(((java.sql.Time) obj).getTime()); } else if (obj instanceof RowId) { return jsTypeUtil.bytesToNativeArray(((RowId) obj).getBytes()); } else if (obj instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue(); } else if (obj instanceof byte[]) { // return bytesToNativeArray((byte[]) obj); return (byte[]) obj; } else if (obj instanceof Clob) { Reader strm = ((Clob) obj).getCharacterStream(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); char[] buff = new char[1024]; int count = 0; try { while ((count = > 0) { sb.append(buff, 0, count); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("", e); } finally { try { strm.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } return sb.toString(); } else if (obj instanceof Blob) { InputStream in = ((Blob) obj).getBinaryStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { byte[] buff1 = new byte[1024]; for (int i = 0; (i = > 0;) { out.write(buff1, 0, i); } out.flush(); in.close(); byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); out.close(); // return bytesToNativeArray(bytes); return bytes; } catch (IOException e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("got an error when read blob", e); } } else if (obj instanceof Array) { ScriptObjectMirror result = jsTypeUtil.newArray(); NativeArray narr =; Object arr = ((Array) obj).getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(arr); i++) { Object v = jdbcReturnTypeToJsObject(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(arr, i)); // NativeArray.push(narr, v); result.callMember("push", v); } return result; } else if (obj instanceof UUID) { return obj.toString(); } else if (obj instanceof PGobject) { PGobject pgObj = (PGobject) obj; if ("jsonb".equals(pgObj.getType()) || "json".equals(pgObj.getType())) { try { return JSON.parse((String) pgObj.getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("cannot parse json " + obj + " " + obj.getClass()); } } else { throw new SqlExecutorException("unknown object type " + obj + " " + obj.getClass()); } } else { throw new SqlExecutorException("unknown object type " + obj + " " + obj.getClass()); } } // oracle private static String fixOralceString(String str) { return str; // StringBuffer sb =null; // // boolean needTrans = false; // for (int i = 0; i < str.length() - 1; i++) { // if (str.charAt(i) == '&' && str.charAt(i + 1) != '&') { // needTrans = true; // break; // } // } // if (needTrans) { // sb = new StringBuffer(); // for (int i = 0; i < str.length() - 1; i++) { // char c = str.charAt(i); // if (c == '&') { // if(str.charAt(i + 1) != '&'){ // sb.append('&').append('&'); // } else { // sb.append('&').append('&'); // i++; // } // } else { // sb.append(c); // } // } // sb.append(str.charAt(str.length() - 1)); // return sb.toString(); // } else { // return str; // } } private byte[] parseBinary(Object value) throws SqlExecutorException { if (JsTypeUtil.isNull(value)) { return null; } if (value instanceof byte[]) { return (byte[]) value; } else if (value instanceof Byte[]) { return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive((Byte[]) value); } if (value instanceof ScriptObjectMirror && ((ScriptObjectMirror) value).isArray()) { value = ((ScriptObjectMirror) value).to(NativeArray.class); } if (value instanceof NativeArray) { NativeArray arr = (NativeArray) value; byte[] r = new byte[JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(arr)]; for (int i = 0; i < JsTypeUtil.getArrayLength(arr); i++) { if (arr.get(i) instanceof Byte) { r[i] = (Byte) arr.get(i); } else if (arr.get(i) instanceof Double) { r[i] = ((Double) arr.get(i)).byteValue(); } else if (arr.get(i) instanceof Integer) { r[i] = ((Integer) arr.get(i)).byteValue(); } } return r; } else if (value instanceof String) { Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder(); try { return decoder.decode((String) value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("cannot parse base64 binary data " + value, e); } } else { throw new SqlExecutorException("unkown binary data " + value + " " + value.getClass()); } } private SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private java.sql.Timestamp parseDate(Object value) throws SqlExecutorException { Long d; try { d = JsTypeUtil.parseDate(value); } catch (UnsupportedConversionException e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("parseDate failed " + value, e); } if (d == null) return null; return new java.sql.Timestamp(d.longValue()); } private Timestamp dateToTimeStamp(java.util.Date date) { if (this.isPostgreSQL()) { return new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); } else { return new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime()); } } private SimpleDateFormat sdfTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); private java.sql.Timestamp parseTime(Object value) throws SqlExecutorException { Long d; try { d = JsTypeUtil.parseTime(value); } catch (UnsupportedConversionException e) { throw new SqlExecutorException("parseDate failed " + value, e); } if (d == null) return null; return new java.sql.Timestamp(d.longValue()); } private java.sql.Timestamp nativeDateToTimeStamp(NativeDate value) { try { long time = JsTypeUtil.getTime(value); return dateToTimeStamp(new java.util.Date(time)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private java.sql.Timestamp nativeDateToTimeStamp(ScriptObjectMirror value) { try { long time = JsTypeUtil.getTime(value); return dateToTimeStamp(new java.util.Date(time)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public boolean isOracle() { return oracle; } public boolean isPostgreSQL() { return postgreSQL; } public boolean isMySql() { return mySql; } public String getDriverClass() { return driverClass; } public String getDefaultJsonDbType() { return defaultJsonDbType; } public void setDefaultJsonDbType(String defaultJsonDbType) { if (defaultJsonDbType != null) { this.defaultJsonDbType = defaultJsonDbType.toLowerCase(); } else { this.defaultJsonDbType = defaultJsonDbType; } } public SqlExecutor copy(ScriptEngine engine, ScriptObjectMirror json) throws ScriptException { SqlExecutor result = new SqlExecutor(this.dataSource, engine, new org.siphon.common.js.JSON(json)); result.defaultJsonDbType = this.defaultJsonDbType; result.columnNameCase = this.columnNameCase; result.useColumnLabelAsName = this.useColumnLabelAsName; return result; } public SqlExecutor copy(ScriptObjectMirror json) throws ScriptException { return this.copy(this.jsEngine, json); } public SqlExecutor copy() throws ScriptException { SqlExecutor result = new SqlExecutor(this.dataSource, this.jsEngine, this.JSON); result.defaultJsonDbType = this.defaultJsonDbType; result.columnNameCase = this.columnNameCase; result.useColumnLabelAsName = this.useColumnLabelAsName; return result; } }