Java tutorial
/** * * * Copyright (c) 2011 eZuce, Inc. All rights reserved. * Contributed to SIPfoundry under a Contributor Agreement * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the Affero General Public License (AGPL) as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. */ package org.sipfoundry.voicemail.mailbox; import; import; import; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.sipfoundry.commons.userdb.User; import; import; import org.sipfoundry.voicemail.Mwi; import org.sipfoundry.voicemail.mailbox.MessageDescriptor.Priority; public abstract class AbstractMailboxManager implements MailboxManager { static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("org.sipfoundry.sipxivr"); protected String m_mailstoreDirectory; protected String m_promptsDirectory; protected String m_operatorAddr; protected Mwi m_mwi; private String m_configUrl; private String m_secret; private Emailer m_emailer; private String m_identity; private String m_audioFormat; private String m_altAudioFormat; protected abstract VmMessage saveTempMessageInStorage(User destUser, TempMessage message, MessageDescriptor descriptor, Folder storageFolder, String messageId); protected abstract VmMessage saveTempMessageInStorage(User destUser, TempMessage message, MessageDescriptor descriptor, String messageId); protected abstract File getTempFolder(String username); protected abstract VmMessage copyMessage(String newMessageId, User destUser, TempMessage message); protected abstract VmMessage forwardMessage(VmMessage originalMessage, TempMessage comments, MessageDescriptor descriptor, User destUser, String newMessageId); @Override public final TempMessage createTempMessage(String username, String fromUri, boolean audio) { return createTempMessage(username, fromUri, m_audioFormat, audio); } @Override public final TempMessage createTempMessage(String username, String fromUri, String extension, boolean audio) { try { String audioPath = null; if (audio) { File audioFile = File.createTempFile("temp_recording_", "." + extension, getTempFolder(username)); audioPath = audioFile.getPath(); } return new TempMessage(username, audioPath, fromUri, Priority.NORMAL, null); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create temp recording file", e); } } @Override public final void deleteTempMessage(TempMessage message) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(message.getTempPath())); } @Override public final void storeInInbox(User destUser, TempMessage message) { store(destUser, Folder.INBOX, message, VOICEMAIL_SUBJECT); } @Override public final void store(User destUser, Folder folder, TempMessage message, String subject) { // Not this one, just delete any temp file if (!message.isToBeStored()) { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(message.getTempPath())); return; } if (!message.isStored()) { String messageId = nextMessageId(m_mailstoreDirectory + "/.."); VmMessage savedMessage = saveTempMessageInStorage(destUser, message, createMessageDescriptor(destUser.getUserName(), message, messageId, subject, destUser.getIdentity()), folder, messageId); message.setSavedMessageId(messageId); message.setStored(true); if (savedMessage != null) { //Make sure to set folder after the message was correctly saved savedMessage.setParentFolder(folder); m_emailer.queueVm2Email(destUser, savedMessage); } } } @Override public final void copyMessage(User destUser, TempMessage message) { String newMessageId = nextMessageId(m_mailstoreDirectory + "/.."); VmMessage savedMessage = copyMessage(newMessageId, destUser, message); if (savedMessage != null) { //the method applies only to voicemails - so the folder where the message is saved is always INBOX savedMessage.setParentFolder(Folder.INBOX); m_emailer.queueVm2Email(destUser, savedMessage); } } @Override public void forwardMessage(User destUser, VmMessage message, TempMessage comments) { String newMessageId = nextMessageId(m_mailstoreDirectory + "/.."); MessageDescriptor descriptor = createMessageDescriptor(destUser.getUserName(), comments, newMessageId, destUser.getIdentity()); long totalDuration = descriptor.getDurationSecsLong() + message.getDescriptor().getDurationSecsLong(); descriptor.setDurationSecs(totalDuration); descriptor.setSubject("Fwd:Voice Message " + newMessageId); VmMessage savedMessage = forwardMessage(message, comments, descriptor, destUser, newMessageId); if (savedMessage != null) { //the method applies only to voicemails - so the folder where the message is saved is always INBOX savedMessage.setParentFolder(Folder.INBOX); m_emailer.queueVm2Email(destUser, savedMessage); } comments.setSavedMessageId(newMessageId); comments.setStored(true); } @Override public final void saveActiveGreeting(User user, GreetingType type) { // only preferences updated here are the active greeing and that is done // via a sipXconfig REST call // /sipxconfig/rest/my/mailbox/200/preferences/activegreeting/standard RestfulRequest rr = new RestfulRequest( m_configUrl + "/sipxconfig/rest/my/mailbox/" + user.getUserName() + "/preferences/activegreeting/", user.getUserName(), m_secret); try { if (rr.put(type.getId())) {"Mailbox::writeMailboxPreferences:change Greeting " + user.getUserName() + " greeting changed."); } } catch (Exception e) {"Mailbox::writeMailboxPreferences:change Greeting " + user.getUserName() + " failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public final boolean changePin(User destUser, String newPin) { try { // Use sipXconfig's RESTful interface to change the PIN RestfulRequest rr = new RestfulRequest(m_configUrl + "/sipxconfig/rest/my/voicemail/pin/", destUser.getUserName(), m_secret); return rr.put(newPin); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Retrieve::voicemailOptions new pin trouble", e); } return false; } @Override public final boolean manageSpecialMode(User user, boolean enable) { try { // Use sipXconfig's RESTful interface to change the special mode RestfulRequest rr = new RestfulRequest(m_configUrl + "/sipxconfig/rest/auto-attendant/specialmode", user.getUserName(), m_secret); if (enable) { return rr.put(null); } else { return rr.delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Retrieve::adminOptions:specialmode trouble", e); } return false; } @Override public void migrate(String path) { // do nothing, classes that extends this should provide a mean for migrating voicemails } private MessageDescriptor createMessageDescriptor(String destUser, TempMessage message, String messageId, String subject, String identity) { MessageDescriptor descriptor = new MessageDescriptor(); descriptor.setId(identity); descriptor.setFromUri(message.getFromUri()); descriptor.setDurationSecs(message.getDuration()); descriptor.setTimestamp(message.getTimestamp()); descriptor.setSubject(subject + messageId); descriptor.setPriority(message.getPriority()); if (message.getOtherRecipients() != null) { for (User recipient : message.getOtherRecipients()) { if (!recipient.getUserName().equals(destUser)) { descriptor.addOtherRecipient(recipient.getUserName()); } } } descriptor.setAudioFormat(getAudioFormat()); return descriptor; } //Creates VOICEMAIL message descriptors only private MessageDescriptor createMessageDescriptor(String destUser, TempMessage message, String messageId, String identity) { return createMessageDescriptor(destUser, message, messageId, VOICEMAIL_SUBJECT, identity); } /** * Generate the next message Id static synchronized as it's machine wide * * @param directory which holds the messageid.txt file */ private synchronized String nextMessageId(String directory) { File midFile = new File(directory, "messageid.txt"); String messageIdFilePath = midFile.getPath(); long numericMessageId; String messageId; if (!midFile.exists()) { numericMessageId = 1; String format = m_identity + "%08d"; messageId = String.format(format, numericMessageId); numericMessageId++; try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(midFile, String.format(format, numericMessageId)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Message::nextMessageId cannot write " + messageIdFilePath, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return messageId; } try { // The messageid in the file is the NEXT one messageId = FileUtils.readFileToString(midFile); numericMessageId = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(messageId)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Message::nextMessageId cannot read " + messageIdFilePath, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Increment message id, store for another day numericMessageId++; try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(midFile, String.valueOf(numericMessageId)); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Message::nextMessageId cannot write " + messageIdFilePath, e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return messageId; } protected Folder getFolderFromName(String name) { if (Folder.INBOX.toString().equals(name)) { return Folder.INBOX; } if (Folder.SAVED.toString().equals(name)) { return Folder.SAVED; } if (Folder.DELETED.toString().equals(name)) { return Folder.DELETED; } if (Folder.CONFERENCE.toString().equals(name)) { return Folder.CONFERENCE; } return null; } protected String getGreetingTypeName(GreetingType type) { switch (type) { case STANDARD: return String.format("standard.%s", m_audioFormat); case OUT_OF_OFFICE: return String.format("outofoffice.%s", m_audioFormat); case EXTENDED_ABSENCE: return String.format("extendedabs.%s", m_audioFormat); default: return null; } } protected void concatAudio(File newFile, File orig1, File orig2) throws Exception { String operation = "dunno"; AudioInputStream clip1 = null; AudioInputStream clip2 = null; AudioInputStream concatStream = null; try { operation = "getting AudioInputStream from " + orig1.getPath(); clip1 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(orig1); operation = "getting AudioInputStream from " + orig2.getPath(); clip2 = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(orig2); operation = "building SequnceInputStream"; concatStream = new AudioInputStream(new SequenceInputStream(clip1, clip2), clip1.getFormat(), clip1.getFrameLength() + clip2.getFrameLength()); operation = "writing SequnceInputStream to " + newFile.getPath(); AudioSystem.write(concatStream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, newFile);"VmMessage::concatAudio created combined file " + newFile.getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { String trouble = "VmMessage::concatAudio Problem while " + operation; throw new Exception(trouble, e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(clip1); IOUtils.closeQuietly(clip2); IOUtils.closeQuietly(concatStream); } } public String getNameFile() { return String.format("name.%s", m_audioFormat); } public String getPromptFile() { return String.format("customautoattendant-%d.%s", System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000, m_audioFormat); } public void setMailstoreDirectory(String dir) { m_mailstoreDirectory = dir; } public void setPromptsDirectory(String dir) { m_promptsDirectory = dir; } public void setOperatorAddr(String operatorAddr) { m_operatorAddr = operatorAddr; } public void setConfigUrl(String configUrl) { m_configUrl = configUrl; } public void setSecret(String secret) { m_secret = secret; } public void setEmailer(Emailer emailer) { m_emailer = emailer; } public void setMwiManager(Mwi mwiManager) { m_mwi = mwiManager; } public void setIvrIdentity(String identity) { m_identity = identity; } public void setAudioFormat(String format) { m_audioFormat = format; if (m_audioFormat.equals("mp3")) { m_altAudioFormat = "wav"; } else { m_altAudioFormat = "mp3"; } } public String getAudioFormat() { return m_audioFormat; } public String getAltAudioFormat() { return m_altAudioFormat; } }