Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Pingtel Corp., certain elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Contributors retain copyright to elements licensed under a Contributor Agreement. * Licensed to the User under the LGPL license. * * $ */ package org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.test; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.aryEq; import static org.easymock.EasyMock.reportMatcher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.sql.DataSource; import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConfig; import org.dbunit.database.DatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.database.IDatabaseConnection; import org.dbunit.dataset.IDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.ReplacementDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.FlatXmlDataSet; import org.dbunit.dataset.xml.XmlDataSet; import org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation; import org.dom4j.Document; import; import; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.easymock.IMocksControl; import org.easymock.internal.matchers.ArrayEquals; import org.easymock.internal.matchers.Equals; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.commserver.Location; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.commserver.LocationsManager; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.device.Device; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.device.DeviceTimeZone; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.device.FileSystemProfileLocation; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.device.TimeZoneManager; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.device.VelocityProfileGenerator; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.domain.Domain; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.domain.DomainManager; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.phonebook.Phonebook; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.ModelBuilder; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.ModelFilesContext; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.ModelFilesContextImpl; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.Setting; import org.sipfoundry.sipxconfig.setting.XmlModelBuilder; import org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BeanFactoryLocator; import org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BeanFactoryReference; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.access.ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; /** * TestHelper: used for unit tests that need Spring instantiated */ public final class TestHelper { private static final String ROOT_RES_PATH = "/org/sipfoundry/sipxconfig/"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestHelper.class); private static final String EXAMPLE_ORG = ""; private static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private static final String FORWARD_SLASH = "/"; private static Properties s_testProps; private static Properties s_configProps; private static final DateFormat ENGLISH_DATE = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.FULL, Locale.ENGLISH); private static ApplicationContext s_appContext; private static DatabaseConnection s_dbunitConnection; static { ENGLISH_DATE.setLenient(true); // The default XML parser (Apache Crimson) cannot resolve relative DTDs, google to find // the bug. System.setProperty("org.xml.sax.driver", "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); // The method SAXParserFactory.newInstance is using this system property to find the // parser factory. // So we have to set this property instead of, or in addition to, the one above. // Fixes XCF-537: jdk dependency in DB unit tests, fails with jdk 1.4.2, works with jdk // 1.5. System.setProperty("javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory", "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl"); // Activate log configuration on test/ // System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.Log", // "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger"); } private TestHelper() { } public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() { if (s_appContext == null) { BeanFactoryLocator bfl = ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator.getInstance(); BeanFactoryReference bfr = bfl.useBeanFactory("servicelayer-context"); s_appContext = (ApplicationContext) bfr.getFactory(); } return s_appContext; } public static DomainManager getTestDomainManager(String domain) { Domain exampleDomain = new Domain(domain); IMocksControl domainManagerControl = EasyMock.createControl(); DomainManager domainManager = domainManagerControl.createMock(DomainManager.class); domainManager.getDomain(); domainManagerControl.andReturn(exampleDomain).anyTimes(); domainManagerControl.replay(); return domainManager; } public static TimeZoneManager getTimeZoneManager(DeviceTimeZone tz) { IMocksControl timeZoneManagerControl = EasyMock.createControl(); TimeZoneManager tzm = timeZoneManagerControl.createMock(TimeZoneManager.class); tzm.getDeviceTimeZone(); timeZoneManagerControl.andReturn(tz).anyTimes(); timeZoneManagerControl.replay(); return tzm; } public static ModelFilesContext getModelFilesContext() { return getModelFilesContext(getSystemEtcDir()); } public static ModelFilesContext getModelFilesContext(String modelDir) { ModelFilesContextImpl mfc = new ModelFilesContextImpl(); mfc.setConfigDirectory(modelDir); XmlModelBuilder builder = new XmlModelBuilder(modelDir); mfc.setModelBuilder(builder); return mfc; } public static Setting loadSettings(File file) { ModelBuilder builder = new XmlModelBuilder(file.getParent()); return builder.buildModel(file); } public static Setting loadSettings(String etcDir, String path) { ModelFilesContext mfc = getModelFilesContext(etcDir); Setting s = mfc.loadModelFile(path); return s; } public static Setting loadSettings(String path) { ModelFilesContext mfc = getModelFilesContext(); Setting s = mfc.loadModelFile(path); return s; } public static String getEtcDir() { // requires adding to in return getTestProperties().getProperty("local.etc.dir"); } public static String getSystemEtcDir() { return getTestProperties().getProperty("SIPX_CONFDIR"); } public static VelocityEngine getVelocityEngine() { return getVelocityEngine(getSystemEtcDir()); } public static VelocityEngine getVelocityEngine(String etcDir) { try { VelocityEngine engine = new VelocityEngine(); engine.setProperty("resource.loader", "file"); engine.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", etcDir); engine.init(); return engine; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static VelocityProfileGenerator getProfileGenerator(String etcDir) { VelocityProfileGenerator profileGenerator = new VelocityProfileGenerator(); profileGenerator.setVelocityEngine(getVelocityEngine(etcDir)); profileGenerator.setTemplateRoot(etcDir); return profileGenerator; } /** * Sets velocity profile generator that generates profile to memory and can be used during * testing. * * @param device */ public static MemoryProfileLocation setVelocityProfileGenerator(Device device, String etcDir) { MemoryProfileLocation location = new MemoryProfileLocation(); VelocityProfileGenerator profileGenerator = new VelocityProfileGenerator(); profileGenerator.setVelocityEngine(getVelocityEngine(etcDir)); profileGenerator.setTemplateRoot(etcDir); device.setProfileGenerator(profileGenerator); return location; } public static FileSystemProfileLocation setFsVelocityProfileGenerator(Device device, String etcDir) { FileSystemProfileLocation location = new FileSystemProfileLocation(); VelocityProfileGenerator profileGenerator = new VelocityProfileGenerator(); profileGenerator.setVelocityEngine(getVelocityEngine(etcDir)); profileGenerator.setTemplateRoot(etcDir); device.setProfileGenerator(profileGenerator); return location; } public static String getTestDirectory() { return TestHelper.getTestOutputDirectory(); } public static IDatabaseConnection getConnection() throws Exception { if (s_dbunitConnection != null) { return s_dbunitConnection; } Class.forName("com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver"); DataSource ds = (DataSource) getApplicationContext().getBean("dataSource"); Connection jdbcConnection = ds.getConnection(); s_dbunitConnection = new DatabaseConnection(jdbcConnection); DatabaseConfig config = s_dbunitConnection.getConfig(); config.setFeature("", true); return s_dbunitConnection; } public static void closeConnection() throws SQLException { if (s_dbunitConnection != null && !s_dbunitConnection.getConnection().isClosed()) { s_dbunitConnection.close(); s_dbunitConnection = null; } } public static IDataSet loadDataSet(String fileResource) throws Exception { InputStream datasetStream = TestHelper.class.getResourceAsStream(ROOT_RES_PATH + fileResource); return new XmlDataSet(datasetStream); } public static IDataSet loadDataSetFlat(String resource) throws Exception { InputStream datasetStream = TestHelper.class.getResourceAsStream(ROOT_RES_PATH + resource); // we do not want to use metadata since DBTestUnit resolves relative DTDs incorrectly // we are checking XML validity in separate Ant tasks (test-dataset) return new FlatXmlDataSet(datasetStream, false); } public static ReplacementDataSet loadReplaceableDataSetFlat(String fileResource) throws Exception { IDataSet ds = loadDataSetFlat(fileResource); ReplacementDataSet relaceable = new ReplacementDataSet(ds); relaceable.addReplacementObject("[null]", null); return relaceable; } public static void cleanInsert(String resource) throws Exception { try { DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(getConnection(), loadDataSet(resource)); } catch (SQLException e) { throw e.getNextException(); } } public static void cleanInsertFlat(String resource) throws Exception { DatabaseOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(getConnection(), loadDataSetFlat(resource)); } public static void insertFlat(String resource) throws Exception { DatabaseOperation.INSERT.execute(getConnection(), loadDataSetFlat(resource)); } public static void update(String resource) throws Exception { DatabaseOperation.UPDATE.execute(getConnection(), loadDataSet(resource)); } /** * Special TestCase class that catches prints additional info for SQL Exceptions errors that * may happed during setUp, testXXX and tearDown. * * Alternatively we could just throw e.getNextException, but we may want to preserve the * original exception. */ public static class TestCaseDb extends TestCase { @Override public void runBare() throws Throwable { try { super.runBare(); } catch (SQLException e) { dumpSqlExceptionMessages(e); throw e; } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SQLException) { dumpSqlExceptionMessages((SQLException) e.getCause()); } throw e; } } private void dumpSqlExceptionMessages(SQLException e) { for (SQLException next = e; next != null; next = next.getNextException()) {; } } } public static class ArrayElementsEquals extends ArrayEquals { public ArrayElementsEquals(Object expected) { super(expected); } @Override public boolean matches(Object actual) { Object expected = getExpected(); if (expected instanceof Object[] && (actual == null || actual instanceof Object[])) { Set expectedSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList((Object[]) expected)); Set actualSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList((Object[]) actual)); return expectedSet.equals(actualSet); } return super.matches(actual); } } public static class CollectionEquals extends Equals { public CollectionEquals(Object expected) { super(expected); } @Override public boolean matches(Object actual) { Object expected = getExpected(); if (expected instanceof Collection && (actual == null || actual instanceof Collection)) { Set expectedSet = new HashSet(((Collection) expected)); Set actualSet = new HashSet(((Collection) actual)); return expectedSet.equals(actualSet); } return super.matches(actual); } } /** * Use in test to create copy of example files to be changed by test methods. * * @param from input stream * @param dir destination directory * @param filename destination file name * @throws IOException */ public static final void copyStreamToDirectory(InputStream from, String dir, String filename) throws IOException { FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, filename)); IOUtils.copy(from, to); IOUtils.closeQuietly(to); IOUtils.closeQuietly(from); } public static String getSourceDirectory(Class klass) { String n = klass.getSimpleName(); return getResourceAsFile(klass, klass.getSimpleName() + ".java").getParent(); } /** * Retrieves the file corresponding to the class resource * * @param klass * @param resource resource name relative to class * @return file that can be opened and used to read resource */ public static File getResourceAsFile(Class klass, String resource) { URL url = klass.getResource(resource); return new File(url.getFile()); } /** * Retrieves the file corresponding to the class resource * * @param klass * @param resource resource name relative to class * @return file that can be opened and used to read resource */ public static File getResourceAsFile(String resource) { URL url = TestHelper.class.getResource(resource); return url == null ? null : new File(url.getFile()); } public static <T> T[] asArrayElems(T... items) { reportMatcher(new ArrayElementsEquals(items)); return null; } public static <T> T[] asArray(T... items) { return aryEq(items); } public static final boolean isWindows() { return File.separatorChar == '\\'; } /** * If you want to use a date in a unit test that eventually * * @param usDate typical US date representation * @return local date */ public static final Date localizeDateTime(String usDate) { try { return ENGLISH_DATE.parse(usDate); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Change "\n" the the native end-of-line char. On unix, this does nothing on windows, this * add "\r\n" */ public static final String cleanEndOfLines(String s) { String clean = s.replaceAll("\n", EOL); return clean; } public static final String currentDrive() { if (!isWindows()) { return ""; } String drive = new File(FORWARD_SLASH).getAbsolutePath().substring(0, 2); return drive; } /** * The directory that is part of the classpath that a class was loaded from */ public static String getClasspathDirectory(Class testClass) { // create file on classpath CodeSource code = testClass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource(); URL classpathUrl = code.getLocation(); File classpathDir = new File(classpathUrl.getFile()); return classpathDir.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Where to direct test output, cleaned on 'ant clean' and ignored by subversion */ public static String getTestOutputDirectory() { return "test-results"; } /** * Use ClassLoader.getSystemResource() when you can gets you a stream and can work from jars, * but when you need a filename use this. Example: * * <pre> * # Test file in same directory as JUnit test source file * String testFile = TestUtil.getTestSourceDirectory(getClass()) + "/test-file"; * </pre> */ // public static String getTestSourceDirectory(Class testClass) { // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(TestUtil.getProjectDirectory()).append("/test/").append( // testClass.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/')); // String path = sb.toString(); // // return path; // } public static Properties getTestProperties() { if (s_testProps == null) { s_testProps = loadProperties("/"); } return s_testProps; } public static Properties getConfigProperties() { if (s_configProps == null) { s_configProps = loadProperties("/"); } return s_configProps; } private static Properties loadProperties(String resource) { Properties testProps = new Properties(); File propsFile = TestHelper.getResourceAsFile(resource); InputStream propsStream = null; try {"Loading test properties " + propsFile.getPath()); propsStream = new FileInputStream(propsFile); testProps.load(propsStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(propsStream); } return testProps; } public static File createTempDir(String name) throws IOException { File createTempFile = File.createTempFile(name, "dir"); String tempDirPath = createTempFile.getPath(); createTempFile.delete(); File tempDir = new File(tempDirPath); tempDir.mkdirs(); return tempDir; } /** * Creates a mock domain manager using EasyMock. Up to the caller to call replay on the mock. */ public static DomainManager getMockDomainManager() { return getMockDomainManager(false); } public static DomainManager getMockDomainManager(boolean replay) { Domain domain = new Domain(); domain.setName(EXAMPLE_ORG); domain.setSipRealm(EXAMPLE_ORG); DomainManager domainManager = EasyMock.createMock(DomainManager.class); domainManager.getDomain(); EasyMock.expectLastCall().andReturn(domain).anyTimes(); if (replay) { EasyMock.replay(domainManager); } return domainManager; } /** * Creates a default location for use in tests */ public static Location createDefaultLocation() { Location location = new Location(); location.setName("localLocation"); location.setFqdn(""); location.setAddress(""); return location; } /** * Gets mock user group phonebooks */ public static Collection<Phonebook> getMockPublicPhonebooks() { Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook(); Collection<Phonebook> phonebooks = new ArrayList<Phonebook>(); phonebooks.add(phonebook); return phonebooks; } /** * Gets mock all user phonebooks */ public static Collection<Phonebook> getMockAllPhonebooks() { Phonebook privatePhonebook = new Phonebook(); Collection<Phonebook> phonebooks = getMockPublicPhonebooks(); Collection<Phonebook> allPhonebooks = new ArrayList<Phonebook>(); allPhonebooks.addAll(phonebooks); allPhonebooks.add(privatePhonebook); return phonebooks; } /** * Creates a mock LocationsManager with the specified locations. This LocationsManager only * responds to requests for the primary service. * */ public static LocationsManager getMockLocationsManager() { LocationsManager locationsManager = EasyMock.createMock(LocationsManager.class); locationsManager.getPrimaryLocation(); EasyMock.expectLastCall().andReturn(createDefaultLocation()).anyTimes(); EasyMock.replay(locationsManager); return locationsManager; } /** * Dumps DOM4J document to Strings. * * @param doc DOM4J document * @return String containing XML document */ public static String asString(Document doc) { try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(); format.setNewlines(true); format.setIndent(true); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(writer, format); xmlWriter.write(doc); xmlWriter.close(); return writer.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err);; return null; } } }