Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2011 the Seasar Foundation and the Others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.sqlhandler; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.seasar.dbflute.DBDef; import org.seasar.dbflute.XLog; import org.seasar.dbflute.exception.BatchEntityAlreadyUpdatedException; import org.seasar.dbflute.exception.EntityAlreadyDeletedException; import org.seasar.dbflute.exception.EntityDuplicatedException; import org.seasar.dbflute.jdbc.SqlLogInfo; import org.seasar.dbflute.jdbc.StatementFactory; import org.seasar.dbflute.resource.ResourceContext; import org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnBeanMetaData; import org.seasar.dbflute.s2dao.metadata.TnPropertyType; /** * {Created with reference to S2Container's utility and extended for DBFlute} * @author jflute */ public abstract class TnAbstractBatchHandler extends TnAbstractEntityHandler { // =================================================================================== // Definition // ========== /** Log instance. */ private static final Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(TnAbstractBatchHandler.class); // =================================================================================== // Attribute // ========= // non-thread-safe because handler is created per execution protected StringBuilder _batchLoggingSb; protected int _loggingRecordCount; protected int _loggingScopeSize; protected boolean _existsSkippedLogging; protected boolean _alreadySavedToResultInfo; // =================================================================================== // Constructor // =========== public TnAbstractBatchHandler(DataSource dataSource, StatementFactory statementFactory, String sql, TnBeanMetaData beanMetaData, TnPropertyType[] boundPropTypes) { super(dataSource, statementFactory, sql, beanMetaData, boundPropTypes); } // =================================================================================== // Execute // ======= @Override public int execute(Object[] args) { String msg = "This method should not be called when BatchUpdate."; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } public int[] executeBatch(List<?> beanList) { if (beanList == null) { String msg = "The argument 'beanList' should not be null"; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (beanList.isEmpty()) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Skip executeBatch() bacause of the empty list."); } return new int[0]; } processBefore(beanList); final Connection conn = getConnection(); try { RuntimeException sqlEx = null; final PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement(conn); int[] result = null; try { for (Object bean : beanList) { processBatchBefore(bean); prepareBatchElement(conn, ps, bean); } handleBatchLogging(); // last scope handling result = executeBatch(ps, beanList); handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLock(ps, beanList, result); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // not SQLFailureException because // a wrapper of JDBC may throw an other exception sqlEx = e; throw e; } finally { close(ps); processFinally(beanList, sqlEx); } // a value of exclusive control column should be synchronized // after handling optimistic lock int index = 0; for (Object bean : beanList) { processBatchSuccess(bean, index); ++index; } processSuccess(beanList, result.length); return result; } finally { close(conn); } } protected void prepareBatchElement(Connection conn, PreparedStatement ps, Object bean) { setupBindVariables(bean); final Object[] bindVariables = _bindVariables; logSql(bindVariables, getArgTypes(bindVariables)); bindArgs(conn, ps, bindVariables, _bindVariableValueTypes); addBatch(ps); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // SQL Logging // ----------- @Override protected void logSql(Object[] args, Class<?>[] argTypes) { if (isBatchLoggingOver()) { _existsSkippedLogging = true; return; } super.logSql(args, argTypes); }; protected boolean isBatchLoggingOver() { final Integer batchLoggingLimit = getBatchLoggingLimit(); if (batchLoggingLimit == null || batchLoggingLimit < 0) { return false; } return _loggingRecordCount >= batchLoggingLimit; } protected abstract Integer getBatchLoggingLimit(); @Override protected boolean processBeforeLogging(Object[] args, Class<?>[] argTypes, boolean logEnabled, boolean hasSqlFireHook, boolean hasSqlLog, boolean hasSqlResult, Object sqlLogRegistry) { if (_batchLoggingSb == null) { _batchLoggingSb = new StringBuilder(1000); } final String displaySql = buildDisplaySql(_sql, args); saveBatchLoggingSql(displaySql); doLogSql(args, argTypes, false, false, hasSqlLog, false, sqlLogRegistry); // process non-batch handling if (needsBreakLoggingScope()) { handleBatchLogging(); // and also cleared } return true; }; protected void saveBatchLoggingSql(String displaySql) { ++_loggingRecordCount; ++_loggingScopeSize; _batchLoggingSb.append(ln()).append(displaySql).append(";"); } protected boolean needsBreakLoggingScope() { return _loggingScopeSize >= 100; // per 100 statements } protected String handleBatchLogging() { if (_batchLoggingSb == null) { // may be limited by option handleBatchResultSqlSaving(null); // but SqlResultHandler handling is needed return null; } final String batchSql = _batchLoggingSb.toString(); if (isLogEnabled()) { log(batchSql); // batch logging (always starts with a line separator) } clearBatchLogging(); handleBatchResultSqlSaving(batchSql); return batchSql; } protected void handleBatchResultSqlSaving(String batchSql) { final boolean hasSqlFireHook = hasSqlFireHook(); final boolean hasSqlResultHandler = hasSqlResultHandler(); if (!_alreadySavedToResultInfo && (hasSqlFireHook || hasSqlResultHandler)) { // only first scope is saved final Object[] bindArgs = _bindVariables; final Class<?>[] bindArgTypes = getArgTypes(bindArgs); final String savedDisplaySql = batchSql != null ? batchSql.trim() : null; // remove first line separator final SqlLogInfo sqlLogInfo = prepareSqlLogInfo(bindArgs, bindArgTypes, savedDisplaySql); if (hasSqlFireHook) { super.saveHookSqlLogInfo(sqlLogInfo); // super's because one of this class is overridden } if (hasSqlResultHandler) { super.saveResultSqlLogInfo(sqlLogInfo); // super's because one of this class is overridden } _alreadySavedToResultInfo = true; } } @Override protected void saveHookSqlLogInfo(SqlLogInfo sqlLogInfo) { // do nothing because it saves later } @Override protected void saveResultSqlLogInfo(SqlLogInfo sqlLogInfo) { // do nothing because it saves later } protected void clearBatchLogging() { _batchLoggingSb = null; _loggingScopeSize = 0; } // =================================================================================== // Extension Process // ================= @Override protected void processBefore(Object beanList) { super.processBefore(beanList); } @Override protected void processFinally(Object beanList, RuntimeException sqlEx) { super.processFinally(beanList, sqlEx); noticeBatchLoggingOver(); // clear just in case _existsSkippedLogging = false; _alreadySavedToResultInfo = false; } protected void noticeBatchLoggingOver() { if (_existsSkippedLogging) { if (XLog.isLogEnabled()) { final Integer batchLoggingLimit = getBatchLoggingLimit(); XLog.log("...Skipping several loggings by the limit option: " + batchLoggingLimit); } } } @Override protected void processSuccess(Object beanList, int ret) { super.processSuccess(beanList, ret); } protected void processBatchBefore(Object bean) { } // *after case about identity is unsupported at Batch Update protected void processBatchSuccess(Object bean, int index) { updateTimestampIfNeed(bean, index); updateVersionNoIfNeed(bean, index); } // =================================================================================== // Optimistic Lock // =============== protected void handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLock(PreparedStatement ps, List<?> list, int[] result) { if (isCurrentDBDef(DBDef.Oracle)) { final int updateCount; try { updateCount = ps.getUpdateCount(); } catch (SQLException e) { handleSQLException(e, ps); return; // unreachable } handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLockByUpdateCount(list, updateCount); } else { handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLockByResult(list, result); } } protected boolean isCurrentDBDef(DBDef currentDBDef) { return ResourceContext.isCurrentDBDef(currentDBDef); } protected void handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLockByUpdateCount(List<?> list, int updateCount) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return; // for safety } if (updateCount < 0) { return; // for safety } final int entityCount = list.size(); if (updateCount < entityCount) { if (_optimisticLockHandling) { throw new BatchEntityAlreadyUpdatedException(list.get(0), 0, updateCount); } else { String msg = "The entity was NOT found! it has already been deleted."; msg = msg + " updateCount=" + updateCount; msg = msg + " entityCount=" + entityCount; msg = msg + " allEntities=" + list; throw new EntityAlreadyDeletedException(msg); } } } protected void handleBatchUpdateResultWithOptimisticLockByResult(List<?> list, int[] result) { if (list.isEmpty()) { return; // for safety } final int[] updatedCountArray = result; final int entityCount = list.size(); int index = 0; boolean alreadyUpdated = false; for (int oneUpdateCount : updatedCountArray) { if (entityCount <= index) { break; // for safety } if (oneUpdateCount == 0) { alreadyUpdated = true; break; } else if (oneUpdateCount > 1) { String msg = "The entity updated two or more records in batch update:"; msg = msg + " entity=" + list.get(index); msg = msg + " updatedCount=" + oneUpdateCount; msg = msg + " allEntities=" + list; throw new EntityDuplicatedException(msg); } ++index; } if (alreadyUpdated) { int updateCount = 0; for (int oneUpdateCount : updatedCountArray) { updateCount = updateCount + oneUpdateCount; } if (_optimisticLockHandling) { throw new BatchEntityAlreadyUpdatedException(list.get(index), 0, updateCount); } else { String msg = "The entity was NOT found! it has already been deleted:"; msg = msg + " entity=" + list.get(index); msg = msg + " updateCount=" + updateCount; msg = msg + " allEntities=" + list; throw new EntityAlreadyDeletedException(msg); } } } // =================================================================================== // SQL Logging // =========== @Override protected String buildExceptionMessageSql() { if (_exceptionMessageSqlArgs == null && _bindVariables != null) { _exceptionMessageSqlArgs = _bindVariables; // as current bean } return super.buildExceptionMessageSql(); } }