Java tutorial
/********************************************************************************** * $URL$ * $Id$ *********************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The Sakai Foundation * * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************************/ package; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource; import org.sakaiproject.content.api.FilePickerHelper; import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Reference; import org.sakaiproject.entity.cover.EntityManager; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException; import org.sakaiproject.exception.TypeException; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.SectionAwareness; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.coursemanagement.EnrollmentRecord; import org.sakaiproject.section.api.facade.Role; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.api.SamigoApiFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.AgentFacade; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.AssessmentFacade; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.AssessmentTemplateFacade; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.facade.AuthzQueriesFacadeAPI; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.integration.context.IntegrationContextFactory; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.integration.helper.ifc.GradebookServiceHelper; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.integration.helper.ifc.PublishingTargetHelper; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.shared.api.assessment.SecureDeliveryServiceAPI; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.ui.listener.util.ContextUtil; import org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.ui.listener.util.TimeUtil; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.util.FormattedText; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; /** * * To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments * * Used to be */ public class AssessmentSettingsBean implements Serializable { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AssessmentSettingsBean.class); private static final IntegrationContextFactory integrationContextFactory = IntegrationContextFactory .getInstance(); private static final GradebookServiceHelper gbsHelper = integrationContextFactory.getGradebookServiceHelper(); private static final PublishingTargetHelper ptHelper = integrationContextFactory.getPublishingTargetHelper(); private static final boolean integrated = integrationContextFactory.isIntegrated(); /** Use serialVersionUID for interoperability. */ private final static long serialVersionUID = -630950053380808339L; private String outcomeSave; private String outcomePublish; private AssessmentFacade assessment; private Long assessmentId; private String title; private String creator; private String description; private boolean hasQuestions; private String templateTitle; private String templateDescription; // meta data private String objectives; private String keywords; private String rubrics; private String authors; private String templateAuthors; // these are properties in AssessmentAccessControl private Date startDate; private Date dueDate; private Date retractDate; private Date feedbackDate; private Integer timeLimit = Integer.valueOf(0); // in seconds, calculated from timedHours & timedMinutes private Integer timedHours = Integer.valueOf(0); private Integer timedMinutes = Integer.valueOf(0); private Integer timedSeconds = Integer.valueOf(0); private boolean timedAssessment = false; private boolean autoSubmit = false; private String assessmentFormat; // question (1)/part(2)/assessment(3) on separate page private String itemNavigation; // linear (1)or random (2) private String itemNumbering; // continuous between parts(1), restart between parts(2) private String unlimitedSubmissions; private String submissionsAllowed; private String submissionsSaved; // bad name, this is autoSaved private String lateHandling; private String submissionMessage; private String releaseTo; private SelectItem[] publishingTargets; private String[] targetSelected; private String firstTargetSelected; private String username; private String password; private String finalPageUrl; private String ipAddresses; private boolean secureDeliveryAvailable; private SelectItem[] secureDeliveryModuleSelections; private String secureDeliveryModule; private String secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword; // properties of AssesmentFeedback private String feedbackDelivery; // immediate, on specific date , no feedback private String feedbackComponentOption; // 2 = select options, 1 = total scores only //private String editComponents; // 0 = cannot private boolean showQuestionText = true; private boolean showStudentResponse = false; private boolean showCorrectResponse = false; private boolean showStudentScore = false; private boolean showStudentQuestionScore = false; private boolean showQuestionLevelFeedback = false; private boolean showSelectionLevelFeedback = false; // must be MC private boolean showGraderComments = false; private boolean showStatistics = false; // properties of EvaluationModel private boolean anonymousGrading; private boolean gradebookExists; private boolean toDefaultGradebook; private String scoringType; private String bgColor; private String bgImage; private HashMap values = new HashMap(); // contains only "can edit" element private String bgColorSelect; private String bgImageSelect; // extra properties private boolean noTemplate; private String publishedUrl; private String alias; private static boolean error; private List attachmentList; private boolean isValidStartDate = true; private boolean isValidDueDate = true; private boolean isValidRetractDate = true; private boolean isValidFeedbackDate = true; private String originalStartDateString; private String originalDueDateString; private String originalRetractDateString; private String originalFeedbackDateString; private boolean isMarkForReview; private String releaseToGroupsAsString; private String blockDivs; private String extendedTimes; private SelectItem[] extendedTimeTargets; // SAM-2323 jQuery-UI datepicker private TimeUtil tu = new TimeUtil(); private final String HIDDEN_START_DATE_FIELD = "startDateISO8601"; private final String HIDDEN_END_DATE_FIELD = "endDateISO8601"; private final String HIDDEN_RETRACT_DATE_FIELD = "retractDateISO8601"; private final String HIDDEN_FEEDBACK_DATE_FIELD = "feedbackDateISO8601"; private SimpleDateFormat displayFormat; /* * Creates a new AssessmentBean object. */ public AssessmentSettingsBean() { } public AssessmentFacade getAssessment() { return assessment; } public void setAssessment(AssessmentFacade assessment) { try { //1. set the template info AssessmentService service = new AssessmentService(); AssessmentTemplateIfc template = null; if (assessment.getAssessmentTemplateId() != null) { template = service.getAssessmentTemplate(assessment.getAssessmentTemplateId().toString()); } if (template != null) { setNoTemplate(false); this.templateTitle = template.getTitle(); this.templateDescription = template.getDescription(); this.templateAuthors = template.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel("author"); // see TemplateUploadListener line 142 } else { setNoTemplate(true); } //2. set the assessment info this.assessment = assessment; // set the valueMap setValueMap(assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataMap()); this.assessmentId = assessment.getAssessmentId(); this.title = assessment.getTitle(); this.creator = AgentFacade.getDisplayName(assessment.getCreatedBy()); this.description = assessment.getDescription(); // assessment meta data this.authors = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.AUTHORS); this.objectives = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.OBJECTIVES); this.keywords = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.KEYWORDS); this.rubrics = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.RUBRICS); this.bgColor = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.BGCOLOR); this.bgImage = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.BGIMAGE); if ((assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.BGIMAGE) != null) && (!assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(AssessmentMetaDataIfc.BGIMAGE).equals(""))) { this.bgImageSelect = "1"; this.bgColorSelect = null; } else { this.bgImageSelect = null; this.bgColorSelect = "1"; } // Get the extended time information for this assessment short extendedTimeCount = 1; String extendedTimeLabel = "extendedTime" + extendedTimeCount; this.extendedTimes = ""; while ((assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(extendedTimeLabel) != null) && (!assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(extendedTimeLabel).equals(""))) { String extendedTimeValue = assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(extendedTimeLabel); this.extendedTimes = this.extendedTimes.concat(extendedTimeValue + "^"); extendedTimeCount++; extendedTimeLabel = "extendedTime" + extendedTimeCount; } // these are properties in AssessmentAccessControl AssessmentAccessControlIfc accessControl = null; accessControl = assessment.getAssessmentAccessControl(); if (accessControl != null) { this.startDate = accessControl.getStartDate(); this.dueDate = accessControl.getDueDate(); this.retractDate = accessControl.getRetractDate(); this.feedbackDate = accessControl.getFeedbackDate(); // deal with releaseTo this.releaseTo = accessControl.getReleaseTo(); // list of String this.publishingTargets = getPublishingTargets(); this.targetSelected = getTargetSelected(releaseTo); this.firstTargetSelected = getFirstTargetSelected(releaseTo); // SAK-1850 - when importing assessment forget to set releaseTo, we will catch it // and set it to host site if (!validateTarget(firstTargetSelected)) { releaseTo = AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteName(); firstTargetSelected = AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteName(); targetSelected = getTargetSelected(releaseTo); } groupsAuthorized = null; this.timeLimit = accessControl.getTimeLimit(); // in seconds if (timeLimit != null && timeLimit.intValue() > 0) setTimeLimitDisplay(timeLimit.intValue()); else resetTimeLimitDisplay(); if ((Integer.valueOf(1)).equals(accessControl.getTimedAssessment())) this.timedAssessment = true; if ((Integer.valueOf(1)).equals(accessControl.getAutoSubmit())) { this.autoSubmit = true; } else { this.autoSubmit = false; } if (accessControl.getAssessmentFormat() != null) this.assessmentFormat = accessControl.getAssessmentFormat().toString(); // question/part/assessment on separate page if (accessControl.getItemNavigation() != null) this.itemNavigation = accessControl.getItemNavigation().toString(); // linear or random if (accessControl.getItemNumbering() != null) this.itemNumbering = accessControl.getItemNumbering().toString(); if (accessControl.getSubmissionsSaved() != null) // bad name, this is autoSaved this.submissionsSaved = accessControl.getSubmissionsSaved().toString(); if (accessControl.getMarkForReview() != null && (Integer.valueOf(1)).equals(accessControl.getMarkForReview())) { this.isMarkForReview = true; } else { this.isMarkForReview = false; } // default to unlimited if control value is null if (accessControl.getUnlimitedSubmissions() != null && !accessControl.getUnlimitedSubmissions().booleanValue()) { this.unlimitedSubmissions = AssessmentAccessControlIfc.LIMITED_SUBMISSIONS.toString(); this.submissionsAllowed = accessControl.getSubmissionsAllowed().toString(); } else { this.unlimitedSubmissions = AssessmentAccessControlIfc.UNLIMITED_SUBMISSIONS.toString(); this.submissionsAllowed = ""; } if (accessControl.getLateHandling() != null) this.lateHandling = accessControl.getLateHandling().toString(); if (accessControl.getSubmissionsSaved() != null) this.submissionsSaved = accessControl.getSubmissionsSaved().toString(); this.submissionMessage = accessControl.getSubmissionMessage(); this.username = accessControl.getUsername(); this.password = accessControl.getPassword(); this.finalPageUrl = accessControl.getFinalPageUrl(); } // properties of AssesmentFeedback AssessmentFeedbackIfc feedback = assessment.getAssessmentFeedback(); if (feedback != null) { if (feedback.getFeedbackDelivery() != null) this.feedbackDelivery = feedback.getFeedbackDelivery().toString(); if (feedback.getFeedbackComponentOption() != null) this.feedbackComponentOption = feedback.getFeedbackComponentOption().toString(); if (feedback.getFeedbackAuthoring() != null) this.feedbackAuthoring = feedback.getFeedbackAuthoring().toString(); if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowQuestionText())) this.showQuestionText = true; else this.showQuestionText = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowStudentResponse())) this.showStudentResponse = true; else this.showStudentResponse = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowCorrectResponse())) this.showCorrectResponse = true; else this.showCorrectResponse = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowStudentScore())) this.showStudentScore = true; else this.showStudentScore = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowStudentQuestionScore())) this.showStudentQuestionScore = true; else this.showStudentQuestionScore = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowQuestionLevelFeedback())) this.showQuestionLevelFeedback = true; else this.showQuestionLevelFeedback = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowSelectionLevelFeedback())) this.showSelectionLevelFeedback = true;// must be MC else this.showSelectionLevelFeedback = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowGraderComments())) this.showGraderComments = true; else this.showGraderComments = false; if ((Boolean.TRUE).equals(feedback.getShowStatistics())) this.showStatistics = true; else this.showStatistics = false; } // properties of EvaluationModel EvaluationModelIfc evaluation = assessment.getEvaluationModel(); if (evaluation != null) { if (evaluation.getAnonymousGrading() != null) this.anonymousGrading = evaluation.getAnonymousGrading().toString().equals("1") ? true : false; if (evaluation.getToGradeBook() != null) this.toDefaultGradebook = evaluation.getToGradeBook().toString().equals("1") ? true : false; if (evaluation.getScoringType() != null) this.scoringType = evaluation.getScoringType().toString(); String currentSiteId = AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteId(); this.gradebookExists = gbsHelper.isGradebookExist(currentSiteId); this.extendedTimeTargets = initExtendedTimeTargets(); /* GradebookService g = null; if (integrated) { g = (GradebookService) SpringBeanLocator.getInstance(). getBean("org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.GradebookService"); } this.gradebookExists = gbsHelper.gradebookExists( GradebookFacade.getGradebookUId(), g); */ } // ip addresses this.ipAddresses = ""; Set ipAddressSet = assessment.getSecuredIPAddressSet(); if (ipAddressSet != null) { Iterator iter = ipAddressSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SecuredIPAddressIfc ip = (SecuredIPAddressIfc); if (ip.getIpAddress() != null) this.ipAddresses = ip.getIpAddress() + "\n" + this.ipAddresses; } } // attachment this.attachmentList = assessment.getAssessmentAttachmentList(); // secure delivery SecureDeliveryServiceAPI secureDeliveryService = SamigoApiFactory.getInstance() .getSecureDeliveryServiceAPI(); this.secureDeliveryAvailable = secureDeliveryService.isSecureDeliveryAvaliable(); this.secureDeliveryModuleSelections = getSecureDeliverModuleSelections(); this.secureDeliveryModule = (String) assessment .getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.MODULE_KEY); this.secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword = secureDeliveryService.decryptPassword(this.secureDeliveryModule, (String) assessment.getAssessmentMetaDataByLabel(SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.EXITPWD_KEY)); if (secureDeliveryModule == null || secureDeliveryModule.trim().length() == 0) { this.secureDeliveryModule = SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.NONE_ID; } else if (!secureDeliveryService.isSecureDeliveryModuleAvailable(secureDeliveryModule)) { log.warn("Assessment " + this.assessmentId + " requires secure delivery module " + this.secureDeliveryModule + " but the module is no longer available. Secure delivery module will revert to NONE"); secureDeliveryModule = SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.NONE_ID; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public String getBgColorSelect() { return this.bgColorSelect; } public void setBgColorSelect(String bgColorSelect) { this.bgColorSelect = bgColorSelect; } public String getBgImageSelect() { return this.bgImageSelect; } public void setBgImageSelect(String bgImageSelect) { this.bgImageSelect = bgImageSelect; } //Huong adding for outcome error public String getOutcomeSave() { return this.outcomeSave; } public void setOutcomeSave(String outcomeSave) { this.outcomeSave = outcomeSave; } public String getOutcomePublish() { return this.outcomePublish; } public void setOutcomePublish(String outcomePublish) { this.outcomePublish = outcomePublish; } // properties from Assessment public Long getAssessmentId() { return this.assessmentId; } public void setAssessmentId(Long assessmentId) { this.assessmentId = assessmentId; } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getCreator() { return this.creator; } public void setCreator(String creator) { this.creator = creator; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } // properties form AssessmentMetaData public String getObjectives() { return this.objectives; } public void setObjectives(String objectives) { this.objectives = objectives; } public String getKeywords() { return this.keywords; } public void setKeywords(String keywords) { this.keywords = keywords; } public String getRubrics() { return this.rubrics; } public void setRubrics(String rubrics) { this.rubrics = rubrics; } public String getAuthors() { return this.authors; } public void setAuthors(String authors) { this.authors = authors; } public String getBgColor() { if ((this.getBgColorSelect() != null) && (this.getBgColorSelect().equals("1"))) return this.bgColor; else return ""; } public void setBgColor(String bgColor) { if ((this.getBgColorSelect() != null) && (this.getBgColorSelect().equals("1"))) this.bgColor = bgColor; else this.bgColor = ""; } public String getBgImage() { if ((this.getBgImageSelect() != null) && (this.getBgImageSelect().equals("1"))) return this.bgImage; else return ""; } public void setBgImage(String bgImage) { if ((this.getBgImageSelect() != null) && (this.getBgImageSelect().equals("1"))) this.bgImage = bgImage; else this.bgImage = ""; } public boolean getHasQuestions() { return this.hasQuestions; } public void setHasQuestions(boolean hasQuestions) { this.hasQuestions = hasQuestions; } // copied from AssessmentAccessControl ;-) public Date getStartDate() { return this.startDate; } public void setStartDate(Date startDate) { this.startDate = startDate; } public Date getDueDate() { return this.dueDate; } public void setDueDate(Date dueDate) { this.dueDate = dueDate; } public Date getFeedbackDate() { return this.feedbackDate; } public void setFeedbackDate(Date feedbackDate) { this.feedbackDate = feedbackDate; } public Date getRetractDate() { return this.retractDate; } public void setRetractDate(Date retractDate) { this.retractDate = retractDate; } public String getReleaseTo() { this.releaseTo = ""; if (targetSelected != null) { for (int i = 0; i < targetSelected.length; i++) { String user = targetSelected[i]; if (!"".equals(releaseTo)) releaseTo = releaseTo + ", " + user; else releaseTo = user; } } return this.releaseTo; } public void setReleaseTo(String releaseTo) { this.releaseTo = releaseTo; } public Integer getTimeLimit() { return Integer .valueOf(timedHours.intValue() * 3600 + timedMinutes.intValue() * 60 + timedSeconds.intValue()); } public void setTimeLimit(Integer timeLimit) { this.timeLimit = timeLimit; } public void setTimedHours(Integer timedHours) { this.timedHours = (timedHours == null) ? 0 : timedHours; } public Integer getTimedHours() { return timedHours; } public void setTimedMinutes(Integer timedMinutes) { this.timedMinutes = (timedMinutes == null) ? 0 : timedMinutes; } public Integer getTimedMinutes() { return timedMinutes; } public void setTimedSeconds(Integer timedSeconds) { this.timedSeconds = timedSeconds; } public Integer getTimedSeconds() { return timedSeconds; } public boolean getTimedAssessment() { return timedAssessment; } public void setTimedAssessment(boolean timedAssessment) { this.timedAssessment = timedAssessment; } public boolean getAutoSubmit() { return autoSubmit; } public void setAutoSubmit(boolean autoSubmit) { this.autoSubmit = autoSubmit; } public String getAssessmentFormat() { return assessmentFormat; } public void setAssessmentFormat(String assessmentFormat) { this.assessmentFormat = assessmentFormat; } public String getItemNavigation() { return itemNavigation; } public void setItemNavigation(String itemNavigation) { this.itemNavigation = itemNavigation; } public String getItemNumbering() { return itemNumbering; } public void setItemNumbering(String itemNumbering) { this.itemNumbering = itemNumbering; } public String getUnlimitedSubmissions() { return unlimitedSubmissions; } public void setUnlimitedSubmissions(String unlimitedSubmissions) { String itemNavigationUpdated = ContextUtil.lookupParam("itemNavigationUpdated"); if (itemNavigationUpdated != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(itemNavigationUpdated)) { if (itemNavigation != null && "1".equals(itemNavigation)) { this.unlimitedSubmissions = AssessmentAccessControlIfc.LIMITED_SUBMISSIONS.toString(); } else { this.unlimitedSubmissions = unlimitedSubmissions; } } else { this.unlimitedSubmissions = unlimitedSubmissions; } } public String getSubmissionsAllowed() { return submissionsAllowed; } public void setSubmissionsAllowed(String submissionsAllowed) { String itemNavigationUpdated = ContextUtil.lookupParam("itemNavigationUpdated"); if (itemNavigationUpdated != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(itemNavigationUpdated)) { if (itemNavigation != null && "1".equals(itemNavigation)) { this.submissionsAllowed = "1"; } else { this.submissionsAllowed = submissionsAllowed; } } else { this.submissionsAllowed = submissionsAllowed; } } public void setLateHandling(String lateHandling) { this.lateHandling = lateHandling; } public String getLateHandling() { return lateHandling; } // bad name - this is autoSaved public void setSubmissionsSaved(String submissionSaved) { this.submissionsSaved = submissionSaved; } public String getSubmissionsSaved() { return submissionsSaved; } public void setSubmissionMessage(String submissionMessage) { this.submissionMessage = submissionMessage; } public String getSubmissionMessage() { return submissionMessage; } public String getUsername() { return this.username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getPassword() { return this.password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public void setFinalPageUrl(String finalPageUrl) { this.finalPageUrl = finalPageUrl; } public String getFinalPageUrl() { return finalPageUrl; } public String getFeedbackDelivery() { return feedbackDelivery; } public void setFeedbackDelivery(String feedbackDelivery) { this.feedbackDelivery = feedbackDelivery; } public String getFeedbackComponentOption() { return feedbackComponentOption; } public void setFeedbackComponentOption(String feedbackComponentOption) { this.feedbackComponentOption = feedbackComponentOption; } public boolean getShowQuestionText() { return showQuestionText; } public void setShowQuestionText(boolean showQuestionText) { this.showQuestionText = showQuestionText; } public boolean getShowStudentResponse() { return showStudentResponse; } public void setShowStudentResponse(boolean showStudentResponse) { this.showStudentResponse = showStudentResponse; } public boolean getShowCorrectResponse() { return showCorrectResponse; } public void setShowCorrectResponse(boolean showCorrectResponse) { this.showCorrectResponse = showCorrectResponse; } public boolean getShowStudentScore() { return showStudentScore; } public void setShowStudentScore(boolean showStudentScore) { this.showStudentScore = showStudentScore; } public boolean getShowStudentQuestionScore() { return showStudentQuestionScore; } public void setShowStudentQuestionScore(boolean showStudentQuestionScore) { this.showStudentQuestionScore = showStudentQuestionScore; } public boolean getShowQuestionLevelFeedback() { return showQuestionLevelFeedback; } public void setShowQuestionLevelFeedback(boolean showQuestionLevelFeedback) { this.showQuestionLevelFeedback = showQuestionLevelFeedback; } public boolean getShowSelectionLevelFeedback() { return showSelectionLevelFeedback; } public void setShowSelectionLevelFeedback(boolean showSelectionLevelFeedback) { this.showSelectionLevelFeedback = showSelectionLevelFeedback; } public boolean getShowGraderComments() { return showGraderComments; } public void setShowGraderComments(boolean showGraderComments) { this.showGraderComments = showGraderComments; } public boolean getShowStatistics() { return showStatistics; } public void setShowStatistics(boolean showStatistics) { this.showStatistics = showStatistics; } public boolean getAnonymousGrading() { return this.anonymousGrading; } public void setAnonymousGrading(boolean anonymousGrading) { this.anonymousGrading = anonymousGrading; } public boolean getToDefaultGradebook() { return this.toDefaultGradebook; } public void setToDefaultGradebook(boolean toDefaultGradebook) { this.toDefaultGradebook = toDefaultGradebook; } public boolean getGradebookExists() { return this.gradebookExists; } public void setGradebookExists(boolean gradebookExists) { this.gradebookExists = gradebookExists; } public String getScoringType() { return this.scoringType; } public void setScoringType(String scoringType) { this.scoringType = scoringType; } public void setValue(String key, Object value) { this.values.put(key, value); } // retrieve value in valueMap public Boolean getValue(String key) { Boolean returnValue = Boolean.FALSE; Object o = this.values.get(key); if (("true").equals((String) o)) returnValue = Boolean.TRUE; return returnValue; } public String getSecureDeliveryModule() { return secureDeliveryModule; } public void setSecureDeliveryModule(String secureDeliveryModule) { this.secureDeliveryModule = secureDeliveryModule; } public String getSecureDeliveryModuleExitPassword() { return secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword; } public void setSecureDeliveryModuleExitPassword(String secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword) { this.secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword = secureDeliveryModuleExitPassword; } public void setSecureDeliveryModuleSelections(SelectItem[] secureDeliveryModuleSelections) { this.secureDeliveryModuleSelections = secureDeliveryModuleSelections; } public SelectItem[] getSecureDeliveryModuleSelections() { return secureDeliveryModuleSelections; } public boolean isSecureDeliveryAvailable() { return secureDeliveryAvailable; } public void setSecureDeliveryAvailable(boolean secureDeliveryAvailable) { this.secureDeliveryAvailable = secureDeliveryAvailable; } // newMap contains both the regular metadata such as "objectives" as well as // "can edit" element. However, we only want to have "can edit" elements inside // our valueMap, so we need to weed out the metadata public void setValueMap(HashMap newMap) { HashMap h = new HashMap(); for (Iterator it = newMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); Object o = entry.getValue(); if (("ASSESSMENT_AUTHORS".equals(key)) || ("ASSESSMENT_KEYWORDS".equals(key)) || ("ASSESSMENT_OBJECTIVES".equals(key)) || ("ASSESSMENT_RUBRICS".equals(key)) || ("ASSESSMENT_BGCOLOR".equals(key)) || ("ASSESSMENT_BGIMAGE".equals(key)) || (SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.MODULE_KEY.equals(key)) || (SecureDeliveryServiceAPI.EXITPWD_KEY.equals(key))) ; else { h.put(key, o); } } this.values = h; } public HashMap getValueMap() { return values; } public String getDateString(Date date) { if (date != null) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(date); int mon = c.get(Calendar.MONTH); int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); String dateString = mon + "/" + day + "/" + year; return dateString; } else return ""; } public void setTimeLimitDisplay(int time) { this.timedHours = Integer.valueOf(time / 60 / 60); this.timedMinutes = Integer.valueOf((time / 60) % 60); this.timedSeconds = Integer.valueOf(time % 60); } public void resetTimeLimitDisplay() { this.timedHours = Integer.valueOf(0); this.timedMinutes = Integer.valueOf(0); this.timedSeconds = Integer.valueOf(0); } // followings are set of SelectItem[] used in authorSettings.jsp public SelectItem[] getHours() { return hours; } public static void setHours(SelectItem[] hours) { AssessmentSettingsBean.hours = hours; } public SelectItem[] getMins() { return mins; } public static void setMins(SelectItem[] mins) { AssessmentSettingsBean.mins = mins; } private static List months; private static List days; private static SelectItem[] mins; private static SelectItem[] hours; // don't know what this is for, had to add it --esmiley private String feedbackAuthoring;// this was left out, but referenced in UI static { months = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { months.add(new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i))); } days = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < 32; i++) { days.add(new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i))); } hours = new SelectItem[24]; for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (i < 10) hours[i] = new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i), "0" + i); else hours[i] = new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i), i + ""); } mins = new SelectItem[60]; for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { if (i < 10) mins[i] = new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i), "0" + i); else mins[i] = new SelectItem(Integer.valueOf(i), i + ""); } } public String getIpAddresses() { return ipAddresses; } public void setIpAddresses(String ipAddresses) { this.ipAddresses = ipAddresses; } // the following methods are used to take the internal format from // calendar picker and move it transparently in and out of the date // properties /** * date from internal string of calendar widget * @param date Date object * @return date String "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss a" */ private String getDisplayFormatFromDate(Date date) { String dateString = ""; if (date == null) { return dateString; } if (displayFormat == null) { setDisplayFormat(ContextUtil.getLocalizedString( "org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.bundle.GeneralMessages", "output_data_picker_w_sec")); } try { dateString = tu.getDisplayDateTime(displayFormat, date); } catch (Exception ex) { // we will leave it as an empty string log.warn("Unable to format date."); ex.printStackTrace(); } return dateString; } public String getStartDateString() { if (!this.isValidStartDate) { return this.originalStartDateString; } else { return getDisplayFormatFromDate(startDate); } } public void setStartDateString(String startDateString) { Date tempDate = tu.parseISO8601String(ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_START_DATE_FIELD)); if (tempDate != null) { this.isValidStartDate = true; this.startDate = tempDate; } else { log.error("setStartDateString could not parse hidden start date: " + ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_START_DATE_FIELD)); this.isValidStartDate = false; this.originalStartDateString = startDateString; } } public String getDueDateString() { if (!this.isValidDueDate) { return this.originalDueDateString; } else { return getDisplayFormatFromDate(dueDate); } } public void setDueDateString(String dueDateString) { Date tempDate = tu.parseISO8601String(ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_END_DATE_FIELD)); if (tempDate != null) { this.isValidDueDate = true; this.dueDate = tempDate; } else { log.error("setDueDateString could not parse hidden date field: " + ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_END_DATE_FIELD)); this.isValidDueDate = false; this.originalDueDateString = dueDateString; } } public String getRetractDateString() { if (!this.isValidRetractDate) { return this.originalRetractDateString; } else { return getDisplayFormatFromDate(retractDate); } } public void setRetractDateString(String retractDateString) { Date tempDate = tu.parseISO8601String(ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_RETRACT_DATE_FIELD)); if (tempDate != null) { this.isValidRetractDate = true; this.retractDate = tempDate; } else { log.error("setRetractDateString could not parse hidden date field: " + ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_RETRACT_DATE_FIELD)); this.isValidRetractDate = false; this.originalRetractDateString = retractDateString; } } public String getFeedbackDateString() { if (!this.isValidFeedbackDate) { return this.originalFeedbackDateString; } else { return getDisplayFormatFromDate(feedbackDate); } } public void setFeedbackDateString(String feedbackDateString) { Date tempDate = tu.parseISO8601String(ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_FEEDBACK_DATE_FIELD)); if (tempDate != null) { this.isValidFeedbackDate = true; this.feedbackDate = tempDate; } else { log.error("setFeedbackDateString could not parse hidden date field: " + ContextUtil.lookupParam(HIDDEN_FEEDBACK_DATE_FIELD)); this.isValidFeedbackDate = false; this.originalFeedbackDateString = feedbackDateString; } } public String getTemplateTitle() { return this.templateTitle; } public void setTemplateTitle(String title) { this.templateTitle = title; } public String getTemplateAuthors() { return this.templateAuthors; } public void setTemplateAuthors(String templateAuthors) { this.templateAuthors = templateAuthors; } public String getTemplateDescription() { return this.templateDescription; } public void setTemplateDescription(String templateDescription) { this.templateDescription = templateDescription; } public boolean getNoTemplate() { return this.noTemplate; } public void setNoTemplate(boolean noTemplate) { this.noTemplate = noTemplate; } public boolean validateTarget(String firstTarget) { HashMap targets = ptHelper.getTargets(); if (targets.get(firstTarget) != null) return true; else return false; } public SelectItem[] getPublishingTargets() { HashMap targets = ptHelper.getTargets(); Set e = targets.keySet(); Iterator iter = e.iterator(); int numSelections = getNumberOfGroupsForSite() > 0 ? 3 : 2; SelectItem[] target = new SelectItem[numSelections]; ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader( "org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.bundle.AssessmentSettingsMessages"); while (iter.hasNext()) { String t = (String); if ("Anonymous Users".equals(t)) { target[0] = new SelectItem(t, rb.getString("anonymous_users")); } else if (numSelections == 3 && t.equals(AssessmentAccessControl.RELEASE_TO_SELECTED_GROUPS)) { target[2] = new SelectItem(t, rb.getString("selected_groups")); } else if (t.equals(AgentFacade.getCurrentSiteName())) { target[1] = new SelectItem(t, rb.getString("entire_site")); } } return target; } public void setTargetSelected(String[] targetSelected) { this.targetSelected = targetSelected; } public String[] getTargetSelected() { return targetSelected; } public String[] getTargetSelected(String releaseTo) { if (releaseTo != null) { String[] releaseToArray = new String[1]; releaseToArray[0] = releaseTo; this.targetSelected = releaseToArray; } return this.targetSelected; } public void setFirstTargetSelected(String firstTargetSelected) { this.firstTargetSelected = firstTargetSelected.trim(); this.targetSelected[0] = firstTargetSelected.trim(); } public String getFirstTargetSelected() { return firstTargetSelected; } public String getFirstTargetSelected(String releaseTo) { if (releaseTo != null) { String[] releaseToArray = new String[1]; releaseToArray[0] = releaseTo; this.targetSelected = releaseToArray; this.firstTargetSelected = targetSelected[0].trim(); } return this.firstTargetSelected; } public String getPublishedUrl() { return this.publishedUrl; } public void setPublishedUrl(String publishedUrl) { this.publishedUrl = publishedUrl; } public String getAlias() { return this.alias; } public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } public String checkDate() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ResourceLoader rb = new ResourceLoader("org.sakaiproject.tool.assessment.bundle.AuthorMessages"); String err; if (this.error) { err = rb.getString("deliveryDate_error"); context.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(err)); log.error("START DATE ADD MESSAGE"); return "deliveryDate_error"; } else { return "saveSettings"; } } public String getFeedbackAuthoring() { return feedbackAuthoring; } public void setFeedbackAuthoring(String feedbackAuthoring) { this.feedbackAuthoring = feedbackAuthoring; } public List getAttachmentList() { return attachmentList; } public void setAttachmentList(List attachmentList) { this.attachmentList = attachmentList; } private boolean hasAttachment = false; public boolean getHasAttachment() { if (attachmentList != null && attachmentList.size() > 0) this.hasAttachment = true; return this.hasAttachment; } public String addAttachmentsRedirect() { // 1. redirect to add attachment try { List filePickerList = new ArrayList(); if (attachmentList != null) { filePickerList = prepareReferenceList(attachmentList); } ToolSession currentToolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession(); currentToolSession.setAttribute(FilePickerHelper.FILE_PICKER_ATTACHMENTS, filePickerList); ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); context.redirect("sakai.filepicker.helper/tool"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("fail to redirect to attachment page: " + e.getMessage()); } return "editAssessmentSettings"; } public void setAssessmentAttachment() { SaveAssessmentAttachmentListener lis = new SaveAssessmentAttachmentListener(true); lis.processAction(null); } private List prepareReferenceList(List attachmentList) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < attachmentList.size(); i++) { ContentResource cr = null; AttachmentIfc attach = (AttachmentIfc) attachmentList.get(i); try { cr = AssessmentService.getContentHostingService().getResource(attach.getResourceId()); } catch (PermissionException e) { log.warn("PermissionException from ContentHostingService:" + e.getMessage()); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { log.warn("IdUnusedException from ContentHostingService:" + e.getMessage()); // <-- bad sign, some left over association of assessment and resource, // use case: user remove resource in file picker, then exit modification without // proper cancellation by clicking at the left nav instead of "cancel". // Also in this use case, any added resource would be left orphan. AssessmentService assessmentService = new AssessmentService(); assessmentService.removeAssessmentAttachment(attach.getAttachmentId().toString()); } catch (TypeException e) { log.warn("TypeException from ContentHostingService:" + e.getMessage()); } if (cr != null) { Reference ref = EntityManager.newReference(cr.getReference()); if (ref != null) list.add(ref); } } return list; } private HashMap resourceHash = new HashMap(); public HashMap getResourceHash() { return resourceHash; } public void setResourceHash(HashMap resourceHash) { this.resourceHash = resourceHash; } public void setDisplayFormat(String displayDateFormat) { this.displayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(displayDateFormat, new ResourceLoader().getLocale()); } public boolean getIsValidStartDate() { return this.isValidStartDate; } public boolean getIsValidDueDate() { return this.isValidDueDate; } public boolean getIsValidRetractDate() { return this.isValidRetractDate; } public boolean getIsValidFeedbackDate() { return this.isValidFeedbackDate; } public void resetIsValidDate() { this.isValidStartDate = true; this.isValidDueDate = true; this.isValidRetractDate = true; this.isValidFeedbackDate = true; } public void resetOriginalDateString() { this.originalStartDateString = ""; this.originalDueDateString = ""; this.originalRetractDateString = ""; this.originalFeedbackDateString = ""; } /** * Returns all groups for site * @return */ public SelectItem[] getGroupsForSite() { SelectItem[] groupSelectItems = new SelectItem[0]; TreeMap sortedSelectItems = new TreeMap(); Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); Collection groups = site.getGroups(); if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { groupSelectItems = new SelectItem[groups.size()]; Iterator groupIter = groups.iterator(); while (groupIter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); String title = group.getTitle(); String groupId = group.getId(); String uniqueTitle = title + groupId; sortedSelectItems.put(uniqueTitle.toUpperCase(), new SelectItem(group.getId(), title)); } Set keySet = sortedSelectItems.keySet(); groupIter = keySet.iterator(); int i = 0; while (groupIter.hasNext()) { groupSelectItems[i++] = (SelectItem) sortedSelectItems.get(; } } } catch (IdUnusedException ex) { // No site available } return groupSelectItems; } /** * Returns the total number of groups for this site * @return */ public int getNumberOfGroupsForSite() { int numGroups = 0; try { Site site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); Collection groups = site.getGroups(); if (groups != null) { numGroups = groups.size(); } } catch (IdUnusedException ex) { // No site available } return numGroups; } /** * The authorized groups */ private String[] groupsAuthorized; private boolean noGroupSelectedError; /** * Returns the groups to which this assessment is released * @return */ public String[] getGroupsAuthorized() { if (noGroupSelectedError || groupsAuthorized != null) { return groupsAuthorized; } AuthzQueriesFacadeAPI authz = PersistenceService.getInstance().getAuthzQueriesFacade(); if (authz != null) { List authorizations = authz.getAuthorizationByFunctionAndQualifier("TAKE_ASSESSMENT", getAssessmentId().toString()); if (authorizations != null && authorizations.size() > 0) { groupsAuthorized = new String[authorizations.size()]; Iterator authsIter = authorizations.iterator(); int i = 0; while (authsIter.hasNext()) { AuthorizationData ad = (AuthorizationData); groupsAuthorized[i++] = ad.getAgentIdString(); } } } return groupsAuthorized; } public void setGroupsAuthorized(String[] groupsAuthorized) { this.groupsAuthorized = groupsAuthorized; } public void setNoGroupSelectedError(boolean noGroupSelectedError) { this.noGroupSelectedError = noGroupSelectedError; } /** * To compensate for strange stateful behaviour of this bean * * TODO: troubleshoot stateful behaviour if time allows * - found that it's due to the bean having "session" scope * - but changing it to "request" scope causes other issues * * @return */ public String[] getGroupsAuthorizedToSave() { return groupsAuthorized; } public boolean getIsMarkForReview() { return this.isMarkForReview; } public void setIsMarkForReview(boolean isMarkForReview) { this.isMarkForReview = isMarkForReview; } public void setReleaseToGroupsAsString(String releaseToGroupsAsString) { this.releaseToGroupsAsString = releaseToGroupsAsString; } public String getReleaseToGroupsAsString() { return releaseToGroupsAsString; } public String getReleaseToGroupsAsHtml() { return FormattedText.escapeHtml(releaseToGroupsAsString, false); } public void setBlockDivs(String blockDivs) { this.blockDivs = blockDivs; } public String getBlockDivs() { return blockDivs; } public SelectItem[] getSecureDeliverModuleSelections() { SecureDeliveryServiceAPI secureDeliveryService = SamigoApiFactory.getInstance() .getSecureDeliveryServiceAPI(); Set<RegisteredSecureDeliveryModuleIfc> modules = secureDeliveryService .getSecureDeliveryModules(new ResourceLoader().getLocale()); SelectItem[] selections = new SelectItem[modules.size()]; int index = 0; for (RegisteredSecureDeliveryModuleIfc module : modules) { selections[index] = new SelectItem(module.getId(), module.getName()); ++index; } return selections; } public void setExtendedTimes(String extendedTimes) { this.extendedTimes = extendedTimes; } public String getExtendedTimes() { return extendedTimes; } /** * Popluate the select item list of extended time targets * * @return */ public SelectItem[] initExtendedTimeTargets() { SelectItem[] extTimeSelectItems = null; Site site = null; try { site = SiteService.getSite(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()); Collection groups = site.getGroups(); SectionAwareness sectionAwareness = PersistenceService.getInstance().getSectionAwareness(); // List sections = sectionAwareness.getSections(site.getId()); List enrollments = sectionAwareness.getSiteMembersInRole(site.getId(), Role.STUDENT); // Treemaps are used here because they auto-sort TreeMap SectionTargets = new TreeMap<String, String>(); TreeMap groupTargets = new TreeMap<String, String>(); TreeMap studentTargets = new TreeMap<String, String>(); // Add groups to target set if (groups != null && groups.size() > 0) { Iterator groupIter = groups.iterator(); while (groupIter.hasNext()) { Group group = (Group); if (!group.getTitle().startsWith("Access: ")) // do not // include // Lessons // groups groupTargets.put("Group: " + group.getTitle(), group.getId()); } } // Add students to target set if (enrollments != null && enrollments.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iter = enrollments.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { EnrollmentRecord enrollmentRecord = (EnrollmentRecord); String userId = enrollmentRecord.getUser().getUserUid(); String userDisplayName = enrollmentRecord.getUser().getSortName(); studentTargets.put(userDisplayName, userId); } } // Add targets to selectItem array. We put the alpha name in as the // key so it would // be alphabetized. Now we pull it out and build the select item // list. int listSize = 1 + groupTargets.size() + studentTargets.size(); extTimeSelectItems = new SelectItem[listSize]; extTimeSelectItems[0] = new SelectItem("1", "Select User/Group"); int selectCount = 1; // Add in groups to select item list Set keySet = groupTargets.keySet(); Iterator iter = keySet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String alphaName = (String); String sakaiId = (String) groupTargets.get(alphaName); extTimeSelectItems[selectCount++] = new SelectItem(sakaiId, alphaName); } // Add in students to select item list keySet = studentTargets.keySet(); iter = keySet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String alphaName = (String); String sakaiId = (String) studentTargets.get(alphaName); extTimeSelectItems[selectCount++] = new SelectItem(sakaiId, alphaName); } } catch (IdUnusedException ex) { // No site available } return extTimeSelectItems; } public SelectItem[] getExtendedTimeTargets() { return extendedTimeTargets; } public void setExtendedTimeTargets(SelectItem[] targets) { this.extendedTimeTargets = targets; } }