Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Apereo Foundation Licensed under the * Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.sakaiproject.gradebook.logic; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.AuthzGroupService; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.Member; import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService; import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService; import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.Category; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.Course; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.Gradebook; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.GradebookItem; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.GradebookItemScore; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.SparseGradebookItem; import org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.Student; import org.sakaiproject.javax.PagingPosition; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.Assignment; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.CategoryDefinition; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.CommentDefinition; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookExternalAssessmentService; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookInformation; import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradebookService; import; import; import; import; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager; import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService; import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException; import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader; /** * This is the common parts of the logic which is external to our app logic, this provides isolation * of the Sakai system from the app so that the integration can be adjusted for future versions or * even other systems without requiring rewriting large parts of the code * * @author Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @ */ public class ExternalLogic { public final static String EXTERNAL_DATASOURCE = "GB_REST"; public final static boolean EXTERNAL_ONLY = true; public String serverId = "UNKNOWN_SERVER_ID"; public final static String NO_LOCATION = "noLocationAvailable"; private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExternalLogic.class); protected AuthzGroupService authzGroupService; public void setAuthzGroupService(AuthzGroupService authzGroupService) { this.authzGroupService = authzGroupService; } private GradebookService gradebookService; public void setGradebookService(GradebookService gradebookService) { this.gradebookService = gradebookService; } protected GradebookExternalAssessmentService gradebookExternalAssessmentService; public void setGradebookExternalAssessmentService( GradebookExternalAssessmentService gradebookExternalAssessmentService) { this.gradebookExternalAssessmentService = gradebookExternalAssessmentService; } private ToolManager toolManager; public void setToolManager(ToolManager toolManager) { this.toolManager = toolManager; } private SecurityService securityService; public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) { this.securityService = securityService; } private ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService; public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService) { this.serverConfigurationService = serverConfigurationService; } private SessionManager sessionManager; public void setSessionManager(SessionManager sessionManager) { this.sessionManager = sessionManager; } private SiteService siteService; public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) { this.siteService = siteService; } private UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService; public void setUserDirectoryService(UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService) { this.userDirectoryService = userDirectoryService; } public void init() {"INIT"); } /** * @return the current location id of the current user */ public String getCurrentLocationId() { String location = null; try { String context = toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); location = context; // Site s = siteService.getSite( context ); // location = s.getReference(); // get the entity reference to the site } catch (Exception e) { // sakai failed to get us a location so we can assume we are not inside the portal return NO_LOCATION; } if (location == null) { location = NO_LOCATION; } return location; } /** * @param locationId * a unique id which represents the current location of the user (entity reference) * @return the title for the context or "--------" (8 hyphens) if none found */ public String getLocationTitle(String locationId) { String title = null; try { Site site = siteService.getSite(locationId); title = site.getTitle(); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { log.warn("Cannot get the info about locationId: " + locationId); title = "----------"; } return title; } /** * Get the user id from the user login name * @param loginname the eid for the user * @return the id IF the user exists OR null if they do not */ public String getUserIdFromLoginName(String loginname) { String userId; try { User u = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(loginname); userId = u.getId(); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { userId = null; } return userId; } /** * Validate the session id given and optionally make it the current one * @param sessionId a sakai session id * @param makeCurrent if true and the session id is valid then it is made the current one * @return true if the session id is valid OR false if not */ public boolean validateSessionId(String sessionId, boolean makeCurrent) { try { // this also protects us from null pointer where session service is not set or working Session s = sessionManager.getSession(sessionId); if (s != null && s.getUserId() != null) { if (makeCurrent) { s.setActive(); sessionManager.setCurrentSession(s); authzGroupService.refreshUser(s.getUserId()); } } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Failure attempting to set sakai session id (" + sessionId + "): " + e.getMessage()); } return true; } /** * @return the current sakai user session id OR null if none */ public String getCurrentSessionId() { String sessionId = null; Session s = sessionManager.getCurrentSession(); if (s != null) { sessionId = s.getId(); } return sessionId; } /** * @return the current sakai user id (not username) */ public String getCurrentUserId() { return sessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId(); } /** * @return the current Locale as Sakai understands it */ public Locale getCurrentLocale() { return new ResourceLoader().getLocale(); } /** * Get the display name for a user by their unique id * * @param userId * the current sakai user id (not username) * @return display name (probably firstname lastname) or "----------" (10 hyphens) if none found */ public String getUserDisplayName(String userId) { String name = null; try { name = userDirectoryService.getUser(userId).getDisplayName(); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { log.warn("Cannot get user displayname for id: " + userId); name = "--------"; } return name; } /** * Get a user by their unique id * @param userId user id * @return the populated User or null if none found */ public org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.User getUser(String userId) { org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.User user = null; User u = null; try { u = userDirectoryService.getUser(userId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { try { u = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(userId); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e1) { log.warn("Cannot get user for id: " + userId); } } if (u != null) { user = new org.sakaiproject.gradebook.entity.User(u.getId(), u.getEid(), u.getDisplayName(), u.getSortName(), u.getEmail()); user.fname = u.getFirstName(); user.lname = u.getLastName(); } return user; } /** * @return the system email address or null if none available */ public String getNotificationEmail() { // attempt to get the email address, if it is not there then we will not send an email String emailAddr = serverConfigurationService.getString("", serverConfigurationService.getString("")); if ("".equals(emailAddr)) { emailAddr = null; } return emailAddr; } /** * Check if this user has super admin access * * @param userId * the internal user id (not username) * @return true if the user has admin access, false otherwise */ public boolean isUserAdmin(String userId) { return securityService.isSuperUser(userId); } /** * Check if a user has a specified permission within a context, primarily a convenience method * and passthrough * * @param userId * the internal user id (not username) * @param permission * a permission string constant * @param locationId * a unique id which represents the current location of the user (entity reference) * @return true if allowed, false otherwise */ public boolean isUserAllowedInLocation(String userId, String permission, String locationId) { if (securityService.unlock(userId, permission, locationId)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get all the courses for the current user, note that this needs to be limited from * outside this method for security * * @param siteId * [OPTIONAL] limit the return to just this one site * @return the sites (up to 100 of them) which the user has instructor access in */ public List<Course> getCoursesForInstructor(String siteId) { List<Course> courses = new Vector<Course>(); if (siteId == null || "".equals(siteId)) { List<Site> sites = getInstructorSites(); for (Site site : sites) { courses.add(makeCourseFromSite(site)); } } else { // return a single site and enrollments if (siteService.siteExists(siteId)) { if (siteService.allowUpdateSite(siteId) || siteService.allowViewRoster(siteId)) { Site site; try { site = siteService.getSite(siteId); Course c = makeCourseFromSite(site); courses.add(c); } catch (IdUnusedException e) { site = null; } } } } return courses; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Course makeCourseFromSite(Site site) { long createdTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; if (site.getCreatedTime() != null) { createdTime = site.getCreatedTime().getTime() / 1000; } Course c = new Course(site.getId(), site.getTitle(), site.getShortDescription(), createdTime, site.isPublished()); return c; } private List<Site> getInstructorSites() { // return a max of 100 sites List<Site> instSites = new ArrayList<Site>(); List<Site> sites = siteService.getSites(SelectionType.UPDATE, null, null, null, SortType.TITLE_ASC, new PagingPosition(1, 100)); for (Site site : sites) { // filter out admin sites String sid = site.getId(); if (sid.startsWith("!") || sid.endsWith("Admin") || sid.equals("mercury")) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Skipping site (" + sid + ") for current user in instructor courses"); } continue; } instSites.add(site); } return instSites; } /** * Get the listing of students from the site gradebook, uses GB security so safe to call * * @param siteId * the id of the site to get students from * @return the list of Students */ public List<Student> getStudentsForCourse(String siteId) { List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>(); Site site; try { site = siteService.getSite(siteId); } catch (IdUnusedException e1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No course found with id (" + siteId + ")"); } // Get students grades for course. This method handles grade overrides. Map courseGradeMap = gradebookService.getImportCourseGrade(siteId, false); String siteRef = site.getReference(); // use the method gradebook uses internally List<User> studentUsers = securityService.unlockUsers("section.role.student", siteRef); for (User user : studentUsers) { Student s = new Student(user.getId(), user.getEid(), user.getDisplayName(), user.getSortName(), user.getEmail()); s.fname = user.getFirstName(); s.lname = user.getLastName(); if (courseGradeMap != null && courseGradeMap.containsKey(s.username)) { s.courseGrade = (String) courseGradeMap.get(s.username); // Pull student course grade from the map. } students.add(s); } /*** this only works in the post-2.5 gradebook -AZ // Let the gradebook tell use how it defines the students The gradebookUID is the siteId String gbID = siteId; if (!gradebookService.isGradebookDefined(gbID)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No gradebook found for course (" + siteId + "), gradebook must be installed in each course to use with this"); } Map<String, String> studentToPoints = gradebookService.getImportCourseGrade(gbID); ArrayList<String> eids = new ArrayList<String>(studentToPoints.keySet()); Collections.sort(eids); for (String eid : eids) { try { User user = userDirectoryService.getUserByEid(eid); students.add(new Student(user.getId(), user.getEid(), user.getDisplayName())); } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { log.warn("Undefined user eid (" + eid + ") from site/gb (" + siteId + "): " + e); } } ***/ return students; } /** * * Get the category information * @param gbID * @return */ public List<Category> getCategoriesForCourse(String gbID) { List<Category> categories = new ArrayList<Category>(); for (CategoryDefinition categoryDefinition : gradebookService.getCategoryDefinitions(gbID)) { List<SparseGradebookItem> assignmentsRest = getAssignmentsForCategories(categoryDefinition); Category categoryRest = new Category(categoryDefinition.getName(), categoryDefinition.getWeight(), categoryDefinition.getDrop_lowest(), categoryDefinition.getDropHighest(), categoryDefinition.getKeepHighest(), assignmentsRest); categories.add(categoryRest); } return categories; } /** * * @param categoryDefinition * @return basic information for assignments in the given category */ private List<SparseGradebookItem> getAssignmentsForCategories(CategoryDefinition categoryDefinition) { List<Assignment> assignmentList = categoryDefinition.getAssignmentList(); List<SparseGradebookItem> assignmentsRest = new ArrayList<SparseGradebookItem>(); for (Assignment assign : assignmentList) { SparseGradebookItem gbItem = new SparseGradebookItem(assign.getId(), assign.getName()); assignmentsRest.add(gbItem); } return assignmentsRest; } /** * @param userId * the current sakai user id (not username) * @return true if the user has update access in any sites */ public boolean isUserInstructor(String userId) { boolean inst = false; // admin never counts as in instructor if (!isUserAdmin(userId)) { int count = siteService.countSites(SelectionType.UPDATE, null, null, null); inst = (count > 0); } return inst; } /** * Check if the current user in an instructor for the given user id, * this will return the first course found in alpha order, * will only check the first 100 courses * * @param studentUserId the Sakai user id for the student * @return the course ID of the course they are an instructor for the student OR null if they are not */ public String isInstructorOfUser(String studentUserId) { if (studentUserId == null || "".equals(studentUserId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("studentUserId must be set"); } String courseId = null; List<Site> sites = getInstructorSites(); if (sites != null && !sites.isEmpty()) { if (sites.size() >= 99) { // if instructor of 99 or more sites then auto-approved courseId = sites.get(0).getId(); } else { for (Site site : sites) { Member member = site.getMember(studentUserId); if (member != null) { courseId = site.getId(); break; } } } } return courseId; } /** * Gets the gradebook data for a given site, * this uses the gradebook security so it is secure * * @param siteId a sakai siteId (cannot be group Id) * @param gbItemName [OPTIONAL] an item name to fetch from this gradebook (limit to this item only), * if null then all items are returned * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no gradebook can be found */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Gradebook getCourseGradebook(String siteId, String gbItemName) { // The gradebookUID is the siteId, the gradebookID is a long String gbID = siteId; if (!gradebookService.isGradebookDefined(gbID)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No gradebook found for site: " + siteId); } // verify permissions String userId = getCurrentUserId(); if (userId == null || !siteService.allowUpdateSite(siteId) || !siteService.allowViewRoster(siteId)) { throw new SecurityException("User (" + userId + ") cannot access gradebook in site (" + siteId + ")"); } Gradebook gb = new Gradebook(gbID); gb.averageCourseGrade = gradebookService.getAverageCourseGrade(gbID); gb.students = getStudentsForCourse(siteId); Map<String, String> studentUserIds = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(); for (Student student : gb.students) { studentUserIds.put(student.userId, student.username); } ArrayList<String> studentIds = new ArrayList<String>(studentUserIds.keySet()); if (gbItemName == null) { List<Assignment> gbitems = gradebookService.getAssignments(gbID); for (Assignment assignment : gbitems) { GradebookItem gbItem = makeGradebookItemFromAssignment(gbID, assignment, studentUserIds, studentIds); gb.items.add(gbItem); } } else { Assignment assignment = gradebookService.getAssignment(gbID, gbItemName); if (assignment != null) { GradebookItem gbItem = makeGradebookItemFromAssignment(gbID, assignment, studentUserIds, studentIds); gb.items.add(gbItem); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid gradebook item name (" + gbItemName + "), no item with this name found in cource (" + siteId + ")"); } } gb.category = getCategoriesForCourse(gbID); GradebookInformation gradebookInformation = gradebookService.getGradebookInformation(gbID); gb.displayReleasedGradeItemsToStudents = gradebookInformation.isDisplayReleasedGradeItemsToStudents(); gb.gradebookScale = gradebookInformation.getGradeScale(); int gradeType = gradebookInformation.getGradeType(); if (gradeType == GradebookService.GRADE_TYPE_POINTS) { gb.isPointFlag = true; } else if (gradeType == GradebookService.GRADE_TYPE_PERCENTAGE) { gb.isPercentFlag = true; } else if (gradeType == GradebookService.GRADE_TYPE_LETTER) { gb.isLetterGradeFlag = true; } return gb; } private GradebookItem makeGradebookItemFromAssignment(String gbID, Assignment assignment, Map<String, String> studentUserIds, ArrayList<String> studentIds) { // build up the items listing GradebookItem gbItem = new GradebookItem(gbID, assignment.getName(), assignment.getPoints(), assignment.getDueDate(), assignment.getExternalAppName(), assignment.isReleased(), assignment.isCounted()); = assignment.getId(); /* * We have to iterate through each student and get the grades out... * 2.6 gradebook service has some issues */ for (String studentId : studentIds) { // too expensive: if (gradebookService.getGradeViewFunctionForUserForStudentForItem(gbID, assignment.getId(), studentId) == null) { String grade = gradebookService.getAssignmentScoreString(gbID, assignment.getId(), studentId); if (grade != null) { GradebookItemScore score = new GradebookItemScore(assignment.getId().toString(), studentId, grade); score.username = studentUserIds.get(studentId); CommentDefinition cd = gradebookService.getAssignmentScoreComment(gbID, assignment.getId(), studentId); if (cd != null) { score.comment = cd.getCommentText(); score.recorded = cd.getDateRecorded(); score.graderUserId = cd.getGraderUid(); } gbItem.scores.add(score); } } /* This is another post 2.5 way List<GradeDefinition> grades = gradebookService.getGradesForStudentsForItem(siteId, assignment.getId(), studentIds); for (GradeDefinition gd : grades) { String studId = gd.getStudentUid(); String studEID = studentUserIds.get(studId); GradebookItemScore score = new GradebookItemScore(assignment.getId().toString(), studId, gd.getGrade(), studEID, gd.getGraderUid(), gd.getDateRecorded(), gd.getGradeComment()); gbItem.scores.add(score); } **/ return gbItem; } /** * Save a gradebook item and optionally the scores within <br/> * Scores must have at least the studentId or username AND the grade set * * @param gbItem * the gradebook item to save, must have at least the gradebookId and name set * @return the updated gradebook item and scores, contains any errors that occurred * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the assignment is invalid and cannot be saved * @throws SecurityException if the current user does not have permissions to save */ public GradebookItem saveGradebookItem(GradebookItem gbItem) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("saveGradebookItem(" + gbItem + ")"); if (gbItem == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gbItem cannot be null"); } if (gbItem.gradebookId == null || "".equals(gbItem.gradebookId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gbItem must have the gradebookId set"); } if ( == null || "".equals( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("gbItem must have the name set"); } String gradebookId = gbItem.gradebookId; boolean isExternal = false; // try to find by eid first Assignment assignment = findAssignmentByExternalId(gradebookId, gbItem.eid); if (assignment != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("find external(" + assignment + "), eid=" + gbItem.eid); = assignment.getId(); isExternal = true; } if (!EXTERNAL_ONLY) { // in the GB service we can only lookup by name or internal id if (assignment == null) { // try to get by internal id if ( != null) { assignment = gradebookService.getAssignment(gradebookId,; } if (assignment == null) { // try to find by name if (gradebookService.isAssignmentDefined(gradebookId, { assignment = gradebookService.getAssignment(gradebookId,; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found internal assign by name (" + + "): " + assignment); } } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found internal assign by id (" + + "): " + assignment); } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found assignment (" + assignment + ") from gb item: " + gbItem); // now we have the item if it exists try { // try to save or update it if (assignment == null) { // no item so create one = makeSafeAssignmentName(gradebookId,; if (EXTERNAL_ONLY) { gradebookExternalAssessmentService.addExternalAssessment(gradebookId, gbItem.eid, null,, gbItem.pointsPossible, gbItem.dueDate, EXTERNAL_DATASOURCE, false); // GradebookNotFoundException, ConflictingAssignmentNameException, ConflictingExternalIdException, AssignmentHasIllegalPointsException // fetch the newly created assignment object so we can get the id from it isExternal = true; assignment = gradebookService.getAssignment(gradebookId,; if (assignment != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "found new external assignment (" + assignment + ") from name: " +; } else { assignment = findAssignmentByExternalId(gradebookId, gbItem.eid); if (assignment != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("found new external assignment (" + assignment + ") from eid: " + gbItem.eid); } else { log.warn("FATAL error finding new external assignment from item: " + gbItem); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find the newly saved item: " + gbItem); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("created external assignment (" + assignment + ") from item: " + gbItem); } else { // create internal assignment assignment = new Assignment(); /* setting External fields has no effect assignment.setExternallyMaintained(false); // cannot modify it later if true if (gbItem.eid != null) { assignment.setExternalId(gbItem.eid); } assignment.setExternalAppName(gbItem.type); */ // assign values assignment.setDueDate(gbItem.dueDate); assignment.setName(; assignment.setPoints(gbItem.pointsPossible); assignment.setReleased(gbItem.released); gradebookService.addAssignment(gradebookId, assignment); // SecurityException, AssignmentHasIllegalPointsException, RuntimeException if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("created internal assignment (" + assignment + ") from item: " + gbItem); } = assignment.getId(); } else { if (gbItem.dueDate != null) { assignment.setDueDate(gbItem.dueDate); } if (gbItem.pointsPossible != null && gbItem.pointsPossible >= 0d) { assignment.setPoints(gbItem.pointsPossible); } String originalName = assignment.getName(); if ( != null && "".equals( && ! { assignment.setName(makeSafeAssignmentName(gradebookId,; } if (isExternal) { gradebookExternalAssessmentService.updateExternalAssessment(gradebookId, gbItem.eid, null, assignment.getName(), assignment.getPoints(), assignment.getDueDate(), false); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("updated external assignment (" + assignment + ") from item: " + gbItem); } else { // assign new values to existing assignment /* setting External fields has no effect if (gbItem.type != null) { assignment.setExternalAppName(gbItem.type); //assignment.setExternalId(gbItem.type); } */ // assignment.setReleased(gbItem.released); // no mod released setting from here gradebookService.updateAssignment(gradebookId, assignment.getId(), assignment); // SecurityException, RuntimeException if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("updated internal assignment (" + assignment + ") from item: " + gbItem); } } } catch (SecurityException e) { log.warn("security failure (gb=" + gradebookId + ", item=" + gbItem + ", asgn=" + assignment + "): cannot create: " + e, e); throw e; // rethrow } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = "Invalid assignment (gb=" + gradebookId + ", item=" + gbItem + ", asgn=" + assignment + "): cannot create: " + e; log.warn(msg, e); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e); } int errorsCount = 0; if (gbItem.scores != null && !gbItem.scores.isEmpty()) { // now update scores if there are any to update, // this will not remove scores and will only add new ones for (GradebookItemScore score : gbItem.scores) { if (isBlank(score.username) && isBlank(score.userId)) { score.error = "USER_INVALID: User ID and Name are both blank"; continue; } // find out if the student id is internal or external, and set the score vals and then studentId to the internal id String studentId = score.userId; if (isBlank(score.userId)) { studentId = score.username; } try { // try assuming it is the internal id first score.username = userDirectoryService.getUserEid(studentId); score.userId = studentId; } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) { try { // now try it as the external id score.userId = userDirectoryService.getUserId(studentId); score.username = studentId; studentId = score.userId; } catch (UserNotDefinedException ex) { score.error = "USER_NOT_EXISTS: User (id=" + score.userId + ", name=" + score.username + ") could not be found"; errorsCount++; continue; } } score.assignId(, studentId); // null/blank scores are not allowed if (isBlank(score.grade)) { score.error = "NO_SCORE_ERROR: score is blank"; errorsCount++; continue; } Double dScore; try { dScore = Double.valueOf(score.grade); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { score.error = "SCORE_INVALID: Score (" + score.grade + ") is invalid"; errorsCount++; continue; } // Student Score should not be greater than the total points possible if (dScore > assignment.getPoints()) { score.error = "POINTS: Score (" + dScore + ") > PointsPossible (" + assignment.getPoints() + ")"; errorsCount++; continue; } try { /** check against existing score ** NOT NEEDED String currentScore = gradebookService.getAssignmentScoreString(gradebookUid,, studentId); if (currentScore != null) { try { Double dCurrentScore = Double.valueOf(currentScore); if (dScore < dCurrentScore) { score.error = SCORE_UPDATE_ERRORS; errorsCount++; continue; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no comparison since this is not a numerical score } } **/ // null grade deletes the score if (isExternal) { gradebookExternalAssessmentService.updateExternalAssessmentScore(gradebookId, gbItem.eid, studentId, dScore.toString()); } else { gradebookService.setAssignmentScoreString(gradebookId,, studentId, dScore.toString(), EXTERNAL_DATASOURCE); } if (score.comment != null && !"".equals(score.comment)) { gradebookService.setAssignmentScoreComment(gradebookId,, studentId, score.comment); } } catch (Exception e) { // General errors, caused while performing updates (Tag: generalerrors) String msg = "Failure saving score (" + score + "): " + e; log.warn(msg, e); score.error = "GENERAL: " + msg; errorsCount++; } /* post-2.5 gradebook method try { gradebookService.saveGradeAndCommentForStudent(gradebookUid, gbItemId, studentId, score.grade, score.comment); } catch (InvalidGradeException e) { scoreErrors.put(score, "SCORE_INVALID"); continue; } GradeDefinition gd = gradebookService.getGradeDefinitionForStudentForItem( gradebookUid, gbItemId, studentId); score.assignId(, gd.getStudentUid()); score.comment = gd.getGradeComment(); score.grade = gd.getGrade(); score.graderUserId = gd.getGraderUid(); score.recorded = gd.getDateRecorded(); */ } // put the errors in the item if there are errors and they are set if (errorsCount > 0) { gbItem.scoreErrors = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (GradebookItemScore score : gbItem.scores) { if (score.error != null) { gbItem.scoreErrors.put(, score.error); } } } } return gbItem; } /** * Check if a name exists already and if so, adjusts it so it is now safe without doing too many checks * @param gradebookId the gradebook unique id (can also be the siteId) * @param name the current assignment name * @return a name which is safe (may be the original if unused) */ protected String makeSafeAssignmentName(String gradebookId, String name) { String safeName = name; if (gradebookService.isAssignmentDefined(gradebookId, name)) { // try to find a safe one safeName = name + "-1"; if (gradebookService.isAssignmentDefined(gradebookId, name)) { // now make a name which we know will be safe safeName = StringUtils.abbreviate(name, 200) + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis(); } } return safeName; } /** * Find an internal assignment (with internal id) for an assignment in a gradebook by the external id if it exists * * @param gradebookId the gradebook unique id (can also be the siteId) * @param externalId the external id for the assignment (must be externally controlled) * @return the Assignment OR null if not found */ protected Assignment findAssignmentByExternalId(String gradebookId, String externalId) { Assignment assignment = null; if (gradebookExternalAssessmentService.isExternalAssignmentDefined(gradebookId, externalId)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Assignment> assignments = gradebookService.getAssignments(gradebookId); for (Assignment a : assignments) { if (externalId.equals(a.getExternalId()) && EXTERNAL_DATASOURCE.equals(a.getExternalAppName())) { assignment = a; break; } } } return assignment; } /** * Remove an assignment using the external id to locate it, * will only remove assignments which actually are externally managed by us * * @param gradebookId the gradebook unique id (can also be the siteId) * @param externalId the external id for the assignment (must be externally controlled) * @return the Assignment if found and removed OR null if not found and NOT removed */ public GradebookItem removeGradebookItem(String gradebookId, String externalId) { GradebookItem removed = null; Assignment a = findAssignmentByExternalId(gradebookId, externalId); if (a != null) { /* NOTES: * (1) Removing the Assignment only does not work, adding external ones later will cause exceptions (externalId in use) * gradebookService.removeAssignment(a.getId()); * (2) Breaking the connection only does not actually remove the Assignment * gradebookExternalAssessmentService.setExternalAssessmentToGradebookAssignment(gradebookId, externalId); * (3) The correct way which seems to remove the external assessment, Assignment, and scores is removeExternalAssessment * gradebookExternalAssessmentService.removeExternalAssessment(gradebookId, externalId); */ gradebookExternalAssessmentService.removeExternalAssessment(gradebookId, externalId); removed = new GradebookItem(gradebookId, a.getName(), a.getPoints(), a.getDueDate(), a.getCategoryName(), a.isReleased(), a.isCounted()); = a.getId(); removed.deleted = true; } return removed; } /** * String type: gets the printable name of this server */ public static String SETTING_SERVER_NAME = ""; /** * String type: gets the unique id of this server (safe for clustering if used) */ public static String SETTING_SERVER_ID = ""; /** * String type: gets the URL to this server */ public static String SETTING_SERVER_URL = "server.main.URL"; /** * String type: gets the URL to the portal on this server (or just returns the server URL if no * portal in use) */ public static String SETTING_PORTAL_URL = "server.portal.URL"; /** * Boolean type: if true then there will be data preloads and DDL creation, if false then data * preloads are disabled (and will cause exceptions if preload data is missing) */ public static String SETTING_AUTO_DDL = "auto.ddl"; /** * Retrieves settings from the configuration service ( * * @param settingName * the name of the setting to retrieve, Should be a string name: e.g. auto.ddl, * mystuff.config, etc. OR one of the SETTING constants (e.g * {@link #SETTING_AUTO_DDL}) * * @param defaultValue * a specified default value to return if this setting cannot be found, <b>NOTE:</b> * You can set the default value to null but you must specify the class type in * parens * @return the value of the configuration setting OR the default value if none can be found */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getConfigurationSetting(String settingName, T defaultValue) { T returnValue = defaultValue; if (SETTING_SERVER_NAME.equals(settingName)) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getServerName(); } else if (SETTING_SERVER_URL.equals(settingName)) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getServerUrl(); } else if (SETTING_PORTAL_URL.equals(settingName)) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); } else if (SETTING_SERVER_ID.equals(settingName)) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance(); } else { if (defaultValue == null) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getString(settingName); if ("".equals(returnValue)) { returnValue = null; } } else { if (defaultValue instanceof Number) { int num = ((Number) defaultValue).intValue(); int value = serverConfigurationService.getInt(settingName, num); returnValue = (T) Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (defaultValue instanceof Boolean) { boolean bool = ((Boolean) defaultValue).booleanValue(); boolean value = serverConfigurationService.getBoolean(settingName, bool); returnValue = (T) Boolean.valueOf(value); } else if (defaultValue instanceof String) { returnValue = (T) serverConfigurationService.getString(settingName, (String) defaultValue); } } } return returnValue; } public static boolean isBlank(String str) { if (str == null || "".equals(str)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set a current user for the current thread, create session if needed * @param userId the userId to set */ public void setCurrentUser(String userId) { if (userId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("userId cannot be null"); } Session currentSession = sessionManager.getCurrentSession(); if (currentSession == null) { // start a session if none is around currentSession = sessionManager.startSession(userId); } currentSession.setUserId(userId); currentSession.setActive(); sessionManager.setCurrentSession(currentSession); authzGroupService.refreshUser(userId); } }