Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * $URL: $
 * $Id: 21708 2007-02-18 21:59:28Z $
 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.sakaiproject.chat2.tool;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.faces.validator.ValidatorException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.PermissionsHelper;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.ChatMessage;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.ChatChannel;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.ChatManager;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.RoomObserver;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.ChatFunctions;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.model.PresenceObserver;
import org.sakaiproject.chat2.tool.ColorMapper;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService;
import org.sakaiproject.courier.api.CourierService;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.UsageSession;
import org.sakaiproject.event.cover.UsageSessionService;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException;
import org.sakaiproject.time.cover.TimeService;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Placement;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Tool;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolManager;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.ToolSession;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.cover.SessionManager;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserNotDefinedException;
import org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService;
import org.sakaiproject.util.DirectRefreshDelivery;
import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.sakaiproject.util.Validator;
import org.sakaiproject.util.Web;

 * This class is used in two ways:
 *  1) It is a JSF backing bean, with session scope. A new one is created
 *    every time the user enters the main chat tool. This includes a refresh.
 *  2) It is an observer. It is put on a list of observers for the room
 *    by AddRoomListener. 
 * This double existence is messy, because JSF manages beans, but
 * if JSF replaces or finishes the bean, there is no automatic way for
 * it to get removed from the list of observers. 
 *   Getting it off the list of observers is kind of tricky, because
 * there's no direct way to know when the instance is no longer valid.
 * Since a refresh generates a new instance, we have to get rid of the
 * old one, or the list of observers keeps growing. The hash table
 * "tools" is used to keep track of instances so we can kill old ones.
 *   This code was originally written when there was at most one chat
 * room per site. For that it made sense for the backing bean to have
 * session scope (because going to a new site goes through the main
 * entry and generates a new instance). We really need to redo this with
 * the bean at request scope and other data structures for things that
 * live longer. But I found out about this issue a week before 2.6 was
 * due. So I've adopted a hack. The bean is now in theory session scope
 * but actually may be shared by more than one chat room in a site.
 * It should never cross sites. That means there are now a couple of
 * data structures indexed by room ID, to handle more than one room.
 *   The JSP's all set the current room ID when doing a submit. So 
 * that lets them share the single backing bean.
 *   The other way an instance can become invalid is if the session
 * goes away. So in userLeft and a couple of other places we check
 * we check whether the current session is
 * still alive, and if not, remove the instance.
 *   This bookkeeping is done in SetCurrentChannel and 
 * ResetCurrentChannel, so they should be the only code to call
 * AddRoomListener and RemoveRoomListener.
 *   For final cleanup we depend upon the fact that all observers will
 * eventually get either UserLeft or ReceivedMessage, and the code will
 * notice that the session no longer exists. At times UserLeft seems to be
 * called when the session is still there, but when the next user logs out,
 * it will get called again with no session.
 * Chat works by the courier but not the same way as the old message delivery
 * system.  The courier sends messages into the JSF tool.  When the user dials home
 * it then picks up the messages.
 *   TODO: The page that sends the messages is polled, the tool can wait on the
 *   connection until it recieves a message to send or until it times out.  This
 *   would provide instant messaging as opposed to polling.
 * When entering the tool the first main page calls the enterTool function which
 * redirects the users based upon the tool's preferences: go to select a room or 
 * to a specific tool. NB: each time enterTool is called, we are dealing
 * with a new instance.
 * The PresenceObserverHelper is placed on the current room.  This this tool is informed
 * when a user enters and exits the room.  
 * @author andersjb
public class ChatTool implements RoomObserver, PresenceObserver {

    /** Our logger. */
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ChatTool.class);

    /*  */
    private static final String IFRAME_ROOM_USERS = "Presence";

    /* various pages that we can go to within the tool */
    private static final String PAGE_EDIT_A_ROOM = "editRoom";
    private static final String PAGE_LIST_ROOMS = "listRooms";
    private static final String PAGE_ENTER_ROOM = "room";
    private static final String PAGE_EDIT_ROOM = "editRoom";
    private static final String PAGE_DELETE_ROOM_CONFIRM = "deleteRoomConfirm";
    private static final String PAGE_DELETE_ROOM_MESSAGES_CONFIRM = "deleteRoomMessagesConfirm";
    private static final String PAGE_DELETE_MESSAGE_CONFIRM = "deleteMessageConfirm";
    private static final String PAGE_SYNOPTIC = "synoptic";
    private static final String PAGE_SYNOPTIC_OPTIONS = "synopticOptions";

    private static final String PERMISSION_ERROR = "perm_error";
    private static final String PRESENCE_PREPEND = "chat_room_";

    private static final String CHAT_CONTEXT_PRESENCE_PREFIX = "chat_site_";

    private static final int MESSAGEOPTIONS_NULL = -99;
    private static final int MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES = -1;
    private static final int MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE = 0;
    private static final int MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_NUMBER = 1;
    private static final int MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES = 2;

    private static final int DATETIME_DISPLAY_NONE = 0x00;
    private static final int DATETIME_DISPLAY_TIME = 0x01;
    private static final int DATETIME_DISPLAY_DATE = 0x02;
    private static final int DATETIME_DISPLAY_DATETIME = 0x03;
    private static final int DATETIME_DISPLAY_ID = 0x04;

    private static final String PARAM_CHANNEL = "channel";
    private static final String PARAM_DAYS = "days";
    private static final String PARAM_ITEMS = "items";
    private static final String PARAM_LENGTH = "length";

    private static final int DEFAULT_DAYS = 10;
    private static final int DEFAULT_ITEMS = 3;
    private static final int DEFAULT_LENGTH = 50;

    /* All the managers */
    /**   The work-horse of chat   */
    private ChatManager chatManager;

    /**   The tool manager   */
    private ToolManager toolManager;

    /** Constructor discovered injected CourierService. */
    protected CourierService m_courierService = null;

    /* All the private variables */
    /** The current channel the user is in */
    private DecoratedChatChannel currentChannel = null;

    /** The current channel the user is editing */
    private DecoratedChatChannel currentChannelEdit = null;

    /** The current message the user is deleting */
    private DecoratedChatMessage currentMessage = null;

    private DecoratedSynopticOptions currentSynopticOptions = null;

    /** The location where the new message text goes */
    private String newMessageText = "";

    /** display the time (1), date(2), both(3), neither(0), or uniqueid(4) */
    private int viewOptions = DATETIME_DISPLAY_DATETIME;

    /** display all messages (-1), past 3 days (0) */
    private int messageOptions = MESSAGEOPTIONS_NULL;

    /** The id of the session. needed for adding messages to the courier because that runs in the notification thread */
    private String sessionId = "";

    /** The id of the placement of this sakai tool.  the jsf tool bean needs this for passing to the delivery  */
    private String placementId = "";

    /** Mapping the color of each message */
    private ColorMapper colorMapper = new ColorMapper();

    /** the worksite the tool is in */
    private Site worksite = null;

    private String toolContext = null;

    /* room id maps */
    private Map<String, PresenceObserverHelper> presenceChannelObservers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, PresenceObserverHelper>();
    private Map<String, DecoratedChatChannel> channels = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DecoratedChatChannel>();

    /* address maps */
    private static Map<String, ChatTool> tools = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ChatTool>();

    protected void setupTool() {
        // "inject" a CourierService
        m_courierService = org.sakaiproject.courier.cover.CourierService.getInstance();

        Session session = SessionManager.getCurrentSession();
        sessionId = session.getId();

        Placement placement = getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement();
        placementId = placement.getId();

        // Really only calling this just to make sure a room gets created

        ChatChannel defaultChannel = getChatManager().getDefaultChannel(placement.getContext(), placement.getId());
        setCurrentChannel(new DecoratedChatChannel(this, defaultChannel));


     * This is called from the first page to redirect the user to the proper view.
     * This is the first call after JSF creates a new instance, so initialization is 
     *   done here.
     * If the tool is set to go to the select a chat room view and there are multiple chat
     * rooms, then it will go to the select a room page.  If the user is to select a room and
     * there is only one room, then it will go to that room.
     * @return String
    public String getEnterTool() {


        // if there is no room selected to enter then go to select a room
        String url = PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;

        if (currentChannel == null)
            url = PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

        ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();

        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.getRequest();
        req.setAttribute(Tool.NATIVE_URL, null); //signal to WrappedRequest that we want the Sakai managed
        req.setAttribute(Tool.NATIVE_URL, Tool.NATIVE_URL);

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to redirect to " + url, e);
        return "";

     * this gets the users in a channel.  It is typically called from roomUsers.jsp
     * to display or refresh the list. Despite the name, if called from a JSP with
     * channel as an argument, it uses that channel. Otherwise the current channel.
     * @return List of String display names
    public List<String> getUsersInCurrentChannel() {

        ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.getRequest();

        // normally this comes from roomUsers.jsp, which has the channel as an argument
        // no need to validate input as weird input simply results in a failure
        String channelId = req.getParameter("channel");
        if (channelId == null)
            channelId = getCurrentChatChannelId();

        List<String> userList = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (channelId == null)
            return userList;

        PresenceObserverHelper observer = presenceChannelObservers.get(channelId);

        if (observer == null)
            return userList;


        // get the current presence list (User objects) for this page
        List<User> users = observer.getPresentUsers();

        if (users == null)
            return userList;

        //System.out.println("userincurrent channel: " + getCurrentChatChannelId() + " users " + users);

        // is the current user running under an assumed (SU) user id?
        String asName = null;
        String myUserId = null;
        try {

            UsageSession usageSession = UsageSessionService.getSession();
            if (usageSession != null) {

                // this is the absolutely real end-user id, even if running as another user
                myUserId = usageSession.getUserId();

                // this is the user id the current user is running as
                String sessionUserId = SessionManager.getCurrentSessionUserId();

                // if different
                if (!myUserId.equals(sessionUserId)) {
                    asName = UserDirectoryService.getUser(sessionUserId).getDisplayName();
        } catch (Throwable any) {

        for (Iterator<User> i = users.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

            User u = (User);
            String displayName = u.getDisplayName();

            // adjust if this is the current user running as someone else
            if ((asName != null) && (u.getId().equals(myUserId))) {
                displayName += " (" + asName + ")";


        //System.out.println("userincurrent channel return: " + userList);

        return userList;

    // Interface Implementations

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * in the context of the event manager thread
    public void receivedMessage(String roomId, Object message) {

        DecoratedChatChannel channel = channels.get(roomId);
        // System.out.println("receivedmessager " + sessionId + " " + roomId + " " + channel + " " + SessionManager.getSession(sessionId));
        if (channel != null) {

            String address = sessionId + roomId;
            if (SessionManager.getSession(sessionId) == null) {
                // System.out.println("expire session " + sessionId + " " + currentChannel);
                logger.debug("received msg expired session " + sessionId + " " + currentChannel);
            } else {
                        new ChatDelivery(address, "Monitor", message, placementId, false, getChatManager()));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void roomDeleted(String roomId) {
        DecoratedChatChannel channel = channels.get(roomId);
        if (channel != null) {
            m_courierService.clear(sessionId + roomId);

    public class MyAddDelivery extends DirectRefreshDelivery {
        private String m_username;

        public void setUsername(String username) {
            m_username = username;

        public MyAddDelivery(String address, String elementId, String username) {
            super(address, elementId);
            m_username = username;

        public String compose() {
            return "addUser('" + m_username + "')";

    public class MyDelDelivery extends DirectRefreshDelivery {
        private String m_username;

        public MyDelDelivery(String address, String elementId, String username) {
            super(address, elementId);
            m_username = username;

        public String compose() {
            return "delUser('" + m_username + "')";

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void userJoined(String location, String user) {
        MyAddDelivery delivery = new MyAddDelivery(sessionId + location, IFRAME_ROOM_USERS, user);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * In addition to refreshing the list, this code takes care of
     * removing instances associated with processes that are now dead.
     * Despite the user argument, the API doesn't tell us what user
     * left. So the best we can do is check ourself, and rely on the
     * fact that this will be called once for each user who has an
     * observer in the room observer list, so the user who left
     * should catch himself.

    // new impl that counts the number of system in the location
    public void userLeft(String location, String user) {

        DecoratedChatChannel channel = channels.get(location);
        // System.out.println("userLeft " + sessionId + " " + location + " " + channel + " " + SessionManager.getSession(sessionId));
        if (channel != null && SessionManager.getSession(sessionId) == null) {
            // System.out.println("expire session " + sessionId + " " + currentChannel);
            m_courierService.clear(sessionId + location);
        } else
            m_courierService.deliver(new MyDelDelivery(sessionId + location, IFRAME_ROOM_USERS, user));

    // Tool Process Actions

     * resets various variables for the tool
    private void clearToolVars() {

     * Make sure that the channel has a title when saving, the title isn't 
     * too long, and the description isn't too long
     * @param channel
     * @return Returns if the channel validates
    protected boolean validateChannel(ChatChannel channel) {
        boolean validates = true;
        if (channel.getTitle() == null || channel.getTitle().length() == 0) {

            setErrorMessage("editRoomForm:title", "title_required", new String[] {});
            validates = false;
        if (channel.getTitle() != null && channel.getTitle().length() > 64) {

            setErrorMessage("editRoomForm:title", "title_too_long", new String[] { Integer.toString(64) });
            validates = false;
        if (channel.getDescription() != null && channel.getDescription().length() > 255) {

            setErrorMessage("editRoomForm:desc", "desc_too_long", new String[] { Integer.toString(255) });
            validates = false;

        if (channel.getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)
                && (channel.getFilterParam() > chatManager.getMessagesMax() || channel.getFilterParam() < 1)) {
            setErrorMessage("editRoomForm:filterParam_last", "show_last_range_error",
                    new String[] { Integer.toString(1), Integer.toString(chatManager.getMessagesMax()) });
            validates = false;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    "chat start (" + channel.getStartDate() + ") and end (" + channel.getEndDate() + ") dates");
        // validate the dates
        if (channel.getStartDate() != null && channel.getEndDate() != null) {
            // check the dates are valid
            if (channel.getStartDate().after(channel.getEndDate())) {
                setErrorMessage("editRoomForm:startDate", "custom_date_error_order",
                        new Object[] { channel.getStartDate(), channel.getEndDate() });
                validates = false;

        if (!validates)
            setErrorMessage("validation_error", new String[] {});

        return validates;

     * When the user wants to cancel changing a room
     * @return String next page
    public String processActionCancelChangeChannel() {

        return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;

    public String processActionSetAsDefaultRoom(DecoratedChatChannel decoChannel) {
        ChatChannel channel = decoChannel.getChatChannel();
        getChatManager().makeDefaultContextChannel(channel, getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement().getId());
        return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

    public String processActionAddRoom() {
        try {
            ChatChannel newChannel = getChatManager().createNewChannel(getContext(), "", false, true,
            currentChannelEdit = new DecoratedChatChannel(this, newChannel, true);

            //init the filter param
            if (currentChannelEdit.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_ALL)
                    || currentChannelEdit.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)
                    || currentChannelEdit.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)
                    || currentChannelEdit.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
            return PAGE_EDIT_A_ROOM;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_NEW_CHANNEL });
            return "";

    public String processActionPermissions() {
        ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
        ToolSession toolSession = SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession();

        try {
            String url = "sakai.permissions.helper.helper/tool?" + "session." + PermissionsHelper.DESCRIPTION + "="
                    + org.sakaiproject.util.Web.escapeUrl(getPermissionsMessage()) + "&session."
                    + PermissionsHelper.TARGET_REF + "=" + getWorksite().getReference() + "&session."
                    + PermissionsHelper.PREFIX + "=" + getChatFunctionPrefix();

            // Set permission descriptions
            if (toolSession != null) {
                ResourceLoader pRb = new ResourceLoader("permissions");
                HashMap<String, String> pRbValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
                for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> mapIter = pRb.entrySet().iterator(); mapIter.hasNext();) {
                    Entry<String, String> entry =;
                    pRbValues.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

                toolSession.setAttribute("permissionDescriptions", pRbValues);

            // Invoke Permissions helper
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to redirect to helper", e);
        return null;

    public String processActionSynopticOptions() {
        DecoratedSynopticOptions dso = lookupSynopticOptions();

    public String processActionSynopticOptionsSave() {
        DecoratedSynopticOptions dso = getCurrentSynopticOptions();

        Placement placement = getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement();
        if (placement != null) {
            //placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(PARAM_CHANNEL, (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_CHANNEL_REF));
            placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(PARAM_DAYS, Integer.toString(dso.getDays()));
            placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(PARAM_ITEMS, Integer.toString(dso.getItems()));
            placement.getPlacementConfig().setProperty(PARAM_LENGTH, Integer.toString(dso.getChars()));
        return PAGE_SYNOPTIC;

    public String processActionSynopticOptionsCancel() {
        return PAGE_SYNOPTIC;

    public String processActionBackToRoom() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        String filter = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType() : "";
        if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_ALL)) {
        } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
        } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
        } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
        return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;

    public String getChatFunctionPrefix() {
        return ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_PREFIX;

    public String getPermissionsMessage() {
        return getMessageFromBundle("perm_description",
                new Object[] { getToolManager().getCurrentTool().getTitle(), getWorksite().getTitle() });

     * @return the translated message based on the current date settings for this channel
    public String getDatesMessage() {
        String msg = null;
        if (this.currentChannel != null) {
            DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM);
            if (this.currentChannel.getStartDate() != null && this.currentChannel.getEndDate() != null) {
                msg = getMessageFromBundle("custom_date_display", new Object[] {
                        TimeService.newTime(this.currentChannel.getEndDate().getTime()).toStringLocalDate() });
            } else if (this.currentChannel.getStartDate() != null) {
                msg = getMessageFromBundle("custom_date_display_start", new Object[] {
                        "" });
            } else if (this.currentChannel.getEndDate() != null) {
                msg = getMessageFromBundle("custom_date_display_end", new Object[] { "",
                        TimeService.newTime(this.currentChannel.getEndDate().getTime()).toStringLocalDate() });
        return msg;

     * @return true if chat posting is restricted by configured dates or false otherwise
    public boolean isDatesRestricted() {
        boolean restricted = false;
        if (this.currentChannel != null) {
            Date today = new Date();
            Date start = this.currentChannel.getStartDate();
            if (start == null) {
                start = today;
            Date end = this.currentChannel.getEndDate();
            if (end == null) {
                end = today;
            if (today.before(start) || today.after(end)) {
                // today is outside the configured dates so posting restricted by dates
                restricted = true;
        return restricted;

    public Site getWorksite() {
        if (worksite == null) {
            try {
                worksite = SiteService.getSite(getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement().getContext());
            } catch (IdUnusedException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return worksite;

    // Channel Process Actions

     * Sets the current room and goes to the room page
     * @param chatChannel
     * @return String selects a new room to go into
    protected String processActionEnterRoom(DecoratedChatChannel chatChannel) {
        return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;

    public String processActionListRooms() {
        return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

     * Sets the current room and goes to edit that room
     * @param chatChannel
     * @return String goes to the edit room view
    protected String processActionEditRoom(DecoratedChatChannel chatChannel) {
        //Init the filter param here

        return PAGE_EDIT_ROOM;

     * Sets the current room to null
     * @return String goes to the edit room view
    public String processActionEditRoomSave() {
        //Set the filter param here
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannelEdit();
        if (dChannel != null) {
            ChatChannel channel = dChannel.getChatChannel();
            boolean directEdit = dChannel.isDirectEdit();

            //set default number and time values based on the decordatedChannel class

            if (channel.getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
            } else if (channel.getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
                int pPast = dChannel.getFilterParamPast();
                if (pPast > 999) {
                    pPast = 999;
                } else if (pPast <= 0) {
                    pPast = 1;
            } else if (channel.getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
            String retView = PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

            if (directEdit)
                retView = PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;
                retView = PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

            // copy the dates into the channel for saving

            if (validateChannel(channel))
                try {
                    getChatManager().updateChannel(channel, true);

                    if (dChannel != null && dChannel.getChatChannel().getId().equals(channel.getId())) {
                        setCurrentChannel(new DecoratedChatChannel(this, channel));

                } catch (PermissionException e) {
                    setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_EDIT_CHANNEL });
                    return "";
            else {
                //Message should get set in the validateChannel method
                //setErrorMessage(VALIDATION_ERROR, new String[] {ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_DELETE_PREFIX});
                retView = "";
            return retView;
        } else {
            return "";

     * Sets the current room to null
     * @return String goes to the edit room view
    public String processActionEditRoomCancel() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannelEdit();
        boolean directEdit = dChannel != null ? dChannel.isDirectEdit() : false;

        if (directEdit)
            return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;
            return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;


     * Sets the current room and goes to confirm deleting the room
     * @param chatChannel
     * @return String goes to the delete room confirmation page
    protected String processActionDeleteRoomConfirm(DecoratedChatChannel chatChannel) {

     * deletes the current room and all it's messages
     * @return String goes to the select a room page
    public String processActionDeleteRoom() {
        try {
            return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_DELETE_CHANNEL });
            return "";

     * cancels the deletion of a room via the confirmation
     * @return String goes to the select a room page
    public String processActionDeleteRoomCancel() {
        return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

    // *************

     * Sets the current room and goes to confirm deleting the room's messages
     * @param chatChannel
     * @return String goes to the delete room messages confirmation page
    protected String processActionDeleteRoomMessagesConfirm(DecoratedChatChannel chatChannel) {

     * deletes the current room's messages
     * @return String goes to the select a room page
    public String processActionDeleteRoomMessages() {
        try {
            return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_DELETE_ANY });
            return "";

     * cancels the deletion of a room's messages via the confirmation
     * @return String goes to the select a room page
    public String processActionDeleteRoomMessagesCancel() {
        return PAGE_LIST_ROOMS;

    // ********************************************************************
    // Message Process Actions

     * Deletes the current message
     * @return String goes to the room's main page
    public String processActionDeleteMessage() {
        try {
            DecoratedChatMessage msg = getCurrentMessage();
            if (msg != null)
            return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_DELETE_PREFIX });
            return "";

     * Deletes the specified message
     * @param message
     * @return String goes to the delete message page
    protected String processActionDeleteMessageConfirm(DecoratedChatMessage message) {

     * Cancels the delete of the current message
     * @return String goes to the room's main page
    public String processActionDeleteMessageCancel() {
        return PAGE_ENTER_ROOM;

    // Getters and Setters

     * This allows us to change/give the courier address.
     * We want the courier to respond to the chat room.
     * @return String
    public String getCourierString() {
        StringBuilder courierString = new StringBuilder("/courier/");

        return courierString.toString();

     * Check for add/edit/del perms on the channel
     * @return
    public boolean getCanManageTool() {
        boolean any = getCanCreateChannel() || getCanEditChannel(null) || getCanRemoveChannel(null);
        return any;

     * gets the channel id of the current channel.  If there isn't one then 
     * give a blank string
     * @return ChatManager
    public String getCurrentChatChannelId() {
        if (currentChannel == null)
            return "";
        return currentChannel.getChatChannel().getId();

    public void setCurrentChatChannelId(String channelId) {
        ChatChannel newChannel = getChatManager().getChatChannel(channelId);
        if (newChannel != null)
            setCurrentChannel(new DecoratedChatChannel(this, newChannel));

     * gets the current channel
     * @return ChatChannel
    public DecoratedChatChannel getCurrentChannel() {
        if (currentChannel == null) {
            // reset to the default channel

        return currentChannel;

     * Implements a change of the chat room.  It removes presence from the prior room,
     *  adds observation of the new room, and then becomes present in the new room
     * @param channel
    public void setCurrentChannel(DecoratedChatChannel channel) {

        // if changing to the same channel, nothing to do
        // this is a fairly expensive operation, so it's worth optimizing out

        if (this.currentChannel != null && channel != null
                && this.currentChannel.getChatChannel().getId().equals(channel.getChatChannel().getId())) {

        // turn off observation for the old channel
        String channelId = null;
        if (channel != null) {
            channelId = channel.getChatChannel().getId();
            String address = sessionId + channelId;
            DecoratedChatChannel oldChannel = channels.get(channelId);
            if (oldChannel != null) {
            ChatTool tool = tools.remove(address);
            if (tool != null) {

        this.currentChannel = channel;

        if (channel != null) {
            // place a presence observer on this tool.
            PresenceObserverHelper helper = new PresenceObserverHelper(this, channelId);
            presenceChannelObservers.put(channelId, helper);
            tools.put(sessionId + channelId, this);
            // hmmmm.... should this all be under the synchronize?
            getChatManager().addRoomListener(this, channelId);
            channels.put(channelId, channel);

    // this removes the current channel but doesn't add a new one. sort of
    // half of setCurrentChannel.
    protected void resetCurrentChannel(DecoratedChatChannel oldChannel) {
        String channelId = oldChannel.getChatChannel().getId();
        String address = sessionId + channelId;
        PresenceObserverHelper observer = presenceChannelObservers.get(channelId);
        if (observer != null) {
            getChatManager().removeRoomListener(this, channelId);

        currentChannel = null;

        // System.out.println("resetcurrent channel " + presenceChannelObservers.size() + " " + channels.size() + " " + tools.size() );


     * @return the currentChannelEdit
    public DecoratedChatChannel getCurrentChannelEdit() {
        return currentChannelEdit;

     * @param currentChannelEdit the currentChannelEdit to set
    public void setCurrentChannelEdit(DecoratedChatChannel currentChannelEdit) {
        this.currentChannelEdit = currentChannelEdit;

     * @return the currentMessage
    public DecoratedChatMessage getCurrentMessage() {
        DecoratedChatMessage tmpCurrent = null;
        if (currentMessage == null) {
            String messageId = (String) SessionManager.getCurrentToolSession().getAttribute("current_message");
            if (messageId != null) {
                ChatMessage message = getChatManager().getMessage(messageId);
                if (message == null)
                    return null;
                tmpCurrent = new DecoratedChatMessage(this, message);
                return tmpCurrent;
        return currentMessage;

     * @param currentMessage the currentMessage to set
    public void setCurrentMessage(DecoratedChatMessage currentMessage) {
        this.currentMessage = currentMessage;

    public DecoratedSynopticOptions lookupSynopticOptions() {
        DecoratedSynopticOptions dso = new DecoratedSynopticOptions();
        Placement placement = getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement();
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            logger.debug("Can't get tool property for synoptic chat.  Using default option");
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            logger.debug("Can't get tool property for synoptic chat.  Using default option");
        try {
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            logger.debug("Can't get tool property for synoptic chat.  Using default option");
        return dso;

     * @return the synopticOptions
    public DecoratedSynopticOptions getCurrentSynopticOptions() {
        return currentSynopticOptions;

     * @param synopticOptions the synopticOptions to set
    public void setCurrentSynopticOptions(DecoratedSynopticOptions currentSynopticOptions) {
        this.currentSynopticOptions = currentSynopticOptions;

     * This creates select items out of the channels available to the tool
     * @return List of SelectItem
    public List<SelectItem> getChatRoomsSelectItems() {
        List<SelectItem> items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

        for (ChatChannel channel : getSiteChannels()) {
            items.add(createSelect(channel.getId(), channel.getTitle()));

        return items;

     * gets the tool decorated channels 
     * @return
    public List<DecoratedChatChannel> getChatChannels() {
        List<DecoratedChatChannel> items = new ArrayList<DecoratedChatChannel>();

        for (ChatChannel channel : getSiteChannels()) {
            items.add(new DecoratedChatChannel(this, channel));

        return items;

     * gets the chatManager
     * @return ChatManager
    public ChatManager getChatManager() {
        return chatManager;

    public String getViewOptions() {
        return Integer.toString(viewOptions);

    public void setViewOptions(String d) {
        viewOptions = Integer.parseInt(d);

    protected int initMessageOptions() {

        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        if (dChannel != null && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_ALL)) {
        } else if (dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
        } else if (dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
        } else if (dChannel != null && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
            result = MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES;
        return result;

     * @return the messageOptions
    public String getMessageOptions() {
        if (messageOptions == MESSAGEOPTIONS_NULL)
            messageOptions = initMessageOptions();
        return Integer.toString(messageOptions);

     * @param messageOptions the messageOptions to set
    public void setMessageOptions(String messageOptions) {
        this.messageOptions = Integer.parseInt(messageOptions);

    public String getNewMessageText() {
        return newMessageText;

    public void setNewMessageText(String newMessageText) {
        this.newMessageText = newMessageText;

     * Sets the chatManager
     * @param chatManager ChatManager
    public void setChatManager(ChatManager chatManager) {
        this.chatManager = chatManager;

    public ToolManager getToolManager() {
        return toolManager;

    public void setToolManager(ToolManager toolManager) {
        this.toolManager = toolManager;

    public ColorMapper getColorMapper() {
        return colorMapper;

    public void setColorMapper(ColorMapper colorMapper) {
        this.colorMapper = colorMapper;

    public boolean getDisplayDate() {
        int val = Integer.parseInt(getViewOptions());

    public boolean getDisplayTime() {
        int val = Integer.parseInt(getViewOptions());

    public boolean getDisplayId() {
        int val = Integer.parseInt(getViewOptions());
        return ((val & DATETIME_DISPLAY_ID) == DATETIME_DISPLAY_ID);

    public boolean getCanRenderAllMessages() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        return (!getCanRenderMessageOptions() && dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_ALL))
                || (getCanRenderMessageOptions() && messageOptions == MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES);

    public boolean getCanRenderDateMessages() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        return (!getCanRenderMessageOptions() && dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME))
                || (getCanRenderMessageOptions() && messageOptions == MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE);

    public boolean getCanRenderNumberMessages() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        return (!getCanRenderMessageOptions() && dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER))
                || (getCanRenderMessageOptions() && messageOptions == MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_NUMBER);

    public boolean getCanRenderNoMessages() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        return (!getCanRenderMessageOptions() && dChannel != null
                && dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType().equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE))
                || (getCanRenderMessageOptions() && messageOptions == MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES);

    public List<SelectItem> getMessageOptionsList() {
        List<SelectItem> messageOptions = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        int numberParam = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getNumberParam() : 0;
        int timeParam = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getTimeParam() : 0;

        if (getCanRenderMessageOptions()) {

            // Commenting out the original here for now in case this is ever truly implemented.  Instead, display the true maximum limit
            // SelectItem item1 = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES), getMessageFromBundle("allMessages"));
            SelectItem item1 = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES),
                    getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER, getChatManager().getMessagesMax()));
            SelectItem item2 = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_NUMBER),
                    getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER, numberParam));
            SelectItem item3 = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE),
                    getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME, timeParam));
            SelectItem item4 = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES),
                    getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE, 0));

        } else {
            String filter = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getFilterType() : "";
            SelectItem item = null;
            if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_ALL)) {
                // Commenting out the original here for now in case this is ever truly implemented.  Instead, display the true maximum limit
                // item = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES), getMessageFromBundle("allMessages"));
                item = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES),
                        getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER, getChatManager().getMessagesMax()));
            } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
                item = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_NUMBER),
                        getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER, numberParam));
            } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
                item = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE),
                        getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME, timeParam));
            } else if (filter.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
                item = new SelectItem(Integer.toString(MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES),
                        getCustomOptionText(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE, 0));
        return messageOptions;

     * Determins if the message option display dropdown gets rendered or not
     * @return
    public boolean getCanRenderMessageOptions() {
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        return dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().isEnableUserOverride() : false;

    protected String getCustomOptionValue(String filterType) {
        if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
        } else if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
        } else if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
        return Integer.toString(val);

    protected String getCustomOptionText(String filterType, int filterParam) {
        String result = getPastXDaysText(filterParam);

        if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_TIME)) {
            result = getPastXDaysText(filterParam);
        } else if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_BY_NUMBER)) {
            result = getPastXMessagesText(filterParam);
        } else if (filterType.equals(ChatChannel.FILTER_NONE)) {
            result = getNoMessagesText();
        return result;

    public boolean getSoundAlert() {
        return true;

    protected int countChannelMessages(ChatChannel channel) {
        return getChatManager().countChannelMessages(channel);

    public List<DecoratedChatMessage> getRoomMessages() {
        // NOTE: make sure this uses the same method to find the date as #getRoomMessagesCount() below
        Date xDaysOld = null;
        int maxMessages = 0;
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();

        if (Integer.parseInt(getMessageOptions()) == MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE) {
            int x = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getTimeParam() : 0;
            xDaysOld = getChatManager().calculateDateByOffset(x);
            maxMessages = getChatManager().getMessagesMax();
        } else if (Integer.parseInt(getMessageOptions()) == MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_NUMBER) {
            int x = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getNumberParam() : 0;
            maxMessages = x;
        } else if (Integer.parseInt(getMessageOptions()) == MESSAGEOPTIONS_ALL_MESSAGES) {
            maxMessages = getChatManager().getMessagesMax();
        } else if (Integer.parseInt(getMessageOptions()) == MESSAGEOPTIONS_NO_MESSAGES) {
            maxMessages = 0;
        EventTrackingService ets = (EventTrackingService) ComponentManager.get(EventTrackingService.class);
        if (ets != null && dChannel != null && dChannel.getChatChannel() != null) {
  "", dChannel.getChatChannel().getReference(), false));
        return getMessages(getContext(), xDaysOld, maxMessages, true);

     * Finds the current messages count for the current room
     * @return the count of the total messages for this chatroom
    public int getRoomMessagesCount() {
        // NOTE: make sure this uses the same method to find the date as #getRoomMessages() above
        Date xDaysOld = null;
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();

        if (Integer.parseInt(getMessageOptions()) == MESSAGEOPTIONS_MESSAGES_BY_DATE) {
            int x = dChannel != null ? dChannel.getChatChannel().getTimeParam() : 0;
            xDaysOld = getChatManager().calculateDateByOffset(x);
        return getMessagesCount(getContext(), xDaysOld);

    public List<DecoratedChatMessage> getSynopticMessages() {
        DecoratedSynopticOptions dso = lookupSynopticOptions();
        if (getChatManager() == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            Date date = getChatManager().calculateDateByOffset(dso.getDays());
            return getMessages(getContext(), date, dso.getItems(), false);

     * @param context
     * @param limitDate
     * @param numMessages
     * @param sortAsc
     * @return the set of all messages in this channel, limited to a max of 100 for paging
    protected List<DecoratedChatMessage> getMessages(String context, Date limitDate, int numMessages,
            boolean sortAsc) {
        if (numMessages > getChatManager().getMessagesMax()) {
            numMessages = getChatManager().getMessagesMax();
        List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<ChatMessage>();
        try {
            ChatChannel channel = (currentChannel == null) ? null : currentChannel.getChatChannel();
            messages = getChatManager().getChannelMessages(channel, context, limitDate, 0, numMessages, sortAsc);
        } catch (PermissionException e) {
            setErrorMessage(PERMISSION_ERROR, new String[] { ChatFunctions.CHAT_FUNCTION_READ });

        List<DecoratedChatMessage> decoratedMessages = new ArrayList<DecoratedChatMessage>();

        for (ChatMessage message : messages) {
            DecoratedChatMessage decoratedMessage = new DecoratedChatMessage(this, message);
        return decoratedMessages;

     * @return the number of items in this channel, mostly for paging
    protected int getMessagesCount(String context, Date limitDate) {
        ChatChannel channel = (currentChannel == null) ? null : currentChannel.getChatChannel();
        return getChatManager().getChannelMessagesCount(channel, context, limitDate);

    public boolean getCanRemoveMessage(ChatMessage message) {
        return getChatManager().getCanDelete(message);

    public boolean getCanRemoveChannel(ChatChannel channel) {
        return getChatManager().getCanDelete(channel);

    public boolean getCanRemoveChannelMessages(ChatChannel channel) {
        return getChatManager().getCanDeleteAnyMessage(channel.getContext());

    public boolean getCanEditChannel(ChatChannel channel) {
        return getChatManager().getCanEdit(channel);

    public boolean getCanCreateChannel() {
        return getChatManager().getCanCreateChannel(getContext());

    public boolean getCanRead(ChatChannel channel) {
        return getChatManager().getCanReadMessage(channel);

    public boolean getCanPost() {
        return (getCurrentChannel() == null) ? false
                : getChatManager().getCanPostMessage(getCurrentChannel().getChatChannel());

    public boolean getMaintainer() {
        return (getChatManager() == null) ? false : getChatManager().isMaintainer(getContext());

    public String getMessageOwnerDisplayName(ChatMessage message) {
        User sender = null;
        try {
            sender = UserDirectoryService.getUser(message.getOwner());
        } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
            // Expected some users will get deleted.
            logger.debug("Failed to find user for ID: " + message.getOwner(), e);
            return message.getOwner();
        return sender.getDisplayName();

    protected String getPastXDaysText(int x) {
        return getMessageFromBundle("past_x_days", new Object[] { x });

    protected String getPastXMessagesText(int x) {
        return getMessageFromBundle("past_x_messages", new Object[] { x });

    protected String getNoMessagesText() {
        return getMessageFromBundle("shownone");

    protected String getAllMessagesText() {
        return getMessageFromBundle("allMessages");

    public String getMessagesShownTotalText() {
        return getMessageFromBundle("messages_shown_total", new Object[] { "*SHOWN*", "*TOTAL*" });

    public String getViewingChatRoomText() {
        String title = null;
        DecoratedChatChannel dChannel = getCurrentChannel();
        if (dChannel != null && dChannel.getChatChannel() != null) {
            title = dChannel.getChatChannel().getTitle();
        return getMessageFromBundle("viewingChatRoomText", new Object[] { title });

    private void setErrorMessage(String errorMsg, Object[] extras) {
        setErrorMessage(null, errorMsg, extras);

    private void setErrorMessage(String field, String errorMsg, Object[] extras) {
        logger.debug("setErrorMessage(String " + errorMsg + ")");
                new FacesMessage(getMessageFromBundle(errorMsg, extras)));

    public String getServerUrl() {
        return ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl();

    // Utilities

     * Gets the id of the tool we are in
     * @return String
    public String getToolString() {
        return placementId;

     * Gets the id of the site we are in
     * @return String
    protected String getContext() {
        return getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement().getContext();

     * Returns the frame identifier for resizing
     * @return
    public String getFramePlacementId() {
        return Validator.escapeJavascript("Main" + getToolManager().getCurrentPlacement().getId());

     * gets the channels in this site
     * @return List of ChatChannel
    protected List<ChatChannel> getSiteChannels() {
        return getChatManager().getContextChannels(getContext(), getMessageFromBundle("default_new_channel_title"),

     * gets the number of channels in this site
     * @return int
    public int getSiteChannelCount() {
        return getChatManager().getContextChannels(getContext(), getMessageFromBundle("default_new_channel_title"),

    // Common Utilities

    private ResourceLoader toolBundle;

    public SelectItem createSelect(Object id, String description) {
        SelectItem item = new SelectItem(id, description);
        return item;

    public String getMessageFromBundle(String key, Object[] args) {
        return MessageFormat.format(getMessageFromBundle(key), args);

    public String getMessageFromBundle(String key) {
        if (toolBundle == null) {
            String bundle = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication().getMessageBundle();
            toolBundle = new ResourceLoader(bundle);
        return toolBundle.getString(key);

    public String getToolContext() {
        return toolContext;

    public void setToolContext(String toolContext) {
        this.toolContext = toolContext;

    public String getSessionId() {
        return sessionId;

    public void validatePositiveNumber(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
        if (value != null) {

            if ((Integer) value < 0) {
                FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(getMessageFromBundle("neg_num_error", null));
                throw new ValidatorException(message);


    //SAK-19700 method to get name of tool so it can be rendered with the option link, for screenreaders
    public String getToolTitle() {
        return toolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getTitle();

    //SAK-19700 renders a complete Options link with an additional span link for accessiblity
    public String getAccessibleOptionsLink() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("<span class=\"skip\">");
        return sb.toString();
