Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * Copyright (C) 2015 Keith M. Hughes. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.isKeepAlive; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.setContentLength; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod.GET; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod.HEAD; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod.POST; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.FORBIDDEN; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.FOUND; import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultFullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpChunkedInput; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.LastHttpContent; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.DefaultHttpDataFactory; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.HttpDataFactory; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.multipart.HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketFrame; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketServerHandshaker; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; import io.smartspaces.SimpleSmartSpacesException; import io.smartspaces.SmartSpacesExceptionUtils; import io.smartspaces.service.web.HttpConstants; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A Netty channel handler for a web server. * * @author Keith M. Hughes */ @Sharable public class NettyWebServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> { /** * Factory for HTTP data objects. Used for post events. * * <p> * The factory will keep all in memory until it gets too big, then writes to * disk. */ private static final HttpDataFactory HTTP_DATA_FACTORY = new DefaultHttpDataFactory(true); /** * Exception message when WebSocket connections are closed. */ private static final String MESSAGE_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSED_EXCEPTION = "Connection reset by peer"; /** * List of file names that are not logged as errors if they can't be found. */ private static final Set<String> UNWARNED_MISSING_FILE_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of("favicon.ico"); /** * The web server the handler is attached to. */ private NettyWebServer webServer; /** * The authentication provider. */ private HttpAuthProvider authProvider; /** * The access manager for determining who gets access to a resource. */ private WebResourceAccessManager accessManager; /** * The web socket path used by this handler. */ private String fullWebSocketUriPrefix; /** * Map of host names to the handshaker factory for that host. * * <p> * Not concurrent, so needs to be protected. */ private Map<String, WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory> webSocketHandshakerFactories = new HashMap<>(); /** * Factory for web socket handlers. * * <p> * Can be {@code null}. */ private WebServerWebSocketHandlerFactory webSocketHandlerFactory; /** * Map of Netty channel IDs to web socket handlers. */ private Map<Long, NettyWebServerWebSocketConnection> webSocketConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * Map of Netty channel IDs to file uploads. */ private Map<Long, NettyHttpFileUpload> fileUploadHandlers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * The lock for protecting access to channel data. */ private final Object channelLock = new Object(); /** * Construct a new handler. * * @param webServer * the web server the handler is attached to */ public NettyWebServerHandler(NettyWebServer webServer) { this.webServer = webServer; } @Override public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) { ctx.flush(); } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) { handleHttpRequest(ctx, (HttpRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof WebSocketFrame) { handleWebSocketFrame(ctx, (WebSocketFrame) msg); } else if (msg instanceof HttpChunkedInput) { handleHttpChunk(ctx, (HttpChunkedInput) msg); } else if (msg != LastHttpContent.EMPTY_LAST_CONTENT) { webServer.getLog().warn("Web server received unknown frame %s", msg.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Handle an HTTP request coming into the server. * * @param ctx * The channel context for the request. * @param req * The HTTP request. */ private void handleHttpRequest(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req) { try { // Before we actually allow handling of this http request, we will check // to // see if it is properly authorized, if authorization is requested. HttpAuthResponse response = null; if (authProvider != null) { response = authProvider.authorizeRequest(new NettyHttpRequest(req, getWebServer().getLog())); if ((response == null) || !response.authSuccessful()) { if ((response == null) || response.redirectUrl() != null) { sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, createRedirect(response.redirectUrl()), false, false); } else { webServer.getLog().warn("Auth requested and no redirect available for %s", req.getUri()); sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, FORBIDDEN), false, false); } return; } } String user = null; if (response != null) { user = response.getUser(); } if (handleWebGetRequest(ctx, req, response)) { // The method handled the request if the return value was true. } else if (webSocketHandlerFactory != null && tryWebSocketUpgradeRequest(ctx, req, user)) { // The method handled the request if the return value was true. } else if (handleWebPostRequest(ctx, req, response)) { // The method handled the request if the return value was true. } else { // Nothing we handle. HttpResponseStatus status = FORBIDDEN; String message = String.format("HTTP [%d] %s --> (No handlers for request)", status.code(), req.getUri()); if (shouldWarnOnMissingFile(new URI(req.getUri()).getPath())) { webServer.getLog().warn(message); } else { webServer.getLog().debug(message); } sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, status), false, false); } } catch (Exception e) { webServer.getLog().error("Error while processing web request", e); } } /** * Attempt to handle an HTTP request by scanning through all registered * handlers. * * @param context * the context for the request * @param request * the request * @param authResponse * the authentication response * * @return {@code true} if the request was handled * * @throws IOException * an IO exception happened */ private boolean handleWebGetRequest(ChannelHandlerContext context, HttpRequest request, HttpAuthResponse authResponse) throws IOException { HttpMethod method = request.getMethod(); if (method == GET || method == HEAD) { if (!canUserAccessResource(authResponse, request.getUri())) { return false; } Set<HttpCookie> cookies = null; if (authResponse != null) { cookies = authResponse.getCookies(); } NettyHttpGetRequestHandler handler = webServer.locateGetRequestHandler(request); if (handler != null) { try { handler.handleWebRequest(context, request, cookies); } catch (Throwable e) { webServer.getLog() .error(String.format("Exception when handling web request %s", request.getUri()), e); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Attempt to handle an HTTP PUT request. * * @param context * the context for the request * @param request * the request * @param authResponse * the authentication response * * @return {@code true} if the request was handled * * @throws IOException * an IO exception happened */ private boolean handleWebPostRequest(ChannelHandlerContext context, HttpRequest request, HttpAuthResponse authResponse) throws IOException { if (request.getMethod() != POST) { return false; } NettyHttpPostRequestHandler postRequestHandler = webServer.locatePostRequestHandler(request); if (postRequestHandler == null) { return false; } if (!canUserAccessResource(authResponse, request.getUri())) { return false; } Set<HttpCookie> cookies = null; if (authResponse != null) { cookies = authResponse.getCookies(); } try { NettyHttpFileUpload fileUpload = new NettyHttpFileUpload(request, new HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder(HTTP_DATA_FACTORY, request), postRequestHandler, this, cookies); if (request instanceof HttpChunkedInput) { // Chunked data so more coming. fileUploadHandlers.put(((ChannelWithId), fileUpload); } else { fileUpload.completeNonChunked(); fileUpload.fileUploadComplete(context); } } catch (Throwable e) { webServer.getLog().error("Could not start file upload", e); sendError(context, HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return true; } /** * Is the HTTP request requesting a Web Socket protocol upgrade? * * @param context * the request context * @param request * the HTTP request * @param user * the user making the request * * @return {@code true} if a Web Socket protocol upgrade */ private boolean tryWebSocketUpgradeRequest(ChannelHandlerContext context, HttpRequest request, final String user) { if (!request.getUri().startsWith(fullWebSocketUriPrefix)) { return false; } if (accessManager != null) { if (!accessManager.userHasAccess(user, request.getUri())) { return false; } } // Handshake WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory wsFactory = getWebSocketHandshakerFactory(request); final ChannelWithId channel = (ChannelWithId); final WebSocketServerHandshaker handshaker = wsFactory.newHandshaker(request); if (handshaker == null) { WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory.sendUnsupportedVersionResponse(channel); } else { ChannelFuture handshake = handshaker.handshake(channel, request); handshake.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { completeWebSocketHandshake(user, channel, handshaker); } }); } // Handled request. return true; } /** * Get a handshaker factory for the incoming request. * * @param req * the request which has come in * * @return the handshaker factory for the request */ private WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory getWebSocketHandshakerFactory(HttpRequest req) { String host = HttpHeaders.getHeader(req, HttpHeaders.Names.HOST); synchronized (webSocketHandshakerFactories) { WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory wsFactory = webSocketHandshakerFactories.get(host); if (wsFactory == null) { wsFactory = new WebSocketServerHandshakerFactory(getWebSocketLocation(host), null, false); webSocketHandshakerFactories.put(host, wsFactory); } return wsFactory; } } /** * Get the web socket URL. * * @param host * the host computer the request was made to * * @return a full web socket url for the given host */ private String getWebSocketLocation(String host) { return "ws://" + host + fullWebSocketUriPrefix; } /** * Complete the handshake for a websocket connection. * * @param user * the user making the web socket connection * @param channel * the Netty channel for the connection * @param handshaker * the web socket handshaker */ private void completeWebSocketHandshake(String user, ChannelWithId channel, WebSocketServerHandshaker handshaker) { NettyWebServerWebSocketConnection connection = new NettyWebServerWebSocketConnection(channel, user, handshaker, webSocketHandlerFactory, accessManager, webServer.getLog()); synchronized (channelLock) { webSocketConnections.put(channel.getId(), connection); } try { connection.getHandler().onConnect(); } catch (Throwable e) { getWebServer().getLog().error("Could not process a websocket onConnect message: " + SmartSpacesExceptionUtils.getExceptionDetail(e)); } } /** * handle a web socket request. * * @param ctx * The context for the web socket call. * @param frame * The web socket frame. */ private void handleWebSocketFrame(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame frame) { ChannelWithId channel = (ChannelWithId); NettyWebServerWebSocketConnection handler; synchronized (channelLock) { handler = webSocketConnections.get(channel.getId()); } if (handler != null) { handler.handleWebSocketFrame(ctx, frame); } else { throw new SimpleSmartSpacesException("Web socket frame request from unregistered channel"); } } /** * A web socket channel is closing. Do any necessary cleanup. * * @param channel * the channel which is closing */ private void webSocketChannelClosing(ChannelWithId channel) { NettyWebServerWebSocketConnection handler; synchronized (channelLock) { handler = webSocketConnections.remove(channel.getId()); } if (handler != null) { try { handler.getHandler().onClose(); } catch (Throwable e) { getWebServer().getLog().error(String.format("Error while closing web socket connection: %s", SmartSpacesExceptionUtils.getExceptionDetail(e))); } } } /** * handle a chunk. * * @param context * the channel event context * @param chunk * the chunk frame */ private void handleHttpChunk(ChannelHandlerContext context, HttpChunkedInput chunk) { Long channelId = ((ChannelWithId); NettyHttpFileUpload fileUpload = fileUploadHandlers.get(channelId); if (fileUpload != null) { try { fileUpload.addChunk(context, chunk); if (chunk.isEndOfInput()) { fileUploadHandlers.remove(channelId); fileUpload.fileUploadComplete(context); } } catch (Throwable e) { // An error, so don't leave handler around. fileUploadHandlers.remove(channelId); webServer.getLog().error("Error while processing a chunk of file upload", e); sendError(context, HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } else { webServer.getLog().warn("Received HTTP chunk for unknown channel"); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); ctx.close(); } /** * Can a user access a give resource? * * @param authResponse * the user * @param resource * the resource to be accessed * * @return {@code true} if the user can access the resource */ private boolean canUserAccessResource(HttpAuthResponse authResponse, String resource) { // If no access manager is set on this handler, then all users are // assumed to have access to all resources. return accessManager == null || accessManager.userHasAccess(authResponse.getUser(), resource); } /** * Set the factory for creating web socket handlers. * * @param webSocketUriPrefix * uri prefix for websocket handler, can be {@code null} * @param webSocketHandlerFactory * the factory to use, can be {@code null} if don't want to handle * web socket calls */ public void setWebSocketHandlerFactory(String webSocketUriPrefix, WebServerWebSocketHandlerFactory webSocketHandlerFactory) { if (webSocketUriPrefix != null) { webSocketUriPrefix = webSocketUriPrefix.trim(); if (webSocketUriPrefix.startsWith(HttpConstants.URL_PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR)) { fullWebSocketUriPrefix = webSocketUriPrefix; } else { fullWebSocketUriPrefix = HttpConstants.URL_PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR + webSocketUriPrefix; } } else { fullWebSocketUriPrefix = HttpConstants.URL_PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR + WebServer.WEBSOCKET_URI_PREFIX_DEFAULT; } this.webSocketHandlerFactory = webSocketHandlerFactory; } /** * Add in the global response headers. * * @param res * the response to be sent to the client */ private void addGlobalHttpResponseHeaders(HttpResponse res) { addHttpResponseHeaderMap(res, webServer.getGlobalHttpContentHeaders()); } /** * Add in HTTP response headers. * * <p> * The global headers will be added as well. * * @param res * the response to be sent to the client * @param headers * the headers to add */ public void addHttpResponseHeaders(HttpResponse res, Map<String, String> headers) { // The global headers should go in first in case they are being // overridden. addGlobalHttpResponseHeaders(res); addHttpResponseHeaderMap(res, headers); } /** * Add in a response header if there isn't a header with that name already. * * @param response * the HTTP response * @param name * the name of the header * @param value * the value of the header */ public void addHeaderIfNotExists(HttpResponse response, String name, Object value) { if (HttpHeaders.getHeader(response, name) == null) { HttpHeaders.addHeader(response, name, value); } } /** * Add in HTTP response headers. * * <p> * The global headers will be added as well. * * @param res * the response to be sent to the client * @param headers * the headers to add */ public void addHttpResponseHeaders(HttpResponse res, Multimap<String, String> headers) { // The global headers should go in first in case they are being // overridden. addGlobalHttpResponseHeaders(res); addHttpResponseHeaderMap(res, headers); } /** * Add in HTTP response headers from the given map. * * @param res * the response to be sent to the client * @param headers * the headers to add */ private void addHttpResponseHeaderMap(HttpResponse res, Map<String, String> headers) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : headers.entrySet()) { HttpHeaders.addHeader(res, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } /** * Add in HTTP response headers from the given multimap. * * @param res * the response to be sent to the client * @param headers * the headers to add */ private void addHttpResponseHeaderMap(HttpResponse res, Multimap<String, String> headers) { for (String key : headers.keySet()) { for (String value : headers.get(key)) { HttpHeaders.addHeader(res, key, value); } } } /** * Send a success response to the client. * * @param ctx * the channel event context * @param req * the request which has come in */ public void sendSuccessHttpResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req) { DefaultFullHttpResponse res = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK); addGlobalHttpResponseHeaders(res); sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, res, false, false); } /** * Send an HTTP response to the client. * * @param ctx * the channel event context * @param req * the request which has come in * @param res * the response which is being written * @param setContentLength * {@code true} if should set content length on result * @param ignoreKeepAlive * {@code true} if should ignore the HTTP keepalive header and close * the connection anyway */ public void sendHttpResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpRequest req, FullHttpResponse res, boolean setContentLength, boolean ignoreKeepAlive) { try { // Generate an error page if response status code is not OK (200). if (res.getStatus().code() != HttpResponseStatus.OK.code()) { sendError(ctx, res.getStatus()); } else { if (setContentLength) { setContentLength(res, res.content().readableBytes()); } ChannelFuture f =; if ((ignoreKeepAlive || !isKeepAlive(req)) || res.getStatus().code() != HttpResponseStatus.OK.code() || req.getMethod() == POST) { f.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } } } catch (Exception e) { webServer.getLog().error("Error while sending HTTP response", e); } } /** * Send an error to the remote machine. * * @param ctx * handler context * @param status * the status to send */ public void sendError(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpResponseStatus status) { FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, status, Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Failure: " + status.toString() + "\r\n", CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); HttpHeaders.setHeader(response, CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); setContentLength(response, response.content().readableBytes());; } /** * Create a HTTP redirect response. * * @param url * the redirection URL * * @return the redirection response */ private DefaultFullHttpResponse createRedirect(String url) { DefaultFullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HTTP_1_1, FOUND); HttpHeaders.addHeader(response, HttpHeaders.Names.LOCATION, url); return response; } /** * Determines whether a missing file or path should be reported as an warning * or not. * * @param uriPath * the uriPath fragment to test * * @return {@code true} if the missing file should be logged as a warning */ private boolean shouldWarnOnMissingFile(String uriPath) { int pos = uriPath.lastIndexOf(HttpConstants.URL_PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR); String filename = pos >= 0 ? uriPath.substring(pos + HttpConstants.URL_PATH_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR.length()) : uriPath; return !UNWARNED_MISSING_FILE_NAMES.contains(filename); } public NettyWebServer getWebServer() { return webServer; } /** * Set the authentication provider. * * @param authProvider * the authentication provider to use */ public void setAuthProvider(HttpAuthProvider authProvider) { this.authProvider = authProvider; } /** * Set the access manager. * * @param accessManager * the access manager to use */ public void setAccessManager(WebResourceAccessManager accessManager) { this.accessManager = accessManager; } }