Source code

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 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
 * Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors
 * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
 * full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.richfaces.ui.iteration.list;

import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;

import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Attribute;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.EventName;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Facet;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfComponent;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfRenderer;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Tag;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.TagType;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.CoreProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.EventsKeyProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.EventsMouseProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.EventsRowProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.I18nProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.IterationProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.RowsProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.attribute.SequenceProps;
import org.richfaces.ui.iteration.UISequence;


 * <p>The &lt;r:list&gt; component renders a list of items. The list can be an numerically ordered list, an
 * un-ordered bullet-point list, or a data definition list. The component uses a data model for managing the list items,
 * which can be updated dynamically.</p>
@JsfComponent(type = AbstractList.COMPONENT_TYPE, family = AbstractList.COMPONENT_FAMILY, facets = @Facet(name = AbstractList.TERM), tag = @Tag(name = "list", handlerClass = ListHandler.class, type = TagType.Facelets), renderer = @JsfRenderer(type = "org.richfaces.ui.ui.ListRenderer"))
public abstract class AbstractList extends UISequence implements CoreProps, EventsKeyProps, EventsMouseProps,
        EventsRowProps, I18nProps, RowsProps, SequenceProps, IterationProps {

    public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.richfaces.ui.List";
    public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "org.richfaces.ui.List";

    public static final String TERM = "term";
    private static final Predicate<String> TERM_PREDICATE = new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(String input) {
            return TERM.equals(input);
    private static final Predicate<String> NON_TERM_PREDICATE = Predicates.not(TERM_PREDICATE);

    private Iterator<UIComponent> getFacetsIterator(Predicate<? super String> namePredicate) {
        if (getFacetCount() > 0) {
            return Maps.filterKeys(getFacets(), namePredicate).values().iterator();

        return Iterators.emptyIterator();

    protected Iterator<UIComponent> dataChildren() {
        return Iterators.concat(getChildren().iterator(), getFacetsIterator(TERM_PREDICATE));

    protected Iterator<UIComponent> fixedChildren() {
        return getFacetsIterator(NON_TERM_PREDICATE);

     * The type of the list: unordered (default), ordered, definitions
    @Attribute(defaultValue = "ListType.unordered")
    public abstract ListType getType();

    public UIComponent getTerm() {
        return getFacet(TERM);

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("click"))
    public abstract String getOnclick();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("dblclick"))
    public abstract String getOndblclick();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("mousedown"))
    public abstract String getOnmousedown();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("mouseup"))
    public abstract String getOnmouseup();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("mouseover"))
    public abstract String getOnmouseover();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("mousemove"))
    public abstract String getOnmousemove();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("mouseout"))
    public abstract String getOnmouseout();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("keypress"))
    public abstract String getOnkeypress();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("keydown"))
    public abstract String getOnkeydown();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("keyup"))
    public abstract String getOnkeyup();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowclick"))
    public abstract String getOnrowclick();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowdblclick"))
    public abstract String getOnrowdblclick();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowmousedown"))
    public abstract String getOnrowmousedown();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowmouseup"))
    public abstract String getOnrowmouseup();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowmouseover"))
    public abstract String getOnrowmouseover();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowmousemove"))
    public abstract String getOnrowmousemove();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowmouseout"))
    public abstract String getOnrowmouseout();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowkeypress"))
    public abstract String getOnrowkeypress();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowkeydown"))
    public abstract String getOnrowkeydown();

    @Attribute(events = @EventName("rowkeyup"))
    public abstract String getOnrowkeyup();

    public abstract String getStyle();

    public abstract String getStyleClass();

    public abstract String getTitle();

    public abstract String getDir();

    public abstract String getLang();

     * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the rows of the table. If the CSS class names are comma-separated,
     * each class will be assigned to a particular row in the order they follow in the attribute. If you have less class names
     * than rows, the class will be applied to every n-fold row where n is the order in which the class is listed in the
     * attribute. If there are more class names than rows, the overflow ones are ignored.
    public abstract String getRowClasses();

     * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the list rows
    public abstract String getRowClass();