Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
 * Copyright 2011-2016, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
 * by the @authors tag.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>
 * For questions related to commercial use licensing, please contact


import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Build;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.telephony.ServiceState;
import android.telephony.SignalStrength;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation;
import android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation;


import org.json.JSONObject;

public class ContentValuesGenerator {

    private static Context service;

    public ContentValuesGenerator(Context context) {
        this.service = context;

     * Creates a ContentValues object with keys taken from {@link Tables.Locations}
     * and values taken from the location parameters
     * @param location
     * @return
    public static ContentValues generateFromEventLocation(double latitude, double longitude, long lTimestamp,
            int iUncertainty, int iAltitude, int iSpeed, int iHeading, String provider, long eventId) {
         * Note:- A lot of the getters of the location object return 0.0f when the 
         * appropriate data doesn't exist. We replace these by null for the sqlite database.
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(Tables.Locations.ACCURACY, iUncertainty == 0.0f ? null : iUncertainty);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.ALTITUDE, iAltitude == 0.0f ? null : iAltitude);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.BEARING, iHeading == 0.0f ? null : iHeading);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.LATITUDE, latitude);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.LONGITUDE, longitude);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.PROVIDER, provider);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.SPEED, iSpeed == 0 ? null : (double) iSpeed);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.TIMESTAMP, lTimestamp);
        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.EVENT_ID, eventId);
        return values;

     * Creates a ContentValues object with keys taken from {@link Tables.Locations}
     * and values taken from the location object passed as parameter.
     * @param location
     * @return
    public static ContentValues generateFromLocation(Location location, long stagedEventId, int satellites) {
         * Note:- A lot of the getters of the location object return 0.0f when the 
         * appropriate data doesn't exist. We replace these by null for the sqlite database.
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        if (location == null)
            location = new Location("");

        values.put(Tables.Locations.ACCURACY, location.getAccuracy() == 0.0f ? null : location.getAccuracy());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.ALTITUDE, location.getAltitude() == 0.0f ? null : location.getAltitude());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.BEARING, location.getBearing() == 0.0f ? null : location.getBearing());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.LATITUDE, location.getLatitude());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.LONGITUDE, location.getLongitude());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.PROVIDER, location.getProvider());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.SPEED, location.getSpeed() == 0.0f ? null : location.getSpeed());
        values.put(Tables.Locations.TIMESTAMP, location.getTime());
        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.EVENT_ID, stagedEventId);
        values.put(Tables.Locations.SATELLITES, satellites);
        //MMCLogger.logToFile(MMCLogger.Level.DEBUG, "ContentValues", "generateFromLocation", "gpsTime="+location.getTime());
        return values;

     * This method generates a ContentValues object from the signal object so that it may
     * be stored in the database.
     * @param signal
     * @param phoneType This is the phone type and must be one of {@link TelephonyManager#PHONE_TYPE_CDMA}
     * or {@link TelephonyManager#PHONE_TYPE_GSM}.
     * @param stagedEventId This is the id of the event that this signal has to be related to
     * @return
    public static ContentValues generateFromSignal(SignalEx signal, int phoneType, int networkType,
            int serviceState, int dataState, long stagedEventId, int wifiSignal, JSONObject serviceMode) {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        Integer dBm = 0;
        Integer signalDB = null;
        try {
            if (serviceMode != null && serviceMode.getLong("time") + 5000 < System.currentTimeMillis())
                serviceMode = null;
            if (signal == null) // as a result of a service outage
                LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.DEBUG, "ContentValues", "generateFromSignal",
                        "signal == null");
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, -256);
                //now do the common parameters
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis());
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.EVENT_ID, stagedEventId);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.COVERAGE, 0);
                return values;
            if (signal.getSignalStrength() == null) // as a result of a screen off (signal unknown)
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, (Integer) null);
            //do phone type specific actions first
            else if (phoneType == TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_CDMA) {
                boolean isEvdo = true;

                if (networkType == TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_1xRTT
                        || networkType == TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA) {
                    isEvdo = false;
                    dBm = signal.getCdmaDbm();
                } else {
                    dBm = signal.getEvdoDbm();
                    int evdoDbm = signal.getEvdoDbm();
                    // If there is no EVDO signal but there is CDMA signal, then use CDMA signal
                    if (evdoDbm <= -120 || evdoDbm >= -1) {
                        int cdmaDbm = signal.getCdmaDbm();
                        if (cdmaDbm <= -120 || cdmaDbm >= -1)
                            dBm = evdoDbm; // no cdma signal either, so send the evdo signal afterall
                        else {
                            dBm = cdmaDbm;
                            isEvdo = false; // display and report the CDMA signal if CDMA has signal and EVDO does not

                //if (dBm == -1) // When Scott had a network outage on CDMA, he got -1, we want -256
                //   dBm = -256;
                if (dBm == -120 && networkType == TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE)
                    dBm = null; // signal not known, this seems to happen with LTE advanced
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, dBm
                //isEvdo ? signal.getSignalStrength().getEvdoDbm() : signal.getSignalStrength().getCdmaDbm()
                        isEvdo ? signal.getEvdoEcio() / 10.0 : signal.getCdmaEcio() / 10.0);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SNR, isEvdo ? signal.getEvdoSnr() : null);
                //if (isEvdo)
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL2G, signal.getCdmaDbm()
                //isEvdo ? signal.getSignalStrength().getCdmaDbm() : null
                signalDB = dBm;
            } else if (phoneType == TelephonyManager.PHONE_TYPE_GSM) {

                if (getPlatform() == 1) //On Android device
                    signalDB = signal.getGsmSignalStrength();
                else if (getPlatform() == 3) {//On Blackberry device
                    signalDB = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(service.getApplicationContext())
                            .getInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.BB_SIGNAL, 99);

                if (signalDB == 99 || signalDB == -1 || signalDB == null) {
                    signalDB = null;
                    //            Integer signalLte = signal.getLayer3("mLteSignalStrength");
                    //            if (signalLte != null && signalLte < 99)
                    //            {
                    //               if (signalLte == 0)
                    //                  signalDB = -120;
                    //               else
                    //                  signalDB = -113 + signalLte*2;
                    //            }

                    // If signal is unknown but signal bars are known, send bars
                    Integer signalBar = signal.getLayer3("mGsmSignalBar");
                    if (signalBar != null && signalBar != -1) {
                        signalDB = getSignalDBFromBars(signalBar);
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNALBARS, signalBar);

                } else if (getPlatform() == 1)
                    signalDB = signal.getDbmValue(networkType, phoneType);

                Integer ecio = signal.getLayer3("mUmtsEcio");
                if (ecio == null)
                    ecio = signal.getLayer3("mgw_ecio");
                if (ecio == null)
                    ecio = signal.getLayer3("mGsmEcio");
                //         if (ecio == null)
                //         {
                //            ecio = signal.getLayer3("lastEcIoIndex");
                //            if (ecio != null)
                //               ecio = 2*signal.getLayer3Array("lastEcIoValues", ecio);
                //         }

                Integer ecno = signal.getLayer3("mUmtsEcno");
                if (ecno == null)
                    ecno = signal.getLayer3("mGsmEcno");
                Integer rscp = signal.getLayer3("mUmtsRscp");
                if (rscp == null)
                    rscp = signal.getLayer3("mGsmRscp");
                if (rscp == null)
                    rscp = signal.getLayer3("mWcdmaRscp");
                if ((signalDB == null || signalDB <= -120) && rscp != null && rscp > -120 && rscp < -20)
                    signalDB = rscp;

                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.ECI0, ecio);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.RSCP, rscp);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.ECN0, ecno);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, signalDB);
                        signal.getGsmBitErrorRate() == 99 ? null : signal.getGsmBitErrorRate());
            values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.WIFISIGNAL, wifiSignal);
            // check for LTE signal signal quality parameters only if connected to LTE
            if (networkType == TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE) {
                Integer lteRsrp = -1, lteRsrq, lteSnr, lteCqi;

                lteRsrp = signal.getLayer3("mLteRsrp");
                lteRsrq = signal.getLayer3("mLteRsrq");
                lteSnr = signal.getLayer3("mLteRssnr");
                if (lteRsrp != null && lteRsrp >= 40 && lteRsrp < 140)
                    lteRsrp = -lteRsrp;
                else if (lteRsrp != null && lteRsrp > 0 && lteRsrp <= 32)
                    lteRsrp = (lteRsrp - 2) * 2 + -109;
                if (lteSnr == null || lteSnr > 1000)
                    lteSnr = signal.getLayer3("mLteSnr");
                if (lteSnr == null || lteSnr < -200 || lteSnr > 1000)
                    lteSnr = null;
                if (lteRsrp != null && lteRsrp > 1000)
                    lteRsrp = lteRsrq = null;

                lteCqi = signal.getLayer3("mLteCqi");
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_RSRP, lteRsrp);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_RSRQ, lteRsrq);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_SNR, lteSnr);
                values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_CQI, lteCqi);

            // check for the LTE signal regardless, at least it will indicate of device supports LTE
            Integer lteRssi = signal.getLayer3("mLteRssi");
            if (lteRssi == null)
                lteRssi = signal.getLayer3("mLteSignalStrength");
            if (lteRssi != null) {
                if (lteRssi >= 0 && lteRssi < 32) {
                    if (lteRssi == 0)
                        lteRssi = -120; // officially 0 means -113dB or less, but since lowest possible signal on Blackberry = -120, call it -120 for consistency
                    else if (lteRssi == 1)
                        lteRssi = -111; // officially 1 = -111 dB
                    else if (lteRssi > 1 && lteRssi <= 31)
                        lteRssi = (lteRssi - 2) * 2 + -109;

                // allow for the possibility of sending a 3G signal and LTE signal at the same time
                // but if LTE signal is present, and 3G signal says -120 or worse, ignore regular signal
                if (lteRssi > -120 && (dBm == null || dBm <= -120))
                    values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, (Integer) lteRssi);

            values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_SIGNAL, lteRssi);

            if (serviceMode != null && serviceMode.getLong("time") + 20000 > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                if (serviceMode.has("ecio") && serviceMode.getString("ecio").length() > 1) {
                    int svc_ecio = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("ecio"), 10);
                    if (svc_ecio <= -2 && svc_ecio >= -30) {
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.ECI0, svc_ecio);
                if (serviceMode.has("rscp") && serviceMode.getString("rscp").length() > 1) {
                    int svc_rscp = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("rscp"), 10);
                    if (svc_rscp <= -20 && svc_rscp >= -120) //  && (signalDB == null || signalDB <= -120))
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.SIGNAL, svc_rscp);

                if (serviceMode.has("snr") && serviceMode.getString("snr").length() > 1) {
                    float svc_fsnr = Float.parseFloat(serviceMode.getString("snr"));
                    int svc_snr = (int) (svc_fsnr * 10);
                    if (svc_snr > -200 && svc_snr < 2000)
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_SNR, svc_snr);

                if (serviceMode.has("rsrp") && serviceMode.getString("rsrp").length() > 1) {
                    int svc_rsrp = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("rsrp"), 10);
                    if (svc_rsrp <= -20 && svc_rsrp >= -140)
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_RSRP, svc_rsrp);

                if (serviceMode.has("rsrq") && serviceMode.getString("rsrq").length() > 1) {
                    int svc_rsrq = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("rsrp"), 10);
                    if (svc_rsrq <= -1 && svc_rsrq >= -30)
                        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.LTE_RSRQ, svc_rsrq);


            //now do the common parameters
            values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.TIMESTAMP, signal.getTimestamp());
            values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.EVENT_ID, stagedEventId);
            int coverage = 0;
            if (networkType == 0) {
                if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE)
                    networkType = 1;
                //else if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF)
                //   networkType = -1;
            int networkTier = PhoneState.getNetworkGeneration(networkType);
            if (networkTier == 0) // dont make it 0 unless truly out of service
                networkTier = 1;
            if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE && (dataState != TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED
                    || networkType != TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE)) // Sprint can be connected to LTE and say outofservice
                networkTier = 0;
            else if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF
                    || serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY
                    || serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF || serviceState == 9) // 9 = MMCPhoneStateListenerOld.SERVICE_STATE_AIRPLANE)
                networkTier = -1;

            // tier 5 becomes 11111, tier 1 = 00001
            coverage = networkTier; // (1 << networkTier) - 1;

            //String reflect = listSignalFields (signal);

            values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.COVERAGE, coverage);
            //MMCLogger.logToFile(MMCLogger.Level.DEBUG, "", "onSignal.listSignalFields", reflect);
            //MMCLogger.logToFile(MMCLogger.Level.DEBUG, "", "onSignal.values", values.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.ERROR, "ContentValuesGenerator", "generateFromSignal",
                    "exception", e);
        return values;

    private static String listSignalFields(SignalEx mmcsignal) {
        int i;
        String strSignals = "";
        if (mmcsignal != null && mmcsignal.getSignalStrength() != null) {

            SignalStrength signalStrength = (SignalStrength) mmcsignal.getSignalStrength();

            Field[] fields = null;
            try {
                fields = signalStrength.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

                for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
                    //if (!fields[i].getName().equals("CREATOR") && !fields[i].getName().equals("LOG_TAG") &&
                    //      fields[i].getName().indexOf("INVALID") == -1 && fields[i].getName().indexOf("STRENGTH") == -1)
                    if (fields[i].getName().toLowerCase().substring(0, 1)
                            .equals(fields[i].getName().substring(0, 1))) {
                        try {
                            strSignals += fields[i].getName() + "=";
                            if (fields[i].get(signalStrength) != null)
                                strSignals += fields[i].get(signalStrength).toString() + ",";
                                strSignals += "null";
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.DEBUG, "", "listSignalFields", "exception", e);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.DEBUG, "", "listSignalFields", "SecurityException", e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LoggerUtil.logToFile(LoggerUtil.Level.DEBUG, "", "listSignalFields", "exception", e);
        return strSignals;

    protected static Integer getSignalDBFromBars(Integer signalBar) {
        int dBm = 0;
        switch (signalBar) {
        case 5:
            return -70;
        case 4:
            return -80;
        case 3:
            return -90;
        case 2:
            return -100;
        case 1:
            return -110;
        case 0:
            return null;
        return dBm;

     * This method generates a ContentValues object from the cell location object so that it 
     * may be stored in the database.
     * @param cellLoc The cell location
     * @param phoneType This is the phone type and must be one of {@link TelephonyManager#PHONE_TYPE_CDMA}
     * or {@link TelephonyManager#PHONE_TYPE_GSM}.
     * @return
    public static ContentValues generateFromCellLocation(CellLocationEx cellLoc, long stagedEventId) {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();

        int bsLow = cellLoc.getBSLow(), bsMid = cellLoc.getBSMid(), bsHigh = cellLoc.getBSHigh();
        if (bsLow == 65535)
            bsLow = -1;
        if (bsMid == 65535)
            bsMid = -1;
        if (bsHigh == 65535)
            bsHigh = -1;
        int bsCode = cellLoc.getBSCode();
        int bsBand = -1;
        int bsChan = -1;
        if (Global.getServiceMode() != null) {
            int val;
            try {
                JSONObject serviceMode = Global.getServiceMode();
                if (serviceMode != null && serviceMode.getLong("time") + 20000 > System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                    if (serviceMode.has("psc") && serviceMode.getString("psc").length() > 1) {
                        val = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("psc"), 10);
                        if (val > 0) {
                            bsCode = val;
                    if (serviceMode.has("band") && serviceMode.getString("band").length() > 0) {
                        val = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("band"), 10);
                        if (val > 0) {
                            bsBand = val;
                    } else if (serviceMode.has("freq") && serviceMode.getString("freq").length() > 0) {
                        val = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("freq"), 10);
                        if (val > 0) {
                            bsBand = val;
                    if (serviceMode.has("channel") && serviceMode.getString("channel").length() > 0) {
                        val = Integer.parseInt(serviceMode.getString("channel"), 10);
                        if (val > 0) {
                            bsChan = val;
            } catch (Exception e) {

        String netType = "";
        if (cellLoc.getCellLocation() != null && cellLoc.getCellLocation() instanceof GsmCellLocation)
            netType = "gsm";
        else if (cellLoc.getCellLocation() != null && cellLoc.getCellLocation() instanceof CdmaCellLocation)
            netType = "cdma";

        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.TIMESTAMP, cellLoc.getCellIdTimestamp());
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.NET_TYPE, netType);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_CODE, bsCode);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_LOW, bsLow == -1 ? null : bsLow);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_MID, bsMid == -1 ? null : bsMid);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_HIGH, bsHigh == -1 ? null : bsHigh);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_BAND, bsBand == -1 ? null : bsBand);
        values.put(Tables.BaseStations.BS_CHAN, bsChan == -1 ? null : bsChan);
        values.put(Tables.SignalStrengths.EVENT_ID, stagedEventId);
        return values;

    public static int getPlatform() {
        if (android.os.Build.BRAND.toLowerCase().contains("blackberry") && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 18) {
            return 3;
        } else {
            return 1;
