Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 University of California at Berkeley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.rebioma.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.form.client.api.DisplayPopup; import org.rebioma.client.DataPager.PageListener; import org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery.DataRequestListener; import org.rebioma.client.PagerWidget.PageClickListener; import org.rebioma.client.UsersTable.CheckedClickListener; import org.rebioma.client.bean.Occurrence; import org.rebioma.client.bean.User; import org.rebioma.client.bean.gxt.OccurrenceSummary; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.cell.core.client.SimpleSafeHtmlCell; import com.sencha.gxt.core.client.XTemplates; import; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.ContentPanel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.VerticalLayoutContainer; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.VerticalLayoutContainer.VerticalLayoutData; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.ColumnConfig; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.ColumnModel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.grid.Grid; import; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.toolbar.FillToolItem; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.toolbar.ToolBar; public class ListView extends ComponentView implements PageListener<Occurrence>, PageClickListener, DataRequestListener, OccurrencePageSizeChangeHandler, ReviewHandler { public class CollaboratorsList extends DialogBox implements ResizeHandler, ClickHandler, CheckedClickListener { final UsersTable usersTable = new UsersTable(); final ListBox sharedUsers = new ListBox(true); final Button sharedButton = new Button(constants.Shared()); final Button unshareButton = new Button(constants.Unshared()); final Button cancelButton = new Button(constants.Cancel()); final ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(); final VerticalPanel mainVp = new VerticalPanel(); Set<String> checkedUsers = new HashSet<String>(); Set<Occurrence> currentSelectedOccurrences; CollaboratorsList() { super(true); setHTML("<center>" + constants.SharedUsersTitle() + "</center>"); setWidget(sp); sp.setWidget(mainVp); usersTable.setCheckedUsers(checkedUsers); mainVp.add(usersTable); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(sharedButton); hp.add(unshareButton); hp.add(cancelButton); hp.setSpacing(5); mainVp.add(hp); sharedButton.addClickHandler(this); cancelButton.addClickHandler(this); unshareButton.addClickHandler(this); sharedButton.setEnabled(false); unshareButton.setEnabled(false); Window.addResizeHandler(this); usersTable.addCheckedListener(this); mainSp.setHeight("200px"); } public void onChecked(String email, Integer id, boolean checked, int row) { if (checked) { checkedUsers.add(email); } else { checkedUsers.remove(email); } boolean enabled = !checkedUsers.isEmpty(); sharedButton.setEnabled(enabled); unshareButton.setEnabled(enabled); // a hack, no idea why the table is disappeared sometime in the DialogBox // when a button is disable. mainVp.insert(usersTable, 0); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object source = event.getSource(); if (source == sharedButton) { sharedRecords(); } else if (source == unshareButton) { unsharedRecords(); } hide(); } public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { if (isShowing()) { center(); } } public void showUsers(Set<Occurrence> occurrences) { this.currentSelectedOccurrences = occurrences; center(); UserQuery query = usersTable.getQuery(); query.setUsersCollaboratorsOnly(true); checkedUsers.clear(); usersTable.resetTable(); } //shared records private void sharedRecords() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { StringBuilder userIdCSV = new StringBuilder(); for (String userEmail : checkedUsers) { userIdCSV.append(userEmail + ","); } updateAll("sharedUsers = " + userIdCSV.toString(), ""); } else { Set<Occurrence> occurrences = getCheckedValidOccurrences(UPDATE_COLLABORATORS); for (Occurrence o : occurrences) { String currentCollaborators = o.getSharedUsersCSV(); if (currentCollaborators == null) { currentCollaborators = ""; } for (String userEmail : checkedUsers) { if (!currentCollaborators.contains(userEmail)) { currentCollaborators = currentCollaborators.concat(userEmail + ","); } } o.setSharedUsersCSV(currentCollaborators); } updateOccurrences(occurrences, constants.UpdateSharedUserMsg()); } } private void unsharedRecords() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { StringBuilder userIdCSV = new StringBuilder(); for (String userEmail : checkedUsers) { userIdCSV.append(userEmail + ","); } updateAll("unsharedUsers = " + userIdCSV.toString(), ""); } else { Set<Occurrence> occurrences = getCheckedValidOccurrences(UPDATE_COLLABORATORS); for (Occurrence o : occurrences) { String currentCollaborators = o.getSharedUsersCSV(); if (currentCollaborators == null) { currentCollaborators = ""; } for (String userEmail : checkedUsers) { if (currentCollaborators.contains(userEmail)) { currentCollaborators = currentCollaborators.replace(userEmail + ",", ""); currentCollaborators = currentCollaborators.replace(userEmail, ""); } } o.setSharedUsersCSV(currentCollaborators); } updateOccurrences(occurrences, constants.UpdateSharedUserMsg()); } } } /** * Manage history states of list view. * * @author tri * */ private class ListState extends HistoryState { public Object getHistoryParameters(UrlParam param) { switch (param) { case VIEW: case TYPE: return stringValue(param); case CHECKEDALL: return Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue(param)); } return ""; } } /** * A green check image url for table columns with boolean value true/yes. */ public static final String CHECK_IMG_URL = "images/greenCheck.png"; /** * Default number of row per page. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 50; /** * A unauthenticated header CSS styles. * * Note: this array and {@link #GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS} array is a one to one * mapping. */ public static final String GUEST_HEADER_CSS_STYLES[] = new String[] { "checkbox", "id", "accepted-species", "validated", "vetted", "owner-email", "shared-users", "validation-error" }; /** * A authenticated header CSS styles. * * Note: this array and {@link #USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS} array is a one to one * mapping. */ public static final String USER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES[] = new String[] { "checkbox", "id", "accepted-species", "public", "validated", "vetted", "owner-email", "shared-users", "validation-error" }; /** * A authenticated header CSS styles. * * Note: this array and {@link #USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS} array is a one to one * mapping. */ public static final String REVIEWER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES[] = new String[] { "checkbox", "id", "accepted-species", "public", "validated", "vetted", "owner-email", "shared-users", "shared-users", /*"shared-users", "shared-users", "shared-users",*/ "shared-users", "shared-users", "shared-users", "shared-users", "shared-users", "attributes", "owner-email", "owner-email", "year-c", "validation-error" }; /** * An red "X" image for column with boolean value false/no */ public static final String X_IMG_URL = "images/redX.png"; public static final String WAITING_IMG_URL = "images/waiting.png"; public static final String THUMB_UP_URL = "images/thumb_up.png"; public static final String THUMB_DOWN_URL = "images/question_mark.png"; public static final String NULL_URL = "images/blank.png"; /** * Default style for this OccurrenceListView Widget */ private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE = "OccurrenceView-ListView"; protected static final String DELETE_ACTION = constants.Delete(); protected static final String MAKE_PRIVATE_ACTION = constants.MakePrivate(); protected static final String MAKE_PUBLIC_ACTION = constants.MakePublic(); protected static final String NO_ACTION = constants.SelectAnAction(); protected static final String NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION = constants.NegativelyReview(); protected static final String POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION = constants.PositivelyReview(); protected static final String SHOW_EMAIL_ACTION = constants.ShowMyEmail(); protected static final String HIDE_EMAIL_ACTION = constants.HideMyEmail(); protected static final String COMMENT_RECORDS = "Comment records"; public static ViewInfo init(final View parent, final OccurrenceQuery query, final PageListener<Occurrence> pageListener, final OccurrenceListener occurrentListener) { return new ViewInfo() { public String getName() { return LIST; } protected View constructView() { return new ListView(parent, query, pageListener, occurrentListener); } protected String getHisTokenName() { return LIST; } }; } private CollaboratorsList collaboratorsList = null; private Command delCommand; private Command makePrivateCommand; private Command makePublicCommand; private Command negReviewedCommand; private Command commentRecordsCommand; private Command posReviewedCommand; private Command showEmailCommand; private Command hideEmailCommand; private Command showSharedUsersCommand; private final ActionTool actionTool; /** * A {@link VerticalPanel} contains all the widgets of OccurreceListView */ // private final AbsolutePanel mainVp; private final VerticalLayoutContainer mainVp; /** * An {@link OccurrenceListener} that listens for a selected occurrence in * OccurrenceListView. */ private final OccurrenceListener occurrenceListener; /** * A {@link DataPager} that uses to create data for this occurrence list view. */ private final OccurrencePagerWidget pagerWidget; /** * */ private boolean signedIn = false; /** * The {@link TableWidget} that is used to display a summary of occurrence * return by the {@link DataPager}. */ private Grid<Occurrence> table; private final CheckBox applyToAllCb; private List<Occurrence> currentPageOccurrences; private static final int CHECK_BOX_INDEX = 0; private static final String APPLY_ALL_STYLE = "Apply-All"; protected static final String UPDATE_COLLABORATORS = constants.SharedUsersAction(); private static final int MY_REREVIEWED_COL = 5; private boolean checkedAll = false; private final HistoryState historyState = new ListState(); //private final ScrollPanel mainSp = new ScrollPanel(); private final ContentPanel mainSp = new ContentPanel(); private boolean isActionInit = false; private final Map<Integer, Integer> currentSearchColOccIdsMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> currentHeaders = null; private final ReviewerCommentPopup reviewerCommentPopup = new ReviewerCommentPopup(this, constants); private ToolBar toolHp = null; // private ScrollPanel scrollPanel; private ListView(View parent, OccurrenceQuery query, PageListener<Occurrence> pageListener, OccurrenceListener oListener) { super(parent, false); occurrenceListener = oListener; boolean isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected(History.getToken()); List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> authenticatedHeaders = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected ? OccurrenceSummary.getReviewerColumnModel() : //REVIEWER_REQUIRED_HEADERS: OccurrenceSummary.getUserColumnModel();//USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> authenticatedHeadersStyle[] = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected? // REVIEWER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES: // USER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES; currentHeaders = signedIn ? authenticatedHeaders : OccurrenceSummary.getGuestColumnModel();//GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS; ColumnModel<Occurrence> cm = new ColumnModel<Occurrence>(currentHeaders); ListStore<Occurrence> store = new ListStore<Occurrence>(; // store.addAll(); cm.getColumn(1).setCell(cellRebiomaId); table = new Grid<Occurrence>(store, cm); table.getView().setAdjustForHScroll(true); table.setSelectionModel(; SelectionHandler<Occurrence>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Occurrence> event) { if (!table.getSelectionModel().isSelected(event.getSelectedItem())) { setApplyAllChecked(false); } updateChecksState(); addHistoryItem(false); } }); // table.getView().setForceFit(true); table.setLoadMask(true); // table.getView().setAutoExpandColumn(currentHeaders.get(0)); // table = new TableWidget(currentHeaders, signedIn ? authenticatedHeadersStyle // : GUEST_HEADER_CSS_STYLES, 0); int pageSize = query.getLimit(); if (pageSize < 0) { pageSize = OccurrencePagerWidget.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; } this.pagerWidget = new OccurrencePagerWidget(pageSize, query, true); applyToAllCb = new CheckBox(); actionTool = new ActionTool() { protected void setCheckedAll(boolean checked) { ListView.this.setCheckedAll(checked); addHistoryItem(false); } }; actionTool.setDefaultSelection(0); query.addDataRequestListener(this); if (pageListener != null) { pagerWidget.addPageListener(pageListener); } pagerWidget.addPageListener(this); pagerWidget.addPageClickListener(this); pagerWidget.addPageSizeChangeListener(this); actionTool.addWidget(applyToAllCb); // HorizontalPanel toolHp = new HorizontalPanel(); toolHp = new ToolBar(); //{WD this.pagerWidget.setXElement(table.getElement()); this.pagerWidget.setToolBar(toolHp); //} // WidgetComponent wc = new WidgetComponent(actionTool); // actionTool.setWidth("480px"); toolHp.setEnableOverflow(true); toolHp.setHeight("28px"); toolHp.add(actionTool); toolHp.add(new FillToolItem()); // pagerWidget.setWidth("450px"); HorizontalPanel pWHp = new HorizontalPanel(); pWHp.add(pagerWidget); pWHp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(pagerWidget, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // pWHp.setWidth("470px"); pWHp.add(editHp); reset.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { table.getStore().rejectChanges(); } }); save.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (table.getStore().getModifiedRecords().isEmpty()) { Info.display("", "There is no modification to save"); return; } table.getStore().commitChanges(); String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); List<Occurrence> occurrences = new ArrayList<Occurrence>(); occurrences.addAll(table.getStore().getAll()); DataSwitch.get().editUpdate(occurrences, sessionId, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); } /** * If result != null, update is a successful. Clears the * {@link DataSwitch} cache. * * @param result */ public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { if (result) { Info.display("", "Modification done successfully"); } else { Window.confirm(constants.UnexpectedError()); } } }); } }); initModifLink(); showModifLink(false); pWHp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(editHp, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); toolHp.add(pWHp); // toolHp.setStylePrimaryName("Tool"); mainVp = new VerticalLayoutContainer();//new AbsolutePanel(); mainSp.setHeaderVisible(false); mainSp.setHeight(Window.getClientHeight() - 115 + "px"); // mainSp.setWidth("100%"); mainSp.setBorders(false); mainSp.setBodyBorder(false); mainSp.addStyleName("margin-0"); //mainVp.setSpacing(0); // mainVp.add(toolHp); // scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); // scrollPanel.setStyleName("l-table"); // scrollPanel.add(table); // mainVp.add(table); //mainVp.add(table); // mainVp.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE); // toolHp.setCellHorizontalAlignment(pagerWidget, // HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // toolHp.setCellVerticalAlignment(pagerWidget, // HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // mainVp.setCellWidth(table, "100%"); // mainVp.setWidth("100%"); mainVp.setBorders(true); mainVp.add(toolHp); mainVp.add(table, new VerticalLayoutData(1, 1)); mainSp.setWidget(mainVp); initWidget(mainSp); applyToAllCb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean isChecked = applyToAllCb.getValue(); setApplyAllChecked(isChecked); if (isChecked) { setCheckedAll(true); } else { setCheckedAll(false); } addHistoryItem(false); } }); String historyToken = History.getToken(); if (!historyToken.trim().equals("")) { handleOnValueChange(historyToken); } } public OccurrenceListener getOccurrenceListener() { return occurrenceListener; } /** * Gets history token of this list view in form of (i.e * checkedall=true&checked=1,2&unchecked=0,3&view=list) */ public String historyToken() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.CHECKEDALL)); sb.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.CHECKED)); sb.append(getUrlToken(UrlParam.UNCHECKED)); sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } public void onPageClicked() { parent.resetToDefaultState(); } /** * If it is current in list view add a quick summary into the {@link #table} */ public void onPageLoaded(List<Occurrence> data, int pageNumber) { if (!isMyView(History.getToken())) { return; } if (data.isEmpty() && pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber() != 1) { pagerWidget.goToPage(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber() - 1); return; } currentPageOccurrences = data; applyToAllCb.setText(constants.ApplyToAll() + " " + pagerWidget.getTotalRow() + " " + constants.Results()); // List<OccurrenceSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<OccurrenceSummary>(); // for (Occurrence o : data) { // summaries.add(new OccurrenceSummary(o)); // } // Widget rowsWidget[][] = constructWidgetContent(summaries); // int start = (pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber() - 1) // * pagerWidget.getPageSize(); boolean isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected(History.getToken()); List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> authenticatedHeaders = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected ? OccurrenceSummary.getReviewerColumnModel() : //REVIEWER_REQUIRED_HEADERS: OccurrenceSummary.getUserColumnModel();//USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // String authenticatedHeadersStyle[] = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected? // REVIEWER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES: // USER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES; List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> headers = signedIn ? ApplicationView.getCurrentState() == ViewState.SUPERADMIN ? OccurrenceSummary.getSAdminColumnModel(table) : authenticatedHeaders : OccurrenceSummary.getGuestColumnModel();//GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // String headersStyle[] = signedIn ? authenticatedHeadersStyle // : GUEST_HEADER_CSS_STYLES; // table.resetHeader(headers, // headersStyle); showModifLink(signedIn && ApplicationView.getCurrentState() == ViewState.SUPERADMIN); ColumnModel<Occurrence> cm = new ColumnModel<Occurrence>(headers); table.getStore().clear(); table.getStore().addAll(data); ListStore<Occurrence> store = table.getStore(); cm.getColumn(1).setCell(cellRebiomaId); //set forcefit if column number is more than 10 table.getView().setForceFit(headers.size() <= 10); table.reconfigure(store, cm);// = new Grid<Occurrence>(store, cm); table.getView().setAdjustForHScroll(true); table.getView().refresh(true); table.setSelectionModel(; // mainVp.getWidget(0).asWidget().get; currentHeaders = authenticatedHeaders; // table.showRecord(pagerWidget.getPageSize(), start, rowsWidget); // resizeTable(); restoreChecks(); addHistoryItem(false); resize(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); ((ComponentView) parent).resize(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()); if (!currentSearchColOccIdsMap.isEmpty()) { String sid = ApplicationView.getSessionId(); DataSwitch.get().getMyReviewedOnRecords(sid, currentSearchColOccIdsMap, new AsyncCallback<Map<Integer, Boolean>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); } public void onSuccess(Map<Integer, Boolean> result) { for (Integer row : result.keySet()) { Boolean reviewed = result.get(row); String imgHtml; if (reviewed == null) { imgHtml = "<img src='" + WAITING_IMG_URL + "'/>"; } else if (reviewed) { imgHtml = "<img src='" + THUMB_UP_URL + "'/>"; } else { imgHtml = "<img src='" + THUMB_DOWN_URL + "'/>"; } getMyReviewedAtRow(row).setHTML(imgHtml); } } }); } forceLayout(); } private HTML reset = new HTML("Reset"); private HTML save = new HTML("Save"); private HorizontalPanel editHp = new HorizontalPanel(); private void initModifLink() { editHp.add(new HTML(" ")); editHp.add(reset); editHp.add(new HTML(" ")); editHp.add(save); editHp.add(new HTML(" ")); save.setStyleName("link"); reset.setStyleName("link"); } private void showModifLink(boolean visible) { // separator.setVisible(visible); // reset.setVisible(visible); // space.setVisible(visible); // save.setVisible(visible); editHp.setVisible(visible); } public void onStateChanged(ViewState state) { //Window.alert("state change" + state); showModifLink(false); switch (state) { case SUPERADMIN: showModifLink(true); case ADMIN: case REVIEWER: case RESEARCHER: initActions(); signedIn = true; actionTool.clear(); actionTool.addAction(NO_ACTION, null); actionTool.addAction(DELETE_ACTION, delCommand); actionTool.addAction(MAKE_PRIVATE_ACTION, makePrivateCommand); actionTool.addAction(MAKE_PUBLIC_ACTION, makePublicCommand); actionTool.addAction(SHOW_EMAIL_ACTION, showEmailCommand); actionTool.addAction(HIDE_EMAIL_ACTION, hideEmailCommand); actionTool.addAction(UPDATE_COLLABORATORS, showSharedUsersCommand); actionTool.addAction(COMMENT_RECORDS, commentRecordsCommand); boolean isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected(History.getToken()); List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> authenticatedHeaders = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected ? OccurrenceSummary.getReviewerColumnModel() : //REVIEWER_REQUIRED_HEADERS: state == ViewState.SUPERADMIN ? OccurrenceSummary.getSAdminColumnModel(table) : OccurrenceSummary.getUserColumnModel();//USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // String authenticatedHeadersStyle[] = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected? // REVIEWER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES: // USER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES; // table.resetHeader(authenticatedHeaders, // authenticatedHeadersStyle); ColumnModel<Occurrence> cm = new ColumnModel<Occurrence>(authenticatedHeaders); cm.getColumn(1).setCell(cellRebiomaId); table.getView().setForceFit(authenticatedHeaders.size() <= 10); table.reconfigure(table.getStore(), cm); table.getView().setAdjustForHScroll(true); table.getView().refresh(true); currentHeaders = authenticatedHeaders; if (!isMyView(parent.historyToken())) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); } addingReviewToolIfAllow(History.getToken()); break; case UNAUTHENTICATED: signedIn = false; actionTool.clear(); actionTool.addAction(NO_ACTION, null); // table.resetHeader(OccurrenceSummary.GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS, // GUEST_HEADER_CSS_STYLES); ColumnModel<Occurrence> cmU = new ColumnModel<Occurrence>(OccurrenceSummary.getGuestColumnModel()); cmU.getColumn(1).setCell(cellRebiomaId); table.getView().setForceFit(true); table.reconfigure(table.getStore(), cmU); table.getView().setAdjustForHScroll(true); table.getView().refresh(true); currentHeaders = OccurrenceSummary.getGuestColumnModel();//GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS; if (!isMyView(parent.historyToken())) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); } break; } } /** * If current view is list view request data for this page. * * @see org.rebioma.client.OccurrenceQuery.DataRequestListener#requestData(int) */ public void requestData(int pageNum) { String token = History.getToken(); if (isMyView(token)) { addingReviewToolIfAllow(token); pagerWidget.init(pageNum); } } protected void handleOnValueChange(String historyToken) { historyState.setHistoryToken(historyToken); historyState.parseCheckedUrl(); checkedAll = (Boolean) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.CHECKEDALL); restoreChecks(); addingReviewToolIfAllow(historyToken); } protected boolean isMyView(String value) { historyState.setHistoryToken(value); return historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.VIEW).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(LIST); } protected void resetToDefaultState() { checkedAll = false; historyState.clearChecksState(); } protected void resize(int width, int height) { height = height - mainSp.getAbsoluteTop(); if (height <= 0) { height = 1; } int w = width - 22; mainSp.setPixelSize(w, height - 10); // table.getParent().setHeight((height)- 42 + "px"); // scrollPanel.setHeight((height)- 42 + "px"); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { forceLayout(); } }); } private void addingReviewToolIfAllow(String token) { historyState.setHistoryToken(token); String type = (String) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.TYPE); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.OCCURRENCES_TO_REVIEW)) { actionTool.addAction(POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION, posReviewedCommand); actionTool.addAction(NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION, negReviewedCommand); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.MY_POS_REVIEWED)) { actionTool.removeAction(POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION); actionTool.addAction(NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION, negReviewedCommand); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.MY_NEG_REVIEWED)) { actionTool.addAction(POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION, posReviewedCommand); actionTool.removeAction(NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION); } else { actionTool.removeAction(POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION); actionTool.removeAction(NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION); } } /** * Initializes all actions belong to this OccurrenceListView. */ private int checkedRecordCount() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < table.getStore().size()/*getDataRowCount()*/; i++) { if (table.getSelectionModel().isSelected(table.getStore().get(i))) { // if (getRowCheckBox(i).getValue()) { count++; } } return count; } /** * Constructs an 2 dimension array widget represents display content for the * table of the current page. * * @param summaries {@link OccurrenceSummary} * @return Widget[][] data for the current page. */ // private List<Occurrence> constructWidgetContent(List<OccurrenceSummary> summaries) { // int length = summaries.size(); // // // This is to make sure only display the table with at most page size from // // the pager. // if (length > pagerWidget.getPageSize()) { // length = pagerWidget.getPageSize(); // } // List<Occurrence> rowsWidget = new ArrayList<Occurrence>(); // boolean isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected = // isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected(History // .getToken()); // // List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> authenticatedHeaders = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected? // OccurrenceSummary.getReviewerColumnModel()://REVIEWER_REQUIRED_HEADERS: // OccurrenceSummary.getUserColumnModel();//USER_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // // if (currentHeaders != authenticatedHeaders) { // // table.resetHeader(authenticatedHeaders, // // (isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected ? REVIEWER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES // // : USER_HEADER_CSS_STYLES));My Reviewed // // } // List<ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?>> headers = signedIn ? authenticatedHeaders // : OccurrenceSummary.getGuestColumnModel();//.GUEST_REQUIRED_HEADERS; // currentSearchColOccIdsMap.clear(); // // for(ColumnConfig<Occurrence, ?> col : headers){ // String cellData = rowData[(col - 1)]; // if (cellData == null) { // cellData = "----"; // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { // cellData = "----"; // } // if (cellData.equals(OccurrenceSummary.MY_REVIEWED)) { // currentSearchColOccIdsMap.put(row, occurrence.getId()); // currentRow[col] = new HTML(constants.Loading()); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("waiting")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + WAITING_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // // currentRow[col].setTitle("waiting"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("pos")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + THUMB_UP_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("neg")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + THUMB_DOWN_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + CHECK_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { // // currentRow[col] = new HTML("No <img src='" + X_IMG_URL + // // "'/>"); // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + X_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // } else { // if (col != 1) { //// if (headers[col].equals(constants.Owner()) //// && !OccurrenceSummary.isEmailVisisble(occurrence)) { //// currentRow[col] = new Label(constants.EmailNotShow()); //// } else if (headers[col].equals(constants.Collaborators())) { //// String modifiedShowUsersCSV = cellData.replaceAll(",", ", "); //// currentRow[col] = new Label(modifiedShowUsersCSV); //// } else { //// currentRow[col] = new Label(cellData); //// } // } else { // HTML link = new HTML(cellData); // currentRow[col] = link; // // /* // * This click listener updates the tables currently selected row. // */ // link.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // parent.switchView(DETAIL, true); // occurrenceListener.onOccurrenceSelected(occurrence); // } // }); // } // } // } // for (int row = 0; row < length; row++) { // OccurrenceSummary summary = summaries.get(row); // final Occurrence occurrence = summary.getOccurrence(); // // String[] userSummary = isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected? // null://summary.getReviewerSummary(): // null;//summary.getUserSummary(); // // String[] rowData = signedIn ? userSummary : null;//summary.getUnauthenticatedSummary(); // Widget[] currentRow = new Widget[rowData.length + 1]; // SimplePanel panel = new SimplePanel(); // CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); // cb.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) event.getSource(); // if (!cb.getValue()) { // setApplyAllChecked(false); // } // updateChecksState(); // addHistoryItem(false); // } // // }); // // cb.setEnabled(occurrence.isValidated()); // panel.add(cb); // currentRow[0] = panel; // for (int col = 1; col < currentRow.length; col++) { // String cellData = rowData[(col - 1)]; // if (cellData == null) { // cellData = "----"; // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { // cellData = "----"; // } // if (cellData.equals(OccurrenceSummary.MY_REVIEWED)) { // currentSearchColOccIdsMap.put(row, occurrence.getId()); // currentRow[col] = new HTML(constants.Loading()); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("waiting")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + WAITING_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // // currentRow[col].setTitle("waiting"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("pos")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + THUMB_UP_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("neg")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + THUMB_DOWN_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + CHECK_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // } else if (cellData.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) { // // currentRow[col] = new HTML("No <img src='" + X_IMG_URL + // // "'/>"); // currentRow[col] = new HTML("<img src='" + X_IMG_URL + "'/>"); // } else { // if (col != 1) { //// if (headers[col].equals(constants.Owner()) //// && !OccurrenceSummary.isEmailVisisble(occurrence)) { //// currentRow[col] = new Label(constants.EmailNotShow()); //// } else if (headers[col].equals(constants.Collaborators())) { //// String modifiedShowUsersCSV = cellData.replaceAll(",", ", "); //// currentRow[col] = new Label(modifiedShowUsersCSV); //// } else { //// currentRow[col] = new Label(cellData); //// } // } else { // HTML link = new HTML(cellData); // currentRow[col] = link; // // /* // * This click listener updates the tables currently selected row. // */ // link.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // parent.switchView(DETAIL, true); // occurrenceListener.onOccurrenceSelected(occurrence); // } // }); // } // } // } // rowsWidget[row] = currentRow; // } // return rowsWidget; // } private void deleteAll() { if (!Window.confirm(constants.Delete() + " " + pagerWidget.getTotalRow() + " " + constants.Records())) { return; } String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().delete(sessionId, pagerWidget.getQuery(), new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result == 0) { showMsg(constants.DeleteMsg()); } else { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); } } }); } /** * Deletes a set of {@link Occurrence} objects via {@link DataSwitch}. * * @param toDelete occurrence set to delete */ private void deleteOccurrences(final Set<Occurrence> occurrences) { if (occurrences.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(constants.NoActionCantDeleteOthers()); return; } else { if (!Window.confirm(constants.DeleteConfirm())) { return; } } String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().delete(sessionId, occurrences, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { try { throw caught; } catch (OccurrenceServiceException e) { Window.confirm(e.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { Window.confirm(t.toString()); } } public void onSuccess(String result) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); //tax setCheckedAll(false); } }); } private Set<Integer> getCheckedOccurrenceId() { Set<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>(); User user = ApplicationView.getAuthenticatedUser(); if (user != null) { for (Occurrence oc : table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()) { ids.add(oc.getId()); } // for (int i = 0; i < table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems().size()/*getDataRowCount()*/; i++) { // // if (getRowCheckBox(i).getValue()) { // ids.add(currentPageOccurrences.get(i).getId()); // } // } } return ids; } /** * Gets all checked valid occurrences with associated action in the current * page. * * @return set of checked valid occurrences with associated action. */ private Set<Occurrence> getCheckedValidOccurrences(String action) { Set<Occurrence> occurrences = new HashSet<Occurrence>(); User user = ApplicationView.getAuthenticatedUser(); if (user == null) { return occurrences; } for (Occurrence o : table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems()) { // for (int i = 0; i < table.getDataRowCount(); i++) { // if (getRowCheckBox(i).getValue()) { // Occurrence o = currentPageOccurrences.get(i); String email = o.getOwnerEmail(); boolean myRecord = email.equals(user.getEmail()); boolean myShared = (o.getSharedUsersCSV() + "").contains(user.getEmail()) && o.getNoAssignation(); if (!(myRecord || myShared)) { continue; } // if (action.equals(POSTIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION) && o.isValidated()) { // o.setVetted(true); // occurrences.add(o); // } else if (action.equals(NEGATIVELY_REVIEWED_ACTION) && o.isVetted()) // { // o.setVetted(false); // occurrences.add(o); // } else if (action.equals(MAKE_PUBLIC_ACTION) && !o.isPublic_()) { o.setPublic_(true); occurrences.add(o); } else if (action.equals(MAKE_PRIVATE_ACTION) && o.isPublic_()) { o.setPublic_(false); occurrences.add(o); } else if (action.equals(DELETE_ACTION) || action.equals(UPDATE_COLLABORATORS)) { occurrences.add(o); } else if (action.equals(SHOW_EMAIL_ACTION)) { o.setEmailVisible(true); occurrences.add(o); } else if (action.equals(HIDE_EMAIL_ACTION)) { o.setEmailVisible(false); occurrences.add(o); } // } } return occurrences; } private HTML getMyReviewedAtRow(int row) { // return (HTML) table.getCellWidget(row, MY_REREVIEWED_COL); return null; } /** * Gets the {@link CheckBox} widget of the given row. the check box is at * column {@link CHECK_BOX_INDEX}. * * @param row * @return */ // private CheckBox getRowCheckBox(int row) { // SimplePanel sp = null;//(SimplePanel) table.getCellWidget(row, CHECK_BOX_INDEX); // return (CheckBox) sp.getWidget(); // } private String getUrlToken(UrlParam param) { String query = param.lower() + "="; switch (param) { case CHECKEDALL: query += checkedAll; break; case CHECKED: String checkedValues = historyState.getCheckedValues(true); if (checkedValues.equals("")) { query = ""; } else { query += checkedValues; } break; case UNCHECKED: String uncheckedValues = historyState.getCheckedValues(false); if (uncheckedValues.equals("")) { query = ""; } else { query += uncheckedValues; } break; default: query = ""; } return query.length() == 0 ? query : query + "&"; } private void initActions() { if (isActionInit) { return; } isActionInit = true; posReviewedCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { boolean isAllChecked = applyToAllCb.getValue(); if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { reviewerCommentPopup.//display(isAllChecked, true, null); display(isAllChecked, true, true, null, constants.ReviewComment()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } Set<Integer> occurrenceIds = getCheckedOccurrenceId(); if (occurrenceIds.isEmpty()) { if (occurrenceIds.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(" no valid record to review"); return; } } reviewerCommentPopup//.display(isAllChecked, true, occurrenceIds); .display(isAllChecked, true, true, occurrenceIds, constants.ReviewComment()); } }; negReviewedCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { boolean isAllChecked = applyToAllCb.getValue(); if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { reviewerCommentPopup//.display(isAllChecked, false, null); .display(isAllChecked, false, true, null, constants.ReviewComment()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } Set<Integer> occurrenceIds = getCheckedOccurrenceId(); if (occurrenceIds.isEmpty()) { if (occurrenceIds.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(" no valid record to review"); return; } } reviewerCommentPopup//.display(isAllChecked, false, occurrenceIds); .display(isAllChecked, false, true, occurrenceIds, constants.ReviewComment()); } }; delCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { deleteAll(); return; } deleteOccurrences(getCheckedValidOccurrences(DELETE_ACTION)); } }; makePrivateCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { updateAll("public = false", constants.UpdatePrivateMsg()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } updateOccurrences(getCheckedValidOccurrences(MAKE_PRIVATE_ACTION), constants.NoActionPublicPrivate()); } }; makePublicCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { updateAll("public = true", constants.UpdatePublicMsg()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } updateOccurrences(getCheckedValidOccurrences(MAKE_PUBLIC_ACTION), constants.NoActionPublicPrivate()); } }; showEmailCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { updateAll("emailVisible = true", constants.ShowEmailMsg()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } updateOccurrences(getCheckedValidOccurrences(SHOW_EMAIL_ACTION), constants.NoActionEmail()); } }; hideEmailCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { updateAll("emailVisible = false", constants.HideEmailMsg()); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } updateOccurrences(getCheckedValidOccurrences(HIDE_EMAIL_ACTION), constants.NoActionEmail()); } }; showSharedUsersCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { if (collaboratorsList == null) { collaboratorsList = new CollaboratorsList(); } Set<Occurrence> occurrences = null; if (!applyToAllCb.getValue()) { occurrences = getCheckedValidOccurrences(UPDATE_COLLABORATORS); if (occurrences.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(constants.UpdateSharedUserMsg()); return; } } collaboratorsList.showUsers(occurrences); } }; commentRecordsCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { boolean isAllChecked = applyToAllCb.getValue(); if (applyToAllCb.getValue()) { reviewerCommentPopup.display(isAllChecked, false, false, null, COMMENT_RECORDS); // reviewerCommentPopup.display(isAllChecked, true, null); return; } else if (!isUpdated(checkedRecordCount())) { return; } Set<Integer> occurrenceIds = getCheckedOccurrenceId(); if (occurrenceIds.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(" no valid record to review"); return; } if (checkedRecordCount() == 0) { Window.alert(" no valid record to review" + occurrenceIds.size()); return; } reviewerCommentPopup.display(isAllChecked, false, false, occurrenceIds, COMMENT_RECORDS); // reviewerCommentPopup.display(isAllChecked, true, occurrenceIds); } }; } private boolean isMyOccurenceToReviewSelected(String token) { historyState.setHistoryToken(token); String type = (String) historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.TYPE); GWT.log("type=" + type); return type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.OCCURRENCES_TO_REVIEW) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.MY_POS_REVIEWED) || type.equalsIgnoreCase(OccurrenceView.MY_NEG_REVIEWED); } private boolean isUpdated(int records) { if (records == 0) { return false; } return Window.confirm(constants.Update() + " " + records + " " + constants.Occurrences() + "?"); } private void restoreChecks() { setApplyAllChecked(checkedAll); if (checkedAll) { setCheckedAll(true); table.getSelectionModel().selectAll(); return; } Map<Integer, Boolean> checksMap = historyState.getChecksMap(); for (int row = 0; row < table.getStore().size()/*getDataRowCount()*/; row++) { // CheckBox cb = getRowCheckBox(row); Boolean isChecked = checksMap.get(row); isChecked = isChecked == null ? false : isChecked; if (!isChecked) table.getSelectionModel().deselect(row); else table.getSelectionModel().select(row, isChecked); // cb.setValue(isChecked == null ? false : isChecked); } } @Override public void reviewAllRecords(final Boolean reviewed, String comment, boolean notified) { String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().reviewRecords(sessionId, reviewed, pagerWidget.getQuery(), comment, notified, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); showMsg(result + " records was " + (reviewed ? "positively" : "negatively") + " reviewed"); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); } }); } @Override public void reviewRecords(Set<Integer> occurrenceIds, final Boolean reviewed, String comment, boolean notified) { String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().reviewRecords(sessionId, reviewed, occurrenceIds, comment, notified, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); showMsg(result + " records was " + (reviewed ? "positively" : "negatively") + " reviewed"); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); //tax setCheckedAll(false); } }); } @Override public void commentRecords(Set<Integer> occurrenceIds, String comment, boolean notified) { String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().commentRecords(sessionId, occurrenceIds, comment, notified, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); showMsg(result + " records was commented successfully"); DisplayPopup.getDefaultDisplayPopup().hide(); //tax setCheckedAll(false); } }); } /** * Sets whether checked or unchecked to {@link #applyToAllCb} check box and * set propriated styles for this check box. * * @param checked */ private void setApplyAllChecked(boolean checked) { checkedAll = checked; applyToAllCb.setValue(checked); if (checked) { applyToAllCb.setStyleName("gwt-CheckBox"); } else { applyToAllCb.setStyleName(APPLY_ALL_STYLE); } } /** * Sets all {@link CheckBox} of the current page to check or unchecked. * * @param checked true if check box are checked. */ private void setCheckedAll(boolean checked) { if (!checked) { setApplyAllChecked(false); checkedAll = false; } Map<Integer, Boolean> checksMap = historyState.getChecksMap(); for (int row = 0; row < table.getStore().size()/*getDataRowCount()*/; row++) { // CheckBox cb = getRowCheckBox(row); // cb.setValue(checked); if (!checked) table.getSelectionModel().deselect(row); else table.getSelectionModel().select(row, checked); checksMap.put(row, checked); } } private void showMsg(String htmlMsg) { PopupMessage.getInstance().showMessage(htmlMsg); } private void updateAll(String updateFilter, final String hint) { OccurrenceQuery query = pagerWidget.getQuery(); query.clearsUpdate(); query.addUpdate(updateFilter); String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); if (!Window.confirm(constants.Update() + " " + pagerWidget.getTotalRow() + " " + constants.Occurrences() + "?\n Note: " + hint)) { return; } DataSwitch.get().update(sessionId, query, new AsyncCallback<Integer>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); } public void onSuccess(Integer result) { if (result != null) { if (result.intValue() == 0) { showMsg("No records was updated. Hint: " + hint); } else { showMsg(result + " records was updated."); pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); } } } }); } /** * Updates all check states base on history token */ private void updateChecksState() { Map<Integer, Boolean> checksMap = historyState.getChecksMap(); for (int row = 0; row < table.getStore().size()/*getDataRowCount()*/; row++) { // CheckBox cb = getRowCheckBox(row); // table.getSelectionModel().isSelected(table.getStore().get(row)); checksMap.put(row, table.getSelectionModel().isSelected(table.getStore().get(row))/*cb.getValue()*/); } } /** * Handles {@link Occurrence} updates by submitting a request to * {@link DataSwitch}. * * @param warningMsg a warning message when is updated occurrences is empty. * @param ids list of occurrence ids to vet * @param vetted true to vet ids, false to unvet ids */ private void updateOccurrences(Set<Occurrence> updatedOccurrences, String warningMsg) { if (updatedOccurrences.isEmpty()) { Window.alert(warningMsg); return; } String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(ApplicationView.SESSION_ID_NAME); DataSwitch.get().update(sessionId, updatedOccurrences, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { try { throw caught; } catch (OccurrenceServiceException e) { Window.confirm(e.toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { Window.confirm(t.toString()); } } public void onSuccess(String result) { pagerWidget.init(pagerWidget.getCurrentPageNumber()); //tax setCheckedAll(false); } }); } @Override public void onPageSizeChange(int newPageSize) { ApplicationView.getApplication().getOccurrenceView().setPageSize(newPageSize); //on recharge les donnes requestData(1); } @Override public DataPager<Occurrence> getDataPagerWidget() { return pagerWidget.pager; } @Override public OccurrencePagerWidget getOccurrencePagerWidget() { return pagerWidget; } interface RebiomaIdTemplate extends XTemplates { @XTemplate("<div class='link2'>{value}</div>") SafeHtml render(String value); } private RebiomaIdTemplate template = GWT.create(RebiomaIdTemplate.class); private SafeHtmlRenderer integerSafeHtmlRenderer = new SafeHtmlRenderer<Integer>() { @Override public SafeHtml render(Integer object) { return (object == null) ? SafeHtmlUtils.EMPTY_SAFE_HTML : template.render(String.valueOf(object)); } @Override public void render(Integer object, SafeHtmlBuilder builder) { builder.append(template.render(String.valueOf(object))); } }; private Cell<Object> cellRebiomaId = new SimpleSafeHtmlCell<Object>(integerSafeHtmlRenderer, "click") { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parentE, Object value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<Object> valueUpdater) { super.onBrowserEvent(context, parentE, value, event, valueUpdater); if ("click".equals(event.getType())) { int row = context.getIndex(); Occurrence occurrence = table.getStore().get(row); parent.switchView(DETAIL, true); occurrenceListener.onOccurrenceSelected(occurrence); } else if ("hover".equals(event.getType())) { } } }; public void forceLayout() { toolHp.forceLayout(); table.getView().layout(); } }