Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 University of California at Berkeley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.rebioma.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.rebioma.client.View.ViewInfo; import org.rebioma.client.bean.Role; import org.rebioma.client.bean.User; import org.rebioma.client.forms.ChangePasswordForm; import org.rebioma.client.forms.ForgotPasswordForm; import org.rebioma.client.forms.Form; import org.rebioma.client.forms.RegisterForm; import org.rebioma.client.forms.SignInForm; import org.rebioma.client.forms.Form.FormListener; import org.rebioma.client.i18n.AppConstants; import org.rebioma.client.i18n.LocaleListBox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ApplicationView extends View implements ClickHandler { public enum LinksGroup { HOME(constants.Home()), SIGN_IN(constants.SignIn()), CHANGE_PASS(constants.ChangePassword()), REGISTER( constants.Register()), EDIT_COLLABORATORS(constants.EditCollaborators()); String value; LinksGroup(String value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return value; } } private class FormView extends ComponentView { private final Form form; public FormView(View parent, Form viewForm, String name) { super(parent, false); form = viewForm; initWidget(form); } @Override protected void resetToDefaultState() { form.clearInputs(); } } private class FormViewInfo extends ViewInfo { private final String name; private final View parent; private final Form formView; private final String historyName; public FormViewInfo(String name, String historyName, View parent, Form formView) { this.parent = parent; = name; this.formView = formView; this.historyName = historyName; } @Override protected View constructView() { return new FormView(parent, formView, name); } @Override protected String getHisTokenName() { return historyName; } @Override protected String getName() { return name; } } /** * The Links inner class is a widget that displays application links. Groups * of links can be added and shown by keyword. */ private class Links extends Composite { /** * A mapping of keywords to an array of links widgets. */ private final Map<String, Widget[]> linkGroups = new HashMap<String, Widget[]>(); /** * The widget wrapped by this composite that contains the link widgets. */ private final FlowPanel linksPanel; private final HTML emailLabel = new HTML(""); /** * Creates a Links class. */ Links() { linksPanel = new FlowPanel(); // linksPanel.setHeight("10px"); initWidget(linksPanel); linksPanel.add(emailLabel); linksPanel.setWidth("100%"); // linksPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // linksPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); } /** * {@link FlowPanel#clear()} also clears HTML content element so use this * method to clear {@link #linksPanel} instance of {@link FlowPanel#clear()} * . */ void clear() { while (linksPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0) { linksPanel.remove(0); } } /** * Clears the links. */ void clearLinks() { linksPanel.clear(); } /** * Creates a new keyword mapping to an array of link widgets. * * @param keyword the keyword that identifies the array of link widgets * @param widgets the array of link widgets */ void putLinks(String keyword, Widget[] widgets) { for (Widget w : widgets) { if (w instanceof Label) { ((Label) w).setWordWrap(false); } } linkGroups.put(keyword, widgets); } void removeEmail() { emailLabel.setHTML(" | "); } void showEmail(String email) { emailLabel.setHTML(" | " + email + " | "); } /** * Shows the links identified by the keyword. * * @param keyword the keyword that identifies the links to show */ void showLinks(String keyword) { if (linkGroups.containsKey(keyword)) { Widget space = new HTML(" ", true); clear(); for (Widget link : linkGroups.get(keyword)) { addLink(link); } linksPanel.insert(emailLabel, 1); addLink(space, false); } } /** * A helper method that adds the link widget along with a separator after * it. * * @param link the link to add */ private void addLink(Widget link) { addLink(link, true); } /** * A helper method that adds the link widget and a separator after it * requested. * * @param link the link to add * @param addSeparator if true add a separator after the link */ private void addLink(Widget link, boolean addSeparator) { if (linksPanel.getWidgetCount() > 1 && addSeparator) { addSeparator(); } linksPanel.add(link); } /** * A helper method that adds a "|" separator. */ private void addSeparator() { HTML sep = new HTML(" | "); linksPanel.add(sep); // linksPanel.setCellWidth(sep, "15px"); // linksPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(sep, // HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); } } protected static final String OCCURRENCES = "Occ"; protected static final String SIGN_IN = "Signin"; protected static final String REGISTER = "Register"; protected static final String FORGET_PASS = "ForgetPass"; protected static final String CHANGE_PASS = "ChangePass"; protected static final String USER_PROFILES = "Profiler"; protected static final String USER_MANAGEMENT = "Management"; protected static final String SPECIES_EXPLORER = "spec_expl"; protected static final String MAILING = "Mailing"; protected static final String STATS_TAB = "stats_tab"; // protected static final String MAIL_TAB = "mail_tab"; public static ApplicationView getApplication() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ApplicationView(); } return instance; } public static String getCurrentLocale() { return locale.getCurrentLocale(); } public static ViewState getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public static Map<String, List<String>> getHistoryTokenParams() { String urlParsing[] = Window.Location.getHref().split("#", 2); if (urlParsing.length != 2) { return new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); } else { return getHistoryTokenParams(urlParsing[1]); } } public static Map<String, List<String>> getHistoryTokenParams(String historyToken) { Map<String, List<String>> out = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); if (historyToken != null && historyToken.length() > 0) { for (String kvPair : historyToken.split("&")) { String[] kv = kvPair.split("=", 2); if (kv[0].length() == 0) { continue; } List<String> values = out.get(kv[0]); if (values == null) { values = new ArrayList<String>(); out.put(kv[0], values); } values.add(kv.length > 1 ? URL.decode(kv[1]) : ""); } } for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : out.entrySet()) { entry.setValue(Collections.unmodifiableList(entry.getValue())); } out = Collections.unmodifiableMap(out); return out; } /** * Returns a list of values created from a parameter in a history token, or an * empty list. * * @param historyToken * @param paramName * @return */ public static List<String> getHistoryTokenParamValues(String historyToken, String paramName) { Map<String, List<String>> params = getHistoryTokenParams(historyToken); return params == null ? new ArrayList<String>() : params.get(paramName); } public static boolean isAdmin() { return currentState == ViewState.ADMIN; } /** * This method is a quick check for a legal email format. It does not check * 100% of all legal emails, but it is good enough for this purpose. * * @param email an email address. * @return true if the email is valid, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isValidEmailFormat(String email) { return email.matches("[A-Za-z0-9_%+-][A-Za-z0-9._%+-]*@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}"); } public static void setAuthenticatedUser(User user) { authenticatedUser = user; if (user != null) { Set<Role> roles = user.getRoles(); if (isAllowToView(roles, ViewState.SUPERADMIN)) { currentState = ViewState.SUPERADMIN; } else if (isAllowToView(roles, ViewState.ADMIN)) { currentState = ViewState.ADMIN; } else if (isAllowToView(roles, ViewState.REVIEWER)) { currentState = ViewState.REVIEWER; } else if (isAllowToView(roles, ViewState.RESEARCHER)) { currentState = ViewState.RESEARCHER; } else { currentState = ViewState.UNAUTHENTICATED; } // Checks whether session is still valid in each 15 minutes (900000ms) checkSessionTimer.scheduleRepeating(900000); } else { checkSessionTimer.cancel(); currentState = ViewState.UNAUTHENTICATED; } } private final Map<String, ViewInfo> viewInfos = new HashMap<String, ViewInfo>(); private final DecoratedTabPanel tabPanel = new DecoratedTabPanel(); private HTML signinLink; private HTML regLink; private HTML signOutLink; // private final HorizontalPanel mainContentPanel; // private HTML changePassLink; private HTML issuesLink; private HTML homeLink; private HTML helpLink; private HTML webPortalLink; private HTML acknowledgmentLink; // private HTML editCollaboratorsLink; private final Links links = new Links(); private static User authenticatedUser = null; public static User getAuthenticatedUser() { return authenticatedUser; } private final HistoryState historyState = new HistoryState() { @Override public Object getHistoryParameters(UrlParam param) { switch (param) { case TAB: return stringValue(param); } return ""; } }; private HorizontalPanel linksPanel; private FlexTable topPanel; public static final String SESSION_ID_NAME = "sid"; /** * The ReBioMa issues URL on the Google code site. */ private static final String CODE_SITE_URL = "<a target='_blank' href=''>" + constants.IssueTracker() + "</a>"; private static final String HELP_PAGE_URL = "<a target='_blank' href=''>" + constants.Help() + "</a>"; private static final String ACKNOWLEDGMENT = "<a target='_blank' href=''>" + constants.Acknowledgment() + "</a>"; private static final String WEB_PORTAL_URL = "<a target='_blank' href=''>" + "REBIOMA" + "</a>"; private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME = "Application"; private static ViewState currentState = ViewState.UNAUTHENTICATED; private static ApplicationView instance = null; private static String sessionId; public static AppConstants getConstants() { return constants; } public static String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } public static void refreshSession() { if (sessionId != null) { Cookies.setCookie(SESSION_ID_NAME, getSessionId(), new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 86400000)); } } public static void setSessionId(String sid) { sessionId = sid; } /** * Signs out of the server via RPC. */ public static void signOutOnServer() { if (sessionId == null || sessionId.equals("")) { return; } DataSwitch.get().signOut(sessionId, new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Failed to sign out: " + caught.toString()); } public void onSuccess(String result) { GWT.log("User logged out", null); } }); } /** * Checks whether the current session id is still valid. If the user is logged * again in other system, the session id of the older systems will be invalid. */ protected static void checkCurrentSession() { if (sessionId == null) { sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(SESSION_ID_NAME); } DataSwitch.get().isSessionIdValid(sessionId, new AsyncCallback<User>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { GWT.log(caught.getMessage(), caught); Window.alert(constants.SessionExpired()); ApplicationView.getApplication().signOutUser(false); } public void onSuccess(User result) { if (result == null || result.getEmail() == null || result.getEmail().equals("")) { onFailure(new IllegalStateException("Invalid user")); } } }); } private static boolean isAllowToView(Set<Role> roles, ViewState viewState) { for (Role role : roles) { ViewState roleView = ViewState.toViewState(role.getNameEn()); if (roleView == viewState) { return true; } } return false; } private ViewInfo activeViewInfo = null; private boolean isInitialized; private boolean isOccViewInitialized = false; private ViewInfo editCollaboratorsViewInfo; private ViewInfo userManagementViewInfo; /** * A timer to check periodically for if whether the the user sessionId is * still valid. If not make a RPC call to alert the server to log out the * user. If the browser still have a session id make an RPC to the server to * check whether the session id is still valid. This checks is too ensure the * user only logged on one system at a time because the current server * implementation only support one session id at a time. */ private static final Timer checkSessionTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (instance == null) { return; } if (!instance.isSessionIdInBrowser()) { Window.alert(constants.SessionExpired() + " browser checked"); instance.signOutUser(false); } else { checkCurrentSession(); } } }; private static final LocaleListBox locale = new LocaleListBox(); /** * Initializes the application view. */ private ApplicationView() { FlowPanel layout = new FlowPanel(); // layout.setWidth("100%"); initWidget(layout); createTopPanel(); layout.add(topPanel); tabPanel.setWidth("100%"); tabPanel.add(new VerticalPanel(), " "); tabPanel.addStyleName("Application-bottom"); layout.add(tabPanel); tabPanel.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { int selectedIndex = tabPanel.getTabBar().getSelectedTab(); Widget selectedWidget = tabPanel.getWidget(selectedIndex); String tabName = tabPanel.getTabBar().getTabHTML(selectedIndex).toLowerCase(); /** * if the selectedWidget is a label which mean is it is from initial * dummy label {@link ApplicationView#addTab(ViewInfo)} * */ if (selectedWidget instanceof Label) { String viewName = ((Label) selectedWidget).getText().toLowerCase(); View view = viewInfos.get(viewName).getView(); selectedWidget = view; tabPanel.remove(selectedIndex); tabPanel.insert(selectedWidget, tabName, selectedIndex); tabPanel.selectTab(selectedIndex); return; } if (activeViewInfo != null && selectedWidget != activeViewInfo.getView()) { activeViewInfo = ((View) selectedWidget).getViewInfo(); if (selectedWidget instanceof UploadView || selectedWidget instanceof FormView || selectedWidget instanceof SpeciesExplorerView) { activeViewInfo.getView().resetToDefaultState(); } //{ WD fix the resizing issue activeViewInfo.getView() .onResize(new ResizeEvent(Window.getClientWidth(), Window.getClientHeight()) { }); addHistoryItem(false); if (selectedWidget instanceof OccurrenceView && !isOccViewInitialized) { activeViewInfo.getView().handleOnValueChange(History.getToken()); } } if (selectedWidget instanceof OccurrenceView && !isOccViewInitialized) { isOccViewInitialized = true; try { //fixing the statechanged issue on url re-established from navigator's history ((OccurrenceView) activeViewInfo.getView()) .onStateChanged(ApplicationView.getCurrentState()); } catch (Exception e) { } } // Widget tabWidget = null; // if (listener != null) { // tabWidget = tabPanel.getWidget(event.getSelectedItem()); // listener.onTabSelected((View) tabWidget); // } } }); linksPanel.add(links); DataSwitch.get().addActiviesListener(new ActivitiesListener() { public void onDoSomething() { refreshSession(); } }); } /** * Put the current state history token into the History stack if * activeViewInfo is not null and the Application is not changing state by * history button click such as back, forward, and refresh. */ @Override public void addHistoryItem(boolean issueEvent) { if (historyButtonClicked || activeViewInfo == null) { historyButtonClicked = false; return; } String historyToken = historyToken(); GWT.log("add token: " + historyToken, null); History.newItem(historyToken, issueEvent); } /** * Construct this view history token (i.e tab=occurrences) and concat it with * active child view history token. */ @Override public String historyToken() { if (activeViewInfo == null) { return History.getToken(); } String historyToken = getUrlToken(UrlParam.TAB); String activeViewToken = activeViewInfo.getView().historyToken(); historyToken += activeViewToken.equals("") ? "" : ("&" + activeViewToken); return historyToken; } /** * Initialize the ApplicationView with all the {@link Links} and children * {@link ViewInfo}. * * @param loadDefaultView true if default child view should be loaded. Default * child view is OccurrenceView */ public void init(boolean loadDefaultView) { if (!isInitialized) { initLinks(); initViews(); isInitialized = true; if (loadDefaultView) { switchView(OCCURRENCES); } } } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object sender = event.getSource(); if (sender == signinLink) { switchView(SIGN_IN); } else if (sender == regLink) { switchView(REGISTER); } else if (sender == signOutLink) { signOutUser(true); } else if (sender == homeLink) { switchView(OCCURRENCES); } /* * else if (sender == changePassLink) { switchView(CHANGE_PASS); } else if * (sender == editCollaboratorsLink) { switchView(EDIT_COLLABORATORS); } */ } public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { // do nothing when window is resize } /** * Set the {@link Widget} to use as the title bar. * * @param title the title widget */ public void setTitleWidget(Widget title) { topPanel.setWidget(1, 0, title); } @Override protected void handleOnValueChange(String historyToken) { historyState.setHistoryToken(historyToken); String tabName = historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.TAB) + ""; init(false); switchView(tabName); } /** * Always return true because ApplicationView is root view. */ @Override protected boolean isMyView(String value) { // historyState.setHistoryToken(value); // String tabName = historyState.getHistoryParameters(UrlParam.TAB) + ""; return true; } @Override protected void resetToDefaultState() { } protected OccurrenceView getOccurrenceView() { ViewInfo viewInfo = viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase()); OccurrenceView occView = (OccurrenceView) viewInfo.getView(); return occView; } /** * Switches child view to the given view if the child view is not the same as * active view nor active view is null. When a view is switch change the links * to propriated links. * * @see org.rebioma.client.View#switchView(java.lang.String, boolean) */ @Override protected void switchView(String view, boolean addHistory) { view = view.toLowerCase(); ViewInfo switchViewInfo = viewInfos.get(view); if (switchViewInfo == null) { switchViewInfo = viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase()); } else { view = switchViewInfo.getHisTokenName(); } if (activeViewInfo == null || !activeViewInfo.getHisTokenName().equalsIgnoreCase(view)) { tabPanel.clear(); if (activeViewInfo != null && activeViewInfo.getHisTokenName().equals(OCCURRENCES)) { OccurrenceView oView = (OccurrenceView) activeViewInfo.getView(); oView.setVisible(false); } //pour cacher les CustomPopupPanel (map et list view ) de OccurrenceView ViewInfo occViewInfo = viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase()); OccurrenceView occView = (OccurrenceView) occViewInfo.getView(); occView.setVisible(false); //on en profite pour ajouter l'occurenceView comme OccurrenceSearchListener de speciesExplorerView ViewInfo spExpViewInfo = viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase()); SpeciesExplorerView spExpView = (SpeciesExplorerView) spExpViewInfo.getView(); spExpView.addOccurrenceSearchListener((OccurrenceSearchListener) occView); // ViewInfo statViewInfo = viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase()); // StatisticsTabView statsView = (StatisticsTabView) statViewInfo.getView(); // ViewInfo mailViewInfo = viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase()); // MailTabView mailView = (MailTabView) mailViewInfo.getView(); // ViewInfo mailingInfo = viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase()); // EmailingTabView mailingView = (EmailingTabView)mailingInfo.getView(); List<ViewInfo> currentTabs = new ArrayList<ViewInfo>(); int selectedTabIndex = 0; boolean isSignedIn = currentState != ViewState.UNAUTHENTICATED; String linksGroup = LinksGroup.HOME.toString() + isSignedIn; if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(OCCURRENCES)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); if (isSignedIn) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(arg0)) } if (isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); } } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(SPECIES_EXPLORER)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); if (isSignedIn) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(arg0)) } if (isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); } selectedTabIndex = 1; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(STATS_TAB)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); if (isSignedIn) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(arg0)) } if (isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); } selectedTabIndex = 2; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(USER_PROFILES) && isSignedIn) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); if (isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); } selectedTabIndex = 3; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(USER_MANAGEMENT) && isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); selectedTabIndex = 4; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(MAILING) && isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); // currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAIL_TAB.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); selectedTabIndex = 5; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(SIGN_IN)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SIGN_IN.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(FORGET_PASS.toLowerCase())); linksGroup = LinksGroup.SIGN_IN + ""; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(CHANGE_PASS)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(CHANGE_PASS.toLowerCase())); linksGroup = LinksGroup.CHANGE_PASS + ""; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(REGISTER)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(REGISTER.toLowerCase())); linksGroup = LinksGroup.REGISTER + ""; } else if (view.equalsIgnoreCase(FORGET_PASS)) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SIGN_IN.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(FORGET_PASS.toLowerCase())); linksGroup = LinksGroup.SIGN_IN + ""; selectedTabIndex = 1; } else { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(SPECIES_EXPLORER.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(STATS_TAB.toLowerCase())); if (isSignedIn) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_PROFILES.toLowerCase())); } if (isAdmin()) { currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(USER_MANAGEMENT.toLowerCase())); currentTabs.add(viewInfos.get(MAILING.toLowerCase())); } } for (ViewInfo viewInfo : currentTabs) { addTab(viewInfo); } //exception IndexOutOfBoundsException tabPanel.selectTab(selectedTabIndex); activeViewInfo = switchViewInfo; links.showLinks(linksGroup); activeViewInfo.getView().onShow(); } if (addHistory) { addHistoryItem(false); } } private void addTab(ViewInfo viewInfo) { // the dummy label is to ensure the application does not load unnecessary // view tabPanel.add(new Label(viewInfo.getHisTokenName()), viewInfo.getName()); } private void addViewInfo(ViewInfo viewInfo) { viewInfos.put(viewInfo.getHisTokenName().toLowerCase(), viewInfo); } private void createTopPanel() { boolean isRTL = LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL(); topPanel = new FlexTable(); topPanel.setCellPadding(0); topPanel.setCellSpacing(0); topPanel.setStyleName(DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + "-top"); FlexCellFormatter formatter = topPanel.getFlexCellFormatter(); // Setup the links cell linksPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); topPanel.setWidget(0, 0, linksPanel); formatter.setStyleName(0, 0, DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + "-links"); formatter.setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); if (isRTL) { formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); } else { formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); } formatter.setColSpan(0, 0, 2); // Setup the title cell setTitleWidget(null); formatter.setStyleName(1, 0, DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + "-title"); // Setup the options cell // setOptionsWidget(null); // formatter.setStyleName(1, 1, DEFAULT_STYLE_NAME + "-options"); // if (isRTL) { // formatter.setHorizontalAlignment(1, 1, // HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); // } else { // formatter // .setHorizontalAlignment(1, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); // } // Align the content to the top topPanel.getRowFormatter().setVerticalAlign(0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); topPanel.getRowFormatter().setVerticalAlign(1, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); } private String getUrlToken(UrlParam urlParam) { String token = urlParam.lower() + "="; switch (urlParam) { case TAB: String tabView = OCCURRENCES.toLowerCase(); if (activeViewInfo != null) { tabView = activeViewInfo.getHisTokenName().toLowerCase(); } token += tabView; break; default: token = ""; break; } return token; } /** * Updates the application when the user is authenticated. Sets a cookie, * updates the links, and updates TabContent state. * * @param user the authenticated user */ private void handleAuthenticatedUser(User user) { links.showLinks(LinksGroup.HOME + "true"); links.showEmail(user.getEmail()); sessionId = user.getSessionId(); setAuthenticatedUser(user); refreshSession(); } private void initLinks() { signinLink = new HTML(constants.SignIn()); regLink = new HTML(constants.Register()); signOutLink = new HTML(constants.SignOut()); issuesLink = new HTML(CODE_SITE_URL); webPortalLink = new HTML(WEB_PORTAL_URL); acknowledgmentLink = new HTML(ACKNOWLEDGMENT); // changePassLink = new HTML(constants.ChangePassword()); // editCollaboratorsLink = new HTML(constants.EditCollaborators()); homeLink = new HTML(constants.Home()); helpLink = new HTML(HELP_PAGE_URL); HTML version = new HTML(constants.Version() + " " + constants.VersionNumber()); signinLink.setStyleName("link"); regLink.setStyleName("link"); signOutLink.setStyleName("link"); // issuesLink.setStyleName("link"); // changePassLink.setStyleName("link"); homeLink.setStyleName("link"); // editCollaboratorsLink.setStyleName("link"); signinLink.addClickHandler(this); regLink.addClickHandler(this); signOutLink.addClickHandler(this); // changePassLink.addClickHandler(this); homeLink.addClickHandler(this); // editCollaboratorsLink.addClickHandler(this); // true is the key for authenticated user links.putLinks(LinksGroup.HOME.toString() + true, new Widget[] { version, signOutLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); // false is the key for unauthenticated user links.putLinks(LinksGroup.HOME.toString() + false, new Widget[] { version, signinLink, regLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); links.putLinks(LinksGroup.SIGN_IN + "", new Widget[] { version, homeLink, regLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); links.putLinks(LinksGroup.CHANGE_PASS + "", new Widget[] { version, homeLink, signOutLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); links.putLinks(LinksGroup.REGISTER + "", new Widget[] { version, homeLink, signinLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); links.putLinks(LinksGroup.EDIT_COLLABORATORS + "", new Widget[] { version, homeLink, signOutLink, webPortalLink, issuesLink, helpLink, acknowledgmentLink, locale }); switch (currentState) { case SUPERADMIN: case ADMIN: case REVIEWER: case RESEARCHER: links.showEmail(authenticatedUser.getEmail()); break; case UNAUTHENTICATED: links.removeEmail(); break; } } private void initViews() { ViewInfo occurrenveViewInfo = OccurrenceView.init(this, constants.Occurrences(), OCCURRENCES); ViewInfo signinViewInfo = new FormViewInfo(constants.SignIn(), SIGN_IN, this, new SignInForm(constants.SignInMsg(), new FormListener() { public void onSubmitFailed(Throwable t) { Window.alert(constants.SignInFailure()); } public void onSubmitSuccess(Object result) { if (result == null || ((User) result).getEmail() == null) { Window.alert(constants.WrongEmailOrPass()); } else { User user = (User) result; handleAuthenticatedUser(user); switchView(OCCURRENCES); fireOnStateChange(currentState); // pager.init(); // View view = occurrenceViewInfo.getInstance(); // historyListener.onHistoryChanged(view.getHistoryToken()); } } })); ViewInfo registerViewInfo = new FormViewInfo(constants.Register(), REGISTER, this, new RegisterForm(constants.Register(), new FormListener() { public void onSubmitFailed(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof UserExistedException) { Window.alert(t.getMessage() + " " + constants.EmailExisted()); } else { Window.alert(constants.UnableToRegister()); } GWT.log(t.getMessage(), t); } /** * Note that History.newItem() is called here. */ public void onSubmitSuccess(Object result) { String userMail = (String) result; if (result == null || userMail.length() < 0) { Window.confirm(constants.UnableToRegister()); } else { if (Window.confirm(constants.RegSuccessMsg() + " " + userMail)) { History.newItem(""); } } } })); ViewInfo changePassViewInfo = new FormViewInfo(constants.ChangePassword(), CHANGE_PASS, this, new ChangePasswordForm(constants.ChangePassword(), new FormListener() { public void onSubmitFailed(Throwable t) { Window.alert(t.toString()); } public void onSubmitSuccess(Object result) { Integer returnVal = (Integer) result; if (returnVal.equals(1)) { Window.alert(constants.SuccessPassChangedMsg()); History.newItem(""); } else if (returnVal.equals(0)) { Window.alert(constants.WrongOldPassMsg()); } else { Window.alert(constants.UnexpectedError()); } } })); ViewInfo forgetPassViewInfo = new FormViewInfo(constants.ForgotPassword(), FORGET_PASS, this, new ForgotPasswordForm(constants.RecoverPasswordMsg(), new FormListener() { public void onSubmitFailed(Throwable t) { Window.alert("Failed to reset password"); } public void onSubmitSuccess(Object result) { Window.alert(constants.ResetPasswordSuccessfull()); } })); editCollaboratorsViewInfo = UserProfilesView.init(this, constants.UserProfiles(), USER_PROFILES); userManagementViewInfo = UserManagementView.init(this, constants.UserManagement(), USER_MANAGEMENT); ViewInfo speciesExplorerViewInfo = SpeciesExplorerView.init(this, constants.SpeciesExplorer(), SPECIES_EXPLORER); ViewInfo statsViewInfo = StatisticsTabView.init(this, constants.Statistics(), STATS_TAB); // ViewInfo mailViewInfo = MailTabView.init(this, constants // .mailingSystem(), MAIL_TAB); ViewInfo mailingViewInfo = MailingTabView.init(this, constants.mailing(), MAILING); addViewInfo(occurrenveViewInfo); addViewInfo(speciesExplorerViewInfo); addViewInfo(statsViewInfo); // addViewInfo(mailViewInfo); addViewInfo(forgetPassViewInfo); addViewInfo(signinViewInfo); addViewInfo(changePassViewInfo); addViewInfo(registerViewInfo); addViewInfo(editCollaboratorsViewInfo); addViewInfo(userManagementViewInfo); addViewInfo(mailingViewInfo); } /** * Returns true if there is a sessionId in the browser * * @return true if the browser contains a sessionId */ private boolean isSessionIdInBrowser() { String sessionId = Cookies.getCookie(SESSION_ID_NAME); return sessionId != null && !sessionId.equals(""); } /** * Signs out the user on the server, invalidates the session, updates content * state, and shows the unauthenticated navigation links. * * @param serverSignOut true to sign out the user on server as well. */ private void signOutUser(boolean serverSignOut) { if (serverSignOut) { signOutOnServer(); } Cookies.removeCookie(SESSION_ID_NAME); setAuthenticatedUser(null); // /currentState = ViewState.UNAUTHENTICATED; links.removeEmail(); links.showLinks(LinksGroup.HOME.toString() + false); activeViewInfo = null; switchView(OCCURRENCES); fireOnStateChange(currentState); // HACK: UserProfilesView maintains a final User reference that is set when // initialized. Need to clobber that user when user logs out we // reinitializing the view. viewInfos.remove(editCollaboratorsViewInfo.getHisTokenName().toLowerCase()); editCollaboratorsViewInfo = UserProfilesView.init(this, constants.UserProfiles(), USER_PROFILES); addViewInfo(editCollaboratorsViewInfo); // ((UserProfilesView) editCollaboratorsViewInfo.getView()).clearUser(); } private void switchView(String view) { switchView(view, true); } }