Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of RedReader. * * RedReader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * RedReader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with RedReader. If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package org.quantumbadger.redreader.reddit; import android.content.Context; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.account.RedditAccount; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.activities.BugReportActivity; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.cache.CacheManager; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.cache.CacheRequest; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.cache.RequestFailureType; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.common.Constants; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.jsonwrap.JsonBufferedArray; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.jsonwrap.JsonValue; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.reddit.things.RedditSubreddit; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.reddit.things.RedditThing; import org.quantumbadger.redreader.reddit.things.RedditUser; import; import java.util.*; public final class RedditAPI { public static void submit(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.ActionResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final boolean is_self, final String subreddit, final String title, final String body, final String captchaId, final String captchaText, final Context context) { final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("kind", is_self ? "self" : "link")); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("sendreplies", "true")); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("uh", user.modhash)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("sr", subreddit)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("title", title)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("captcha", captchaText)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("iden", captchaId)); if (is_self) postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("text", body)); else postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("url", body)); cm.makeRequest(new APIPostRequest(Constants.Reddit.getUri("/api/submit"), user, postFields, context) { @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache) { System.out.println(result.toString()); try { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(result); if (failureType != null) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(failureType); return; } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON failed to parse"); } responseHandler.notifySuccess(); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(RequestFailureType type, Throwable t, StatusLine status, String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } }); } public static void comment(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.ActionResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final String parentIdAndType, final String markdown, final Context context) { final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("thing_id", parentIdAndType)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("uh", user.modhash)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("text", markdown)); cm.makeRequest(new APIPostRequest(Constants.Reddit.getUri("/api/comment"), user, postFields, context) { @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache) { try { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(result); if (failureType != null) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(failureType); return; } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON failed to parse"); } responseHandler.notifySuccess(); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(RequestFailureType type, Throwable t, StatusLine status, String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } }); } public static void editComment(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.ActionResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final String commentIdAndType, final String markdown, final Context context) { final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("thing_id", commentIdAndType)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("uh", user.modhash)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("text", markdown)); cm.makeRequest(new APIPostRequest(Constants.Reddit.getUri("/api/editusertext"), user, postFields, context) { @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache) { try { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(result); if (failureType != null) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(failureType); return; } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON failed to parse"); } responseHandler.notifySuccess(); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(RequestFailureType type, Throwable t, StatusLine status, String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } }); } public static void newCaptcha(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.NewCaptchaResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final Context context) { final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("uh", user.modhash)); cm.makeRequest(new APIPostRequest(Constants.Reddit.getUri("/api/new_captcha"), user, postFields, context) { @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache) { try { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(result); if (failureType != null) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(failureType); return; } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON failed to parse"); } responseHandler.notifySuccess(findCaptchaId(result)); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(RequestFailureType type, Throwable t, StatusLine status, String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } }); } public static enum RedditAction { UPVOTE, UNVOTE, DOWNVOTE, SAVE, HIDE, UNSAVE, UNHIDE, REPORT } public static void action(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.ActionResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final String idAndType, final RedditAction action, final Context context) { final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>(); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("id", idAndType)); postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("uh", user.modhash)); final URI url = prepareActionUri(action, postFields); cm.makeRequest(new APIPostRequest(url, user, postFields, context) { @Override protected void onCallbackException(final Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(final RequestFailureType type, final Throwable t, final StatusLine status, final String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(final JsonValue result, final long timestamp, final UUID session, final boolean fromCache) { try { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(result); if (failureType != null) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(failureType); return; } } catch (Throwable t) { notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON failed to parse"); } responseHandler.notifySuccess(); } }); } private static URI prepareActionUri(final RedditAction action, final LinkedList<NameValuePair> postFields) { switch (action) { case DOWNVOTE: postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dir", "-1")); return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_VOTE); case UNVOTE: postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dir", "0")); return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_VOTE); case UPVOTE: postFields.add(new BasicNameValuePair("dir", "1")); return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_VOTE); case SAVE: return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_SAVE); case HIDE: return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_HIDE); case UNSAVE: return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_UNSAVE); case UNHIDE: return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_UNHIDE); case REPORT: return Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_REPORT); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown post action"); } } // TODO just put this in the main menu fragment public static void getUserSubreddits(final CacheManager cm, final APIResponseHandler.SubredditResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final CacheRequest.DownloadType downloadType, final boolean cancelExisting, final Context context) { final URI uri; if (user.isAnonymous()) { uri = Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_SUBREDDITS_POPULAR); } else { uri = Constants.Reddit.getUri(Constants.Reddit.PATH_SUBREDDITS_MINE_SUBSCRIBER); } cm.makeRequest(new APIGetRequest(uri, user, Constants.Priority.API_SUBREDDIT_LIST, Constants.FileType.SUBREDDIT_LIST, downloadType, true, cancelExisting, context) { @Override protected void onDownloadNecessary() { responseHandler.notifyDownloadNecessary(); } @Override protected void onDownloadStarted() { responseHandler.notifyDownloadStarted(); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(final Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(final RequestFailureType type, final Throwable t, final StatusLine status, final String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(final JsonValue result, final long timestamp, final UUID session, final boolean fromCache) { final ArrayList<RedditSubreddit> output = new ArrayList<RedditSubreddit>(); try { final JsonBufferedArray subreddits = result.asObject().getObject("data").getArray("children"); for (final JsonValue v : subreddits) { final RedditThing thing = v.asObject(RedditThing.class); final RedditSubreddit subreddit = thing.asSubreddit(); output.add(subreddit); } Collections.sort(output); responseHandler.notifySuccess(output, timestamp); } catch (Throwable t) { // TODO look for error notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON parse failed for unknown reason"); } } }); } public static void getUser(final CacheManager cm, final String usernameToGet, final APIResponseHandler.UserResponseHandler responseHandler, final RedditAccount user, final CacheRequest.DownloadType downloadType, final boolean cancelExisting, final Context context) { final URI uri = Constants.Reddit.getUri("/user/" + usernameToGet + "/about.json"); cm.makeRequest(new APIGetRequest(uri, user, Constants.Priority.API_USER_ABOUT, Constants.FileType.USER_ABOUT, downloadType, true, cancelExisting, context) { @Override protected void onDownloadNecessary() { } @Override protected void onDownloadStarted() { responseHandler.notifyDownloadStarted(); } @Override protected void onCallbackException(final Throwable t) { BugReportActivity.handleGlobalError(context, t); } @Override protected void onFailure(final RequestFailureType type, final Throwable t, final StatusLine status, final String readableMessage) { responseHandler.notifyFailure(type, t, status, readableMessage); } @Override public void onJsonParseStarted(final JsonValue result, final long timestamp, final UUID session, final boolean fromCache) { try { final RedditThing userThing = result.asObject(RedditThing.class); final RedditUser userResult = userThing.asUser(); responseHandler.notifySuccess(userResult, timestamp); } catch (Throwable t) { // TODO look for error notifyFailure(RequestFailureType.PARSE, t, null, "JSON parse failed for unknown reason"); } } }); } // lol, reddit api private static APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType findFailureType(final JsonValue response) { // TODO doesn't handle unknown failures // TODO handle 403 forbidden switch (response.getType()) { case OBJECT: for (final Map.Entry<String, JsonValue> v : response.asObject()) { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(v.getValue()); if (failureType != null) return failureType; } break; case ARRAY: for (final JsonValue v : response.asArray()) { final APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType failureType = findFailureType(v); if (failureType != null) return failureType; } break; case STRING: if (Constants.Reddit.isApiErrorUser(response.asString())) return APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType.INVALID_USER; if (Constants.Reddit.isApiErrorCaptcha(response.asString())) return APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType.BAD_CAPTCHA; if (Constants.Reddit.isApiErrorNotAllowed(response.asString())) return APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType.NOTALLOWED; if (Constants.Reddit.isApiErrorSubredditRequired(response.asString())) return APIResponseHandler.APIFailureType.SUBREDDIT_REQUIRED; break; default: // Ignore } return null; } // lol, reddit api private static String findCaptchaId(final JsonValue response) { switch (response.getType()) { case OBJECT: for (final Map.Entry<String, JsonValue> v : response.asObject()) { final String captchaId = findCaptchaId(v.getValue()); if (captchaId != null) return captchaId; } break; case ARRAY: for (final JsonValue v : response.asArray()) { final String captchaId = findCaptchaId(v); if (captchaId != null) return captchaId; } break; case STRING: if (response.asString().length() > 20) { // This is probably it :S return response.asString(); } break; default: // Ignore } return null; } private static abstract class APIPostRequest extends CacheRequest { @Override protected void onDownloadNecessary() { } @Override protected void onDownloadStarted() { } public APIPostRequest(final URI url, final RedditAccount user, final List<NameValuePair> postFields, final Context context) { super(url, user, null, Constants.Priority.API_ACTION, 0, DownloadType.FORCE, Constants.FileType.NOCACHE, true, true, postFields, false, false, context); } @Override protected final void onSuccess(final CacheManager.ReadableCacheFile cacheFile, final long timestamp, final UUID session, final boolean fromCache, final String mimetype) { throw new RuntimeException("onSuccess called for uncached request"); } @Override protected final void onProgress(final long bytesRead, final long totalBytes) { throw new RuntimeException("onProgress called for uncached request"); } @Override public abstract void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache); } // TODO merge get and post into one? private static abstract class APIGetRequest extends CacheRequest { public APIGetRequest(final URI url, final RedditAccount user, final int priority, final int fileType, final DownloadType downloadType, final boolean cache, final boolean cancelExisting, final Context context) { super(url, user, null, priority, 0, downloadType, fileType, true, true, null, cache, cancelExisting, context); } @Override protected final void onSuccess(final CacheManager.ReadableCacheFile cacheFile, final long timestamp, final UUID session, final boolean fromCache, final String mimetype) { if (!cache) throw new RuntimeException("onSuccess called for uncached request"); } @Override protected final void onProgress(final long bytesRead, final long totalBytes) { if (!cache) throw new RuntimeException("onProgress called for uncached request"); } @Override public abstract void onJsonParseStarted(JsonValue result, long timestamp, UUID session, boolean fromCache); } }