Java tutorial
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Project ProjectForge Community Edition // // // Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Kai Reinhard ( // // ProjectForge is dual-licensed. // // This community edition is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. // // This community edition is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General // Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, see // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package org.projectforge.framework.persistence.database; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import org.projectforge.common.DatabaseDialect; import org.projectforge.common.StringHelper; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.DatabaseExecutor; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.DatabaseResultRow; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.DatabaseResultRowEntry; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.DatabaseSupport; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.SystemUpdater; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.Table; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.TableAttribute; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.TableAttributeType; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.UpdateEntry; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.hibernate.TableAttributeHookImpl; import org.projectforge.continuousdb.jdbc.DatabaseExecutorImpl; import org.projectforge.framework.access.AccessChecker; import org.projectforge.framework.access.AccessCheckerImpl; import org.projectforge.framework.access.AccessException; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.api.HibernateUtils; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.jpa.PfEmgrFactory; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.user.api.ThreadLocalUserContext; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.user.entities.GroupDO; import org.projectforge.framework.persistence.user.entities.PFUserDO; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.tabattr.api.TimeableAttrRow; /** * For manipulating the database (patching data etc.) * * @author Kai Reinhard ( * */ @Service public class DatabaseUpdateService { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger(DatabaseUpdateService.class); private static PFUserDO SYSTEM_ADMIN_PSEUDO_USER = new PFUserDO() .setUsername("System admin user only for internal usage"); private DatabaseSupport databaseSupport; private DatabaseExecutor databaseExecutor; private SystemUpdater systemUpdater; @Autowired private AccessChecker accessChecker; @Autowired private DataSource dataSource; @Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Autowired private PfEmgrFactory emf; @PostConstruct public void initialize() { TableAttribute.register(new TableAttributeHookImpl()); final SortedSet<UpdateEntry> updateEntries = new TreeSet<UpdateEntry>(); DatabaseCoreUpdates.applicationContext = this.applicationContext; updateEntries.addAll(DatabaseCoreUpdates.getUpdateEntries()); getSystemUpdater().setUpdateEntries(updateEntries); } public DatabaseDialect getDialect() { return HibernateUtils.getDialect(); } private DatabaseSupport getDatabaseSupport() { if (databaseSupport == null) { databaseSupport = new DatabaseSupport(getDialect()); } return databaseSupport; } private DatabaseExecutor getDatabaseExecutor() { if (databaseExecutor == null) { databaseExecutor = new DatabaseExecutorImpl(); databaseExecutor.setDataSource(dataSource); } return databaseExecutor; } protected DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * Does nothing at default. Override this method for checking the access of the user, e. g. only admin user's should * be able to manipulate the database. * * @param writeaccess */ protected void accessCheck(final boolean writeaccess) { if (ThreadLocalUserContext.getUser() == SYSTEM_ADMIN_PSEUDO_USER) { // No access check for the system admin pseudo user. return; } if (Login.getInstance().isAdminUser(ThreadLocalUserContext.getUser()) == false) { throw new AccessException(AccessCheckerImpl.I18N_KEY_VIOLATION_USER_NOT_MEMBER_OF, ProjectForgeGroup.ADMIN_GROUP.getKey()); } accessChecker.checkRestrictedOrDemoUser(); } public boolean doesTableExist(final String table) { accessCheck(false); return internalDoesTableExist(table); } public boolean doTablesExist(final Class<?>... entities) { accessCheck(false); for (final Class<?> entity : entities) { if (internalDoesTableExist(new Table(entity).getName()) == false) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean doExist(final Table... tables) { accessCheck(false); for (final Table table : tables) { if (internalDoesTableExist(table.getName()) == false) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Without check access. * * @param table * @return */ public boolean internalDoesTableExist(final String table) { final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); try { jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table); } catch (final Exception ex) { log.warn("Exception while checking count from table: " + table + " Exception: " + ex.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } public boolean doesTableAttributeExist(final String table, final String attribute) { accessCheck(false); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); try { jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(" + attribute + ") FROM " + table); } catch (final Exception ex) { return false; } return true; } /** * * @param entityClass * @param properties * @return false if at least one property of the given entity doesn't exist in the database, otherwise true. */ public boolean doTableAttributesExist(final Class<?> entityClass, final String... properties) { accessCheck(false); final Table table = new Table(entityClass); return doTableAttributesExist(table, properties); } /** * @param table * @param properties * @return false if at least one property of the given table doesn't exist in the database, otherwise true. */ public boolean doTableAttributesExist(final Table table, final String... properties) { accessCheck(false); for (final String property : properties) { final TableAttribute attr = TableAttribute.createTableAttribute(table.getEntityClass(), property); if (attr == null) { // Transient or getter method not found. return false; } if (doesTableAttributeExist(table.getName(), attr.getName()) == false) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean isTableEmpty(final Class<?> entity) { return isTableEmpty(new Table(entity).getName()); } public boolean isTableEmpty(final String table) { accessCheck(false); return internalIsTableEmpty(table); } public boolean internalIsTableEmpty(final String table) { final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); try { return jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table) == 0; } catch (final Exception ex) { return false; } } /** * @param table * @return true, if the table is successfully dropped or does not exist. */ public boolean dropTable(final String table) { accessCheck(true); if (doesTableExist(table) == false) { // Table is already dropped or does not exist. return true; } if (isTableEmpty(table) == false) { // Table is not empty. log.warn("Could not drop table '" + table + "' because the table is not empty."); return false; } execute("DROP TABLE " + table); return true; } /** * @param table * @param attribute * @return */ public boolean dropTableAttribute(final String table, final String attribute) { accessCheck(true); execute("ALTER TABLE " + table + " DROP COLUMN " + attribute); return true; } /** * @param table * @param attribute * @param length * @return */ public boolean alterTableColumnVarCharLength(final String table, final String attribute, final int length) { accessCheck(true); execute(getDatabaseSupport().alterTableColumnVarCharLength(table, attribute, length), false); return true; } public void buildCreateTableStatement(final StringBuffer buf, final Table table) { buf.append("CREATE TABLE " + table.getName() + " (\n"); boolean first = true; for (final TableAttribute attr : table.getAttributes()) { if (attr.getType().isIn(TableAttributeType.LIST, TableAttributeType.SET) == true) { // Nothing to be done here. continue; } if (first == true) { first = false; } else { buf.append(",\n"); } buf.append(" "); buildAttribute(buf, attr); } final TableAttribute primaryKey = table.getPrimaryKey(); if (primaryKey != null) { buf.append(getDatabaseSupport().getPrimaryKeyTableSuffix(primaryKey)); } // Create foreign keys if exist for (final TableAttribute attr : table.getAttributes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attr.getForeignTable()) == true) { // foreign key (user_fk) references t_pf_user(pk) buf.append(",\n FOREIGN KEY (").append(attr.getName()).append(") REFERENCES ") .append(attr.getForeignTable()).append("(").append(attr.getForeignAttribute()).append(")"); } } final UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = table.getUniqueConstraints(); if (uniqueConstraints != null && uniqueConstraints.length > 0) { for (final UniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint : uniqueConstraints) { final String[] columnNames = uniqueConstraint.columnNames(); if (columnNames.length > 0) { buf.append(",\n UNIQUE ("); String separator = ""; for (final String columnName : columnNames) { buf.append(separator).append(columnName); separator = ","; } buf.append(")"); } } } for (final TableAttribute attr : table.getAttributes()) { if (attr.isUnique() == false) { continue; } buf.append(",\n UNIQUE (").append(attr.getName()).append(")"); } buf.append("\n);\n"); } private void buildAttribute(final StringBuffer buf, final TableAttribute attr) { buf.append(attr.getName()).append(" "); final Column columnAnnotation = attr.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (columnAnnotation != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(columnAnnotation.columnDefinition()) == true) { buf.append(columnAnnotation.columnDefinition()); } else { buf.append(getDatabaseSupport().getType(attr)); } boolean primaryKeyDefinition = false; // For avoiding double 'not null' definition. if (attr.isPrimaryKey() == true) { final String suffix = getDatabaseSupport().getPrimaryKeyAttributeSuffix(attr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(suffix) == true) { buf.append(suffix); primaryKeyDefinition = true; } } if (primaryKeyDefinition == false) { getDatabaseSupport().addDefaultAndNotNull(buf, attr); } // if (attr.isNullable() == false) { // buf.append(" NOT NULL"); // } // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(attr.getDefaultValue()) == true) { // buf.append(" DEFAULT(").append(attr.getDefaultValue()).append(")"); // } } public void buildForeignKeyConstraint(final StringBuffer buf, final String table, final TableAttribute attr) { buf.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table).append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ").append(table).append("_") .append(attr.getName()).append(" FOREIGN KEY (").append(attr.getName()).append(") REFERENCES ") .append(attr.getForeignTable()).append("(").append(attr.getForeignAttribute()).append(");\n"); } public boolean createTable(final Table table) { accessCheck(true); if (doExist(table) == true) {"Table '" + table.getName() + "' does already exist."); return false; } final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buildCreateTableStatement(buf, table); execute(buf.toString()); return true; } public boolean createSequence(final String name, final boolean ignoreErrors) { accessCheck(true); final String sql = getDatabaseSupport().createSequence(name); if (sql != null) { execute(sql, ignoreErrors); } return true; } public void buildAddTableAttributesStatement(final StringBuffer buf, final String table, final TableAttribute... attributes) { for (final TableAttribute attr : attributes) { if (doesTableAttributeExist(table, attr.getName()) == true) { buf.append("-- Does already exist: "); } buf.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table).append(" ADD COLUMN "); buildAttribute(buf, attr); buf.append(";\n"); } for (final TableAttribute attr : attributes) { if (attr.getForeignTable() != null) { if (doesTableAttributeExist(table, attr.getName()) == true) { buf.append("-- Column does already exist: "); } buildForeignKeyConstraint(buf, table, attr); } } } public void buildAddTableAttributesStatement(final StringBuffer buf, final String table, final Collection<TableAttribute> attributes) { buildAddTableAttributesStatement(buf, table, attributes.toArray(new TableAttribute[0])); } /** * @param entityClass * @param attributeNames Property names of the attributes to create. * @return */ public boolean addTableAttributes(final Class<?> entityClass, final String... attributeNames) { return addTableAttributes(new Table(entityClass), attributeNames); } /** * @param table * @param attributeNames Property names of the attributes to create. * @return */ public boolean addTableAttributes(final Table table, final String... attributeNames) { final ArrayList<TableAttribute> list = new ArrayList<TableAttribute>(); for (int i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++) { final TableAttribute attr = TableAttribute.createTableAttribute(table.getEntityClass(), attributeNames[i]); if (attr == null) { log.debug("Property '" + table.getName() + "." + attributeNames[i] + "' is transient."); continue; } list.add(attr); } final TableAttribute[] attributes = list.toArray(new TableAttribute[0]); return addTableAttributes(table, attributes); } public boolean addTableAttributes(final String table, final TableAttribute... attributes) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buildAddTableAttributesStatement(buf, table, attributes); execute(buf.toString()); return true; } public boolean addTableAttributes(final Table table, final TableAttribute... attributes) { return addTableAttributes(table.getName(), attributes); } public boolean addTableAttributes(final String table, final Collection<TableAttribute> attributes) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buildAddTableAttributesStatement(buf, table, attributes); execute(buf.toString()); return true; } public boolean addTableAttributes(final Table table, final Collection<TableAttribute> attributes) { return addTableAttributes(table.getName(), attributes); } public void buildAddUniqueConstraintStatement(final StringBuffer buf, final String table, final String constraintName, final String... attributes) { buf.append("ALTER TABLE ").append(table).append(" ADD CONSTRAINT ").append(constraintName) .append(" UNIQUE ("); buf.append(StringHelper.listToString(", ", attributes)); buf.append(");\n"); } public boolean renameTableAttribute(final String table, final String oldName, final String newName) { final String alterStatement = getDatabaseSupport().renameAttribute(table, oldName, newName); execute(alterStatement); return true; } public boolean addUniqueConstraint(final String table, final String constraintName, final String... attributes) { accessCheck(true); final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buildAddUniqueConstraintStatement(buf, table, constraintName, attributes); execute(buf.toString()); return true; } public boolean dropAndRecreateAllUniqueConstraints(final Class<?> entity) { accessCheck(true); final Table table = new Table(entity).autoAddAttributes(); final String[] uniqueConstraintNames = getAllUniqueConstraintNames(table.getName()); if (uniqueConstraintNames != null) { for (final String uniqueConstraintName : uniqueConstraintNames) { execute("ALTER TABLE " + table.getName() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + uniqueConstraintName); } } else {"No unique constraints found for table '" + table.getName() + "'."); } final UniqueConstraint[] uniqueConstraints = table.getUniqueConstraints(); final List<String> existingConstraintNames = new LinkedList<String>(); if (uniqueConstraints != null && uniqueConstraints.length > 0) { for (final UniqueConstraint uniqueConstraint : uniqueConstraints) { final String[] columnNames = uniqueConstraint.columnNames(); if (columnNames.length > 0) { final String constraintName = createUniqueConstraintName(table.getName(), columnNames, existingConstraintNames.toArray(new String[0])); addUniqueConstraint(table.getName(), constraintName, columnNames); existingConstraintNames.add(constraintName); } } } for (final TableAttribute attr : table.getAttributes()) { if (attr.isUnique() == false) { continue; } final String[] columnNames = new String[1]; columnNames[0] = attr.getName(); final String constraintName = createUniqueConstraintName(table.getName(), columnNames, existingConstraintNames.toArray(new String[0])); addUniqueConstraint(table.getName(), constraintName, columnNames); existingConstraintNames.add(constraintName); } return true; } /** * Max length is 30 (may-be for Oracle compatibility). * * @param table * @param columnNames * @param existingConstraintNames * @return The generated constraint name different to the given names. */ public String createUniqueConstraintName(final String table, final String[] columnNames, final String[] existingConstraintNames) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(StringUtils.left(table, 15)).append("_uq_").append(StringUtils.left(columnNames[0], 8)); final String prefix = sb.toString().toLowerCase(); for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { final String name = prefix + i; if (existingConstraintNames == null || existingConstraintNames.length == 0) { return name; } boolean exists = false; for (final String existingName : existingConstraintNames) { if (existingName != null && existingName.equals(name) == true) { exists = true; break; } } if (exists == false) { return name; } } final String message = "Oups, can't find any free constraint name! This must be a bug or a database out of control! Tryiing to find a name '" + prefix + "[0-999]' for table '" + table + "'."; log.error(message); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message); } public String[] getAllUniqueConstraintNames(final String table) { final String uniqueConstraintNamesSql = getDatabaseSupport().getQueryForAllUniqueConstraintNames(); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); final List<DatabaseResultRow> result = jdbc.query(uniqueConstraintNamesSql, table.toLowerCase()); if (result == null || result.size() == 0) { return null; } final String[] names = new String[result.size()]; int i = 0; for (final DatabaseResultRow row : result) { final List<DatabaseResultRowEntry> entries = row.getEntries(); final int numberOfEntries = entries != null ? entries.size() : 0; if (numberOfEntries != 1) { log.error("Error while getting unique constraint name for table '" + table + "'. Eeach result entry of the query should be one but is: " + numberOfEntries); } if (numberOfEntries > 0) { final DatabaseResultRowEntry entry = entries.get(0); names[i++] = entry.getValue() != null ? String.valueOf(entry.getValue()) : null; } else { names[i++] = null; } } return names; } /** * Creates missing database indices of tables starting with 't_'. * * @return Number of successful created database indices. */ public int createMissingIndices() { accessCheck(true);"createMissingIndices called."); int counter = 0; // For user / time period search: try (Connection connection = getDataSource().getConnection()) { final ResultSet reference = connection.getMetaData().getCrossReference(null, null, null, null, null, null); while ( { final String fkTable = reference.getString("FKTABLE_NAME"); final String fkCol = reference.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"); if (fkTable.startsWith("t_") == true) { // Table of ProjectForge if (createIndex("idx_fk_" + fkTable + "_" + fkCol, fkTable, fkCol) == true) { counter++; } } } } catch (final SQLException ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } return counter; } /** * You may implement this method to write update entries e. g. in a database table. * * @param updateEntry */ protected void writeUpdateEntryLog(final UpdateEntry updateEntry) { // TODO // final Table table = new Table(DatabaseUpdateDO.class); // if (databaseUpdateDao.doesTableExist(table.getName()) == true) { // databaseUpdateDao.insertInto(table.getName(), new String[] { "update_date", "region_id", "version", "execution_result", // "executed_by_user_fk", "description"}, // new Object[] { new Date(), updateEntry.getRegionId(), String.valueOf(updateEntry.getVersion()), updateEntry.getRunningResult(), // PFUserContext.getUserId(), updateEntry.getDescription()}); // } else { //"database table '" + table.getName() + "' doesn't (yet) exist. Can't register update (OK)."); // } } public void insertInto(final String table, final String[] columns, final Object[] values) { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("insert into ").append(table).append(" (").append(StringHelper.listToString(",", columns)) .append(") values ("); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { first = StringHelper.append(buf, first, "?", ","); } buf.append(")"); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); final String sql = buf.toString(); + "; values = " + StringHelper.listToString(", ", values)); jdbc.update(sql, values); } /** * @param regionId * @param version * @return true, if any entry for the given regionId and version is found in the database table t_database_update. */ public boolean isVersionUpdated(final String regionId, final String version) { accessCheck(false); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); final int result = jdbc.queryForInt( "select count(*) from t_database_update where region_id=? and version=?", regionId, version); return result > 0; } /** * Creates the given database index if not already exists. * * @param name * @param table * @param attributes * @return true, if the index was created, false if an error has occured or the index already exists. */ public boolean createIndex(final String name, final String table, final String attributes) { accessCheck(true); try { final String jdbcString = "CREATE INDEX " + name + " ON " + table + "(" + attributes + ");"; execute(jdbcString, false);; return true; } catch (final Throwable ex) { // Index does already exist (or an error has occurred). return false; } } /** * @param name * @param attributes * @return true, if the index was dropped, false if an error has occured or the index does not exist. */ public boolean dropIndex(final String name) { accessCheck(true); try { execute("DROP INDEX " + name); return true; } catch (final Throwable ex) { // Index does already exist (or an error has occurred). return false; } } /** * @param jdbcString * @see #execute(String, boolean) */ public void execute(final String jdbcString) { execute(jdbcString, true); } /** * Executes the given String * * @param jdbcString * @param ignoreErrors If true (default) then errors will be caught and logged. * @return true if no error occurred (no exception was caught), otherwise false. */ public void execute(final String jdbcString, final boolean ignoreErrors) { accessCheck(true); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); jdbc.execute(jdbcString, ignoreErrors);; } public int queryForInt(final String jdbcQuery) { accessCheck(false); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor();; return jdbc.queryForInt(jdbcQuery); } public List<DatabaseResultRow> query(final String sql, final Object... args) { accessCheck(false); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor();; return jdbc.query(sql, args); } public int update(final String sql, final Object... args) { accessCheck(false); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor();; return jdbc.update(sql, args); } /** * Will be called on shutdown. * * @see DatabaseSupport#getShutdownDatabaseStatement() */ public void shutdownDatabase() { final String statement = getDatabaseSupport().getShutdownDatabaseStatement(); if (statement == null) { return; }"Executing database shutdown statement: " + statement); execute(statement); } public int getDatabaseTableColumnLenght(final Class<?> entityClass, final String attributeNames) { String jdbcQuery = "select character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + new Table(entityClass).getName().toLowerCase() + "' And column_name = '" + attributeNames + "'"; final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor();; return jdbc.queryForInt(jdbcQuery); } public static PFUserDO __internalGetSystemAdminPseudoUser() { return SYSTEM_ADMIN_PSEUDO_USER; } public SystemUpdater getSystemUpdater() { if (systemUpdater == null) { systemUpdater = new SystemUpdater(); } return systemUpdater; } /** */ public List<DatabaseUpdateDO> getUpdateHistory() { accessCheck(false); final JdbcTemplate jdbc = new JdbcTemplate(getDataSource()); final List<Map<String, Object>> dbResult = jdbc .queryForList("select * from t_database_update order by update_date desc"); final List<DatabaseUpdateDO> result = new ArrayList<DatabaseUpdateDO>(); for (final Map<String, Object> map : dbResult) { final DatabaseUpdateDO entry = new DatabaseUpdateDO(); entry.setUpdateDate((Date) map.get("update_date")); entry.setRegionId((String) map.get("region_id")); entry.setVersionString((String) map.get("version")); entry.setExecutionResult((String) map.get("execution_result")); final PFUserDO executedByUser = TenantRegistryMap.getInstance().getTenantRegistry().getUserGroupCache() .getUser((Integer) map.get("executed_by_user_fk")); entry.setExecutedBy(executedByUser); entry.setDescription((String) map.get("description")); result.add(entry); } return result; } @Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public boolean databaseTablesExists() { try { final Table userTable = new Table(PFUserDO.class); return internalDoesTableExist(userTable.getName()) == false; } catch (final Exception ex) { log.error("Error while checking existing of user table.", ex); } return false; } @Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS) public boolean databaseTablesWithEntriesExists() { try { final Table userTable = new Table(PFUserDO.class); return internalDoesTableExist(userTable.getName()) == false || internalIsTableEmpty(userTable.getName()) == true; } catch (final Exception ex) { log.error("Error while checking existing of user table with entries.", ex); } return false; } public boolean doesGroupExists(ProjectForgeGroup group) { return emf.runRoTrans(emgr -> { List<GroupDO> selectedGroups =, "SELECT g FROM GroupDO g WHERE = :name", "name", group.getName()); return selectedGroups != null && selectedGroups.size() > 0; }); } public int countTimeableAttrGroupEntries(final Class<? extends TimeableAttrRow<?>> entityClass, final String groupName) { accessCheck(false); final Table table = new Table(entityClass); final TableAttribute attr = TableAttribute.createTableAttribute(table.getEntityClass(), "groupName"); final DatabaseExecutor jdbc = getDatabaseExecutor(); try { return jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table.getName() + " WHERE " + attr.getName() + "=?", groupName); } catch (final Exception ex) { return -1; } } }