Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012-2014 by Martin Gijsen ( * * This file is part of the PowerTools engine. * * The PowerTools engine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * The PowerTools engine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with the PowerTools engine. If not, see <>. */ package org.powertools.web; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.NoAlertPresentException; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.Augmenter; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import org.powertools.engine.ExecutionException; import org.powertools.engine.RunTime; import org.powertools.web.WebLibrary.BrowserType; import org.powertools.web.WebLibrary.ItemType; import org.powertools.web.WebLibrary.KeyType; class WebDriverBrowser implements IBrowser { private static final String CHROMEDRIVER_LOG_FILENAME = "chromedriver.log"; public WebDriverBrowser(RunTime runTime) { mRunTime = runTime; } @Override public boolean setShortDefaultTimeout(int timeout) { mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds = timeout; return true; } @Override public boolean setLongDefaultTimeout(int timeout) { mLongDefaultTimeoutInSeconds = timeout; return true; } @Override public int getShortDefaultTimeoutAsInteger() { return mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds; } @Override public int getLongDefaultTimeoutAsInteger() { return mLongDefaultTimeoutInSeconds; } @Override public String getShortDefaultTimeoutAsString() { return Integer.toString(mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public String getLongDefaultTimeoutAsString() { return Integer.toString(mLongDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } public boolean open(BrowserType type, String browserVersion, String url, String logDirectory, String hubUrl) { if (hubUrl == null || hubUrl.isEmpty()) { webBrowserRunsOnGrid = false; return open(type, url, logDirectory); } else { webBrowserRunsOnGrid = true; return openOnGrid(type, browserVersion, url, hubUrl); } } private boolean openOnGrid(BrowserType type, String browserVersion, String url, String hubUrl) { DesiredCapabilities capability = getBrowserCapabilities(type); if (browserVersion != null && !browserVersion.isEmpty()) { capability.setCapability(CapabilityType.VERSION, browserVersion); } try { mDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubUrl), capability); mDriver.get(url); mRunTime.addSharedObject("WebDriver", mDriver); return true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { mRunTime.reportError("'GridUrl' defined Url invalid: " + url + ", exception=" + e); return false; } } private DesiredCapabilities getBrowserCapabilities(BrowserType type) { DesiredCapabilities capabilities; switch (type) { case cInternetExplorer: capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); break; case cChrome: capabilities =; break; case cFirefox: capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); break; default: throw new ExecutionException("unknown browser code: " + type); } return capabilities; } @Override public boolean open(BrowserType type, String url, String logDirectory) { switch (type) { case cInternetExplorer: System.setProperty("", "IEDriverServer.exe"); mDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); break; case cChrome: if (!startChrome(logDirectory)) { return false; } break; case cFirefox: mDriver = new FirefoxDriver(); break; default: mRunTime.reportError("unknown browser code: " + type); return false; } mDriver.get(url); mRunTime.addSharedObject("WebDriver", mDriver); return true; } private boolean startChrome(String logDirectory) { try { System.setProperty("", "chromedriver.exe"); ChromeDriverService service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder() .usingDriverExecutable(new File("chromedriver.exe")).usingAnyFreePort() .withLogFile(new File(logDirectory + CHROMEDRIVER_LOG_FILENAME)).build(); service.start(); mDriver = new ChromeDriver(service); mRunTime.reportLink(CHROMEDRIVER_LOG_FILENAME); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } } @Override public boolean maximize() { mDriver.manage().window().maximize(); return true; } @Override public boolean minimize() { mRunTime.reportError("not implemented"); return false; } @Override public boolean openUrl(String url) { mDriver.get(url); return true; } @Override public String getUrl() { return mDriver.getCurrentUrl(); } @Override public boolean refreshPage() { mDriver.navigate().refresh(); return true; } @Override public String getPageTitle() { return mDriver.getTitle(); } @Override public boolean selectFrame(Item item) { mDriver.switchTo().frame(mDriver.findElement(getLocator(item))); return true; } @Override public boolean selectFrame(KeyType keyType, String value) { mDriver.switchTo().frame(mDriver.findElement(getLocator(keyType, value))); return true; } @Override public boolean selectDefaultFrame() { mDriver.switchTo().defaultContent(); return true; } @Override public boolean type(Item item, final String text) { return type(getLocator(item), text); } @Override public boolean type(KeyType keyType, String value, String text) { return type(getLocator(keyType, value), text); } @Override public boolean fireEvent(Item item, String event) { mRunTime.reportError("not implemented"); return false; } @Override public boolean setCheckboxValue(Item item, boolean value) { return setCheckboxValue(getLocator(item), value); } @Override public boolean setCheckboxValue(KeyType keyType, String keyValue, boolean value) { return setCheckboxValue(getLocator(keyType, keyValue), value); } private boolean setCheckboxValue(By locator, final boolean value) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { boolean current = element.isSelected(); if (current != value) {; } return true; } }); } @Override public boolean isSelected(Item item) { return isSelected(item.mKeyType, item.mValue); } @Override public boolean isSelected(KeyType keyType, String value) { return isSelected(getLocator(keyType, value)); } private boolean isSelected(By locator) { IsSelectedWebCommand command = new IsSelectedWebCommand(); executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, command); return command.result; } private class IsSelectedWebCommand implements WebCommand { boolean result; @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { result = element.isSelected(); return true; } } @Override public boolean itemIsPresent(Item item) { return getUniqueElement(getLocator(item)) != null; } @Override public boolean itemIsVisible(Item item) { return getUniqueElement(getLocator(item)).isDisplayed(); } @Override public boolean itemIsEnabled(Item item) { return getUniqueElement(getLocator(item)).isEnabled(); } @Override public boolean itemIsEmpty(Item item) { return getUniqueElement(getLocator(item)).getText().isEmpty(); } @Override public int countItems(Item item) { return mDriver.findElements(getLocator(item)).size(); } @Override public boolean click(Item item) { return click(getLocator(item)); } @Override public boolean click(KeyType keyType, String value) { return click(getLocator(keyType, value)); } @Override public boolean clickAndWait(Item item) { return click(item); } @Override public boolean clickAndWait(Item item, int timeout) { // TODO: handle timeout? return click(item); } @Override public boolean clickAndWait(KeyType keyType, String value) { return click(keyType, value); } @Override public boolean clickAndWait(KeyType keyType, String value, int timout) { // TODO: handle timeout? return click(keyType, value); } @Override public boolean clickLink(Item item) { return click(item); } @Override public boolean clickLink(String text) { return click(By.partialLinkText(text)); } @Override public boolean clickLink(KeyType keyType, String value) { return click(getLocator(keyType, value)); } @Override public boolean clickAcceptInAlert() { try { mDriver.switchTo().alert().accept(); return true; } catch (NoAlertPresentException nape) { mRunTime.reportError("no alert found"); return false; } } @Override public boolean clickDismissInAlert() { try { mDriver.switchTo().alert().dismiss(); return true; } catch (NoAlertPresentException nape) { mRunTime.reportError("no alert found"); return false; } } @Override public boolean selectChoice(Item item) { if (item.mType != WebLibrary.ItemType.cListboxItem) { mRunTime.reportError("item is not a listbox item"); return false; } else if (item.mKeyType == KeyType.cPartialText) { return selectChoiceByPartialText(item.mParent, item.mValue); } else { Select listbox = new Select(mDriver.findElement(getLocator(item.mParent))); switch (item.mKeyType) { case cIndex: listbox.selectByIndex(Integer.parseInt(item.mValue)); return true; case cText: listbox.selectByVisibleText(item.mValue); return true; case cValue: listbox.selectByValue(item.mValue); return true; default: mRunTime.reportError("unsupported item key: " + item.mKeyType.toString()); return false; } } } @Override public boolean selectChoiceByText(Item selectItem, String optionText) { if (selectItem.mType != WebLibrary.ItemType.cListbox) { mRunTime.reportError("item is not a listbox"); return false; } else { Select listbox = new Select(mDriver.findElement(getLocator(selectItem))); listbox.selectByVisibleText(optionText); return true; } } @Override public boolean selectChoiceByPartialText(Item selectItem, String optionText) { if (selectItem.mType != WebLibrary.ItemType.cListbox) { mRunTime.reportError("item is not a listbox"); return false; } else { Select listbox = new Select(mDriver.findElement(getLocator(selectItem))); List<WebElement> choices = listbox.getOptions(); WebElement theOne = null; for (WebElement option : choices) { if (!option.getText().contains(optionText)) { // ignore: option does not contain the desired text } else if (theOne == null) { theOne = option; } else { mRunTime.reportError(String.format("partial text '%s' is not unique (part of '%s' and '%s')", optionText, theOne.getText(), option.getText())); return false; } }; return true; } } @Override public boolean mouseOver(Item item) { return mouseOver(getLocator(item)); } @Override public boolean waitUntilTextIsPresent(String text) { return waitUntilTextIsPresent(text, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilTextIsPresent(String text, int timeout) { return waitUntilTextIsPresent(getLocator(WebLibrary.KeyType.cTag, "body"), text, timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilTextIsNotPresent(String text) { return waitUntilTextIsNotPresent(text, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilTextIsNotPresent(String text, int timeout) { return waitUntilTextIsNotPresent(getLocator(WebLibrary.KeyType.cTag, "body"), text, timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsPresent(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsPresent(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsPresent(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsPresent(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotPresent(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsNotPresent(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotPresent(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsNotPresent(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotEmpty(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsNotEmpty(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotEmpty(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsNotEmpty(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsEmpty(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsEmpty(item, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsEmpty(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsEmpty(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsVisible(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsVisible(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsVisible(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsVisible(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotVisible(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsNotVisible(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsNotVisible(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsNotVisible(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsEnabled(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsEnabled(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsEnabled(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsEnabled(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsDisabled(Item item) { return waitUntilItemIsDisabled(getLocator(item), mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds); } @Override public boolean waitUntilItemIsDisabled(Item item, int timeout) { return waitUntilItemIsDisabled(getLocator(item), timeout); } @Deprecated @Override public boolean checkForText(String text) { return textIsPresent(text); } @Override public boolean textIsPresent(String text) { final WebElement element = getUniqueElement(getLocator(WebLibrary.KeyType.cTag, "body")); return element == null ? false : element.getText().contains(text); } @Override public String getItemText(Item item) { return getItemText(getLocator(item)); } @Override public String getItemText(KeyType keyType, String value) { return getItemText(getLocator(keyType, value)); } @Override public String getItemAttribute(Item item, String attributeName) { return getItemAttribute(getLocator(item), attributeName); } @Override public String getItemAttribute(KeyType keyType, String value, String attributeName) { return getItemAttribute(getLocator(keyType, value), attributeName); } @Override public boolean close() { mDriver.quit(); mDriver = null; return true; } @Override public void cleanup() { if (mDriver != null) { close(); } } @Override public boolean makeScreenshot(String path) { try { WebDriver driver = webBrowserRunsOnGrid ? new Augmenter().augment(mDriver) : mDriver; File screenshotFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); FileUtils.copyFile(screenshotFile, new File(path)); return true; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { return false; } catch (IOException ioe) { mRunTime.reportStackTrace(ioe); throw new ExecutionException("Could not copy screenshot file"); } } @Override public int getCount(Item item) { final By locator = getLocator(item); final List<WebElement> list = mDriver.findElements(locator); mRunTime.reportInfo("the count is : " + list.size()); return list.size(); } @Override public Object getTestTool() { return mDriver; } // protected members protected static final int ONE_SECOND_TIMEOUT = 1000; protected final RunTime mRunTime; protected int mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds = 10; protected int mLongDefaultTimeoutInSeconds = 30; protected WebDriver mDriver; protected boolean webBrowserRunsOnGrid; private WebElement getUniqueElement(By locator) { final List<WebElement> list = mDriver.findElements(locator); switch (list.size()) { case 0: throw new ExecutionException("no matching item found"); case 1: return list.get(0); default: throw new ExecutionException("multiple matching items found"); } } private By getLocator(Item item) { if (item.mType != ItemType.cLink) { // continue } else if (item.mKeyType == KeyType.cText) { By locator = By.linkText(item.mValue); mRunTime.reportInfo("locator: " + locator.toString()); return locator; } else if (item.mKeyType == KeyType.cPartialText) { By locator = By.partialLinkText(item.mValue); mRunTime.reportInfo("locator: " + locator.toString()); return locator; } return getLocator(item.mKeyType, item.getValue()); } private By getLocator(KeyType keyType, String value) { By locator; switch (keyType) { case cClass: locator = By.className(value); break; case cCss: locator = By.cssSelector(value); break; case cId: locator =; break; case cName: locator =; break; case cTag: locator = By.tagName(value); break; case cXpath: locator = By.xpath(value); break; default: throw new ExecutionException("invalid key: " + keyType); } mRunTime.reportInfo("locator: " + locator.toString()); return locator; } private boolean click(By locator) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) {; return true; } }); } private boolean type(By locator, final String text) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { element.clear(); element.sendKeys(text); return true; } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsPresent(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return true; } }); } private boolean waitUntilTextIsPresent(By locator, final String text, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return element.getText().contains(text); } }); } private boolean waitUntilTextIsNotPresent(By locator, final String text, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return !element.getText().contains(text); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsNotEmpty(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return !element.getText().isEmpty(); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsEmpty(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return element.getText().isEmpty(); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsVisible(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return element.isDisplayed(); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsNotVisible(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return !element.isDisplayed(); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsEnabled(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return element.isEnabled(); } }); } private boolean waitUntilItemIsDisabled(By locator, int timeout) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, timeout, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { return !element.isEnabled(); } }); } private boolean mouseOver(By locator) { return executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, new WebCommand() { @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { new Actions(mDriver).moveToElement(element).build().perform(); return true; } }); } private String getItemText(By locator) { GetItemTextCommand command = new GetItemTextCommand(); boolean succes = executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, command); if (!succes) { throw new ExecutionException("error during getItemText"); } return command.result; } private class GetItemTextCommand implements WebCommand { String result = null; @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { if ("SELECT".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getTagName())) { result = getSelectedOptionText(element); } else { result = element.getText(); } mRunTime.reportInfo("getItemText result: " + result); result = (result == null) ? result : result.trim(); return true; } private String getSelectedOptionText(WebElement listbox) { List<WebElement> options = listbox.findElements(By.tagName("option")); for (WebElement option : options) { if (option.isSelected()) { return option.getText(); } } return ""; } } private String getItemAttribute(By locator, String attributeName) { GetItemAttributeCommand command = new GetItemAttributeCommand(attributeName); boolean succes = executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(locator, mShortDefaultTimeoutInSeconds, command); if (!succes) { throw new ExecutionException("error during getItemAttribute"); } return command.result; } private class GetItemAttributeCommand implements WebCommand { final String mAttributeName; String result = null; GetItemAttributeCommand(String attributeName) { mAttributeName = attributeName; } @Override public boolean execute(WebElement element) { result = element.getAttribute(mAttributeName); mRunTime.reportInfo("getItemAttribute result: " + result); result = (result == null ? result : result.trim()); return true; } } private boolean executeCommandWhenElementAvailable(By locator, int timeoutInSec, WebCommand cmd) { for (int nrOfSeconds = 0; nrOfSeconds < timeoutInSec; ++nrOfSeconds) { try { WebElement element = getUniqueElement(locator); if (cmd.execute(element)) { return true; } } catch (WebDriverException wde) { // This error occurs occasionally in IE when using SeleniumGrid } catch (ExecutionException ee) { // This error occurs when the element is not yet available } sleep(ONE_SECOND_TIMEOUT); } return false; } private boolean waitUntilItemIsNotPresent(By locator, int timeout) { for (int nrOfSeconds = 0; nrOfSeconds < timeout; ++nrOfSeconds) { try { if (mDriver.findElements(locator).isEmpty()) { return true; } } catch (WebDriverException e) { // This error occurs occasionally in IE when using SeleniumGrid } sleep(ONE_SECOND_TIMEOUT); } return false; } private void sleep(long ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // ignore } } private interface WebCommand { boolean execute(WebElement element); } }