Java tutorial
/*- * Copyright (C) 2011 Peter Baldwin * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.intent.Intents; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.model.Directory; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.model.Playlist; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.model.Remote; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.model.Status; import org.peterbaldwin.vlcremote.service.StatusService; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public final class MediaServer { private static final String TAG = "VLC"; private final Context mContext; private final String mAuthority; public MediaServer(Context context, String authority) { mContext = context; mAuthority = authority; } public MediaServer(Context context, Uri data) { mContext = context; mAuthority = data.getAuthority(); } public String getAuthority() { return mAuthority; } public VLMRequest vlm() { return new VLMRequest(mContext, mAuthority); } public VLMRequest vlm(Uri uri) { return new VLMRequest(mContext, uri); } public StatusRequest status() { return new StatusRequest(mContext, mAuthority); } public StatusRequest status(Uri uri) { return new StatusRequest(mContext, uri); } public PlaylistRequest playlist(String search) { return new PlaylistRequest(mContext, mAuthority, search); } public BrowseRequest browse(String dir) { return new BrowseRequest(mContext, mAuthority, dir); } public ImageRequest image(Uri uri) { return new ImageRequest(mContext, uri); } public ImageRequest art() { return new ImageRequest(mContext, mAuthority); } static class Request { /** * Time to wait between network requests when sending multiple commands. */ protected static final int DELAY = 500; /** * Time to wait (ms) for a request to complete before timing out. */ protected static final int TIMEOUT = 8000; private final Context mContext; private final Uri mUri; protected int mFlags; protected boolean mNotifyPlaylist; protected long mDelay; protected Request(Context context, String authority, String path) { mContext = context; mUri = Uri.parse("http://" + authority + path); } protected Request(Context context, Uri uri) { mContext = context; mUri = uri; } protected final Intent intent(String encodedQuery) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_STATUS); intent.setClass(mContext, StatusService.class); Uri data = mUri.buildUpon().encodedQuery(encodedQuery).build(); intent.setData(data); intent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_FLAGS, mFlags); return intent; } protected final PendingIntent pending(Intent intent) { return PendingIntent.getService(mContext, 0, intent, 0); } protected final void start(Intent intent) { if (mDelay == 0L) { mContext.startService(intent); } else { Object service = mContext.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); AlarmManager manager = (AlarmManager) service; long triggerAtTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mDelay; int requestCode = (int) triggerAtTime; int flags = 0; PendingIntent op = PendingIntent.getService(mContext, requestCode, intent, flags); manager.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, triggerAtTime, op); } } protected final void execute(String encodedQuery) { start(intent(encodedQuery)); } protected final <T> Remote<T> load(ContentHandler handler) { String spec = mUri.toString(); try { T data = (T) read(handler); return; } catch (Throwable t) { Log.e(TAG, "Unable to load: " + spec, t); return Remote.error(t); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final <T> T read(ContentHandler handler) throws IOException { String spec = mUri.toString(); URL url = new URL(spec); HttpURLConnection http = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); http.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT); try { String usernamePassword = mUri.getUserInfo(); if (usernamePassword != null) { Header authorization = BasicScheme .authenticate(new UsernamePasswordCredentials(usernamePassword), HTTP.UTF_8, false); http.setRequestProperty(authorization.getName(), authorization.getValue()); } return (T) handler.getContent(http); } finally { http.disconnect(); } } } public static final class VLMRequest extends Request { VLMRequest(Context context, String authority) { super(context, authority, "/requests/vlm_cmd.xml"); } public VLMRequest(Context context, Uri uri) { super(context, uri); } public final CommandInterface command = new CommandInterface(); public final class CommandInterface { public final InputInterface input = new InputInterface(); public class InputInterface { private InputInterface() { } public void delstream() { execute("command=" + Uri.encode("del stream.sdp")); } public void stream(String input) { List<String> options = Collections.emptyList(); stream(input, options); } public void stream(String input, List<String> options) { String query = "command=" + Uri.encode("new stream.sdp vod enabled input \"" + input + "\" output "); for (String option : options) { query += Uri.encode(option); } execute(query); } } } } public static final class StatusRequest extends Request { StatusRequest(Context context, String authority) { super(context, authority, "/requests/status.xml"); } public StatusRequest(Context context, Uri uri) { super(context, uri); } public final CommandInterface command = new CommandInterface(); /** * Loads the server status synchronously. */ public Remote<Status> load() { return load(new StatusContentHandler()); } public Status read() throws IOException { return read(new StatusContentHandler()); } /** * Loads the server status asynchronously. */ public void get() { execute(""); } public PendingIntent pendingGet() { return pending(intent("")); } public StatusRequest programmatic() { mFlags |= Intents.FLAG_PROGRAMMATIC; return this; } public StatusRequest onlyIfPlaying() { mFlags |= Intents.FLAG_ONLY_IF_PLAYING; return this; } public StatusRequest onlyIfPaused() { mFlags |= Intents.FLAG_ONLY_IF_PAUSED; return this; } public StatusRequest setResumeOnIdle() { mFlags |= Intents.FLAG_SET_RESUME_ON_IDLE; return this; } public final class CommandInterface { public final InputInterface input = new InputInterface(); public class InputInterface { private InputInterface() { } public void play(String input) { List<String> options = Collections.emptyList(); play(input, options); } public void play(String input, String... options) { play(input, Arrays.asList(options)); } public void play(String input, List<String> options) { // Options are appended to the MRL // for VLC 1.1.10 and earlier for (String option : options) { input += " " + option; } String query = "command=in_play&input=" + Uri.encode(input); // Options are appended as query parameters // for VLC 1.1.11 and later for (String option : options) { query += ("&option=" + Uri.encode(option)); } execute(query); } public void enqueue(String input) { execute("command=in_enqueue&input=" + Uri.encode(input)); } } public final PlaybackInterface playback = new PlaybackInterface(); public class PlaybackInterface { private PlaybackInterface() { } public void play(int id) { execute("command=pl_play&id=" + id); } public void pause() { execute("command=pl_pause"); } public PendingIntent pendingPause() { return pending(intent("command=pl_pause")); } public void stop() { execute("command=pl_stop"); } public void next() { execute("command=pl_next"); } public PendingIntent pendingNext() { return pending(intent("command=pl_next")); } public void previous() { execute("command=pl_previous"); } public void delete(int id) { mNotifyPlaylist = true; execute("command=pl_delete&id=" + id); } public void empty() { execute("command=pl_empty"); } public void sort(int sort, int order) { execute("command=pl_sort&id=" + order + "&val=" + sort); } public void shuffle() { execute("command=pl_random"); } public PlaybackInterface loop() { execute("command=pl_loop"); mDelay += DELAY; return this; } public PlaybackInterface repeat() { execute("command=pl_repeat"); mDelay += DELAY; return this; } public void random() { execute("command=pl_random"); } public void sd(String value) { execute("command=pl_sd&val=" + value); } } public void volume(int value) { execute("command=volume&val=" + value); } public void adjustVolume(int amount) { String val = amount < 0 ? Integer.toString(amount) : "+" + amount; execute("command=volume&val=" + Uri.encode(val)); } public void volumeDown() { execute("command=volume&val=-20"); } public void volumeUp() { execute("command=volume&val=%2B20"); } public void seek(String pos) { execute("command=seek&val=" + pos); } public void key(String keycode) { // Use hotkey name (without the "key-" part) // as the argument to simulate a hotkey press execute("command=key&val=" + keycode); } public void fullscreen() { execute("command=fullscreen"); } public void shutdown() { execute("command=shutdown"); } public void snapshot() { execute("command=snapshot"); } } } public static final class PlaylistRequest extends Request { PlaylistRequest(Context context, String authority, String search) { super(context, authority, "/requests/playlist.xml?search=" + Uri.encode(search)); } public Remote<Playlist> load() { return load(new PlaylistContentHandler()); } } public static final class BrowseRequest extends Request { BrowseRequest(Context context, String authority, String dir) { super(context, authority, "/requests/browse.xml?dir=" + Uri.encode(dir)); } public Remote<Directory> load() { return load(new DirectoryContentHandler()); } } public static final class ImageRequest extends Request { ImageRequest(Context context, Uri uri) { super(context, uri); } ImageRequest(Context context, String authority) { super(context, authority, "/art"); } public Bitmap read() throws IOException { return read(new BitmapContentHandler()); } public Remote<Bitmap> load() throws IOException { return load(new BitmapContentHandler()); } } }