Java tutorial
/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Pentaho Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 by Pentaho : * ******************************************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.di.ui.i18n; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSelectInfo; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSelector; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException; import org.pentaho.di.core.fileinput.FileInputList; import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannelInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.variables.Variables; import org.pentaho.di.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import org.pentaho.di.core.xml.XMLHandler; import org.pentaho.di.i18n.BaseMessages; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * This class takes care of crawling through the source code * * @author matt * */ public class MessagesSourceCrawler { private String[] scanPhrases; /** * The source directories to crawl through */ private List<String> sourceDirectories; /** * Source folder - package name - all the key occurrences in there */ private Map<String, Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>>> sourcePackageOccurrences; /** * The file names to avoid (base names) */ private List<String> filesToAvoid; private String singleMessagesFile; /** * The folders with XML files to scan for keys in */ private List<SourceCrawlerXMLFolder> xmlFolders; private Pattern packagePattern; private Pattern importPattern; private Pattern importMessagesPattern; private Pattern stringPkgPattern; private Pattern classPkgPattern; private LogChannelInterface log; /** * @param sourceDirectories * The source directories to crawl through * @param singleMessagesFile * the messages file if there is only one, otherwise: null */ public MessagesSourceCrawler(LogChannelInterface log, List<String> sourceDirectories, String singleMessagesFile, List<SourceCrawlerXMLFolder> xmlFolders) { super(); this.log = log; this.sourceDirectories = sourceDirectories; this.singleMessagesFile = singleMessagesFile; this.filesToAvoid = new ArrayList<String>(); this.xmlFolders = xmlFolders; this.sourcePackageOccurrences = new HashMap<String, Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>>>(); packagePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*package .*;[ \t]*$"); importPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*import [a-z\\._0-9]*\\.[A-Z].*;[ \t]*$"); importMessagesPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*import [a-z\\._0-9]*\\.Messages;[ \t]*$"); stringPkgPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*private static String PKG.*=.*$"); classPkgPattern = Pattern.compile("^.*private static Class.*\\sPKG\\s*=.*$"); } /** * @return The source directories to crawl through */ public List<String> getSourceDirectories() { return sourceDirectories; } /** * @param sourceDirectories * The source directories to crawl through */ public void setSourceDirectories(List<String> sourceDirectories) { this.sourceDirectories = sourceDirectories; } /** * @return the files to avoid */ public List<String> getFilesToAvoid() { return filesToAvoid; } /** * @param filesToAvoid * the files to avoid */ public void setFilesToAvoid(List<String> filesToAvoid) { this.filesToAvoid = filesToAvoid; } /** * Add a key occurrence to the list of occurrences. The list is kept sorted on key and message package. If the key * already exists, we increment the number of occurrences. * * @param occ * The key occurrence to add */ public void addKeyOccurrence(KeyOccurrence occ) { // System.out.println("Adding key occurrence : folder="+occ.getSourceFolder()+", // pkg="+occ.getMessagesPackage()+", key="+occ.getKey()); String sourceFolder = occ.getSourceFolder(); if (sourceFolder == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No source folder found for key: " + occ.getKey() + " in package " + occ.getMessagesPackage()); } String messagesPackage = occ.getMessagesPackage(); // Do we have a map for the source folders? // If not, add one... // Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>> packageOccurrences = sourcePackageOccurrences.get(sourceFolder); if (packageOccurrences == null) { packageOccurrences = new HashMap<String, List<KeyOccurrence>>(); sourcePackageOccurrences.put(sourceFolder, packageOccurrences); } // Do we have a map entry for the occurrences list in the source folder? // If not, add a list for the messages package // List<KeyOccurrence> occurrences = packageOccurrences.get(messagesPackage); if (occurrences == null) { occurrences = new ArrayList<KeyOccurrence>(); occurrences.add(occ); packageOccurrences.put(messagesPackage, occurrences); } else { int index = Collections.binarySearch(occurrences, occ); if (index < 0) { // Add it to the list, keep it sorted... // occurrences.add(-index - 1, occ); } } } public void crawl() throws Exception { for (final String sourceDirectory : sourceDirectories) { FileObject folder = KettleVFS.getFileObject(sourceDirectory); FileObject[] javaFiles = folder.findFiles(new FileSelector() { @Override public boolean traverseDescendents(FileSelectInfo info) throws Exception { return true; } @Override public boolean includeFile(FileSelectInfo info) throws Exception { return info.getFile().getName().getExtension().equals("java"); } }); for (FileObject javaFile : javaFiles) { /** * We don't want the files, there is nothing in there for us. */ boolean skip = false; for (String filename : filesToAvoid) { if (javaFile.getName().getBaseName().equals(filename)) { skip = true; } } if (skip) { continue; // don't process this file. } // For each of these files we look for keys... // lookForOccurrencesInFile(sourceDirectory, javaFile); } } // Also search for keys in the XUL files... // for (SourceCrawlerXMLFolder xmlFolder : xmlFolders) { String[] xmlDirs = { xmlFolder.getFolder(), }; String[] xmlMasks = { xmlFolder.getWildcard(), }; String[] xmlReq = { "N", }; boolean[] xmlSubdirs = { true, }; // search sub-folders too FileInputList xulFileInputList = FileInputList.createFileList(new Variables(), xmlDirs, xmlMasks, xmlReq, xmlSubdirs); for (FileObject fileObject : xulFileInputList.getFiles()) { try { Document doc = XMLHandler.loadXMLFile(fileObject); // Scan for elements and tags in this file... // for (SourceCrawlerXMLElement xmlElement : xmlFolder.getElements()) { addLabelOccurrences(xmlFolder.getDefaultSourceFolder(), fileObject, doc.getElementsByTagName(xmlElement.getSearchElement()), xmlFolder.getKeyPrefix(), xmlElement.getKeyTag(), xmlElement.getKeyAttribute(), xmlFolder.getDefaultPackage(), xmlFolder.getPackageExceptions()); } } catch (KettleXMLException e) { log.logError("Unable to open XUL / XML document: " + fileObject); } } } } private void addLabelOccurrences(String sourceFolder, FileObject fileObject, NodeList nodeList, String keyPrefix, String tag, String attribute, String defaultPackage, List<SourceCrawlerPackageException> packageExcpeptions) throws Exception { if (nodeList == null) { return; } TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); String labelString = null; if (!Const.isEmpty(attribute)) { labelString = XMLHandler.getTagAttribute(node, attribute); } else if (!Const.isEmpty(tag)) { labelString = XMLHandler.getTagValue(node, tag); } // TODO : Set the prefix in the right place keyPrefix = "$"; if (labelString != null && labelString.startsWith(keyPrefix)) { String key = labelString.substring(1); // TODO : maybe not the right place ... // just removed ${} around the key key = labelString.substring(2, labelString.length() - 1).trim(); String messagesPackage = defaultPackage; for (SourceCrawlerPackageException packageException : packageExcpeptions) { if (key.startsWith(packageException.getStartsWith())) { messagesPackage = packageException.getPackageName(); } } StringWriter bodyXML = new StringWriter(); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(node), new StreamResult(bodyXML)); String xml = bodyXML.getBuffer().toString(); KeyOccurrence keyOccurrence = new KeyOccurrence(fileObject, sourceFolder, messagesPackage, -1, -1, key, "?", xml); addKeyOccurrence(keyOccurrence); } } } /** * Look for additional occurrences of keys in the specified file. * * @param sourceFolder * The folder the java file and messages files live in * * @param javaFile * The java source file to examine * @throws IOException * In case there is a problem accessing the specified source file. */ public void lookForOccurrencesInFile(String sourceFolder, FileObject javaFile) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(KettleVFS.getInputStream(javaFile))); String messagesPackage = null; int row = 0; String classPackage = null; Map<String, String> importedClasses = new Hashtable<String, String>(); // Remember the imports we do... String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { row++; String line2 = line; boolean extraLine; do { extraLine = false; for (String scanPhrase : scanPhrases) { if (line2.endsWith(scanPhrase)) { extraLine = true; break; } } if (extraLine) { line2 = reader.readLine(); line += line2; } } while (extraLine); // Examine the line... // What we first look for is the import of the messages package. // // "package org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sortedmerge;" // if (packagePattern.matcher(line).matches()) { int beginIndex = line.indexOf("org.pentaho."); int endIndex = line.indexOf(';'); if (beginIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0) { messagesPackage = line.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); // this is the default classPackage = messagesPackage; } } // Remember all the imports... // if (importPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { int beginIndex = line.indexOf("import") + "import".length() + 1; int endIndex = line.indexOf(";", beginIndex); String expression = line.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); // The last word is the Class imported... // If it's * we ignore it. // int lastDotIndex = expression.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDotIndex > 0) { String packageName = expression.substring(0, lastDotIndex); String className = expression.substring(lastDotIndex + 1); if (!"*".equals(className)) { importedClasses.put(className, packageName); } } } // This is the alternative location of the messages package: // // "import org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.sortedmerge.Messages;" // if (importMessagesPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { int beginIndex = line.indexOf("org.pentaho."); int endIndex = line.indexOf(".Messages;"); messagesPackage = line.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); // if there is any specified, we take this one. } // Look for the value of the PKG value... // // private static String PKG = ""; // if (stringPkgPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { int beginIndex = line.indexOf('"') + 1; int endIndex = line.indexOf('"', beginIndex); messagesPackage = line.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } // Look for the value of the PKG value as a fully qualified class... // // private static Class<?> PKG = Abort.class; // if (classPackage != null && classPkgPattern.matcher(line).matches()) { int fromIndex = line.indexOf('=') + 1; int toIndex = line.indexOf(".class", fromIndex); String expression = Const.trim(line.substring(fromIndex, toIndex)); // System.out.println("expression : "+expression); // If the expression doesn't contain any package, we'll look up the package in the imports. If not found there, // it's a local package. // if (expression.contains(".")) { int lastDotIndex = expression.lastIndexOf('.'); messagesPackage = expression.substring(0, lastDotIndex); } else { String packageName = importedClasses.get(expression); if (packageName == null) { messagesPackage = classPackage; // Local package } else { messagesPackage = packageName; // imported } } } // Now look for occurrences of "Messages.getString(", "BaseMessages.getString(PKG", ... // for (String scanPhrase : scanPhrases) { int index = line.indexOf(scanPhrase); while (index >= 0) { // see if there's a character [a-z][A-Z] before the search string... // Otherwise we're looking at BaseMessages.getString(), etc. // if (index == 0 || (index > 0 & !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(line.charAt(index - 1)))) { addLineOccurrence(sourceFolder, javaFile, messagesPackage, line, row, index, scanPhrase); } index = line.indexOf(scanPhrase, index + 1); } } line = reader.readLine(); } reader.close(); } /** * Extract the needed information from the line and the index on which Messages.getString() occurs. * * @param sourceFolder * The source folder the messages and java files live in * * @param fileObject * the file we're reading * @param messagesPackage * the messages package * @param line * the line * @param row * the row number * @param index * the index in the line on which "Messages.getString(" is located. */ private void addLineOccurrence(String sourceFolder, FileObject fileObject, String messagesPackage, String line, int row, int index, String scanPhrase) { // Right after the "Messages.getString(" string is the key, quoted (") // until the next comma... // int column = index + scanPhrase.length(); String arguments = ""; // we start at the double quote... // int startKeyIndex = line.indexOf('"', column) + 1; int endKeyIndex = line.indexOf('"', startKeyIndex); String key; if (endKeyIndex >= 0) { key = line.substring(startKeyIndex, endKeyIndex); // Can we also determine the arguments? // No, not always: only if the arguments are all on the same line. // // Look for the next closing bracket... // int bracketIndex = endKeyIndex; int nrOpen = 1; while (bracketIndex < line.length() && nrOpen != 0) { int c = line.charAt(bracketIndex); if (c == '(') { nrOpen++; } if (c == ')') { nrOpen--; } bracketIndex++; } if (bracketIndex + 1 < line.length()) { arguments = line.substring(endKeyIndex + 1, bracketIndex); } else { arguments = line.substring(endKeyIndex + 1); } } else { key = line.substring(startKeyIndex); } // Sanity check... // if (key.contains("\t") || key.contains(" ")) { System.out.println("Suspect key found: [" + key + "] in file [" + fileObject + "]"); } // OK, add the occurrence to the list... // // Make sure we pass the System key occurrences to the correct package. // if (key.startsWith("System.")) { String i18nPackage = BaseMessages.class.getPackage().getName(); KeyOccurrence keyOccurrence = new KeyOccurrence(fileObject, sourceFolder, i18nPackage, row, column, key, arguments, line); // If we just add this key, we'll get doubles in the i18n package // KeyOccurrence lookup = getKeyOccurrence(key, i18nPackage); if (lookup == null) { addKeyOccurrence(keyOccurrence); } else { // Adjust the line of code... // lookup.setSourceLine(lookup.getSourceLine() + Const.CR + keyOccurrence.getSourceLine()); lookup.incrementOccurrences(); } } else { KeyOccurrence keyOccurrence = new KeyOccurrence(fileObject, sourceFolder, messagesPackage, row, column, key, arguments, line); addKeyOccurrence(keyOccurrence); } } /** * @return A sorted list of distinct occurrences of the used message package names */ public List<String> getMessagesPackagesList(String sourceFolder) { Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>> packageOccurrences = sourcePackageOccurrences.get(sourceFolder); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(packageOccurrences.keySet()); Collections.sort(list); return list; } /** * Get all the key occurrences for a certain messages package. * * @param sourceFolder * the source folder to reference * @param messagesPackage * the package to hunt for * @return all the key occurrences for a certain messages package. */ public List<KeyOccurrence> getOccurrencesForPackage(String messagesPackage) { List<KeyOccurrence> list = new ArrayList<KeyOccurrence>(); for (String sourceFolder : sourcePackageOccurrences.keySet()) { Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>> po = sourcePackageOccurrences.get(sourceFolder); List<KeyOccurrence> occurrences = po.get(messagesPackage); if (occurrences != null) { list.addAll(occurrences); } } return list; } public KeyOccurrence getKeyOccurrence(String key, String selectedMessagesPackage) { for (String sourceFolder : sourcePackageOccurrences.keySet()) { Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>> po = sourcePackageOccurrences.get(sourceFolder); if (po != null) { List<KeyOccurrence> occurrences = po.get(selectedMessagesPackage); if (occurrences != null) { for (KeyOccurrence keyOccurrence : occurrences) { if (keyOccurrence.getKey().equals(key) && keyOccurrence.getMessagesPackage().equals(selectedMessagesPackage)) { return keyOccurrence; } } } } } return null; } /** * @return the singleMessagesFile */ public String getSingleMessagesFile() { return singleMessagesFile; } /** * @param singleMessagesFile * the singleMessagesFile to set */ public void setSingleMessagesFile(String singleMessagesFile) { this.singleMessagesFile = singleMessagesFile; } /** * @return the scanPhrases */ public String[] getScanPhrases() { return scanPhrases; } /** * @param scanPhrases * the scanPhrases to set */ public void setScanPhrases(String[] scanPhrases) { this.scanPhrases = scanPhrases; } public Map<String, Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>>> getSourcePackageOccurrences() { return sourcePackageOccurrences; } public void setSourcePackageOccurrences( Map<String, Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>>> sourcePackageOccurrences) { this.sourcePackageOccurrences = sourcePackageOccurrences; } /** * Get the unique package-key * * @param sourceFolder */ public List<KeyOccurrence> getKeyOccurrences(String sourceFolder) { Map<String, KeyOccurrence> map = new HashMap<String, KeyOccurrence>(); Map<String, List<KeyOccurrence>> po = sourcePackageOccurrences.get(sourceFolder); if (po != null) { for (List<KeyOccurrence> keyOccurrences : po.values()) { for (KeyOccurrence keyOccurrence : keyOccurrences) { String key = keyOccurrence.getMessagesPackage() + " - " + keyOccurrence.getKey(); map.put(key, keyOccurrence); } } } return new ArrayList<KeyOccurrence>(map.values()); } }