Java tutorial
/* * * YAQP - Yet Another QSAR Project: * Machine Learning algorithms designed for the prediction of toxicological * features of chemical compounds become available on the Web. Yaqp is developed * under OpenTox ( which is an FP7-funded EU research project. * This project was developed at the Automatic Control Lab in the Chemical Engineering * School of National Technical University of Athens. Please read README for more * information. * * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Pantelis Sopasakis & Charalampos Chomenides * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contact: * Pantelis Sopasakis * * Address: Iroon Politechniou St. 9, Zografou, Athens Greece * tel. +30 210 7723236 */ package org.opentox.qsar.processors.trainers.regression; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.opentox.config.Configuration; import org.opentox.config.ServerFolders; import org.opentox.core.exceptions.Cause; import org.opentox.core.exceptions.YaqpException; import; import org.opentox.core.processors.Pipeline; import org.opentox.db.exceptions.DbException; import org.opentox.db.handlers.WriterHandler; import org.opentox.db.util.TheDbConnector; import; import; import org.opentox.ontology.components.Feature; import org.opentox.ontology.components.QSARModel; import org.opentox.ontology.components.QSARModel.ModelStatus; import org.opentox.ontology.components.User; import; import org.opentox.ontology.processors.InstancesProcessor; import org.opentox.ontology.util.AlgorithmParameter; import org.opentox.ontology.util.YaqpAlgorithms; import org.opentox.qsar.exceptions.QSARException; import org.opentox.qsar.processors.filters.AttributeCleanup; import org.opentox.qsar.processors.filters.AttributeCleanup.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE; import org.opentox.qsar.processors.filters.InstancesFilter; import org.opentox.qsar.processors.filters.SimpleMVHFilter; import org.opentox.qsar.processors.trainers.WekaTrainer; import org.opentox.util.logging.YaqpLogger; import org.opentox.util.logging.levels.Trace; import; import weka.classifiers.Evaluation; import weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver; /** * * This MLR Trainer accepts the training data as instances and produces a model file * which is saved in the corresponding folder on the server for weka serialized models. * What is more, a PMML file is generated and stored as well. * @author Pantelis Sopasakis * @author Charalampos Chomenides */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public class MLRTrainer extends WekaRegressor { private static final String PMMLIntro = "<PMML version=\"3.2\" " + " xmlns=\"\" " + " xmlns:xsi=\"\">\n" + " <Header copyright=\"Copyleft (c) OpenTox - An Open Source " + "Predictive Toxicology Framework,, 2009\" />\n"; /** * <p>Construct a new MLR trainer which is initialized with a set of parameters as * posted by the client to the resource (instance of {@link YaqpForm }. Some * checks are done regarding the consisteny of the parameters. The mandatory parameters * one has to specidy are the <code>prediction_feature</code> and the <code> * dataset_uri</code> which should be posted by the client to the training resoruce. * </p> * @param parameters * Set of parameters as an instance of {@link YaqpForm } * @throws QSARException * In case there are some inconsistencies with the posted parameters. * <p> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Explanation</b></td> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <td>XQReg200</td><td>The <code>prediction_feature</code> you provided is not a valid URI</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>XQReg201</td><td>The <code>dataset_uri</code> you provided is not a valid URI</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * </p> * @throws NullPointerException * In case some mandatory parameters are not specified or * are set to null (For example if one does not specify the * <code>prediction_feature</code>). */ public MLRTrainer(YaqpForm form) throws QSARException { super(form); } /** * <p>This is an auxiliary constructor for MLR Trainer, mainly from testing purposes * and is equivalent to {@link MLRTrainer#MLRTrainer( }. * Construct a new MLR trainer which is initialized with a set of parameters. Some * checks are done regarding the consisteny of the parameters. The mandatory parameters * one has to specidy are the <code>prediction_feature</code> and the <code> * dataset_uri</code> which should be posted by the client to the training resource. * </p> * @param parameters * Set of parameters as a Map<String,{@link AlgorithmParameter }>. * @throws QSARException * In case there are some inconsistencies with the posted parameters. * <p> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Explanation</b></td> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <td>XQReg200</td><td>The <code>prediction_feature</code> you provided is not a valid URI</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>XQReg201</td><td>The <code>dataset_uri</code> you provided is not a valid URI</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * </p> * @throws NullPointerException * In case some mandatory parameters are not specified or * are set to null (For example if one does not specify the * <code>prediction_feature</code>). */ public MLRTrainer(Map<String, AlgorithmParameter> parameters) throws QSARException { super(parameters); } /** * * Construct a new MLRTrainer object. No parameters are specified for the trainer. * A new <code>UUID</code> is chosen. */ public MLRTrainer() { super(); } /** * Trains the MLR model given an Instances object with the training data. The prediction * feature (class attributre) is specified in the constructor of the class. * @param data The training data as <code>weka.core.Instances</code> object. * @return The QSARModel corresponding to the trained model. * @throws QSARException In case the model cannot be trained * <p> * <table> * <thead> * <tr> * <td><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Explanation</b></td> * </tr> * </thead> * <tbody> * <tr> * <td>XQReg1</td><td>Could not train the an model</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>XQReg2</td><td>Could not generate PMML representation for the model</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>XQReg202</td><td>The prediction feature you provided is not a valid numeric attribute of the dataset</td> * </tr> * </tbody> * </table> * </p> * @throws NullPointerException * In case the provided training data is null. */ public QSARModel train(Instances data) throws QSARException { // GET A UUID AND DEFINE THE TEMPORARY FILE WHERE THE TRAINING DATA // ARE STORED IN ARFF FORMAT PRIOR TO TRAINING. final String rand = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); final String temporaryFilePath = ServerFolders.temp + "/" + rand + ".arff"; final File tempFile = new File(temporaryFilePath); // SAVE THE DATA IN THE TEMPORARY FILE try { ArffSaver dataSaver = new ArffSaver(); dataSaver.setInstances(data); dataSaver.setDestination(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); dataSaver.writeBatch(); } catch (final IOException ex) { tempFile.delete(); throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected condition while trying to save the " + "dataset in a temporary ARFF file", ex); } LinearRegression linreg = new LinearRegression(); String[] linRegOptions = { "-S", "1", "-C" }; try { linreg.setOptions(linRegOptions); linreg.buildClassifier(data); } catch (final Exception ex) {// illegal options or could not build the classifier! String message = "MLR Model could not be trained"; YaqpLogger.LOG.log(new Trace(getClass(), message + " :: " + ex)); throw new QSARException(Cause.XQReg1, message, ex); } try { generatePMML(linreg, data); } catch (final YaqpIOException ex) { String message = "Could not generate PMML representation for MLR model :: " + ex; throw new QSARException(Cause.XQReg2, message, ex); } // PERFORM THE TRAINING String[] generalOptions = { "-c", Integer.toString(data.classIndex() + 1), "-t", temporaryFilePath, /// Save the model in the following directory "-d", ServerFolders.models_weka + "/" + uuid }; try { Evaluation.evaluateModel(linreg, generalOptions); } catch (final Exception ex) { tempFile.delete(); throw new QSARException(Cause.XQReg350, "Unexpected condition while trying to train " + "an SVM model. Possible explanation : {" + ex.getMessage() + "}", ex); } ArrayList<Feature> independentFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.numAttributes(); i++) { Feature f = new Feature(data.attribute(i).name()); if (data.classIndex() != i) { independentFeatures.add(f); } } Feature dependentFeature = new Feature(data.classAttribute().name()); Feature predictedFeature = dependentFeature; QSARModel model = new QSARModel(uuid.toString(), predictedFeature, dependentFeature, independentFeatures, YaqpAlgorithms.MLR, new User(), null, datasetUri, ModelStatus.UNDER_DEVELOPMENT); model.setParams(new HashMap<String, AlgorithmParameter>()); return model; } /** * Generates the PMML representation of the model and stores in the hard * disk. * @param coefficients The vector of the coefficients of the MLR model. * @param model_id The id of the generated model. * TODO: build the XML using some XML editor */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="PMML generation routine!"> private void generatePMML(final LinearRegression wekaModel, final Instances data) throws YaqpIOException { final double[] coefficients = wekaModel.coefficients(); StringBuilder pmml = new StringBuilder(); pmml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>"); pmml.append(PMMLIntro); pmml.append("<Model ID=\"" + uuid.toString() + "\" Name=\"MLR Model\">\n"); pmml.append("<AlgorithmID href=\"" + Configuration.BASE_URI + "/algorithm/mlr\"/>\n"); pmml.append("<DatasetID href=\"" + datasetUri + "\"/>\n"); pmml.append("<AlgorithmParameters />\n"); pmml.append("<FeatureDefinitions>\n"); for (int k = 1; k <= data.numAttributes(); k++) { pmml.append("<link href=\"" + data.attribute(k - 1).name() + "\"/>\n"); } pmml.append("<target index=\"" + data.attribute(predictionFeature).index() + "\" name=\"" + predictionFeature + "\"/>\n"); pmml.append("</FeatureDefinitions>\n"); pmml.append("<Timestamp>" + java.util.GregorianCalendar.getInstance().getTime() + "</Timestamp>\n"); pmml.append("</Model>\n"); pmml.append("<DataDictionary numberOfFields=\"" + data.numAttributes() + "\" >\n"); for (int k = 0; k <= data.numAttributes() - 1; k++) { pmml.append("<DataField name=\"" + data.attribute(k).name() + "\" optype=\"continuous\" dataType=\"double\" />\n"); } pmml.append("</DataDictionary>\n"); // RegressionModel pmml.append("<RegressionModel modelName=\"" + uuid.toString() + "\"" + " functionName=\"regression\"" + " modelType=\"linearRegression\"" + " algorithmName=\"linearRegression\"" + " targetFieldName=\"" + data.classAttribute().name() + "\"" + ">\n"); // RegressionModel::MiningSchema pmml.append("<MiningSchema>\n"); for (int k = 0; k <= data.numAttributes() - 1; k++) { if (k != data.classIndex()) { pmml.append("<MiningField name=\"" + data.attribute(k).name() + "\" />\n"); } } pmml.append("<MiningField name=\"" + data.attribute(data.classIndex()).name() + "\" " + "usageType=\"predicted\"/>\n"); pmml.append("</MiningSchema>\n"); // RegressionModel::RegressionTable pmml.append("<RegressionTable intercept=\"" + coefficients[coefficients.length - 1] + "\">\n"); for (int k = 0; k <= data.numAttributes() - 1; k++) { if (!(predictionFeature.equals(data.attribute(k).name()))) { pmml.append("<NumericPredictor name=\"" + data.attribute(k).name() + "\" " + " exponent=\"1\" " + "coefficient=\"" + coefficients[k] + "\"/>\n"); } } pmml.append("</RegressionTable>\n"); pmml.append("</RegressionModel>\n"); pmml.append("</PMML>\n\n"); try { FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter(ServerFolders.models_pmml + "/" + uuid.toString()); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(fwriter); writer.write(pmml.toString()); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new YaqpIOException(Cause.XQReg3, "Could not write data to PMML file :" + uuid.toString(), ex); } } // </editor-fold> public static void main(String args[]) throws QSARException, YaqpException, URISyntaxException { TheDbConnector.init(); final InputProcessor p1 = new InputProcessor(); final DatasetBuilder p2 = new DatasetBuilder(); final InstancesProcessor p3 = new InstancesProcessor(); final InstancesFilter p4 = new SimpleMVHFilter(); final InstancesFilter p5 = new AttributeCleanup( new ATTRIBUTE_TYPE[] { ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.string, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.nominal }); final Map<String, AlgorithmParameter> params = new HashMap<String, AlgorithmParameter>(); params.put("prediction_feature", new AlgorithmParameter<String>(ServerList.ambit + "/feature/11954")); params.put("dataset_uri", new AlgorithmParameter<String>("http://localhost/6")); final WekaRegressor p6 = new MLRTrainer(params); final Pipeline pipe = new Pipeline(); pipe.add(p1); pipe.add(p2); pipe.add(p3); pipe.add(p4); pipe.add(p5); pipe.add(p6); URI u = new URI("http://localhost/6"); pipe.setfailSensitive(true); final QSARModel model = (QSARModel) pipe.process(u); System.out.println(model.getCode()); System.out.println(model.getId()); System.out.println(pipe.getStatus()); } }