Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 in partnership with the Southern California
 * Earthquake Center (SCEC, at the University of Southern
 * California and the UnitedStates Geological Survey (USGS;
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package org.opensha.sha.calc.disaggregation;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
// import org.opensha.commons.mapping.gmt.GMT_MapGenerator;
import org.opensha.commons.param.ParameterAPI;
import org.opensha.commons.param.WarningParameterAPI;
// import org.opensha.commons.util.ServerPrefUtils;
import org.opensha.sha.earthquake.EqkRupForecast;
import org.opensha.sha.earthquake.ProbEqkRupture;
import org.opensha.sha.earthquake.ProbEqkSource;
import org.opensha.sha.imr.AttenuationRelationship;
import org.opensha.sha.imr.PropagationEffect;
import org.opensha.sha.imr.ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI;
import org.opensha.sha.imr.param.PropagationEffectParams.DistanceRupParameter;
import org.opensha.sha.util.TRTUtils;
import org.opensha.sha.util.TectonicRegionType;

 * <p>
 * Title: DisaggregationCalculator
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Description: This class disaggregates a hazard curve based on the input
 * parameters imr, site and eqkRupforecast. See Bazzurro and Cornell (1999,
 * Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, pp. 501-520) for a complete discussion of
 * disaggregation. The Dbar computed here is for rupture distance. This assumes
 * all sources in the ERF are Poissonian.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Company:
 * </p>
 * @author Ned Field
 * @date Oct 28, 2002
 * @version 1.0

public class DisaggregationCalculator extends UnicastRemoteObject implements DisaggregationCalculatorAPI {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected final static String C = "DisaggregationCalculator";
    protected final static boolean D = false;

    // public static final String OPENSHA_SERVLET_URL =
    // ServerPrefUtils.SERVER_PREFS.getServletBaseURL() +
    // "DisaggregationPlotServlet";

    // disaggregation stuff

    private double[] mag_center, mag_binEdges;
    private double[] dist_center, dist_binEdges;

    private int NUM_E = 8;
    private double[][][] pdf3D;
    private double maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot;
    private double maxContrEpsilonForGMT_Plot;

    private int iMag, iDist, iEpsilon;
    private double mag, dist, epsilon;
    private boolean withinBounds;

    private double Mbar, Dbar, Ebar;
    private int M_index_mode3D, D_index_mode3D; // E_mode3D;

    // gets the Epsilon Range
    private String epsilonRangeString;

    private double totalRate, outOfBoundsRate;

    private int currRuptures = -1;
    private int totRuptures = 0;

    // gets the number of sources to be shown in the disaggregation window
    private int numSourcesToShow = 0;

    private boolean showDistances = true;

    // stores the source Disagg info
    private String sourceDisaggInfo;

    // Disaggregation Plot Img Name
    public static final String DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_NAME = "DisaggregationPlot";
    public static final String DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_IMG_NAME = DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_NAME + ".jpg";
    public static final String DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_PDF_NAME = DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_NAME + ".pdf";

    // Address to the disaggregation plot img
    private String disaggregationPlotImgWebAddr;

    static String[] epsilonColors = { "-G215/38/3", "-G252/94/62", "-G252/180/158", "-G254/220/210",
            "-G217/217/255", "-G151/151/255", "-G0/0/255", "-G0/0/170" };

     * creates the DisaggregationCalculator object
     * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException
     * @throws IOException
    public DisaggregationCalculator() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {

        // set defaults
        setMagRange(5, 9, 0.5);
        setDistanceRange(5, 11, 10);

        // Create adjustable parameters

     * this function performs the disaggregation. Returns true if it was
     * succesfully able to disaggregate above a given IML else return false
     * @param iml
     *            : the intensity measure level to disaggregate
     * @param site
     *            : site parameter
     * @param imr
     *            : selected IMR object
     * @param eqkRupForecast
     *            : selected Earthquake rup forecast
     * @return boolean
    public boolean disaggregate(double iml, Site site, ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI imr,
            EqkRupForecast eqkRupForecast, double maxDist, ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunc magDistFilter)
            throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        return disaggregate(iml, site, TRTUtils.wrapInHashMap(imr), eqkRupForecast, maxDist, magDistFilter);

    public boolean disaggregate(double iml, Site site,
            Map<TectonicRegionType, ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI> imrMap, EqkRupForecast eqkRupForecast,
            double maxDist, ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunc magDistFilter) throws RemoteException {

        double rate, condProb;

        DecimalFormat f1 = new DecimalFormat("000000");
        DecimalFormat f2 = new DecimalFormat("00.00");

        pdf3D = new double[dist_center.length][mag_center.length][NUM_E];

        DistanceRupParameter distRup = new DistanceRupParameter();

        String S = C + ": disaggregate(): ";

        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "STARTING DISAGGREGATION");

        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "iml = " + iml);

        // if( D )System.out.println(S + "deltaMag = " + deltaMag +
        // "; deltaDist = " + deltaDist + "; deltaE = " + deltaE);
        ArrayList<DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo> disaggSourceList = null;
        DisaggregationSourceRuptureComparator srcRupComparator = null;
        if (this.numSourcesToShow > 0) {
            disaggSourceList = new ArrayList<DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo>();
            srcRupComparator = new DisaggregationSourceRuptureComparator();
        // resetting the Parameter change Listeners on the
        // AttenuationRelationship
        // parameters. This allows the Server version of our application to
        // listen to the
        // parameter changes.
        for (ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI imr : imrMap.values())
            ((AttenuationRelationship) imr).resetParameterEventListeners();

        boolean includeMagDistFilter;
        if (magDistFilter == null)
            includeMagDistFilter = false;
            includeMagDistFilter = true;
        double magThresh = 0.0;

        // set the maximum distance in the attenuation relationship
        // (Note- other types of IMRs may not have this method so we should
        // really check type here)
        for (ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI imr : imrMap.values())

        // set iml in imr
        ParameterAPI<Double> im = TRTUtils.getFirstIMR(imrMap).getIntensityMeasure();
        if (im instanceof WarningParameterAPI<?>) {
            WarningParameterAPI<Double> warnIM = (WarningParameterAPI<Double>) im;
            warnIM.setValueIgnoreWarning(new Double(iml));
        } else {
            im.setValue(new Double(iml));

        // get total number of sources
        int numSources = eqkRupForecast.getNumSources();

        // HashMap<String, ArrayList<?>> sourceDissaggMap = new HashMap<String,
        // ArrayList<?>>();

        // compute the total number of ruptures for updating the progress bar
        totRuptures = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSources; ++i)
            totRuptures += eqkRupForecast.getSource(i).getNumRuptures();

        // init the current rupture number (also for progress bar)
        currRuptures = 0;

        for (ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI imr : imrMap.values()) {
            try {
                // set the site in IMR
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (D)
                    System.out.println(C + ":Param warning caught" + ex);

        // initialize
        Ebar = 0;
        Mbar = 0;
        Dbar = 0;
        totalRate = 0;
        outOfBoundsRate = 0;

        // initialize the PDF
        for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < mag_center.length; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < NUM_E; k++)
                    pdf3D[i][j][k] = 0;

        int numRupRejected = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < numSources; i++) {

            double sourceRate = 0;
            // get source and get its distance from the site
            ProbEqkSource source = eqkRupForecast.getSource(i);

            String sourceName = source.getName();
            int numRuptures = eqkRupForecast.getNumRuptures(i);

            // check the distance of the source
            double distance = source.getMinDistance(site);
            if (distance > maxDist) {
                currRuptures += numRuptures;

            // get magThreshold if we're to use the mag-dist cutoff filter
            if (includeMagDistFilter) {
                magThresh = magDistFilter.getInterpolatedY(distance);

            // set the IMR according to the tectonic region of the source (if
            // there is more than one)
            TectonicRegionType trt = source.getTectonicRegionType();
            ScalarIntensityMeasureRelationshipAPI imr = TRTUtils.getIMRForTRT(imrMap, trt);

            // if (numSourcesToShow > 0)
            // sourceDissaggMap.put(sourceName, new ArrayList());

            // loop over ruptures
            for (int n = 0; n < numRuptures; n++, ++currRuptures) {

                // get the rupture
                ProbEqkRupture rupture = source.getRupture(n);

                double qkProb = rupture.getProbability();

                // apply magThreshold if we're to use the mag-dist cutoff filter
                if (includeMagDistFilter && rupture.getMag() < magThresh) {
                    numRupRejected += 1;

                // set the rupture in the imr

                // get the cond prob
                condProb = imr.getExceedProbability();
                // should the following throw an exception?
                if (condProb == 0 && D)
                    System.out.println(S + "Exceedance probability is zero! (thus the NaNs below)");

                // get the mean, stdDev, epsilon, dist, and mag
                epsilon = imr.getEpsilon();
                distRup.setValue(rupture, site);
                dist = ((Double) distRup.getValue()).doubleValue();
                mag = rupture.getMag();

                // get the equiv. Poisson rate over the time interval (not
                // annualized)
                rate = -condProb * Math.log(1 - qkProb);

                 * if( Double.isNaN(epsilon) && testNum < 1) {
                 * System.out.println("srcName = " + sourceName + " src#=" + i +
                 * " rup#=" + n + " qkProb=" + (float)qkProb + " condProb=" +
                 * (float)condProb + " mean=" + (float)mean + " stdDev=" +
                 * (float)stdDev + " epsilon=" + (float)epsilon + " dist=" +
                 * (float)dist + " rate=" + (float)rate);
                 * System.out.println(rupture
                 * .getMag()+"  "+rupture.getRuptureSurface
                 * ().get(0,0).toString());
                 * System.out.println(rupture.getRuptureSurface
                 * ().getNumCols()+"  "
                 * +rupture.getRuptureSurface().getNumRows());
                 * System.out.println(site.getLocation().toString()); Iterator
                 * it = site.getParametersIterator(); while(it.hasNext())
                 * System.out.println(
                 * ((Parameter) );
                 * PropagationEffect pe = new PropagationEffect();
                 * pe.setAll(rupture,site);
                 * System.out.println(pe.getParamValue(DistanceSeisParameter
                 * .NAME));
                 * testNum += 1; }

                // proceed only if rate is greater than zero (avoids NaN
                // epsilons & is faster)
                if (rate > 0.0) {
                    // set the 3D array indices & check that all are in bounds
                    if (withinBounds)
                        pdf3D[iDist][iMag][iEpsilon] += rate;
                    else {
                        if (D)
                            System.out.println("disaggregation(): Some bin is out of range");
                        outOfBoundsRate += rate;

                    // if( D ) System.out.println("disaggregation(): bins: " +
                    // iMag + "; " + iDist + "; " + iEpsilon);

                    totalRate += rate;

                    Mbar += rate * mag;
                    Dbar += rate * dist;
                    Ebar += rate * epsilon;
                    sourceRate += rate;

                // create and add rupture info to source list
                 * if (numSourcesToShow > 0) { double eventRate = -Math.log(1 -
                 * qkProb); // this event rate is not annualized!
                 * DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo rupInfo = new
                 * DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo(null, eventRate, (float)
                 * rate, n, mag,dist); ( (ArrayList)
                 * sourceDissaggMap.get(sourceName)).add(rupInfo); }

            if (numSourcesToShow > 0) {
                // sort the ruptures in this source according to contribution
                // ArrayList sourceRupList = (ArrayList)
                // sourceDissaggMap.get(sourceName);
                // Collections.sort(sourceRupList,srcRupComparator);
                // create the total rate info for this source
                DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo disaggInfo = new DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo(sourceName,
                        (float) sourceRate, i, source);

        // if no rate of exceedance above a given IML then return false.
        if (!(totalRate > 0))
            return false;

        // sort the disaggSourceList according to contribution
        if (numSourcesToShow > 0) {
            Collections.sort(disaggSourceList, srcRupComparator);
            // make a string of the sorted list info
            sourceDisaggInfo = "Source#\t% Contribution\tTotExceedRate\tSourceName";
            if (showDistances)
                sourceDisaggInfo += "\tDistRup\tDistX\tDistSeis\tDistJB";
            sourceDisaggInfo += "\n";
            int size = disaggSourceList.size();
            if (size > numSourcesToShow)
                size = numSourcesToShow;
            // overide to only give the top 100 sources (otherwise can be to big
            // and cause crash)
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo disaggInfo = (DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo) disaggSourceList
                sourceDisaggInfo += f1.format(disaggInfo.getId()) + "\t"
                        + f2.format(100 * disaggInfo.getRate() / totalRate) + "\t" + (float) disaggInfo.getRate()
                        + "\t" + disaggInfo.getName();

                if (showDistances) {
                    ProbEqkSource source = disaggInfo.getSource();
                    double mag = 0;
                    for (int rupID = 0; rupID < source.getNumRuptures(); rupID++) {
                        double myMag = source.getRupture(rupID).getMag();
                        if (myMag > mag)
                            mag = myMag;

                    ProbEqkRupture fakeRupture = new ProbEqkRupture(mag, 0, 0, source.getSourceSurface(), null);
                    PropagationEffect pEffect = new PropagationEffect(site, fakeRupture);
                    sourceDisaggInfo += "\t" + f2.format(pEffect.getDistanceRup()) + "\t"
                            + f2.format(pEffect.getDistanceX()) + "\t" + f2.format(pEffect.getDistanceSeis()) + "\t"
                            + f2.format(pEffect.getDistanceJB());

                sourceDisaggInfo += "\n";
                // System.out.println(f2.format(100*disaggInfo.getRate()/totalRate));
         * try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("Source_Rupture_OpenSHA.txt");
         * String sourceRupDisaggregationInfo =
         * "#Source-Id  Source-Rate   Rupture-Id   Mag   Distance   Rupture-Exceed-Rate Rupture-Rate  Source-Name\n"
         * ; fw.write(sourceRupDisaggregationInfo); int size =
         * disaggSourceList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
         * DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo disaggInfo = (
         * DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo) disaggSourceList.get(i); String
         * sourceName = disaggInfo.getName(); String sourceInfo =
         * disaggInfo.getId() + "\t" + (float) disaggInfo.getRate(); ArrayList
         * rupList = (ArrayList) sourceDissaggMap.get(sourceName); int
         * rupListSize = rupList.size(); for (int j = 0; j < rupListSize; ++j) {
         * DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo disaggRupInfo =
         * (DisaggregationSourceRuptureInfo) rupList.get(j);
         * sourceRupDisaggregationInfo = sourceInfo + "\t" +
         * disaggRupInfo.getId() + "\t" + disaggRupInfo.getMag() + "\t" +
         * disaggRupInfo.getDistance() + "\t"+ (float) disaggRupInfo.getRate() +
         * "\t" + (float) disaggRupInfo.getEventRate() + "\t" + sourceName +
         * "\n"; fw.write(sourceRupDisaggregationInfo); } }
         * fw.close(); } catch (IOException ex1) { ex1.printStackTrace(); }

        Mbar /= totalRate;
        Dbar /= totalRate;
        Ebar /= totalRate;
        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "Mbar = " + Mbar);
        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "Dbar = " + Dbar);
        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "Ebar = " + Ebar);

        maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot = -1;
        int modeMagBin = -1, modeDistBin = -1, modeEpsilonBin = -1;
        double maxContrBinRate = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mag_center.length; j++) {
                double contrEpsilonSum = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < NUM_E; k++) {
                    pdf3D[i][j][k] = pdf3D[i][j][k] / totalRate * 100; // convert
                                                                       // to
                                                                       // summing over all the contributing Epsilon for a given
                                                                       // dist and Mag.
                    contrEpsilonSum += pdf3D[i][j][k];
                    if (pdf3D[i][j][k] > maxContrBinRate) {
                        maxContrBinRate = pdf3D[i][j][k];
                        modeDistBin = i;
                        modeMagBin = j;
                        modeEpsilonBin = k;
                if (contrEpsilonSum > maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot)
                    maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot = contrEpsilonSum;
        M_index_mode3D = modeMagBin;
        D_index_mode3D = modeDistBin;
        epsilonRangeString = this.getEpsilonRange(modeEpsilonBin);
        // E_mode3D = eps(modeEpsilonBin);

        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "MagModeIndex = " + M_index_mode3D + "; binNum = " + modeMagBin);
        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "DistModeIndex = " + D_index_mode3D + "; binNum = " + modeDistBin);
        if (D)
            System.out.println(S + "EpsMode = " + epsilonRangeString + "; binNum = " + modeEpsilonBin);
        // if( D ) System.out.println(S + "EpsMode = " + E_mode3D +
        // "; binNum = " + modeEpsilonBin);

        System.out.println("numRupRejected=" + numRupRejected);

        return true;

     * Returns the disaggregated source list with following info ( in each line)
     * 1)Source Id as given by OpenSHA 2)Name of the Source 3)Rate Contributed
     * by that source 4)Percentage Contribution of the source in Hazard at the
     * site.
     * @return String
     * @throws RemoteException
    public String getDisaggregationSourceInfo() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        if (numSourcesToShow > 0)
            return sourceDisaggInfo;
        return "";

     * Setting up the Mag Range
     * @param minMag
     *            double - this is the center of the first bin
     * @param numMags
     *            int
     * @param deltaMag
     *            double
    public void setMagRange(double minMag, int numMags, double deltaMag) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        mag_center = new double[numMags];
        mag_binEdges = new double[numMags + 1];
        mag_binEdges[0] = minMag - deltaMag / 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < numMags; i++) {
            mag_center[i] = minMag + i * deltaMag;
            mag_binEdges[i + 1] = mag_center[i] + deltaMag / 2;

     * Setting up the Mag Range
     * @param dmagBinEdges
     *            - a double array of the distance-bin edges (in correct order,
     *            from low to high)
    public void setMagRange(double[] magBinEdges) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        this.mag_binEdges = magBinEdges;
        mag_center = new double[mag_binEdges.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < mag_center.length; i++)
            mag_center[i] = (mag_binEdges[i] + mag_binEdges[i + 1]) / 2;

     * Setting up the Distance Range
     * @param minDist
     *            double - this is the center of the first bin
     * @param numDist
     *            int
     * @param deltaDist
     *            double
    public void setDistanceRange(double minDist, int numDist, double deltaDist) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        dist_center = new double[numDist];
        dist_binEdges = new double[numDist + 1];
        dist_binEdges[0] = minDist - deltaDist / 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < numDist; i++) {
            dist_center[i] = minDist + i * deltaDist;
            dist_binEdges[i + 1] = dist_center[i] + deltaDist / 2;
        // hack test:
        // double[] temp = {0,1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200};
        // setDistanceRange(temp);

     * Setting up the Distance Range
     * @param distBinEdges
     *            - a double array of the distance-bin edges (in correct order,
     *            from low to high)
    public void setDistanceRange(double[] distBinEdges) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        this.dist_binEdges = distBinEdges;
        dist_center = new double[distBinEdges.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; i++)
            dist_center[i] = (distBinEdges[i] + distBinEdges[i + 1]) / 2;

     * Sets the Max Z Axis Range value for plotting purposes
     * @param zMax
     * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException
    public void setMaxZAxisForPlot(double zMax) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        if (!Double.isNaN(zMax))
            maxContrEpsilonForGMT_Plot = zMax;
            maxContrEpsilonForGMT_Plot = this.maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot;

     * gets the number of current rupture being processed
     * @return
    public int getCurrRuptures() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        return this.currRuptures;

     * gets the total number of ruptures
     * @return
    public int getTotRuptures() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        return this.totRuptures;

     * Checks to see if disaggregation calculation for the selected site have
     * been completed.
     * @return
    public boolean done() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        return (currRuptures == totRuptures);

     * @returns resultant disaggregation in a String format.
     * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException
    public String getMeanAndModeInfo() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {

        float mm_l = (float) mag_binEdges[M_index_mode3D];
        float mm_u = (float) mag_binEdges[M_index_mode3D + 1];
        float dm_l = (float) dist_binEdges[D_index_mode3D];
        float dm_u = (float) dist_binEdges[D_index_mode3D + 1];
        // float em_l = (float) (E_mode3D-deltaE/2.0);
        // float em_u = (float) (E_mode3D+deltaE/2.0);
        String results;

        results = "\n" + "\n  Mbar = " + (float) Mbar + "\n  Dbar = " + (float) Dbar + "\n  Ebar = " + (float) Ebar
                + "\n" + "\n  " + mm_l + "  Mmode < " + mm_u + "\n  " + dm_l + "  Dmode < " + dm_u;
         * if( E_mode3D == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || E_mode3D ==
         * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) results += "\n  Emode = " + E_mode3D; else
         * results += "\n  " + em_l+"  Emode < " + em_u;
        results += "\n" + epsilonRangeString;

        if (totalRate == 0.0)
            results += "\n\nNote:\n" + "The above NaN values result from the chosen IML\n"
                    + "(or that interpolated from the chosen probability)\n" + "never being exceeded.";

         * results = "Disaggregation Result:\n\n\tMbar = " + Mbar +
         * "\n\tDbar = " + Dbar + "\n\tEbar = " + Ebar + "\n\n\tMmode = " +
         * M_mode3D + "\n\tDmode = " + D_mode3D + "\n\tEmode = " + E_mode3D;

        return results;


     * Returns the Bin Data in the String format
     * @return String
     * @throws RemoteException
    public String getBinData() throws java.rmi.RemoteException {

        DecimalFormat f1 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        DecimalFormat f2 = new DecimalFormat("00.00");
        DecimalFormat f3 = new DecimalFormat("000.00");
        double totPercent, percent;

        String binInfo = "Dist\tMag\tE-2\t-2<E-1\t-1<E-0.5\t "
                + "-0.5>E0\t 0<E0.5\t 0.5<E1\t 1<E2\t 2>E \n";
        binInfo += "-----\t----\t------\t------\t-------\t" + "-------\t-------\t-------\t-------\t------\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; ++i) {
            for (int j = 0; j < mag_center.length; ++j) {
                binInfo += f3.format(dist_center[i]) + " \t " + f1.format(mag_center[j]) + " \t ";
                String E_String = "";
                totPercent = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < NUM_E; ++k) {
                    percent = pdf3D[i][j][k];
                    E_String += f2.format(percent) + " \t ";
                    totPercent += percent;
                binInfo += E_String + f2.format(totPercent) + "\n";
        return binInfo;

    private void setIndices() {
        withinBounds = true;
        iMag = -1;
        iDist = -1;

        // Get mag bin
        for (int i = 0; i < mag_center.length; i++)
            if (mag >= mag_binEdges[i] && mag < mag_binEdges[i + 1]) {
                iMag = i;

        // Get the dist bin
        for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; i++)
            if (dist >= dist_binEdges[i] && dist < dist_binEdges[i + 1]) {
                iDist = i;

        if (epsilon <= -2)
            iEpsilon = 0;
        else if (epsilon > -2 && epsilon <= -1)
            iEpsilon = 1;
        else if (epsilon > -1 && epsilon <= -0.5)
            iEpsilon = 2;
        else if (epsilon > -0.5 && epsilon <= 0)
            iEpsilon = 3;
        else if (epsilon > 0 && epsilon <= 0.5)
            iEpsilon = 4;
        else if (epsilon > 0.5 && epsilon <= 1.0)
            iEpsilon = 5;
        else if (epsilon > 1.0 && epsilon <= 2.0)
            iEpsilon = 6;
        else if (epsilon > 2.0)
            iEpsilon = 7;

        if (iMag == -1)
            withinBounds = false;
        if (iDist == -1)
            withinBounds = false;


     * Gets the Epsilon range String based on the index of the epsilon
     * @param iEpsilon
     *            int
     * @return String
    private String getEpsilonRange(int iEpsilon) {

        switch (iEpsilon) {
        case 0:
            return "Emode <= -2";
        case 1:
            return "-2 < Emode <= -1";
        case 2:
            return "-1 < Emode <= -0.5";
        case 3:
            return "-0.5 < Emode <= 0.0";
        case 4:
            return "0.0 < Emode <= 0.5";
        case 5:
            return "0.5 < Emode <= 1.0";
        case 6:
            return "1.0 < Emode <= 2.0";
        case 7:
            return "2.0 < Emode ";
            return "Incorrect Index";

    // /**
    // * Gets the plot image for the Disaggregation
    // * @param metadata String
    // * @return String
    // */
    // public String getDisaggregationPlotUsingServlet(String metadata) throws
    // java.
    // rmi.RemoteException {
    // DisaggregationPlotData data = new DisaggregationPlotData(mag_center,
    // mag_binEdges, dist_center, dist_binEdges,
    // maxContrEpsilonForGMT_Plot, NUM_E, pdf3D);
    // disaggregationPlotImgWebAddr = openServletConnection(data, metadata);
    // return disaggregationPlotImgWebAddr;
    // }

     * Creates the GMT_Script lines
    // public static ArrayList<String>
    // createGMTScriptForDisaggregationPlot(DisaggregationPlotData data, String
    // dir){
    // double x_axis_length = 4.5; // in inches
    // double y_axis_length = 4.0; // in inches
    // double z_axis_length = 2.5; // in inches
    // int numTicksToDrawForZAxis = 5;
    // // compute z-axis tick spacing & max z value
    // double z_tick =
    // Math.ceil(data.getMaxContrEpsilonForGMT_Plot()/numTicksToDrawForZAxis);
    // double maxZVal = z_tick * numTicksToDrawForZAxis;
    // ArrayList<String> gmtScriptLines = new ArrayList<String>();
    // //
    // System.out.println(maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot+"\t"+z_grid+"\t"+maxZVal);
    // double dist_binEdges[] = data.getDist_binEdges();
    // double mag_binEdges[] = data.getMag_binEdges();
    // double dist_center[] = data.getDist_center();
    // double mag_center[] = data.getMag_center();
    // int numE = data.getNUM_E();
    // double pdf3D[][][] = data.getPdf3D();
    // // data.get
    // float min_dist = (float) dist_binEdges[0];
    // float max_dist = (float) dist_binEdges[dist_binEdges.length-1];
    // float min_mag = (float) mag_binEdges[0];
    // float max_mag = (float) mag_binEdges[mag_binEdges.length-1];
    // double totDist = dist_binEdges[dist_binEdges.length-1]-dist_binEdges[0];
    // double x_tick;
    // if(totDist<115) x_tick = 10;
    // else if (totDist<225) x_tick = 20;
    // else if (totDist<335) x_tick = 30;
    // else if (totDist<445) x_tick = 40;
    // else x_tick = 50;
    // double distBinWidthToInches = x_axis_length/totDist;
    // double totMag = mag_binEdges[mag_binEdges.length-1]-mag_binEdges[0];
    // double y_tick;
    // if(totMag<5) y_tick = 0.5;
    // else y_tick = 1.0;
    // double magBinWidthToInches = y_axis_length/totMag;
    // gmtScriptLines.add("#!/bin/bash");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("cd " + dir);
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // gmtScriptLines.addAll(GMT_MapGenerator.getGMTPathEnvLines());
    // gmtScriptLines.add("## Plot Script ##");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // try{
    // String region =
    // "-R"+min_dist+"/"+max_dist+"/"+min_mag+"/"+max_mag+"/"+0+"/"+maxZVal;
    // String projection = "-JX"+x_axis_length+"i/"+y_axis_length+"i";
    // String viewAngle = "-E150/30";
    // String boxPenWidth = "-W0.5p"; // pen width for drawing boxes
    // String verticalScaling = "-JZ"+z_axis_length+"i";
    // // temporarily switching background color to 0/0/0 from 180/180/180
    // because anything
    // // that's not pure white comes out as pure black
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${GMT_PATH}gmtset PAGE_COLOR 255/255/255");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${GMT_PATH}gmtset X_ORIGIN 1.0i");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${GMT_PATH}gmtset Y_ORIGIN 2.0i");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // String img_ps_file = "";
    // String axisBoundaryTicksBounds =
    // "-B"+x_tick+":\"Rupture Distance (km)\":"+"/"+y_tick+":Magnitude:"+
    // "/"+z_tick+":%Contribution:"+"wSnEZ";
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo \"plotting axis\"");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}cat << END > temp_segments");
    // //creating the grid lines on Z axis.
    // //System.out.println(z_tick+"   "+maxZVal+"   "+maxContrEpsilonForDisaggrPlot);
    // for (double k = z_tick; k <= maxZVal; k += z_tick) {
    // gmtScriptLines.add(">");
    // gmtScriptLines.add(min_dist+"  "+ min_mag+" "+k);
    // gmtScriptLines.add(min_dist+"  "+max_mag+"  "+k);
    // gmtScriptLines.add(">");
    // gmtScriptLines.add(min_dist+"  "+ max_mag+"  "+k);
    // gmtScriptLines.add(+max_dist+"   "+max_mag+"  "+k);
    // }
    // gmtScriptLines.add(">");
    // gmtScriptLines.add(min_dist +"   "+ max_mag+"  " + 0);
    // gmtScriptLines.add( min_dist + "  "+max_mag + "  " + maxZVal);
    // gmtScriptLines.add(">");
    // gmtScriptLines.add(max_dist + "  "+ max_mag + " " + 0);
    // gmtScriptLines.add( + max_dist + "  " +max_mag+ " "+ maxZVal);
    // gmtScriptLines.add("END");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // //creating the GMT_Script for the plot
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${GMT_PATH}psxyz temp_segments -P "+
    // region+" -M  " +projection +"  "+verticalScaling+" -K -G0/0/0 "+
    // viewAngle + "  "+boxPenWidth+"  "+axisBoundaryTicksBounds
    // +" >  "+img_ps_file);
    // float contribution, base, top;
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo \"plotting disagg\"");
    // for (int i = 0; i < dist_center.length; ++i) {
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo \"plotting dist bin " + i +
    // "\"");
    // for (int j = mag_center.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { // ordering here is
    // important
    // double box_x_width = (dist_binEdges[i+1]-
    // dist_binEdges[i])*distBinWidthToInches - 0.05; // lst term leaves some
    // space
    // double box_y_width = (mag_binEdges[j+1]-
    // mag_binEdges[j])*magBinWidthToInches - 0.05;
    // String symbol = " -So"+box_x_width+"i/"+box_y_width+"ib";
    // base = 0;
    // top = 0;
    // for (int k = 0; k < numE; ++k) {
    // contribution = (float) pdf3D[i][j][k];
    // top = base + contribution;
    // if (contribution > 0.0) {
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " + "\"" + dist_center[i] + " " +
    // mag_center[j] + " " + top +
    // "\"" +
    // " | ${GMT_PATH}psxyz "
    // + "-P " + region + " " + projection + " " +
    // verticalScaling + symbol + base +
    // " -K -O " + epsilonColors[k] + "  " +
    // viewAngle +
    // "  " + boxPenWidth + " >> " + img_ps_file);
    // base = top;
    // }
    // }
    // }
    // }
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo \"plotting legend\"");
    // // add the legend boxes
    // // 1st legend box has origin offset in Y by -2 inches (and X by minus
    // some too)
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " + "\"" +
    // dist_binEdges[dist_binEdges.length-1] + " " + mag_binEdges[0] + " " +
    // (0.8*z_tick) +
    // "\"" + " | ${GMT_PATH}psxyz " + "-P -Y-1.25i -X-4.2i " +
    // region + " " +
    // projection + " " + verticalScaling + " -So0.3ib0 " +
    // " -K -O " +
    // epsilonColors[0] + "  " + viewAngle + "  " + boxPenWidth +
    // " >> " + img_ps_file);
    // // each now has origin offset in the X direction
    // for (int k = 1; k < numE; ++k) {
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " + "\"" +
    // dist_binEdges[dist_binEdges.length-1] + " " + mag_binEdges[0] + " " +
    // (0.8*z_tick) +
    // "\"" + " | ${GMT_PATH}psxyz " + "-P -X0.9i " +
    // region + " " +
    // projection + " " + verticalScaling + " -So0.3ib0 " +
    // " -K -O " +
    // epsilonColors[k] + "  " + viewAngle + "  " + boxPenWidth +
    // " >> " + img_ps_file);
    // }
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"0.0 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB e<-2\" > temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"0.9 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB -2<e<-1\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"1.8 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB -1<e<-0.5\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"2.7 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB -0.5<e<0\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"3.6 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB 0<e<0.5\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"4.5 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB 0.5<e<1\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"5.4 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB 1<e<2\" >> temp_label");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo " +
    // "\"6.3 0.75 13 0.0 12 CB 2<e\" >> temp_label");
    // // on gravity we used -X-2.45, but for some reason that puts stuff to the
    // right
    // // on
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${GMT_PATH}pstext temp_label -R0/8.5/0/11 -N -Jx1i -X-6.1 -P -O >> "
    // + img_ps_file);
    // gmtScriptLines.add("");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}echo \"converting postscript\"");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}cat "+img_ps_file+ " |"+
    // "gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=temp.jpg"+" -");
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${PS2PDF_PATH} "+img_ps_file+"  "+DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_PDF_NAME);
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${CONVERT_PATH} -crop 0x0 temp.jpg "+DISAGGREGATION_PLOT_IMG_NAME);
    // gmtScriptLines.add("${COMMAND_PATH}rm temp.jpg temp_segments");
    // }catch(Exception e){
    // e.printStackTrace();
    // }
    // return gmtScriptLines;
    // }

     * sets up the connection with the servlet on the server (
    // private String openServletConnection(DisaggregationPlotData data,
    // String metadata) throws RuntimeException{
    // String webaddr=null;
    // try{
    // if(D) System.out.println("starting to make connection with servlet");
    // URL gmtPlotServlet = new URL(OPENSHA_SERVLET_URL);
    // URLConnection servletConnection = gmtPlotServlet.openConnection();
    // if(D) System.out.println("connection established");
    // // inform the connection that we will send output and accept input
    // servletConnection.setDoInput(true);
    // servletConnection.setDoOutput(true);
    // // Don't use a cached version of URL connection.
    // servletConnection.setUseCaches (false);
    // servletConnection.setDefaultUseCaches (false);
    // // Specify the content type that we will send binary data
    // servletConnection.setRequestProperty
    // ("Content-Type","application/octet-stream");
    // ObjectOutputStream outputToServlet = new
    // ObjectOutputStream(servletConnection.getOutputStream());
    // //sending the disagg data
    // outputToServlet.writeObject(data);
    // //sending the contents of the Metadata file to the server.
    // outputToServlet.writeObject(metadata);
    // outputToServlet.flush();
    // outputToServlet.close();
    // // Receive the "actual webaddress of all the gmt related files"
    // // from the servlet after it has received all the data
    // ObjectInputStream inputToServlet = new
    // ObjectInputStream(servletConnection.getInputStream());
    // Object messageFromServlet = inputToServlet.readObject();
    // inputToServlet.close();
    // if(messageFromServlet instanceof String){
    // webaddr = (String) messageFromServlet;
    // if (D) System.out.println("Receiving the Input from the Servlet:" +
    // webaddr);
    // }
    // else
    // throw (RuntimeException)messageFromServlet;
    // }catch(RuntimeException e){
    // e.printStackTrace();
    // throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
    // }catch (Exception e) {
    // e.printStackTrace();
    // throw new RuntimeException("Server is down , please try again later");
    // }
    // return webaddr;
    // }

     * Sets the number of sources to be shown in the Disaggregation.
     * @param numSources
     *            int
     * @throws RemoteException
    public void setNumSourcestoShow(int numSources) throws RemoteException {
        numSourcesToShow = numSources;

    public void setShowDistances(boolean showDistances) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
        this.showDistances = showDistances;
