Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at OpenMRS is also distributed under * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc. */ package org.openmrs; import static; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNull.nullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.obs.ComplexData; import org.openmrs.util.Reflect; /** * This class tests all methods that are not getter or setters in the Obs java object TODO: finish * this test class for Obs * * @see Obs */ public class ObsTest { private static final String VERO = "Vero"; private static final String FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR = "^"; //ignore these fields, groupMembers and formNamespaceAndPath field are taken care of by other tests private static final List<String> IGNORED_FIELDS = Arrays.asList("dirty", "log", "serialVersionUID", "DATE_TIME_PATTERN", "TIME_PATTERN", "DATE_PATTERN", "FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR", "FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH", "obsId", "groupMembers", "uuid", "changedBy", "dateChanged", "voided", "voidedBy", "voidReason", "dateVoided", "formNamespaceAndPath", "$jacocoData"); private void resetObs(Obs obs) throws Exception { Field field = Obs.class.getDeclaredField("dirty"); field.setAccessible(true); try { field.set(obs, false); } finally { field.setAccessible(false); } assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } private Obs createObs(Integer id) throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(id); List<Field> fields = Reflect.getAllFields(Obs.class); for (Field field : fields) { if (IGNORED_FIELDS.contains(field.getName())) { continue; } setFieldValue(obs, field, false); } assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); return obs; } private void setFieldValue(Obs obs, Field field, boolean setAlternateValue) throws Exception { final boolean accessible = field.isAccessible(); if (!accessible) { field.setAccessible(true); } try { Object oldFieldValue = field.get(obs); Object newFieldValue = generateValue(field, setAlternateValue); //sanity check if (setAlternateValue) { assertNotEquals("The old and new values should be different for field: Obs." + field.getName(), oldFieldValue, newFieldValue); } field.set(obs, newFieldValue); } finally { field.setAccessible(accessible); } } private Object generateValue(Field field, boolean setAlternateValue) throws Exception { Object fieldValue; if (field.getType().equals(Boolean.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? true : false; } else if (field.getType().equals(Integer.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? 10 : 17; } else if (field.getType().equals(Double.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? 5.0 : 7.0; } else if (field.getType().equals(Date.class)) { fieldValue = new Date(); if (setAlternateValue) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 2); fieldValue = c.getTime(); } } else if (field.getType().equals(String.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? "old" : "new"; } else if (field.getType().equals(Person.class)) { //setPerson updates the personId, so we want the personIds to match for the tests to be valid fieldValue = new Person(setAlternateValue ? 10 : 17); } else if (field.getType().equals(ComplexData.class)) { fieldValue = new ComplexData(setAlternateValue ? "some complex data" : "Some other value", new Object()); } else if (field.getType().equals(Obs.Interpretation.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? Obs.Interpretation.ABNORMAL : Obs.Interpretation.CRITICALLY_ABNORMAL; } else if (field.getType().equals(Obs.Status.class)) { fieldValue = setAlternateValue ? Obs.Status.AMENDED : Obs.Status.PRELIMINARY; } else { fieldValue = field.getType().newInstance(); } assertNotNull("Failed to generate a value for field: Obs." + field.getName()); return fieldValue; } /** * Tests the addToGroup method in ObsGroup * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void shouldAddandRemoveObsToGroup() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(1); Obs obsGroup = new Obs(755); // These methods should not fail even with null attributes on the obs assertFalse(obsGroup.isObsGrouping()); assertFalse(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(false)); assertFalse(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(true)); // Check both flags for false // adding an obs when the obs group has no other obs // should not throw an error obsGroup.addGroupMember(obs); assertEquals(1, obsGroup.getGroupMembers().size()); // check duplicate add. should only be one obsGroup.addGroupMember(obs); assertTrue(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(false)); assertEquals("Duplicate add should not increase the grouped obs size", 1, obsGroup.getGroupMembers().size()); Obs obs2 = new Obs(2); obsGroup.removeGroupMember(obs2); assertTrue(obsGroup.hasGroupMembers(false)); assertEquals("Removing a non existent obs should not decrease the number of grouped obs", 1, obsGroup.getGroupMembers().size()); // testing removing an obs from a group that has a null obs list new Obs().removeGroupMember(obs2); obsGroup.removeGroupMember(obs); assertEquals(0, obsGroup.getGroupMembers().size()); // try to add an obs group to itself try { obsGroup.addGroupMember(obsGroup); fail("An APIException about adding an obsGroup should have been thrown"); } catch (APIException e) { // this exception is expected } } /** * tests the getRelatedObservations method: */ @Test public void shouldGetRelatedObservations() throws Exception { // create a child Obs Obs o = new Obs(); o.setDateCreated(new Date()); o.setLocation(new Location(1)); o.setObsDatetime(new Date()); o.setPerson(new Patient(2)); o.setValueText("childObs"); // create its sibling Obs oSibling = new Obs(); oSibling.setDateCreated(new Date()); oSibling.setLocation(new Location(1)); oSibling.setObsDatetime(new Date()); oSibling.setValueText("childObs2"); oSibling.setPerson(new Patient(2)); // create a parent Obs Obs oParent = new Obs(); oParent.setDateCreated(new Date()); oParent.setLocation(new Location(1)); oParent.setObsDatetime(new Date()); oSibling.setValueText("parentObs"); oParent.setPerson(new Patient(2)); // create a grandparent obs Obs oGrandparent = new Obs(); oGrandparent.setDateCreated(new Date()); oGrandparent.setLocation(new Location(1)); oGrandparent.setObsDatetime(new Date()); oGrandparent.setPerson(new Patient(2)); oSibling.setValueText("grandParentObs"); oParent.addGroupMember(o); oParent.addGroupMember(oSibling); oGrandparent.addGroupMember(oParent); // create a leaf observation at the grandparent level Obs o2 = new Obs(); o2.setDateCreated(new Date()); o2.setLocation(new Location(1)); o2.setObsDatetime(new Date()); o2.setPerson(new Patient(2)); o2.setValueText("grandparentLeafObs"); oGrandparent.addGroupMember(o2); /** * test to make sure that if the original child obs calls getRelatedObservations, it returns * itself and its siblings: original obs is one of two groupMembers, so relatedObservations * should return a size of set 2 then, make sure that if oParent calls * getRelatedObservations, it returns its own children as well as the leaf obs attached to * the grandparentObs oParent has two members, and one leaf ancestor -- so a set of size 3 * should be returned. */ assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2); assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 3); // create a great-grandparent obs Obs oGGP = new Obs(); oGGP.setDateCreated(new Date()); oGGP.setLocation(new Location(1)); oGGP.setObsDatetime(new Date()); oGGP.setPerson(new Patient(2)); oGGP.setValueText("grandParentObs"); oGGP.addGroupMember(oGrandparent); // create a leaf great-grandparent obs Obs oGGPleaf = new Obs(); oGGPleaf.setDateCreated(new Date()); oGGPleaf.setLocation(new Location(1)); oGGPleaf.setObsDatetime(new Date()); oGGPleaf.setPerson(new Patient(2)); oGGPleaf.setValueText("grandParentObs"); oGGP.addGroupMember(oGGPleaf); /** * now run the previous assertions again. this time there are two ancestor leaf obs, so the * first assertion should still return a set of size 2, but the second assertion sould * return a set of size 4. */ assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2); assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 4); // remove the grandparent leaf observation: oGrandparent.removeGroupMember(o2); // now the there is only one ancestor leaf obs: assertEquals(o.getRelatedObservations().size(), 2); assertEquals(oParent.getRelatedObservations().size(), 3); /** * finally, test a non-obsGroup and non-member Obs to the function Obs o2 is now not * connected to our heirarchy: an empty set should be returned: */ assertNotNull(o2.getRelatedObservations()); assertEquals(o2.getRelatedObservations().size(), 0); } /** * @see Obs#isComplex() */ @Test public void isComplex_shouldReturnTrueIfTheConceptIsComplex() throws Exception { ConceptDatatype cd = new ConceptDatatype(); cd.setName("Complex"); cd.setHl7Abbreviation("ED"); ConceptComplex complexConcept = new ConceptComplex(); complexConcept.setDatatype(cd); Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setConcept(complexConcept); Assert.assertTrue(obs.isComplex()); } /** * @see Obs#setValueAsString(String) */ @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void setValueAsString_shouldFailIfTheValueOfTheStringIsEmpty() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueAsString(""); } /** * @see Obs#setValueAsString(String) */ @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void setValueAsString_shouldFailIfTheValueOfTheStringIsNull() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueAsString(null); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsBoolean() */ @Test public void getValueAsBoolean_shouldReturnFalseForValue_numericConceptsIfValueIs0() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(0.0); Assert.assertEquals(false, obs.getValueAsBoolean()); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsBoolean() */ @Test public void getValueAsBoolean_shouldReturnNullForValue_numericConceptsIfValueIsNeither1Nor0() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(24.8); Assert.assertNull(obs.getValueAsBoolean()); } @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnNonPreciseValuesForNumericConcepts() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(25.125); ConceptNumeric cn = new ConceptNumeric(); ConceptDatatype cdt = new ConceptDatatype(); cdt.setHl7Abbreviation("NM"); cn.setDatatype(cdt); cn.setAllowDecimal(false); obs.setConcept(cn); String str = "25"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.US)); } @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldNotReturnLongDecimalNumbersAsScientificNotation() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(123456789.0); String str = "123456789.0"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.US)); } @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnDateInCorrectFormat() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueDatetime(new Date()); Concept cn = new Concept(); ConceptDatatype cdt = new ConceptDatatype(); cdt.setHl7Abbreviation("DT"); cn.setDatatype(cdt); obs.setConcept(cn); Date utilDate = new Date(); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String dateString = dateFormat.format(utilDate); Assert.assertEquals(dateString, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.US)); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsBoolean() */ @Test public void getValueAsBoolean_shouldReturnTrueForValue_numericConceptsIfValueIs1() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(1.0); Assert.assertEquals(true, obs.getValueAsBoolean()); } /** * @see Obs#getGroupMembers(boolean) */ @Test public void getGroupMembers_shouldGetAllGroupMembersIfPassedTrueAndNonvoidedIfPassedFalse() throws Exception { Obs parent = new Obs(1); Set<Obs> members = new HashSet<>(); members.add(new Obs(101)); members.add(new Obs(103)); Obs voided = new Obs(99); voided.setVoided(true); members.add(voided); parent.setGroupMembers(members); members = parent.getGroupMembers(true); assertEquals("set of all members should have length of 3", 3, members.size()); members = parent.getGroupMembers(false); assertEquals("set of non-voided should have length of 2", 2, members.size()); members = parent.getGroupMembers(); // should be same as false assertEquals("default should return non-voided with length of 2", 2, members.size()); } /** * @see Obs#hasGroupMembers(boolean) */ @Test public void hasGroupMembers_shouldReturnTrueIfThisObsHasGroupMembersBasedOnParameter() throws Exception { Obs parent = new Obs(5); Obs child = new Obs(33); child.setVoided(true); parent.addGroupMember(child); // Only contains 1 voided child assertTrue("When checking for all members, should return true", parent.hasGroupMembers(true)); assertFalse("When checking for non-voided, should return false", parent.hasGroupMembers(false)); assertFalse("Default should check for non-voided", parent.hasGroupMembers()); } /** * @see Obs#isObsGrouping() */ @Test public void isObsGrouping_shouldIncludeVoidedObs() throws Exception { Obs parent = new Obs(5); Obs child = new Obs(33); child.setVoided(true); parent.addGroupMember(child); assertTrue("When checking for Obs grouping, should include voided Obs", parent.isObsGrouping()); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale) */ @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldUseCommasOrDecimalPlacesDependingOnLocale() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(123456789.3); String str = "123456789,3"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.GERMAN)); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale) */ @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldNotUseThousandSeparator() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(123456789.0); String str = "123456789.0"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH)); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale) */ @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnRegularNumberForSizeOfZeroToOrGreaterThanTenDigits() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(1234567890.0); String str = "1234567890.0"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH)); } /** * @see Obs#getValueAsString(Locale) */ @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnRegularNumberIfDecimalPlacesAreAsHighAsSix() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueNumeric(123456789.012345); String str = "123456789.012345"; Assert.assertEquals(str, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ENGLISH)); } @Test public void getValueAsString_shouldReturnLocalizedCodedConcept() throws Exception { ConceptDatatype cdt = new ConceptDatatype(); cdt.setHl7Abbreviation("CWE"); Concept cn = new Concept(); cn.setDatatype(cdt); cn.addName(new ConceptName(VERO, Locale.ITALIAN)); Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setValueCoded(cn); obs.setConcept(cn); obs.setValueCodedName(new ConceptName("True", Locale.US)); Assert.assertEquals(VERO, obs.getValueAsString(Locale.ITALIAN)); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test public void setFormField_shouldSetTheUnderlyingFormNamespaceAndPathInTheCorrectPattern() throws Exception { final String ns = "my ns"; final String path = "my path"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, path); java.lang.reflect.Field formNamespaceAndPathProperty = Obs.class.getDeclaredField("formNamespaceAndPath"); formNamespaceAndPathProperty.setAccessible(true); Assert.assertEquals(ns + FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR + path, formNamespaceAndPathProperty.get(obs)); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldNamespace() */ @Test public void getFormFieldNamespace_shouldReturnNullIfTheNamespaceIsNotSpecified() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField("", "my path"); Assert.assertNull(obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldNamespace() */ @Test public void getFormFieldNamespace_shouldReturnTheCorrectNamespaceForAFormFieldWithAPath() throws Exception { final String ns = "my ns"; final String path = "my path"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, path); Assert.assertEquals(ns, obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldNamespace() */ @Test public void getFormFieldNamespace_shouldReturnTheNamespaceForAFormFieldThatHasNoPath() throws Exception { final String ns = "my ns"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, null); Assert.assertEquals(ns, obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldPath() */ @Test public void getFormFieldPath_shouldReturnNullIfThePathIsNotSpecified() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField("my ns", ""); Assert.assertNull(obs.getFormFieldPath()); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldPath() */ @Test public void getFormFieldPath_shouldReturnTheCorrectPathForAFormFieldWithANamespace() throws Exception { final String ns = "my ns"; final String path = "my path"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, path); Assert.assertEquals(path, obs.getFormFieldPath()); } /** * @see Obs#getFormFieldPath() */ @Test public void getFormFieldPath_shouldReturnThePathForAFormFieldThatHasNoNamespace() throws Exception { final String path = "my path"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField("", path); Assert.assertEquals(path, obs.getFormFieldPath()); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) public void setFormField_shouldRejectANamepaceAndPathCombinationLongerThanTheMaxLength() throws Exception { StringBuffer nsBuffer = new StringBuffer(125); for (int i = 0; i < 125; i++) { nsBuffer.append("n"); } StringBuffer pathBuffer = new StringBuffer(130); for (int i = 0; i < 130; i++) { nsBuffer.append("p"); } final String ns = nsBuffer.toString(); final String path = pathBuffer.toString(); Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, path); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) public void setFormField_shouldRejectANamepaceContainingTheSeparator() throws Exception { final String ns = "my ns" + FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField(ns, ""); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test(expected = APIException.class) public void setFormField_shouldRejectAPathContainingTheSeparator() throws Exception { final String path = FORM_NAMESPACE_PATH_SEPARATOR + "my path"; Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setFormField("", path); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnFalseWhenNoChangeHasBeenMade() throws Exception { assertFalse(new Obs().isDirty()); //Should also work if setters are called with same values as the original Obs obs = createObs(2); obs.setGroupMembers(new LinkedHashSet<>()); obs.getConcept().setDatatype(new ConceptDatatype()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); BeanUtils.copyProperties(obs, BeanUtils.cloneBean(obs)); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); obs = createObs(null); obs.setGroupMembers(new LinkedHashSet<>()); obs.getConcept().setDatatype(new ConceptDatatype()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); BeanUtils.copyProperties(obs, BeanUtils.cloneBean(obs)); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnTrueWhenAnyImmutableFieldHasBeenChangedForEditedObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(2); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); updateImmutableFieldsAndAssert(obs, true); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnFalseWhenAnyImmutableFieldHasBeenChangedForNewObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(null); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); updateImmutableFieldsAndAssert(obs, false); } private void updateImmutableFieldsAndAssert(Obs obs, boolean assertion) throws Exception { //Set all fields to some random values via reflection List<Field> fields = Reflect.getAllFields(Obs.class); final Integer originalPersonId = obs.getPersonId(); //call each setter and check that dirty has been set to true for each for (Field field : fields) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (IGNORED_FIELDS.contains(fieldName)) { continue; } if ("personId".equals(fieldName)) { //call setPersonId because it is protected so BeanUtils.setProperty won't work obs.setPersonId((Integer) generateValue(field, true)); } else { BeanUtils.setProperty(obs, fieldName, generateValue(field, true)); } assertEquals("Obs was not marked as dirty after changing: " + fieldName, obs.isDirty(), assertion); if ("person".equals(fieldName)) { //Because setPerson updates the personId we need to reset personId to its original value //that matches that of person otherwise the test will fail for the personId field obs.setPersonId(originalPersonId); } //reset for next field resetObs(obs); } } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnFalseWhenOnlyMutableFieldsAreChanged() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setVoided(true); obs.setVoidedBy(new User(1000)); obs.setVoidReason("some other reason"); obs.setDateVoided(new Date()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); Obs obsEdited = new Obs(5); obsEdited.setVoided(true); obsEdited.setVoidedBy(new User(1000)); obsEdited.setVoidReason("some other reason"); obsEdited.setDateVoided(new Date()); assertFalse(obsEdited.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnTrueWhenAnImmutableFieldIsChangedFromANonNullToANullValueForEditedObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(2); assertNotNull(obs.getComment()); obs.setComment(null); assertTrue(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnFalsWhenAnImmutableFieldIsChangedFromANonNullToANullValueForNewObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(null); assertNotNull(obs.getComment()); obs.setComment(null); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnTrueWhenAnImmutableFieldIsChangedFromANullToANonNullValueInExistingObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(5); assertNull(obs.getComment()); obs.setComment("some non null value"); assertTrue(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#isDirty() */ @Test public void isDirty_shouldReturnFalseWhenAnImmutableFieldIsChangedFromANullToANonNullValueInNewObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); assertNull(obs.getComment()); obs.setComment("some non null value"); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test public void setFormField_shouldNotMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheValueHasNotBeenChanged() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(3); obs.setFormField(obs.getFormFieldNamespace(), obs.getFormFieldPath()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test public void setFormField_shouldMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheValueHasBeenChanged() throws Exception { Obs obs = createObs(5); final String newNameSpace = "someNameSpace"; final String newPath = "somePath"; assertNotEquals(newPath, obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); assertNotEquals(newNameSpace, obs.getFormFieldPath()); obs.setFormField(newNameSpace, newPath); assertTrue(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test public void setFormField_shouldMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheValueIsChangedFromANonNullToANullValue() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(2); obs.setFormField("someNameSpace", "somePath"); resetObs(obs); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); assertNotNull(obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); assertNotNull(obs.getFormFieldPath()); obs.setFormField(null, null); assertTrue(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setFormField(String,String) */ @Test public void setFormField_shouldMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheValueIsChangedFromANullToANonNullValue() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(5); assertNull(obs.getFormFieldNamespace()); assertNull(obs.getFormFieldPath()); obs.setFormField("someNameSpace", "somePath"); assertTrue(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#addGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void addGroupMember_shouldReturnFalseWhenADuplicateObsIsAddedAsAMember() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(2); Obs member = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); resetObs(obs); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#addGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void addGroupMember_shouldReturnFalseWhenADuplicateObsIsAddedAsAMemberToNewObs() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); Obs member = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); resetObs(obs); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#addGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void addGroupMember_shouldReturnFalseWhenANewObsIsAddedAsAMember() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(2); Obs member1 = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member1); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); resetObs(obs); Obs member2 = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member2); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#removeGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void removeGroupMember_shouldReturnFalseWhenANonExistentObsIsRemoved() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.removeGroupMember(new Obs()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#removeGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void removeGroupMember_shouldReturnDirtyFalseWhenAnObsIsRemoved() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(2); Obs member = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); resetObs(obs); obs.removeGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#removeGroupMember(Obs) */ @Test public void removeGroupMember_shouldReturnFalseForDirtyFlagWhenAnObsIsRemovedFromGroup() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); Obs member = new Obs(); obs.addGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); resetObs(obs); obs.removeGroupMember(member); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkTheExistingObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsChangedFromNullToANonEmptyOne() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(5); assertNull(Obs.class.getDeclaredField("groupMembers").get(obs)); Set<Obs> members = new HashSet<>(); members.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkNewObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsChangedFromNullToANonEmptyOne() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); assertNull(Obs.class.getDeclaredField("groupMembers").get(obs)); Set<Obs> members = new HashSet<>(); members.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkTheExistingObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsReplacedWithAnotherWithDifferentMembers() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(2); Set<Obs> members1 = new HashSet<>(); members1.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members1); resetObs(obs); Set<Obs> members2 = new HashSet<>(); members2.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members2); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkTheNewObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsReplacedWithAnotherWithDifferentMembers() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); Set<Obs> members1 = new HashSet<>(); members1.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members1); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); Set<Obs> members2 = new HashSet<>(); members2.add(new Obs()); obs.setGroupMembers(members2); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsChangedFromNullToAnEmptyOne() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); assertNull(Obs.class.getDeclaredField("groupMembers").get(obs)); obs.setGroupMembers(new HashSet<>()); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setGroupMembers(Set) */ @Test public void setGroupMembers_shouldNotMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenTheSetIsReplacedWithAnotherWithSameMembers() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); Obs o = new Obs(); Set<Obs> members1 = new HashSet<>(); members1.add(o); obs.setGroupMembers(members1); resetObs(obs); Set<Obs> members2 = new HashSet<>(); members2.add(o); obs.setGroupMembers(members2); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } /** * @see Obs#setObsDatetime(Date) */ @Test public void setObsDateTime_shouldNotMarkTheObsAsDirtyWhenDateIsNotChangedAndExistingValueIsOfTimeStampType() { Obs obs = new Obs(); Date date = new Date(); Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); obs.setObsDatetime(timestamp); obs.setId(1); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); obs.setObsDatetime(date); assertFalse(obs.isDirty()); } @Test public void shouldSetFinalStatusOnNewObsByDefault() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); assertThat(obs.getStatus(), is(Obs.Status.FINAL)); } @Test public void newInstance_shouldCopyMostFields() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); obs.setStatus(Obs.Status.PRELIMINARY); obs.setInterpretation(Obs.Interpretation.LOW); obs.setConcept(new Concept()); obs.setValueNumeric(1.2); Obs copy = Obs.newInstance(obs); // these fields are not copied assertThat(copy.getObsId(), nullValue()); assertThat(copy.getUuid(), not(obs.getUuid())); // other fields are copied assertThat(copy.getConcept(), is(obs.getConcept())); assertThat(copy.getValueNumeric(), is(obs.getValueNumeric())); assertThat(copy.getStatus(), is(obs.getStatus())); assertThat(copy.getInterpretation(), is(obs.getInterpretation())); // TODO test that the rest of the fields are set } @Test public void shouldSupportInterpretationProperty() throws Exception { Obs obs = new Obs(); assertThat(obs.getInterpretation(), nullValue()); obs.setInterpretation(Obs.Interpretation.NORMAL); assertThat(obs.getInterpretation(), is(Obs.Interpretation.NORMAL)); } }