Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.
package org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.hibernate;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.openmrs.Concept;
import org.openmrs.Patient;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.DbSession;
import org.openmrs.api.db.hibernate.DbSessionFactory;
import org.openmrs.module.programOver.GlobalProperties;
import org.openmrs.module.programOver.advice.UsageStatsUtils;
import org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO;
import org.openmrs.module.regimenhistory.Regimen;
import org.openmrs.module.regimenhistory.RegimenComponent;
import org.openmrs.module.regimenhistory.RegimenUtils;


public class ProgramOverviewDAOimpl implements ProgramOverviewDAO {

    protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private DbSessionFactory sessionFactory;

    SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

     * @return the sessionFactory
    public DbSessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
        return sessionFactory;

     * @param sessionFactory the sessionFactory to set
    public void setSessionFactory(DbSessionFactory sessionFactory) {
        this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory;

    public List<Object[]> getPatientWhoDied(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge,
            Date maxAge) {

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String datef = null;

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String deathDate = new String("Death Date");
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ob.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId()) + " and ob.value_coded = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareDiedConceptId())
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery queryDate = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and value_coded= "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareDiedConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) <= "
                                + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'" + " and voided = 0 and person_id = " + patientId);
                List<Date> dateOfDeath = queryDate.list();

                if ((dateOfDeath.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                        && (dateOfDeath.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime()))


                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            dateOfDeath.get(0), deathDate };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

    public List<Object[]> getAllTransferedPatient(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String datef = null;
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        String transferredOutdate = new String("Transfer Date");

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + "and ob.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId()) + " and ob.value_coded = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromTransferredOutConceptId())
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {
                SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and value_coded = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromTransferredOutConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) <= "
                                + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'" + " and voided = 0 and person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Date> maxObsDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                if ((maxObsDateTime.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                        && (maxObsDateTime.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime()))


                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxObsDateTime.get(0), transferredOutdate };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientPharmacyVisit(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastPharmacyVisitDate = new String("Last Pharmacy Visit Date");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ob.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId()) + " and ob.value_coded =  "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetPharmacyVisitAsAnswerToReasonForVisitConceptId())
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate3 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs ob where concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId())
                                    + " and value_coded = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(
                                    + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE))>= '" + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and ob.voided = 0 and ob.person_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                    if ((lastPharmacyDates.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                            && (lastPharmacyDates.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime()))

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        /*if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {
                           if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxEnocunterDateTime
                         .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                         || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxReturnVisitDay
                                 .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {*/

                        //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        //                             .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        //                                .getRegimenList();
                        //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                        components = r.getComponents();
                        //                     }
                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay, lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };

                        /*   }
                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {
                           if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                         && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {
                              //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                              //                             .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                              //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                              //                                .getRegimenList();
                              //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                              //                        components = r.getComponents();
                              //                     }
                              patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };
                        } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())
                           //                  if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                           //                          .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                           //                     regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                           //                             .getRegimenList();
                           //                  for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                           //                     components = r.getComponents();
                           //                  }
                           patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                         maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                         lastReturnVisitDay, lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;

    public List<Object[]> getAllConsultedPatient(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastConsultation = new String("Last Consultation Date");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ob.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId()) + " and ob.value_coded = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(ob.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate3 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId())
                                    + " and value_coded = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties
                                    + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and obs_datetime>= '"
                                    + df.format(startDate) + "' and obs_datetime <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and voided = 0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> consultationDate = queryDate3.list();

                    if ((consultationDate.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                            && (consultationDate.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                    || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {
                                //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                             .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                                .getRegimenList();
                                //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                //                        components = r.getComponents();
                                //                     }

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay, consultationDate.get(0), lastConsultation };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                             .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                                .getRegimenList();
                                //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                //                        components = r.getComponents();
                                //                     }

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay, consultationDate.get(0), lastConsultation };

                        } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                            //                  if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            //                          .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                            //                     regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            //                             .getRegimenList();
                            //                  for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                            //                     components = r.getComponents();
                            //                  }

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, consultationDate.get(0), lastConsultation };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @throws java.text.ParseException
     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllARVPatients(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllARVPatients(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge,
            Date maxAge) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub   
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        try {
            DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
            String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
            String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
            String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
            List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
            Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

            Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs()
                    + ") and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    try {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                    || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO: handle exception


        catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception
        return listPatientHistory;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllProphylaxisPatient(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllProphylaxisPatient(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String datef = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    /* + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "*/
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfProphylaxisDrugs()
                    + ") and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                        + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                        + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                        + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                        + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                        + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                        + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                        + "' and pg.patient_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryExited = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                    List<Integer> patientIds3 = queryExited.list();

                    if (patientIds3.size() == 0) {

                        try {

                            SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                            + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate)
                                            + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                    .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                        patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay };


                                else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null)
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                    if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                            && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                        if (RegimenUtils
                                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                            regimens = RegimenUtils

                                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                            components = r.getComponents();

                                        patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay };


                                else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime()) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                            lastReturnVisitDay };

                        } catch (Exception e) {

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInSecondLine(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfSecondLineDrugs() + ") "
                    + "and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + endDate
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = "
                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                            + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


                    else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


                    else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                        if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                            regimens = RegimenUtils

                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                            components = r.getComponents();

                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay };


        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


    public String getRegimensAsString(Set<RegimenComponent> regimens) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        RegimenComponent[] components = regimens.toArray(new RegimenComponent[0]);

        for (int r = 0; r < components.length; r++) {

            RegimenComponent reg = components[r];
            RegimenComponent nextReg = (r < components.length - 1) ? components[r + 1] : null;

            if (nextReg == null || !reg.getStartDate().equals(nextReg.getStartDate()))
                sb.append(reg.toString() + "  ");
                sb.append(reg.getDrug().getName() + "-");
        return sb.toString();

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getPatientsAttributes(java.lang.String,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public String getPatientsAttributes(String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        StringBuffer attributeQPortion = new StringBuffer();
        //if (!gender.equals("")) {
        if (!gender.equals("any")) {
            attributeQPortion.append(" gender='" + gender + "' ");
        //         else {
        //            attributeQPortion.append(" gender='m' OR gender='f'");
        //         }
        //   }

        if (maxAge != null || minAge != null) {
            if (minAge != null && maxAge == null) {
                        ((gender.equals("any")) ? " '" : " and '") + df.format(minAge) + "' >= pe.birthdate ");
            } else if (maxAge != null && minAge == null) {
                        ((gender.equals("any")) ? " '" : " and '") + df.format(maxAge) + "' <= pe.birthdate ");
            } else if (maxAge != null && minAge != null) {
                attributeQPortion.append(((gender.equals("any")) ? " " : " and ") + " pe.birthdate  between '"
                        + df.format(maxAge) + "' and '" + df.format(minAge) + "'");

        return (attributeQPortion.length() > 0) ? " where " + attributeQPortion.toString() : "";

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsEnrolledInAProgram(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsEnrolledInAProgram(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                                + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(min(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where (select cast(min(date_enrolled) as DATE)) is not null and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    if (dateEnrolled.get(0) != null) {

                        if ((dateEnrolled.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                                && (dateEnrolled.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime()))

                            SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                            + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate)
                                            + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                    .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                            lastReturnVisitDay, dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };


                            else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null)
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                            lastReturnVisitDay, dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };
                            } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                    && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime()) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay, dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };



        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllARVPatientsWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllARVPatientsWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastPharmacyVisitDate = new String("Last Pharmacy Visit Date");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        int withoutPharmacyVisitForXdays = numberOfMonths;

        int indicator = 0;

        Date dateWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate,

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        //      Date today = new Date();
        //      HashMap<Integer, Long> patientMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();

        try {
            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    /* + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "*/
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs()
                    + ") and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and o.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 " + " and o.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId()) + " and o.value_coded = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetPharmacyVisitAsAnswerToReasonForVisitConceptId())
                    + " and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                                + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId())
                                    + " and value_coded = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(
                                    + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    Date lastPharmacyVisitdate = (Date) queryDate.list().get(0);

                    //            if (lastPharmacyVisitdate != null && today != null) {
                    //               long diffdays = UsageStatsUtils.calculateDiffDays(today, lastPharmacyVisitdate);
                    //               patientMap.put(patientId, diffdays / 30);
                    //            }
                    //         }
                    //      }
                    //      for (Integer key : patientMap.keySet()) {
                    //         try {
                    //            if (patientMap.get(key) == withoutPharmacyVisitFordays) {

                    if ((lastPharmacyVisitdate.getTime()) >= dateWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays.getTime()
                            && (lastPharmacyVisitdate.getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())



                    else if ((lastPharmacyVisitdate.getTime() >= endDate.getTime())) {



                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);
                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        SQLQuery queryDate3 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                        + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReasonForVisitConceptId())
                                        + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and value_coded = "
                                        + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties
                                        + " and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();
                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();
                        //List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                        //               if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) {
                        //                  if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxEnocunterDateTime
                        //                          .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                        //                          || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxReturnVisitDay
                        //                                  .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {
                        //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key)).getRegimenList()
                        //                             .size() != 0)
                        //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key))
                        //                                .getRegimenList();
                        //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                        components = r.getComponents();
                        //                     }
                        //                     patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key),
                        //                             maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay, lastReturnVisitDay,
                        //                             getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
                        //                             lastPharmacyVisitDate };
                        //                     listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
                        //                  }
                        //               }
                        //               else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {
                        //                  if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                        //                          && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {
                        //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key)).getRegimenList()
                        //                             .size() != 0)
                        //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key))
                        //                                .getRegimenList();
                        //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                        components = r.getComponents();
                        //                     }
                        //                     patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key),
                        //                             maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay, lastReturnVisitDay,
                        //                             getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
                        //                             lastPharmacyVisitDate };
                        //                     listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
                        //                  }
                        //               } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))
                        //               {

                        //               if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        //                  regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        //                          .getRegimenList();
                        //               for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                  components = r.getComponents();
                        //               }

                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay, lastPharmacyVisitdate, lastPharmacyVisitDate };




        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsWithoutCD4CountsForXDays(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsWithoutCD4CountsForXDays(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastPharmacyVisitDate = new String("Last CD4 Count Test Date");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        //      Date today = new Date();
        //      HashMap<Integer, Long> patientMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        int withoutCD4CountTestForXdays = numberOfMonths;

        int indicator = 0;

        Date dateWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate,

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ob.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                    + " and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0) and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                                    + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and person_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    Date lastCD4CountTestDate = (Date) queryDate.list().get(0);

                    //            if (lastPharmacyVisitdate != null && today != null) {
                    //               long diffdays = UsageStatsUtils.calculateDiffDays(today, lastPharmacyVisitdate);
                    //               patientMap.put(patientId, diffdays / 30);
                    //            }
                    //         }
                    //      }
                    //      for (Integer key : patientMap.keySet()) {
                    //         try {
                    //            if (patientMap.get(key) == withoutPharmacyVisitFordays) {

                    if ((lastCD4CountTestDate.getTime()) >= dateWithoutVisitingPharmacyForXDays.getTime()
                            && (lastCD4CountTestDate.getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())



                    else if ((lastCD4CountTestDate.getTime() >= endDate.getTime()))




                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);
                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and person_id = " + patientId);

                        SQLQuery queryDate3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE) from obs where (select cast(max(obs_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and concept_id = "
                                        + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                                        + " and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();
                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();
                        //List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                        //               if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) {
                        //                  if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxEnocunterDateTime
                        //                          .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                        //                          || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime() && (maxReturnVisitDay
                        //                                  .get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {
                        //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key)).getRegimenList()
                        //                             .size() != 0)
                        //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key))
                        //                                .getRegimenList();
                        //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                        components = r.getComponents();
                        //                     }
                        //                     patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key),
                        //                             maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay, lastReturnVisitDay,
                        //                             getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
                        //                             lastPharmacyVisitDate };
                        //                     listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
                        //                  }
                        //               }
                        //               else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {
                        //                  if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                        //                          && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {
                        //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key)).getRegimenList()
                        //                             .size() != 0)
                        //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key))
                        //                                .getRegimenList();
                        //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                        components = r.getComponents();
                        //                     }
                        //                     patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(key),
                        //                             maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay, lastReturnVisitDay,
                        //                             getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
                        //                             lastPharmacyVisitDate };
                        //                     listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
                        //                  }
                        //               } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))
                        //               {

                        //               if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        //                  regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        //                          .getRegimenList();
                        //               for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        //                  components = r.getComponents();
                        //               }

                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay, lastCD4CountTestDate, lastPharmacyVisitDate };


        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsActive(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsActive(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 "
                    + "and o.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and ord.discontinued = 0 "
                    + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = "
                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                            + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


                    else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };

                    } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                        if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                            regimens = RegimenUtils

                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                            components = r.getComponents();

                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsNewOnARVsBetweenDate(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsNewOnARVsBetweenDate(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        try {
            DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
            String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
            String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
            String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
            List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
            Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

            Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    /* + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "*/
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                    + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();
            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0)


                    SQLQuery queryMinStartDate = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date)) from orders ord "
                                    + " inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                    + " inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                    + " where ord.concept_id IN (" + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                                    + " and (select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date))) is not null and ord.voided = 0 and ord.patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> patientIdsMinStartDate = queryMinStartDate.list();

                    if ((patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                            && (patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                    || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsNewOnProphylaxisBetweenDate(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsNewOnProphylaxisBetweenDate(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String datef = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfProphylaxisDrugs() + ") "
                    + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                        + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                        + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                        + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                        + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                        + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                        + "' and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                        + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.patient_id="
                        + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0)


                    SQLQuery queryExited = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                    + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                    List<Integer> patientIds3 = queryExited.list();

                    if (patientIds3.size() == 0)


                        SQLQuery queryMinStartDate = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date)) from orders ord "
                                        + " inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                        + " inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                        + " where ord.concept_id IN ("
                                        + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfProphylaxisDrugs() + ") "
                                        + " and (select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date))) is not null and ord.voided = 0 and ord.patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> patientIdsMinStartDate = queryMinStartDate.list();

                        if ((patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                                && (patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) {

                            SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                            + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate)
                                            + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                    .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                            lastReturnVisitDay };


                            else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null)
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        regimens = RegimenUtils

                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                            lastReturnVisitDay };


                            else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                    && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


            //      }
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsEligibleForARVsButNotYetStarted(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsEligibleForARVsButNotYetStarted(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        double val = 0;

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastPharmacyVisitDate = new String("Last CD4 Count Test");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pa.voided = 0 and o.concept_id = "
                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId);
            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = new ArrayList<Date>();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery query2Date = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE) from obs where concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                                    + " and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) is not null and voided=0 and person_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> maxObsDateTimeCD4Count = query2Date.list();

                    if ((maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                            && (maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) {
                        SQLQuery query3 = session.createSQLQuery("select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetCD4CountConceptId())
                                + " and obs_datetime = '" + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0)
                                + "' and value_numeric is not null and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Double> maxValueNumericCD4Count = query3.list();

                        //val = (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() > 0) ? maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) : 400;

                        if (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() != 0)


                            if (maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) < 350.0) {

                                SQLQuery query4 = session
                                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                                                + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                                                + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                                                + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                                                + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                                + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                                + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                                                + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                                                + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                                                + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                                                + " and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                                + "' and pg.voided= 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and pg.program_id= "
                                                + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null and pg.patient_id =  "
                                                + patientId);

                                List<Integer> patientIds4 = query4.list();

                                if (patientIds4.size() == 0) {

                                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                                    + df.format(endDate)
                                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                                    + patientId);

                                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
                                                    + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                                    + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                                    + Integer.parseInt(
                                                    + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                                    + patientId);

                                    maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null)
                                            && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                .getTime())) {

                                            //                              if (RegimenUtils
                                            //                                      .getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                            //                                      .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                            //                                 regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
                                            //                                     Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
                                            //                              for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                            //                                 components = r.getComponents();
                                            //                              }

                                            patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                    maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                    maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


                                    else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null)
                                            && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                        if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
                                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                            //                              if (RegimenUtils
                                            //                                      .getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                            //                                      .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                            //                                 regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
                                            //                                     Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
                                            //                              for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                            //                                 components = r.getComponents();
                                            //                              }

                                            patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                    maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                    maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


                                    else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                                        //                           if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                        //                                   .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                        //                              regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
                                        //                                  Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
                                        //                           for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                        //                              components = r.getComponents();
                                        //                           }

                                        patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInFirstLine(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInFirstLine(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String datef = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfFirstLineDrugs()
                    + ") and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                        + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                        + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                        + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfSecondLineDrugs() + ") "
                        + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                        + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                        + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                        + "' and pg.patient_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryExited = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                    + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + endDate
                                    + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                    List<Integer> patientIds3 = queryExited.list();

                    if (patientIds3.size() == 0) {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                    || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };

                        } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllCumulativePatientsOnARVs(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllCumulativePatientsOnARVs(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and pg.voided= 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") " + " "
                    + "and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                + patientId);

                List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                        + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                        + "' and concept_id = " + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                        + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                        + patientId);

                List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                    components = r.getComponents();

                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                        lastReturnVisitDay };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllCumulativePatientsOnProphylaxis(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllCumulativePatientsOnProphylaxis(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfProphylaxisDrugs() + ") "
                    + " and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' "
                    + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                        + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                        + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                        + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") " + " and pg.program_id= " + programId
                        + " and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and pg.patient_id="
                        + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = "
                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                            + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        components = r.getComponents();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay };

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsWithNoEncountersBetweenTwoDates(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsWithNoEncountersBetweenTwoDates(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        ArrayList<Integer> patientsNotLostToFollowUp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + "and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();
            List<Date> maxDate = new ArrayList<Date>();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and voided = 0 and concept_id = "
                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                            + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and person_id = "
                            + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {


                        else {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


                    else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {



                        else {
                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsOnARVsWithNoEncountersBetweenTwoDates(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsWithNoEncountersInXMonths(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String datef = null;
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id = 1482 "
                    + "and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0 and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (cast(o.obs_datetime as Date)) >= '"
                    + df.format(startDate) + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as Date)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and  pg.program_id= " + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery query2Date = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select min(start_date) from orders where (select min(start_date)) is not null and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> date = query2Date.list();

                    SQLQuery query3 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select patient_id from orders where '" + df.format(date.get(0))
                                    + "' >= '" + df.format(startDate) + "' and '" + df.format(date.get(0))
                                    + "' <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);
                    List<Integer> patientIds3 = query3.list();
                    if (patientIds3.size() != 0) {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                        + df.format(startDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                        + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                + df.format(startDate) + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() < endDate.getTime()) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime() > threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime() < endDate.getTime())
                                    || (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() < endDate.getTime()))) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime() > threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime() < endDate.getTime()))) {

                                if (RegimenUtils
                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                    regimens = RegimenUtils

                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };

                        } else if (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()) {
                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

    private List<Patient> listOfPatients(List<Integer> patientIds, Date startDate)
            throws ParseException, java.text.ParseException {

        List<Patient> patients = new ArrayList<Patient>();
        DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
        Date startingDate = startDate;
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

        //subtracting 3 months to the given date.
        cal.add(2, -2);

        String realDate = cal.get(cal.YEAR) + "/" + cal.get(cal.MONTH) + "/" + cal.get(cal.DATE);
        startingDate = sdf.parse(realDate);

        for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

            if (!maxDateForNextVisit(patientId).equals("")) {
                Date maxDate = sdf.parse(maxDateForNextVisit(patientId));

                if (maxDate.compareTo(startingDate) < 0) {

                    Patient patient = Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId);

                    if (!patient.getPersonVoided()) {


        return patients;

    private String maxDateForNextVisit(int patientId) throws ParseException {

        Date maxDate;
        String returnedDate = "";

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        SQLQuery query = session
                .createSQLQuery("select cast(MAX(obs.value_datetime) as DATE) from obs where obs.concept_id = 5096 "
                        + " and obs.person_id = " + patientId);

        Date record = (Date) query.uniqueResult();

        DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");

        if (record != null) {

            maxDate = record;
            returnedDate = sdf.format(maxDate);

        String returnValue = returnedDate;

        return returnValue;


     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsCurrentlyInPMTCT(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsCurrentlyInPMTCT(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                    + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        components = r.getComponents();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0),
                            enrollementDate };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {

        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) >= " + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'"
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                    + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '" + df.format(startDate)
                            + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        components = r.getComponents();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0),
                            enrollementDate };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreSeroPositifBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreSeroPositifBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int programId,
            Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and ob.concept_id = 2169 and ob.value_coded in (664,703) "
                    + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + " and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null group by pg.patient_id");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryHIVResult = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select max(o.value_coded) from obs o where o.concept_id = 2169 and o.value_coded in (703,664)"
                                    + "and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                                    + " and o.person_id=" + patientId);
                    List<Integer> HivTestResult = queryHIVResult.list();

                    if (HivTestResult.get(0) != null) {

                        if (HivTestResult.get(0) == 703) {

                            SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                    .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                            + patientId);
                            List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                    dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreNegatifBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreNegatifBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and ob.concept_id = 2169 and ob.value_coded in (664,703) "
                    + "and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + "and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null group by pg.patient_id");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryHIVResult = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select max(o.value_coded) from obs o where o.concept_id = 2169 and o.value_coded in (703,664) "
                                    + "and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                                    + " and o.person_id=" + patientId);
                    List<Integer> HivTestResult = queryHIVResult.list();

                    if (HivTestResult.get(0) != null) {

                        if (HivTestResult.get(0) == 664) {

                            SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate2 = session
                                    .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                            + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = "
                                            + patientId);

                            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                            SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                                    "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                            + patientId);
                            List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                    dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };


        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoGotCPNTestBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoGotCPNTestBetweenTheReportinPeriod(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("CPN Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join encounter enc on pg.patient_id = enc.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + "and enc.encounter_type= 5 and (select(cast(enc.encounter_datetime as DATE))) >= " + "'"
                    + df.format(startDate) + "'" + " and (cast(enc.encounter_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "'" + "and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + "and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and enc.voided=0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                    + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and encounter_type = 5 and patient_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '" + df.format(startDate)
                            + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        components = r.getComponents();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0),
                            enrollementDate };



        catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoseCoupleIsDiscordant(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoseCoupleIsDiscordant(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + "and ob.concept_id <> 1811 and pe.gender = 'f' and ob.concept_id = 2169 and ob.concept_id = 703 "
                    + "and ob.concept_id = 3082 and ob.value_coded = 703 "
                    + "and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null group by pg.patient_id");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();
            Date maxReturnVisitDay = null;
            Date returnVisitDayPlusThreeMonths = null;

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                + df.format(startDate) + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ),(select cast(date_add(max(value_datetime),interval 3 month)as date)) "
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                + df.format(startDate) + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                List<Object[]> objects = queryDate2.list();
                for (Object[] ob : objects) {
                    maxReturnVisitDay = (Date) ob[0];
                    returnVisitDayPlusThreeMonths = (Date) ob[1];

                SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                + patientId);
                List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                    components = r.getComponents();

                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay, lastReturnVisitDay,
                        getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0), enrollementDate };


        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoGaveBirthBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoGaveBirthBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("Date of delivery");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join encounter enc on pg.patient_id = enc.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + "and enc.encounter_type= 6 and (select(cast(enc.encounter_datetime as DATE))) >= " + "'"
                    + df.format(startDate) + "'" + " and (cast(enc.encounter_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "'" + "and ob.concept_id = 5599 and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= "
                    + "'" + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + "and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and enc.voided=0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                    + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and encounter_type = 6 and patient_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '" + df.format(startDate)
                            + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))

                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                        components = r.getComponents();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0),
                            enrollementDate };



        catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreExpectedInMaternityBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsInPMTCTWhoAreExpectedInMaternityBetweenTheReportingPeriod(int programId,
            Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String enrollementDate = new String("Enrollement Date");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        String lastEncountDate = new String("CPN Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Estimated Date of Delivery");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        try {

            SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join obs ob on pg.patient_id = ob.person_id "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join encounter enc on pg.patient_id = enc.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + "and enc.encounter_type= 5 "
                    + "and enc.encounter_type <> 6 and ob.concept_id = 5596 and (cast(ob.value_datetime as DATE)) >= "
                    + "'" + df.format(startDate) + "'" + " and (cast(ob.value_datetime as DATE)) <= " + "'"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "'" + " and (cast(pg.date_enrolled as DATE)) <= " + "'"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "'"
                    + "and pg.voided = 0 and ob.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and pa.voided = 0 and enc.voided=0 and pg.program_id = "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null");

            List<Integer> patientIds = query.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))>= '"
                                    + df.format(startDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and encounter_type = 5 and encounter_type<> 6 and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))>= '" + df.format(startDate)
                            + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = 5596 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate = session.createSQLQuery(
                            "select cast(max(date_enrolled) as DATE) from patient_program where patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);
                    List<Date> dateEnrolled = queryDate.list();

                    patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                            lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, dateEnrolled.get(0),
                            enrollementDate };


        catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

    public SortedMap<Date, Double> getSubMap(SortedMap<Date, Double> map, Date dateToSearch) {
        SortedMap<Date, Double> newMap = new TreeMap<Date, Double>();

        Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator();
        List<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>();

        while (it.hasNext()) {

        int index = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) {
            index = i;
            if (dates != null && dateToSearch != null)
                if (dates.get(i).getTime() == dateToSearch.getTime()
                        || dates.get(i).getTime() > dateToSearch.getTime()) {
        if (dates.size() != 0 && dates != null) {
            // sub map starts with the first concept value(ex:cd4count) 
            //up to the last value (or last cd4 cout) i.e the cd4 count he has now

            // submap(firstkey,laskey) 
            if (index != 0)
                newMap = map.subMap(dates.get(index - 1), new Date());
            else if (index == 0)
                newMap = map.subMap(dates.get(index), new Date());

        return newMap;


    public Date getWhenPatientStarted(Patient patient) {
        SQLQuery query = null;
        DbSession session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();

        StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();

        strbuf.append("SELECT min(o.start_date) FROM orders o  ");
        strbuf.append("INNER JOIN drug_order dro on dro.order_id = o.order_id  AND ");
        strbuf.append("dro.drug_inventory_id<>22 and dro.drug_inventory_id<>27 AND dro.drug_inventory_id<>37 "
                + "AND dro.drug_inventory_id<>23 AND dro.drug_inventory_id<>24 ");
        strbuf.append(" AND o.patient_id = ");

        query = session.createSQLQuery(strbuf.toString());

        List<Date> dates = query.list();
        Date whenPatientStarted = dates.get(0);

        return whenPatientStarted;


    public String getAllPatientObs(Patient p, Concept c) {

        SQLQuery query = null;

        SortedMap<Date, Double> cd4CountAndDateSorted = new TreeMap<Date, Double>();

        Date minDate = getWhenPatientStarted(p);

        String values = new String();

        if (c != null && p != null)
            query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(
                    "(select obs_datetime,value_numeric from obs where  person_id= " + p.getPatientId()
                            + " and concept_id= " + c.getConceptId() + ")ORDER BY obs_datetime asc");

        List<Object[]> obj = query.list();

        for (Object[] ob : obj) {
            Date date = (Date) ob[0];

            Double conceptValue = (Double) ob[1];
            cd4CountAndDateSorted.put(date, conceptValue);
        cd4CountAndDateSorted = getSubMap(cd4CountAndDateSorted, minDate);
        for (Date d : cd4CountAndDateSorted.keySet()) {
            values += cd4CountAndDateSorted.get(d) + "," + df.format(d) + ",";

        return values;

    public List<String> getAllPatientObsList(Patient p, Concept c) {

        SQLQuery query = null;

        SortedMap<Date, Double> cd4CountAndDateSorted = new TreeMap<Date, Double>();

        Date whenPatientHasStarted = getWhenPatientStarted(p);

        if (c != null && p != null) {
            query = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(
                    "(select obs_datetime,value_numeric from obs where  person_id= " + p.getPatientId()
                            + " and concept_id= " + c.getConceptId() + " )ORDER BY obs_datetime asc");
        List<Object[]> obj = query.list();

        List<String> conceptValueAndDate = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (Object[] ob : obj) {
            Date date = (Date) ob[0];

            Double conceptValue = (Double) ob[1];

            cd4CountAndDateSorted.put(date, conceptValue);

            conceptValueAndDate.add(cd4CountAndDateSorted.get(date) + "(" + df.format(date) + ")");

        cd4CountAndDateSorted = getSubMap(cd4CountAndDateSorted, whenPatientHasStarted);
        return conceptValueAndDate;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllARVPatientsLostOnFollowUp(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllARVPatientsLostOnFollowUp(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate,
            String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub   
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        ArrayList<Integer> patientsNotLostToFollowUp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfARVsDrugs() + ") "
                    + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId + " and pg.date_completed is null ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and voided = 0 and patient_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and concept_id = "
                            + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                            + " and voided = 0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {


                        else {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


                    else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {



                        else {
                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsPreART(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date, int)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsPreART(int programId, Date startDate, Date endDate, String gender,
            Date minAge, Date maxAge, int numberOfMonths) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        String datef = null;
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and ord.concept_id in (796,633,628,635,631,625,802,797,2203,1613,814,5424,792,5811,630,2833) "
                    + "and ord.discontinued = 0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0 and o.concept_id <> 1811  and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '"
                    + df.format(endDate) + "' and o.concept_id = 5096 " + "and pg.program_id= " + programId);

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                        + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                        + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                        + " and (ord.concept_id = 794 or ord.concept_id = 749 or ord.concept_id = 795) "
                        + "and ord.discontinued_date is null and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                        + "and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0) and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '"
                        + df.format(endDate) + "' and o.concept_id = 5096 and pg.program_id= " + programId
                        + " and pg.patient_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                SQLQuery query2Date = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds3 = query2Date.list();

                if ((patientIds2.size() == 0) && (patientIds3.size() == 0)) {

                    SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                    + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                    + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                    SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                            + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                            + "' and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = "
                            + patientId);

                    List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                    if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                        if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                        && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };


                    else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {

                        if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                            if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                    .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                regimens = RegimenUtils

                            for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                components = r.getComponents();

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };

                    } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))


                        if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                            regimens = RegimenUtils

                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                            components = r.getComponents();

                        patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen };

        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllChildrenPatientsEligibleForARVsButNotYetStarted(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllChildrenPatientsEligibleForARVsButNotYetStarted(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        String datef = null;
        String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
        String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
        String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
        String lastPharmacyVisitDate = new String("Last CD4 Count Test");
        List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
        Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();
        DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();

        Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

        try {

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0) and (o.concept_id = 5497 "
                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ) "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 1480 and o.value_coded = 1220 or o.value_coded= 1221 "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 730 " + " and DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "') - TO_DAYS(pe.birthdate)), '%Y')+0 < 15 " + " and pg.program_id= " + programId);
            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();

            List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = new ArrayList<Date>();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {

                    try {

                        SQLQuery query2Date = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE) from obs where concept_id = 5497 and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) >= '"
                                        + df.format(startDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);
                        List<Date> maxObsDateTimeCD4Count = query2Date.list();

                        SQLQuery queryWhoStage = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select max(value_coded) from obs where concept_id = 1480 and value_coded in (1220,1221) and person_id="
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsWhoStage = queryWhoStage.list();

                        SQLQuery queryCD4Percent = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select max(value_numeric) from obs where concept_id = 730 and person_id="
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsCD4Percent = queryCD4Percent.list();

                        SQLQuery query3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                        + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Double> maxValueNumericCD4Count = query3.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                        + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        Double val = (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() > 0) ? maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) : 1000;

                        if (val < 1000.0) {
                            if ((patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1220) || (patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1221))

                                if (patientIdsCD4Percent.get(0) < 25)


                                    SQLQuery query4 = session
                                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                                                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                                    /*+ "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "*/
                                                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                                                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                                                    + " and ord.concept_id in (796,633,628,794,635,631,625,802,797,2203,1613,749,795,814,5424,792,5811,630,2833) "
                                                    + "and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId
                                                    + " and ord.patient_id =  " + patientId);

                                    List<Integer> patientIds4 = query4.list();

                                    if (patientIds4.size() == 0) {

                                        try {

                                            SQLQuery queryDate3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                                    "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                                            + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0) + "' and person_id = "
                                                            + patientId);

                                            List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null)
                                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)
                                                                .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                        .getTime())) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


                                            else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {

                                                if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                .getTime()) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };

                                            } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))


                                                if (RegimenUtils
                                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                                patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                        maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                        getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                        lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };



                                        catch (Exception e) {
                                            // TODO: handle exception

                    } catch (Exception e) {


            SQLQuery query2 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0) and (o.concept_id = 5497 "
                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ) "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 1480 and o.value_coded = 1220 or o.value_coded= 1221 "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 730 " + " and DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "') - TO_DAYS(pe.birthdate)), '%Y')+0 < 15 " + " and pg.program_id= " + programId);
            List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery queryExitFromCare = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIdsExitFromCare = queryExitFromCare.list();

                if (patientIdsExitFromCare.size() == 0) {

                    try {

                        SQLQuery query2Date = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE) from obs where concept_id = 5497 and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) >= '"
                                        + df.format(startDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);
                        List<Date> maxObsDateTimeCD4Count = query2Date.list();

                        SQLQuery queryWhoStage = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select max(value_coded) from obs where concept_id = 1480 and value_coded in (1220,1221) and person_id="
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsWhoStage = queryWhoStage.list();

                        SQLQuery queryCD4Percent = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 730 and person_id=" + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsCD4Percent = queryCD4Percent.list();

                        SQLQuery query3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                        + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Double> maxValueNumericCD4Count = query3.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                        + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        Double val = (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() > 0) ? maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) : 1000;

                        if (val < 750.0) {
                            if ((patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1220) || (patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1221))

                                if (patientIdsCD4Percent.get(0) < 20)


                                    SQLQuery query4 = session
                                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                                                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                                                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                                                    + " and ord.concept_id in (796,633,628,794,635,631,625,802,797,2203,1613,749,795,814,5424,792,5811,630,2833) "
                                                    + "and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId
                                                    + " and ord.patient_id =  " + patientId);

                                    List<Integer> patientIds4 = query4.list();

                                    if (patientIds4.size() == 0) {

                                        try {

                                            SQLQuery queryDate3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                                    "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                                            + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0) + "' and person_id = "
                                                            + patientId);

                                            List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null)
                                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)
                                                                .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                        .getTime())) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


                                            else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {

                                                if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                .getTime()) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };

                                            } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))


                                                if (RegimenUtils
                                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                                patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                        maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                        getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                        lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };



                                        catch (Exception e) {
                                            // TODO: handle exception

                    } catch (Exception e) {


            SQLQuery query3 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                    + " and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
                    + " and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0) and (o.concept_id = 5497 "
                    + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ) "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 1480 and o.value_coded = 1220 or o.value_coded= 1221 "
                    + " and o.concept_id = 730 " + " and DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('" + df.format(endDate)
                    + "') - TO_DAYS(pe.birthdate)), '%Y')+0 < 15 " + " and pg.program_id= " + programId);
            List<Integer> patientIdsWhoStage2 = query3.list();

            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery queryExitFromCare = session.createSQLQuery(
                        "select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
                                + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIdsExitFromCare = queryExitFromCare.list();

                if (patientIdsExitFromCare.size() == 0) {

                    try {

                        SQLQuery query2Date = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE) from obs where concept_id = 5497 and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) >= '"
                                        + df.format(startDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);
                        List<Date> maxObsDateTimeCD4Count = query2Date.list();

                        SQLQuery queryWhoStage = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select max(value_coded) from obs where concept_id = 1480 and value_coded in (1220,1221) and person_id="
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsWhoStage = queryWhoStage.list();

                        SQLQuery queryCD4Percent = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 730 and person_id=" + patientId);

                        List<Integer> patientIdsCD4Percent = queryCD4Percent.list();

                        SQLQuery queryCD4Count = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                        + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0)
                                        + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Double> maxValueNumericCD4Count = queryCD4Count.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                "select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                        + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
                                + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);

                        maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        Double val = (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() > 0) ? maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) : 1000;

                        if (val < 350.0) {
                            if ((patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1220) || (patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1221))

                                if (patientIdsCD4Percent.get(0) < 20)


                                    SQLQuery query4 = session
                                            .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                                                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
                                                    + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                                                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                                                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
                                                    + " and ord.concept_id in (796,633,628,794,635,631,625,802,797,2203,1613,749,795,814,5424,792,5811,630,2833) "
                                                    + "and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                                    + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId
                                                    + " and ord.patient_id =  " + patientId);

                                    List<Integer> patientIds4 = query4.list();

                                    if (patientIds4.size() == 0) {

                                        try {

                                            SQLQuery queryDate3 = session.createSQLQuery(
                                                    "select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
                                                            + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0) + "' and person_id = "
                                                            + patientId);

                                            List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();

                                            if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null)
                                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                                                if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                        || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)
                                                                .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                        .getTime())) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };


                                            else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {

                                                if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0)
                                                        .getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                                        && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
                                                                .getTime()) {

                                                    if (RegimenUtils
                                                            .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                        components = r.getComponents();

                                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                            lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };

                                            } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))


                                                if (RegimenUtils
                                                        .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(

                                                for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                                    components = r.getComponents();

                                                patientSatatus = new Object[] {
                                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
                                                        maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
                                                        getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
                                                        lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };



                                        catch (Exception e) {
                                            // TODO: handle exception

                    } catch (Exception e) {


            //      SQLQuery queryWhoStageAdultOneAndTwo = session
            //              .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
            //                      + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
            //                      + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
            //                      + "inner join obs o on pg.patient_id = o.person_id "
            //                      + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
            //                      + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
            //                      + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") "
            //                      + " and o.concept_id <> 1811 and (pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and o.voided = 0 "
            //                      + " and pa.voided = 0 and en.voided = 0) and (o.concept_id = 5497 "
            //                      + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
            //                      + "' and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ) "
            //                      + " and o.concept_id = 1480 and o.value_coded = 1220 or o.value_coded= 1221 "
            //                      + " and o.concept_id = 730 " + " and DATE_FORMAT(FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS('" + df.format(endDate)
            //                      + "') - TO_DAYS(pe.birthdate)), '%Y')+0 < 14 " + " and pg.program_id= " + programId
            //                      + " and pg.date_completed is null ");
            //      List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();
            //      List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = new ArrayList<Date>();
            //      for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {
            //         SQLQuery query2 = session
            //                 .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = 1811 and o.person_id="
            //                         + patientId);
            //         List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();
            //         if (patientIds2.size() == 0) {
            //            try {
            //               SQLQuery query2Date = session
            //                       .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE) from obs where concept_id = 5497 and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) >= '"
            //                               + df.format(startDate)
            //                               + "' and (select cast(max(obs_datetime) as DATE)) <= '"
            //                               + df.format(endDate)
            //                               + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = "
            //                               + patientId);
            //               List<Date> maxObsDateTimeCD4Count = query2Date.list();
            //               SQLQuery queryWhoStage = session
            //                       .createSQLQuery("select max(value_coded) from obs where concept_id = 1480 and value_coded in (1220,1221) and person_id="
            //                               + patientId);
            //               List<Integer> patientIdsWhoStage = queryWhoStage.list();
            //               SQLQuery queryCD4Percent = session
            //                       .createSQLQuery("select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 730 and person_id="
            //                               + patientId);
            //               List<Integer> patientIdsCD4Percent = queryWhoStage.list();
            //               SQLQuery query3 = session
            //                       .createSQLQuery("select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
            //                               + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0)
            //                               + "' and concept_id <> 1811 and voided=0 and person_id = " + patientId);
            //               List<Double> maxValueNumericCD4Count = query3.list();
            //               SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
            //                       .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE))<= '"
            //                               + df.format(endDate) + "' and patient_id = " + patientId);
            //               List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();
            //               SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )"
            //                       + "from obs where (select cast(max(value_datetime)as DATE))<= '" + df.format(endDate)
            //                       + "' and concept_id = 5096 and person_id = " + patientId);
            //               maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();
            //               Double val = (maxValueNumericCD4Count.size() > 0) ? maxValueNumericCD4Count.get(0) : 1000;
            //               if (val < 1000.0) {
            //                  if ((patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1220) || (patientIdsWhoStage.get(0) == 1221))
            //                     if (patientIdsCD4Percent.get(0) < 25)
            //                     {
            //                        SQLQuery query4 = session
            //                                .createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
            //                                        + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
            //                                        + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
            //                                        + "inner join obs o on pe.person_id = o.person_id "
            //                                        + "inner join encounter en on pg.patient_id = en.patient_id "
            //                                        + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
            //                                        + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
            //                                        + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
            //                                        + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
            //                                        + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge)
            //                                        + ") "
            //                                        + " and d.concept_id in (796,633,628,794,635,631,625,802,797,2203,1613,749,795,814,5424,792,5811,630,2833) "
            //                                        + "and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
            //                                        + "' and pg.program_id= " + programId
            //                                        + " and pg.date_completed is null and ord.patient_id =  " + patientId);
            //                        List<Integer> patientIds4 = query4.list();
            //                        if (patientIds4.size() == 0) {
            //                           try {
            //                              SQLQuery queryDate3 = session
            //                                      .createSQLQuery("select value_numeric from obs where concept_id = 5497 and obs_datetime = '"
            //                                              + maxObsDateTimeCD4Count.get(0) + "' and person_id = " + patientId);
            //                              List<Date> lastPharmacyDates = queryDate3.list();
            //                              if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) {
            //                                 if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
            //                                         .getTime() && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
            //                                         .getTime())
            //                                         || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
            //                                                 .getTime() && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate
            //                                                 .getTime())) {
            //                                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                        Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList()
            //                                            .size() != 0)
            //                                       regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                           Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
            //                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
            //                                       components = r.getComponents();
            //                                    }
            //                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
            //                                            Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
            //                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
            //                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
            //                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
            //                                            lastPharmacyVisitDate };
            //                                    listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
            //                                 }
            //                              }
            //                              else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) {
            //                                 if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate
            //                                         .getTime()
            //                                         && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {
            //                                    if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                        Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList()
            //                                            .size() != 0)
            //                                       regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                           Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
            //                                    for (Regimen r : regimens) {
            //                                       components = r.getComponents();
            //                                    }
            //                                    patientSatatus = new Object[] {
            //                                            Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
            //                                            maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate,
            //                                            maxReturnVisitDay.get(0), lastReturnVisitDay,
            //                                            getRegimensAsString(components), regimen, lastPharmacyDates.get(0),
            //                                            lastPharmacyVisitDate };
            //                                    listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
            //                                 }
            //                              } else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime() > endDate.getTime()))
            //                              {
            //                                 if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                     Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList().size() != 0)
            //                                    regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
            //                                        Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
            //                                 for (Regimen r : regimens) {
            //                                    components = r.getComponents();
            //                                 }
            //                                 patientSatatus = new Object[] {
            //                                         Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
            //                                         maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
            //                                         lastReturnVisitDay, getRegimensAsString(components), regimen,
            //                                         lastPharmacyDates.get(0), lastPharmacyVisitDate };
            //                                 listPatientHistory.add(patientSatatus);
            //                              }
            //                           }
            //                           catch (Exception e) {
            //                              // TODO: handle exception
            //                           }
            //                        }
            //                     }
            //               }
            //            }
            //            catch (Exception e) {
            //               e.printStackTrace();
            //            }
            //         }
            //      }
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return listPatientHistory;

     * @see org.openmrs.module.programOver.db.ProgramOverviewDAO#getAllPatientsNewOnSecondLineRegimenBetweenDate(int,
     *      java.util.Date, java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date)
    public List<Object[]> getAllPatientsNewOnSecondLineRegimenBetweenDate(int programId, Date startDate,
            Date endDate, String gender, Date minAge, Date maxAge) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<Object[]> listPatientHistory = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
        Object patientSatatus[] = null;
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        try {
            DbSession session = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
            String lastEncountDate = new String("Last Encounter Date");
            String lastReturnVisitDay = new String("Last Return Visit Date");
            String regimen = new String("Patient Regimen");
            List<Regimen> regimens = new ArrayList<Regimen>();
            Set<RegimenComponent> components = new HashSet<RegimenComponent>();

            Date threeMonthsBeforeEndDate = UsageStatsUtils.addDaysToDate(endDate, -3);

            SQLQuery query1 = session.createSQLQuery("select distinct pg.patient_id from patient_program pg "
                    + "inner join person pe on pg.patient_id = pe.person_id "
                    + "inner join patient pa on pg.patient_id = pa.patient_id "
                    + "inner join orders ord on pg.patient_id = ord.patient_id "
                    + "inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                    + "inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                    + "where pg.patient_id in (select person_id from person "
                    + getPatientsAttributes(gender, minAge, maxAge) + ") " + " and ord.concept_id IN ("
                    + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfSecondLineDrugs() + ") "
                    + "and ord.discontinued=0 and pg.voided = 0 and pe.voided = 0 and ord.voided = 0 "
                    + "and pa.voided = 0 and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) >= '" + df.format(startDate)
                    + "' and (cast(ord.start_date as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' and pg.program_id= "
                    + programId + " and pg.date_enrolled <= '" + df.format(endDate) + "' ");

            List<Integer> patientIds1 = query1.list();
            for (Integer patientId : patientIds1) {

                SQLQuery query2 = session
                        .createSQLQuery("select distinct o.person_id from obs o where o.concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetExitFromCareConceptId())
                                + " and (cast(o.obs_datetime as DATE)) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                + "' and o.voided = 0 and o.person_id=" + patientId);

                List<Integer> patientIds2 = query2.list();

                if (patientIds2.size() == 0)


                    SQLQuery queryMinStartDate = session
                            .createSQLQuery("select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date)) from orders ord "
                                    + " inner join drug_order do on ord.order_id = do.order_id "
                                    + " inner join drug d on do.drug_inventory_id = d.drug_id "
                                    + " where ord.concept_id IN (" + GlobalProperties.gpGetListOfSecondLineDrugs()
                                    + ") "
                                    + " and (select (cast(min(ord.start_date)as Date))) is not null and ord.voided = 0 and ord.patient_id = "
                                    + patientId);

                    List<Date> patientIdsMinStartDate = queryMinStartDate.list();

                    if ((patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
                            && (patientIdsMinStartDate.get(0).getTime() <= endDate.getTime())) {

                        SQLQuery queryDate1 = session
                                .createSQLQuery("select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE) from encounter where "
                                        + "(select(cast(max(encounter_datetime)as Date))) <= '" + df.format(endDate)
                                        + "' and (select cast(max(encounter_datetime)as DATE)) is not null and voided = 0 and patient_id = "
                                        + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxEnocunterDateTime = queryDate1.list();

                        SQLQuery queryDate2 = session.createSQLQuery("select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE ) "
                                + "from obs where (select(cast(max(value_datetime)as Date))) <= '"
                                + df.format(endDate) + "' and concept_id = "
                                + Integer.parseInt(GlobalProperties.gpGetReturnVisitDateConceptId())
                                + " and (select cast(max(value_datetime) as DATE )) is not null and voided = 0 and person_id = "
                                + patientId);

                        List<Date> maxReturnVisitDay = queryDate2.list();

                        if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) != null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if (((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())
                                    || ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                            && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime())) {

                                //                        if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                //                           regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
                                //                               Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
                                //                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                //                           components = r.getComponents();
                                //                        }

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if (((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0)) == null) && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0) != null)) {

                            if ((maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) >= threeMonthsBeforeEndDate.getTime()
                                    && (maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0).getTime()) <= endDate.getTime()) {

                                //                        if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                                //                                .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                                //                           regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(
                                //                               Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId)).getRegimenList();
                                //                        for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                                //                           components = r.getComponents();
                                //                        }

                                patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                        maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                        lastReturnVisitDay };


                        else if ((maxReturnVisitDay.get(0) != null)
                                && (maxReturnVisitDay.get(0).getTime()) > endDate.getTime())


                            //                     if (RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            //                             .getRegimenList().size() != 0)
                            //                        regimens = RegimenUtils.getRegimenHistory(Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId))
                            //                                .getRegimenList();
                            //                     for (Regimen r : regimens) {
                            //                        components = r.getComponents();
                            //                     }

                            patientSatatus = new Object[] { Context.getPatientService().getPatient(patientId),
                                    maxEnocunterDateTime.get(0), lastEncountDate, maxReturnVisitDay.get(0),
                                    lastReturnVisitDay };


        } catch (Exception e) {
        return listPatientHistory;
