Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.kenyaemr.fragment.controller; import org.openmrs.*; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.kenyaemr.*; import org.openmrs.module.kenyaemr.api.KenyaEmrService; import org.openmrs.module.kenyaemr.regimen.RegimenChangeHistory; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.SimpleObject; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.UiUtils; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.BindParams; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.FragmentParam; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.MethodParam; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.annotation.SpringBean; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.fragment.FragmentModel; import org.openmrs.ui.framework.session.Session; import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * */ public class Moh257FragmentController { public void controller(@FragmentParam("patient") Patient patient, FragmentModel model, UiUtils ui, @SpringBean KenyaEmr emr, @SpringBean KenyaEmrUiUtils kenyaUi) { model.addAttribute("newREVisit", newRetrospectiveVisitCommandObject(patient)); String[] page1Forms = { Metadata.FAMILY_HISTORY_FORM, Metadata.HIV_PROGRAM_ENROLLMENT_FORM }; List<SimpleObject> page1AvailableForms = new ArrayList<SimpleObject>(); List<Encounter> page1Encounters = new ArrayList<Encounter>(); for (String page1Form : page1Forms) { List<Encounter> formEncounters = getPatientEncounterByForm(patient, Metadata.getForm(page1Form)); if (formEncounters.size() == 0) { page1AvailableForms.add(kenyaUi.simpleForm(emr.getFormManager().getFormDescriptor(page1Form), ui)); } else { page1Encounters.addAll(formEncounters); } } Form moh257VisitForm = Metadata.getForm(Metadata.MOH_257_VISIT_SUMMARY_FORM); List<Encounter> moh257VisitSummaryEncounters = getPatientEncounterByForm(patient, moh257VisitForm); model.addAttribute("page1AvailableForms", page1AvailableForms); model.addAttribute("page1Encounters", page1Encounters); model.addAttribute("page2Form", moh257VisitForm); model.addAttribute("page2Encounters", moh257VisitSummaryEncounters); Concept masterSet = emr.getRegimenManager().getMasterSetConcept("ARV"); RegimenChangeHistory arvHistory = RegimenChangeHistory.forPatient(patient, masterSet); model.addAttribute("arvHistory", arvHistory); } /** * Convenience method to get encounters from the given form * @param patient the patient * @param form the form * @return the encounters */ private static List<Encounter> getPatientEncounterByForm(Patient patient, Form form) { return Context.getEncounterService().getEncounters(patient, null, null, null, Collections.singleton(form), null, null, null, null, false); } /** * Helper method to create a new form object * @return the form object */ public RetrospectiveVisit newRetrospectiveVisitCommandObject(@RequestParam("visit.patientId") Patient patient) { return new RetrospectiveVisit(patient); } /** * Creates a new retrospective visit * @param command the command object * @param ui the UI utils * @return the simplified visit */ public SimpleObject createRetrospectiveVisit( @MethodParam("newRetrospectiveVisitCommandObject") @BindParams("visit") RetrospectiveVisit command, UiUtils ui, @SpringBean KenyaEmrUiUtils kenyaUi) { ui.validate(command, command, "visit"); Visit visit = command.applyAndReturnVisit(); return kenyaUi.simpleVisit(visit, ui); } /** * We'll create retrospective visits with a single date value, rather than start/stop times */ public class RetrospectiveVisit extends ValidatingCommandObject { private Patient patient; private VisitType visitType; private Location location; private Date visitDate; public RetrospectiveVisit(Patient patient) { this.patient = patient; this.visitType = Metadata.getVisitType(Metadata.OUTPATIENT_VISIT_TYPE); this.location = Context.getService(KenyaEmrService.class).getDefaultLocation(); this.visitDate = OpenmrsUtil.firstSecondOfDay(new Date()); } @Override public void validate(Object o, Errors errors) { require(errors, "visitType"); require(errors, "location"); require(errors, "visitDate"); if (visitDate.after(OpenmrsUtil.firstSecondOfDay(new Date()))) { errors.rejectValue("visitDate", "Date cannot be in the future"); } } /** * Converts command object to actual visit. If there are no existing visits on that date, it will create a new visit * otherwise it returns the first visit on that date * @return the visit */ public Visit applyAndReturnVisit() { List<Visit> existingVisitsOnDay = Context.getService(KenyaEmrService.class) .getVisitsByPatientAndDay(patient, visitDate); if (existingVisitsOnDay.size() == 0) { Visit visit = new Visit(); visit.setVisitType(visitType); visit.setLocation(location); visit.setPatient(patient); visit.setStartDatetime(OpenmrsUtil.firstSecondOfDay(visitDate)); visit.setStopDatetime(OpenmrsUtil.getLastMomentOfDay(visitDate)); Context.getVisitService().saveVisit(visit); return visit; } else { // Return first visit from that day return existingVisitsOnDay.get(0); } } public Integer getPatientId() { return patient.getPatientId(); } public VisitType getVisitType() { return visitType; } public void setVisitType(VisitType visitType) { this.visitType = visitType; } public Location getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(Location location) { this.location = location; } public Date getVisitDate() { return visitDate; } public void setVisitDate(Date visitDate) { this.visitDate = visitDate; } } }