Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenMRS Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS, LLC. All Rights Reserved. */ package org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openmrs.Concept; import org.openmrs.Location; import org.openmrs.LocationTag; import org.openmrs.Obs; import org.openmrs.Patient; import org.openmrs.PatientIdentifier; import org.openmrs.PatientIdentifierType; import org.openmrs.PersonAddress; import org.openmrs.PersonAttribute; import org.openmrs.PersonAttributeType; import org.openmrs.PersonName; import org.openmrs.api.APIException; import org.openmrs.api.AdministrationService; import org.openmrs.api.ConceptService; import org.openmrs.api.LocationService; import org.openmrs.api.PatientService; import org.openmrs.api.context.Context; import org.openmrs.module.chica.hibernateBeans.Encounter; import org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mrfdump.HL7ToObs; import org.openmrs.module.chica.service.ChicaService; import org.openmrs.module.chica.service.EncounterService; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.ChirdlUtilConstants; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.IOUtil; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.Error; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.LocationTagAttributeValue; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.PatientState; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.Session; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.hibernateBeans.State; import org.openmrs.module.chirdlutilbackports.service.ChirdlUtilBackportsService; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7EncounterHandler; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7Filter; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7ObsHandler; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7PatientHandler; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.PatientHandler; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.Provider; import org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.service.SocketHL7ListenerService; import org.openmrs.util.PrivilegeConstants; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Segment; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.message.ADT_A01; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v25.segment.IN1; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.EncodingNotSupportedException; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.PipeParser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.validation.impl.NoValidation; /** * Processes in-bound HL7 registration messages to initiate check-in process. * @author tmdugan * */ /** * @author msheley * */ public class HL7SocketHandler extends org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler { private static final String VOID_REASON_MRN_CORRECTION = "MRN Correction"; private static final String VOID_REASON_MRN_LEADING_ZERO_CORRECTION = "MRN Leading Zero Correction"; private static final String HYPHEN = "-"; protected final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HL7SocketHandler.class); private static final String GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PARSE_ERROR_DIRECTORY = "chica.mckessonParseErrorDirectory"; private static final String STATE_CLINIC_REGISTRATION = "Clinic Registration"; private static final String STATE_HL7_CHECKIN = "Process Checkin HL7"; private static final String CONCEPT_INSURANCE_NAME = "InsuranceName"; private static final String CONCEPT_INSURANCE = "Insurance"; private static final String PARAMETER_SESSION = "session"; private static final String PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_END = "processCheckinHL7End"; private static final String PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_START = "processCheckinHL7Start"; private static final String HL7_MESSAGE_TYPE_A01 = "A01"; private static final String HL7_VERSION_2_5 = "2.5"; private static final String ZPV_SEGMENT = "ZPV"; private static final String PRINTER_LOCATION_FOR_SHOTS = "0"; private static final String TRUE = "true"; private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final String LEADING_ZERO = "0"; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#findPatient(org.openmrs.Patient, java.util.Date, java.util.HashMap) * Searches for patient based on medical record number and then runs an alias query for that patient. */ @Override public Patient findPatient(Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate, HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { Patient resultPatient = null; try { PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier = hl7Patient.getPatientIdentifier(); if (patientIdentifier != null) { String mrn = patientIdentifier.getIdentifier(); // look for matched patient Patient matchedPatient = findPatient(hl7Patient); if (matchedPatient == null) { resultPatient = createPatient(hl7Patient); } else { resultPatient = updatePatient(matchedPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate, parameters); // CHICA-1185 Add parameters } parameters.put(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_END, new java.util.Date()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Exception during patient lookup. ", e); } return resultPatient; } /** * Gets the location id from encounter. * @param encounter * @return */ private Integer getLocationId(Encounter encounter) { if (encounter != null) { return encounter.getLocation().getLocationId(); } return null; } /** * Check if the patient from hl7 messages already exists in CHICA * @param hl7Patient * @return */ private Patient findPatient(Patient hl7Patient) { // Search by MRN PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier = hl7Patient.getPatientIdentifier(); String mrn = patientIdentifier.getIdentifier(); PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); List<Patient> lookupPatients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, mrn, null, true); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 if (lookupPatients == null || lookupPatients.size() == 0) { lookupPatients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, LEADING_ZERO + mrn, null, true); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 } if (lookupPatients != null && lookupPatients.size() > 0) { return lookupPatients.iterator().next(); } // Search by SSN PatientIdentifier ssnIdent = hl7Patient.getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_SSN); if (ssnIdent != null) { String ssn = ssnIdent.getIdentifier(); lookupPatients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, ssn, null, true); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 if (lookupPatients != null && lookupPatients.size() > 0) { Iterator<Patient> i = lookupPatients.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Patient patient =; if (matchPatients(patient, hl7Patient)) { return patient; } } // If we didn't find a match, we need to remove the SSN because // there's a duplicate. hl7Patient.removeIdentifier(ssnIdent); // Add a person attribute to store attempted SSN. PersonAttributeType personAttrType = Context.getPersonService() .getPersonAttributeTypeByName(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_SSN); if (personAttrType != null) { PersonAttribute personAttr = new PersonAttribute(personAttrType, ssn); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); personAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); hl7Patient.addAttribute(personAttr); } } } return null; } /** * Check if patients match based on names and birth date. * @param patient1 * @param patient2 * @return */ private boolean matchPatients(Patient patient1, Patient patient2) { String familyName1 = patient1.getFamilyName(); String familyName2 = patient2.getFamilyName(); if ((familyName1 != null && familyName2 == null) || (familyName1 == null && familyName2 != null)) { return false; } if (familyName1 != null) { if (!familyName1.equals(familyName2)) return false; } String givenName1 = patient1.getGivenName(); String givenName2 = patient2.getGivenName(); if ((givenName1 != null && givenName2 == null) || (givenName1 == null && givenName2 != null)) { return false; } if (givenName1 != null) { if (!givenName1.equals(givenName2)) return false; } Date birthDate1 = patient1.getBirthdate(); Date birthDate2 = patient2.getBirthdate(); if ((birthDate1 != null && birthDate2 == null) || (birthDate1 == null && birthDate2 != null)) { return false; } if ((birthDate1 == null && birthDate2 == null)) { return true; } long time1 = birthDate1.getTime(); long time2 = birthDate2.getTime(); if (time1 != time2) return false; return true; } /** * Update matched patient to values from hl7 message (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#updatePatient(org * .openmrs.Patient, org.openmrs.Patient, java.util.Date) */ @Override protected Patient updatePatient(Patient matchPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate, HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { // CHICA-1185 Add parameters PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); Patient currentPatient = patientService.getPatient(matchPatient.getPatientId()); if (currentPatient == null || hl7Patient == null) { return matchPatient; } // CHICA-1185 Get HL7 event type code to determine if this was an A10 converted to an A04 String eventTypeCode = parameters.get(ChirdlUtilConstants.PARAMETER_HL7_EVENT_TYPE_CODE) == null ? ChirdlUtilConstants.GENERAL_INFO_EMPTY_STRING : (String) parameters.get(ChirdlUtilConstants.PARAMETER_HL7_EVENT_TYPE_CODE); currentPatient.setCauseOfDeath(hl7Patient.getCauseOfDeath()); currentPatient.setDead(hl7Patient.getDead()); currentPatient.setDeathDate(hl7Patient.getDeathDate()); currentPatient.setBirthdate(hl7Patient.getBirthdate()); addGender(currentPatient, hl7Patient); addName(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addAddress(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addSSN(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addReligion(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addMaritalStatus(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addMaidenName(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); // CHICA-1185 Don't do anything with next of kin if this is an A10 if (!ChirdlUtilConstants.HL7_EVENT_CODE_A10.equalsIgnoreCase(eventTypeCode)) { addNK(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); } addTelephoneNumber(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); AddCitizenship(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); AddRace(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addMRN(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); addMRNEHR(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); // DWE Epic_Eskenazi release 10/1/16 addPatientAccountNumber(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); // DWE CHICA-406 updateEthnicity(currentPatient, hl7Patient, encounterDate); // DWE CHICA-706 Patient updatedPatient = null; try { updatedPatient = patientService.savePatient(currentPatient); } catch (APIException e) { log.error("Exception saving updated patient.", e); } return updatedPatient; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#checkin(org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.Provider, org.openmrs.Patient, java.util.Date, ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message, java.lang.String, org.openmrs.Encounter, java.util.HashMap) */ @Override public org.openmrs.Encounter checkin(Provider provider, Patient patient, Date encounterDate, Message message, String incomingMessageString, org.openmrs.Encounter newEncounter, HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { Date processCheckinHL7Start = (Date) parameters.get(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_START); if (processCheckinHL7Start == null) { parameters.put(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_START, new java.util.Date()); } return super.checkin(provider, patient, encounterDate, message, incomingMessageString, newEncounter, parameters); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#CreateObservation(org.openmrs.Encounter, boolean, ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message, int, int, org.openmrs.Location, org.openmrs.Patient) */ @Override public Obs CreateObservation(org.openmrs.Encounter enc, boolean saveToDatabase, Message message, int orderRep, int obxRep, Location existingLoc, Patient resultPatient) { return super.CreateObservation(enc, saveToDatabase, message, orderRep, obxRep, existingLoc, resultPatient); } /** * @param parser * @param patientHandler * @param hl7ObsHandler * @param hl7EncounterHandler * @param hl7PatientHandler * @param filters */ public HL7SocketHandler(ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.Parser parser, PatientHandler patientHandler, HL7ObsHandler hl7ObsHandler, HL7EncounterHandler hl7EncounterHandler, HL7PatientHandler hl7PatientHandler, ArrayList<HL7Filter> filters) { super(parser, patientHandler, hl7ObsHandler, hl7EncounterHandler, hl7PatientHandler, filters); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#processMessage( * ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message) */ @Override public Message processMessage(Message message, HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { AdministrationService adminService = Context.getAdministrationService(); parameters.put(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_START, new java.util.Date()); boolean processMessageError = false; String incomingMessageString = null; Segment inboundHeader = null; Message ackMessage = null; Message originalMessage = message; // switch message version and type to values for default hl7 handlers if (message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A04 || message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v24.message.ADT_A01 || message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A08) { try { if (message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v24.message.ADT_A01) { ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v24.message.ADT_A01 adt = (ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v24.message.ADT_A01) message; adt.getMSH().getVersionID().getVersionID().setValue(HL7_VERSION_2_5); adt.getMSH().getMessageType().getTriggerEvent().setValue(HL7_MESSAGE_TYPE_A01); } if (message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A04) { ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A04 adt = (ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A04) message; adt.getMSH().getVersionID().setValue(HL7_VERSION_2_5); adt.getMSH().getMessageType().getTriggerEvent().setValue(HL7_MESSAGE_TYPE_A01); } if (message instanceof ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A08) { ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A08 adt = (ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v22.message.ADT_A08) message; adt.getMSH().getVersionID().setValue(HL7_VERSION_2_5); adt.getMSH().getMessageType().getTriggerEvent().setValue(HL7_MESSAGE_TYPE_A01); } incomingMessageString = this.parser.encode(message); message = this.parser.parse(incomingMessageString); } catch (Exception e) { Error error = new Error(ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_LEVEL_FATAL, ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_HL7_PARSING, "Error parsing the McKesson checkin hl7 " + e.getMessage(), org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util.getStackTrace(e), new Date(), null); ChirdlUtilBackportsService chirdlutilbackportsService = Context .getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class); chirdlutilbackportsService.saveError(error); String mckessonParseErrorDirectory = IOUtil .formatDirectoryName(adminService.getGlobalProperty(GLOBAL_PROPERTY_PARSE_ERROR_DIRECTORY)); if (mckessonParseErrorDirectory != null) { String filename = "r" + Util.archiveStamp() + ChirdlUtilConstants.FILE_EXTENSION_HL7; try (FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream( mckessonParseErrorDirectory + "/" + filename)) { if (incomingMessageString != null) { try (ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream( incomingMessageString.getBytes())) { IOUtil.bufferedReadWrite(input, outputFile, false); } catch (Exception e1) { log.error("There was an error writing the dump file"); log.error(e1.getMessage()); log.error(Util.getStackTrace(e1)); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("IOException in HL7SocketHandler.processMessage() (mckessonParseErrorDirectory: " + mckessonParseErrorDirectory + " filename: " + filename + ")", ioe); } } try { processMessageError = true; //Return an ACK response instead of defaulting to the HAPI error response. inboundHeader = (Segment) originalMessage.get(originalMessage.getNames()[0]); ackMessage = org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.util.Util.makeACK(inboundHeader, processMessageError, null, null); } catch (Exception e2) { log.error("Error sending an ack response after a parsing exception. ", e2); ackMessage = originalMessage; } return ackMessage; } } try { incomingMessageString = this.parser.encode(message); message.addNonstandardSegment(ZPV_SEGMENT); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error adding Z segment", e); } if (this.hl7EncounterHandler instanceof org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) { String printerLocation = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getPrinterLocation(message, incomingMessageString); String locationString = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) hl7EncounterHandler) .getLocation(message); if ((printerLocation != null && printerLocation.equals(PRINTER_LOCATION_FOR_SHOTS)) || !(isValidAge(message, printerLocation, locationString))) { try { processMessageError = false; inboundHeader = (Segment) originalMessage.get(originalMessage.getNames()[0]); ackMessage = org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.util.Util.makeACK(inboundHeader, processMessageError, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception creating ACK for registration.", e); return originalMessage; } return ackMessage; } } return super.processMessage(message, parameters); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.HL7SocketHandler#processEncounter(java.lang.String, org.openmrs.Patient, java.util.Date, org.openmrs.Encounter, org.openmrs.module.sockethl7listener.Provider, java.util.HashMap) */ @Override public org.openmrs.Encounter processEncounter(String incomingMessageString, Patient p, Date encDate, org.openmrs.Encounter newEncounter, Provider provider, HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { ChirdlUtilBackportsService chirdlutilbackportsService = Context .getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class); AdministrationService adminService = Context.getAdministrationService(); org.openmrs.Encounter encounter = super.processEncounter(incomingMessageString, p, encDate, newEncounter, provider, parameters); if (encounter == null) { //Encounter will be null if encounter was not created or //it was a duplicate encounter. return null; } // CHICA-1190 boolean newEncounterCreated = true; Object newEncounterCreatedObject = parameters.get(ChirdlUtilConstants.PARAMETER_NEW_ENCOUNTER_CREATED); if (newEncounterCreatedObject != null && newEncounterCreatedObject instanceof Boolean) { newEncounterCreated = (boolean) newEncounterCreatedObject; } // store the encounter id with the session Integer encounterId = encounter.getEncounterId(); getSession(parameters).setEncounterId(encounterId); chirdlutilbackportsService.updateSession(getSession(parameters)); if (incomingMessageString == null) { return encounter; } LocationService locationService = Context.getLocationService(); String locationString = null; Date appointmentTime = null; String planCode = null; String carrierCode = null; String printerLocation = null; String insuranceName = null; String visitNumber = null; String originalLocation = null; String visitType = null; Message message = null; boolean messageContainsInsurance = false; try { message = this.parser.parse(incomingMessageString); messageContainsInsurance = messageContainsInsuranceInfo(message); // CHICA-1157 Only attempt to parse insurance info if the message contains a valid IN1 segment (A10 messages will not) EncounterService encounterService = Context.getService(EncounterService.class); encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounter.getEncounterId()); if (this.hl7EncounterHandler instanceof org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) { locationString = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getLocation(message); appointmentTime = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getAppointmentTime(message); if (messageContainsInsurance) { // CHICA-1157 // DWE CHICA-492 Parse insurance plan code from IN1-35 if this is IUH // MES CHICA-795 Use global property for parsing insurance plan code from IN1-35 String parseInsuranceCodeFrom_IN1_35 = adminService .getGlobalProperty(ChirdlUtilConstants.GLOBAL_PROP_PARSE_INSURANCE_CODE_FROM_IN1_35); if (ChirdlUtilConstants.GENERAL_INFO_TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(parseInsuranceCodeFrom_IN1_35)) { planCode = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getInsuranceCompanyPlan(message); } else { planCode = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getInsurancePlan(message); } // DWE CHICA-492 Do not parse the carrier code if this is IUH // MES CHICA-795 Use global property for parsing the carrier code String parseCarrierCode = adminService .getGlobalProperty(ChirdlUtilConstants.GLOBAL_PROP_PARSE_CARRIER_CODE); if (ChirdlUtilConstants.GENERAL_INFO_TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(parseCarrierCode)) { carrierCode = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getInsuranceCarrier(message); } insuranceName = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getInsuranceName(message); } if (newEncounterCreated) { printerLocation = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getPrinterLocation(message, incomingMessageString); } // DWE CHICA-633 Parse visit number from PV1-19 if this is not IUH // MES CHICA-795 Use global property for parsing visit number String parseVisitNumberFrom_PV1_19 = adminService .getGlobalProperty(ChirdlUtilConstants.GLOBAL_PROP_PARSE_VISIT_NUMBER_FROM_PV1_19); if (ChirdlUtilConstants.GENERAL_INFO_TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(parseVisitNumberFrom_PV1_19)) { visitNumber = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getVisitNumber(message); if (visitNumber != null && !visitNumber.isEmpty()) { Util.storeEncounterAttributeAsValueText(encounter, ChirdlUtilConstants.ENCOUNTER_ATTRIBUTE_VISIT_NUMBER, visitNumber); } else { log.error("Unable to parse visit number for encounterId: " + encounter.getEncounterId()); } } // DWE CHICA-751 Parse the original location from the location description field // which is copied from PV1-3.1 to PV1-3.9 by Mirth originalLocation = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getLocationDescription(message); if (originalLocation != null && !originalLocation.isEmpty()) { Util.storeEncounterAttributeAsValueText(encounter, ChirdlUtilConstants.ENCOUNTER_ATTRIBUTE_ORIGINAL_LOCATION, originalLocation); } // CHICA-1160 Parse visit type from PV2-12 visitType = ((org.openmrs.module.chica.hl7.mckesson.HL7EncounterHandler25) this.hl7EncounterHandler) .getVisitType(message); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(visitType)) { Util.storeEncounterAttributeAsValueText(encounter, ChirdlUtilConstants.ENCOUNTER_ATTRIBUTE_VISIT_TYPE, visitType); } } } catch (EncodingNotSupportedException e) { log.error("Encoding not supported when parsing incoming message.", e); } catch (HL7Exception e) { log.error("HL7 version not supported when parsing incoming message", e); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception getting encounter information from the incoming message", e); } EncounterService encounterService = Context.getService(EncounterService.class); encounter = encounterService.getEncounter(encounterId); Encounter chicaEncounter = (org.openmrs.module.chica.hibernateBeans.Encounter) encounter; chicaEncounter.setInsurancePlanCode(planCode); chicaEncounter.setInsuranceCarrierCode(carrierCode); chicaEncounter.setScheduledTime(appointmentTime); // Set the printer location only if this is a new encounter, we don't want to potentially change the printer location // after registration is already complete and the tablet has already been handed out if (newEncounterCreated) { chicaEncounter.setPrinterLocation(printerLocation); } else { // Use the existing printer location // Note: This really shouldn't be needed at this point, but setting it just // in case similar A10 and A04 functionality is implemented at IUH printerLocation = chicaEncounter.getPrinterLocation(); } Location location = null; if (locationString != null) { location = locationService.getLocation(locationString); if (location == null) { location = new Location(); location.setName(locationString); locationService.saveLocation(location); log.warn("Location '" + locationString + "' does not exist in the Location table. " + "A new location was created for '" + locationString + "'"); } } chicaEncounter.setLocation(location); chicaEncounter.setInsuranceSmsCode(null); //DWE CLINREQ-130 Removed encounter parameter // CAUTION: If an encounter object is needed in this thread in the future, // use caution when calling setters on the object. if (getNumOBXSegments(message) > 0) { // DWE CHICA-635 Added check to make sure the message contains OBX segments before starting the new thread saveHL7Obs(p, message, location, getSession(parameters), printerLocation); } // This code must come after the code that sets the encounter values // because the states can't be created until the locationTagId and // locationId have been set State state = chirdlutilbackportsService.getStateByName(STATE_CLINIC_REGISTRATION); PatientState patientState = chirdlutilbackportsService.addPatientState(p, state, getSession(parameters).getSessionId(), org.openmrs.module.chica.util.Util.getLocationTagId(chicaEncounter), getLocationId(chicaEncounter), null); patientState.setStartTime(chicaEncounter.getEncounterDatetime()); patientState.setEndTime(chicaEncounter.getEncounterDatetime()); chirdlutilbackportsService.updatePatientState(patientState); state = chirdlutilbackportsService.getStateByName(STATE_HL7_CHECKIN); patientState = chirdlutilbackportsService.addPatientState(p, state, getSession(parameters).getSessionId(), org.openmrs.module.chica.util.Util.getLocationTagId(chicaEncounter), getLocationId(chicaEncounter), null); Date processCheckinHL7Start = (Date) parameters.get(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_START); Date processCheckinHL7End = (Date) parameters.get(PROCESS_HL7_CHECKIN_END); patientState.setStartTime(processCheckinHL7Start); patientState.setEndTime(processCheckinHL7End); chirdlutilbackportsService.updatePatientState(patientState); encounterService.saveEncounter(chicaEncounter); if (messageContainsInsurance) { // CHICA-1157 ConceptService conceptService = Context.getConceptService(); Concept concept = conceptService.getConceptByName(CONCEPT_INSURANCE_NAME); if (insuranceName != null) { org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util.saveObs(p, concept, encounterId, insuranceName, encDate); } else { log.error("Insurance Name is null for patient: " + p.getPatientId()); } // CHICA-1157 Move category lookup to here from CheckinPatient thread String category = null; String sendingApplication = (String) parameters.get(ChirdlUtilConstants.PARAMETER_SENDING_APPLICATION); String sendingFacility = (String) parameters.get(ChirdlUtilConstants.PARAMETER_SENDING_FACILITY); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sendingApplication) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sendingFacility) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(planCode)) { ChicaService chicaService = Context.getService(ChicaService.class); category = chicaService.getInsCategoryByInsCode(planCode, sendingApplication, sendingFacility); } if (category != null) { concept = conceptService.getConcept(CONCEPT_INSURANCE); org.openmrs.module.chirdlutil.util.Util.saveObs(p, concept, encounterId, category, encounter.getEncounterDatetime()); } else { log.error("Could not map code: plan code: " + planCode + " insurance Name: " + insuranceName + " sending application: " + sendingApplication + " sending facility: " + sendingFacility); } } return encounter; } private Session getSession(HashMap<String, Object> parameters) { Session session = (Session) parameters.get(PARAMETER_SESSION); if (session == null) { ChirdlUtilBackportsService chirdlutilbackportsService = Context .getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class); session = chirdlutilbackportsService.addSession(); parameters.put(PARAMETER_SESSION, session); } return session; } /** * Adds new name and sets most recent name to preferred. If the hl7 name * already exists the date created is updated to the encounter date. When * sorted the name with the latest date will be set as the preferred name * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate * @should update date created if name already exists */ void addName(Patient currentPatient, Patient newPatient, Date encounterDate) { /* * Condition where newest hl7 name matches an older existing name ( not * currently the preferred name). OpenMRS equality checks will detect it * as equal and not add the name in addName(). So, that name will never * have an updated date, and will not get set as the preferred name. * Then, the wrong name will be displayed on the form. */ try { PersonName newName = newPatient.getPersonName(); if (newName == null || (StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getFamilyName()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getMiddleName()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getGivenName()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getFamilyName2()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getFullName()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getPrefix()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getFamilyNamePrefix()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newName.getFamilyNameSuffix()))) { return; } boolean found = false; for (PersonName pn : currentPatient.getNames()) { if (!found && pn.equalsContent(newName)) { pn.setDateCreated(encounterDate); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (newName.getUuid() == null) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newName.setUuid(uuid.toString()); } currentPatient.addName(newName); } Set<PersonName> names = currentPatient.getNames(); // reset all addresses preferred status for (PersonName name : names) { name.setPreferred(false); } // Sort the list of names based on date List<PersonName> nameList = new ArrayList<PersonName>(names); Collections.sort(nameList, new Comparator<PersonName>() { public int compare(PersonName n1, PersonName n2) { Date date1 = n1.getDateCreated(); Date date2 = n2.getDateCreated(); return date2.compareTo(date1); } }); if (nameList.size() > 0 && nameList.get(0) != null) { // set latest to preferred nameList.get(0).setPreferred(true); Set<PersonName> nameSet = new TreeSet<PersonName>(nameList); if (nameSet.size() > 0) { currentPatient.getNames().clear(); currentPatient.getNames().addAll(nameSet); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error updating patient name. MRN: " + newPatient.getPatientIdentifier(), e); } } /** * Adds new address and sets most recent address to preferred based on * encounter time. * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate * @should set latest address to preferred and add to addresses */ public void addAddress(Patient currentPatient, Patient newPatient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAddress newAddress = newPatient.getPersonAddress(); try { if (newAddress == null || (StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getAddress1()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getAddress2()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getCityVillage()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getCountry()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getPostalCode()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getCountyDistrict()) && StringUtils.isBlank(newAddress.getStateProvince()))) { return; } boolean found = false; for (PersonAddress pa : currentPatient.getAddresses()) { if (!found && pa.equalsContent(newAddress)) { pa.setDateCreated(encounterDate); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { PersonAddress address = newPatient.getPersonAddress(); if (address.getUuid() == null) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); address.setUuid(uuid.toString()); } address.setDateCreated(new Date()); // CHICA-1157 Change the create date to current time so that the address can be updated if we receive an A10 then A04 with two different values currentPatient.addAddress(address); } // reset all addresses preferred status Set<PersonAddress> addresses = currentPatient.getAddresses(); for (PersonAddress address : addresses) { address.setPreferred(false); } // Sort the list of names based on date List<PersonAddress> addressList = new ArrayList<PersonAddress>(addresses); Collections.sort(addressList, new Comparator<PersonAddress>() { public int compare(PersonAddress a1, PersonAddress a2) { Date date1 = a1.getDateCreated(); Date date2 = a2.getDateCreated(); return date2.compareTo(date1); } }); if (addressList.size() > 0 && addressList.get(0) != null) { // set latest to preferred addressList.get(0).setPreferred(true); Set<PersonAddress> addressSet = new TreeSet<PersonAddress>(addressList); if (addressSet.size() > 0) { currentPatient.getAddresses().clear(); currentPatient.getAddresses().addAll(addressSet); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error adding addresses to patient MRN: " + newPatient.getPatientIdentifier(), e); } } /** * Add the new SSN from the hl7 message to the patient's identifiers.If SSN * does not exist for any patients, add the identifier. If another patient * uses the same SSN, store the SSN as an attribute. * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate * @should add SSN identifier and add to attributes if duplicate */ private void addSSN(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); PatientIdentifier newSSN = hl7Patient.getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_SSN); PatientIdentifier currentSSN = currentPatient.getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_SSN); //hl7 has no SSN. Or hl7 SSN is the same as existing SSN if (newSSN == null || newSSN.getIdentifier() == null || (currentSSN != null && currentSSN.getIdentifier().equalsIgnoreCase(newSSN.getIdentifier()))) { return; } PersonAttributeType personAttrType = Context.getPersonService() .getPersonAttributeTypeByName(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_SSN); // If another patient owns the SSN, do NOT void and add identifier // Instead, store the attempted SSN as an attribute for record List<Patient> lookupPatients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, newSSN.getIdentifier(), null, true); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 if (lookupPatients != null && lookupPatients.size() > 0) { if (personAttrType != null) { PersonAttribute personAttr = new PersonAttribute(personAttrType, newSSN.getIdentifier()); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); personAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(personAttr); } return; } if (currentSSN == null) { // if patient has no SSN. UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newSSN.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addIdentifier(newSSN); } else { // if patient has a different SSN currentPatient.getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_SSN).setVoided(true); currentPatient.addIdentifier(newSSN); } } /** * Add religion from the hl7 patient to the existing patient attibutes * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate * @should add religion attribute */ private void addReligion(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute newReligionAttr = hl7Patient.getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_RELIGION); PersonAttribute currentReligionAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_RELIGION); if (newReligionAttr == null || newReligionAttr.getValue() == null || newReligionAttr.getValue().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String newReligion = newReligionAttr.getValue(); //if current attr does not exist or is different than hl7, need to update if (currentReligionAttr == null || !currentReligionAttr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(newReligion)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newReligionAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(newReligionAttr); } } /** * * Add marital status from the hl7 patient to the existing patient * attributes. * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate * */ private void addMaritalStatus(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute newMaritalStatAttr = hl7Patient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_MARITAL_STATUS); PersonAttribute currentMaritalStatAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_MARITAL_STATUS); if (newMaritalStatAttr == null || newMaritalStatAttr.getValue() == null || newMaritalStatAttr.getValue().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String newMaritalStat = newMaritalStatAttr.getValue(); if (currentMaritalStatAttr == null || !currentMaritalStatAttr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(newMaritalStat)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newMaritalStatAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(newMaritalStatAttr); } } /** * Add maiden name from hl7 patient to the existing patient attributes. * Openmrs addAttribute() voids previous attribute. * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void addMaidenName(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute newMaidenNameAttr = hl7Patient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_MAIDEN_NAME); PersonAttribute currentMaidenNameAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_MAIDEN_NAME); if (newMaidenNameAttr == null || newMaidenNameAttr.getValue() == null || newMaidenNameAttr.getValue().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String newMaidenName = newMaidenNameAttr.getValue(); if (currentMaidenNameAttr == null || currentMaidenNameAttr.getValue() == null || !currentMaidenNameAttr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(newMaidenName)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newMaidenNameAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(newMaidenNameAttr); } } /** * Adds hl7 Next of Kin from NK1 hl7 segment to existing patient attributes. * Openmrs addAttribute() voids previous attribute * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void addNK(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute newNextOfKinNameAttr = hl7Patient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_NEXT_OF_KIN); PersonAttribute currentNextOfKinNameAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_NEXT_OF_KIN); if (newNextOfKinNameAttr == null || StringUtils.isBlank(newNextOfKinNameAttr.getValue())) { // CHICA-1185 Check to see if there is an existing attribute to void if (currentNextOfKinNameAttr != null) { currentNextOfKinNameAttr.setVoided(true); currentNextOfKinNameAttr.setVoidedBy(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); currentNextOfKinNameAttr.setDateVoided(new Date()); currentNextOfKinNameAttr.setVoidReason(ChirdlUtilConstants.ATTR_VALUE_VOID_REASON); // This will show that there is not a new value } return; } String newNextOfKinName = newNextOfKinNameAttr.getValue(); if (currentNextOfKinNameAttr == null || currentNextOfKinNameAttr.getValue() == null || !currentNextOfKinNameAttr.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(newNextOfKinName)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newNextOfKinNameAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(newNextOfKinNameAttr); } } /** * Updates telephone number from PID segment of hl7 to existing patient. * Openmrs addAttribute() voids previous attribute * * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void addTelephoneNumber(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute hl7TelNumAttr = hl7Patient.getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_TELEPHONE); PersonAttribute currentTelNumAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_TELEPHONE); if (hl7TelNumAttr == null || hl7TelNumAttr.getValue() == null || hl7TelNumAttr.getValue().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String newTelNumName = hl7TelNumAttr.getValue(); if (currentTelNumAttr == null || currentTelNumAttr.getValue() == null || !currentTelNumAttr.getValue().equals(newTelNumName)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); hl7TelNumAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(hl7TelNumAttr); } } /** * Updates hl7 citizenship value to attributes. * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void AddCitizenship(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute currentCitizenshipAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_CITIZENSHIP); PersonAttribute hl7CitizenshipAttr = hl7Patient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_CITIZENSHIP); if (hl7CitizenshipAttr == null || hl7CitizenshipAttr.getValue() == null || hl7CitizenshipAttr.getValue().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String hl7Citizenship = hl7CitizenshipAttr.getValue(); if (currentCitizenshipAttr == null || currentCitizenshipAttr.getValue() == null || !currentCitizenshipAttr.getValue().equals(hl7Citizenship)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); hl7CitizenshipAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(hl7CitizenshipAttr); } } /** * Updates Race attribute from hl7 value. Literal value, not mapped. * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void AddRace(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute currentRaceAttr = currentPatient.getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_RACE); PersonAttribute hl7RaceAttr = hl7Patient.getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_RACE); if (hl7RaceAttr == null || hl7RaceAttr.getValue() == null || hl7RaceAttr.getValue().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } String hl7Race = hl7RaceAttr.getValue(); if (currentRaceAttr == null || currentRaceAttr.getValue() == null || !currentRaceAttr.getValue().equals(hl7Race)) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); hl7RaceAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(hl7RaceAttr); } } /** * Updates Gender without overwriting known gender with "u" * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void addGender(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient) { String currentGender = currentPatient.getGender(); String hl7Gender = hl7Patient.getGender(); if (currentGender != null && (currentGender.equalsIgnoreCase("M") || currentGender.equalsIgnoreCase("F")) && (hl7Gender == null || hl7Gender.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(EMPTY_STRING) || hl7Gender.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("U"))) { currentPatient.setGender(currentGender); return; } currentPatient.setGender(hl7Gender); return; } /** * Updates the existing patient's identifier to the new value from HL7 or manual checkin. * Since this is a matched patient, if MRNs do not match: * Add the new hl7 MRN and set as preferred, void the old MRN, * and write an error to the log. * * @param existingPatient - Patient already exists in our records and was matched to the hl7 or manual checkin patient * @param newPatient - Patient created from content of HL7 message or manual checkin * @param encounterDate * @should remove leading zeros */ public void addMRN(Patient existingPatient, Patient newPatient, Date encounterDate) { ChirdlUtilBackportsService chirdlutilbackportsService = Context .getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class); PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); String newMRN = null; String existingMRN = null; try { //Get the existing preferred, non-voided identifier for comparison PatientIdentifier existingPatientIdentifier = existingPatient.getPatientIdentifier(); PatientIdentifier newPatientIdentifier = newPatient.getPatientIdentifier(); existingMRN = existingPatientIdentifier.getIdentifier(); newMRN = newPatientIdentifier.getIdentifier(); PatientIdentifierType identifierType = patientService .getPatientIdentifierTypeByName(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN); List<PatientIdentifierType> identifierTypes = new ArrayList<PatientIdentifierType>(); identifierTypes.add(identifierType); //If new MRN does not exist or matches the existing MRN, no need to update. //If the only difference is a leading 0, do not return. MRN must be updated. if (newPatientIdentifier == null || (newMRN = newPatientIdentifier.getIdentifier()) == null || existingMRN.trim().equals(newMRN.trim())) { return; } //New MRNs will not have a leading zero. try { if (Util.removeLeadingZeros(existingMRN.trim()).equals(Util.removeLeadingZeros(newMRN.trim()))) { existingPatientIdentifier.setVoidReason(VOID_REASON_MRN_LEADING_ZERO_CORRECTION); Error error = new Error(ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_LEVEL_WARNING, ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_MRN_VALIDITY, "Leading Zero Correction." + "Previous MRN: " + existingMRN + " New MRN: " + newMRN, "The existing MRN and new MRN differ by only the leading zero. Save the MRN w/o leading zero. ", new Date(), null); chirdlutilbackportsService.saveError(error); } else { existingPatientIdentifier.setVoidReason(VOID_REASON_MRN_CORRECTION); Error error = new Error(ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_LEVEL_ERROR, ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_MRN_VALIDITY, "MRN correction required! Contact downstream data warehouse about possible corrupted data." + "Invalid MRN: " + existingMRN + " New MRN: " + newMRN, "HL7 or manual checkin indicate that an existing patient has an invalid MRN. ", new Date(), null); chirdlutilbackportsService.saveError(error); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Insert to error table failed. Error category = " + ChirdlUtilConstants.ERROR_MRN_VALIDITY + "Existing MRN: " + existingMRN + "; New MRN: " + newMRN, e); } //void the existing identifier existingPatientIdentifier.setPreferred(false); existingPatientIdentifier.setVoided(true); existingPatientIdentifier.setVoidedBy(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); existingPatientIdentifier.setDateVoided(new Date()); Set<PatientIdentifier> currIdentifiers = existingPatient.getIdentifiers(); //See if the identifier already exists //If it does, set it as preferred boolean foundMatchingMRN = false; for (PatientIdentifier identifier : currIdentifiers) { String identifierStr = identifier.getIdentifier(); if (identifier.getIdentifierType().getName().equals(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN) && identifierStr != null && identifierStr.equals(newMRN)) { identifier.setPreferred(true); foundMatchingMRN = true; //unvoid the existing identifier identifier.setVoided(false); identifier.setVoidedBy(null); identifier.setDateVoided(null); break; } } //Create the new identifier object and add to existing patient if (!foundMatchingMRN) { PatientIdentifier newIdentifier = new PatientIdentifier(); newIdentifier.setIdentifier(newMRN); newIdentifier.setIdentifierType( patientService.getPatientIdentifierTypeByName(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN)); newIdentifier.setLocation(newPatientIdentifier.getLocation()); newIdentifier.setPatient(existingPatient); newIdentifier.setPreferred(true); newIdentifier.setCreator(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); newIdentifier.setDateCreated(new Date()); existingPatient.addIdentifier(newIdentifier); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception adding new MRN to existing patient. Existing MRN: " + existingMRN + "; New MRN: " + newMRN, e); } } /** * If there is no location tag attribute value or it is not numeric, check-in the patient. * If the age limit for the location tag exists as a numeric value, and the patient's age is greater than or equal to that limit, * do not check-in patient. * @param message * @param locationId * @param locationTagId * @return ageOk */ private boolean isValidAge(Message message, String printerLocation, String locationString) { ChirdlUtilBackportsService chirdlutilbackportsService = Context .getService(ChirdlUtilBackportsService.class); AdministrationService adminService = Context.getAdministrationService(); LocationService locationService = Context.getLocationService(); Context.openSession(); Context.authenticate(adminService.getGlobalProperty(ChirdlUtilConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_SCHEDULER_USERNAME), adminService.getGlobalProperty(ChirdlUtilConstants.GLOBAL_PROPERTY_SCHEDULER_PASSPHRASE)); Context.addProxyPrivilege(PrivilegeConstants.GET_LOCATIONS); // CHICA-1151 Replace OpenmrsConstants.PRIV_VIEW_LOCATIONS with PrivilegeConstants.GET_LOCATIONS String attribute = ChirdlUtilConstants.LOC_TAG_ATTR_AGE_LIMIT_AT_CHECKIN; boolean ageOk = true; try { if (printerLocation == null || locationString == null) { return ageOk; } LocationTag locationTag = locationService.getLocationTagByName(printerLocation); Location location = locationService.getLocation(locationString); if (locationTag == null || location == null) { return ageOk; } LocationTagAttributeValue ageLimitAttributeValue = chirdlutilbackportsService .getLocationTagAttributeValue(locationTag.getLocationTagId(), attribute, location.getLocationId()); if (ageLimitAttributeValue == null) { return ageOk; } String ageLimitString = ageLimitAttributeValue.getValue(); Integer ageLimit = Integer.valueOf(ageLimitString); HL7PatientHandler25 patientHandler = new HL7PatientHandler25(); Date dob = patientHandler.getBirthdate(message); int age = Util.getAgeInUnits(dob, new java.util.Date(), ChirdlUtilConstants.YEAR_ABBR); if (age >= ageLimit) { return !ageOk; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //String was either null, empty, or not a digit //No age limit value could be retrieved from attributes, so do not filter return ageOk; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while verifying patient age. ", e); } finally { Context.closeSession(); } return ageOk; } /** * Saves the hl7 registration message to the sockethl7listener_patient_message table. * If patient is new to the system, no patient id will be saved. * @param message * @param patient * @param duplicateString * @param duplcateEncounter */ private void saveMessage(Message message, Patient patient, boolean duplicateString, boolean duplcateEncounter) { SocketHL7ListenerService sockethl7listenerService = Context.getService(SocketHL7ListenerService.class); Integer patientId = null; if (patient != null) { patientId = patient.getPatientId(); try { sockethl7listenerService.setHl7Message(patientId, null, this.parser.encode(message), duplicateString, duplcateEncounter, super.getPort()); } catch (HL7Exception e) { log.error("Error saving HL7 registration message.", e); } } } /** * Pulls patient identifier from the hl7 message, looks up identifier in CHICA, * and returns the patient with that identifier. If the identifier does not exist, returns null. * @param message * @return Patient */ private Patient getPatientFromMessage(Message message) { try { PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); HL7PatientHandler25 patientHandler = new HL7PatientHandler25(); for (PatientIdentifier identifier : patientHandler.getIdentifiers(message)) { List<PatientIdentifierType> identifierTypes = new ArrayList<PatientIdentifierType>(); identifierTypes.add(identifier.getIdentifierType()); List<Patient> patients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, identifier.getIdentifier(), identifierTypes, true); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 if (patients != null && patients.size() == 1) { return patients.get(0); } } } catch (APIException e) { log.error("Error if existing patient"); } return null; } /** * DWE CHICA-406 * Updates Patient Account Number attribute from hl7 value. * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void addPatientAccountNumber(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute currentAccountNumberAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_PATIENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER); PersonAttribute hl7AccountNumberAttr = hl7Patient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_PATIENT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER); if (hl7AccountNumberAttr == null || hl7AccountNumberAttr.getValue() == null || hl7AccountNumberAttr.getValue().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } if (currentAccountNumberAttr == null || currentAccountNumberAttr.getValue() == null || !currentAccountNumberAttr.getValue().equals(hl7AccountNumberAttr.getValue())) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); hl7AccountNumberAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(hl7AccountNumberAttr); } } /** * MES CHICA-358 * Pulls identifiers from message string, searches for matching patients, * and merges existing patients if needed. * @param mrn * @param patient - new patient * @param messageString - mrf dump hl7 string * @should merge existing patient into new patient */ public static void checkAlias(String mrn, Patient newPatient, String messageString) { PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); HL7PatientHandler25 patientHandler = new HL7PatientHandler25(); PipeParser pipeParser = new PipeParser(); try { pipeParser.setValidationContext(new NoValidation()); String newMessageString = HL7ToObs.replaceVersion(messageString); Message newMessage = null; newMessage = pipeParser.parse(newMessageString); if (newMessage == null) { return; } String identifier = patientHandler.getIdentifierString(newMessage); if (!identifier.contains(HYPHEN)) { identifier = new StringBuffer(identifier).insert(identifier.length() - 1, HYPHEN).toString(); } if (Util.removeLeadingZeros(identifier).equalsIgnoreCase(Util.removeLeadingZeros(mrn))) { return; } List<Patient> existingPatients = patientService.getPatientsByIdentifier(null, Util.removeLeadingZeros(identifier), null, false); // CHICA-977 Use getPatientsByIdentifier() as a temporary solution to openmrs TRUNK-5089 for (Patient existingPatient : existingPatients) { if (!existingPatient.getId().equals(newPatient.getId())) { patientService.mergePatients(newPatient, existingPatient); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Alias merge error for patient " + newPatient.getId(), e); } } /** * Stores the observations from the HL7 message to applicable data sources on a separate thread. * * @param patient The patient to whom the observations will be attached * @param message The HL7 message * @param location The location of the encounter * @param session The patient session * @param printerLocation The printer location for the encounter */ private void saveHL7Obs(Patient patient, Message message, Location location, Session session, String printerLocation) { Runnable hl7ObsRunnable = new HL7StoreObsRunnable(patient.getPatientId(), location.getLocationId(), session.getSessionId(), message, printerLocation); Thread hl7ObsThread = new Thread(hl7ObsRunnable); hl7ObsThread.start(); } /** * DWE CHICA-635 * Determine the number of OBX segments in the message * This method handles the default OBX that HAPI adds and excludes it from the count * * @param message * @return */ private int getNumOBXSegments(Message message) { int numReps = this.hl7ObsHandler.getReps(message); if (numReps == 1) // Need to check to see if this is the OBX that HAPI adds by default { String obsValueType = this.hl7ObsHandler.getObsValueType(message, 0, 0); if (obsValueType == null) { numReps = 0; } } return numReps; } /** * DWE CHICA-706 * Updates Ethnicity attribute from hl7 value. * @param currentPatient * @param hl7Patient * @param encounterDate */ private void updateEthnicity(Patient currentPatient, Patient hl7Patient, Date encounterDate) { PersonAttribute currentEthnicityAttr = currentPatient .getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_ETHNICITY); PersonAttribute hl7EthnicityAttr = hl7Patient.getAttribute(ChirdlUtilConstants.PERSON_ATTRIBUTE_ETHNICITY); if (hl7EthnicityAttr == null || hl7EthnicityAttr.getValue() == null || hl7EthnicityAttr.getValue().trim().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) { return; } if (currentEthnicityAttr == null || currentEthnicityAttr.getValue() == null || !currentEthnicityAttr.getValue().equals(hl7EthnicityAttr.getValue())) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); hl7EthnicityAttr.setUuid(uuid.toString()); currentPatient.addAttribute(hl7EthnicityAttr); } } /** * DWE Epic_Eskenazi release 10/1/16 * @param existingPatient * @param newPatient * @param encounterDate */ public void addMRNEHR(Patient existingPatient, Patient newPatient, Date encounterDate) { PatientService patientService = Context.getPatientService(); String newMRNEHR = null; String existingMRNEHR = null; try { //Get the existing "MRN_EHR" identifier PatientIdentifier piExistingPatient = existingPatient .getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR); PatientIdentifier piNewPatient = newPatient .getPatientIdentifier(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR); if (piExistingPatient != null) { existingMRNEHR = piExistingPatient.getIdentifier(); //void the existing identifier piExistingPatient.setVoided(true); piExistingPatient.setVoidedBy(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); piExistingPatient.setDateVoided(new Date()); } if (piNewPatient == null) { // Identifier not found in the HL7 message? return; } newMRNEHR = piNewPatient.getIdentifier(); if (newMRNEHR == null) { return; } //Create the new identifier object and add to existing patient Set<PatientIdentifier> currIdentifiers = existingPatient.getIdentifiers(); //See if the identifier already exists boolean foundMatchingMRN = false; for (PatientIdentifier identifier : currIdentifiers) { String identifierStr = identifier.getIdentifier(); if (identifier.getIdentifierType().getName().equals(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR) && identifierStr != null && identifierStr.equals(newMRNEHR)) { foundMatchingMRN = true; //unvoid the existing identifier identifier.setVoided(false); identifier.setVoidedBy(null); identifier.setDateVoided(null); break; } } //Create the new identifier object and add to existing patient if (!foundMatchingMRN) { PatientIdentifier newIdentifier = new PatientIdentifier(); newIdentifier.setIdentifier(newMRNEHR); newIdentifier.setIdentifierType( patientService.getPatientIdentifierTypeByName(ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR)); newIdentifier.setLocation(piNewPatient.getLocation()); newIdentifier.setPatient(existingPatient); newIdentifier.setPreferred(false); // THIS SHOULD NOT BE SET AS THE PREFERRED IDENTIFIER newIdentifier.setCreator(Context.getAuthenticatedUser()); newIdentifier.setDateCreated(new Date()); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); newIdentifier.setUuid(uuid.toString()); existingPatient.addIdentifier(newIdentifier); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception adding new " + ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR + " to existing patient. Existing " + ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR + ": " + existingMRNEHR + "; New " + ChirdlUtilConstants.IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MRN_EHR + ": " + newMRNEHR, e); } } /** * CHICA-1157 * Check to see if this message contains insurance information in the IN1 segment * Hapi adds the segment by default so we need to determine if the segment is the default or contains actual information * * @param message * @return - true if this message contains information in the IN1 segment */ private boolean messageContainsInsuranceInfo(Message message) { if (message instanceof ADT_A01) { ADT_A01 adt = (ADT_A01) message; IN1 in1 = adt.getINSURANCE().getIN1(); // Checking the ID (IN1-1) seems to be the most reliable way to determine if this is the default segment added by hapi // If it is the default, the ID field will be null if (in1.getSetIDIN1().getValue() != null) { return true; } } return false; } }