Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Austrian Association for Software Tool Integration (AASTI) * under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The AASTI licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.openengsb.connector.git.internal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveOutputStream; import; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.AddCommand; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.LogCommand; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.RmCommand; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.TagCommand; import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache; import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheCheckout; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTag; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk; import; import; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.FetchResult; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.Transport; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk; import org.openengsb.connector.git.domain.GitCommitRef; import org.openengsb.connector.git.domain.GitTagRef; import org.openengsb.core.api.AliveState; import org.openengsb.core.common.AbstractOpenEngSBService; import org.openengsb.domain.scm.CommitRef; import org.openengsb.domain.scm.ScmDomain; import org.openengsb.domain.scm.ScmException; import org.openengsb.domain.scm.TagRef; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class GitServiceImpl extends AbstractOpenEngSBService implements ScmDomain { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitServiceImpl.class); private String remoteLocation; private File localWorkspace; private String watchBranch; private FileRepository repository; public GitServiceImpl(String instanceId) { super(instanceId); } @Override public AliveState getAliveState() { return AliveState.OFFLINE; } @Override public List<CommitRef> update() { List<CommitRef> commits = new ArrayList<CommitRef>(); try { if (repository == null) { prepareWorkspace(); initRepository(); } Git git = new Git(repository); AnyObjectId oldHead = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); if (oldHead == null) { LOGGER.debug("Local repository is empty. Fetching remote repository."); FetchResult fetchResult = doRemoteUpdate(); if (fetchResult.getTrackingRefUpdate(Constants.R_REMOTES + "origin/" + watchBranch) == null) { LOGGER.debug("Nothing to fetch from remote repository."); return null; } doCheckout(fetchResult); } else { LOGGER.debug("Local repository exists. Pulling remote repository."); git.pull().call(); } AnyObjectId newHead = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); if (newHead == null) { LOGGER.debug("New HEAD of local repository doesnt exist."); return null; } if (newHead != oldHead) { LogCommand logCommand = git.log(); if (oldHead == null) { LOGGER.debug("Retrieving revisions from HEAD [{}] on",; logCommand.add(newHead); } else { LOGGER.debug("Retrieving revisions in range [{}, {}]",,; logCommand.addRange(oldHead, newHead); } Iterable<RevCommit> revisions =; for (RevCommit revision : revisions) { commits.add(new GitCommitRef(revision)); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } return commits; } /** * Checks if the {@code localWorkspace} is set and creates the relevant * directories if necessary. */ private void prepareWorkspace() { if (localWorkspace == null) { throw new ScmException("Local workspace not set."); } if (!localWorkspace.isDirectory()) { tryCreateLocalWorkspace(); } } /** * Creates the directories necessary for the workspace. */ private void tryCreateLocalWorkspace() { if (!localWorkspace.exists()) { localWorkspace.mkdirs(); } if (!localWorkspace.exists()) { throw new ScmException( "Local workspace directory '" + localWorkspace + "' does not exist and cannot be created."); } if (!localWorkspace.isDirectory()) { throw new ScmException("Local workspace directory '" + localWorkspace + "' is not a valid directory."); } } /** * Initializes the {@link FileRepository} or creates a new own if it does * not exist. */ private void initRepository() throws IOException { FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder(); builder.setWorkTree(localWorkspace); repository =; if (!new File(localWorkspace, ".git").isDirectory()) { repository.create(); repository.getConfig().setString("remote", "origin", "fetch", "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"); repository.getConfig().setString("remote", "origin", "url", remoteLocation); repository.getConfig().setString("branch", watchBranch, "remote", "origin"); repository.getConfig().setString("branch", watchBranch, "merge", "refs/heads/" + watchBranch); repository.getConfig().save(); } } protected void doCheckout(FetchResult fetchResult) throws IOException { final Ref head = fetchResult.getAdvertisedRef(Constants.R_HEADS + watchBranch); final RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(repository); final RevCommit mapCommit; try { LOGGER.debug("Mapping received reference to respective commit."); mapCommit = rw.parseCommit(head.getObjectId()); } finally { rw.release(); } final RefUpdate u; boolean detached = !head.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS); LOGGER.debug("Updating HEAD reference to revision [{}]", mapCommit.getId().name()); u = repository.updateRef(Constants.HEAD, detached); u.setNewObjectId(mapCommit.getId()); u.forceUpdate(); DirCacheCheckout dirCacheCheckout = new DirCacheCheckout(repository, null, repository.lockDirCache(), mapCommit.getTree()); dirCacheCheckout.setFailOnConflict(true); boolean checkoutResult = dirCacheCheckout.checkout(); LOGGER.debug("Checked out new repository revision to working directory"); if (!checkoutResult) { throw new IOException("Internal error occured on checking out files"); } } protected FetchResult doRemoteUpdate() throws IOException { List<RemoteConfig> remoteConfig = null; try { LOGGER.debug("Fetching remote configurations from repository configuration"); remoteConfig = RemoteConfig.getAllRemoteConfigs(repository.getConfig()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } LOGGER.debug("Opening transport to {}", remoteConfig.get(0).getName()); Transport transport =, remoteConfig.get(0)); try { LOGGER.debug("Fetching content from remote repository"); return transport.fetch(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, null); } finally { if (transport != null) { transport.close(); } } } @Override public File export() { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } LOGGER.debug("Exporting repository to archive"); File tmp = File.createTempFile("repository", ".zip"); ZipArchiveOutputStream zos = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(tmp); packRepository(localWorkspace, zos); zos.close(); return tmp; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public File export(CommitRef ref) { RevWalk rw = null; File tmp = null; try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } LOGGER.debug("Resolving HEAD and reference [{}]", ref.getStringRepresentation()); AnyObjectId headId = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); AnyObjectId refId = repository.resolve(ref.getStringRepresentation()); if (headId == null || refId == null) { throw new ScmException("HEAD or reference [" + ref.getStringRepresentation() + "] doesn't exist."); } rw = new RevWalk(repository); RevCommit head = rw.parseCommit(headId); RevCommit commit = rw.parseCommit(refId); LOGGER.debug("Checking out working copy of revision"); checkoutIndex(commit); tmp = File.createTempFile("repository", ".zip"); LOGGER.debug("Exporting repository to archive"); ZipArchiveOutputStream zos = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(tmp); packRepository(localWorkspace, zos); zos.close(); LOGGER.debug("Checking out working copy of former HEAD revision"); checkoutIndex(head); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } finally { if (rw != null) { rw.release(); } } return tmp; } /** * Packs the files and directories of a passed {@link File} to a passed * {@link ArchiveOutputStream}. * * @throws IOException */ private void packRepository(File source, ArchiveOutputStream aos) throws IOException { int bufferSize = 2048; byte[] readBuffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int bytesIn = 0; File[] files = source.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return !pathname.getName().equals(Constants.DOT_GIT); } }); for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { ArchiveEntry ae = aos.createArchiveEntry(file, getRelativePath(file.getAbsolutePath())); aos.putArchiveEntry(ae); aos.closeArchiveEntry(); packRepository(file, aos); } else { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); ArchiveEntry ae = aos.createArchiveEntry(file, getRelativePath(file.getAbsolutePath())); aos.putArchiveEntry(ae); while ((bytesIn = != -1) { aos.write(readBuffer, 0, bytesIn); } aos.closeArchiveEntry(); fis.close(); } } } private void checkoutIndex(RevCommit commit) { DirCache dc = null; try { dc = repository.lockDirCache(); DirCacheCheckout checkout = new DirCacheCheckout(repository, dc, commit.getTree()); checkout.setFailOnConflict(false); checkout.checkout(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } finally { if (dc != null) { dc.unlock(); } } } public void setRemoteLocation(String remoteLocation) { // if (remoteLocation.startsWith("file:/") && !remoteLocation.startsWith("file:///")) { remoteLocation = remoteLocation.replace("file:/", "file:///"); } this.remoteLocation = remoteLocation; } public void setLocalWorkspace(String localWorkspace) { this.localWorkspace = new File(localWorkspace); } public void setWatchBranch(String watchBranch) { this.watchBranch = watchBranch; } public FileRepository getRepository() { if (repository == null) { prepareWorkspace(); try { initRepository(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } return repository; } @Override public boolean exists(String arg0) { try { AnyObjectId id = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); RevCommit commit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(id); LOGGER.debug("Looking up file {} in HEAD revision", arg0); TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, arg0, new AnyObjectId[] { commit.getTree() }); if (treeWalk == null) { return false; } ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(treeWalk.getTreeCount() - 1); LOGGER.debug("File {} received commit id {} at commit", arg0,; return !objectId.equals(ObjectId.zeroId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public File get(String file) { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } AnyObjectId id = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); RevCommit commit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(id); LOGGER.debug("Looking up file {} in HEAD revision", file); TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, file, new AnyObjectId[] { commit.getTree() }); if (treeWalk == null) { return null; } ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(treeWalk.getTreeCount() - 1); if (objectId == ObjectId.zeroId()) { LOGGER.debug("File {} couldn't be found in HEAD revision", file); return null; } String fileName = getFilename(file); LOGGER.debug("Creating file from saved repository content"); File tmp = File.createTempFile(fileName, null); tmp.deleteOnExit(); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmp); os.write(; os.close(); return tmp; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public boolean exists(String arg0, CommitRef arg1) { try { AnyObjectId id = repository.resolve(arg1.getStringRepresentation()); RevCommit commit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(id); LOGGER.debug("Looking up file {} in revision {}", arg0, arg1.getStringRepresentation()); TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, arg0, new AnyObjectId[] { commit.getTree() }); if (treeWalk == null) { return false; } ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(treeWalk.getTreeCount() - 1); LOGGER.debug("File {} received commit id {} at commit", arg0,; return !objectId.equals(ObjectId.zeroId()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public File get(String file, CommitRef ref) { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } AnyObjectId id = repository.resolve(ref.getStringRepresentation()); RevCommit commit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(id); LOGGER.debug("Looking up file {} in revision {}", file, ref.getStringRepresentation()); TreeWalk treeWalk = TreeWalk.forPath(repository, file, new AnyObjectId[] { commit.getTree() }); if (treeWalk == null) { return null; } ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(treeWalk.getTreeCount() - 1); if (objectId == ObjectId.zeroId()) { return null; } String fileName = getFilename(file); LOGGER.debug("Creating file from saved repository content"); File tmp = File.createTempFile(fileName, null); tmp.deleteOnExit(); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(tmp); os.write(; os.close(); return tmp; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } /** * Returns the name of a file from a passed repository path. */ private String getFilename(String path) { String fileName; if (path.contains("/")) { fileName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } else { fileName = path; } return fileName; } @Override public CommitRef getHead() { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } AnyObjectId id = repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD); RevCommit commit = new RevWalk(repository).parseCommit(id); LOGGER.debug("Resolved HEAD to commit {}", commit.getId().name()); return new GitCommitRef(commit); } catch (IOException e) { if (repository != null) { repository.close(); repository = null; } throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public CommitRef add(String comment, File... file) { if (file.length == 0) { LOGGER.debug("No files to add in list"); return null; } if (repository == null) { prepareWorkspace(); try { initRepository(); } catch (IOException e) { if (repository != null) { repository.close(); } throw new ScmException(e); } } Git git = new Git(repository); AddCommand add = git.add(); try { for (File toCommit : file) { if (!toCommit.exists()) { throw new ScmException("File " + toCommit + " is not a valid file to commit."); } String filepattern = getRelativePath(toCommit.getAbsolutePath()); LOGGER.debug("Adding file {} in working directory to repository", filepattern); add.addFilepattern(filepattern); }; LOGGER.debug("Committing added files with comment '{}'", comment); return new GitCommitRef(git.commit().setMessage(comment).call()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } /** * Returns the relative path of an absolute {@code filePath} in comparison * to the working directory of the repository. */ private String getRelativePath(String filePath) { final String repoPath = repository.getWorkTree().getAbsolutePath(); if (filePath.startsWith(repoPath)) { return filePath.substring(repoPath.length() + 1); } else { throw new ScmException("File is not in working directory."); } } @Override public CommitRef remove(String comment, File... file) { if (file.length == 0) { LOGGER.debug("No files to add in list"); return null; } if (repository == null) { prepareWorkspace(); try { initRepository(); } catch (IOException e) { if (repository != null) { repository.close(); repository = null; } throw new ScmException(e); } } Git git = new Git(repository); RmCommand rm = git.rm(); try { for (File toCommit : file) { if (!toCommit.exists()) { throw new ScmException("File " + toCommit + " is not a valid file to commit."); } String filepattern = getRelativePath(toCommit.getAbsolutePath()); LOGGER.debug("Removing file {} in working directory from repository", filepattern); rm.addFilepattern(filepattern); }; LOGGER.debug("Committing removed files with comment '{}'", comment); return new GitCommitRef(git.commit().setMessage(comment).call()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public TagRef tagRepo(String tagName) { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } TagCommand tag = new Git(repository).tag(); LOGGER.debug("Tagging HEAD with name '{}'", tagName); return new GitTagRef(tag.setName(tagName).call()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public TagRef tagRepo(String tagName, CommitRef ref) { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } AnyObjectId commitRef = repository.resolve(ref.getStringRepresentation()); if (commitRef == null) { LOGGER.debug("Couldnt resolve reference {} in repository", ref.getStringRepresentation()); return null; } RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository); RevCommit revCommit = walk.parseCommit(commitRef); TagCommand tag = new Git(repository).tag(); tag.setName(tagName).setObjectId(revCommit); LOGGER.debug("Tagging revision {} with name '{}'", ref.getStringRepresentation(), tagName); return new GitTagRef(; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } @Override public CommitRef getCommitRefForTag(TagRef ref) { try { if (repository == null) { initRepository(); } AnyObjectId tagRef = repository.resolve(ref.getStringRepresentation()); if (tagRef == null) { LOGGER.debug("Couldnt resolve reference {} in repository", ref.getStringRepresentation()); return null; } RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository); RevTag revTag = walk.parseTag(tagRef); CommitRef commitRef = null; if (revTag.getObject() instanceof RevCommit) { commitRef = new GitCommitRef((RevCommit) revTag.getObject()); LOGGER.debug("Resolved reference {} to commit {}", ref.getStringRepresentation(), commitRef.getStringRepresentation()); } return commitRef; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ScmException(e); } } }