Java tutorial
/* * ADL2-core * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Marand d.o.o. ( * * This file is part of ADL2-core. * * ADL2-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.openehr.adl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.openehr.adl.util.TestAdlParser; import*; import org.openehr.jaxb.rm.*; import org.testng.Assert; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import static org.openehr.adl.rm.RmObjectFactory.*; /** * @author markopi */ public class ParserTestBase { private static final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); public static final MultiplicityInterval MANDATORY = newMultiplicityInterval(1, 1); public static final MultiplicityInterval OPTIONAL = newMultiplicityInterval(0, 1); public static final MultiplicityInterval UNBOUNDED = newMultiplicityInterval(0, null); public static final MultiplicityInterval MANDATORY_UNBOUNDED = newMultiplicityInterval(1, null); protected DifferentialArchetype parseArchetype(String classpathResource) { return TestAdlParser.parseAdl(classpathResource); } protected Map<String, String> dictToMap(List<StringDictionaryItem> items) { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(); for (StringDictionaryItem item : items) { result.put(item.getId(), item.getValue()); } return result; } protected Map<String, TranslationDetails> transToMap(List<TranslationDetails> translations) { Map<String, TranslationDetails> result = new HashMap<>(); for (TranslationDetails translation : translations) { result.put(translation.getLanguage().getCodeString(), translation); } return result; } protected ArchetypeTerm getTermDefinition(ArchetypeOntology ontology, String lang, String atCode) { for (CodeDefinitionSet cds : ontology.getTermDefinitions()) { if (lang == null || cds.getLanguage().equals(lang)) { for (ArchetypeTerm at : cds.getItems()) { if (at.getCode().equals(atCode)) return at; } } } return null; } protected Map<String, CodeDefinitionSet> codeToMap(List<CodeDefinitionSet> termDefinitions) { Map<String, CodeDefinitionSet> result = new HashMap<>(); for (CodeDefinitionSet termDefinition : termDefinitions) { result.put(termDefinition.getLanguage(), termDefinition); } return result; } protected void assertNull(String message, @Nullable Object nullValue) { Assert.assertNull(nullValue, message); } protected void assertNotNull(String message, @Nullable Object value) { Assert.assertNotNull(value, message); } protected void assertEquals(@Nullable Object expected, @Nullable Object actual) { assertEquals(null, expected, actual); } protected void assertEquals(String message, @Nullable Object expected, @Nullable Object actual) { Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected, message); } protected void assertTrue(String message, boolean test) { Assert.assertTrue(test, message); } @Nullable protected String json(@Nullable Object object) { if (object == null) return null; try { return objectMapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(object); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // assert CObject has expected values protected void assertCObject(CObject obj, String rmTypeName, @Nullable String nodeID, @Nullable IntervalOfInteger occurrences, @Nullable SiblingOrder siblingOrder) { assertEquals("rmTypeName", rmTypeName, obj.getRmTypeName()); assertEquals("nodeID", nodeID, obj.getNodeId()); assertEquals("occurrences", json(occurrences), json(obj.getOccurrences())); assertEquals("siblingOrder", json(siblingOrder), json(obj.getSiblingOrder())); } protected void assertCObject(CObject obj, String rmTypeName, @Nullable String nodeID, @Nullable IntervalOfInteger occurrences) { assertCObject(obj, rmTypeName, nodeID, occurrences, null); } // assert CComplexObject object has expected values protected void assertCComplexObject(CComplexObject obj, String rmTypeName, @Nullable String nodeID, IntervalOfInteger occurrences, int attributes) { assertCObject(obj, rmTypeName, nodeID, occurrences); assertEquals("attributes.size", attributes, obj.getAttributes().size()); } // assert CAttribute has expected values protected void assertCAttribute(CAttribute attr, String rmAttributeName, IntervalOfInteger existence, @Nullable Cardinality cardinality, int children) { assertEquals("rmAttributeName", rmAttributeName, attr.getRmAttributeName()); assertEquals("existence", json(existence), json(attr.getExistence())); assertEquals("cardinality", json(cardinality), json(attr.getCardinality())); assertEquals("children.size", children, attr.getChildren().size()); } // assert CAttribute has expected values protected void assertCAttribute(CAttribute attr, String rmAttributeName, int children) { assertCAttribute(attr, rmAttributeName, newIntervalOfInteger(1, 1), null, children); } // assertion on primitive types protected void assertCBoolean(Object obj, boolean trueValid, boolean falseValid, boolean assumed, boolean hasAssumed) { CBoolean b = (CBoolean) fetchFirst(obj); assertEquals("trueValid", trueValid, b.isTrueValid()); assertEquals("falseValid", falseValid, b.isFalseValid()); assertEquals("assumed value", hasAssumed ? assumed : null, b.isAssumedValue()); } protected void assertCInteger(Object obj, @Nullable IntervalOfInteger interval, @Nullable int[] values, @Nullable Integer assumed) { CInteger c = (CInteger) fetchFirst(obj); assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); assertEquals("list", intSet(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("unexpected assumed value", assumed, c.getAssumedValue()); } protected void assertCReal(Object obj, @Nullable IntervalOfReal interval, @Nullable double[] values, @Nullable Double assumed) { CReal c; if (obj instanceof CAttribute) { c = (CReal) fetchFirst(obj); } else { c = (CReal) obj; } assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); assertEquals("list", floatSet(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("unexpected assumed value", assumed != null ? assumed.floatValue() : null, c.getAssumedValue()); } protected void assertCDate(Object obj, @Nullable String pattern, @Nullable IntervalOfDate interval, @Nullable String[] values, @Nullable String assumed) { CDate c = (CDate) fetchFirst(obj); assertEquals("pattern", pattern, c.getPattern()); assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); //assertEquals("list", dateSet(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("assumed value", assumed, c.getAssumedValue()); } protected void assertCDateTime(Object obj, @Nullable String pattern, @Nullable IntervalOfDateTime interval, @Nullable String[] values, @Nullable String assumed) { CDateTime c = (CDateTime) fetchFirst(obj); assertEquals("pattern", pattern, c.getPattern()); assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); //assertEquals("list", dateTimeSet(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("assumed value", assumed, c.getAssumedValue()); } // without assumed value protected void assertCDateTime(Object obj, String pattern, IntervalOfDateTime interval, String[] values) { assertCDateTime(obj, pattern, interval, values, null); } protected void assertCTime(Object obj, @Nullable String pattern, @Nullable IntervalOfTime interval, @Nullable String[] values, @Nullable String assumed) { CTime c = (CTime) fetchFirst(obj); assertEquals("pattern", pattern, c.getPattern()); assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); //assertEquals("list", timeSet(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("assumed value", assumed, c.getAssumedValue()); } protected void assertCCodePhrase(ArchetypeConstraint actual, String terminologyId, @Nullable String[] codes, @Nullable String assumedValue) { // check type assertTrue("CCodePhrase expected, got " + actual.getClass(), actual instanceof CCodePhrase); CCodePhrase cCodePhrase = (CCodePhrase) actual; // check terminology assertEquals("terminology", terminologyId, cCodePhrase.getTerminologyId().getValue()); // check code list if (codes == null) { assertTrue("codeList expected empty", cCodePhrase.getCodeList().isEmpty()); } else { List<String> codeList = cCodePhrase.getCodeList(); assertEquals("codes.size wrong", codes.length, codeList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { Object c = codeList.get(i); assertEquals("code wrong, got: " + c, codes[i], c); } } // check assumed value assertEquals("assumed value wrong", assumedValue, cCodePhrase.getAssumedValue() != null ? cCodePhrase.getAssumedValue().getCodeString() : null); } protected void assertCTerminologyCode(ArchetypeConstraint actual, String terminologyId, @Nullable String[] codes, @Nullable String assumedValue) { // check type assertTrue("CTerminologyCode expected, got " + actual.getClass(), actual instanceof CTerminologyCode); CTerminologyCode cTerminologyCode = (CTerminologyCode) actual; // check terminology assertEquals("terminology", terminologyId, cTerminologyCode.getTerminologyId()); // check code list if (codes == null) { assertTrue("codeList expected empty", cTerminologyCode.getCodeList().isEmpty()); } else { List<String> codeList = cTerminologyCode.getCodeList(); assertEquals("codes.size wrong", codes.length, codeList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { Object c = codeList.get(i); assertEquals("code wrong, got: " + c, codes[i], c); } } // check assumed value assertEquals("assumed value wrong", assumedValue, cTerminologyCode.getAssumedValue() != null ? cTerminologyCode.getAssumedValue() : null); } // without assumed value protected void assertCTime(Object obj, String pattern, IntervalOfTime interval, String[] values) { assertCTime(obj, pattern, interval, values, null); } // full assertion with CDuration protected void assertCDuration(Object obj, @Nullable String value, @Nullable IntervalOfDuration interval, @Nullable String assumed, @Nullable String pattern) { CDuration c = (CDuration) obj; // assertEquals("list", value == null ? null : DvDuration.getInstance(value), // c.getValue()); assertEquals("interval", json(interval), json(c.getRange())); assertEquals("assumed value", assumed, c.getAssumedValue()); assertEquals("pattern wrong", pattern, c.getPattern()); } // without pattern protected void assertCDuration(@Nullable Object obj, @Nullable String value, @Nullable IntervalOfDuration interval, @Nullable String assumed) { assertCDuration(obj, value, interval, assumed, null); } // without assumed value, pattern protected void assertCDuration(@Nullable Object obj, @Nullable String value, @Nullable IntervalOfDuration interval) { assertCDuration(obj, value, interval, null); } // fetch the first CPrimitive from the CAttribute CPrimitiveObject fetchFirst(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof CAttribute) { return ((CPrimitiveObject) ((CAttribute) obj).getChildren().get(0)); } else { return (CPrimitiveObject) obj; } } protected void assertCString(Object obj, @Nullable String pattern, @Nullable String[] values, @Nullable String assumedValue) { CString c; if (obj instanceof CAttribute) { c = (CString) fetchFirst(obj); } else { c = (CString) obj; } if (pattern == null) { assertTrue("pattern null", c.getPattern() == null); } else { assertEquals("pattern", pattern, c.getPattern()); } assertEquals("list", values == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(values), c.getList()); assertEquals("unexpected CString assumed value", assumedValue, c.getAssumedValue()); } @Nullable List<Integer> intSet(@Nullable int[] values) { if (values == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (int value : values) { result.add(value); } return result; } @Nullable List<Float> floatSet(@Nullable double[] values) { if (values == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Float> set = new ArrayList<>(); for (double value : values) { set.add((float) value); } return set; } // IntervalOfInteger protected IntervalOfInteger greaterThan(int value) { return newIntervalOfInteger(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfInteger lessThan(int value) { return newIntervalOfInteger(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfInteger greaterEqual(int value) { return newIntervalOfInteger(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfInteger lessEqual(int value) { return newIntervalOfInteger(null, value, false, true); } // IntervalOfReal protected IntervalOfReal greaterThan(double value) { return newIntervalOfReal(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfReal lessThan(double value) { return newIntervalOfReal(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfReal greaterEqual(double value) { return newIntervalOfReal(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfReal lessEqual(double value) { return newIntervalOfReal(null, value, false, true); } // IntervalOfDateTime protected IntervalOfDateTime greaterThan(DvDateTime value) { return newIntervalOfDateTime(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDateTime lessThan(DvDateTime value) { return newIntervalOfDateTime(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDateTime greaterEqual(DvDateTime value) { return newIntervalOfDateTime(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfDateTime lessEqual(DvDateTime value) { return newIntervalOfDateTime(null, value, false, true); } // IntervalOfDate protected IntervalOfDate greaterThan(DvDate value) { return newIntervalOfDate(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDate lessThan(DvDate value) { return newIntervalOfDate(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDate greaterEqual(DvDate value) { return newIntervalOfDate(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfDate lessEqual(DvDate value) { return newIntervalOfDate(null, value, false, true); } // IntervalOfTime protected IntervalOfTime greaterThan(DvTime value) { return newIntervalOfTime(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfTime lessThan(DvTime value) { return newIntervalOfTime(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfTime greaterEqual(DvTime value) { return newIntervalOfTime(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfTime lessEqual(DvTime value) { return newIntervalOfTime(null, value, false, true); } // IntervalOfDuration protected IntervalOfDuration greaterThan(DvDuration value) { return newIntervalOfDuration(value, null, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDuration lessThan(DvDuration value) { return newIntervalOfDuration(null, value, false, false); } protected IntervalOfDuration greaterEqual(DvDuration value) { return newIntervalOfDuration(value, null, true, false); } protected IntervalOfDuration lessEqual(DvDuration value) { return newIntervalOfDuration(null, value, false, true); } protected DvDate date(String value) { return newDvDate(value); } protected DvDateTime dateTime(String value) { return newDvDateTime(value); } protected DvTime time(String value) { return newDvTime(value); } }