Java tutorial
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2011 OpenConcerto, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 * only ("GPL"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a * copy of the License at See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. */ package org.openconcerto.sql.utils; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.ConnectionHandler; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.ConnectionHandlerNoSetup; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.DBSystemRoot; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.IResultSetHandler; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLDataSource; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLRequestLog; import org.openconcerto.sql.model.SQLSystem; import org.openconcerto.utils.RTInterruptedException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Savepoint; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.ResultSetHandler; import com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionProperties; public class SQLUtils { /** * Return the first chained exception with a non null SQL state. * * @param exn an exception. * @return the first SQLException with a non-<code>null</code> * {@link SQLException#getSQLState()}, <code>null</code> if not found. */ static public final SQLException findWithSQLState(final Exception exn) { Throwable e = exn; while (e != null) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { final SQLException sqlExn = (SQLException) e; if (sqlExn.getSQLState() != null) { return sqlExn; } } e = e.getCause(); } return null; } public interface SQLFactory<T> { public T create() throws SQLException; } /** * Use a single transaction to execute <code>f</code> : it is either committed or rollbacked. * * @param <T> type of factory * @param ds the datasource where f should be executed. * @param f the factory to execute. * @return what f returns. * @throws SQLException if a pb occurs. */ public static <T> T executeAtomic(final SQLDataSource ds, final SQLFactory<T> f) throws SQLException { return executeAtomic(ds, new ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<T, SQLException>() { @Override public T handle(SQLDataSource ds) throws SQLException { return f.create(); } }); } /** * Use a single transaction to execute <code>h</code> : it is either committed or rolled back. * * @param <T> type of return * @param <X> type of exception of <code>h</code> * @param ds the data source where h should be executed. * @param h the code to execute. * @return what h returns. * @throws SQLException if a problem occurs. * @throws X if <code>h</code> throw it. */ public static <T, X extends Exception> T executeAtomic(final SQLDataSource ds, final ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<T, X> h) throws SQLException, X { return executeAtomic(ds, h, true); } /** * Execute <code>h</code> in a transaction. Only the outer most call to * <code>executeAtomic()</code> commit or roll back a transaction, for recursive calls if * <code>continueTx</code> is <code>true</code> then nothing happens, else a save point is * created and rolled back if an exception occurs (allowing the caller to catch the exception * without loosing the current transaction). * <p> * NOTE : if <code>continueTx</code> is <code>true</code> and an exception is thrown, the * connection might be aborted. So you should notify the caller, e.g. propagate the exception so * that he can roll back the transaction. * </p> * * @param <T> type of return * @param <X> type of exception of <code>h</code> * @param ds the data source where h should be executed. * @param h the code to execute. * @param continueTx only relevant if already in a transaction : if <code>true</code> the * handler will just be executed and the connection won't be modified (i.e. the existing * transaction will neither be committed nor rolled back) ; if <code>false</code> a save * point will be used. * @return what h returns. * @throws SQLException if a problem occurs. * @throws X if <code>h</code> throw it. */ public static <T, X extends Exception> T executeAtomic(final SQLDataSource ds, final ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<T, X> h, final boolean continueTx) throws SQLException, X { return ds.useConnection(new ConnectionHandler<T, X>() { private Boolean autoCommit = null; private Savepoint savePoint = null; @Override public boolean canRestoreState() { return true; } @Override public void setup(Connection conn) throws SQLException { this.autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); if (this.autoCommit) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); } else if (!continueTx) { this.savePoint = conn.setSavepoint(); } } @Override public T handle(final SQLDataSource ds) throws X, SQLException { return h.handle(ds); } @Override public void restoreState(Connection conn) throws SQLException { // can be null if getAutoCommit() failed, in that case nothing to do final boolean hasStoppedAutoCommit = Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.autoCommit); final boolean hasSavePoint = this.savePoint != null; // at most one is enough (otherwise change if/else below) assert !(hasStoppedAutoCommit && hasSavePoint) : "Begun a transaction and created a save point"; if (hasStoppedAutoCommit || hasSavePoint) { // true if the exception was thrown by get() boolean getExn = true; try { this.get(); getExn = false; if (hasStoppedAutoCommit) conn.commit(); // MS SQL cannot release save points // else if (ds.getSystem() != SQLSystem.MSSQL) conn.releaseSavepoint(this.savePoint); } catch (Exception e) { if (hasStoppedAutoCommit) conn.rollback(); else conn.rollback(this.savePoint); // if the exception wasn't generated by get() the caller must be notified if (!getExn) throw new SQLException("Couldn't " + (hasSavePoint ? "release save point" : "commit"), e); } finally { if (hasStoppedAutoCommit) conn.setAutoCommit(true); } } } }); } /** * If conn is in autocommit, unset it, try to execute f, if an exception is raised rollback * otherwise commit ; finally set autocommit. Otherwise just execute f as we assume the calling * method handles transactions. * * @param <T> type of factory * * @param conn the connection. * @param f will be executed. * @return what f returns. * @throws SQLException if a pb occurs. */ public static <T> T executeAtomic(final Connection conn, final SQLFactory<T> f) throws SQLException { // create a transaction if we aren't in any, otherwise do nothing final boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); final T res; if (autoCommit) { conn.setAutoCommit(false); try { res = f.create(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { conn.rollback(); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { conn.rollback(); throw e; } finally { conn.setAutoCommit(true); } } else { res = f.create(); } return res; } /** * Creates a pseudo sequence with an arbitrary type (not just bigint as real sequences). These * statements create 2 functions : <code>next_<i>seqName</i>()</code> and * <code>reset_<i>seqName</i>()</code>. * * @param seqName the name of the sequence. * @param sqlType its SQL type, eg "decimal(16,8)". * @param minVal the starting value, eg "0.123". * @param inc the increment, eg "3.14". * @return the SQL statements. */ public static List<String> createPostgreSQLSeq(String seqName, String sqlType, String minVal, String inc) { final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); final String genT = seqName + "_generator"; res.add("DROP TABLE if exists " + genT); res.add("CREATE TABLE " + genT + " ( " + decl(new String[] { "minVal", "inc", "currentVal", "tmpVal" }, sqlType) + ")"); String body = "UPDATE " + genT + " set tmpVal = currentVal, currentVal = currentVal + inc ;"; body += "SELECT tmpVal from " + genT + ";"; res.addAll(createFunction("next_" + seqName, sqlType, body)); body = "update " + genT + " set currentVal = minVal ;"; body += "select currentVal from " + genT + ";"; res.addAll(createFunction("reset_" + seqName, sqlType, body)); res.add("INSERT INTO " + genT + " values(" + minVal + ", (" + inc + ") )"); res.add("SELECT " + "reset_" + seqName + "()"); return res; } /** * A list of declaration. * * @param cols columns name, eg ["min", "inc"]. * @param type SQL type, eg "int8". * @return declaration, eg "min int8, inc int8". */ private static String decl(String[] cols, String type) { String res = ""; for (String col : cols) { res += col + " " + type + ","; } // remove last , return res.substring(0, res.length() - 1); } /** * Creates an SQL function (dropping it beforehand). * * @param name the name of the function. * @param type the SQL return type. * @param body the body of the function. * @return the SQL statements. */ private static List<String> createFunction(String name, String type, String body) { final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>(); res.add("DROP FUNCTION if exists " + name + "()"); String f = "CREATE FUNCTION " + name + "() RETURNS " + type + " AS $createFunction$ "; f += body; f += " $createFunction$ LANGUAGE SQL"; res.add(f); return res; } static public final String SPLIT_DELIMITER = "$jdbcDelimiter$"; static private final Pattern splitMySQLQueries = Pattern.compile(";\r?\n"); static public final Pattern SPLIT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(SPLIT_DELIMITER, Pattern.LITERAL); /** * Split a SQL script so that it can be executed. For MySQL the script is split at ';' for * others at {@link #SPLIT_DELIMITER}. * * @param sql the script to execute. * @param sysRoot where to execute. * @throws SQLException if an exception happens. */ static public void executeScript(final String sql, final DBSystemRoot sysRoot) throws SQLException { // Bug 1: MySQL jdbc cannot execute what MySQL QueryBrowser can // ie before 5.1 you could execute a string with multiple CREATE TABLE, // but in 5.1 each execute must have exactly one query // Bug 2: MySQL does not have the concept of dollar quoted strings // so we have to help it and split the query (eg around trigger and functions) final SQLSystem sys = sysRoot.getServer().getSQLSystem(); final Pattern p = sys == SQLSystem.MYSQL || sys == SQLSystem.MSSQL ? splitMySQLQueries : SPLIT_PATTERN; executeScript(sql, sysRoot, p); } static public void executeScript(final String sql, final DBSystemRoot sysRoot, final Pattern p) throws SQLException { try { for (final String s : p.split(sql)) { final String trimmed = s.trim(); if (trimmed.length() > 0) sysRoot.getDataSource().execute(trimmed, null); } } catch (final Exception e) { throw new SQLException("unable to execute " + sql, e); } } /** * Execute all queries at once if possible. * * @param sysRoot where to execute. * @param queries what to execute. * @param handlers how to process the result sets, items can be <code>null</code>. * @return the results of the handlers. * @throws SQLException if an error occur * @throws RTInterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted. * @see SQLSystem#isMultipleResultSetsSupported() */ static public List<?> executeMultiple(final DBSystemRoot sysRoot, final List<String> queries, final List<? extends ResultSetHandler> handlers) throws SQLException, RTInterruptedException { final int size = handlers.size(); if (queries.size() != size) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size mismatch " + queries + " / " + handlers); final List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(size); final SQLSystem system = sysRoot.getServer().getSQLSystem(); if (system.isMultipleResultSetsSupported()) { final long timeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long time = System.nanoTime(); final long afterCache = time; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256 * size); for (final String q : queries) { sb.append(q); if (!q.trim().endsWith(";")) sb.append(';'); sb.append('\n'); } final String query = sb.toString(); sysRoot.getDataSource().useConnection(new ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<Object, SQLException>() { @Override public Object handle(SQLDataSource ds) throws SQLException { final Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); if (system == SQLSystem.MYSQL) { final ConnectionProperties connectionProperties = (ConnectionProperties) ((DelegatingConnection) conn) .getInnermostDelegate(); if (!connectionProperties.getAllowMultiQueries()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Multi queries not allowed and the setting can only be set before connecting"); } } final long afterQueryInfo = System.nanoTime(); final long afterExecute, afterHandle; final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new RTInterruptedException("Interrupted before executing : " + query); stmt.execute(query); afterExecute = System.nanoTime(); for (final ResultSetHandler h : handlers) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new RTInterruptedException("Interrupted while handling results : " + query); results.add(h == null ? null : h.handle(stmt.getResultSet())); stmt.getMoreResults(); } afterHandle = System.nanoTime(); } finally { stmt.close(); } SQLRequestLog.log(query, "executeMultiple", conn, timeMs, time, afterCache, afterQueryInfo, afterExecute, afterHandle, System.nanoTime()); return null; } }); } else { // use the same connection to allow some insert/update followed by a select sysRoot.getDataSource().useConnection(new ConnectionHandlerNoSetup<Object, SQLException>() { @Override public Object handle(SQLDataSource ds) throws SQLException { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final ResultSetHandler rsh = handlers.get(i); // since the other if clause cannot support cache and this clause doesn't // have any table to fire, don't use cache results.add(sysRoot.getDataSource().execute(queries.get(i), rsh == null ? null : new IResultSetHandler(rsh, false))); } return null; } }); } return results; } }