Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2011 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.mappings.utilities; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opencds.common.exceptions.DataFormatException; import org.opencds.common.exceptions.InvalidDataException; import org.opencds.common.utilities.DateUtility; import org.opencds.common.utilities.MiscUtility; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.GoalValue; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.ObservationValue; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.AD; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.ADXP; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.ANY; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.AddressPartType; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.BL; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.CD; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.CS; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.EN; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.ENXP; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.EntityNamePartQualifier; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.EntityNamePartType; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.EntityNameUse; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.II; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.INT; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.IVLDate; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.IVLINT; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.IVLPQ; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.IVLREAL; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.IVLRTO; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.PQ; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.PostalAddressUse; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.REAL; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.RTO; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.TEL; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.TelecommunicationAddressUse; import org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.internal.datatypes.TelecommunicationCapability; /** * <p>MappingUtility is used to perform mapping functions between external and internal * data structures. In this class, internal datatypes are always fully specified, and * the schema datatypes are imported from the schema. * </p> * * <p>Basic principle we used for inbound mapping: * * 1. Map into a null hen there is a null or no useable value in the input. * 2. If there appears to be part of a complex datatype, but required attributes are missing * then an exception is thrown. * </p> * <p/> * * <p>Initial Create Date: 2010-10-04</p> * <p>Last Update Date: 2011-04-11</p> * <p>Version history: v1.00 (2010-10-04). Initial creation.</p> * <p>v2.00 (2011-02-09). Revision to 2nd major version of vMR schema and internal classes, known as vmr.alpha. * <p>v3.00 (2011-08-01). Revision to 3rd major version of vMR schema and internal classes, known as vmr.v1_0. * This revision does not flatten internal datatypes other than II. * This revision follows the method naming conventions of * <datatype>2<datatype>Internal() and * <datatype>Internal2<datatype> * This revision imports all of the internal datatypes, and fully specifies the external ones * * @author David Shields, Daryl Chertcoff * @version 3.00 */ public class MappingUtility extends java.lang.Object { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MappingUtility.class); protected static CD noInformation = setNoInfo(); protected static CD setNoInfo() { CD noInfo = new CD(); noInfo.setCodeSystem(""); noInfo.setCode(""); return noInfo; } public static CD OPENCDS_NO_INFORMATION = noInformation; public MappingUtility() { } public static ANY aNY2ANYInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ANY pANY) { if (pANY == null) return null; // ANY lANY = new ANY(pANY); ANY lANY = new ANY(); return lANY; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ANY aNYInternal2ANY(ANY pANY) { if (pANY == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ANY lANY = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ANY(); return lANY; } public static GoalValue targetGoalValue2TargetGoalValueInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.GoalBase.TargetGoalValue pANY) { if (pANY == null) return null; GoalValue lANY = new GoalValue(); if (pANY.getBoolean() != null) lANY.set_boolean(bL2BLInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL) pANY.getBoolean()))); else if (pANY.getConcept() != null) lANY.setConcept(cD2CDInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD) pANY.getConcept()))); else if (pANY.getDecimal() != null) lANY.setDecimal(rEAL2REALInternal((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL) pANY.getDecimal())); else if (pANY.getDecimalRange() != null) lANY.setDecimalRange( iVLREAL2IVLREALInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL) pANY.getDecimalRange()))); else if (pANY.getInteger() != null) lANY.setInteger(iNT2INTInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT) pANY.getInteger()))); else if (pANY.getIntegerRange() != null) lANY.setIntegerRange( iVLINT2IVLINTInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT) pANY.getIntegerRange()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantity() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantity(pQ2PQInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantity()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantityRange( iVLPQ2IVLPQInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange()))); else if (pANY.getRatio() != null) lANY.setRatio(rTO2RTOInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO) pANY.getRatio()))); else if (pANY.getRatioRange() != null) lANY.setRatioRange(iVLRTO2IVLRTOInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO) pANY.getRatioRange()))); else if (pANY.getSimpleConcept() != null) lANY.setSimpleConcept(cS2CSInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS) pANY.getSimpleConcept()))); else if (pANY.getText() != null) lANY.setText(sT2STInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST) pANY.getText()))); else if (pANY.getTime() != null) lANY.setTime(tS2DateInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS) pANY.getTime()))); else if (pANY.getTimeRange() != null) lANY.setTimeRange(iVLTS2IVLDateInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS) pANY.getTimeRange()))); return lANY; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.GoalBase.TargetGoalValue targetGoalValueInternal2targetGoalValue( GoalValue pANY) { if (pANY == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.GoalBase.TargetGoalValue lANY = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.GoalBase.TargetGoalValue(); if (pANY.get_boolean() != null) lANY.setBoolean(bLInternal2BL(((BL) pANY.get_boolean()))); else if (pANY.getConcept() != null) lANY.setConcept(cDInternal2CD(((CD) pANY.getConcept()))); else if (pANY.getDecimal() != null) lANY.setDecimal(rEALInternal2REAL((REAL) pANY.getDecimal())); else if (pANY.getDecimalRange() != null) lANY.setDecimalRange(iVLREALInternal2IVLREAL(((IVLREAL) pANY.getDecimalRange()))); else if (pANY.getInteger() != null) lANY.setInteger(iNTInternal2INT(((INT) pANY.getInteger()))); else if (pANY.getIntegerRange() != null) lANY.setIntegerRange(iVLINTInternal2IVLINT(((IVLINT) pANY.getIntegerRange()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantity() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantity(pQInternal2PQ(((PQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantity()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantityRange(iVLPQInternal2IVLPQ(((IVLPQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange()))); else if (pANY.getRatio() != null) lANY.setRatio(rTOInternal2RTO(((RTO) pANY.getRatio()))); else if (pANY.getRatioRange() != null) lANY.setRatioRange(iVLRTOInternal2IVLRTO(((IVLRTO) pANY.getRatioRange()))); else if (pANY.getSimpleConcept() != null) lANY.setSimpleConcept(cSInternal2CS(((String) pANY.getSimpleConcept()))); else if (pANY.getText() != null) lANY.setText(sTInternal2ST(((String) pANY.getText()))); else if (pANY.getTime() != null) lANY.setTime(dateInternal2TS(((java.util.Date) pANY.getTime()))); else if (pANY.getTimeRange() != null) lANY.setTimeRange(iVLDateInternal2IVLTS(((IVLDate) pANY.getTimeRange()))); return lANY; } public static ObservationValue observationValue2ObservationValueInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ObservationResult.ObservationValue pANY) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { if (pANY == null) return null; ObservationValue lANY = new ObservationValue(); if (pANY.getAddress() != null) lANY.setAddress(aD2ADInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD) pANY.getAddress()))); else if (pANY.getBoolean() != null) lANY.set_boolean(bL2BLInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL) pANY.getBoolean()))); else if (pANY.getConcept() != null) lANY.setConcept(cD2CDInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD) pANY.getConcept()))); else if (pANY.getDecimal() != null) lANY.setDecimal(rEAL2REALInternal((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL) pANY.getDecimal())); else if (pANY.getDecimalRange() != null) lANY.setDecimalRange( iVLREAL2IVLREALInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL) pANY.getDecimalRange()))); else if (pANY.getIdentifier() != null) lANY.setIdentifier(iI2FlatId(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II) pANY.getIdentifier()))); else if (pANY.getInteger() != null) lANY.setInteger(iNT2INTInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT) pANY.getInteger()))); else if (pANY.getIntegerRange() != null) lANY.setIntegerRange( iVLINT2IVLINTInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT) pANY.getIntegerRange()))); else if (pANY.getName() != null) lANY.setName(eN2ENInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EN) pANY.getName()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantity() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantity(pQ2PQInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantity()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantityRange( iVLPQ2IVLPQInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange()))); else if (pANY.getRatio() != null) lANY.setRatio(rTO2RTOInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO) pANY.getRatio()))); else if (pANY.getRatioRange() != null) lANY.setRatioRange(iVLRTO2IVLRTOInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO) pANY.getRatioRange()))); else if (pANY.getSimpleConcept() != null) lANY.setSimpleConcept(cS2CSInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS) pANY.getSimpleConcept()))); else if (pANY.getTelecom() != null) lANY.setTelecom(tEL2TELInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TEL) pANY.getTelecom()))); else if (pANY.getText() != null) lANY.setText(sT2STInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST) pANY.getText()))); else if (pANY.getTime() != null) lANY.setTime(tS2DateInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS) pANY.getTime()))); else if (pANY.getTimeRange() != null) lANY.setTimeRange(iVLTS2IVLDateInternal(((org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS) pANY.getTimeRange()))); return lANY; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ObservationResult.ObservationValue observationValueInternal2ObservationValue( ObservationValue pANY) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { if (pANY == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ObservationResult.ObservationValue lANY = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ObservationResult.ObservationValue(); if (pANY.getAddress() != null) lANY.setAddress(aDInternal2AD(((AD) pANY.getAddress()))); else if (pANY.get_boolean() != null) lANY.setBoolean(bLInternal2BL(((BL) pANY.get_boolean()))); else if (pANY.getConcept() != null) lANY.setConcept(cDInternal2CD(((CD) pANY.getConcept()))); else if (pANY.getDecimal() != null) lANY.setDecimal(rEALInternal2REAL((REAL) pANY.getDecimal())); else if (pANY.getDecimalRange() != null) lANY.setDecimalRange(iVLREALInternal2IVLREAL(((IVLREAL) pANY.getDecimalRange()))); else if (pANY.getIdentifier() != null) lANY.setIdentifier(iIFlat2II(((String) pANY.getIdentifier()))); else if (pANY.getInteger() != null) lANY.setInteger(iNTInternal2INT(((INT) pANY.getInteger()))); else if (pANY.getIntegerRange() != null) lANY.setIntegerRange(iVLINTInternal2IVLINT(((IVLINT) pANY.getIntegerRange()))); else if (pANY.getName() != null) lANY.setName(eNInternal2EN(((EN) pANY.getName()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantity() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantity(pQInternal2PQ(((PQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantity()))); else if (pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange() != null) lANY.setPhysicalQuantityRange(iVLPQInternal2IVLPQ(((IVLPQ) pANY.getPhysicalQuantityRange()))); else if (pANY.getRatio() != null) lANY.setRatio(rTOInternal2RTO(((RTO) pANY.getRatio()))); else if (pANY.getRatioRange() != null) lANY.setRatioRange(iVLRTOInternal2IVLRTO(((IVLRTO) pANY.getRatioRange()))); else if (pANY.getSimpleConcept() != null) lANY.setSimpleConcept(cSInternal2CS(((String) pANY.getSimpleConcept()))); else if (pANY.getTelecom() != null) lANY.setTelecom(tELInternal2TEL(((TEL) pANY.getTelecom()))); else if (pANY.getText() != null) lANY.setText(sTInternal2ST(((String) pANY.getText()))); else if (pANY.getTime() != null) lANY.setTime(dateInternal2TS(((java.util.Date) pANY.getTime()))); else if (pANY.getTimeRange() != null) lANY.setTimeRange(iVLDateInternal2IVLTS(((IVLDate) pANY.getTimeRange()))); return lANY; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL bLInternal2BL(BL pBL) { if (pBL == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL lBL = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL(); lBL.setValue(pBL.isValue()); return lBL; } public static BL bL2BLInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.BL pBL) { if (pBL == null) return null; BL lBL = new BL(); lBL.setValue(pBL.isValue()); return lBL; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD cDInternal2CD(CD cdInternal) { if ((cdInternal == null) || (((cdInternal.getCode() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getCode()))) && ((cdInternal.getOriginalText() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getOriginalText()))) && ((cdInternal.getCodeSystem() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getCodeSystem()))))) { //nothing to work with return null; } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD cd = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD(); try { if ((((cdInternal.getCode() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getCode()))) && ((cdInternal.getOriginalText() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getOriginalText())) || ((cdInternal.getCodeSystem() == null) || ("".equals(cdInternal.getCodeSystem())))))) { throw new RuntimeException("CDInternal2CD(code=" + cdInternal.getCode() + ", codeSystem=" + cdInternal.getCodeSystem() + ", " + cdInternal.getDisplayName() + ", " + cdInternal.getCodeSystemName() + ", originalText=" + cdInternal.getOriginalText() + ") must have both codeSystem and (code OR originalText)."); } if (cdInternal.getCode() != null) { cd.setCode(cdInternal.getCode()); } if (cdInternal.getCodeSystem() != null) { cd.setCodeSystem(cdInternal.getCodeSystem()); } if (cdInternal.getCodeSystemName() != null) { cd.setCodeSystemName(cdInternal.getCodeSystemName()); } if ((cdInternal.getDisplayName() != null) && (!"".equals(cdInternal.getDisplayName()))) { cd.setDisplayName(cdInternal.getDisplayName()); } if ((cdInternal.getOriginalText() != null) && (!"".equals(cdInternal.getOriginalText()))) { cd.setOriginalText(cdInternal.getOriginalText()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "cDInternal2CD(" + cdInternal.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return cd; } public static CD cD2CDInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CD cdSchema) { if ((cdSchema == null) || (((cdSchema.getCode() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getCode()))) && ((cdSchema.getOriginalText() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getOriginalText()))) && ((cdSchema.getCodeSystem() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getCodeSystem()))))) { //nothing to work with return OPENCDS_NO_INFORMATION; } CD cd = new CD(); try { if ((((cdSchema.getCode() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getCode()))) && ((cdSchema.getOriginalText() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getOriginalText())))) || ((cdSchema.getCodeSystem() == null) || ("".equals(cdSchema.getCodeSystem())))) { throw new RuntimeException("cD2CDInternal(" + cdSchema.getCode() + "," + cdSchema.getCodeSystem() + "," + cdSchema.getDisplayName() + "," + cdSchema.getCodeSystemName() + "," + cdSchema.getOriginalText() + ") both codeSystem and (code OR originalText) must have a value."); } if (cdSchema.getCode() != null) { cd.setCode(cdSchema.getCode()); } if (cdSchema.getCodeSystem() != null) { cd.setCodeSystem(cdSchema.getCodeSystem()); } if (cdSchema.getDisplayName() != null) { cd.setDisplayName(cdSchema.getDisplayName()); } if (cdSchema.getCodeSystemName() != null) { cd.setCodeSystemName(cdSchema.getCodeSystemName()); } if (cdSchema.getOriginalText() != null) { cd.setOriginalText(cdSchema.getOriginalText()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("cD2CDInternal(" + cdSchema.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return cd; } /** * Convert code as a Internal String to CS * @param code * @return */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS cSInternal2CS(String code) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS cs = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS(); try { cs.setCode(code); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("cSInternal2CS(" + code + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return cs; } /** * Convert code as a CS to Internal String * @param cs * @return */ public static String cS2CSInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.CS cs) { try { String st = cs.getCode(); return st; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("cS2Code(" + cs.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Convert CS (not as an enumeration) to just the code (as a String) * @param cd * @return */ public static String cS2Code(CS cd) { try { String code = cd.getCode(); return code; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("cS2Code(" + cd.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Build an external II from a root and optional extension (extension not present when the root is a GUID) * @param rootCaratExtension * @return */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II iIInternal2II(II rootCaratExtension) { if ((rootCaratExtension == null) || ("".equals(rootCaratExtension))) { //nothing to work with return null; } int positionCarat = rootCaratExtension.getValue().indexOf("^", 0); String root = null; String extension = null; if (positionCarat < 0) { // no carat found root = rootCaratExtension.getValue(); } else { root = rootCaratExtension.getValue().substring(0, positionCarat); extension = rootCaratExtension.getValue().substring(positionCarat + 1); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II(); try { if (root == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "iIInternal2II(" + root + "," + extension + ") must have at least a root."); } if ((extension == null) && ((root.startsWith("0.")) || (root.startsWith("1.")))) { throw new RuntimeException( "iIInternal2II(" + rootCaratExtension + ") must not have OID for root without extension."); } else if (!(root.startsWith("0.")) && !(root.startsWith("1.")) && (extension != null)) { throw new RuntimeException("iIInternal2II(" + root + "," + extension + ") must have OID for root when extension exists."); } ii.setRoot(root); if (extension != null) { ii.setExtension(extension); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iIInternal2II(" + rootCaratExtension + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return ii; } /** * Builds a String containing either a GUID or an OID plus "^" plus extension * @param context * @param ii * @return */ public static String iI2Root(String context, org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii) { try { if ((ii == null) || (ii.getRoot() == null)) { //an ID cannot be null, nor have a null root; throw new DataFormatException(context + " context: iI2Root(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: ID must have GUID as root, or have OID as root plus a non-null extension"); } String root = ii.getRoot(); if ((ii.getExtension() != null) && (root.contains("."))) { // OID, so add on extension root = root + "^" + ii.getExtension(); } else if ((ii.getExtension() == null) && (!root.contains("."))) { //GUID, must not have extension; throw new DataFormatException(context + " context: iI2Root(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: ID must have GUID as root with no extension, or have OID as root"); } return root; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iI2Root(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } } public static String iI2Extension(String context, org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii) { if ((ii == null) || (ii.getExtension() == null)) { //return null; return ""; } try { String extension = ii.getExtension(); return extension; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iI2Extension(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } } public static II iI2IIInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii) { String iD = null; if (ii == null) { iD = MiscUtility.getUUIDAsString(); } else { try { iD = ii.getRoot(); if ((ii.getExtension() != null) && (!"".equals(ii.getExtension()))) { iD += "^" + ii.getExtension(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iI2IIInternal(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } } II iiInternal = new II(); iiInternal.setValue(iD); return iiInternal; } /** * Build an II list from a list of root and optional extension (extension not present when the root is a GUID) * @param rootCaratExtension * @return */ public static List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II> iIFlatList2IIList(String[] rootCaratExtensionList) { List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II> output = new ArrayList<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II>(); for (String input : rootCaratExtensionList) { output.add(iIFlat2II(input)); } return output; } /** * Build an II from a root and optional extension (extension not present when the root is a GUID) * @param rootCaratExtension * @return */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II iIFlat2II(String rootCaratExtension) { if ((rootCaratExtension == null) || ("".equals(rootCaratExtension))) { //nothing to work with return null; } int positionCarat = rootCaratExtension.indexOf("^", 0); String root = null; String extension = null; if (positionCarat < 0) { // no carat found root = rootCaratExtension; } else { root = rootCaratExtension.substring(0, positionCarat); extension = rootCaratExtension.substring(positionCarat + 1); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II(); try { if (root == null) { throw new RuntimeException("iIFlat2II(" + root + "," + extension + ") must have at least a root."); } if ((extension == null) && ((root.startsWith("0.")) || (root.startsWith("1.")))) { throw new RuntimeException( "iIFlat2II(" + rootCaratExtension + ") must not have OID for root without extension."); } else if (((!root.startsWith("0.")) && (!root.startsWith("1.")) && (!root.startsWith("2."))) && (extension != null) && (!"".equals(extension))) { throw new RuntimeException( "iIFlat2II(" + root + "^" + extension + ") must have OID for root when extension exists."); } ii.setRoot(root); ii.setExtension(extension); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iIFlat2II(" + rootCaratExtension + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return ii; } public static String[] iIList2FlatIdList(List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II> iiList) { if (iiList == null) { return null; } String[] output = new String[iiList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < iiList.size(); i++) { output[i] = iI2FlatId(iiList.get(i)); } return output; } public static String iI2FlatId(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.II ii) { String iD = null; try { iD = ii.getRoot(); if ((ii.getExtension() != null) && (!"".equals(ii.getExtension()))) { iD += "^" + ii.getExtension(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("iI2FlatId(" + ii.toString() + ") had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return iD; } public static INT iNT2INTInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT pINT) { if (pINT == null) return null; INT lINT = new INT(); lINT.setValue(pINT.getValue()); return lINT; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT iNTInternal2INT(INT pINT) { if (pINT == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT lINT = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.INT(); lINT.setValue(pINT.getValue()); return lINT; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ pQInternal2PQ(PQ pqInternal) { if (((pqInternal == null))) { // && (( pqInternal.getUnit() == null ) || ( "".equals(pqInternal.getUnit()) ) ) ) { //nothing to work with return null; } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ pq = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ(); try { if ((pqInternal.getUnit() == null) || ("".equals(pqInternal.getUnit()))) { throw new RuntimeException( "pQInternal2PQ( " + pqInternal.toString() + " ) must have a valid unit."); } pq.setValue(pqInternal.getValue()); pq.setUnit(pqInternal.getUnit()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "pQInternal2PQ( " + pqInternal.toString() + " ) had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return pq; } public static PQ pQ2PQInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PQ pqSchema) { if (((pqSchema == null))) { // && (( pqSchema.getUnit() == null ) || ( "".equals(pqSchema.getUnit()) ) ) ) { //nothing to work with return null; } PQ pq = new PQ(); try { if ((pqSchema.getUnit() == null) || ("".equals(pqSchema.getUnit()))) { throw new RuntimeException("pQ2PQInternal( " + pqSchema.toString() + " ) must have a valid unit."); } pq.setValue(pqSchema.getValue()); pq.setUnit(pqSchema.getUnit()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( "pQ2PQInternal( " + pqSchema.toString() + " ) had errors: " + e.getMessage()); } return pq; } public static REAL rEAL2REALInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL pREAL) { if (pREAL == null) return null; REAL lREAL = new REAL(); lREAL.setValue(pREAL.getValue()); return lREAL; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL rEALInternal2REAL(REAL pREAL) { if (pREAL == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL lREAL = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.REAL(); lREAL.setValue(pREAL.getValue()); return lREAL; } public static RTO rTO2RTOInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO pRTO) { // 2 elements: PQ numerator; PQ denominator // changed to 2 elements: Real numerator; Real denominator by des 20110921 if (pRTO == null) return null; RTO lRTO = new RTO(); lRTO.setNumerator(pRTO.getNumerator()); lRTO.setDenominator(pRTO.getDenominator()); return lRTO; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO rTOInternal2RTO(RTO pRTO) { // 2 elements: PQ numerator; PQ denominator // changed to 2 elements: Real numerator; Real denominator by des 20110921 if (pRTO == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO lRTO = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.RTO(); lRTO.setNumerator(pRTO.getNumerator()); lRTO.setDenominator(pRTO.getDenominator()); return lRTO; } public static java.util.Date tS2DateInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS pTS) { //changed to use java.util.Date for internal format des 20111119 String _METHODNAME = "tS2TSInternal(): "; // if (pTS == null) { // return null; // } // above changed to below, des 2012-10-05 if ((pTS == null) || (pTS.getValue() == "") || (pTS.getValue() == "null")) { return null; } String errStr = null; String hl7Time = pTS.getValue(); String formatTemplate = "yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSSZZZZZ"; if (hl7Time == null) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "getValue() is null; must follow format: " + formatTemplate; logger.error(errStr); throw new RuntimeException(errStr); } int hl7TimeLen = hl7Time.length(); if (hl7TimeLen > 23) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "getValue() \"" + hl7Time + "\" is too long; must follow format: " + formatTemplate; logger.error(errStr); throw new RuntimeException(errStr); } // value is populated and correct length. Parse it and return internal TS if successful try { // properly formatted; set internal TS object return DateUtility.getInstance().getDateFromString(hl7Time, formatTemplate.substring(0, hl7Time.length())); } catch (Exception e) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "getValue() \"" + hl7Time + "\" is in wrong format; must follow format: " + formatTemplate; throw new RuntimeException(errStr + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS dateInternal2TS(java.util.Date pDate) { //changed to use java.util.Date for internal format des 20111119 String _METHODNAME = "tSInternal2TS(): "; if (pDate == null) { return null; } String errStr = null; java.util.Date javaTime = pDate; String formatTemplate = "yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSSZZZZZ"; // Format java.util.Date and return schema TS if successful org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS lTS = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS(); try { // format and set schema TS object lTS.setValue(DateUtility.getInstance().getDateAsString(javaTime, formatTemplate)); return lTS; } catch (Exception e) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "java.util.Date \"" + javaTime + "\" threw exception trying to format as: " + formatTemplate; throw new RuntimeException(errStr + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST sTInternal2ST(String pST) { // changed to use String for internal ST, des 20111024 if (pST == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST lST = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST(); lST.setValue(pST); return lST; } public static String sT2STInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ST pST) { // changed to use String for internal ST, des 20111024 if (pST == null) return null; String lST = new String(); lST = pST.getValue(); return lST; } public static IVLINT iVLINT2IVLINTInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT pIVLINT) { if (pIVLINT == null) return null; IVLINT lIVLINT = new IVLINT(); if (pIVLINT.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLINT.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLINT.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLINT.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLINT.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLINT.isHighIsInclusive()); lIVLINT.setLow(pIVLINT.getLow()); lIVLINT.setHigh(pIVLINT.getHigh()); return lIVLINT; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT iVLINTInternal2IVLINT(IVLINT pIVLINT) { if (pIVLINT == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT lIVLINT = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLINT(); if (pIVLINT.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLINT.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLINT.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLINT.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLINT.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLINT.isHighIsInclusive()); lIVLINT.setLow(pIVLINT.getLow()); lIVLINT.setHigh(pIVLINT.getHigh()); return lIVLINT; } public static IVLPQ iVLPQ2IVLPQInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ pIVLPQ) { if (pIVLPQ == null) return null; IVLPQ lIVLPQ = new IVLPQ(); lIVLPQ.setLowUnit(pIVLPQ.getLowUnit()); lIVLPQ.setLowValue(pIVLPQ.getLowValue()); lIVLPQ.setHighUnit(pIVLPQ.getHighUnit()); lIVLPQ.setHighValue(pIVLPQ.getHighValue()); if (pIVLPQ.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLPQ.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLPQ.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLPQ.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLPQ.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLPQ.isHighIsInclusive()); return lIVLPQ; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ iVLPQInternal2IVLPQ(IVLPQ pIVLPQ) { if (pIVLPQ == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ lIVLPQ = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLPQ(); lIVLPQ.setLowUnit(pIVLPQ.getLowUnit()); lIVLPQ.setLowValue(pIVLPQ.getLowValue()); lIVLPQ.setHighUnit(pIVLPQ.getHighUnit()); lIVLPQ.setHighValue(pIVLPQ.getHighValue()); if (pIVLPQ.getLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLPQ.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLPQ.getLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLPQ.getHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLPQ.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLPQ.getHighIsInclusive()); return lIVLPQ; } public static IVLDate iVLTS2IVLDateInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS pIVLTS) { if (pIVLTS == null) return null; IVLDate lIVLDate = new IVLDate(); // if (pIVLTS.getLow() != null) { // if ( (pIVLTS.getLow() != null) && (! "".equals( pIVLTS.getLow())) ) { if ((pIVLTS.getLow() != null) && (!"null".equals(pIVLTS.getLow())) && (!"".equals(pIVLTS.getLow()))) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS low = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS();// low.setValue(pIVLTS.getLow()); lIVLDate.setLow(tS2DateInternal(low)); } // if (pIVLTS.getHigh() != null) { // if ( (pIVLTS.getHigh() != null) && (! "".equals(pIVLTS.getHigh())) ) { if ((pIVLTS.getHigh() != null) && (!"null".equals(pIVLTS.getHigh())) && (!"".equals(pIVLTS.getHigh()))) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS high = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS();// high.setValue(pIVLTS.getHigh()); lIVLDate.setHigh(tS2DateInternal(high)); } if (pIVLTS.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLDate.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLTS.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLTS.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLDate.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLTS.isHighIsInclusive()); return lIVLDate; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS iVLDateInternal2IVLTS(IVLDate pIVLDate) { if (pIVLDate == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS lIVLTS = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLTS(); if (pIVLDate.getLow() != null) { java.util.Date low = pIVLDate.getLow(); org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS lowExternal = dateInternal2TS(low); lIVLTS.setLow(lowExternal.getValue()); } if (pIVLDate.getHigh() != null) { java.util.Date high = pIVLDate.getHigh(); org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TS highExternal = dateInternal2TS(high); lIVLTS.setHigh(highExternal.getValue()); } if (pIVLDate.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLTS.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLDate.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLDate.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLTS.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLDate.isHighIsInclusive()); return lIVLTS; } public static IVLREAL iVLREAL2IVLREALInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL pIVLREAL) { if (pIVLREAL == null) return null; IVLREAL lIVLREAL = new IVLREAL(); if (pIVLREAL.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLREAL.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLREAL.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLREAL.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLREAL.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLREAL.isHighIsInclusive()); lIVLREAL.setLow(pIVLREAL.getLow()); lIVLREAL.setHigh(pIVLREAL.getHigh()); return lIVLREAL; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL iVLREALInternal2IVLREAL(IVLREAL ivlreal) { if (ivlreal == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL lIVLREAL = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLREAL(); if (ivlreal.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLREAL.setLowIsInclusive(ivlreal.isLowIsInclusive()); if (ivlreal.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLREAL.setHighIsInclusive(ivlreal.isHighIsInclusive()); lIVLREAL.setLow(ivlreal.getLow()); lIVLREAL.setHigh(ivlreal.getHigh()); return lIVLREAL; } public static IVLRTO iVLRTO2IVLRTOInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO pIVLRTO) { if (pIVLRTO == null) return null; IVLRTO lIVLRTO = new IVLRTO(); if (pIVLRTO.isLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLRTO.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLRTO.isLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLRTO.isHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLRTO.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLRTO.isHighIsInclusive()); lIVLRTO.setLowDenominator(pIVLRTO.getLowDenominator()); lIVLRTO.setLowNumerator(pIVLRTO.getLowNumerator()); lIVLRTO.setHighDenominator(pIVLRTO.getHighDenominator()); lIVLRTO.setHighNumerator(pIVLRTO.getHighNumerator()); return lIVLRTO; } public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO iVLRTOInternal2IVLRTO(IVLRTO pIVLRTO) { if (pIVLRTO == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO lIVLRTO = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.IVLRTO(); if (pIVLRTO.getLowIsInclusive() != null) lIVLRTO.setLowIsInclusive(pIVLRTO.getLowIsInclusive()); if (pIVLRTO.getHighIsInclusive() != null) lIVLRTO.setHighIsInclusive(pIVLRTO.getHighIsInclusive()); lIVLRTO.setLowDenominator(pIVLRTO.getLowDenominator()); lIVLRTO.setLowNumerator(pIVLRTO.getLowNumerator()); lIVLRTO.setHighDenominator(pIVLRTO.getHighDenominator()); lIVLRTO.setHighNumerator(pIVLRTO.getHighNumerator()); return lIVLRTO; } /** * Translate from internal EN object to external EN object * @param pADEx external EN object * @return EN external EN object */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EN eNInternal2EN(EN pENInt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNInternal2EN(): "; if (pENInt == null) { return null; } String errStr = null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EN lENExt = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EN(); // Create external List<ENXP> element - at least one required List<ENXP> lIntEntityPart = pENInt.getPart(); if (lIntEntityPart == null || lIntEntityPart.size() == 0) { // vmr spec says there must be at least one EntityPart errStr = _METHODNAME + "List<ENXP> element of internal EN datatype not populated - required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } Iterator<ENXP> lIntEntityPartIter = lIntEntityPart.iterator(); int count = 0; while (lIntEntityPartIter.hasNext()) { ENXP lENXPInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP lENXPExp = eNXPInternal2ENXP(lENXPInt); lENExt.getPart().add(lENXPExp); count++; } if (count < 1) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "No int->ext translations of List<ENXP> successful - at least one member of List<ENXP> required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } // Now transfer over internal to external List<EntityNameUse> (optional in vmr spec) List<EntityNameUse> lEntityNameUseListInt = pENInt.getUse(); if (lEntityNameUseListInt != null) { Iterator<EntityNameUse> lEntityNameUseIntIter = lEntityNameUseListInt.iterator(); EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseExt = eNNameUseInternal2ENNameUse( lEntityNameUseInt); lENExt.getUse().add(lEntityNameUseExt); } return lENExt; } private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse eNNameUseInternal2ENNameUse(EntityNameUse pENU) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNNameUseInternal2ENNameUse() :"; if (pENU == null) return null; String lEntityNameUseStrInt = pENU.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal EntityNameUse value: " + lEntityNameUseStrInt); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseExt = null; try { lEntityNameUseExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse.valueOf(lEntityNameUseStrInt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lEntityNameUseExt; } /** * Convert from internal ENXP to external ENXP object * @param * */ private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP eNXPInternal2ENXP(ENXP pENXP) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNXPInternal2ENXP(): "; if (pENXP == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP lENXPExt = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP(); // set external XP.value lENXPExt.setValue(pENXP.getValue()); // Now translate the internal EntityNamePartType to external EntityNamePartType EntityNamePartType lEntityNamePartTypeInt = pENXP.getType(); if (lEntityNamePartTypeInt == null) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "EntityPartType of external ENXP datatype not populated; required by vmr spec"; throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } String lEntityNamePartTypeStrInt = lEntityNamePartTypeInt.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal EntityNamePartType value: " + lEntityNamePartTypeStrInt); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartType lEntityNamePartTypeExt = null; try { lEntityNamePartTypeExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartType .valueOf(lEntityNamePartTypeStrInt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External EntityNamePartType value: " + lEntityNamePartTypeExt); } lENXPExt.setType(lEntityNamePartTypeExt); // Finally create the list of external EntityNamePartQualifiers (optional in spec) List<EntityNamePartQualifier> lPartQualifierListInt = pENXP.getQualifier(); if (lPartQualifierListInt != null) { Iterator<EntityNamePartQualifier> lPartQualifierIterInt = lPartQualifierListInt.iterator(); while (lPartQualifierIterInt.hasNext()) { // Take each internal EntityNamePartQualifier and convert to internal EntityNamePartQualifier for addition to internal EN EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierExt = eNPartQualifierInternal2ENPartQualifier( lPartQualifierInt); lENXPExt.getQualifier().add(lPartQualifierExt); } } return lENXPExt; } private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier eNPartQualifierInternal2ENPartQualifier( EntityNamePartQualifier pENPQInt) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNPartQualifierInternal2ENPartQualifier() :"; if (pENPQInt == null) return null; String lPartQualifierStrInt = pENPQInt.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal EntityNamePartQualifier value: " + lPartQualifierStrInt); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierInt = null; try { lPartQualifierInt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier.valueOf(lPartQualifierStrInt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lPartQualifierInt; } /** * Translate from external EN object to internal EN object * @param pENExt external EN object * @return EN internal EN object */ public static EN eN2ENInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EN pENExt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eN2ENInternal(): "; if (pENExt == null) { return null; } String errStr = null; EN lENInt = new EN(); // Create internal List<ENXP> element - at least one required List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP> lExtEntityPart = pENExt.getPart(); if (lExtEntityPart == null || lExtEntityPart.size() == 0) { // vmr spec says there must be at least one EntityPart errStr = _METHODNAME + "List<ENXP element of EN datatype not populated - required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP> lExtEntityPartIter = lExtEntityPart.iterator(); int count = 0; while (lExtEntityPartIter.hasNext()) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP lENXPExt =; ENXP lENXPInt = eNXP2ENXPInternal(lENXPExt); lENInt.getPart().add(lENXPInt); count++; } if (count < 1) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "No ext->int translations of List<ENXP> successful - at least one member of List<ENXP> required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } // Now transfer over external to internal List<EntityNameUse> (optional in vmr spec) List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse> lEntityNameUseListExt = pENExt.getUse(); if (lEntityNameUseListExt != null) { Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse> lEntityNameUseExtIter = lEntityNameUseListExt .iterator(); org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseExt =; EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseInt = eNNameUse2eNNameUseInternal(lEntityNameUseExt); lENInt.getUse().add(lEntityNameUseInt); } return lENInt; } private static EntityNameUse eNNameUse2eNNameUseInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNameUse pENU) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNNameUse2eNNameUseInternal() :"; if (pENU == null) return null; String lEntityNameUseStrExt = pENU.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External EntityNameUse value: " + lEntityNameUseStrExt); } EntityNameUse lEntityNameUseInt = null; try { lEntityNameUseInt = EntityNameUse.valueOf(lEntityNameUseStrExt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lEntityNameUseInt; } /** * Convert from external ENXP to internal ENXP object * @param * */ private static ENXP eNXP2ENXPInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ENXP pENXP) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNXP2ENXPInternal(): "; if (pENXP == null) return null; ENXP lENXPInt = new ENXP(); // set XP.value lENXPInt.setValue(pENXP.getValue()); // Now translate the external EntityNamePartType to external EntityNamePartType org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartType lEntityNamePartTypeExt = pENXP.getType(); if (lEntityNamePartTypeExt == null) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "EntityPartType of external ENXP datatype not populated; required by vmr spec"; throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } String lEntityNamePartTypeStrExt = lEntityNamePartTypeExt.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External EntityNamePartType value: " + lEntityNamePartTypeStrExt); } EntityNamePartType lEntityNamePartTypeInt = null; try { lEntityNamePartTypeInt = EntityNamePartType.valueOf(lEntityNamePartTypeStrExt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal EntityNamePartType value: " + lEntityNamePartTypeInt); } lENXPInt.setType(lEntityNamePartTypeInt); // Finally create the list of internal EntityNamePartQualifiers (optional in spec) List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier> lPartQualifierListExt = pENXP.getQualifier(); if (lPartQualifierListExt != null) { Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier> lPartQualifierIterExt = lPartQualifierListExt .iterator(); while (lPartQualifierIterExt.hasNext()) { // Take each internal EntityNamePartQualifier and convert to internal EntityNamePartQualifier for addition to internal EN org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierExt = lPartQualifierIterExt .next(); EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierInt = eNPartQualifier2eNPartQualifierInternal( lPartQualifierExt); lENXPInt.getQualifier().add(lPartQualifierInt); } } return lENXPInt; } private static EntityNamePartQualifier eNPartQualifier2eNPartQualifierInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.EntityNamePartQualifier pENPQExt) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "eNXPPartQualifier2eNXPPartQualifierInternal() :"; if (pENPQExt == null) return null; String lPartQualifierStrInt = pENPQExt.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External EntityNamePartQualifier value: " + lPartQualifierStrInt); } EntityNamePartQualifier lPartQualifierInt = null; try { lPartQualifierInt = EntityNamePartQualifier.valueOf(lPartQualifierStrInt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lPartQualifierInt; } /** * Translate from external TEL object to internal TEL object * @param pTELExt external TEL object * @return TEL internal TEL object */ public static TEL tEL2TELInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TEL pTELExt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { // String _METHODNAME = "tEL2TELInternal(): "; if (pTELExt == null) { return null; } TEL lTELInt = new TEL(); // lTELInt.setUseablePeriod(sT2STInternal(pTELExt.getUseablePeriod())); if (pTELExt.getUseablePeriodOriginalText() != null) lTELInt.setUseablePeriodOriginalText(pTELExt.getUseablePeriodOriginalText()); if (pTELExt.getValue() != null) lTELInt.setValue(pTELExt.getValue()); // Create internal List<TelecommunicationAddressUse> optional element List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse> lTelAddrListExt = pTELExt.getUse(); if (lTelAddrListExt != null) { Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse> lTelAddrIterExt = lTelAddrListExt .iterator(); while (lTelAddrIterExt.hasNext()) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse lTelAddrExt =; TelecommunicationAddressUse lTelAddrInt = tELTelecomAddrUse2TELTelecomAddrUseInternal(lTelAddrExt); lTELInt.getUse().add(lTelAddrInt); } } // Create internal List<TelecommunicationCapability> optional element List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability> lTelecomCapaListExt = pTELExt .getCapabilities(); if (lTelecomCapaListExt != null) { Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability> lTelecomCapaIterExt = lTelecomCapaListExt .iterator(); while (lTelecomCapaIterExt.hasNext()) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability lTelecomCapExt =; TelecommunicationCapability lTelecomCapaInt = tELTelecomCapa2TELTelecomCapaInternal(lTelecomCapExt); lTELInt.getCapabilities().add(lTelecomCapaInt); } } return lTELInt; } /** * Translate from internal TEL object to external TEL object * @param pTELInt internal TEL object * @return TEL external TEL object */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TEL tELInternal2TEL(TEL pTELInt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { // String _METHODNAME = "tELInternal2TEL(): "; if (pTELInt == null) { return null; } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TEL lTELExt = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TEL(); // lTELExt.setUseablePeriod(sTInternal2ST(pTELInt.getUseablePeriod())); lTELExt.setUseablePeriodOriginalText(pTELInt.getUseablePeriodOriginalText()); if (pTELInt.getValue() != null) lTELExt.setValue(pTELInt.getValue()); // Create external List<TelecommunicationAddressUse> optional element List<TelecommunicationAddressUse> lTelAddrListInt = pTELInt.getUse(); if (lTelAddrListInt != null) { Iterator<TelecommunicationAddressUse> lTelAddrIterInt = lTelAddrListInt.iterator(); while (lTelAddrIterInt.hasNext()) { TelecommunicationAddressUse lTelAddrInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse lTelAddrExt = tELTelecomAddrUseInternal2TELTelecomAddrUse( lTelAddrInt); lTELExt.getUse().add(lTelAddrExt); } } // Create external List<TelecommunicationCapability> optional element List<TelecommunicationCapability> lTelecomCapaListInt = pTELInt.getCapabilities(); if (lTelecomCapaListInt != null) { Iterator<TelecommunicationCapability> lTelecomCapaIterInt = lTelecomCapaListInt.iterator(); while (lTelecomCapaIterInt.hasNext()) { TelecommunicationCapability lTelecomCapInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability lTelecomCapaExt = tELTelecomCapaInternal2TelecomCapa( lTelecomCapInt); lTELExt.getCapabilities().add(lTelecomCapaExt); } } return lTELExt; } /** * @param pTC * @return * @throws InvalidDataException */ private static TelecommunicationAddressUse tELTelecomAddrUse2TELTelecomAddrUseInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse pTC) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "tELTelecomAddrUse2TELTelecomAddrUseInternal() :"; if (pTC == null) return null; String lTCStrExt = pTC.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External TelecommunicationAddressUse value: " + lTCStrExt); } TelecommunicationAddressUse lTCInt = null; try { lTCInt = TelecommunicationAddressUse.valueOf(lTCStrExt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lTCInt; } /** * Convert from the internal TelecommunicationAddressUse to external TelecommunicationAddressUse object * @param pTC external TelecommunicationAddressUse object * @throws RuntimeException if no direct value mapping from internal to external TelecommunicationAddressUse enumerations exists * @return */ private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse tELTelecomAddrUseInternal2TELTelecomAddrUse( TelecommunicationAddressUse pTC) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "tELTelecomAddrUseInternal2TELTelecomAddrUse(): "; if (pTC == null) return null; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal TelecommunicationAddressUse value: " + pTC); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse lTelecomCapaExt = null; try { lTelecomCapaExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationAddressUse.valueOf(pTC.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External TelecommunicationAddressUse value: " + lTelecomCapaExt.value()); } return lTelecomCapaExt; } /** * @param pTC * @return * @throws InvalidDataException */ private static TelecommunicationCapability tELTelecomCapa2TELTelecomCapaInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability pTC) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "tELTelecomCapa2TELTelecomCapaInternal() :"; if (pTC == null) return null; String lTCStrExt = pTC.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External TelecommunicationCapability value: " + lTCStrExt); } TelecommunicationCapability lTCInt = null; try { lTCInt = TelecommunicationCapability.valueOf(lTCStrExt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lTCInt; } /** * Convert from the internal TelecommunicationCapability to external TelecommunicationCapability object * @param pTC external TelecommunicationCapability object * @throws RuntimeException if no direct value mapping from internal to external TelecommunicationCapability enumerations exists * @return */ private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability tELTelecomCapaInternal2TelecomCapa( TelecommunicationCapability pTC) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "tELTelecomInternal2TELTelecomCapa(): "; if (pTC == null) return null; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal TelecommunicationCapability value: " + pTC); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability lTelecomCapaExt = null; try { lTelecomCapaExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.TelecommunicationCapability.valueOf(pTC.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External TelecommunicationCapability value: " + lTelecomCapaExt.value()); } return lTelecomCapaExt; } /** * Translate from external AD object to internal AD object * @param pADExt external AD object * @return AD internal AD object */ public static AD aD2ADInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD pADExt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "aD2ADInternal(): "; if (pADExt == null) { return null; } String errStr = null; AD lADInt = new AD(); // Create internal AD List<ADXP> element of AD object - at least one required List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP> lExtAddressPart = pADExt.getPart(); if (lExtAddressPart == null || lExtAddressPart.size() == 0) { // vmr spec says there must be at least one AddressPart errStr = _METHODNAME + "List<ADXP> element of external AD datatype not populated - required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP> lExtAddressPartIter = lExtAddressPart.iterator(); int count = 0; while (lExtAddressPartIter.hasNext()) { org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP lADXPExt =; ADXP lADXPInt = aDXP2ADXPInternal(lADXPExt); lADInt.getPart().add(lADXPInt); count++; } if (count < 1) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "No ext->int translations of List<ADXP> successful - at least one member of List<ADXP> required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } // Create internal AD List<PostalAddressUse> of AD object (optional according to vmr spec) List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse> lExtAddressUseList = pADExt.getUse(); if (lExtAddressUseList != null) { Iterator<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse> lExtAddressUseIter = lExtAddressUseList .iterator(); while (lExtAddressUseIter.hasNext()) { // Take each internal PostAddressUse and convert to schema PostalAddressUse for addition to schema AD org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse lExtAddressUse =; PostalAddressUse lIntAddressUse = aDPostalAddressUse2ADPostalAddressUseInternal(lExtAddressUse); lADInt.getUse().add(lIntAddressUse); } } return lADInt; } /** * Translate from internal AD object to external AD object * @param pADInt internal AD object * @return org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD */ public static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD aDInternal2AD(AD pADInt) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "aDInternal2AD(): "; if (pADInt == null) return null; String errStr = null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD lADExt = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AD(); // Create external AD List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP> element of AD object - at least one required List<ADXP> lIntAddressPart = pADInt.getPart(); if (lIntAddressPart == null || lIntAddressPart.size() == 0) { // vmr spec says there must be at least one AddressPart errStr = _METHODNAME + "List<ADXP> element of internal AD datatype not populated - required by vmr spec"; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(errStr); } throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } Iterator<ADXP> lIntAddressPartIter = lIntAddressPart.iterator(); int count = 0; while (lIntAddressPartIter.hasNext()) { ADXP lADXPInt =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP lADXPExt = aDXPInternal2ADXP(lADXPInt); lADExt.getPart().add(lADXPExt); count++; } if (count < 1) { errStr = _METHODNAME + "No int->ext translations of List<ADXP> successful - at least one member of List<ADXP> required by vmr spec"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } // Create external AD List<org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse> of AD object (optional according to vmr spec) List<PostalAddressUse> lIntAddressUseList = pADInt.getUse(); if (lIntAddressUseList != null) { Iterator<PostalAddressUse> lIntAddressUseIter = lIntAddressUseList.iterator(); while (lIntAddressUseIter.hasNext()) { // Take each internal PostAddressUse and convert to schema PostalAddressUse for addition to schema AD PostalAddressUse lIntAddressUse =; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse lExtAddressUse = aDPostalAddressUseInternal2ADPostalAddressUse( lIntAddressUse); lADExt.getUse().add(lExtAddressUse); } } return lADExt; } /** * Convert from external ADXP to internal ADXP object * @param * */ private static ADXP aDXP2ADXPInternal(org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP pADXP) throws DataFormatException, InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "aDXP2ADXPInternal(): "; if (pADXP == null) return null; ADXP lADXPInt = new ADXP(); // Populate the associated name part lADXPInt.setValue(pADXP.getValue()); // Now translate the internal AddressPartType to external AddressPartType org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AddressPartType lAddressPartTypeExt = pADXP.getType(); if (lAddressPartTypeExt == null) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "AddressPartType of external ADXP datatype not populated; required by vmr spec"; throw new DataFormatException(errStr); } String lAddrPartTypeStrExt = pADXP.getType().toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External AddressPartType value: " + lAddrPartTypeStrExt); } AddressPartType lAddrPartTypeInt = null; try { lAddrPartTypeInt = AddressPartType.valueOf(lAddrPartTypeStrExt); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal AddressPartType value: " + lAddrPartTypeInt); } lADXPInt.setType(lAddrPartTypeInt); return lADXPInt; } /** * Convert from internal ADXP to external ADXP object * @param pADXPInternal * @return */ private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP aDXPInternal2ADXP(ADXP pADXPInternal) { String _METHODNAME = "aDXPInternal2ADXP(): "; if (pADXPInternal == null) return null; org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP lADXPExt = new org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.ADXP(); // Populate the associated name part lADXPExt.setValue(pADXPInternal.getValue()); // Now translate the internal AddressPartType to external AddressPartType String lIntAddrPartTypeStr = pADXPInternal.getType().toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal AddressPartType value: " + lIntAddrPartTypeStr); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AddressPartType lAddrPartTypeExt = null; try { lAddrPartTypeExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.AddressPartType.valueOf(lIntAddrPartTypeStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new RuntimeException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External AddressPartType value: " + lAddrPartTypeExt); } lADXPExt.setType(lAddrPartTypeExt); return lADXPExt; } /** * Convert from the internal PostalAddressUse to external PostalAddressUse object * @param pPAUInternal external PostalAddressUse object * @throws RuntimeException if no direct value mapping from internal to external PostalAddressUse enumerations exists * @return */ private static org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse aDPostalAddressUseInternal2ADPostalAddressUse( PostalAddressUse pPAUInternal) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "postalAddressUseInternal2PostalAddressUse(): "; if (pPAUInternal == null) return null; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "Internal PostalAddressUse value: " + pPAUInternal); } org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse lPostalAddressExt = null; try { lPostalAddressExt = org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse.valueOf(pPAUInternal.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the internal to external enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External PostAddressUse value: " + lPostalAddressExt.value()); } return lPostalAddressExt; } private static PostalAddressUse aDPostalAddressUse2ADPostalAddressUseInternal( org.opencds.vmr.v1_0.schema.PostalAddressUse pPAUExt) throws InvalidDataException { String _METHODNAME = "postalAddressUse2PostalAddressUseInternal() :"; if (pPAUExt == null) return null; String lExtAddressUseStr = pPAUExt.toString(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(_METHODNAME + "External PostalAddressUse value: " + pPAUExt); } PostalAddressUse lPostalAddressInt = null; try { lPostalAddressInt = PostalAddressUse.valueOf(lExtAddressUseStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { String errStr = _METHODNAME + "there was no direct value mapping from the external to internal enumeration"; throw new InvalidDataException(errStr); } return lPostalAddressInt; } public static II getUUIDAsII() { //return new com.eaio.uuid.UUID().toString(); // using default Java UUID generator for now // TODO: consider switching to above UUID generator for performance II ii = new II(); ii.setValue(MiscUtility.getUUIDAsString()); return ii; } }