Java tutorial
/* ************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * The Original Code is Openbravo ERP. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU * All portions are Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Openbravo SLU * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. ************************************************************************ */ package org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.openbravo.base.provider.OBProvider; import org.openbravo.base.session.OBPropertiesProvider; import org.openbravo.dal.core.OBContext; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDal; import org.openbravo.dal.service.OBDao; import org.openbravo.database.ConnectionProvider; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.AcctSchema; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.AcctServer; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.DocLineCashVATReady_PaymentTransactionReconciliation; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.DocTax; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.Fact; import org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.FactLine; import org.openbravo.model.common.businesspartner.BusinessPartner; import org.openbravo.model.common.businesspartner.Location; import org.openbravo.model.common.currency.Currency; import org.openbravo.model.common.enterprise.Organization; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.Invoice; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.InvoiceTax; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.InvoiceTaxCashVAT; import org.openbravo.model.common.invoice.InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V; import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentDetail; import org.openbravo.model.financialmgmt.payment.FIN_PaymentSchedule; import; public class CashVATUtil { private static Logger log4j = Logger.getLogger(CashVATUtil.class); public static final BigDecimal _100 = new BigDecimal("100"); /** * Returns the associated legal entity Cash VAT configuration. Useful for sales flows * * @param strOrgId * organization id * @return "Y", "N" or null if not found */ public static String getOrganizationIsCashVAT(final String strOrgId) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final Organization org = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, strOrgId); final Organization legalEntity = OBContext.getOBContext() .getOrganizationStructureProvider(org.getClient().getId()).getLegalEntity(org); if (legalEntity != null && legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList() != null && !legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList().isEmpty()) { return legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList().get(0).isCashVAT() ? "Y" : "N"; } } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("Error getting organization'" + strOrgId + "' cash vat. Returning null", e); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return null; } /** * Returns the associated legal entity Double Cash Criteria configuration. Useful for purchase * flows * * @param strOrgId * organization id * @return "Y", "N" or null if not found */ public static String getOrganizationIsDoubleCash(final String strOrgId) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final Organization org = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, strOrgId); final Organization legalEntity = OBContext.getOBContext() .getOrganizationStructureProvider(org.getClient().getId()).getLegalEntity(org); if (legalEntity != null && legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList() != null && !legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList().isEmpty()) { return legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList().get(0).isDoubleCash() ? "Y" : "N"; } } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("Error getting organization'" + strOrgId + "' double cash. Returning null", e); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return null; } /** * Returns the Cash VAT configuration for the given Vendor (Business Partner) * * @param strBPId * Vendor (c_bpartner_id) * @return "Y", "N" or null if not found */ public static String getBusinessPartnerIsCashVAT(final String strBPId) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final BusinessPartner bp = OBDal.getInstance().get(BusinessPartner.class, strBPId); if (bp != null) { return bp.isCashVAT() ? "Y" : "N"; } } catch (final Exception e) { log4j.error("Error getting business partner'" + strBPId + "' cash vat. Returning null", e); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return null; } /** * It returns true if Organization's and Business Partner's countries are different, which implies * a non Cash VAT document. * * If Organization has no address, it tries to get its legal entity address instead. * * @param strOrgId * Organization Id * @param strBPartnerLocationId * Business Partner Location Id from the document (invoice, order, etc.) * @return It returns true if Organization's and Business Partner's countries are different */ public static boolean isForcedNonCashVAT(final String strOrgId, final String strBPartnerLocationId) { String orgCountryId = null; String bpCountryId = null; try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final Organization org = OBDal.getInstance().get(Organization.class, strOrgId); try { orgCountryId = org.getOrganizationInformationList().get(0).getLocationAddress().getCountry() .getId(); } catch (Exception noOrgLocation) { final Organization legalEntity = OBContext.getOBContext() .getOrganizationStructureProvider(org.getClient().getId()).getLegalEntity(org); legalEntity.getOrganizationInformationList().get(0).getLocationAddress().getCountry().getId(); } bpCountryId = OBDal.getInstance().get(Location.class, strBPartnerLocationId).getLocationAddress() .getCountry().getId(); } catch (Exception noLocationInOrgOrBP) { // OrgCountryId or bpCountryId not yet set. Continue with the flow } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return (orgCountryId != null && bpCountryId != null && !orgCountryId.equals(bpCountryId)); } /** * Returns "Y" if the combination of these parameters represents a Cash VAT transaction. * * It first checks whether the organization's and business partner's location country is * different. In this case it returns "N", because Cash VAT transactions are only valid within the * same country. <br/> * * For sales flow, it checks whether the organization is declared as Cash VAT. In this case it * returns "Y". <br/> * * For purchase flow, it first checks if the organization is declared as Cash VAT and Double cash * criteria. In this case it returns "Y"; otherwise it returns the business partner Cash VAT * configuration * * @param strIsSOTrx * is Sales transaction ("Y" or "N") * @param strOrgId * organization ID * @param strBPartnerId * business partner ID * @param strBPartnerLocationId * business partner location ID (from the document: order, invoice, etc.) * @return "Y" for Cash VAT transactions, otherwise returns "N" */ public static String isCashVAT(final String strIsSOTrx, final String strOrgId, final String strBPartnerId, final String strBPartnerLocationId) { final boolean isForcedNonCashVAT = isForcedNonCashVAT(strOrgId, strBPartnerLocationId); if (isForcedNonCashVAT) { // The Organization's and Business Partner's countries are different. It implies Cash VAT = N return "N"; } else { final String orgCashVAT = CashVATUtil.getOrganizationIsCashVAT(strOrgId); if (StringUtils.equals("Y", strIsSOTrx)) { // Sales flow only (from the organization) return orgCashVAT; } else { // Purchase flow final String orgDoubleCash = CashVATUtil.getOrganizationIsDoubleCash(strOrgId); if (StringUtils.equals("Y", orgCashVAT) && StringUtils.equals("Y", orgDoubleCash)) { // from Organization Double Cash Criteria return "Y"; } else { // from Business Partner return getBusinessPartnerIsCashVAT(strBPartnerId); } } } } /** * Creates the records into the Cash VAT management table (InvoiceTaxCashVAT), calculating the * percentage paid/collected tax amount and taxable amount. Only for cash vat tax rates * */ public static void createInvoiceTaxCashVAT(final FIN_PaymentDetail paymentDetail, final FIN_PaymentSchedule paymentSchedule, final BigDecimal amount) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final Invoice invoice = paymentSchedule.getInvoice(); if (invoice != null && invoice.isCashVAT()) { // A previous cash vat line with this payment detail means we are reactivating the payment. // In this case we delete the line final List<InvoiceTaxCashVAT> previousITCashVATs = getInvoiceTaxCashVAT(paymentDetail); if (previousITCashVATs != null && !previousITCashVATs.isEmpty()) { for (InvoiceTaxCashVAT previousITCV : previousITCashVATs) { OBDal.getInstance().remove(previousITCV); } } else { final boolean calculateAmountsBasedOnPercentage; BigDecimal percentage = null; /* Calculate it later on */ final BigDecimal outstandingAmt = invoice.getOutstandingAmount(); if (outstandingAmt.compareTo(amount) == 0) { // We are fully paying the invoice. We need to subtract amounts instead of calculating // them on the fly calculateAmountsBasedOnPercentage = false; } else { // Calculate amounts based on the paid percentage calculateAmountsBasedOnPercentage = true; final boolean isReversal = invoice.getDocumentType().isReversal(); final BigDecimal grandTotalAmt = isReversal ? invoice.getGrandTotalAmount().negate() : invoice.getGrandTotalAmount(); final int currencyPrecission = invoice.getCurrency().getStandardPrecision().intValue(); percentage = amount.multiply(_100).divide(grandTotalAmt, currencyPrecission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } for (final InvoiceTax invoiceTax : invoice.getInvoiceTaxList()) { if (invoiceTax.getTax().isCashVAT()) { final InvoiceTaxCashVAT iTCashVAT = OBProvider.getInstance() .get(InvoiceTaxCashVAT.class); iTCashVAT.setOrganization(invoiceTax.getOrganization()); iTCashVAT.setInvoiceTax(invoiceTax); iTCashVAT.setFINPaymentDetail(paymentDetail); final BigDecimal taxAmount; final BigDecimal taxableAmount; if (calculateAmountsBasedOnPercentage) { taxAmount = calculatePercentageAmount(percentage, invoiceTax.getTaxAmount(), invoice.getCurrency()); taxableAmount = calculatePercentageAmount(percentage, invoiceTax.getTaxableAmount(), invoice.getCurrency()); } else { final Map<String, BigDecimal> outstandingAmounts = getTotalOutstandingCashVATAmount( invoiceTax.getId()); percentage = outstandingAmounts.get("percentage"); taxAmount = outstandingAmounts.get("taxAmt"); taxableAmount = outstandingAmounts.get("taxableAmt"); } iTCashVAT.setPercentage(percentage); iTCashVAT.setTaxAmount(taxAmount); iTCashVAT.setTaxableAmount(taxableAmount); invoiceTax.getInvoiceTaxCashVATList().add(iTCashVAT); OBDal.getInstance().save(invoiceTax); OBDal.getInstance().save(iTCashVAT); } } } OBDal.getInstance().flush(); } } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } /** * Gets the InvoiceTaxCashVAT records linked to the payment detail */ public static List<InvoiceTaxCashVAT> getInvoiceTaxCashVAT(final FIN_PaymentDetail paymentDetail) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); return OBDao.getFilteredCriteria(InvoiceTaxCashVAT.class, Restrictions.eq(InvoiceTaxCashVAT.PROPERTY_FINPAYMENTDETAIL, paymentDetail)).list(); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } /** * Returns the outstanding percentage, tax amount and taxable amount by subtracting the total * percentage (100%), total tax amount and total taxable amount with the amounts registered into * the InvoiceTaxCashVAT. * * Use this method when the invoice is fully paid to avoid rounding issues with on the fly * calculations based on the percentage of the invoice that has been paid/collected * */ public static Map<String, BigDecimal> getTotalOutstandingCashVATAmount(final String cInvoiceTaxID) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append(" select 100 - sum(coalesce(itcv." + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_PERCENTAGE + ", 0)) as percentage, "); hql.append(" max(it." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_TAXABLEAMOUNT + ") - sum(coalesce(itcv." + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_TAXABLEAMOUNT + ", 0)) as taxableAmt, "); hql.append(" max(it." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_TAXAMOUNT + ") - sum(coalesce(itcv." + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_TAXAMOUNT + ", 0)) as taxAmt "); hql.append(" from " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.ENTITY_NAME + " as itcv "); hql.append(" right outer join itcv." + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_INVOICETAX + " as it "); hql.append(" where it." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_ID + "= :cInvoiceTaxID "); hql.append(" and coalesce(itcv." + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_CANCELED + ", 'N') = 'N' "); final Session session = OBDal.getInstance().getSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery(hql.toString()); query.setParameter("cInvoiceTaxID", cInvoiceTaxID); final Map<String, BigDecimal> result = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>(); final Object[] o = (Object[]) query.uniqueResult(); result.put("percentage", (BigDecimal) o[0]); result.put("taxableAmt", (BigDecimal) o[1]); result.put("taxAmt", (BigDecimal) o[2]); return result; } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } /** * Returns the total percentage that should be applied to the cash vat regime that comes from a * prepayment, i.e. from an (partially or totally) paid/collected order. This percentage must be * directly registered into the final tax account instead of the transitory tax account as usual, * because this part of the invoice has been paid from the order */ public static BigDecimal calculatePrepaidPercentageForCashVATTax(final String cTaxID, final String cInvoiceId) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); hql.append(" select coalesce(sum(" + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_PERCENTAGE + "), 0) "); hql.append(" from " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.ENTITY_NAME); hql.append(" where " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_INVOICETAX + "." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_TAX + "." + TaxRate.PROPERTY_ID + " = :taxId "); hql.append(" and " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_INVOICETAX + "." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_INVOICE + "." + Invoice.PROPERTY_ID + " = :invoiceId "); hql.append(" and " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_CANCELED + " = false "); hql.append(" and " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_PAYMENTDETAILS + "." + FIN_PaymentDetail.PROPERTY_ISPREPAYMENT + " = true "); hql.append(" group by " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_INVOICETAX + "." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_TAX + "." + TaxRate.PROPERTY_ID + ", " + InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V.PROPERTY_INVOICETAX + "." + InvoiceTax.PROPERTY_INVOICE + "." + Invoice.PROPERTY_ID); final Session session = OBDal.getInstance().getSession(); final Query query = session.createQuery(hql.toString()); query.setParameter("taxId", cTaxID); query.setParameter("invoiceId", cInvoiceId); final BigDecimal percentage = (BigDecimal) query.uniqueResult(); return percentage == null ? BigDecimal.ZERO : percentage; } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } /** * Generic method to calculate the percentage of an amount (totalAmt) with the currency's standard * precision * * @param percentage * percentage to apply for the totalAmt * @param totalAmt * total amount (represents 100%) * @param cCurrencyId * currency ID * @return percentage * totalAmt / 100, rounded to the currency's standard precision */ public static BigDecimal calculatePercentageAmount(final BigDecimal percentage, final BigDecimal totalAmt, final String cCurrencyId) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final Currency currency = OBDal.getInstance().get(Currency.class, cCurrencyId); return calculatePercentageAmount(percentage, totalAmt, currency); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } } /** * Generic method to calculate the percentage of an amount (totalAmt) with the currency's standard * precision * * @param percentage * percentage to apply for the totalAmt * @param totalAmt * total amount (represents 100%) * @param currency * currency * @return percentage * totalAmt / 100, rounded to the currency's standard precision */ public static BigDecimal calculatePercentageAmount(final BigDecimal percentage, final BigDecimal totalAmt, final Currency currency) { try { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); if (currency != null) { int precission = currency.getStandardPrecision().intValue(); return percentage.multiply(totalAmt).divide(_100, precission, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); } } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } throw new RuntimeException("CashVATUtil.calculatePercentageAmount(), wrong parameters :" + percentage + ", " + totalAmt + ", " + currency); } /** * Create the accounting fact lines related to Cash VAT for payments, transactions and * reconciliations that come from a cash VAT invoice * */ public static String createFactCashVAT(AcctSchema as, ConnectionProvider conn, Fact fact, String Fact_Acct_Group_ID, DocLineCashVATReady_PaymentTransactionReconciliation line, Invoice invoice, final String documentType, final String cCurrencyID, final String SeqNo) { try { if (invoice.isCashVAT() && !line.getInvoiceTaxCashVAT_V().isEmpty()) { FactLine factLine2 = null; for (final InvoiceTaxCashVAT_V itcv : line.getInvoiceTaxCashVAT_V()) { final TaxRate tax = itcv.getInvoiceTax().getTax(); Invoice inv = itcv.getInvoiceTax().getInvoice(); if (tax.isCashVAT() && inv.equals(invoice)) { final BigDecimal taxAmt = itcv.getTaxAmount(); if (taxAmt.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) { final DocTax m_tax = new DocTax(tax.getId(), tax.getName(), tax.getRate().toString(), itcv.getInvoiceTax().getTaxableAmount().toString(), itcv.getTaxAmount().toString(), tax.isNotTaxdeductable(), tax.isTaxdeductable()); final String invoicedocumentType = invoice.getDocumentType().getDocumentCategory(); final boolean isReversal = invoice.getDocumentType().isReversal(); String dateFormatString = OBPropertiesProvider.getInstance().getOpenbravoProperties() .getProperty(""); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatString); String taxAmountConverted = fact.getM_doc().convertAmount(taxAmt, invoice.isSalesTransaction(), dateFormat.format(invoice.getAccountingDate()), AcctServer.TABLEID_Invoice, invoice.getId(), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), as.m_C_Currency_ID, line, as, fact, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), conn) .toString(); // ARI, ARF, ARI_RM if (invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARInvoice) || invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARProForma) || invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_RMSalesInvoice)) { if (isReversal) { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), "", taxAmountConverted, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), taxAmt.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } else { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), taxAmountConverted, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), "", taxAmt.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } } // ARC else if (invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_ARCredit)) { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue_Trans, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), "", taxAmountConverted, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxDue, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), taxAmt.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } // API else if (invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APInvoice)) { if (isReversal) { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), taxAmountConverted, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), "", taxAmt.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } else { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), cCurrencyID, "", taxAmountConverted, Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), cCurrencyID, taxAmt.toString(), "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } } // APC else if (invoicedocumentType.equals(AcctServer.DOCTYPE_APCredit)) { final FactLine factLine1 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit_Trans, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), taxAmountConverted, "", Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(SeqNo), documentType, conn); factLine2 = fact.createLine(line, m_tax.getAccount(DocTax.ACCTTYPE_TaxCredit, as, conn), invoice.getCurrency().getId(), "", taxAmt.toString(), Fact_Acct_Group_ID, nextSeqNo(factLine1.m_SeqNo), documentType, conn); } } } } if (factLine2 != null) { return factLine2.m_SeqNo; } } } catch (ServletException e) { log4j.error("Error ocurring posting cashVAT", e); } return SeqNo; } private static String nextSeqNo(String oldSeqNo) { BigDecimal seqNo = new BigDecimal(oldSeqNo); return (seqNo.add(new BigDecimal("10"))).toString(); } }