Java tutorial
/* * * * (C) Copyright 2016 NUBOMEDIA ( * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * * * */ package org.openbaton.autoscaling.core.detection; import org.openbaton.autoscaling.catalogue.Action; import org.openbaton.autoscaling.core.decision.DecisionManagement; import org.openbaton.autoscaling.core.detection.task.DetectionTask; import; import org.openbaton.catalogue.mano.common.AutoScalePolicy; import org.openbaton.catalogue.mano.record.NetworkServiceRecord; import org.openbaton.catalogue.mano.record.VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord; import org.openbaton.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.openbaton.sdk.NFVORequestor; import org.openbaton.sdk.api.exception.SDKException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Async; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.AsyncResult; import org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; /** * Created by mpa on 27.10.15. */ @Service @Scope("singleton") public class DetectionManagement { protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler; private Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, ScheduledFuture>>> detectionTasks; @Autowired private NFVORequestor nfvoRequestor; @Autowired private DetectionEngine detectionEngine; @Autowired private DecisionManagement decisionManagement; private ActionMonitor actionMonitor; @PostConstruct public void init() throws SDKException { this.actionMonitor = new ActionMonitor(); this.detectionTasks = new HashMap<>(); this.taskScheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler(); this.taskScheduler.setPoolSize(10); this.taskScheduler.setWaitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown(true); this.taskScheduler.setRemoveOnCancelPolicy(true); this.taskScheduler.setErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() { protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Override public void handleError(Throwable t) { log.error(t.getMessage(), t); } }); this.taskScheduler.initialize(); } public void start(String nsr_id) throws NotFoundException, SDKException { log.debug("Activating Alarm Detection for NSR with id: " + nsr_id); NetworkServiceRecord nsr = null; try { nsr = nfvoRequestor.getNetworkServiceRecordAgent().findById(nsr_id); } catch (SDKException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (nsr == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Not Found NetworkServiceDescriptor with id: " + nsr_id); } for (VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr : nsr.getVnfr()) { for (AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy : vnfr.getAuto_scale_policy()) { start(nsr_id, vnfr.getId(), autoScalePolicy); } }"Activated Alarm Detection for NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } public void start(String nsr_id, String vnfr_id) throws NotFoundException, SDKException { log.debug("Activating Alarm Detection for VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr = null; try { vnfr = nfvoRequestor.getNetworkServiceRecordAgent().getVirtualNetworkFunctionRecord(nsr_id, vnfr_id); } catch (SDKException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (vnfr == null) { log.warn("Not Found VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord with id: " + vnfr_id); return; } for (AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy : vnfr.getAuto_scale_policy()) { start(nsr_id, vnfr.getId(), autoScalePolicy); } log.debug("Activated Alarm Detection for VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } public void start(String nsr_id, String vnfr_id, AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy) throws NotFoundException, SDKException { log.debug("Activating Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); if (actionMonitor.requestAction(autoScalePolicy.getId(), Action.INACTIVE)) { if (!detectionTasks.containsKey(nsr_id)) { detectionTasks.put(nsr_id, new HashMap<String, Map<String, ScheduledFuture>>()); } if (!detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).containsKey(vnfr_id)) { detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).put(vnfr_id, new HashMap<String, ScheduledFuture>()); } if (detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).containsKey(autoScalePolicy.getId())) { log.debug("Restarting Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).get(autoScalePolicy.getId()).cancel(false); } log.debug("Creating new DetectionTask for AutoScalingPolicy " + autoScalePolicy.getName() + " with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id); DetectionTask detectionTask = new DetectionTask(nsr_id, vnfr_id, autoScalePolicy, detectionEngine, actionMonitor); ScheduledFuture scheduledFuture = taskScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(detectionTask, autoScalePolicy.getPeriod() * 1000); detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).put(autoScalePolicy.getId(), scheduledFuture);"Activated Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } else { log.debug("Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id + " were already activated"); } } public void stop(String nsr_id) throws NotFoundException { log.debug("Deactivating Alarm Detection of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); NetworkServiceRecord nsr = null; try { nsr = nfvoRequestor.getNetworkServiceRecordAgent().findById(nsr_id); } catch (SDKException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } for (VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr : nsr.getVnfr()) { stop(nsr_id, vnfr.getId()); }"Deactivated Alarm Detection of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } @Async public Future<Boolean> stop(String nsr_id, String vnfr_id) throws NotFoundException { log.debug("Deactivating Alarm Detection of VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord vnfr = null; Set<Future<Boolean>> futureTasks = new HashSet<>(); Set<Boolean> tasks = new HashSet<>(); try { vnfr = nfvoRequestor.getNetworkServiceRecordAgent().getVirtualNetworkFunctionRecord(nsr_id, vnfr_id); } catch (SDKException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (vnfr == null) { log.warn("Not Found VirtualNetworkFunctionRecord with id: " + vnfr_id); return new AsyncResult<>(false); } for (AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy : vnfr.getAuto_scale_policy()) { futureTasks.add(stop(nsr_id, vnfr_id, autoScalePolicy)); } for (Future<Boolean> futureTask : futureTasks) { try { tasks.add(futureTask.get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } log.debug("Deactivated Alarm Detection for VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); if (tasks.contains(false)) { return new AsyncResult<>(false); } return new AsyncResult<>(true); } @Async public Future<Boolean> stop(String nsr_id, String vnfr_id, AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy) { log.debug("Deactivating Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " for VNFR with id" + vnfr_id); if (detectionTasks.containsKey(nsr_id)) { if (detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).containsKey(vnfr_id)) { if (detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).containsKey(autoScalePolicy.getId())) { detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).get(autoScalePolicy.getId()).cancel(false); int i = 30; while (!actionMonitor.isTerminated(autoScalePolicy.getId()) && actionMonitor.getAction(autoScalePolicy.getId()) != Action.INACTIVE && i >= 0) { actionMonitor.terminate(autoScalePolicy.getId()); log.debug("Waiting for finishing DetectionTask for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id); log.debug("Waiting for finishing ExecutionTask/Cooldown for VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " (" + i + "s)"); log.debug(actionMonitor.toString()); if (i <= 0) { log.error("Forced deactivation of DetectionTask for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId()); detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).get(autoScalePolicy.getId()).cancel(true); detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).remove(autoScalePolicy.getId()); actionMonitor.removeId(vnfr_id); return new AsyncResult<>(false); } try { Thread.sleep(1_000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } i--; } actionMonitor.removeId(vnfr_id); detectionTasks.get(nsr_id).get(vnfr_id).remove(autoScalePolicy.getId()); log.debug("Deactivated Alarm Detection for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } else { log.debug("Not Found DetectionTask for AutoScalePolicy with id: " + autoScalePolicy.getId() + " of VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } } else { log.debug( "Not Found any DetectionTasks for VNFR with id: " + vnfr_id + " of NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } } else { log.debug("Not Found any DetectionTasks for NSR with id: " + nsr_id); } return new AsyncResult<>(true); } public void sendAlarm(String nsr_id, String vnfr_id, AutoScalePolicy autoScalePolicy) { if (actionMonitor.isTerminating(autoScalePolicy.getId())) { actionMonitor.finishedAction(autoScalePolicy.getId(), Action.TERMINATED); return; } decisionManagement.decide(nsr_id, vnfr_id, autoScalePolicy); } }