Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 IBM Corporation and Cambridge Semantics Incorporated. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * File: $Source: /cvsroot/slrp/common/,v $ * Created by: Joe Betz * Created on: 9/30/2005 * Revision: $Id: 176 2007-07-31 14:22:30Z mroy $ * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Cambridge Semantics Incorporated - Fork to Anzo *******************************************************************************/ package org.openanzo.jdbc.opgen; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * Provides XML deserialization and accessors for rdf statements (SQL, DDL, etc.) for use in composing PreparedStatementProvider compatable .sql files and * generating java rdf statement wrappers. * * @author Joe Betz * */ public class RdbStatement { static final String element = "preparedstatement"; static final String nameAttribute = "name"; static final String inputsAttribute = "inputs"; static final String outputsAttribute = "outputs"; static final String resultsAttribute = "results"; static final String templateParamsAttribute = "templateParams"; static final String PREPARE = "prepare"; String name; String sqlPackageName; String sql; List<Parameter> inputs; List<Parameter> outputs; List<Parameter> templateParams; Result results; boolean prepare = true; /** * Create a new RdbStatement * * @param sqlPackageName * name of package * @param name * name of prepared statement * @param sql * SQL query text * @param inputs * inputs to the query * @param outputs * outputs expected from the query * @param templateParams * set of template parameters for the query * @param results * results type for query * @param prepare * true if statement should be prepared, otherwise use callable statement */ public RdbStatement(String sqlPackageName, String name, String sql, List<Parameter> inputs, List<Parameter> outputs, List<Parameter> templateParams, Result results, boolean prepare) { this.sqlPackageName = sqlPackageName; = name; this.sql = sql; this.inputs = inputs; this.outputs = outputs; this.templateParams = templateParams; this.results = results; this.prepare = prepare; initialize(); } // make a best effort to get the text within a node. private static String getText(Node n) { NodeList nl = n.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node n2 = nl.item(i); if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String text = n2.getNodeValue(); if (text.trim().length() > 0) { return text; } } else if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { return n2.getNodeValue(); } else { return getText(n); } } return null; } private static final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\s+)"); /** * Create a new RdbStatement from the given XML emement data * * @param sqlPackageName * package name for statement * @param xmlElement * XML element containing data */ public RdbStatement(String sqlPackageName, Element xmlElement) { this.sqlPackageName = sqlPackageName; if (!xmlElement.getNodeName().equals(element)) throw new InvalidParameterException("XML element not of type '" + element + "'"); sql = getText(xmlElement); if (sql == null) throw new InvalidParameterException("Node has no text: " + xmlElement); if (sql.trim().equals("EMPTY")) { sql = ""; } Node nameNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(nameAttribute); if (nameNode == null) throw new InvalidParameterException( "'" + nameAttribute + "' is a required attribute for '" + element + "' element."); name = nameNode.getNodeValue(); Node inputsNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(inputsAttribute); if (inputsNode != null) { String paramList = inputsNode.getNodeValue(); inputs = getParams(paramList); } else { inputs = new ArrayList<Parameter>(0); } Node templateParamsNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(templateParamsAttribute); if (templateParamsNode != null) { String paramList = templateParamsNode.getNodeValue(); templateParams = getParams(paramList); } else { templateParams = new ArrayList<Parameter>(0); } Node outputsNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(outputsAttribute); if (outputsNode != null) { String paramList = outputsNode.getNodeValue(); outputs = getParams(paramList); } else { outputs = new ArrayList<Parameter>(0); } Node resultsNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(resultsAttribute); if (resultsNode != null) { results = Result.getResultsEnum(resultsNode); } Node dpNode = xmlElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(PREPARE); if (dpNode != null) { prepare = Boolean.parseBoolean(dpNode.getNodeValue()); } initialize(); } private void initialize() { if (results == null) results = Result.NONE; if (results == Result.ROW && outputs.size() <= 1) throw new InvalidParameterException(name + ": ROW return type not allowed when there is zero or one outputs, use VALUE or ITERATOR instead."); if (results == Result.COUNTER && outputs.size() > 0) throw new InvalidParameterException(name + ": COUNTER return type not allowed when there is one our more outputs, use VALUE,ROW or ITERATOR instead."); } private static List<Parameter> getParams(String paramList) { List<Parameter> list = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); if (paramList.length() > 0) { String[] params = paramList.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String param = params[i].trim(); String[] vals = pattern.split(param); String type = vals[0]; String name = vals[1]; boolean canBeNull = !type.startsWith("+"); if (!canBeNull) { type = type.substring(1); } ParameterType pType = ParameterType.valueOf(type); if (pType != null) { list.add(new Parameter(name, pType, canBeNull)); } else { throw new RuntimeException(type + " type is invalid:" + paramList); } } } return list; } /** * Get the name of the statement * * @return the name of the statement */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the qualified name of the statement * * @return the qualified name of the statement */ public String getQualifiedName() { if (sqlPackageName != "") { return sqlPackageName + "." + name; } return name; } /** * Capitalize the name of the statement * * @return capitalized name of the statement */ public String capitalizedName() { return org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.capitalize(name); } /** * Return if the provided string is a primitive value type * * @param string * type of value for which to determine primitive nature * @return if the provided string is a primitive value type */ public static boolean isPrimitive(String string) { return string.equals("short") || string.equals("byte") || string.equals("boolean") || string.equals("long") || string.equals("int") || string.equals("char"); } /** * Get the SQL query text for this statement * * @return the SQL query text for this statement */ public String getSql() { return sql; } /** * @return the dontPrepare */ public boolean getPrepare() { return prepare; } /** * Get the input parameters for this statement * * @return the input parameters for this statement */ public List<Parameter> getInputs() { return inputs; } /** * Get the output parameters for this statement * * @return the output parameters for this statement */ public List<Parameter> getOutputs() { return outputs; } /** * Get the template parameters for this statement * * @return the template parameters for this statement */ public List<Parameter> getParams() { return templateParams; } /** * Get the return type for this statement * * @return the return type for this statement */ public String getReturnType() { if (results == Result.NONE) { return "void"; } else if (results == Result.ITERATOR) { return "org.openanzo.jdbc.utils.ClosableIterator"; } else if (results == Result.ROW) { return capitalizedName() + "Result"; } else if (results == Result.VALUE) { return getValueReturnType(false); } else if (results == Result.COUNTER) { return "int"; } else if (results == Result.IDENTITY) { return "Long"; } throw new InvalidParameterException("Not a valid enumeration value: " + results.getValue()); } /** * Determine if this statement has input parameters * * @return if this statement has input parameters */ public boolean hasInputParamType() { return (inputs.size() > 1); } /** * Get the Interface name for this statement's parameters * * @return the Interface name for this statements parameters */ public String getInputParamInterface() { return capitalizedName() + "Params"; } /** * Get the Implementation name for this statement's parameters * * @return the Implementation name for this statement's parameters */ public String getInputParamImpl() { return capitalizedName() + "ParamsImpl"; } /** * Get the interface name for this statement's results * * @return the interface name for this statement's results */ public String getResultsInterface() { return capitalizedName() + "Result"; } /** * Get the implementation name for this statement's results * * @return the implementation name for this statement's results */ public String getResultsImpl() { return capitalizedName() + "ResultImpl"; } String inputParamSigniture = null; /** * Get the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement * * @return the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement */ public String getInputParamSigniture() { if (inputParamSigniture == null) { inputParamSigniture = buildSignitureString(inputs); } return inputParamSigniture; } String inputExceptionSignature = null; /** * Get the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement * * @return the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement */ public String getInputExceptionSignature() { if (inputExceptionSignature == null) { inputExceptionSignature = buildExceptionSignitureString(inputs); } return inputExceptionSignature; } String templateExceptionSignature = null; /** * Get the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement * * @return the full string representing for the input parameters to this statement */ public String getTemplateExceptionSignature() { if (templateExceptionSignature == null) { templateExceptionSignature = buildExceptionSignitureString(templateParams); } return templateExceptionSignature; } String inputParams = null; /** * Get the string representing for the input parameters to this statement * * @return the string representing for the input parameters to this statement */ public String getInputParams() { if (inputParams == null) { inputParams = buildParamString(inputs); } return inputParams; } /** * Return true if this statement has template parameters * * @return true if this statement has template parameters */ public boolean hasTemplateParams() { return templateParams.size() > 0; } String templateParamSigniture = null; /** * Get the full string representing for the template parameters to this statement * * @return the full string representing for the template parameters to this statement */ public String getTemplateParamSigniture() { if (templateParamSigniture == null) { templateParamSigniture = buildSignitureString(templateParams); } return templateParamSigniture; } String templateParamsString = null; /** * Get the string representing for the template parameters to this statement * * @return the string representing for the template parameters to this statement */ public String getTemplateParams() { if (templateParamsString == null) { templateParamsString = buildParamString(templateParams); } return templateParamsString; } String templateParamsJavadocString = null; /** * Get the javadoc representing for the template parameters to this statement * * @return the javadoc representing for the template parameters to this statement */ public String getTemplateParamsJavadoc() { if (templateParamsJavadocString == null) { templateParamsJavadocString = buildJavadocParamString(templateParams); } return templateParamsJavadocString; } String inputParamsJavadocString = null; /** * Get the javadoc representing for the input parameters to this statement * * @return the javadoc representing for the input parameters to this statement */ public String getInputParamsJavadoc() { if (inputParamsJavadocString == null) { inputParamsJavadocString = buildJavadocParamString(inputs); } return inputParamsJavadocString; } /** * Return true if this statement has input parameters * * @return true if this statement has input parameters */ public boolean hasInputParams() { return inputs.size() > 0; } private String buildParamString(List<Parameter> params) { StringBuilder inputParamsBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Parameter> inIter = params.iterator(); inIter.hasNext();) { Parameter param =; inputParamsBuf.append(param.getName()); if (inIter.hasNext()) { inputParamsBuf.append(", "); } } return inputParamsBuf.toString(); } private String buildJavadocParamString(List<Parameter> params) { StringBuilder inputParamsBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Parameter> inIter = params.iterator(); inIter.hasNext();) { Parameter param =; inputParamsBuf.append("\n *@param "); inputParamsBuf.append(param.getName()); inputParamsBuf.append(" template parameter"); } return inputParamsBuf.toString(); } private String buildSignitureString(List<Parameter> params) { StringBuilder inputParamSignitureBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Parameter> inIter = params.iterator(); inIter.hasNext();) { Parameter param =; inputParamSignitureBuf.append(param.getJavaType(false)); inputParamSignitureBuf.append(" "); inputParamSignitureBuf.append(param.getName()); if (inIter.hasNext()) { inputParamSignitureBuf.append(", "); } } return inputParamSignitureBuf.toString(); } private String buildExceptionSignitureString(List<Parameter> params) { StringBuilder inputParamSignitureBuf = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Parameter> inIter = params.iterator(); inIter.hasNext();) { Parameter param =; if (param.isPrimitive()) { inputParamSignitureBuf.append("\"" + param.getName() + "=\"+(" + param.getName() + ")"); } else { inputParamSignitureBuf.append("\"" + param.getName() + "=\"+(("); inputParamSignitureBuf.append(param.getName()); inputParamSignitureBuf.append("!=null)?"); inputParamSignitureBuf.append(param.getName()); inputParamSignitureBuf.append(".toString():\"null\")"); } if (inIter.hasNext()) { inputParamSignitureBuf.append(" + \",\" +"); } } return inputParamSignitureBuf.toString(); } /** * Return true if this statement expects results * * @return true if this statement expects results */ public boolean hasReturn() { return !getReturnType().equals("void"); } /** * Get the return type for this statement * * @param box * should this type be boxed * @return the return type for this statement */ public String getValueReturnType(boolean box) { Parameter param = getFirstOutput(); return param.getJavaType(box); } /** * get the resultset property * * @return resultset property */ public String getResultSetProperty() { Parameter param = getFirstOutput(); return param.getResultSetProperty(); } /** * Get the javatype for this statement * * @param box * should the type be boxed * @return the javatype for this statement */ public String getJavaType(boolean box) { return getFirstOutput().getJavaType(box); } /** * Get the jdbc type for this statement * * @param box * should the type be boxed * * @return the jdbc type for this statement */ public String getJdbcType(boolean box) { Parameter firstOutput = getFirstOutput(); return firstOutput.getJdbcType(); } /** * * @return true if the result type is primitive */ public boolean isPrimitive() { return getFirstOutput().isPrimitive(); } private Parameter getFirstOutput() { Iterator<Parameter> iter = outputs.iterator(); if (!iter.hasNext()) throw new InvalidParameterException("No outputs specified"); return; } /** * Get the result object for the statement * * @return the result object for the statement */ public Result getResults() { return results; } /** * Class the contains an input/output/template parameter */ public static class Parameter { static HashMap<String, String> toPrimitive = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { toPrimitive.put("Long", "long"); toPrimitive.put("Integer", "int"); toPrimitive.put("Byte", "byte"); toPrimitive.put("Character", "char"); toPrimitive.put("Short", "short"); toPrimitive.put("Float", "float"); toPrimitive.put("Boolean", "boolean"); toPrimitive.put("Double", "double"); } final String name; final ParameterType type; final boolean canBeNull; /** * Create a new parameter with the given type * * @param name * name of the parameter * @param type * type of the parameter * @param canBeNull * can this parameter take null values */ public Parameter(String name, ParameterType type, boolean canBeNull) { = name; this.type = type; this.canBeNull = canBeNull; } /** * Get the name of the parameter * * @return the name of the parameter */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get the JavaType for the parameter * * @param box * should primitives be boxed * @return the JavaType for the parameter */ public String getJavaType(boolean box) { if (!box && !canBeNull) { String jt = toPrimitive.get(type.getJavaType()); if (jt == null) { jt = type.getJavaType(); } return jt; } else { return type.getJavaType(); } } /** * Get the JdbcType for the parameter * * @return the JdbcType for the parameter */ public String getJdbcType() { return type.getJdbcType(); } /** * Get the result set property * * @return the result set property */ public String getResultSetProperty() { return type.getResultSetType(); } /** * Get the RDB property * * @return the RDB property */ public String getRdbProperty() { return org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.capitalize(name); } /** * Get whether or not this parameter can be bull * * @return whether or not this parameter can be bull */ public boolean canBeNull() { return canBeNull; } /** * Is this parameter a primitive * * @return true if primitive */ public boolean isPrimitive() { if (!canBeNull) { String jt = toPrimitive.get(type.getJavaType()); return (jt != null); } else { return false; } } } }