Java tutorial
/* * Unless explicitly acquired and licensed from Licensor under another license, the contents of * this file are subject to the Reciprocal Public License ("RPL") Version 1.5, or subsequent * versions as allowed by the RPL, and You may not copy or use this file in either source code * or executable form, except in compliance with the terms and conditions of the RPL * * All software distributed under the RPL is provided strictly on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT * WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND LICENSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the RPL for specific language * governing rights and limitations under the RPL. * * * * Copyright 2012-2015 Open Justice Broker Consortium */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import org.ojbc.util.xml.XmlUtils; import org.apache.camel.Header; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Days; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import; import; /** * Interface to persisted subscription information...that is, a database. Each method on this class accepts parameters and then retrieves matching * subscriptions from persistent storage and returns DAOs to the caller. * */ public class SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO { private static final String CIVIL_SUBSCRIPTION_REASON_CODE = "I"; private static final String BASE_QUERY_STRING = "select, s.topic, s.startDate, s.endDate, s.lastValidationDate, s.subscribingSystemIdentifier, s.subscriptionOwner, s.subjectName, " + " si.identifierName, s.subscription_category_code, si.identifierValue, nm.notificationAddress, nm.notificationMechanismType " + " from subscription s, notification_mechanism nm, subscription_subject_identifier si where nm.subscriptionId = and si.subscriptionId = "; private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd"); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO.class); private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SubscriptionResultsSetExtractor resultSetExtractor; private boolean baseNotificationsOnEventDate = true; private boolean fbiSubscriptionMember = false; public SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO() { resultSetExtractor = new SubscriptionResultsSetExtractor(); setValidationDueDateStrategy(new DefaultValidationDueDateStrategy()); setGracePeriodStrategy(new DefaultGracePeriodStrategy()); setValidationExemptionFilter(new DefaultValidationExemptionFilter()); } public void setValidationExemptionFilter(ValidationExemptionFilter validationExemptionFilter) { resultSetExtractor.setValidationExemptionFilter(validationExemptionFilter); } public void setValidationDueDateStrategy(ValidationDueDateStrategy validationDueDateStrategy) { resultSetExtractor.setValidationDueDateStrategy(validationDueDateStrategy); } ValidationDueDateStrategy getValidationDueDateStrategy() { return resultSetExtractor.getValidationDueDateStrategy(); } public void setGracePeriodStrategy(GracePeriodStrategy gracePeriodStrategy) { resultSetExtractor.setGracePeriodStrategy(gracePeriodStrategy); } public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } /** * Search for subscriptions by the person who owns them. * @param subscriptionOwner the federation-wide unique identifier for the person that owns the subscriptions * @return the list of matching subscription objects */ public List<Subscription> searchForSubscriptionsBySubscriptionOwner( @Header("saml_FederationID") String subscriptionOwner) { String sqlQuery = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and s.subscriptionOwner=? and =1"; List<Subscription> subscriptions = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sqlQuery, new Object[] { subscriptionOwner }, resultSetExtractor); return subscriptions; } /** * Determine the number of subscriptions owned by the specified owner. * @param subscriptionOwner the federation-wide unique identifier for the person that owns the subscriptions * @return the count of subscriptions that person owns */ public int countSubscriptionsInSearch(@Header("saml_FederationID") String subscriptionOwner) { String sqlQuery = "select count(*) from subscription where subscriptionOwner=? and active =1"; int subscriptionCountForOwner = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sqlQuery, new Object[] { subscriptionOwner }); return subscriptionCountForOwner; } /** * Retrieve the single subscription owned by the specified person, where the subscription has the specified ID * @param subscriptionOwner the federation-wide unique identifier for the person that owns the subscriptions. If there is no matching * subscription, an IllegalStateException is thrown. * @param id the identifier for the subscription * @return the matching subscription */ public Subscription queryForSubscription(@Header("saml_FederationID") String subscriptionOwner, @Header("subscriptionQueryId") String id) { String sqlQuery = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and s.subscriptionOwner=? and and = 1"; List<Subscription> subscriptions = this.jdbcTemplate.query(sqlQuery, new Object[] { subscriptionOwner, id }, resultSetExtractor); if (subscriptions.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Query did not return the correct number of results."); } return subscriptions.get(0); } /** * Search for subscriptions for the subjects using the Notification Request which contains specified identifiers, and that are/were active on the specified event date. * This is essentially how you determine the applicable subscriptions for a specified event, so that you can then notify about that event. This method will filter out * any subscriptions that are passed the validation due date. * @param notificationRequest notification request containing all notification message components mapped to POJO * @return the list of subscriptions to be notified of the event */ public List<Subscription> searchForSubscriptionsMatchingNotificationRequest( NotificationRequest notificationRequest) { //Retrieve fields from notification request DateTime eventDate = notificationRequest.getNotificationEventDate(); Map<String, String> subjectIdentifiers = notificationRequest.getSubjectIdentifiers(); //log.debug("baseNotificationsOnEventDate=" + baseNotificationsOnEventDate); DateTime notificationCompareDate = baseNotificationsOnEventDate ? eventDate : new DateTime(); String notificationCompareDateString = DATE_FORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.print(notificationCompareDate); //log.debug("notificationCompareDateString=" + notificationCompareDateString); //log.debug("event Date=" + DATE_FORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.print(eventDate)); Object[] criteriaArray = new Object[] { DATE_FORMATTER_YYYY_MM_DD.print(eventDate), notificationCompareDateString, notificationCompareDateString, notificationCompareDateString, notificationRequest.getTopic() }; String queryString = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and s.startDate <=? and ((s.startDate <=? and s.endDate >?) or (s.startDate <=? and s.endDate is null)) and s.topic=? and active=1 and "; queryString += (" (" + buildCriteriaSql(subjectIdentifiers.size()) + " or in (select subscriptionId from subscription_subject_identifier where identifierValue='*')) "); Object[] subjectIdArray = buildCriteriaArray(subjectIdentifiers); criteriaArray = ArrayUtils.addAll(criteriaArray, subjectIdArray); List<Subscription> subscriptions = this.jdbcTemplate.query(queryString, criteriaArray, resultSetExtractor); log.debug("Found " + subscriptions.size() + " subscriptions:" + subscriptions); List<Subscription> wildcardFilteredSubscriptions = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); for (Subscription s : subscriptions) { Map<String, String> subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers = s.getSubscriptionSubjectIdentifiers(); if (subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers.values().contains("*")) { if (subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers.size() > 1) { boolean keep = true; for (String identifierName : subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers.keySet()) { if (!("*".equals(subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers.get(identifierName)))) { keep = keep && subscriptionSubjectIdentifiers.get(identifierName) .equals(subjectIdentifiers.get(identifierName)); } } if (keep) { wildcardFilteredSubscriptions.add(s); } } else { wildcardFilteredSubscriptions.add(s); } } else { wildcardFilteredSubscriptions.add(s); } } subscriptions = wildcardFilteredSubscriptions; List<Subscription> subscriptionToFilter = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); //Check Validation Due Date Period Here for (Subscription subscription : subscriptions) { DateTime validationDueDate = subscription.getValidationDueDate(); //log.debug("validationDueDate=" + validationDueDate); //No validation due date, continue if (validationDueDate == null) { continue; } //Check the current date against the validation due date. If the current date is past the validation due date, filter the subscription. if (Days.daysBetween(notificationCompareDate, validationDueDate).getDays() < 0) { //Add to list for Removing subscriptions subscriptionToFilter.add(subscription); //log.debug("Filtering sub=" + subscription); } } log.debug("Here are the " + subscriptionToFilter.size() + " subscriptions to filter: " + subscriptionToFilter.toString()); subscriptions.removeAll(subscriptionToFilter); return subscriptions; } public boolean isBaseNotificationsOnEventDate() { return baseNotificationsOnEventDate; } public void setBaseNotificationsOnEventDate(boolean baseNotificationsOnEventDate) { this.baseNotificationsOnEventDate = baseNotificationsOnEventDate; } /** * Retrieve a list of subscriptions for the specified subscription ID. The list will have one item if there is a match for that ID, or zero * items if there is no match. * @param id the unique subscription ID * @return the list of subscriptions for that ID */ public List<Subscription> queryForSubscription(String id) { List<Subscription> ret = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id)) { Object[] criteriaArray = new Object[] { id.trim() }; String queryString = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and"; ret = this.jdbcTemplate.query(queryString, criteriaArray, resultSetExtractor); } return ret; } /** * Retrieve the single subscription (in a list) that matches the specified subscribing system, the specified owner, and the specified subject * @param subscribingSystemId * @param subscriptionOwner the federation-wide unique identifier for the person that owns the subscriptions. If there is no matching owner * @param subjectIdentifiers the identifiers for the subject of the event * @return */ public List<Subscription> queryForSubscription(String topic, String subscribingSystemId, String owner, Map<String, String> subjectIdentifiers) { List<Subscription> ret = new ArrayList<Subscription>(); Object[] criteriaArray = new Object[] { subscribingSystemId.trim(), owner, topic }; criteriaArray = ArrayUtils.addAll(criteriaArray, SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO.buildCriteriaArray(subjectIdentifiers)); String queryString = BASE_QUERY_STRING + " and s.subscribingSystemIdentifier=? and s.subscriptionOwner = ? and s.topic=? and " + SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO.buildCriteriaSql(subjectIdentifiers.size()); ret = this.jdbcTemplate.query(queryString, criteriaArray, resultSetExtractor); return ret; } /** * Create a subscription (or update an existing one) given the input parameters * @param subscriptionSystemId * @param topic * @param startDateString * @param endDateString * @param subjectIds * @param emailAddresses * @param offenderName * @param subscribingSystemId * @param subscriptionQualifier * @param reasonCategoryCode * @param subscriptionOwner * @return the ID of the created (or updated) subscription */ public Number subscribe(String subscriptionSystemId, String topic, String startDateString, String endDateString, Map<String, String> subjectIds, Set<String> emailAddresses, String offenderName, String subscribingSystemId, String subscriptionQualifier, String reasonCategoryCode, String subscriptionOwner, LocalDate creationDateTime, String agencyCaseNumber) { Number ret = null; log.debug("Entering subscribe method"); // Use the current time as the start date Date startDate = null; Date endDate = null; // If start date is not provided in the subscription message, use current date if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startDateString)) { // Create SQL date from the end date string SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { java.util.Date utilStartDate = formatter.parse(startDateString.trim()); startDate = new Date(utilStartDate.getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { startDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); } // Many subscription message will not have end dates so we will need to // allow nulls if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endDateString)) { // Create SQL date from the end date string SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { java.util.Date utilEndDate = formatter.parse(endDateString.trim()); endDate = new Date(utilEndDate.getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } java.util.Date creationDate = creationDateTime.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toDate(); log.debug("Start Date String: " + startDateString); log.debug("End Date String: " + endDateString); log.debug("System Name: " + subscribingSystemId); log.debug("Subscription System ID: " + subscriptionSystemId);"\n\n\n reasonCategoryCode = " + reasonCategoryCode + "\n\n\n"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(reasonCategoryCode)) { log.warn("\n\n\n reasonCategoryCode empty, so inserting null into db \n\n\n"); reasonCategoryCode = null; } String fullyQualifiedTopic = NotificationBrokerUtils.getFullyQualifiedTopic(topic); List<Subscription> subscriptions = getSubscriptions(subscriptionSystemId, fullyQualifiedTopic, subjectIds, subscribingSystemId, subscriptionOwner); // No Record exist, insert a new one if (subscriptions.size() == 0) { log.debug("No subscriptions exist, inserting new one"); log.debug("Inserting row into subscription table"); KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder(); this.jdbcTemplate.update(buildPreparedInsertStatementCreator( "insert into subscription (topic, startDate, endDate, subscribingSystemIdentifier, subscriptionOwner, subjectName, active, subscription_category_code, lastValidationDate, agency_case_number) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[] { fullyQualifiedTopic.trim(), startDate, endDate, subscribingSystemId.trim(), subscriptionOwner, offenderName.trim(), 1, reasonCategoryCode, creationDate, agencyCaseNumber }), keyHolder); ret = keyHolder.getKey(); log.debug("Inserting row into notification_mechanism table"); for (String emailAddress : emailAddresses) { this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into notification_mechanism (subscriptionId, notificationMechanismType, notificationAddress) values (?,?,?)", keyHolder.getKey(), NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_MECHANISM_EMAIL, emailAddress); } log.debug("Inserting row(s) into subscription_subject_identifier table"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : subjectIds.entrySet()) { this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into subscription_subject_identifier (subscriptionId, identifierName, identifierValue) values (?,?,?)", keyHolder.getKey(), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } // A subscriptions exists, let's update it if (subscriptions.size() == 1) { log.debug("Ensure that SIDs match before updating subscription"); log.debug("Updating existing subscription"); log.debug("Subject Id Map: " + subjectIds); log.debug("Email Addresses: " + emailAddresses.toString()); log.debug("Updating row in subscription table"); this.jdbcTemplate.update( "update subscription set topic=?, startDate=?, endDate=?, subjectName=?, active=1, subscriptionOwner=?, lastValidationDate=? where id=?", new Object[] { fullyQualifiedTopic.trim(), startDate, endDate, offenderName.trim(), subscriptionOwner, creationDate, subscriptions.get(0).getId() }); log.debug("Updating row in notification_mechanism table"); // We will delete all email addresses associated with the subscription and re-add them this.jdbcTemplate.update("delete from notification_mechanism where subscriptionId = ?", new Object[] { subscriptions.get(0).getId() }); for (String emailAddress : emailAddresses) { this.jdbcTemplate.update( "insert into notification_mechanism (subscriptionId, notificationMechanismType, notificationAddress) values (?,?,?)", subscriptions.get(0).getId(), NotificationConstants.NOTIFICATION_MECHANISM_EMAIL, emailAddress); } ret = subscriptions.get(0).getId(); } if (ret != null && CIVIL_SUBSCRIPTION_REASON_CODE.equals(reasonCategoryCode)) { subscribeIdentificationTransaction(ret, agencyCaseNumber, endDateString); } return ret; } private void subscribeIdentificationTransaction(Number subscriptionId, String transactionNumber, String endDateString) { final String IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTION_SUBSCRIBE = "UPDATE identification_transaction " + "SET subscription_id = ?, available_for_subscription_start_date = ? WHERE transaction_number = ? "; DateTime endDate = XmlUtils.parseXmlDate(endDateString); endDate = endDate.plusDays(1); this.jdbcTemplate.update(IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTION_SUBSCRIBE, subscriptionId, endDate.toDate(), transactionNumber); } private void unsubscribeIdentificationTransaction(Integer subscriptionId) { final String IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTION_UNSUBSCRIBE = "UPDATE identification_transaction " + "SET available_for_subscription_start_date = ? WHERE subscription_id = ? "; this.jdbcTemplate.update(IDENTIFICATION_TRANSACTION_UNSUBSCRIBE, Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), subscriptionId); } public int unsubscribe(String subscriptionSystemId, String topic, Map<String, String> subjectIds, String systemName, String subscriptionOwner) { int returnCount; String fullyQualifiedTopic = NotificationBrokerUtils.getFullyQualifiedTopic(topic); // If we have the subscriptionSystemId (the id PK key in the database, use that to unsubscribe). This typically comes from a subscription search if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subscriptionSystemId)) { log.debug("unsubscribing manual subscription, subscritpion system ID: " + subscriptionSystemId); Object[] criteriaArray = new Object[] { fullyQualifiedTopic, subscriptionSystemId }; String queryString = "update subscription s set where s.topic=? and"; returnCount = this.jdbcTemplate.update(queryString, criteriaArray); log.debug("fbiSubscriptionMember? " + BooleanUtils.toStringTrueFalse(fbiSubscriptionMember)); if (fbiSubscriptionMember) { unsubscribeIdentificationTransaction(Integer.valueOf(subscriptionSystemId)); } return returnCount; } // If we don't have the subscriptionSystemID, attempt to unsubscribe using the info available in the message. This typically comes from automated subscriptions. else { log.debug("unsubscribing auto subscription, not subscritpion system ID"); Object[] criteriaArray = new Object[] { fullyQualifiedTopic, systemName, subscriptionOwner }; criteriaArray = ArrayUtils.addAll(criteriaArray, SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO.buildCriteriaArray(subjectIds)); String queryString = "update subscription s set where s.topic=? and s.subscribingSystemIdentifier=? and s.subscriptionOwner = ? and" + SubscriptionSearchQueryDAO.buildCriteriaSql(subjectIds.size()); log.debug("Query String: " + queryString); log.debug("Topic: " + fullyQualifiedTopic + " System Name: " + systemName + " subscription owner: " + subscriptionOwner); returnCount = this.jdbcTemplate.update(queryString, criteriaArray); } return returnCount; } private final String SID_CONSOLIDATE = "UPDATE subscription_subject_identifier SET identifierValue = ? " + "WHERE identifierName = 'SID' and identifierValue = ?"; /** * Replace the currentSid in the subscripiton_subject_identifier with the newSid * @param currentSid * @param newSid */ public void consolidateSid(String currentSid, String newSid) { this.jdbcTemplate.update(SID_CONSOLIDATE, newSid, currentSid); } static Object[] buildCriteriaArray(Map<String, String> subjectIdentifiers) { List<String> entryList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : subjectIdentifiers.entrySet()) { entryList.add(entry.getKey()); entryList.add(entry.getValue()); } return entryList.toArray(); } static String buildCriteriaSql(int subjectIdsCount) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(" in"); for (int i = 0; i < subjectIdsCount; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(" and in"); } sql.append( " (select subscriptionId from subscription_subject_identifier where identifierName=? and identifierValue=?)"); } return sql.toString(); } private List<Subscription> getSubscriptions(String subscriptionId, String topic, Map<String, String> subjectIds, String subscribingSystemId, String subscriptionOwner) { List<Subscription> ret = null; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subscriptionId)) { ret = queryForSubscription(subscriptionId); } else { ret = queryForSubscription(topic, subscribingSystemId, subscriptionOwner, subjectIds); } return ret; } private PreparedStatementCreator buildPreparedInsertStatementCreator(final String sql, final Object[] params) { return new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql, new String[] { "id" }); int paramIndex = 1; for (Object param : params) { ps.setObject(paramIndex, param); paramIndex++; } return ps; } }; } public boolean isFbiSubscriptionMember() { return fbiSubscriptionMember; } public void setFbiSubscriptionMember(boolean fbiSubscriptionMember) { this.fbiSubscriptionMember = fbiSubscriptionMember; } }