Java tutorial
//Copyright (C) 2010 Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH // //This file is part of Nuclos. // //Nuclos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //Nuclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License //along with Nuclos. If not, see <>. package org.nuclos.client.explorer; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException; import java.awt.dnd.DnDConstants; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.TransferHandler; import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeExpansionListener; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.nuclos.client.common.ClientParameterProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.MetaDataClientProvider; import org.nuclos.client.common.NuclosCollectController; import org.nuclos.client.common.NuclosCollectControllerFactory; import org.nuclos.client.explorer.ExplorerSettings.FolderNodeAction; import org.nuclos.client.explorer.ExplorerSettings.ObjectNodeAction; import org.nuclos.client.genericobject.GenerationController; import org.nuclos.client.main.Main; import org.nuclos.client.main.MainController; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrame; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrameTab; import org.nuclos.client.main.mainframe.MainFrameTabbedPane; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonClientWorkerAdapter; import org.nuclos.client.ui.CommonMultiThreader; import org.nuclos.client.ui.Errors; import org.nuclos.client.ui.UIUtils; import org.nuclos.client.ui.tree.ChainedTreeNodeAction; import org.nuclos.client.ui.tree.TreeNodeAction; import org.nuclos.common.ParameterProvider; import org.nuclos.common.SpringApplicationContextHolder; import org.nuclos.common.UsageCriteria; import org.nuclos.common.collect.collectable.Collectable; import org.nuclos.common.collection.CollectionUtils; import org.nuclos.common.collection.multimap.MultiListHashMap; import org.nuclos.common.collection.multimap.MultiListMap; import org.nuclos.common2.CommonRunnable; import org.nuclos.common2.IdUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.LangUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.SpringLocaleDelegate; import org.nuclos.common2.StringUtils; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonBusinessException; import org.nuclos.common2.exception.CommonFinderException; import org.nuclos.server.genericobject.valueobject.GeneratorActionVO; import org.nuclos.server.navigation.treenode.TreeNode; /** * A node in the explorer tree. * <br> * <br>Created by Novabit Informationssysteme GmbH * <br>Please visit <a href=""></a> * * @author <a href="">Christoph.Radig</a> * @version 01.00.00 */ public class ExplorerNode<TN extends TreeNode> extends DefaultMutableTreeNode { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExplorerNode.class); public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS = "SHOW DETAILS"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS_IN_NEW_TAB = "SHOW DETAILS IN NEW TAB"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_COPY = "COPY"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_PASTE = "PASTE"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_REMOVE = "REMOVE"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_OWN_TAB = "SHOW_IN_OWN_TAB"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_REFRESH = "REFRESH"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_EXPAND = "EXPAND"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_COLLAPSE = "COLLAPSE"; public static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_LIST = "SHOW_IN_LIST"; /** * action: generate genericobject */ private static final String ACTIONCOMMAND_GENERATE_GENERICOBJECT = "GENERATE GENERICOBJECT"; /** * Have the children of this node already been loaded? */ private boolean bChildrenHaveBeenLoaded; private MainController mainController; // former Spring injection private transient SpringLocaleDelegate localeDelegate; // end of former Spring injection /** * Use <code>ExplorerNodeFactory.newExplorerNode()</code> to create <code>ExplorerNode</code>s * @param treenode * @postcondition !this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded() */ protected ExplorerNode(TreeNode treenode) { super(treenode, true); setSpringLocaleDelegate(SpringApplicationContextHolder.getBean(SpringLocaleDelegate.class)); } /* * Maven don't like this. * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.aspectj.AbstractInterfaceDrivenDependencyInjectionAspect}. public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { setSpringLocaleDelegate(SpringLocaleDelegate.getInstance()); return this; } */ protected MainController getMainController() { if (mainController == null) { mainController = Main.getInstance().getMainController(); } return mainController; } final void setSpringLocaleDelegate(SpringLocaleDelegate cld) { this.localeDelegate = cld; } protected final SpringLocaleDelegate getSpringLocaleDelegate() { return localeDelegate; } /** * @return the <code>TreeNode</code> object contained (as user object) in this node. */ public TN getTreeNode() { return (TN) this.getUserObject(); } /** * @param treenode * @precondition treenode != null */ private void setTreeNode(TN treenode) { this.setUserObject(treenode); } /** * @return the <code>ExplorerController</code> that controls this node. * @postcondition result != null */ protected ExplorerController getExplorerController() { return getMainController().getExplorerController(); } @Override public boolean isLeaf() { final Boolean bHasSubNodes = this.getTreeNode().hasSubNodes(); return bHasSubNodes == null ? false : !bHasSubNodes.booleanValue(); } @Override public int getChildCount() { return super.getChildCount(); } /** * Note that this method is (and should be!) private. * @return Have the children of this node already been loaded? */ private boolean getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded() { return this.bChildrenHaveBeenLoaded || (this.getChildCount() > 0); } /** * loads the children of this node, if they haven't been loaded yet. * @param bLoadAllAvailableSubNodes Load all available subnodes (recursively)? * @postcondition this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded() */ public void loadChildren(boolean bLoadAllAvailableSubNodes) { if (!this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded()) { this.bChildrenHaveBeenLoaded = true; log.debug("START loadChildren"); for (TreeNode treenodeChild : this.getTreeNode().getSubNodes()) { final ExplorerNode<TreeNode> explorernodeChild = (ExplorerNode<TreeNode>) ExplorerNodeFactory .getInstance().newExplorerNode(treenodeChild, false); this.add(explorernodeChild); if (bLoadAllAvailableSubNodes && (treenodeChild.hasSubNodes() != null)) { explorernodeChild.loadChildren(bLoadAllAvailableSubNodes); } } log.debug("FINISHED loadChildren"); } assert this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded(); } /** * unloads the children of this node, if they have been loaded before. * @postcondition !this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded() */ public void unloadChildren() { if (this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded()) { this.removeAllChildren(); this.bChildrenHaveBeenLoaded = false; } assert !this.getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded(); } /** * refreshes the current node (and its children) and notifies the given treemodel * @param dtm the DefaultTreeModel to notify. Must contain this node. * @throws CommonFinderException if the object presented by this node no longer exists. */ public void refresh(final JTree tree) throws CommonFinderException { refresh(tree, false); } /** * refreshes the current node (and its children) and notifies the given treemodel * @param dtm the DefaultTreeModel to notify. Must contain this node. * @throws CommonFinderException if the object presented by this node no longer exists. */ public void refresh(final JTree tree, boolean fullRefreshCurrent) throws CommonFinderException { List<String> lstExpandedPathsResult = new ArrayList<String>(); ExplorerNode.createExpandendPathsForTree(new TreePath(tree.getModel().getRoot()), tree, lstExpandedPathsResult); final TreePath selected = tree.getSelectionPath(); DefaultTreeModel dtm = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel(); unloadChildren(); final TN treenode = getTreeNode(); if (treenode.implementsNewRefreshMethod()) { TN refreshed = null; if (fullRefreshCurrent && !this.isRoot()) { TreeNode parentTreeNode = ((ExplorerNode<TN>) this.getParent()).getTreeNode(); parentTreeNode.removeSubNodes(); List<? extends TreeNode> parentSubNodes = parentTreeNode.getSubNodes(); for (TreeNode parentSubNode : parentSubNodes) { if (ObjectUtils.equals(parentSubNode.getId(), treenode.getId())) refreshed = (TN) parentSubNode; } if (refreshed == null) { this.removeFromParent(); dtm.nodeStructureChanged(this); return; } } else { refreshed = (TN) treenode.refreshed(); } setTreeNode(refreshed); } else { treenode.refresh(); } treenode.removeSubNodes(); loadChildren(true); assert getChildrenHaveBeenLoaded(); dtm.nodeStructureChanged(this); ExplorerNode.expandTreeAsync(lstExpandedPathsResult, tree); if (selected != null) { List<Object> pathEssence = CollectionUtils.asList(selected.getPath()); Collections.reverse(pathEssence); if (pathEssence.size() > 1) { pathEssence = pathEssence.subList(0, pathEssence.size() - 1); new Thread(new TreeExpander(tree, pathEssence)).start(); } } } private class TreeExpander implements TreeExpansionListener, Runnable { private JTree tree; private List<Object> toExpand; private TreePath expanded; private boolean listener; private TreeExpander(JTree tree, List<Object> toExpand) { this.tree = tree; this.toExpand = toExpand; this.expanded = new TreePath(tree.getModel().getRoot()); } @Override public void run() { if (toExpand.isEmpty()) return; if (tree.isExpanded(expanded)) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { treeExpanded(new TreeExpansionEvent(tree, expanded)); } }); } else { tree.addTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpander.this); listener = true; tree.expandPath(expanded); } } @Override public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent event) { TreePath eventPath = event.getPath(); if (eventPath.equals(expanded)) { if (listener) tree.removeTreeExpansionListener(TreeExpander.this); ExplorerNode<?> last = (ExplorerNode<?>) expanded.getLastPathComponent(); ExplorerNode<?> expand = (ExplorerNode<?>) toExpand.get(toExpand.size() - 1); ExplorerNode<?> child = null; for (int i = 0; i < last.getChildCount(); i++) { ExplorerNode<?> childNode = (ExplorerNode<?>) last.getChildAt(i); if (childNode.getTreeNode().equals(expand.getTreeNode())) { child = childNode; break; } } if (child != null) { expanded = expanded.pathByAddingChild(child); toExpand = toExpand.subList(0, toExpand.size() - 1); if (toExpand.isEmpty()) { tree.setSelectionPath(expanded); tree.scrollPathToVisible(expanded); //tree.expandPath(expanded); } else new Thread(TreeExpander.this).start(); } } } @Override public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent event) { } } public void handleKeyEvent(JTree tree, KeyEvent ev) { } /** * @param tree the tree where the action is about to take place. * @return the list of possible <code>TreeNodeAction</code>s for this node. * These may be shown in the node's context menu. * Separators are shown in the menus for <code>null</code> entries. */ public List<TreeNodeAction> getTreeNodeActions(JTree tree) { final List<TreeNodeAction> result = new LinkedList<TreeNodeAction>(); result.add(new RefreshAction(tree)); final ShowInOwnTabAction actShowInOwnTab = new ShowInOwnTabAction(tree); actShowInOwnTab.setEnabled(!this.getTreeNode().needsParent()); result.add(actShowInOwnTab); result.addAll(getExpandCollapseActions(tree)); final TreeNodeAction exploreractCopy = new ChainedTreeNodeAction(ACTIONCOMMAND_COPY, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ExplorerNode.4", "Kopieren"), TransferHandler.getCopyAction(), tree); result.add(exploreractCopy); final TreeNodeAction exploreractPaste = new ChainedTreeNodeAction(ACTIONCOMMAND_PASTE, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ExplorerNode.2", "Einf\u00fcgen"), TransferHandler.getPasteAction(), tree); result.add(exploreractPaste); // enable "copy" action according to the tree's TransferHandler: final boolean bCopyEnabled = (tree.getTransferHandler().getSourceActions(tree) & TransferHandler.COPY) != 0; exploreractCopy.setEnabled(bCopyEnabled); // enable "paste" action according to the tree's TransferHandler: // This is hard because TransferHandler.canImport is not called every time the selection changes. // Workaround: call canImport anyway to reduce bad paste actions: final DataFlavor[] aflavors = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(this) .getTransferDataFlavors(); final boolean bPasteEnabled = tree.getTransferHandler().canImport(tree, aflavors); exploreractPaste.setEnabled(bPasteEnabled); return result; } /** * * @param jTree * @return additional tool bar components */ public List<JComponent> getToolBarComponents(JTree jTree) { return null; } /** * get actions for expand and collapse the children of this node. * if this node is a leaf return an empty list * @param tree * @return */ protected List<TreeNodeAction> getExpandCollapseActions(JTree tree) { final List<TreeNodeAction> result; // if(this.getChildCount() > 0) { result = new ArrayList<TreeNodeAction>(); result.add(TreeNodeAction.newSeparatorAction()); result.add(new ExpandAction(tree)); result.add(new CollapseAction(tree)); result.add(TreeNodeAction.newSeparatorAction()); // } else { // result = Collections.emptyList(); // } return result; } /** * There is no default action by default. Subclasses may specify the default action here. * @param tree * @return the action command of the default <code>TreeNodeAction</code> for this node, if any. */ public String getDefaultTreeNodeActionCommand(JTree tree) { return null; } /** * Action that is performed when the user makes a simple mouse click on a tree element * This method can be not overridden by subclasses, but its typically not used in most of the TreeViews. * @param tree * @return null */ public Action getTreeNodeActionOnMouseClick(JTree tree) { return null; } /** * finds the default action for this node by searching the tree node actions * (as specified in <code>getTreeNodeActions()</code>) for an enabled tree node action with the default tree node action * command (as specified in <code>getDefaultTreeNodeActionCommand()</code>). Note that this method * doesn't have to be overridden in subclasses. * @param tree the tree where the action is about to take place. * @return the default action for this node, if any. * @postcondition result != null --> result.isEnabled() */ public TreeNodeAction getDefaultTreeNodeAction(JTree tree) { TreeNodeAction result = null; final String sDefaultTreeActionCommmand = this.getDefaultTreeNodeActionCommand(tree); if (sDefaultTreeActionCommmand != null) { for (TreeNodeAction action : this.getTreeNodeActions(tree)) { if (action.isEnabled() && LangUtils.equals(sDefaultTreeActionCommmand, action.getValue(Action.ACTION_COMMAND_KEY))) { result = action; break; } } } assert result == null || result.isEnabled(); return result; } protected TreeNodeAction newShowDetailsAction(JTree tree, boolean newTab) { String command = newTab ? ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS_IN_NEW_TAB : ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS; String resource = newTab ? "ExplorerSettings.ObjectNodeAction.ShowDetailsInNewTab" : "RuleExplorerNode.1"; final TreeNodeAction result = new ShowDetailsAction(command, resource, tree, newTab); return result; } protected TreeNodeAction newShowListAction(JTree tree) { final TreeNodeAction result = new ShowListAction(tree); /*boolean enabled = CollectionUtils.applyFilter(getTreeNode().getSubNodes(), new Predicate<TreeNode>() { @Override public boolean evaluate(TreeNode t) { return !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(t.getEntityName()) && t.getId() != null; } }).size() > 0;*/ // performance issue. if subnodes are not loaded yet. deaktivate this action. boolean enabled = getTreeNode().hasSubNodes() == null ? false : getTreeNode().hasSubNodes(); result.setEnabled(enabled); return result; } /** * @return the label to display for this node */ public String getLabel() { return StringUtils.emptyIfNull(this.getTreeNode().getLabel()); } /** * @return the label to display if this node is a root (if it is displayed in a new tab) */ public String getLabelForRoot() { return this.getLabel(); } /** * @return the text to display for this node */ @Override public String toString() { return this.isRoot() ? this.getLabelForRoot() : this.getLabel(); } /** * @return the icon to display for the node, or <code>null</code> for the default icon, * specified by the look&feel. */ public Icon getIcon() { // use default icon by default ;-) return null; } /** * source actions for drag&drop. * @see DnDConstants * @return (default: DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE) */ public int getDataTransferSourceActions() { return DnDConstants.ACTION_NONE; } /** * @return a <code>Transferable</code> for data transfer (default: null) */ public Transferable createTransferable(JTree tree) { return null; } /** * imports data from a drop or paste operation. The default implementation throws an * UnsupportedFlavorException to indicate that drag&drop is not supported by default. * @see javax.swing.TransferHandler#importData * @param transferable * @param tree * @return Was the data imported? <code>false</code> may be returned if the drop action requires * additional user input, and the user cancels the operation. * @throws UnsupportedFlavorException */ public boolean importTransferData(Component parent, Transferable transferable, JTree tree) throws IOException, UnsupportedFlavorException { throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(null); } /** * expand all children of this node * @param tree */ public void expandAllChildren(final JTree tree) { for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final TreePath treePath = new TreePath( (((DefaultMutableTreeNode) ExplorerNode.this.getChildAt(i))).getPath()); if (!tree.isExpanded(treePath)) { tree.expandPath(treePath); } } } /** * collapse all children of this node * @param tree */ public void collapseAllChildren(JTree tree) { for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tree.collapsePath(new TreePath(((DefaultMutableTreeNode) this.getChildAt(i)).getPath())); } } /** * Action: Show the current node in its own tab. */ protected class ShowInOwnTabAction extends TreeNodeAction { public ShowInOwnTabAction(JTree tree) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_OWN_TAB, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ExplorerNode.3", "In eigenem Reiter anzeigen"), tree); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { cmdShowInOwnTabAction(); } } // inner class ShowInOwnTabAction protected void cmdShowInOwnTabAction() { getExplorerController().cmdShowInOwnTab(ExplorerNode.this.getTreeNode()); } /** * Action: Refresh the descendants of the current node */ protected class RefreshAction extends TreeNodeAction { public RefreshAction(JTree tree) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_REFRESH, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getInstance().getMessage("ExplorerNode.1", "Aktualisieren"), tree); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.runCommandForTabbedPane(getExplorerController().getTabbedPane(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonFinderException { ExplorerNode.this.refresh(RefreshAction.this.getJTree()); // To be sure to correlate the label of the tab also when changed... if (ExplorerNode.this.isRoot()) { ExplorerNode.this.getExplorerController().refreshNode(ExplorerNode.this.getTreeNode()); } } }); } } // inner class RefreshAction /** * Action: Expand all Subnodes */ protected class ExpandAction extends TreeNodeAction { public ExpandAction(JTree tree) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_EXPAND, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getInstance().getMessage("ExplorerNode.5", "Unterelemente aufklappen"), tree); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.runCommandForTabbedPane(getExplorerController().getTabbedPane(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final TreePath treePath = new TreePath(ExplorerNode.this); if (!ExpandAction.this.getJTree().isExpanded(treePath)) { ExpandAction.this.getJTree().expandPath(treePath); } ExplorerNode.this.expandAllChildren(ExpandAction.this.getJTree()); } }); } } // inner class ExpandAction /** * Action: Collapse all Subnodes */ protected class CollapseAction extends TreeNodeAction { public CollapseAction(JTree tree) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_COLLAPSE, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ExplorerNode.6", "Unterelemente zuklappen"), tree); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.runCommandForTabbedPane(getExplorerController().getTabbedPane(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ExplorerNode.this.collapseAllChildren(CollapseAction.this.getJTree()); } }); } } // inner class CollapseAction public String getIdentifierPath() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (javax.swing.tree.TreeNode tn : getPath()) { sb.append('/'); sb.append(((ExplorerNode<?>) tn).getTreeNode().getIdentifier()); } return sb.toString().substring(1); } public static TreePath findDescendant(DefaultTreeModel model, String idPath) { String[] idComponent = idPath.split("/"); ExplorerNode<?> root = (ExplorerNode<?>) model.getRoot(); if (idComponent.length == 0 || !idComponent[0].equals(root.getTreeNode().getIdentifier())) return null; ExplorerNode<?>[] path = new ExplorerNode<?>[idComponent.length]; path[0] = root; for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { ExplorerNode<?> child = path[i - 1].findChildNodeWithIdentifier(idComponent[i]); if (child == null) return null; path[i] = child; } return new TreePath(path); } public ExplorerNode<?> findChildNodeWithIdentifier(String id) { this.loadChildren(false); int childCount = this.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { ExplorerNode<?> childNode = (ExplorerNode<?>) this.getChildAt(i); if (id.equals(childNode.getTreeNode().getIdentifier())) return childNode; } return null; } // --- expanded paths ---> collect paths (e.g. for storing in preferences) ; expand stored paths asynchronous static void createExpandendPathsForTree(TreePath path, JTree tree, List<String> lstExpandedPathsResult) { final ExplorerNode<?> explorernode = (ExplorerNode<?>) path.getLastPathComponent(); boolean isExpanded = tree.isExpanded(path); if (isExpanded) { lstExpandedPathsResult.add(explorernode.getIdentifierPath()); for (int i = 0; i < explorernode.getChildCount(); i++) { final ExplorerNode<?> explorernodeChild = (ExplorerNode<?>) explorernode.getChildAt(i); createExpandendPathsForTree(path.pathByAddingChild(explorernodeChild), tree, lstExpandedPathsResult); } } } static void expandTreeAsync(List<String> lstExpandedPaths, final JTree tree) { for (final String idPath : lstExpandedPaths) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel) tree.getModel(); TreePath path = ExplorerNode.findDescendant(model, idPath); if (path != null) tree.expandPath(path); } }); } } protected String getDefaultObjectNodeAction() { ExplorerSettings settings = ExplorerSettings.getInstance(); if (ObjectNodeAction.SHOW_LIST == settings.getObjectNodeAction()) { return ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_LIST; } else if (ObjectNodeAction.SHOW_DETAILS == settings.getObjectNodeAction()) { return ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS; } else if (ObjectNodeAction.SHOW_DETAILS_IN_NEW_TAB == settings.getObjectNodeAction()) { return ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS_IN_NEW_TAB; } else { // Fallback return ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_DETAILS; } } protected String getDefaultFolderNodeAction() { ExplorerSettings settings = ExplorerSettings.getInstance(); if (FolderNodeAction.SHOW_LIST == settings.getFolderNodeAction()) { return ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_LIST; } else if (FolderNodeAction.EXPAND_SUBNODES == settings.getFolderNodeAction()) { return ACTIONCOMMAND_EXPAND; } else { // Fallback return ACTIONCOMMAND_EXPAND; } } /** * Action: Shows the details for a object. */ protected class ShowDetailsAction extends TreeNodeAction { private final boolean newTab; protected ShowDetailsAction(String command, String labelResourceId, JTree tree, boolean newTab) { super(command, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getText(labelResourceId), tree); this.newTab = newTab; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { if (!super.isEnabled()) { return false; } if (getTreeNode() != null && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(getTreeNode().getEntityName()) && getTreeNode().getId() != null) { return getExplorerController().isDisplayable(getTreeNode().getEntityName()); } else { return false; } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.runCommand(this.getParent(), new CommonRunnable() { @Override public void run() throws CommonBusinessException { getMainController().showDetails(getTreeNode().getEntityName(), getTreeNode().getId(), newTab); } }); } } // inner class ShowDetailsAction /** * Action: Show subnodes in lists */ protected class ShowListAction extends TreeNodeAction { public ShowListAction(JTree tree) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_SHOW_IN_LIST, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage("ExplorerNode.ShowList", "Unterelemente in Liste anzeigen"), tree); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { UIUtils.runCommandForTabbedPane(getExplorerController().getTabbedPane(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MultiListMap<String, Object> toOpen = new MultiListHashMap<String, Object>(); for (TreeNode node : ExplorerNode.this.getTreeNode().getSubNodes()) { if (node.getId() != null && !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(node.getEntityName())) { toOpen.addValue(node.getEntityName(), node.getId()); } } for (String entity : toOpen.keySet()) { try { NuclosCollectController<?> controller = NuclosCollectControllerFactory.getInstance() .newCollectController(entity, null, ClientParameterProvider.getInstance() .getValue(ParameterProvider.KEY_LAYOUT_CUSTOM_KEY)); controller.runViewResults(toOpen.getValues(entity)); } catch (CommonBusinessException ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog( getExplorerController().getTabbedPane().getComponentPanel(), "", ex); } } } }); } } // inner class CollapseAction /** * inner class GeneratorAction. Removes the relation between this node and its parent. */ protected class GeneratorAction extends TreeNodeAction { private final GeneratorActionVO generatoractionvo; private final UsageCriteria usagecriteria; public GeneratorAction(JTree tree, GeneratorActionVO generatoractionvo, UsageCriteria critera) { super(ACTIONCOMMAND_GENERATE_GENERICOBJECT, generatoractionvo.getLabel() + "...", tree); this.generatoractionvo = generatoractionvo; this.usagecriteria = critera; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { final JTree tree = this.getJTree(); CommonClientWorkerAdapter<Collectable> searchWorker = new CommonClientWorkerAdapter<Collectable>(null) { @Override public void init() { UIUtils.setWaitCursor(tree); } @Override public void work() throws CommonBusinessException { cmdGenerateGenericObject(); } @Override public void paint() { tree.setCursor(null); } @Override public void handleError(Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(null, getSpringLocaleDelegate().getMessage( "GenericObjectExplorerNode.3", "Fehler beim entfernen der Beziehungen"), ex); } }; CommonMultiThreader.getInstance().execute(searchWorker); } /** * removes the relation between this node and its parent. * @param tree * @param goexplorernode */ private void cmdGenerateGenericObject() { try { Map<Long, UsageCriteria> sources = new HashMap<Long, UsageCriteria>(); sources.put(IdUtils.toLongId(getTreeNode().getId()), usagecriteria); String targetEntity = MetaDataClientProvider.getInstance() .getEntity(generatoractionvo.getTargetModuleId().longValue()).getEntity(); MainFrameTabbedPane pane = MainFrame.getHomePane(); if (MainFrame.isPredefinedEntityOpenLocationSet(targetEntity)) { pane = MainFrame.getPredefinedEntityOpenLocation(targetEntity); } GenerationController controller = new GenerationController(sources, generatoractionvo, null, MainFrameTab.getMainFrameTabForComponent(getJTree())); controller.generateGenericObject(); } catch (Exception ex) { Errors.getInstance().showExceptionDialog(MainFrame.getHomePane().getComponentPanel(), ex); } } } // inner class GeneratorAction } // class ExplorerNode