Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 "Neo Technology," * Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB [] * * This file is part of Neo4j. * * Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import org.neo4j.helpers.Function; import org.neo4j.helpers.Pair; import org.neo4j.server.configuration.ServerSettings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static java.lang.String.format; import static; import static org.neo4j.helpers.collection.IteratorUtil.single; import static org.neo4j.helpers.collection.MapUtil.toMap; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; @Path("/") public class RestfulGraphDatabase { @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class AmpersandSeparatedCollection extends LinkedHashSet<String> { public AmpersandSeparatedCollection(String path) { for (String e : path.split("&")) { if (e.trim().length() > 0) { add(e); } } } } private static final String PATH_NODE = PATH_NODES + "/{nodeId}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_PROPERTIES = PATH_NODE + "/properties"; private static final String PATH_NODE_PROPERTY = PATH_NODE_PROPERTIES + "/{key}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS = PATH_NODE + "/relationships"; private static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP = PATH_RELATIONSHIPS + "/{relationshipId}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS_W_DIR = PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS + "/{direction}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS_W_DIR_N_TYPES = PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS_W_DIR + "/{types}"; private static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTIES = PATH_RELATIONSHIP + "/properties"; private static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTY = PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTIES + "/{key}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_TRAVERSE = PATH_NODE + "/traverse/{returnType}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_PATH = PATH_NODE + "/path"; private static final String PATH_NODE_PATHS = PATH_NODE + "/paths"; private static final String PATH_NODE_LABELS = PATH_NODE + "/labels"; private static final String PATH_NODE_LABEL = PATH_NODE + "/labels/{label}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_DEGREE = PATH_NODE + "/degree"; private static final String PATH_NODE_DEGREE_W_DIR = PATH_NODE_DEGREE + "/{direction}"; private static final String PATH_NODE_DEGREE_W_DIR_N_TYPES = PATH_NODE_DEGREE_W_DIR + "/{types}"; private static final String PATH_PROPERTY_KEYS = "propertykeys"; protected static final String PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX = PATH_NODE_INDEX + "/{indexName}"; protected static final String PATH_NODE_INDEX_GET = PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX + "/{key}/{value}"; protected static final String PATH_NODE_INDEX_QUERY_WITH_KEY = PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX + "/{key}"; // // http://localhost/db/data/index/node/foo?query=somelucenestuff protected static final String PATH_NODE_INDEX_ID = PATH_NODE_INDEX_GET + "/{id}"; protected static final String PATH_NODE_INDEX_REMOVE_KEY = PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX + "/{key}/{id}"; protected static final String PATH_NODE_INDEX_REMOVE = PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX + "/{id}"; protected static final String PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX = PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX + "/{indexName}"; protected static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_GET = PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX + "/{key}/{value}"; protected static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_QUERY_WITH_KEY = PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX + "/{key}"; protected static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_ID = PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_GET + "/{id}"; protected static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_REMOVE_KEY = PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX + "/{key}/{id}"; protected static final String PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_REMOVE = PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX + "/{id}"; public static final String PATH_AUTO_INDEX = "index/auto/{type}"; protected static final String PATH_AUTO_INDEX_STATUS = PATH_AUTO_INDEX + "/status"; protected static final String PATH_AUTO_INDEXED_PROPERTIES = PATH_AUTO_INDEX + "/properties"; protected static final String PATH_AUTO_INDEX_PROPERTY_DELETE = PATH_AUTO_INDEXED_PROPERTIES + "/{property}"; protected static final String PATH_AUTO_INDEX_GET = PATH_AUTO_INDEX + "/{key}/{value}"; public static final String PATH_ALL_NODES_LABELED = "label/{label}/nodes"; public static final String PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL = PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX + "/{label}"; public static final String PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL_PROPERTY = PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL + "/{property}"; public static final String PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL = PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT + "/{label}"; public static final String PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS = PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL + "/uniqueness"; public static final String PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS_PROPERTY = PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS + "/{property}"; public static final String NODE_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE = "node"; public static final String RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE = "relationship"; private static final String SIXTY_SECONDS = "60"; private static final String FIFTY_ENTRIES = "50"; private static final String UNIQUENESS_MODE_GET_OR_CREATE = "get_or_create"; private static final String UNIQUENESS_MODE_CREATE_OR_FAIL = "create_or_fail"; // TODO Obviously change name/content on this private static final String HEADER_TRANSACTION = "Transaction"; private final DatabaseActions actions; private Configuration config; private final OutputFormat output; private final InputFormat input; public static final String PATH_TO_CREATE_PAGED_TRAVERSERS = PATH_NODE + "/paged/traverse/{returnType}"; public static final String PATH_TO_PAGED_TRAVERSERS = PATH_NODE + "/paged/traverse/{returnType}/{traverserId}"; private enum UniqueIndexType { None, GetOrCreate, CreateOrFail } public RestfulGraphDatabase(@Context InputFormat input, @Context OutputFormat output, @Context DatabaseActions actions, @Context Configuration config) { this.input = input; this.output = output; this.actions = actions; this.config = config; } public OutputFormat getOutputFormat() { return output; } private Response nothing() { return output.noContent(); } private Long extractNodeIdOrNull(String uri) throws BadInputException { if (uri == null) { return null; } return extractNodeId(uri); } private long extractNodeId(String uri) throws BadInputException { try { return Long.parseLong(uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException | NullPointerException ex) { throw new BadInputException(ex); } } private Long extractRelationshipIdOrNull(String uri) throws BadInputException { if (uri == null) { return null; } return extractRelationshipId(uri); } private long extractRelationshipId(String uri) throws BadInputException { return extractNodeId(uri); } @GET public Response getRoot() { return output.ok(actions.root()); } // Nodes @POST @Path(PATH_NODES) public Response createNode(String body) { try { return output.created(actions.createNode(input.readMap(body))); } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) { return generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(body); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } } private Response generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(String body) { return output.badRequest(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE, "Invalid JSON array in POST body: " + body); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE) public Response getNode(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNode(nodeId)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE) public Response deleteNode(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId) { try { actions.deleteNode(nodeId); return nothing(); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } } // Node properties @PUT @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTIES) public Response setAllNodeProperties(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, String body) { try { actions.setAllNodeProperties(nodeId, input.readMap(body)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) { return generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(body); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } return nothing(); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTIES) public Response getAllNodeProperties(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId) { try { return output.response(Response.Status.OK, actions.getAllNodeProperties(nodeId)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @PUT @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTY) public Response setNodeProperty(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("key") String key, String body) { try { actions.setNodeProperty(nodeId, key, input.readValue(body)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) { return generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(body); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } return nothing(); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTY) public Response getNodeProperty(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("key") String key) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeProperty(nodeId, key)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (NoSuchPropertyException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTY) public Response deleteNodeProperty(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("key") String key) { try { actions.removeNodeProperty(nodeId, key); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (NoSuchPropertyException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_PROPERTIES) public Response deleteAllNodeProperties(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId) { try { actions.removeAllNodeProperties(nodeId); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (PropertyValueException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } return nothing(); } // Node Labels @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_LABELS) public Response addNodeLabel(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, String body) { try { Object rawInput = input.readValue(body); if (rawInput instanceof String) { ArrayList<String> s = new ArrayList<>(); s.add((String) rawInput); actions.addLabelToNode(nodeId, s); } else if (rawInput instanceof Collection) { actions.addLabelToNode(nodeId, (Collection<String>) rawInput); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentsException(format("Label name must be a string. Got: '%s'", rawInput)); } } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) { return generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(body); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @PUT @Path(PATH_NODE_LABELS) public Response setNodeLabels(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, String body) { try { Object rawInput = input.readValue(body); if (!(rawInput instanceof Collection)) { throw new InvalidArgumentsException( format("Input must be an array of Strings. Got: '%s'", rawInput)); } else { actions.setLabelsOnNode(nodeId, (Collection<String>) rawInput); } } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) { return generateBadRequestDueToMangledJsonResponse(body); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_LABEL) public Response removeNodeLabel(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("label") String labelName) { try { actions.removeLabelFromNode(nodeId, labelName); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_LABELS) public Response getNodeLabels(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeLabels(nodeId)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_ALL_NODES_LABELED) public Response getNodesWithLabelAndProperty(@PathParam("label") String labelName, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) { try { if (labelName.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Empty label name"); } Map<String, Object> properties = toMap( map(queryParamsToProperties, uriInfo.getQueryParameters().entrySet())); return output.ok(actions.getNodesWithLabel(labelName, properties)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_LABELS) public Response getAllLabels() { return output.ok(actions.getAllLabels()); } // Property keys @GET @Path(PATH_PROPERTY_KEYS) public Response getAllPropertyKeys() { return output.ok(actions.getAllPropertyKeys()); } // Relationships @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS) public Response createRelationship(@PathParam("nodeId") long startNodeId, String body) { final Map<String, Object> data; final long endNodeId; final String type; final Map<String, Object> properties; try { data = input.readMap(body); endNodeId = extractNodeId((String) data.get("to")); type = (String) data.get("type"); properties = (Map<String, Object>) data.get("data"); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } try { return output.created(actions.createRelationship(startNodeId, endNodeId, type, properties)); } catch (StartNodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (EndNodeNotFoundException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (PropertyValueException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP) public Response getRelationship(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId) { try { return output.ok(actions.getRelationship(relationshipId)); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP) public Response deleteRelationship(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId) { try { actions.deleteRelationship(relationshipId); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS_W_DIR) public Response getNodeRelationships(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("direction") RelationshipDirection direction) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeRelationships(nodeId, direction, Collections.<String>emptyList())); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_RELATIONSHIPS_W_DIR_N_TYPES) public Response getNodeRelationships(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("direction") RelationshipDirection direction, @PathParam("types") AmpersandSeparatedCollection types) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeRelationships(nodeId, direction, types)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } // Degrees @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_DEGREE_W_DIR) public Response getNodeDegree(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("direction") RelationshipDirection direction) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeDegree(nodeId, direction, Collections.<String>emptyList())); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_DEGREE_W_DIR_N_TYPES) public Response getNodeDegree(@PathParam("nodeId") long nodeId, @PathParam("direction") RelationshipDirection direction, @PathParam("types") AmpersandSeparatedCollection types) { try { return output.ok(actions.getNodeDegree(nodeId, direction, types)); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } // Relationship properties @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTIES) public Response getAllRelationshipProperties(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId) { try { return output.response(Response.Status.OK, actions.getAllRelationshipProperties(relationshipId)); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTY) public Response getRelationshipProperty(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId, @PathParam("key") String key) { try { return output.ok(actions.getRelationshipProperty(relationshipId, key)); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (NoSuchPropertyException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @PUT @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTIES) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response setAllRelationshipProperties(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId, String body) { try { actions.setAllRelationshipProperties(relationshipId, input.readMap(body)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @PUT @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTY) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response setRelationshipProperty(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId, @PathParam("key") String key, String body) { try { actions.setRelationshipProperty(relationshipId, key, input.readValue(body)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTIES) public Response deleteAllRelationshipProperties(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId) { try { actions.removeAllRelationshipProperties(relationshipId); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (PropertyValueException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } return nothing(); } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_PROPERTY) public Response deleteRelationshipProperty(@PathParam("relationshipId") long relationshipId, @PathParam("key") String key) { try { actions.removeRelationshipProperty(relationshipId, key); } catch (RelationshipNotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (NoSuchPropertyException e) { return output.notFound(e); } return nothing(); } // Index @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX) public Response getNodeIndexRoot() { if (actions.getNodeIndexNames().length == 0) { return output.noContent(); } return output.ok(actions.nodeIndexRoot()); } @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response jsonCreateNodeIndex(String json) { try { return output.created(actions.createNodeIndex(input.readMap(json))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX) public Response getRelationshipIndexRoot() { if (actions.getRelationshipIndexNames().length == 0) { return output.noContent(); } return output.ok(actions.relationshipIndexRoot()); } @POST @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response jsonCreateRelationshipIndex(String json) { try { return output.created(actions.createRelationshipIndex(input.readMap(json))); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX) public Response getIndexedNodesByQuery(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @QueryParam("query") String query, @QueryParam("order") String order) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedNodesByQuery(indexName, query, order)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEX) public Response getAutoIndexedNodesByQuery(@PathParam("type") String type, @QueryParam("query") String query) { try { if (type.equals(NODE_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE)) { return output.ok(actions.getAutoIndexedNodesByQuery(query)); } else if (type.equals(RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE)) { return output.ok(actions.getAutoIndexedRelationshipsByQuery(query)); } else { return output.badRequest(new RuntimeException("Unrecognized auto-index type, " + "expected '" + NODE_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE + "' or '" + RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE + "'")); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response deleteNodeIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName) { try { actions.removeNodeIndex(indexName); return output.noContent(); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response deleteRelationshipIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName) { try { actions.removeRelationshipIndex(indexName); return output.noContent(); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } } @POST @Path(PATH_NAMED_NODE_INDEX) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response addToNodeIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @QueryParam("unique") String unique, @QueryParam("uniqueness") String uniqueness, String postBody) { int otherHeaders = 512; int maximumSizeInBytes = config.getInt( - otherHeaders; try { Map<String, Object> entityBody; Pair<IndexedEntityRepresentation, Boolean> result; switch (unique(unique, uniqueness)) { case GetOrCreate: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value"); String getOrCreateValue = String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")); if (getOrCreateValue.length() > maximumSizeInBytes) { return valueTooBig(); } result = actions.getOrCreateIndexedNode(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), getOrCreateValue, extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri")), getMapOrNull(entityBody, "properties")); return result.other() ? output.created(result.first()) : output.okIncludeLocation(result.first()); case CreateOrFail: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value"); String createOrFailValue = String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")); if (createOrFailValue.length() > maximumSizeInBytes) { return valueTooBig(); } result = actions.getOrCreateIndexedNode(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), createOrFailValue, extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri")), getMapOrNull(entityBody, "properties")); if (result.other()) { return output.created(result.first()); } String uri = getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri"); if (uri == null) { return output.conflict(result.first()); } long idOfNodeToBeIndexed = extractNodeId(uri); long idOfNodeAlreadyInIndex = extractNodeId(result.first().getIdentity()); if (idOfNodeToBeIndexed == idOfNodeAlreadyInIndex) { return output.created(result.first()); } return output.conflict(result.first()); default: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value", "uri"); String value = String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")); if (value.length() > maximumSizeInBytes) { return valueTooBig(); } return output.created(actions.addToNodeIndex(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), value, extractNodeId(entityBody.get("uri").toString()))); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } private Response valueTooBig() { return Response.status(413) .entity(String.format( "The property value provided was too large. The maximum size is currently set to %d bytes. " + "You can configure this by setting the '%s' property.", config.getInt(, .build(); } @POST @Path(PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX) public Response addToRelationshipIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @QueryParam("unique") String unique, @QueryParam("uniqueness") String uniqueness, String postBody) { try { Map<String, Object> entityBody; Pair<IndexedEntityRepresentation, Boolean> result; switch (unique(unique, uniqueness)) { case GetOrCreate: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value"); result = actions.getOrCreateIndexedRelationship(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")), extractRelationshipIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri")), extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "start")), getStringOrNull(entityBody, "type"), extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "end")), getMapOrNull(entityBody, "properties")); return result.other() ? output.created(result.first()) : output.ok(result.first()); case CreateOrFail: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value"); result = actions.getOrCreateIndexedRelationship(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")), extractRelationshipIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri")), extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "start")), getStringOrNull(entityBody, "type"), extractNodeIdOrNull(getStringOrNull(entityBody, "end")), getMapOrNull(entityBody, "properties")); if (result.other()) { return output.created(result.first()); } String uri = getStringOrNull(entityBody, "uri"); if (uri == null) { return output.conflict(result.first()); } long idOfRelationshipToBeIndexed = extractRelationshipId(uri); long idOfRelationshipAlreadyInIndex = extractRelationshipId(result.first().getIdentity()); if (idOfRelationshipToBeIndexed == idOfRelationshipAlreadyInIndex) { return output.created(result.first()); } return output.conflict(result.first()); default: entityBody = input.readMap(postBody, "key", "value", "uri"); return output.created(actions.addToRelationshipIndex(indexName, String.valueOf(entityBody.get("key")), String.valueOf(entityBody.get("value")), extractRelationshipId(entityBody.get("uri").toString()))); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } private UniqueIndexType unique(String uniqueParam, String uniquenessParam) { UniqueIndexType unique = UniqueIndexType.None; if (uniquenessParam == null || uniquenessParam.equals("")) { // Backward compatibility check if ("".equals(uniqueParam) || Boolean.parseBoolean(uniqueParam)) { unique = UniqueIndexType.GetOrCreate; } } else if (UNIQUENESS_MODE_GET_OR_CREATE.equalsIgnoreCase(uniquenessParam)) { unique = UniqueIndexType.GetOrCreate; } else if (UNIQUENESS_MODE_CREATE_OR_FAIL.equalsIgnoreCase(uniquenessParam)) { unique = UniqueIndexType.CreateOrFail; } return unique; } private String getStringOrNull(Map<String, Object> map, String key) throws BadInputException { Object object = map.get(key); if (object instanceof String) { return (String) object; } if (object == null) { return null; } throw new InvalidArgumentsException("\"" + key + "\" should be a string"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Map<String, Object> getMapOrNull(Map<String, Object> data, String key) throws BadInputException { Object object = data.get(key); if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) { return (Map<String, Object>) object; } if (object == null) { return null; } throw new InvalidArgumentsException("\"" + key + "\" should be a map"); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_ID) public Response getNodeFromIndexUri(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedNode(indexName, key, value, id)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_ID) public Response getRelationshipFromIndexUri(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value, @PathParam("id") long id) { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedRelationship(indexName, key, value, id)); } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_GET) public Response getIndexedNodes(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedNodes(indexName, key, value)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEX_GET) public Response getAutoIndexedNodes(@PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value) { try { if (type.equals(NODE_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE)) { return output.ok(actions.getAutoIndexedNodes(key, value)); } else if (type.equals(RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE)) { return output.ok(actions.getAutoIndexedRelationships(key, value)); } else { return output.badRequest(new RuntimeException("Unrecognized auto-index type, " + "expected '" + NODE_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE + "' or '" + RELATIONSHIP_AUTO_INDEX_TYPE + "'")); } } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_QUERY_WITH_KEY) public Response getIndexedNodesByQuery(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @QueryParam("query") String query, @PathParam("order") String order) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedNodesByQuery(indexName, key, query, order)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_GET) public Response getIndexedRelationships(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedRelationships(indexName, key, value)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEX_STATUS) public Response isAutoIndexerEnabled(@PathParam("type") String type) { return output.ok(actions.isAutoIndexerEnabled(type)); } @PUT @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEX_STATUS) public Response setAutoIndexerEnabled(@PathParam("type") String type, String enable) { actions.setAutoIndexerEnabled(type, Boolean.parseBoolean(enable)); return output.ok(Representation.emptyRepresentation()); } @GET @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEXED_PROPERTIES) public Response getAutoIndexedProperties(@PathParam("type") String type) { return output.ok(actions.getAutoIndexedProperties(type)); } @POST @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEXED_PROPERTIES) public Response startAutoIndexingProperty(@PathParam("type") String type, String property) { actions.startAutoIndexingProperty(type, property); return output.ok(Representation.emptyRepresentation()); } @DELETE @Path(PATH_AUTO_INDEX_PROPERTY_DELETE) public Response stopAutoIndexingProperty(@PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("property") String property) { actions.stopAutoIndexingProperty(type, property); return output.ok(Representation.emptyRepresentation()); } @GET @Path(PATH_NAMED_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX) public Response getIndexedRelationshipsByQuery(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @QueryParam("query") String query, @QueryParam("order") String order) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedRelationshipsByQuery(indexName, query, order)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_QUERY_WITH_KEY) public Response getIndexedRelationshipsByQuery(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @QueryParam("query") String query, @QueryParam("order") String order) { try { return output.ok(actions.getIndexedRelationshipsByQuery(indexName, key, query, order)); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_ID) public Response deleteFromNodeIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromNodeIndex(indexName, key, value, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_REMOVE_KEY) public Response deleteFromNodeIndexNoValue(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromNodeIndexNoValue(indexName, key, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_NODE_INDEX_REMOVE) public Response deleteFromNodeIndexNoKeyValue(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromNodeIndexNoKeyValue(indexName, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_ID) public Response deleteFromRelationshipIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("value") String value, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromRelationshipIndex(indexName, key, value, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_REMOVE_KEY) public Response deleteFromRelationshipIndexNoValue(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("key") String key, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromRelationshipIndexNoValue(indexName, key, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_RELATIONSHIP_INDEX_REMOVE) public Response deleteFromRelationshipIndex(@PathParam("indexName") String indexName, @PathParam("id") long id) { try { actions.removeFromRelationshipIndexNoKeyValue(indexName, id); return nothing(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.methodNotAllowed(e); } catch (NotFoundException nfe) { return output.notFound(nfe); } catch (Exception e) { return output.serverError(e); } } // Traversal @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_TRAVERSE) public Response traverse(@PathParam("nodeId") long startNode, @PathParam("returnType") TraverserReturnType returnType, String body) { try { return output.ok(actions.traverse(startNode, input.readMap(body), returnType)); } catch (EvaluationException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } // Paged traversal @DELETE @Path(PATH_TO_PAGED_TRAVERSERS) public Response removePagedTraverser(@PathParam("traverserId") String traverserId) { if (actions.removePagedTraverse(traverserId)) { return output.ok(); } else { return output.notFound(); } } @GET @Path(PATH_TO_PAGED_TRAVERSERS) public Response pagedTraverse(@PathParam("traverserId") String traverserId, @PathParam("returnType") TraverserReturnType returnType) { try { return output.ok(actions.pagedTraverse(traverserId, returnType)); } catch (EvaluationException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @POST @Path(PATH_TO_CREATE_PAGED_TRAVERSERS) public Response createPagedTraverser(@PathParam("nodeId") long startNode, @PathParam("returnType") TraverserReturnType returnType, @QueryParam("pageSize") @DefaultValue(FIFTY_ENTRIES) int pageSize, @QueryParam("leaseTime") @DefaultValue(SIXTY_SECONDS) int leaseTimeInSeconds, String body) { try { validatePageSize(pageSize); validateLeaseTime(leaseTimeInSeconds); String traverserId = actions.createPagedTraverser(startNode, input.readMap(body), pageSize, leaseTimeInSeconds); URI uri = new URI("node/" + startNode + "/paged/traverse/" + returnType + "/" + traverserId); return output.created( new ListEntityRepresentation(actions.pagedTraverse(traverserId, returnType), uri.normalize())); } catch (EvaluationException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return output.serverError(e); } } private void validateLeaseTime(int leaseTimeInSeconds) throws BadInputException { if (leaseTimeInSeconds < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Lease time less than 1 second is not supported"); } } private void validatePageSize(int pageSize) throws BadInputException { if (pageSize < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentsException("Page size less than 1 is not permitted"); } } @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_PATH) public Response singlePath(@PathParam("nodeId") long startNode, String body) { final Map<String, Object> description; final long endNode; try { description = input.readMap(body); endNode = extractNodeId((String) description.get("to")); return output.ok(actions.findSinglePath(startNode, endNode, description)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (NotFoundException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } @POST @Path(PATH_NODE_PATHS) public Response allPaths(@PathParam("nodeId") long startNode, String body) { final Map<String, Object> description; final long endNode; try { description = input.readMap(body); endNode = extractNodeId((String) description.get("to")); return output.ok(actions.findPaths(startNode, endNode, description)); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } } @POST @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL) public Response createSchemaIndex(@PathParam("label") String labelName, String body) { try { Map<String, Object> data = input.readMap(body, "property_keys"); Iterable<String> singlePropertyKey = singleOrList(data, "property_keys"); if (singlePropertyKey == null) { return output.badRequest( new IllegalArgumentException("Supply single property key or list of property keys")); } return output.ok(actions.createSchemaIndex(labelName, singlePropertyKey)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } } private Iterable<String> singleOrList(Map<String, Object> data, String key) { Object propertyKeys = data.get(key); Iterable<String> singlePropertyKey = null; if (propertyKeys instanceof List) { singlePropertyKey = (List<String>) propertyKeys; } else if (propertyKeys instanceof String) { singlePropertyKey = Arrays.asList((String) propertyKeys); } return singlePropertyKey; } @DELETE @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL_PROPERTY) public Response dropSchemaIndex(@PathParam("label") String labelName, @PathParam("property") AmpersandSeparatedCollection properties) { // TODO assumption, only a single property key if (properties.size() != 1) { return output.badRequest(new IllegalArgumentException("Single property key assumed")); } String property = single(properties); try { if (actions.dropSchemaIndex(labelName, property)) { return nothing(); } else { return output.notFound(); } } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX) public Response getSchemaIndexes() { return output.ok(actions.getSchemaIndexes()); } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_INDEX_LABEL) public Response getSchemaIndexesForLabel(@PathParam("label") String labelName) { return output.ok(actions.getSchemaIndexes(labelName)); } @POST @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS) public Response createPropertyUniquenessConstraint(@PathParam("label") String labelName, String body) { try { Map<String, Object> data = input.readMap(body, "property_keys"); Iterable<String> singlePropertyKey = singleOrList(data, "property_keys"); if (singlePropertyKey == null) { return output.badRequest( new IllegalArgumentException("Supply single property key or list of property keys")); } return output.ok(actions.createPropertyUniquenessConstraint(labelName, singlePropertyKey)); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (BadInputException e) { return output.badRequest(e); } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } } @DELETE @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS_PROPERTY) public Response dropPropertyUniquenessConstraint(@PathParam("label") String labelName, @PathParam("property") AmpersandSeparatedCollection properties) { try { if (actions.dropPropertyUniquenessConstraint(labelName, properties)) { return nothing(); } else { return output.notFound(); } } catch (org.neo4j.graphdb.ConstraintViolationException e) { return output.conflict(e); } } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT) public Response getSchemaConstraints() { return output.ok(actions.getConstraints()); } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL) public Response getSchemaConstraintsForLabel(@PathParam("label") String labelName) { return output.ok(actions.getLabelConstraints(labelName)); } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS) public Response getSchemaConstraintsForLabelAndUniqueness(@PathParam("label") String labelName) { return output.ok(actions.getLabelUniquenessConstraints(labelName)); } @GET @Path(PATH_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_LABEL_UNIQUENESS_PROPERTY) public Response getSchemaConstraintsForLabelAndPropertyUniqueness(@PathParam("label") String labelName, @PathParam("property") AmpersandSeparatedCollection propertyKeys) { try { ListRepresentation constraints = actions.getPropertyUniquenessConstraint(labelName, propertyKeys); return output.ok(constraints); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return output.notFound(e); } } private final Function<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>, Pair<String, Object>> queryParamsToProperties = new Function<Map.Entry<String, List<String>>, Pair<String, Object>>() { @Override public Pair<String, Object> apply(Map.Entry<String, List<String>> queryEntry) { try { Object propertyValue = input.readValue(queryEntry.getValue().get(0)); if (propertyValue instanceof Collection<?>) { propertyValue = PropertySettingStrategy.convertToNativeArray((Collection<?>) propertyValue); } return Pair.of(queryEntry.getKey(), propertyValue); } catch (BadInputException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unable to deserialize property value for %s.", queryEntry.getKey()), e); } } }; }