Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 MINT Working Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.InputStreamBody; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import static; /** * @author Uli Bubenheimer */ public final class ProcessImportDir { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ProcessImportDir.class); private final Map<String, JobInfo> jobIDInfo = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, JobInfo>()); private final boolean deletePhysicalInstanceFiles; private final boolean forceCreate; private final int binaryInlineThreshold; private MetadataType dicomMetadataType = null; private LevelAttributes studyLevelTags; private LevelAttributes seriesLevelTags; private static final XPath xPath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); private static final DocumentBuilder documentBuilder; static { final DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); documentBuilderFactory.setCoalescing(true); documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(false); documentBuilderFactory.setValidating(false); try { documentBuilderFactory.setFeature("", false); documentBuilder = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (final ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ProcessImportDir(final File importDir, final URI serverURI, final boolean useXMLNotGPB, final boolean deletePhysicalInstanceFiles, final boolean forceCreate, final int binaryInlineThreshold) throws IOException { this.importDir = importDir; this.createURI = URI.create(serverURI + "/jobs/createstudy"); this.queryURI = URI.create(serverURI + "/studies"); this.updateURI = URI.create(serverURI + "/jobs/updatestudy"); this.jobStatusURI = URI.create(serverURI + "/jobs/status"); this.dicomDatadictionaryURI = URI.create(serverURI + "/types/DICOM"); this.useXMLNotGPB = useXMLNotGPB; this.deletePhysicalInstanceFiles = deletePhysicalInstanceFiles; this.forceCreate = forceCreate; this.binaryInlineThreshold = binaryInlineThreshold; } public void processDir() throws IOException { //only re-initialize this if it hasn't been initialized. //Initialization cannot take place in the constructor because this //depends on the server to be already up and running. The server //startup creates this class so it would be a catch22. if (dicomMetadataType == null) { HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(dicomDatadictionaryURI); String response = httpClient.execute(httpGet, new BasicResponseHandler()); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBytes()); this.dicomMetadataType = DataDictionaryIO.parseFromXML(in); this.studyLevelTags = dicomMetadataType.getStudyAttributes(); this.seriesLevelTags = dicomMetadataType.getSeriesAttributes(); }"Gathering files for allocation to studies."); final long fileGatherStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); //As items may be removed from the set of handled files concurrently, //create a copy of a maximum set first; it won't hurt if it contains too many elements. final SortedSet<File> handledFilesCopy = new TreeSet<File>(handledFiles); final SortedSet<File> resultFiles = new TreeSet<File>(); findPlainFilesRecursive(importDir, resultFiles, handledFilesCopy); handledFiles.addAll(resultFiles); int instancesProcessed = 0; final Map<String, Collection<File>> studyFileMap = new HashMap<String, Collection<File>>(); for (final File plainFile : resultFiles) { try { final String studyUID; final DicomInputStream dcmStream = new DicomInputStream(plainFile); try { //Only read & parse DICOM file up to StudyInstanceUID tag dcmStream.setHandler(new StopTagInputHandler(Tag.StudyInstanceUID + 1)); final DicomObject dcmObj = dcmStream.readDicomObject(); studyUID = Dcm2MetaBuilder.extractStudyInstanceUID(dcmObj); if (studyUID == null) { throw new IOException( "DICOM file without study instance UID - skipping: " + plainFile.getPath()); } } finally { dcmStream.close(); } Collection<File> dcmFileData = studyFileMap.get(studyUID); if (dcmFileData == null) { dcmFileData = new ArrayList<File>(); studyFileMap.put(studyUID, dcmFileData); } dcmFileData.add(plainFile); ++instancesProcessed; if (instancesProcessed % 500 == 1) {"Inspected " + instancesProcessed + " instances."); } } catch (final IOException e) { //Not a valid DICOM file?! LOG.warn("Skipping file: " + plainFile); e.printStackTrace(); } } final long fileGatherEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();"Gathering " + instancesProcessed + " files and study allocation completed in " + String.format("%.1f", (fileGatherEnd - fileGatherStart) / 1000.0f) + " seconds."); instancesProcessed = 0; outerLoop: for (final Map.Entry<String, Collection<File>> studyFiles : studyFileMap.entrySet()) { final String studyUID = studyFiles.getKey(); assert studyUID != null; final Collection<File> instanceFiles = studyFiles.getValue(); final int instanceFileCount = instanceFiles.size();"Creating MINT metadata for " + instanceFileCount + " instances of study instance UID " + studyUID + "."); final long mintConvertStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); final BinaryData binaryData = new BinaryDcmData(); final MetaBinaryPairImpl metaBinaryPair = new MetaBinaryPairImpl(); metaBinaryPair.getMetadata().setType("DICOM"); metaBinaryPair.setBinaryData(binaryData); //Constrain processing metaBinaryPair.getMetadata().setStudyInstanceUID(studyUID); final Dcm2MetaBuilder builder = new Dcm2MetaBuilder(studyLevelTags, seriesLevelTags, metaBinaryPair); builder.setBinaryInlineThreshold(binaryInlineThreshold); final Iterator<File> instanceFileIter = instanceFiles.iterator(); while (instanceFileIter.hasNext()) { final File instanceFile =; final TransferSyntax transferSyntax; final DicomObject dcmObj; try { final DicomInputStream dcmStream = new DicomInputStream(instanceFile); try { dcmObj = dcmStream.readDicomObject(); transferSyntax = dcmStream.getTransferSyntax(); } finally { dcmStream.close(); } } catch (final IOException e) { //Not a valid DICOM file?! LOG.warn("Skipping file: " + instanceFile); e.printStackTrace(); instanceFileIter.remove(); continue; } catch (final RuntimeException e) { //Some near-catastrophic error LOG.error("Fatal error while processing file: " + instanceFile); throw e; } catch (final Error e) { //Some catastrophic error LOG.fatal("Fatal error while processing file: " + instanceFile); throw e; } try { builder.accumulateFile(instanceFile, dcmObj, transferSyntax); } catch (final UnsupportedOperationException e) { LOG.error("Skipping study " + studyUID + ": DICOM syntax error in file " + instanceFile + ":", e); continue outerLoop; } } builder.finish(); try { try { StudyValidation.validateStudyMetadata(metaBinaryPair.getMetadata(), dicomMetadataType); addToSendQueue(metaBinaryPair, instanceFiles); } catch (final StudyTraversals.TraversalException e) { LOG.error("Skipping study " + studyUID + ": validation error in study metadata", e); } } catch (final IOException e) { //Catastrophic error throw new RuntimeException(e); } final long mintConvertEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();"MINT creation for study instance UID " + studyUID + " (" + instanceFileCount + " instances) completed in " + String.format("%.1f", (mintConvertEnd - mintConvertStart) / 1000.0f) + " seconds."); } } private void addToSendQueue(final MetaBinaryPair studyData, final Collection<File> studyFiles) throws IOException { //Write metadata to disk so that we don't run out of memory while working on more studies final StudyMetadata study = studyData.getMetadata(); final File studyMetaFile = File.createTempFile("metadata", useXMLNotGPB ? ".xml" : ".gpb"); studyMetaFile.deleteOnExit(); final OutputStream outStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(studyMetaFile)); try { if (useXMLNotGPB) { StudyIO.writeToXML(study, outStream); } else { StudyIO.writeToGPB(study, outStream); } } finally { outStream.close(); } final MetaBinaryFiles mbf = new MetaBinaryFiles(); mbf.studyInstanceUID = study.getStudyInstanceUID(); mbf.patientID = study.getValueForAttribute(Tag.PatientID); mbf.metadataFile = studyMetaFile; mbf.binaryData = studyData.getBinaryData(); mbf.studyInstanceFiles = studyFiles; studySendQueue.add(mbf); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void handleSends() throws Exception { if (!jobIDInfo.isEmpty()) { //To prevent disk churn leading to slowness on the server side, have it handle just one study at a time return; } final Iterator<MetaBinaryFiles> studySendIter = studySendQueue.iterator(); if (studySendIter.hasNext()) { final MetaBinaryFiles sendData =; studySendIter.remove(); //Determine whether study exists and we need to perform an update final String studyInstanceUID = sendData.studyInstanceUID;"Uploading study instance UID " + studyInstanceUID); final StudyQueryInfo studyQueryInfo; if (forceCreate) { studyQueryInfo = null; } else { final long existQueryStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); studyQueryInfo = doesStudyExist(studyInstanceUID, sendData.patientID); final long existQueryEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( "Completed querying server for existing study for study instance UID " + studyInstanceUID + " in " + String.format("%.1f", (existQueryEnd - existQueryStart) / 1000.0f) + " seconds. "); if (studyQueryInfo == null) { msg.append("Study does not exist yet."); } else { msg.append("Study exists, Study ID " + studyQueryInfo.studyUUID); }; } try { final long uploadStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); final JobInfo jobInfo = send(sendData.metadataFile, sendData.binaryData, sendData.studyInstanceFiles, studyQueryInfo); final long uploadEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); assert studyQueryInfo == null || studyQueryInfo.studyUUID.equals(jobInfo.studyID);"Completed uploading MINT to server for study instance UID " + studyInstanceUID + " (" + sendData.studyInstanceFiles.size() + " instances) in " + String.format("%.1f", (uploadEnd - uploadStart) / 1000.0f) + " seconds, Job ID " + jobInfo.getJobID() + ", Study ID " + jobInfo.getStudyID()); } catch (final IOException e) { LOG.error("Skipping study " + studyInstanceUID + ": I/O error while uploading study to server:", e); } catch (final SAXException e) { LOG.error("Skipping study " + studyInstanceUID + ": error while parsing server response to study upload."); } finally { sendData.metadataFile.delete(); } } } public boolean sendingDone() { return studySendQueue.isEmpty() && jobIDInfo.isEmpty(); } private StudyQueryInfo doesStudyExist(final String studyInstanceUID, final String patientID) throws Exception { final List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("studyInstanceUID", studyInstanceUID)); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("patientID", patientID == null ? "" : patientID)); final String fullURI = queryURI + "?" + URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "UTF-8"); final HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(fullURI); final String response = httpClient.execute(httpGet, new BasicResponseHandler()); final NodeList nodeList; try { final Document responseDoc = documentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBytes())); nodeList = (NodeList) xPath.evaluate("/studySearchResults/study", responseDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Querying for studyUID " + studyInstanceUID + ": unknown server response:\n" + response); throw ex; } final int uuidCount = nodeList.getLength(); switch (uuidCount) { case 0: return null; case 1: final Node node = nodeList.item(0); final StudyQueryInfo studyQueryInfo = new StudyQueryInfo(); final NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); studyQueryInfo.studyUUID = attrMap.getNamedItem("studyUUID").getNodeValue(); studyQueryInfo.studyVersion = attrMap.getNamedItem("version").getNodeValue(); return studyQueryInfo; default: throw new Exception("Multiple matches for study UID " + studyInstanceUID); } } /** * @throws IOException */ public void handleResponses() throws IOException { final ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler(); final Iterator<Entry<String, JobInfo>> studyIter = jobIDInfo.entrySet().iterator(); while (studyIter.hasNext()) { final Entry<String, JobInfo> studyEntry =; final String jobID = studyEntry.getKey(); final HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(jobStatusURI + "/" + jobID); final String response = httpClient.execute(httpGet, responseHandler); LOG.debug("Server job status response:\n" + response); final String statusStr; try { final Document responseDoc = documentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBytes())); statusStr = xPath.evaluate("/jobStatus/@jobStatus", responseDoc); } catch (final Exception ex) { LOG.error("Querying job " + jobID + ": unknown server response:\n" + response); studyIter.remove(); continue; } final JobInfo jobInfo = studyEntry.getValue(); final Collection<File> studyFiles = jobInfo.getFiles(); if (statusStr.equals("IN_PROGRESS")) { continue; } else if (statusStr.equals("FAILED")) { LOG.error("Querying job " + jobID + ": server processing failed:\n" + response); //Do not delete the study's files in case of failure removeStudyFiles(studyFiles, false); } else if (statusStr.equals("SUCCESS")) { final long approxJobEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //Always round down the job processing time, as it's usually too high anyway"Querying job " + jobID + ": server processing completed in approximately " + ((approxJobEndTime - jobInfo.getJobStartTime()) / 1000) + " seconds for " + studyFiles.size() + " instance files, Study ID " + jobInfo.getStudyID() + "."); removeStudyFiles(studyFiles, true); } else { LOG.error("Querying job " + jobID + ": unknown server response:\n" + response); //Do not delete the study's files in case of failure removeStudyFiles(studyFiles, false); } studyIter.remove(); } } private void removeStudyFiles(final Collection<File> studyFiles, final boolean delete) { if (delete && deletePhysicalInstanceFiles) { for (final File undeletedStudyFile : studyFiles) { undeletedStudyFile.delete(); handledFiles.remove(undeletedStudyFile); } } } private JobInfo send(final File metadataFile, final BinaryData binaryData, final Collection<File> studyFiles, final StudyQueryInfo studyQueryInfo) throws IOException, SAXException { final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(studyQueryInfo == null ? createURI : updateURI); final MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(); if (studyQueryInfo != null) { entity.addPart(HttpMessagePart.STUDY_UUID.toString(), new StringBody(studyQueryInfo.studyUUID)); } final StudyMetadata study = useXMLNotGPB ? StudyIO.parseFromXML(metadataFile) : StudyIO.parseFromGPB(metadataFile); if (studyQueryInfo != null) { //Specify current study version entity.addPart(HttpMessagePart.OLD_VERSION.toString(), new StringBody(studyQueryInfo.studyVersion)); } //Pretty significant in-memory operations, so scoping to get references released ASAP { final byte[] metaInBuffer; { final ByteArrayOutputStream metaOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000); if (useXMLNotGPB) { StudyIO.writeToXML(study, metaOut); } else { StudyIO.writeToGPB(study, metaOut); } metaInBuffer = metaOut.toByteArray(); } final ByteArrayInputStream metaIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(metaInBuffer); //We must distinguish MIME types for GPB vs. XML so that the server can handle them properly entity.addPart(metadataFile.getName(), new InputStreamBody(metaIn, useXMLNotGPB ? "text/xml" : "application/octet-stream", metadataFile.getName())); } //We support only one type assert binaryData instanceof BinaryDcmData; { int i = 0; for (final InputStream binaryStream : iter(((BinaryDcmData) binaryData).streamIterator())) { final String fileName = "binary" + i++; entity.addPart(fileName, new InputStreamBody(binaryStream, fileName)); } } //Debugging only // int i = 0; // for (final InputStream binaryStream: Iter.iter(((BinaryDcmData) binaryData).streamIterator())) { // final OutputStream testout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("E:/testdata/" + i), 10000); // for(;;) { // final int val =; // if (val == -1) { // break; // } // testout.write(val); // } // testout.close(); // ++i; // } httpPost.setEntity(entity); final String response = httpClient.execute(httpPost, new BasicResponseHandler()); final long uploadEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.debug("Server response:" + response); final String jobID; final String studyID; final Document responseDoc = documentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(response.getBytes())); try { jobID = xPath.evaluate("/jobStatus/@jobID", responseDoc).trim(); studyID = xPath.evaluate("/jobStatus/@studyUUID", responseDoc).trim(); } catch (final XPathExpressionException e) { //This shouldn't happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } final JobInfo jobInfo = new JobInfo(jobID, studyID, studyFiles, uploadEndTime); jobIDInfo.put(jobID, jobInfo); return jobInfo; } private static void findPlainFilesRecursive(final File targetFile, final Collection<File> resultFiles, final Collection<File> handledFiles) { if (handledFiles.contains(targetFile)) { //Need to check whether file has already been handled right away, as otherwise the file may get //accessed or deleted by someone else while we're looking at it. return; } //Skip DICOM files which are not completely stored by dcmrcv yet. if (targetFile.getName().endsWith(".part")) { return; } if (targetFile.isFile()) { resultFiles.add(targetFile); } else if (targetFile.isDirectory()) { for (final File subFile : targetFile.listFiles()) { findPlainFilesRecursive(subFile, resultFiles, handledFiles); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "File " + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a normal file and not a directory"); } } private static class MetaBinaryFiles { public String studyInstanceUID; public String patientID; public File metadataFile; public BinaryData binaryData; public Collection<File> studyInstanceFiles; } private final HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); private final File importDir; private final SortedSet<File> handledFiles = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<File>(); private final URI createURI; private final URI queryURI; private final URI updateURI; private final URI dicomDatadictionaryURI; private final URI jobStatusURI; private final boolean useXMLNotGPB; private final Collection<MetaBinaryFiles> studySendQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<MetaBinaryFiles>(); private static final class JobInfo { private final String jobID; private final String studyID; private final Collection<File> files; private final long jobStartTime; public JobInfo(final String jobID, final String studyID, final Collection<File> files, final long jobStartTime) { this.jobID = jobID; this.studyID = studyID; this.files = files; this.jobStartTime = jobStartTime; } public final String getJobID() { return jobID; } public final String getStudyID() { return studyID; } public final Collection<File> getFiles() { return files; } public final long getJobStartTime() { return jobStartTime; } } private static final class StudyQueryInfo { public String studyUUID; public String studyVersion; } }