Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute * Copyright (c) 2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute * Copyright (c) 2007 NEES Cyberinfrastructure Center * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * For more information: */ package org.nees.rpi.vis.loaders; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import scala.util.Either; import scala.util.Left; import scala.util.Right; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import org.nees.rpi.util.Pair; import org.nees.rpi.vis.GeometryRenderer; import org.nees.rpi.vis.*; import org.nees.rpi.vis.model.*; /** * Reads m3dv files loading the 3DDV model from the xml * descriptors as well as the data from the data files. */ public class M3DVLoader implements ModelLoader { private Either<URL, File> input; private XMLConfiguration config; private DVModel model; /** Counter used when creating names for nameless data shapes */ private int shapeNameCounter = 1; /** * Creates a new loader. * * @param xmlInput * The XML markup for the model. */ public M3DVLoader(URL xmlInput) { this(xmlInput, null); } /** * Creates a new loader. * * @param fileInput * The source file. */ public M3DVLoader(File fileInput) { this(null, fileInput); } private M3DVLoader(URL xmlInput, File fileInput) { if (Pair.neither(xmlInput, fileInput)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both inputs are null"); } if (Pair.both(xmlInput, fileInput)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Neither inputs are null"); } input = input != null ? new Left<URL, File>(xmlInput) : new Right<URL, File>(fileInput); config = null; model = null; shapeNameCounter = 1; } @Override public String getFileType() { return "m3dv"; } @Override public DVModel load() throws LoaderException { try { config = input.isLeft() ? new XMLConfiguration(input.left().get()) : new XMLConfiguration(input.right().get()); processModelInfo(); processDataFile(); Collection<DVGeometry> geometries = processGeometries(); processGroups(geometries); assert model != null : "model is null"; return model; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new LoaderException(e); } } /** * Parses the input xml solely to get the names of the datafiles associated * with this model file * * @return * a list of the file names for the model, returns an empty * list if none found * @throws LoaderException * If an error occurs while parsing the input for data files. */ @Override public Iterable<String> getDataFiles() throws LoaderException { try { final List<String> datafiles = new ArrayList<String>(); int i = 0; config = input.isLeft() ? new XMLConfiguration(input.left().get()) : new XMLConfiguration(input.right().get()); do { String filename = config.getString("data-file(" + i + ").file-name"); if (filename == null) break; datafiles.add(filename); i++; } while (true); return new Iterable<String>() { public Iterator<String> iterator() { return datafiles.iterator(); } }; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new LoaderException(e); } } private void processModelInfo() { model = new DVModel(config.getString("title")); model.setPreparedBy(config.getString("prepared-by")); } private void processDataFile() throws LoaderException { boolean moreDataFiles = true; for (int i = 0; moreDataFiles; i++) { String filename = config.getString("data-file(" + i + ").file-name"); String delimiter = config.getString("data-file(" + i + ").delimiter"); String sSkipRows = config.getString("data-file(" + i + ").skip-rows"); String timeChannelName = config.getString("data-file(" + i + ").time-channel"); if (filename != null) { try { File toRead = null; if (filename.contains("/") || filename.contains("\\")) { toRead = new File(filename); } else { String parentDir = null; if (input.isLeft()) { URL parentXMLURL = input.left().get(); parentDir = parentXMLURL.getPath().substring(0, parentXMLURL.getPath().lastIndexOf("/")); } else { parentDir = input.right().get().getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); } assert parentDir != null : "parentDir was not initialized correctly"; toRead = new File(new URI("file://" + parentDir + "/" + filename)); } if (!toRead.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("could not find file at \"" + toRead.getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } DelimiterType delimiterType; if (delimiter == null) { delimiterType = DelimiterType.TAB_DELIMITED; } else { String delimiterTemp = delimiter.trim().toLowerCase(); if (delimiterTemp.equals("tab")) { delimiterType = DelimiterType.TAB_DELIMITED; } else if (delimiterTemp.equals("comma")) { delimiterType = DelimiterType.COMMA_DELIMITED; } else { delimiterType = DelimiterType.OTHER; } } int skipRows = 0; try { if (sSkipRows != null) { skipRows = Integer.parseInt(sSkipRows); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("cannot convert \"" + sSkipRows + "\" to a number", e); } DVDataFile datafile = DataFileLoader.loadFile(toRead.toURI().toURL(), skipRows, delimiterType, delimiter, null); if (timeChannelName != null) { DVDataChannel timeChannel = datafile.getChannel(timeChannelName); if (timeChannel == null) { throw new LoaderException("cannot find the time-channel in the data-file"); } else { datafile.setTimeChannel(timeChannel); } } model.addDataFile(datafile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException(e); } } else { moreDataFiles = false; } } } private void processGroups(Collection<DVGeometry> geometries) throws LoaderException { boolean moreGroups = true; for (int i = 0; moreGroups; i++) { String tag = "group(" + i + ")"; String name = config.getString(tag + ".name"); DVAppearance appearance = processAppearance(tag); BorderInfo borderInfo = processBorderInfo(tag + ".border"); if (name != null) { DVGroup group = new DVGroup(name, appearance); group.setUIOption(DVGroup.UIOptions.SINGLE); processShapes(group, tag, geometries, appearance, borderInfo); model.addGroup(group); } else { moreGroups = false; } } } private void processShapes(DVGroup group, String parentTag, Collection<DVGeometry> geometries, DVAppearance parentApp, BorderInfo parentBorderInfo) throws LoaderException { boolean moreShapes = true; for (int i = 0; moreShapes; i++) { String tag = parentTag + ".shape(" + i + ")"; Point3f location = processShapeLocation(tag); Point3f endLocation = processShapeEndLocation(tag); DVShape dvShape = processShapePresetShape(tag, location); DVGeometry geom = processShapeGeometry(tag, geometries); if (dvShape == null && geom != null) { DVAppearance appearance = processAppearance(tag, parentApp); // Only cylinders can have end locations, the others have not been // implemented yet. 4/1/2008 if (!(geom instanceof DVCylinder)) endLocation = null; if (!appearance.equals(parentApp)) dvShape = new DVShape(geom, location, endLocation, appearance); else dvShape = new DVShape(geom, location, endLocation); } if (dvShape != null) { processShapeData(tag, dvShape); String name = config.getString(tag + ".name"); if (name == null) name = getShapeGeneratedName(); dvShape.setName(name); BorderInfo borderInfo = processBorderInfo(tag + ".border", parentBorderInfo); if (borderInfo != null) dvShape.setBorder(borderInfo.color); model.addShape(dvShape, group); } else { moreShapes = false; } } } private Point3f processShapeLocation(String tag) { float x = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates.x", -100); float y = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates.y", -100); float z = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates.z", -100); return new Point3f(x, y, z); } private Point3f processShapeEndLocation(String tag) { if (!config.containsKey(tag + ".coordinates-end.x")) return null; float x = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates-end.x", -100); float y = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates-end.y", -100); float z = config.getFloat(tag + ".coordinates-end.z", -100); return new Point3f(x, y, z); } private DVShape processShapePresetShape(String tag, Point3f location) { String presetShapeName = config.getString(tag + ".preset-shape"); if (presetShapeName != null) { return DVShapeFactory.createPresetShape(presetShapeName, location); } return null; } private DVGeometry processShapeGeometry(String tag, Collection<DVGeometry> geometries) throws LoaderException { try { String geomId = config.getString(tag + ".geometryid"); if (geomId != null) { DVGeometry geom = getGeometry(geometries, geomId); if (geom == null) { throw new LoaderException("geometryid not recognized. Check the spelling or define the shape."); } return geom; } else if (config.getKeys(tag + ".cuboid").hasNext()) { return new CuboidParser().processParams(tag + ".cuboid", null); } else if (config.getKeys(tag + ".cube").hasNext()) { return new CubeParser().processParams(tag + ".cube", null); } else if (config.getKeys(tag + ".cylinder").hasNext()) { return new CylinderParser().processParams(tag + ".cylinder", null); } else if (config.getKeys(tag + ".sphere").hasNext()) { return new SphereParser().processParams(tag + ".sphere", null); } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException(e); } } private void processShapeData(String shapeTag, DVShape shape) throws LoaderException { boolean metaResult = processShapeDataMeta(shapeTag, shape); boolean seriesResult = processShapeDataSeries(shapeTag, shape); //shape has no metadata despite having series info, add it in if (!metaResult && seriesResult) { if (shape.isPresetShapeType()) { shape.addMetadata("Sensor Type:", shape.getPresetShapeType().displayName()); } shape.addMetadata("Location", "X:" + shape.getX() + " Y:" + shape.getY() + " Z:" + shape.getZ()); } if (metaResult || seriesResult) { shapeNameCounter++; } } private String getShapeGeneratedName() { return "Shape " + shapeNameCounter; } /** * * @param parentTag * @param shape * @return * returns {@code true} if meta tags are defined for the processed shape */ private boolean processShapeDataMeta(String parentTag, DVShape shape) { int metaCounter; boolean moreMeta = true; ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); String metaname, metavalue, tag; for (metaCounter = 0; moreMeta; metaCounter++) { tag = parentTag + ".meta(" + metaCounter + ")"; metaname = config.getString(tag + ".name"); metavalue = config.getString(tag + ".value"); if (metaname != null) { names.add(metaname); values.add(metavalue); } else { moreMeta = false; } } if (names.size() > 0) { shape.setMetadata(names.toArray(new String[names.size()]), values.toArray(new String[values.size()])); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * * @param parentTag * @param shape * @return * returns {@code true} if a series is defined for the processed shape */ private boolean processShapeDataSeries(String parentTag, DVShape shape) throws LoaderException { String seriesTag = parentTag + ".series"; String timeSeriesTag = parentTag + ".time-series"; String seriesX = config.getString(seriesTag + ".x"); String seriesY = config.getString(seriesTag + ".y"); String timeSeriesName = config.getString(timeSeriesTag); if (seriesX == null && seriesY == null && timeSeriesName == null) { return false; } else if (timeSeriesName != null) { DVDataChannel data = model.getDataChannel(timeSeriesName); if (data == null) { throw new LoaderException("no data found for \"" + timeSeriesName + "\""); } else { shape.setTimeSeries(data); return true; } } else if (seriesX != null && seriesY != null) { DVDataChannel x = model.getDataChannel(seriesX); DVDataChannel y = model.getDataChannel(seriesY); if (x == null) { throw new LoaderException("no data found for \"" + seriesX + "\""); } else if (y == null) { throw new LoaderException("no data found for \"" + seriesY + "\""); } else { shape.setSeries(x, y); return true; } } else { throw new LoaderException("must define both X and Y series"); } } private static abstract class GeometryParser { abstract DVGeometry processParams(String parentTag, String id); } private class CubeParser extends GeometryParser { DVCube processParams(String parentTag, String id) { float size = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".getGroupCount", -1); if (size == -1) { return null; } else { return new DVCube(id, size); } } } private class CuboidParser extends GeometryParser { DVCuboid processParams(String parentTag, String id) { //switch y and z float sizex = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".sizex", -1); float sizez = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".sizey", -1); float sizey = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".sizez", -1); if (sizex == -1 || sizey == -1 || sizez == -1) { return null; } else { return new DVCuboid(id, sizex, sizey, sizez); } } } private class CylinderParser extends GeometryParser { DVCylinder processParams(String parentTag, String id) { float radius = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".radius", -1); if (radius == -1) { return null; } else { return new DVCylinder(id, radius); } } } private class SphereParser extends GeometryParser { DVSphere processParams(String parentTag, String id) { float radius = config.getFloat(parentTag + ".radius", -1); if (radius == -1) { return null; } else { return new DVSphere(id, radius); } } } private Collection<DVGeometry> processGeometries() throws LoaderException { ArrayList<DVGeometry> geometries = new ArrayList<DVGeometry>(); //process cuboids processGeometriesHelper(geometries, "geometries.cuboid", new CuboidParser()); //process cubes processGeometriesHelper(geometries, "geometries.cube", new CubeParser()); //process cubes processGeometriesHelper(geometries, "geometries.cylinder", new CylinderParser()); //process spheres processGeometriesHelper(geometries, "geometries.sphere", new SphereParser()); return geometries; } private void processGeometriesHelper(ArrayList<DVGeometry> geometries, String gptag, GeometryParser gpType) throws LoaderException { boolean moreGeometries = true; String tag = ""; try { for (int i = 0; moreGeometries; i++) { tag = gptag + "(" + i + ")"; String id = config.getString(tag + ".id"); if (id != null) { DVGeometry geom = gpType.processParams(tag, id); if (geom != null) { geometries.add(geom); } else { throw new LoaderException("Invalid geometry type or invalid properties"); } } else { moreGeometries = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("Badly formatted geometry", e); } } private DVGeometry getGeometry(Collection<DVGeometry> geometries, String id) { for (final DVGeometry geom : geometries) { if ( { return geom; } } return null; } private static class BorderInfo { Color color; } private BorderInfo processBorderInfo(String tag) throws LoaderException { return processBorderInfo(tag, null); } private BorderInfo processBorderInfo(String tag, BorderInfo parent) throws LoaderException { try { String show = config.getString(tag + ".show"); if (show != null) { show = show.trim().toLowerCase(); if (show.equals("yes")) { BorderInfo bi = new BorderInfo(); Color defaultColor; if (parent == null) { defaultColor = AppSettings.getInstance().getDefaultShapeBorderColor(); } else { defaultColor = parent.color; } bi.color = processColor(tag + ".color", defaultColor); return bi; } else if (show.equals("no")) { return null; } else { throw new LoaderException("Invalid show attribute for border"); } } else if (parent != null) { return parent; } else { return null; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("Badly formatted border setting", e); } } private DVAppearance processAppearance(String tag) throws LoaderException { AppSettings AS = AppSettings.getInstance(); DVAppearance dvApp = new DVAppearance(AS.getDefaultShapeFillColor(), AS.getDefaultShapeTransparency()); return processAppearance(tag, dvApp); } private DVAppearance processAppearance(String tag, DVAppearance source) throws LoaderException { Color color = processColor(tag + ".color", source.getColor()); float transparency = processTransparency(tag + ".transparency", source.getTransparency()); DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus starterApp = processStarterAppearance(tag + ".starter-appearance", source.getAppearanceStatus()); if (source.getColor().equals(color) && source.getAppearanceStatus() == starterApp && source.getTransparency() == transparency) { return source; } else { DVAppearance dvApp = new DVAppearance(color, transparency); dvApp.setAppearanceStatus(starterApp); return dvApp; } } private Color processColor(String tag, Color defaultColor) throws LoaderException { List colorList = config.getList(tag); String hexColor = config.getString(tag); try { if (colorList.size() == 3) { int red = Integer.parseInt(colorList.get(0).toString()); int green = Integer.parseInt(colorList.get(1).toString()); int blue = Integer.parseInt(colorList.get(2).toString()); return new Color(red, green, blue); } else if (hexColor != null) { return Color.decode(hexColor); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("Badly formatted color setting", e); } return defaultColor; } private DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus processStarterAppearance(String tag, DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus sourceStarterApp) throws LoaderException { try { String starter = config.getString(tag); if (starter != null) { starter = starter.trim().toLowerCase(); if (starter.compareTo("solid") == 0) { return DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus.SOLID; } else if (starter.compareTo("line") == 0) { return DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus.LINE; } else if (starter.compareTo("transparent") == 0) { return DVAppearance.AppearanceStatus.TRANSPARENT; } else { throw new LoaderException("Invalid fill-option"); } } else { return sourceStarterApp; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("Badly formatted transparency setting", e); } } private float processTransparency(String tag, float defaultTransp) throws LoaderException { try { float transparency = config.getFloat(tag, defaultTransp * 100f); if (transparency > 100) { throw new LoaderException("Transparency cannot be higher than 100"); } if (transparency < 0) { throw new LoaderException("Transparency cannot be a negative number"); } return transparency / 100f; } catch (Exception e) { throw new LoaderException("Badly formatted transparency setting", e); } } }