Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SIMPL4( * * Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <> * * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SIMPL4. If not, see <>. */ package org.ms123.common.docbook; import flexjson.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ms123.common.utils.IOUtils; import; import org.ms123.common.utils.UtilsService; import; import; import org.ms123.common.permission.api.PermissionService; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector; import org.ms123.common.git.GitService; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import static; import org.ms123.common.docbook.xom.db.*; import org.ms123.common.docbook.rendering.*; import; import javax.servlet.http.*; import nu.xom.*; import org.dbdoclet.trafo.html.docbook.*; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import static org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor.Factory.create; import org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor; import org.jruby.embed.osgi.OSGiScriptingContainer; import static org.asciidoctor.AttributesBuilder.attributes; import static org.asciidoctor.OptionsBuilder.options; import org.asciidoctor.groovydsl.GroovyExtensionRegistry; /** * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") class BaseDocbookServiceImpl { private List<String> m_assetList = new ArrayList(); BaseDocbookServiceImpl() { m_assetList.add("image/png"); m_assetList.add("image/jpg"); m_assetList.add("image/svg+xml"); m_assetList.add("image/svg"); m_assetList.add("image/swf"); m_assetList.add("image/pdf"); } protected Asciidoctor m_asciidoctor = null; protected Inflector m_inflector = Inflector.getInstance(); protected DataLayer m_dataLayer; protected PermissionService m_permissionService; protected UtilsService m_utilsService; protected GitService m_gitService; protected BundleContext m_bc; protected JSONDeserializer m_ds = new JSONDeserializer(); protected JSONSerializer m_js = new JSONSerializer(); protected void renderToPdf(String namespace, InputStream is, OutputStream os, Map<String, String> params) throws Exception { PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = PDFRenderer.create(m_bc, m_gitService, namespace, is); pdfRenderer.parameters(params); pdfRenderer.render(os); } protected void markdownToDocbookOld(String markdown, OutputStream out) { WikiParser mp = new WikiParser(m_bc.getBundle()); Article article = new Article(); List<Object> ol = mp.parse(markdown); for (Object o : ol) { article.getContent().add(o); } DocbookBuilder.marshallObjectXom(article, out); } protected void markdownToDocbook(String markdown, OutputStream out) throws Exception { Context ctx = new Context(null, null, false, new HashMap(), new HashMap()); String html = BaseBuilder.xwikiToHtml(ctx, markdown); DocBookTransformer tf = new DocBookTransformer(); System.out.println("html:" + html); String db = tf.transformFragment(html); System.out.println("db:" + db); DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(out); dout.writeUTF(db); dout.close(); } protected void markdownToHtml(String markdown, Writer out) { WikiParser mp = new WikiParser(m_bc.getBundle()); mp.parseToHtml(markdown, out); } protected void oryxToDocbook(String namespace, String json, OutputStream out, Map<String, Object> paramsIn, Map<String, String> paramsOut) throws Exception { DocbookBuilder db = new DocbookBuilder(m_dataLayer, m_bc, getAsciidoctor()); db.toDocbook(namespace, json, out, paramsIn, paramsOut); } protected void websiteStart(String serverName, String namespace, String name, OutputStream out, String uri) throws Exception { String json = m_gitService.searchContent(namespace, name, ""); WebsiteBuilder hb = new WebsiteBuilder(m_dataLayer, m_bc); String userAgent = org.ms123.common.system.thread.ThreadContext.getThreadContext().getUserAgent().toString() .toLowerCase(); String sua = org.ms123.common.system.thread.ThreadContext.getThreadContext().getStringUserAgent() .toLowerCase(); System.out.println("userAgent:" + userAgent + "/sua:" + sua + "/uri:" + uri); if (userAgent.indexOf("bot") != -1 || userAgent.indexOf("crawler") != -1 || sua.indexOf("google-site-verification") != -1 || sua.indexOf("fischernetzdesign seo checker") != -1 || sua.indexOf("googlebot") != -1 || sua.indexOf("w3c_validator") != -1) { String indexFileName = "index.html"; if (uri.length() > 1 && uri.startsWith("/sw/website/mainpage-en")) { //@@@Bullshit indexFileName = "index_en.html"; } System.out.println("DeliverGooglePage:" + sua + "/page:" + indexFileName); File indexFile = new File(System.getProperty("workspace"), indexFileName); if (indexFile.exists()) { copy(new FileInputStream(indexFile), out); out.close(); } } else { hb.getWebsiteStart(serverName, namespace, name, json, out, new HashMap(), new HashMap()); } } protected Map _websiteMain(String namespace, String name) throws Exception { String json = m_gitService.searchContent(namespace, name, ""); WebsiteBuilder hb = new WebsiteBuilder(m_dataLayer, m_bc); return hb.getWebsiteMain(namespace, name, json, new HashMap(), new HashMap()); } protected Map _websiteFragment(String namespace, String name, String shapeId, String resourceId) throws Exception { String json = m_gitService.searchContent(namespace, name, ""); WebsiteBuilder hb = new WebsiteBuilder(m_dataLayer, m_bc); return hb.getWebsiteFragment(namespace, name, json, shapeId, resourceId, new HashMap(), new HashMap()); } protected Map _websitePage(String namespace, String name) throws Exception { String json = m_gitService.searchContent(namespace, name, "sw.webpage"); WebsiteBuilder hb = new WebsiteBuilder(m_dataLayer, m_bc); return hb.getWebsitePage(namespace, name, json); } protected List _shapePropertiesList(String namespace, Map criteria, List propertyNames) throws Exception { String fileType = (String) criteria.get("fileType"); List<String> stencilList = getStencilsForRoles(fileType.substring(3), (List) criteria.get("roles")); List<String> fileList = m_gitService.assetList(namespace, null, fileType, false); List<Map> shapeList = new ArrayList(); for (String fileName : fileList) { String json = m_gitService.getFileContent(namespace, fileName); if (json == null || "".equals(json)) { continue; } Map rootShape = (Map) m_ds.deserialize(json); getShapeList(shapeList, getBasename(fileName), rootShape, null, criteria, propertyNames, stencilList); } return shapeList; } private void getShapeList(List<Map> shapeList, String name, Map shape, Map parentShape, Map criteria, List<String> propertyNames, List<String> stencilList) throws Exception { List<Map> childShapes = (List) shape.get("childShapes"); Map properties = (Map) shape.get("properties"); if (isCriteriaOk(shape, parentShape, criteria, stencilList)) { Map map = new HashMap(); for (String pname : propertyNames) { if (pname.equals("fileName")) { map.put("fileName", name); } else { map.put(pname, properties.get(pname)); } } shapeList.add(map); } for (Map child : childShapes) { properties = (Map) child.get("properties"); getShapeList(shapeList, name, child, shape, criteria, propertyNames, stencilList); } } private boolean isCriteriaOk(Map shape, Map parentShape, Map criteria, List<String> stencilList) throws Exception { String parentStencil = (String) criteria.get("parentStencil"); if (parentStencil != null && !getStencilId(parentShape).equals(parentStencil.toLowerCase())) { return false; } if (stencilList.contains(getStencilId(shape))) { return true; } return false; } protected String getStencilId(Map element) { if (element == null) return "__no_id"; Map stencil = (Map) element.get("stencil"); String id = ((String) stencil.get("id")).toLowerCase(); return id; } public List<String> getStencilsForRoles(String name, List<String> roles) throws Exception { JSONDeserializer ds = new JSONDeserializer(); String gitSpace = System.getProperty("git.repos"); File file = new File(gitSpace + "/global/stencilsets", name + ".json"); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); Reader in = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"); Map<String, List> ssMap = (Map) ds.deserialize(in); List<Map> stencilList = ssMap.get("stencils"); List<String> retList = new ArrayList(); for (Map stencil : stencilList) { List<String> sRoles = (List) stencil.get("roles"); for (String role : roles) { if (sRoles.contains(role)) { retList.add(((String) stencil.get("id")).toLowerCase()); break; } } } System.out.println("retList:" + retList); return retList; } public void adocToHtml(File adocFile, Writer w) throws Exception { Reader in = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(adocFile), "UTF-8"); Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap(); Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put("icons", org.asciidoctor.Attributes.FONT_ICONS); options.put("attributes", attributes); options.put("safe", 0); getAsciidoctor().convert(in, w, options); } public String adocToHtml(String adoc) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap(); Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put("icons", org.asciidoctor.Attributes.FONT_ICONS); options.put("attributes", attributes); options.put("safe", 0); return getAsciidoctor().convert(adoc, options); } protected synchronized Asciidoctor getAsciidoctor() { if (m_asciidoctor != null) { return m_asciidoctor; } Bundle adBundle = null; for (Bundle b : m_bc.getBundles()) { if (b.toString().startsWith("asciidoctorj")) { adBundle = b; break; } } if (adBundle == null) throw new RuntimeException("Asciidoctor not found"); OSGiScriptingContainer sc = new OSGiScriptingContainer(m_bc.getBundle()); List loadPaths = new ArrayList(sc.getLoadPaths()); Enumeration gemPaths = adBundle.findEntries("gems", "lib", true); while (gemPaths != null && gemPaths.hasMoreElements()) { String gemPath = (( gemPaths.nextElement()).getFile(); loadPaths.add(gemPath.substring(1, gemPath.length() - 1)); } System.out.println("loadPaths:" + loadPaths); sc.setLoadPaths(loadPaths); m_asciidoctor = create(sc.getProvider().getRuntime()); new AsciidoctorX().register(); new GroovyExtensionRegistry().register(m_asciidoctor); return m_asciidoctor; } protected void _getAsset(String namespace, String name, String type, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (!m_assetList.contains(type)) { response.setStatus(403); return; } File asset = null; String contentType = type; try { if ("image/svg".equals(type)) { type = "image/svg+xml"; contentType = "image/svg+xml"; } if ("image/swf".equals(type)) { contentType = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; } if ("image/pdf".equals(type)) { contentType = "application/pdf"; } asset = m_gitService.searchFile(namespace, name, type); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response.setStatus(404); return; } Date sinceDate = new Date(request.getDateHeader("If-Modified-Since") + 1000); long modTime = asset.lastModified(); if (modTime < sinceDate.getTime()) { response.setStatus(304); return; } else { response.setContentType(contentType); response.setContentLength((int) asset.length()); response.setDateHeader("Last-Modified", modTime + 10000); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(asset), os); os.close(); } } private String getBasename(String path) { String e[] = path.split("/"); return e[e.length - 1]; } }