Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of SIMPL4(
 *    Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <>
 * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with SIMPL4.  If not, see <>.

import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.*;
import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.*;
import flexjson.JSONDeserializer;
import flexjson.JSONSerializer;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.jdo.Extent;
import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager;
import javax.jdo.Query;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMap;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.ms123.common.activiti.ActivitiService;
import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Bean2Map;
import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector;
import org.ms123.common.nucleus.api.NucleusService;
import org.ms123.common.permission.api.PermissionService;
import org.ms123.common.setting.api.SettingService;
import org.ms123.common.system.thread.ThreadContext;
import org.ms123.common.utils.UtilsServiceImpl;
import org.ms123.common.camel.api.CamelService;
import org.mvel2.MVEL;
import org.mvel2.optimizers.OptimizerFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.getProperty;
import static org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.setProperty;
import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate;

@Component(enabled = true, configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.optional, immediate = true)
public class TriggerServiceImpl implements TriggerService {

    private BlueprintContainer m_blueprintContainer;
    private BundleContext m_bundleContext;

    private SettingService m_settingService;
    private TeamService m_teamService;

    private NucleusService m_nucleusService;

    private ActivitiService m_activitiService;
    private CamelService m_camelService;

    private PermissionService m_permissionService;

    private final String ENTITY = "entity";

    private static JSONSerializer m_js = new JSONSerializer();

    private static JSONDeserializer m_ds = new JSONDeserializer();

    protected static Inflector m_inflector = Inflector.getInstance();

    public void activate() {
        MVELEvaluator evalator = new MVELEvaluator(null);

    protected void activate(BundleContext bundleContext, Map<?, ?> props) {
        m_bundleContext = bundleContext;

    public Map applyUpdateRules(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Object update, Object preUpdate)
            throws Exception {
        return applyRules(sessionContext, entityName, update, preUpdate, UPDATE);

    public Map applyInsertRules(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Object insert) throws Exception {
        return applyRules(sessionContext, entityName, insert, new HashMap(), INSERT);

    public Map applyDeleteRules(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Object insert) throws Exception {
        //      Map preUpdate = new HashMap(new BeanMap(insert));
        Map preUpdate = UtilsServiceImpl.copyObject(insert);
        if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(insert, "_team_list")) {
            PropertyUtils.setProperty(insert, "_team_list", new HashSet());
        return applyRules(sessionContext, entityName, insert, preUpdate, DELETE);

    public Map applyRules(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Object insert, Object preUpdate,
            int operation) throws Exception {
        String user = sessionContext.getUserName();
        StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc();
        String entity = entityName;
        String config = sessionContext.getConfigName();
        Map params = new HashMap();
        params.put(ENTITY, entity);
        String applies_to = (operation == INSERT) ? "new" : "updated";
        Map system = new HashMap();
        system.put("username", user);
        system.put(StoreDesc.NAMESPACE, sdesc.getNamespace());
        params.put(StoreDesc.PACK, sdesc.getPack());
        params.put(StoreDesc.STORE, sdesc.getStore());
        List<Map> triggerList = null;
        try {
            triggerList = getTriggers(sessionContext.getDataLayer(), sdesc, entity, applies_to);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw e;
        for (Map triggerMap : triggerList) {
            if (isDebug()) {
                debug("TriggerMap:" + m_js.deepSerialize(triggerMap));
            Map triggerInfo = new HashMap();
            triggerInfo.put("operation", operation);
            boolean conditionsOk = testTriggerConditions(sessionContext, triggerMap, sdesc, entity, config, insert,
                    preUpdate, triggerInfo);
            debug("Trigger.conditionsOk:" + conditionsOk);
            if (conditionsOk) {
                executeTriggerActions(triggerMap, sessionContext, entity, insert, triggerInfo);
        return null;

    private boolean testTriggerConditions(SessionContext sessionContext, Map triggerMap, StoreDesc sdesc,
            String entity, String config, Object insert, Object preUpdate, Map triggerInfo) throws Exception {
        int operation = (Integer) triggerInfo.get("operation");
        List<Map> conditions = (List) triggerMap.get("conditions");
        Map fieldSets = m_settingService.getFieldSets(config, sdesc.getNamespace(),
        boolean ok = false;
        if (conditions.size() == 0) {
            return true;
        for (Map cond : conditions) {
            if (cond.size() == 0) {
                ok = true;
            QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder("mvel", sdesc, entity, false, config, sessionContext, null, cond,
                    null, fieldSets);
            String evalString = qb.getWhere();
            Map props = new HashMap();
            props.put(m_inflector.getEntityName(entity), insert);
            if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(insert, "_team_list")) {
                Set nowList = (Set) PropertyUtils.getProperty(insert, "_team_list");
                Set preList = (Set) ((Map) preUpdate).get("_team_list");
                if (nowList != null || preList != null) {
                    Map tc = _getTeamChangedFlags(preList, nowList);
                    props.put("team_changed", tc);
                    triggerInfo.put("teamsChanged", _getTeamChangedList(tc, preList, nowList));
            props.put(m_inflector.getEntityName(entity) + "_pre", preUpdate);
            debug("TestTrigger.evalString:" + evalString);
            if (isDebug()) {
                debug("" + m_js.deepSerialize(props));
            ok = MVEL.evalToBoolean(evalString, props);
            debug("\tTestTrigger.ok:" + ok);
            if (!ok) {
                return ok;
        return ok;

    private boolean executeTriggerActions(Map triggerMap, SessionContext sessionContext, String entity,
            Object insert, Map triggerInfo) throws Exception {
        List<Map> actions = (List) triggerMap.get("actions");
        int operation = (Integer) triggerInfo.get("operation");
        debug("executeTriggerActions:" + actions);
        for (Map action : actions) {
            debug("action1:" + action);
            boolean fieldActive = getBoolean(action.get("fieldactive"));
            boolean serviceActive = getBoolean(action.get("serviceactive"));
            boolean processActive = getBoolean(action.get("processactive"));
            boolean camelActive = getBoolean(action.get("camelactive"));
            if (fieldActive && operation != DELETE) {
                fieldAction(sessionContext, action, insert, operation);
            if (serviceActive) {
                serviceAction(sessionContext, action, entity, insert, operation);
            if (processActive) {
                processAction(sessionContext, action, entity, insert, triggerInfo);
            if (camelActive) {
                camelAction(sessionContext, action, entity, insert, triggerInfo);
        return false;

    private void serviceAction(SessionContext sessionContext, Map action, String entity, Object insert,
            int operation) throws Exception {
        PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM();
        BundleContext bc = m_bundleContext;
        String serviceCall = (String) action.get("servicecall");
        int dot = serviceCall.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (dot == -1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("TriggerServiceImpl.serviceAction:wrong servicecall:" + serviceCall);
        String method = serviceCall.substring(dot + 1);
        String clazzName = serviceCall.substring(0, dot);
        ServiceReference sr = bc.getServiceReference(clazzName);
        if (sr == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("TriggerServiceImpl.serviceAction:service not found:" + clazzName);
        Object o = bc.getService(sr);
        Class[] cargs = new Class[5];
        cargs[0] = String.class;
        cargs[1] = String.class;
        cargs[2] = Object.class;
        cargs[3] = Integer.class;
        cargs[4] = PersistenceManager.class;
        Method meth = o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(method, cargs);
        debug("\tDeclaredMethot:" + meth);
        Map paramMap = new HashMap();
        paramMap.put("targetModule", entity);
        paramMap.put("operation", operation);
        paramMap.put("pm", sessionContext.getPM());
        paramMap.put("targetModuleObject", insert);
        Object[] args = new Object[5];
        Map sysMap = new HashMap();
        StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc();
        sysMap.put(StoreDesc.NAMESPACE, sdesc.getNamespace());
        paramMap.put(StoreDesc.STORE, sdesc.getStore());
        paramMap.put(StoreDesc.PACK, sdesc.getPack());
        sysMap.put("username", sessionContext.getUserName());
        args[0] = sdesc.getNamespace();
        args[1] = entity;
        args[2] = insert;
        args[3] = new Integer(operation);
        args[4] = pm;
        Object ret = meth.invoke(o, args);

    private void camelAction(SessionContext sessionContext, Map action, String entity, Object insert,
            Map triggerInfo) throws Exception {
        PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM();
        BundleContext bc = m_bundleContext;
        String camelCall = (String) action.get("camelcall");
        String startCamelUser = (String) action.get("startCamelUser");
        debug("camelAction:" + action + "/" + entity + "/" + insert);
        StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc();
        String user = "admin";
        if (startCamelUser.equals("user")) {
            user = ThreadContext.getThreadContext().getUserName();
        insert = sessionContext.getPM().detachCopy(insert);
        Map paramMap = new HashMap();
        triggerInfo.put("namespace", sdesc.getNamespace());
        triggerInfo.put("targetEntity", entity);
        triggerInfo.put("targetObject", SojoObjectFilter.getObjectGraph(insert, sessionContext));
        paramMap.put("triggerInfo", triggerInfo);
        if (isDebug()) {
            debug("paramMap:" + m_js.deepSerialize(paramMap));
        new CamelThread(sdesc.getNamespace(), camelCall, user, paramMap).start();

    private class CamelThread extends Thread {
        String routeId;
        String ns;
        String user;
        Map paramMap;

        public CamelThread(String ns, String routeId, String user, Map paramMap) {
            this.routeId = routeId;
            this.ns = ns;
            this.user = user;
            this.paramMap = paramMap;

        public void run() {
            try {
                ThreadContext.loadThreadContext(ns, user);
                m_camelService.camelSend(ns, routeId, paramMap, null, null);
                debug("camelSend:" + routeId + "/ns:" + ns + "/user:" + user);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                m_logger.error("TriggerServiceImpl.CamelThread:", e);
            } finally {

    private void processAction(SessionContext sessionContext, Map action, String entity, Object insert,
            Map triggerInfo) throws Exception {
        PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM();
        BundleContext bc = m_bundleContext;
        String processCall = (String) action.get("processcall");
        String startProcessUser = (String) action.get("startProcessUser");
        debug("processAction:" + action + "/" + entity + "/" + insert);
        StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc();
        String user = "admin";
        if (startProcessUser.equals("user")) {
            user = ThreadContext.getThreadContext().getUserName();
        insert = sessionContext.getPM().detachCopy(insert);
        Map paramMap = new HashMap();
        triggerInfo.put("namespace", sdesc.getNamespace());
        triggerInfo.put("targetEntity", entity);
        triggerInfo.put("targetObject", SojoObjectFilter.getObjectGraph(insert, sessionContext));
        paramMap.put("triggerInfo", triggerInfo);
        System.out.println("paramMap:" + m_js.deepSerialize(paramMap));
        new ProcessThread(sdesc.getNamespace(), processCall, user, paramMap).start();

    private class ProcessThread extends Thread {

        String processName;

        String ns;

        String user;

        Map paramMap;

        public ProcessThread(String ns, String processName, String user, Map paramMap) {
            this.processName = processName;
            this.ns = ns;
            this.user = user;
            this.paramMap = paramMap;

        public void run() {
            try {
                ThreadContext.loadThreadContext(ns, user);
                debug("starting process:" + processName + "/ns:" + ns + "/user:" + user);
                Map result = m_activitiService.startProcessInstance(this.ns, -1, null, this.processName, null, null,
                        null, paramMap);
                debug("processAction:" + result);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                m_logger.error("TriggerServiceImpl.ProcessThread:", e);
            } finally {

    private void fieldAction(SessionContext sessionContext, Map action, Object insert, int operation)
            throws Exception {
        String type = (String) action.get("action");
        Map fields = (Map) action.get("fields");
        StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc();
        String config = sessionContext.getConfigName();
        PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM();
        DataLayer dl = sessionContext.getDataLayer();
        Map hints = (Map) action.get("hints");
        if ("update-target".equals(type)) {
            debug("\tfields:" + fields);
            debug("\thints:" + hints);
            dl.populate(sessionContext, fields, insert, hints);
            debug("insertaction:" + m_js.deepSerialize(insert));
        } else if ("update-related".equals(type)) {
            String targetmodule = (String) action.get("targetmodule");
            String m[] = targetmodule.split("/");
            if (operation == INSERT) {
            String entityNameParent = m[0];
            String entityName = m[1];
            try {
                Object updateObject = PropertyUtils.getProperty(insert, entityName);
                debug("updateObject:" + updateObject);
                if (updateObject == null) {
                    String mid = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(insert, "id");
                    insertObject(sessionContext, fields, hints, entityName, entityNameParent, mid);
                } else {
                    dl.populate(sessionContext, fields, updateObject, hints);
                    debug("updateObject:" + m_js.deepSerialize(updateObject));
            } catch (Exception e) {
        } else if ("create-record".equals(type)) {
            String targetmodule = (String) action.get("targetmodule");
            String m[] = targetmodule.split("/");
            String mid = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(insert, "id");
            String entityName = m[1];
            String entityNameParent = m[0];
            debug("mid:" + mid);
            debug("moduleName:" + entityName);
            debug("moduleNameParent:" + entityNameParent);
            insertObject(sessionContext, fields, hints, entityName, entityNameParent, mid);

    private Map insertObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map fields, Map hints, String entityName,
            String entityNameParent, String mid) throws Exception {
        DataLayer dl = sessionContext.getDataLayer();
        Object insertObject = dl.createObject(sessionContext, entityName);
        debug("insertObject:" + insertObject);
        dl.populate(sessionContext, fields, insertObject, hints);
        List constraintViolations = dl.validateObject(sessionContext, insertObject, entityName);
        debug("ConstraintViolation:" + constraintViolations);
        if (constraintViolations != null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("ConstraintViolation in Trigger");
        Class masterClazz = dl.getClass(sessionContext, entityNameParent);
        String fieldName = entityName;
        entityName = dl.constructEntityName(sessionContext, entityName, entityNameParent);
        dl.insertIntoMaster(sessionContext, insertObject, entityName, masterClazz, fieldName, mid);
        dl.makePersistent(sessionContext, insertObject);
        Map ret = new HashMap();
        debug("insertObject:" + m_js.deepSerialize(insertObject));
        return ret;

    private boolean getBoolean(Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        boolean v = (Boolean) value;
        return v;

    private static List getTriggers(DataLayer dl, StoreDesc sdesc, String entity, String appliesTo)
            throws Exception {
        StoreDesc csdesc = StoreDesc.getNamespaceMeta(sdesc.getNamespace());
        String pack = sdesc.getPack();
        String clazzName = pack + "." + m_inflector.getClassName(entity);
        SessionContext sc = dl.getSessionContext(csdesc);
        List<Map> ret = new ArrayList();
        try {
            String filter = "(active==true) && (targetmodule == '" + clazzName + "') && (applies_to.regexCI(\""
                    + appliesTo + "\"))";
            debug("GetTriggers.filter:" + filter);
            List tl = sc.getListByFilter(sc.getClass("trigger"), filter);
            for (Object o : tl) {
                Map trigger = new HashMap();
                List<Map> cList = new ArrayList();
                List<Map> aList = new ArrayList();
                trigger.put("conditions", cList);
                trigger.put("actions", aList);
                Collection tcondList = (Collection) getProperty(o, "tcondition_list");
                Iterator cit = tcondList.iterator();
                while (cit.hasNext()) {
                    Object c =;
                    boolean active = (Boolean) getProperty(c, "active");
                    if (active) {
                        String value = (String) getProperty(c, "value");
                        Map condition = null;
                        if (value == null || "".equals(value)) {
                            condition = new HashMap();
                        } else {
                            condition = (Map) m_ds.deserialize(value);
                Collection tactionList = (Collection) getProperty(o, "taction_list");
                Iterator ait = tactionList.iterator();
                while (ait.hasNext()) {
                    Object a =;
                    boolean active = (Boolean) getProperty(a, "active");
                    if (active) {
                        String value = (String) getProperty(a, "value");
                        Map actions = (Map) m_ds.deserialize(value);
        } finally {
        return ret;

    private Map _getTeamChangedFlags(Set<Map> preList, Set<Object> nowList) {
        Map flags = new HashMap();
        Map<String, Map> nowMap = _toTeamNowMap(nowList);
        if (preList != null) {
            for (Map<String, Object> pre : preList) {
                String teamid = (String) pre.get("teamid");
                Map now = nowMap.get(teamid);
                if (now != null) {
                    flags.put(teamid, _teamsEqual(pre, now) ? null : "update");
                    nowMap.put(teamid, null);
                } else {
                    flags.put(teamid, "delete");
        Set<String> idSet = nowMap.keySet();
        for (String teamId : idSet) {
            if (nowMap.get(teamId) != null) {
                flags.put(teamId, "add");
        return flags;

    private boolean _teamsEqual(Map<String, Object> pre, Map<String, Object> now) {
        long validFromPre = getLong(pre.get("validFrom"));
        long validFromNow = getLong(now.get("validFrom"));
        long validToPre = getLong(pre.get("validTo"));
        long validToNow = getLong(now.get("validTo"));
        Boolean disabledPre = _getBoolean(pre.get("disabled"));
        Boolean disabledNow = _getBoolean(now.get("disabled"));
        boolean b = validFromPre == validFromNow && validToPre == validToNow && disabledPre == disabledNow;
        return b;

    private List<Map> _getTeamChangedList(Map<String, String> tc, Set<Map> preList, Set<Object> nowList) {
        Map<String, Map> nowMap = _toTeamNowMap(nowList);
        List<Map> teams = new ArrayList();
        for (String key : tc.keySet()) {
            if (tc.get(key) == null) {
            String op = tc.get(key);
            Map team = null;
            if (nowMap.get(key) != null) {
                team = nowMap.get(key);
            } else {
                for (Map pre : preList) {
                    if (pre.get("teamid").equals(key)) {
                        team = pre;
            boolean valid = m_teamService.checkTeamDate(team) && !getBoolean(team, "disabled", false);
            team.put("operation", op);
            team.put("valid", valid);

        return teams;

    private Map<String, Map> _toTeamNowMap(Set<Object> nowList) {
        Map<String, Map> retMap = new HashMap();
        if (nowList == null) {
            return retMap;
        for (Object t : nowList) {
            Map team = new HashMap(new BeanMap(t));
            retMap.put((String) team.get("teamid"), team);
        return retMap;

    private long getLong(Object l) {
        try {
            if (l == null)
                return -1;
            if (l instanceof Date) {
                return ((Date) l).getTime();
            Number n = (Number) l;
            return n.longValue();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

    private boolean getBoolean(Map m, String key, boolean def) {
        return (Boolean) ((m.get(key) != null) ? m.get(key) : def);

    private Boolean _getBoolean(Object b) {
        try {
            if (b == null) {
                return null;
            return (Boolean) b;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    protected static boolean isDebug() {
        return m_logger.isDebugEnabled();

    protected static void debug(String message) {

    protected static void info(String message) {;

    private static final Logger m_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TriggerServiceImpl.class);

    /************************************ C O N F I G ********************************************************/
    @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true)
    public void setTeamService(TeamService paramTeamService) {
        this.m_teamService = paramTeamService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setTeamService:" + paramTeamService);

    @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true)
    public void setSettingService(SettingService paramSettingService) {
        this.m_settingService = paramSettingService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setSettingService:" + paramSettingService);

    @Reference(dynamic = true)
    public void setNucleusService(NucleusService paramNucleusService) {
        this.m_nucleusService = paramNucleusService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setNucleusService:" + paramNucleusService);

    @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true)
    public void setActivitiService(ActivitiService paramActivitiService) {
        this.m_activitiService = paramActivitiService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setActivitiService:" + paramActivitiService);

    @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true)
    public void setCamelService(CamelService paramCamelService) {
        this.m_camelService = paramCamelService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setCamelService:" + paramCamelService);

    @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true)
    public void setPermissionService(PermissionService paramPermissionService) {
        this.m_permissionService = paramPermissionService;
        System.out.println("TriggerServiceImpl.setPermissionService:" + paramPermissionService);
