Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SIMPL4( * * Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <> * * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SIMPL4. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.annotation.*; import*; import*; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector; import org.ms123.common.utils.annotations.RelatedTo; import org.ms123.common.utils.TypeUtils; import java.lang.annotation.*; import javax.jdo.annotations.Element; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector; import; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_OK; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_NEW; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_FIELD; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParsePosition; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import flexjson.JSONDeserializer; import flexjson.JSONSerializer; import; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class BasicSelectBuilder { private JSONDeserializer m_ds = new JSONDeserializer(); protected Inflector m_inflector = Inflector.getInstance(); private List<String> m_selectorList = new ArrayList<String>(); protected StoreDesc m_sdesc; private List<String> m_joinFields = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> m_sortedUniqueList = null; protected String m_entityName; protected Map m_filters; protected Map m_fieldSets; protected QueryBuilder m_queryBuilder; public BasicSelectBuilder(QueryBuilder qb, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, List<String> joinFields, Map filters, Map fieldSets) { m_queryBuilder = qb; m_sdesc = sdesc; m_entityName = entityName; m_filters = filters; m_fieldSets = fieldSets; m_joinFields = joinFields; } public String getWhere() { debug("getWhere.filter:" + m_filters); if (m_filters == null) { return null; } List children = (List) m_filters.get("children"); if (children.size() == 0 && m_filters.get("field") == null) { return "1=1"; } String where = processFilterNode(m_filters); debug("getWhere.where:" + where); return where; } public String getTeamSecurityWhere() { if (isAdmin()) { return null; } String where = null; String and = " and "; for (String x : m_sortedUniqueList) { debug("getTeamSecurityWhere:" + x); if (hasTeamSecurity(x)) { if (where == null) { where = ""; and = ""; } where += and + getTeamSecurityWhere(x); and = " and "; } } return where; } public String getTeamUserWhere() { if (isAdmin()) { return null; } if (m_queryBuilder.hasTeamSecurity()) { return null; } String where = null; List<String> uniqueList = uniqueList(m_selectorList); String and = " and "; for (String sel : uniqueList) { debug("getTeamUserWhere:" + sel); if (sel.indexOf("$_team_list") != -1) { if (where == null) { where = ""; and = ""; } debug("\t:" + getTeamUserWhere(sel)); where += and + getTeamUserWhere(sel); and = " and "; } } return where; } protected abstract Map getConnector(Object con); protected abstract String getTeamSecurityWhere(String sel); protected abstract String getTeamUserWhere(String field); protected String getOr() { return "or"; } protected String getNot() { return "not"; } private String processFilterNode(Map filter) { String result = ""; Map cons = getConnector(filter.get("connector")); debug("> processFilterNode.filter:" + filter + ":" + cons); List children = (List) filter.get("children"); int csize = (children != null) ? children.size() : 0; if (csize == 0) { result = "("; children = new ArrayList(); children.add(filter); csize = 1; cons = getConnector("and"); } else { result = getBoolean(cons, "not_all", false) ? "NOT (" : "("; } for (int i = 0; i < csize; i++) { Map c = (Map) children.get(i); if (i == 0) { } else if (i == 1) { result += cons.get("c_i1") + " "; if (getBoolean(cons, "not_except", false)) { result += " " + getNot() + " ("; } } else { result += cons.get("c_in") + " "; } if (c.get("connector") == null) { String fieldname = ""; Object o = c.get("field"); if (o instanceof String) { fieldname = (String) c.get("field"); } if (o instanceof Map) { fieldname = (String) ((Map) c.get("field")).get("id"); if (fieldname == null) { fieldname = (String) ((Map) c.get("field")).get("value"); } } Map fs = null; int dot = fieldname.indexOf("."); if (dot != -1 && fieldname.indexOf("$") != -1) { String fm[] = getFieldAndEntityName(fieldname, dot); Map fsets = m_queryBuilder.getFieldSets(fm[1]); fs = (Map) ((fsets != null) ? fsets.get(fm[0]) : null); } else { fs = (Map) ((m_fieldSets != null) ? m_fieldSets.get(fieldname) : null); } String cond = ""; if (fs != null) { cond = "("; String or = ""; String mname = null; if (fieldname.indexOf("$") != -1) { mname = (dot != -1) ? fieldname.substring(0, dot) : null; } for (Object f : (List) fs.get("fields")) { Map m = new HashMap(); if (mname != null) { m.put("field", mname + "." + f); } else { m.put("field", f); } m.put("op", c.get("op")); m.put("data", c.get("data")); cond += or + getCondition(m); or = " " + getOr() + " "; } cond += ")"; } else { cond = getCondition(c); } result += cond; } else { result += processFilterNode(c); } if (i == (csize - 1)) { if (getBoolean(cons, "not_except", false)) { result += ")"; } } } if (csize > 0) { result += (getBoolean(cons, "not_all", false)) ? ")" : ")"; } return result; } protected Object getDate(Object data, Map<String, Object> rule) { try { Date d = new Date(); try { if (data instanceof Long) { d = new Date((Long) data); } else { d = new Date(Long.valueOf((String) rule.get("data"))); } } catch (Exception e) { try { if (data instanceof String) { d = new SimpleDateFormat( (((String) data).indexOf("T") > 0) ? "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm" : "yyyy-MM-dd") .parse((String) data, new ParsePosition(0)); } } catch (Exception e1) { System.out.println("E:" + e); } } data = ":param" + m_queryBuilder.getParamCount(); m_queryBuilder.getQueryParams().put("param" + m_queryBuilder.getParamCount(), d); m_queryBuilder.incParamCount(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); data = "''"; } return data; } protected abstract String getOp(String field, String op, Object data, Map<String, String> c); protected String getCondition(Map<String, Object> rule) { Object o = rule.get("field"); String fullfieldname = ""; if (o instanceof String) { fullfieldname = (String) rule.get("field"); } if (o instanceof Map) { fullfieldname = (String) ((Map) rule.get("field")).get("id"); } String[] f = fullfieldname.split("\\."); String entityName = (f.length == 2) ? f[0] : m_entityName; String selector = entityName; debug("getCondition:" + fullfieldname + "|" + selector); addSelector(entityName); entityName = m_queryBuilder.getEntityForPath(entityName); Map configMap = m_queryBuilder.getPermittedFields(entityName); String fieldname = (f.length == 2) ? f[1] : fullfieldname; Map c = (Map) configMap.get(fieldname); if (fieldname.equals("id")) { c = new HashMap(); c.put("datatype", "string"); } if (fieldname.startsWith("_exists_")) { String filterName = (String) rule.get("op"); Map filterObject = m_queryBuilder.getSessionContext().getNamedFilter(filterName); if (filterObject == null) { throw new RuntimeException("BasicSelectBuilder.getCondition:Filter(" + filterName + ") not found"); } String subEntityName = null; Map filterMap = null; try { subEntityName = (String) filterObject.get("modulename"); filterMap = (Map) filterObject.get("filter"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("SessionContext.executeNamedFilter:", e); } m_queryBuilder.insertFilterParams(filterMap); SelectBuilder qb = m_queryBuilder.getSelectBuilder(subEntityName, filterMap); String whereClause = "where " + qb.getWhere(); String from = qb.getFrom(null); String select = "Select id from " + from + " " + whereClause + " and " + rule.get("data"); String exists = fieldname.equals("_exists_not_subselect") ? "NOT EXISTS" : "EXISTS"; return exists + " (" + select + ")"; } if (c == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Query:Field \"" + fieldname + "\" not found in " + m_sdesc + "/" + entityName); } Object data = rule.get("data"); if (c.get("datatype").equals("date")) { data = getDate(data, rule); } String op = getOp(selector + "." + fieldname, (String) rule.get("op"), data, c); return "(" + op + ")"; } protected boolean isAdmin() { return m_queryBuilder.getSessionContext().getPermissionService().hasAdminRole(); } protected boolean getBoolean(Map m, String key, boolean def) { try { return (Boolean) m.get(key); } catch (Exception e) { } return def; } public List<String> getProjectionListEntity(String entity, String parent) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String mn = m_inflector.getEntityName(entity); String clazz = m_inflector.getClassName(mn); list.addAll(getProjectionFromClass(clazz, parent)); return list; } public List<String> getProjectionListAll(String entity) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); String clazz = m_inflector.getClassName(entity); list.addAll(getProjectionFromClass(clazz, entity)); return list; } public List<String> getProjectionFromClass(String clazz, String alias) { clazz = m_inflector.getClassName(clazz); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); Object o = null; try { Class c = m_queryBuilder.getClass(clazz); o = c.newInstance(); BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(o); Iterator itv = beanMap.keyIterator(); String komma = ""; while (itv.hasNext()) { String prop = (String); boolean isRelatedTo = false; try { Field field = o.getClass().getDeclaredField(prop); if (field != null) { isRelatedTo = field.isAnnotationPresent(RelatedTo.class); } } catch (Exception e) { } debug("\tName:" + prop + " -> " + beanMap.getType(prop) + "," + isRelatedTo); if (clazz.equals("Document") && prop.equals("text")) { continue; } if (!isAdmin() && STATE_FIELD.equals(prop)) { continue; } Class type = beanMap.getType(prop); if ((TypeUtils.isPrimitiveType(type) && !type.equals(byte[].class)) || isRelatedTo) { if (alias != null) { list.add(alias + "." + prop); } else { list.add(prop); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (alias != null && !alias.startsWith("v_")) { m_selectorList.add(alias); } debug("Projection for " + clazz + ":" + list); debug("Projection.m_selectorList:" + m_selectorList); return list; } public void addSelector(String selector) { if (selector.startsWith("v_")) return; int ind = selector.indexOf('.'); if (ind != -1) { selector = selector.substring(0, ind); } m_selectorList.add(selector); } public void addSelectors(List<String> fields) { for (String field : fields) { int ind = field.indexOf('.'); if (ind != -1) { addSelector(field.substring(0, ind)); } } } public List<String> getInvolvedEntity() { List<String> uniqueList = uniqueList(m_selectorList); debug("uniqueList:" + uniqueList); List<String> entityList = new ArrayList(); for (String part : uniqueList) { entityList.add(m_queryBuilder.getEntityForPath(part)); } debug("entityList:" + entityList); return entityList; } public String getFrom(String jointype) { if (jointype == null) { jointype = "left outer join"; } List<String> uniqueList = uniqueList(m_selectorList); Ordering<String> orderByCountDollars = new Ordering<String>() { public int compare(final String s1, final String s2) { return'$').countIn(s1) -'$').countIn(s2); } }; List<String> sortedUniqueList = orderByCountDollars.sortedCopy(uniqueList); m_sortedUniqueList = sortedUniqueList; sortedUniqueList = checkAndCorrectList(sortedUniqueList); String main = sortedUniqueList.get(0); String clazz = m_inflector.getClassName(main); String from = "\"" + clazz + "\" " + main; for (int i = 1; i < sortedUniqueList.size(); i++) { String e = sortedUniqueList.get(i); int ind = e.lastIndexOf("$"); String alias = null; if (ind != -1) { alias = e.substring(ind + 1); String join = e.substring(0, ind) + "." + e.substring(ind + 1); from += " " + jointype + " " + join + " " + e; } else { alias = e; String join = main + "." + e; from += " " + jointype + " " + join + " " + e; } if (hasStateSelect(alias) && !stateSelectDisabled()) { String state = getRequestedState(); if (state.equals(STATE_OK) || state.equals(STATE_NEW)) { from += " on (" + alias + "." + STATE_FIELD + " is null or " + alias + "." + STATE_FIELD + "='" + state + "')"; } else { from += " on (" + alias + "." + STATE_FIELD + "='" + state + "')"; } } } for (String x : sortedUniqueList) { debug("From:" + x); if (hasTeamSecurity(x)) { debug("BasicSelectBuilder.getFrom.selector:" + x); if (from.indexOf(x + "$_team_list") == -1) { from += " left outer join " + x + "._team_list " + x + "$_team_list"; } } } return from; } protected static List<String> checkAndCorrectList(List<String> inList) { List<String> outList = new ArrayList(); int lastCount = -1; for (String elem : inList) { String sub = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(elem, "$"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { int sl = sub.length(); sub += ((sl > 0) ? "$" : "") + st.nextToken(); if (!outList.contains(sub)) { outList.add(sub); } } } return outList; } protected String[] getFieldAndEntityName(String fullfieldname, int dot) { String entityName = fullfieldname.substring(0, dot); entityName = m_queryBuilder.getEntityForPath(entityName); String fieldname = fullfieldname.substring(dot + 1); String[] ret = new String[2]; ret[0] = fieldname; ret[1] = entityName; return ret; } private List<String> uniqueList(List<String> list) { List<String> uniqueList = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(list, new Predicate<String>() { private Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(); public boolean apply(final String s) { if (m.get(s) != null) { return false; } else { m.put(s, ""); return true; } } })); return uniqueList; } public boolean stateSelectDisabled() { return m_queryBuilder.stateSelectDisabled(); } public String getRequestedState() { return m_queryBuilder.getRequestedState(); } private boolean hasStateSelect(String selector) { String entityName = m_queryBuilder.getEntityForPath(selector); return m_queryBuilder.hasStateSelect(entityName); } private boolean hasTeamSecurity(String selector) { String entityName = m_queryBuilder.getEntityForPath(selector); if ("team".equals(entityName)) return false; SessionContext sc = m_queryBuilder.getSessionContext(); Map entityMap = sc.getEntitytype(entityName); boolean hasTeamSecurity = getBoolean(entityMap, "team_security", false); debug("hasTeamSecurity" + entityName + "):" + hasTeamSecurity); return hasTeamSecurity; } protected void debug(String msg) { //System.out.println(msg); m_logger.debug(msg); } protected void info(String msg) { System.out.println(msg);; } private static final org.slf4j.Logger m_logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicSelectBuilder.class); }