Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SIMPL4( * * Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <> * * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SIMPL4. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.*; import java.math.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.jdo.Query; import javax.jdo.Extent; import org.ms123.common.utils.*; import*; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.*; import flexjson.*; import; import; import org.ms123.common.nucleus.api.NucleusService; import; import org.ms123.common.setting.api.SettingService; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import*; import*; import*; import*; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import javax.transaction.Status; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_FIELD; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_OK; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_DUP; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_NEW; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_REFID; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.GLOBAL_SETTINGS; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" }) public class QualityBatch implements Constants { protected Inflector m_inflector = Inflector.getInstance(); protected SettingService m_settingService; protected NucleusService m_nucleusService; protected StoreDesc m_sdesc; protected String m_entityName; private DecimalFormat m_df = new DecimalFormat("#.0000"); protected DataLayer m_dataLayer; private int m_count = 0; private int m_dups = 0; private Map<String, Object> m_permittedFields; private Object m_null = new Object(); private List<Map> m_fields; private List<Map> m_fieldsets; private List<Map> m_prevFields; private List<Map> m_prevFieldsets; private JSONSerializer m_js = new JSONSerializer(); public QualityBatch(String namespace, String entityName, DataLayer dl, SettingService ss, NucleusService ns) { m_entityName = entityName; m_settingService = ss; m_dataLayer = dl; m_nucleusService = ns; m_sdesc = StoreDesc.getNamespaceData(namespace); m_js.prettyPrint(true); } protected synchronized List<Map> doCheckFromDb(String state, String id, boolean dry) throws Exception { SessionContext sc = getSessionContext(); m_permittedFields = sc.getPermittedFields(m_entityName, "write"); init(); m_count = 0; m_dups = 0; UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); List<Map> dupList = new ArrayList(); try { ut.begin(); Class clazz = sc.getClass(getEntityName()); Extent e = sc.getPM().getExtent(clazz, true); String filter = constructFilter(state, id); Query q = sc.getPM().newQuery(e, filter); q.setFilter(filter); List results = (List) q.execute(); Iterator iter = results.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object cand =; Object refObj = compareToOKList(sc, cand, dry); if (refObj != null) { dupList.add(getOneResult(refObj, cand)); } } ut.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { sc.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sc.handleFinally(ut); } info("dupList:" + m_js.deepSerialize(dupList)); return dupList; } protected synchronized List<Map> doCheckFromData(List<Map> candidateData) throws Exception { SessionContext sc = getSessionContext(); m_permittedFields = sc.getPermittedFields(m_entityName, "write"); init(); m_count = 0; UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); List<Map> dupList = new ArrayList(); try { ut.begin(); Iterator<Map> iter = candidateData.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map cand =; setRelatedObjects(sc, cand); debug("candidateData:" + cand); Object refObj = compareToOKList(sc, cand, true); if (refObj != null) { dupList.add(getOneResult(refObj, cand)); } } ut.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { sc.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sc.handleFinally(ut); } return dupList; } private String constructFilter(String state, String id) { String filter = ""; if (state.equals(STATE_NEW)) { filter = STATE_FIELD + " == null || " + STATE_FIELD + " == \"" + STATE_NEW + "\""; } else if (state.equals(STATE_DUP)) { filter = STATE_FIELD + " == \"" + STATE_DUP + "\""; } if (id != null) { filter = "(" + filter + ") && " + "id == \"" + id + "\""; } debug("filter:" + filter); return filter; } private Object compareToOKList(SessionContext sc, Object candidate, boolean dry) throws Exception { reset(); info("record.num:" + m_count++); Object candId = getProperty(candidate, ID); String entityName = getEntityName(); Class clazz = sc.getClass(entityName); String filter = STATE_FIELD + " == \"" + STATE_OK + "\""; Extent e = sc.getPM().getExtent(clazz, true); Query q = sc.getPM().newQuery(e, filter); q.addExtension("datanucleus.rdbms.query.resultSetConcurrency", "read-only"); q.addExtension("datanucleus.rdbms.query.fetchDirection", "forward"); q.declareImports(m_sdesc.getImports()); try { Collection coll = (Collection) q.execute(); Iterator iter = coll.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object refObj =; if (candId != null) { Object refId = getProperty(refObj, ID); if (candId.equals(refId)) { continue; } } boolean b = compareOne(refObj, candidate); if (b == true) { m_dups++; if (!dry) { String refid = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(refObj, ID); PropertyUtils.setProperty(candidate, STATE_FIELD, STATE_DUP); PropertyUtils.setProperty(candidate, STATE_REFID, refid); } return refObj; } } } finally { q.closeAll(); } if (!dry) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(candidate, STATE_FIELD, STATE_OK); } return null; } private boolean compareOne(Object refObj, Object candidate) throws Exception { List<Map> fields = getFields(); for (Map field : fields) { Compare c = (Compare) field.get(COMPARE); boolean b = c.isEquals(refObj, candidate); if (b == false) return false; } List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { if (!isEmpty(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION))) { GroovyEval ge = (GroovyEval) fieldset.get(GROOVY_EVAL); boolean b = (Boolean) ge.eval(refObj, candidate); if (b == false) { return false; } } else { Compare c = (Compare) fieldset.get(COMPARE); boolean b = c.isEquals(refObj, candidate); if (b == false) { return false; } } } return true; } private Object getProperty(Object o, String name) throws Exception { if (o instanceof Map) { Map m = (Map) o; return m.get(name); } else { return PropertyUtils.getProperty(o, name); } } private String getEntityName() { return m_entityName; } private synchronized List<Map> getFields() { if (m_fields == null) { m_fields = _getFields(getEntityName()); } return m_fields; } private synchronized List<Map> getFieldsets() { if (m_fieldsets == null) { m_fieldsets = _getFieldsets(getEntityName()); } return m_fieldsets; } private Map getOneResult(Object refObj, Object candidate) throws Exception { Map retMap = new HashMap(); List<Map> fields = getFields(); List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); List<Map> cvList = new ArrayList(); Object refid = getProperty(refObj, ID); Object id = getProperty(candidate, ID); for (Map<String, Object> field : fields) { Map<String, Object> mapCV = new HashMap(); String fieldName = (String) field.get(NAME); Object content = getProperty(candidate, fieldName); Compare c = (Compare) field.get(COMPARE); if (c instanceof RelatedCompare) { if (content != null) { mapCV.put("message", (String) getProperty(content, ID)); } else { mapCV.put("message", "---"); } } else if (c instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) c; Object contentRef = getProperty(refObj, fieldName); mapCV.put("message", content + "(" + m_df.format(fc.getLastScore()) + ")"); mapCV.put("messageRef", contentRef); mapCV.put("score", m_df.format(fc.getLastScore())); } else { mapCV.put("message", content); } mapCV.put("path", fieldName); cvList.add(mapCV); } for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { if (!isEmpty(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION))) { for (Map cmpUnit : (List<Map>) fieldset.get(COMPARE_UNITS)) { Compare c = (Compare) cmpUnit.get(COMPARE); if (c instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) c; } List<String> fs = (List) cmpUnit.get(FIELDS); for (String fieldName : fs) { Map<String, Object> mapCV = new HashMap(); Object content = getProperty(candidate, fieldName); Object contentRef = getProperty(refObj, fieldName); String score = null; if (c instanceof RelatedCompare) { if (content != null) { content = getProperty(content, ID); contentRef = getProperty(contentRef, ID); } else { content = "---"; contentRef = "---"; } } if (c instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) c; score = m_df.format(fc.getLastScore()); } mapCV.put("message", content); mapCV.put("messageRef", contentRef); mapCV.put("path", fieldName); mapCV.put("score", score); cvList.add(mapCV); } } } else { String scoreMsg = ""; String score = null; Compare c = (Compare) fieldset.get(COMPARE); if (c instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) c; scoreMsg = "(" + m_df.format(fc.getLastScore()) + ")"; score = m_df.format(fc.getLastScore()); } List<String> fieldNames = (List) fieldset.get(FIELDS); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { Map<String, Object> mapCV = new HashMap(); Object content = getProperty(candidate, fieldName); Object contentRef = getProperty(refObj, fieldName); mapCV.put("message", content + scoreMsg); mapCV.put("messageRef", contentRef); mapCV.put("score", score); mapCV.put("path", fieldName); cvList.add(mapCV); } } } retMap.put("refid", refid); retMap.put("id", id); retMap.put("cvList", cvList); return retMap; } private SessionContext getSessionContext() { SessionContext sc = m_dataLayer.getSessionContext(m_sdesc); return sc; } private void init() throws Exception { m_prevFieldsets = m_fieldsets; m_prevFields = m_fields; m_fieldsets = null; m_fields = null; if (!isConfigUpdated()) { info("Config is not updated"); m_fieldsets = m_prevFieldsets; m_fields = m_prevFields; return; } info("Config is updated"); m_fieldsets = null; m_fields = null; train(); List<Map> fields = getFields(); List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); for (Map field : fields) { Compare c = (Compare) field.get(COMPARE); c.init(); } for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { if (!isEmpty(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION))) { for (Map cmpUnit : (List<Map>) fieldset.get(COMPARE_UNITS)) { Compare c = (Compare) cmpUnit.get(COMPARE); c.init(); } } else { Compare c = (Compare) fieldset.get(COMPARE); c.init(); } } } private void reset() throws Exception { List<Map> fields = getFields(); List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); for (Map field : fields) { Compare c = (Compare) field.get(COMPARE); c.reset(); } for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { if (!isEmpty(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION))) { for (Map cmpUnit : (List<Map>) fieldset.get(COMPARE_UNITS)) { Compare c = (Compare) cmpUnit.get(COMPARE); c.reset(); } } else { Compare c = (Compare) fieldset.get(COMPARE); c.reset(); } } } private void train() { UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); SessionContext sc = getSessionContext(); List corbus = new ArrayList(); try { ut.begin(); Class clazz = sc.getClass(getEntityName()); Extent e = sc.getPM().getExtent(clazz, true); Query q = sc.getPM().newQuery(e); List results = (List) q.execute(); Iterator iter = results.iterator(); List<Map> fields = getFields(); List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); int count = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Object obj =; if ((count++ % 1000) == 1) { info("train.num:" + count); } for (Map field : fields) { if (field.get(COMPARE) instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) field.get(COMPARE); fc.addTrainValue((String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, (String) field.get(NAME))); } } for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { if (!isEmpty(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION))) { for (Map cmpUnit : (List<Map>) fieldset.get(COMPARE_UNITS)) { Compare c = (Compare) cmpUnit.get(COMPARE); if (c instanceof FuzzyCompare) { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) c; List fs = (List) cmpUnit.get(FIELDS); String value = getFieldsetValue(obj, fs); fc.addTrainValue(value); } } } else { FuzzyCompare fc = (FuzzyCompare) fieldset.get(COMPARE); String value = getFieldsetValue(obj, fieldset); fc.addTrainValue(value); } } } ut.commit(); } catch (Throwable e) { sc.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sc.handleFinally(ut); } } private String getFieldsetValue(Object obj, Object fieldset) throws Exception { List<String> fields = null; if (fieldset instanceof Map) { fields = (List) ((Map) fieldset).get(FIELDS); } else { fields = (List) fieldset; } String value = ""; String blank = ""; for (String field : fields) { Object v = PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, field); if (v != null) { value += blank + v; blank = " "; } } return value; } private List<Map> _getFieldsets(String entityName) { try { Map props = m_settingService.getPropertiesForEntityView(m_sdesc.getNamespace(), GLOBAL_SETTINGS, entityName, "duplicate-check"); List<Map> fieldsets = (List) props.get("fieldsets"); if (fieldsets == null) { fieldsets = new ArrayList(); } for (Map fieldset : fieldsets) { String expr = (String) getString(fieldset.get(EXPRESSION), null); info("EXPRESSION:" + expr); List<Map> compareUnits = new ArrayList(); if (expr != null) { List<Map> funcList = FunctionCallVisitor.getFunctionCalls(expr); info("funcList:" + funcList); for (Map func : funcList) { Map compareUnit = new HashMap(); List args = (List) func.get(ARGS); String method = (String) func.get(METHOD); String check_type = FUZZY; String datatype = STRING; String signature = null; if (FUZZY.equals(method)) { List<String> fields = new ArrayList(); if (args.get(0) instanceof String) { fields.add((String) args.get(0)); } else { fields.addAll((List) args.get(0)); } compareUnit.put(FIELDS, fields); double threshold = getDouble(args.get(1), 0.85); compareUnit.put(THRESHOLD, threshold); if (args.size() > 2) { compareUnit.put(INNERTHRESHOLD, getDouble(args.get(2), threshold)); } else { compareUnit.put(INNERTHRESHOLD, threshold); } signature = args.get(0).toString() + args.get(1).toString(); } else if (EQUAL.equals(method)) { check_type = EQUAL; if (!(args.get(0) instanceof String)) { throw new RuntimeException("Expression(" + expr + "):field not a string:" + method + "(" + args.get(0) + ")"); } List<String> fields = new ArrayList(); String field = (String) args.get(0); fields.add(field); compareUnit.put(FIELDS, fields); compareUnit.put(NAME, field); Map config = (Map) m_permittedFields.get(field); if (config == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Expression(" + expr + "):field not exists:" + method + "(" + field + ")"); } datatype = (String) config.get(DATATYPE); signature = args.get(0).toString(); } compareUnit.put(CHECKTYPE, check_type); compareUnit.put(DATATYPE, datatype); createComparator(compareUnit); info("signature:" + signature + "|"); fieldset.put(signature, compareUnit.get(COMPARE)); compareUnits.add(compareUnit); } fieldset.put(COMPARE_UNITS, compareUnits); GroovyEval ge = new GroovyEval(fieldset); for (String key : m_permittedFields.keySet()) { ge.setProperty(key, key); } fieldset.put(GROOVY_EVAL, ge); } else { Double outer = (Double) getDouble(fieldset.get(THRESHOLD), 0.85); Double inner = (Double) getDouble(fieldset.get(INNERTHRESHOLD), outer); fieldset.put(COMPARE, new FuzzyCompare((List) fieldset.get(FIELDS), inner, outer)); } if (fieldset.get(FIELDS) == null) { fieldset.put(FIELDS, new ArrayList()); } } info("fieldsets:" + fieldsets); return fieldsets; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException) { throw new RuntimeException(org.ms123.common.libhelper.Utils.formatGroovyException(e, "xxxx")); } if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } e.printStackTrace(); return new ArrayList(); } } private List<Map> _getFields(String entityName) { try { List<Map> fields = m_settingService.getFieldsForEntityView(m_sdesc.getNamespace(), entityName, "duplicate-check"); return setDefaults(fields); } catch (Exception e) { return new ArrayList(); } } private boolean isConfigUpdated() throws Exception { if (m_prevFields == null || m_prevFieldsets == null) { return true; } List<Map> fields = getFields(); if (m_prevFields.size() != fields.size()) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { Map prevF = m_prevFields.get(i); Map currF = fields.get(i); if (!prevF.get(THRESHOLD).equals(currF.get(THRESHOLD))) { return true; } if (!prevF.get(INNERTHRESHOLD).equals(currF.get(INNERTHRESHOLD))) { return true; } if (!prevF.get(DATATYPE).equals(currF.get(DATATYPE))) { return true; } if (!prevF.get(CHECKTYPE).equals(currF.get(CHECKTYPE))) { return true; } if (!prevF.get(NAME).equals(currF.get(NAME))) { return true; } } List<Map> fieldsets = getFieldsets(); if (fieldsets == null) { fieldsets = new ArrayList(); } if (m_prevFieldsets.size() != fieldsets.size()) { info("step8"); return true; } for (int i = 0; i < fieldsets.size(); i++) { Map prevFS = m_prevFieldsets.get(i); Map currFS = fieldsets.get(i); if (!checkNull(prevFS.get(THRESHOLD)).equals(checkNull(currFS.get(THRESHOLD)))) { return true; } if (!checkNull(prevFS.get(INNERTHRESHOLD)).equals(checkNull(currFS.get(INNERTHRESHOLD)))) { return true; } if (!checkNull(prevFS.get(EXPRESSION)).equals(checkNull(currFS.get(EXPRESSION)))) { return true; } List<String> pf = (List) prevFS.get(FIELDS); List<String> cf = (List) currFS.get(FIELDS); if (pf.size() != cf.size()) { return true; } for (int j = 0; j < pf.size(); j++) { if (!pf.get(j).equals(cf.get(j))) { return true; } } } return false; } private Object checkNull(Object o) { if (o == null) return m_null; return o; } private List<Map> setDefaults(List<Map> fields) { Map<String, String> fieldMap = new HashMap(); for (Map<String, Object> compareUnit : fields) { if (compareUnit.get(CHECKTYPE).equals("both")) { compareUnit.put(CHECKTYPE, "fuzzy"); } compareUnit.put(DATATYPE, getString(compareUnit.get(DATATYPE), "string")); compareUnit.put(CHECKTYPE, getString(compareUnit.get(CHECKTYPE), "equal")); compareUnit.put(THRESHOLD, getDouble(compareUnit.get(THRESHOLD), 0.85)); compareUnit.put(INNERTHRESHOLD, getDouble(compareUnit.get(INNERTHRESHOLD), (Double) compareUnit.get(THRESHOLD))); createComparator(compareUnit); } info("Fields:" + fields); return fields; } private void createComparator(Map compareUnit) { String datatype = (String) compareUnit.get(DATATYPE); String checktype = (String) compareUnit.get(CHECKTYPE); if (datatype.equals(STRING) && checktype.equals(FUZZY)) { Double outer = (Double) compareUnit.get(THRESHOLD); Double inner = (Double) compareUnit.get(INNERTHRESHOLD); if (compareUnit.get(FIELDS) != null) { compareUnit.put(COMPARE, new FuzzyCompare((List) compareUnit.get(FIELDS), inner, outer)); } else { compareUnit.put(COMPARE, new FuzzyCompare((String) compareUnit.get(NAME), inner, outer)); } } if (datatype.startsWith("related") && checktype.equals(EQUAL)) { compareUnit.put(COMPARE, new RelatedCompare((String) compareUnit.get(NAME))); } else if (checktype.equals(EQUAL)) { compareUnit.put(COMPARE, new EqualCompare((String) compareUnit.get(NAME))); } } private void setRelatedObjects(SessionContext sc, Map<String, Object> data) throws Exception { for (String field : data.keySet()) { Map<String, String> config = (Map) m_permittedFields.get(field); if (config == null) { continue; } String datatype = config.get(DATATYPE); if (datatype.startsWith("related")) { Object o = data.get(field); if (o == null) { continue; } String id = null; if (o instanceof String) { id = (String) o; if (((String) o).indexOf("/") != -1) { id = extractId((String) o); } } if (o instanceof Map) { id = (String) ((Map) o).get(ID); } if (id != null) { Object r = sc.getObjectById(sc.getClass(getEntityName(datatype)), id); data.put(field, r); } } } } private String getEntityName(String dt) { String className = dt.split("/")[1]; int dot = className.lastIndexOf("."); return className.substring(dot + 1); } private boolean isEmpty(Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { String s = (String) o; return (s == null || "".equals(s.trim())); } return o == null; } private String extractId(String s) { for (String part : s.split("/")) { if (isaId(part)) return part; } return null; } private boolean isaId(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() != 32) return false; boolean isNumeric = s.matches("\\p{XDigit}+"); info("isAid:" + s + " -> " + isNumeric); return isNumeric; } private String getString(Object value, String def) { if (value != null && (value instanceof String) && ((String) value).length() > 0) { return (String) value; } return def; } private Double getDouble(Object value, Double def) { try { if (value instanceof BigDecimal) { return ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue(); } if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double) value; } if (value instanceof Number) { return ((Number) value).doubleValue(); } if (value instanceof String) { return Double.parseDouble((String) value); } } catch (Exception e) { } return def; } protected void debug(String message) { m_logger.debug(message); System.out.println(message); } protected void info(String message) {; System.out.println(message); } private static final Logger m_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QualityBatch.class); }