Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SIMPL4( * * Copyright [2014] [Manfred Sattler] <> * * SIMPL4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SIMPL4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SIMPL4. If not, see <>. */ package; import flexjson.JSONDeserializer; import flexjson.JSONSerializer; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.*; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; import javax.jdo.Query; import javax.jdo.annotations.Persistent; import javax.jdo.annotations.Element; import javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.UserTransaction; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import javax.validation.Validation; import javax.validation.Validator; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import org.activiti.engine.delegate.DelegateExecution; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMap; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.ms123.common.entity.api.EntityService; import org.ms123.common.setting.api.SettingService; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.TITLEEXPRESSION; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.RECORDVALIDATION; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.NORESULTSETCOUNT; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.STATESELECT; import static org.ms123.common.setting.api.Constants.GLOBAL_SETTINGS; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_OK; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_NEW; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.STATE_FIELD; import static org.ms123.common.entity.api.Constants.DISABLE_STATESELECT; import; import org.ms123.common.git.GitService; import org.ms123.common.camel.api.CamelService; import org.ms123.common.auth.api.AuthService; import org.ms123.common.utils.annotations.RelatedTo; import; import; import; import; import; import org.ms123.common.nucleus.api.NucleusService; import; import org.ms123.common.permission.api.PermissionService; import; import org.ms123.common.system.thread.ThreadContext; import org.ms123.common.permission.api.PermissionException; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Inflector; import org.ms123.common.utils.IOUtils; import org.ms123.common.utils.TypeUtils; import org.ms123.common.utils.UtilsServiceImpl; import org.mvel2.optimizers.OptimizerFactory; import org.mvel2.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.servlet.http.*; import org.apache.tika.Tika; import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType; import org.apache.tika.detect.Detector; import org.apache.tika.detect.DefaultDetector; import org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException; import; import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata; import*; import org.ms123.common.libhelper.Base64; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import aQute.bnd.annotation.metatype.*; import aQute.bnd.annotation.component.*; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Component(enabled = true, configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.optional, immediate = true, properties = { "kind=jdo,name=dataLayer" }) public class JdoLayerImpl implements { protected SimpleDateFormat m_dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"); private static final Logger m_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JdoLayerImpl.class); private EntityService m_entityService; private AuthService m_authService; private SettingService m_settingService; private GitService m_gitService; private CamelService m_camelService; // private LuceneService m_luceneService; private NucleusService m_nucleusService; private TeamService m_teamService; private PermissionService m_permissionService; private Map<String, DublettenCheckService> m_dublettenCheckService = new HashMap(); private TriggerService m_triggerService; private JSONSerializer m_js = new JSONSerializer(); private JSONDeserializer m_ds = new JSONDeserializer(); private Validator m_validator; protected Inflector m_inflector = Inflector.getInstance(); public void activate() { debug("JdoLayerImpl.activate"); ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); m_validator = factory.getValidator(); debug("++++++validator+++++++:" + m_validator); MVELEvaluator evalator = new MVELEvaluator(null); evalator.test(); OptimizerFactory.setDefaultOptimizer("reflective"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //insert //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void insertUpdate(DelegateExecution execution) { debug("JdoLayerImpl.insertUpdate:" + execution.getVariableNames()); debug("JdoLayerImpl.insertUpdate:" + execution.getVariables()); } public Map insertObject(Map dataMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName) { return insertObject(dataMap, null, null, sdesc, entityName, null, null); } public Map insertObject(Map dataMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String entityNameParent, String idParent) { return insertObject(dataMap, null, null, sdesc, entityName, entityNameParent, idParent); } public Map insertObject(Map dataMap, Map filterMap, Map hintsMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String entityNameParent, String idParent) { debug("insertObject:" + dataMap + ",filterMap:" + filterMap + ",entity:" + entityName + "/entityNameParent:" + entityNameParent + "/idParent:" + idParent); Map retMap = new HashMap(); // initialize SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); try { ut.begin(); retMap = insertObject(sessionContext, dataMap, filterMap, hintsMap, entityName, entityNameParent, idParent); if (retMap.get("constraintViolations") == null) { ut.commit(); } else { ut.rollback(); } } catch (Throwable e) { sessionContext.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(ut); } return retMap; } public Map insertObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, String entityName) throws Exception { return insertObject(sessionContext, dataMap, null, null, entityName, null, null); } public Map insertObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, String entityName, String entityNameParent, String idParent) throws Exception { return insertObject(sessionContext, dataMap, null, null, entityName, entityNameParent, idParent); } public Map insertObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, Map hintsMap, String entityName, String entityNameParent, String idParent) throws Exception { return insertObject(sessionContext, dataMap, null, hintsMap, entityName, entityNameParent, idParent); } public Map insertObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, Map filterMap, Map hintsMap, String entityName, String entityNameParent, String idParent) throws Exception { StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc(); String fieldName = entityName; if (entityNameParent != null) { entityName = constructEntityName(sessionContext, entityName, entityNameParent); } String user = sessionContext.getUserName(); checkPermissions(sdesc, user, entityName, dataMap, "write"); Map retMap = new HashMap(); debug("fieldName:" + fieldName); debug("moduleName:" + entityName); String config = sessionContext.getConfigName(); dataMap.put("_isnew", true); dataMap.put("_user", user); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); List ids = new ArrayList(); // evaluate formulas evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, dataMap, "in"); Iterator rit = null; if (filterMap != null) { // query masterObjects Map fieldSets = m_settingService.getFieldSets(config, sdesc.getNamespace(), m_inflector.getEntityName(entityNameParent)); boolean hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, null); QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder("pg", sdesc, m_inflector.getEntityName(entityNameParent), hasTeamSecurity, config, sessionContext, null, filterMap, null, fieldSets); String whereClause = "where " + qb.getWhere(); String from = qb.getFrom(null); whereClause = whereClause + getAddWhere(qb, entityName, null, null); String sql = "Select distinct id from " + from + " " + whereClause; debug("sql:" + sql); Query q = pm.newQuery("javax.jdo.query.JPQL", sql); q.declareImports(sdesc.getImports()); List results = (List) q.executeWithMap(qb.getQueryParams()); rit = results.iterator(); } else { // no master rit = new DummyIterator(); } // get insertClass/masterClass Class masterClazz = null; Class insertClazz = getClass(sdesc, m_inflector.getClassName(entityName)); if (entityNameParent != null) { masterClazz = getClass(sdesc, m_inflector.getClassName(entityNameParent)); } while (rit.hasNext()) { Object row =; //MasterId Object masterId = null; if (masterClazz != null) { if (row == null) { Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityNameParent); masterId = getIdObject(idParent, sdesc, permittedFields); } else { masterId = row; debug("masterId:" + masterId); } } // create insert object Object objectInsert = insertClazz.newInstance(); setDefaultValues(insertClazz, objectInsert); populate(sessionContext, dataMap, objectInsert, hintsMap); m_js.prettyPrint(true); //debug("IO:"+m_js.deepSerialize(objectInsert)); List constraintViolations = validateObject(sessionContext, objectInsert, entityName, true); if (constraintViolations != null) { retMap.put("constraintViolations", constraintViolations); break; } insertIntoMaster(sessionContext, objectInsert, entityName, masterClazz, fieldName, masterId); makePersistent(sessionContext, objectInsert); Boolean bypassTrigger = (Boolean) sessionContext.getProperty("bypassTrigger"); if (bypassTrigger == null || bypassTrigger == false) { m_triggerService.applyInsertRules(sessionContext, entityName, objectInsert); } ids.add(PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectInsert, getPrimaryKey(objectInsert.getClass()))); } if (retMap.get("constraintViolations") == null) { if (filterMap != null) { retMap.put("ids", ids); } else { if (ids.size() > 0) { retMap.put("id", ids.get(0)); } } } return retMap; } public String constructEntityName(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, String entityNameParent) { debug("constructEntityName:" + entityName + ",parent:" + entityNameParent); try { Class t = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(newInstance(sessionContext.getStoreDesc(), entityNameParent), entityName); if (t == null) return entityName; String name = t.getName(); int ind = name.lastIndexOf("."); entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(name.substring(ind + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("insertObject.getEntityName:" + e); } debug(" >> " + entityName); return entityName; } public void makePersistent(SessionContext sessionContext, Object objectInsert) { PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); pm.makePersistent(objectInsert); StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc(); String name = objectInsert.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); if (sdesc.isDataPack() && "teamintern".equals(name) == false) { //@@@MS Konfigurierbar machen // sessionContext.getLuceneSession().addToIndex(objectInsert); } } public List validateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Object objectInsert) { if (objectInsert instanceof Map) { throw new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.validateObject:objectInsert is a Map"); } String entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(getLastElement(objectInsert.getClass().getName(), ".")); return validateObject(sessionContext, objectInsert, entityName, true); } public List validateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Object objectInsert, String entityName) { return validateObject(sessionContext, objectInsert, entityName, true); } public List validateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Object objectInsert, String entityName, boolean bInsert) { return validateObject(sessionContext, objectInsert, null, entityName, bInsert); } public List validateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Object objectInsert, Object objectUpdatePre, String entityName, boolean bInsert) { Set cv = m_validator.validate(objectInsert); String recordValidation = getRecordValidation(sessionContext, entityName); if (recordValidation != null) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap(); properties.put("constraintViolationList", constructConstraitViolationList(cv)); properties.put("object", objectInsert); properties.put("teamChangedList", Utils.getTeamChangedList(m_teamService, objectInsert, objectUpdatePre)); Object answer = m_camelService.camelSend(sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), recordValidation, null, null, properties); System.out.println("answer:" + answer); if (answer != null && ((Collection) answer).size() > 0) { return new ArrayList((Collection) answer); } else { return null; } } else { if (cv.size() > 0) { return constructConstraitViolationList(cv); } } if (true) return null; //@@@ NO DublettenCheck online StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc(); String vendor = sdesc.getVendor(); DublettenCheckService dcs = m_dublettenCheckService.get(vendor); if (dcs == null) { dcs = m_dublettenCheckService.get("default"); } debug("DublettenCheckService:" + dcs); Map ret = dcs.dublettenCheck(dcs.getContext(sessionContext, entityName), objectInsert); debug("ret:" + ret); String primKey = sessionContext.getPrimaryKey(); List<Map> cvl = (List) ret.get("constraintViolations"); List idHitList = (List) ret.get("idHitList"); debug("idHitList:" + idHitList); if (idHitList != null && idHitList.size() == 1) { try { if (!(objectInsert instanceof Map)) { primKey = getPrimaryKey(objectInsert.getClass()); } Object _hit = idHitList.get(0); if (_hit instanceof Long) { Long hit = (Long) idHitList.get(0); Long updateId = (Long) PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectInsert, primKey); if (updateId != null && hit == updateId) { debug("self bei update"); return null; } } if (_hit instanceof String) { String hit = (String) idHitList.get(0); String updateId = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectInsert, primKey); if (!bInsert && updateId != null && updateId.equals(hit)) { debug("self bei update"); return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (idHitList != null && cvl != null && cvl.size() > 0) { cvl.get(0).put("idHitList", idHitList); } return cvl; } public Object createObject(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName) { try { Class clazz = getClass(sessionContext.getStoreDesc(), m_inflector.getClassName(entityName)); Object object = clazz.newInstance(); setDefaultValues(clazz, object); return object; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.createObject:", e); } } public void insertIntoMaster(SessionContext sc, Object objectInsert, String entityName, Class masterClazz, String fieldName, Object masterId) throws Exception { if (masterClazz == null) { return; } PersistenceManager pm = sc.getPM(); Object objectMaster = pm.getObjectById(masterClazz, masterId); insertIntoMaster(sc, objectInsert, entityName, objectMaster, fieldName); } public void insertIntoMaster(SessionContext sc, Object objectInsert, String entityName, Object objectMaster, String fieldName) throws Exception { debug("insertIntoMaster:" + objectMaster + "/" + entityName + "/" + fieldName); if (objectMaster == null) return; String propertyName = fieldName; if (fieldName.equals(entityName)) { propertyName = m_inflector.pluralize(entityName).toLowerCase(); } Class clazz = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(objectMaster, propertyName); if (clazz == null) { clazz = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(objectMaster, fieldName); } debug("\tinsertIntoMaster.class:" + clazz); if (clazz != null) { if (clazz.equals(java.util.List.class) || clazz.equals(java.util.Set.class)) { Collection l = (Collection) PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectMaster, propertyName); l.add(objectInsert); String relatedToFieldName = getRelatedTo(objectInsert, objectMaster.getClass(), propertyName); if (relatedToFieldName != null) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectInsert, relatedToFieldName, objectMaster); } } else { if (fieldName.equals(entityName)) { propertyName = m_inflector.singularize(entityName).toLowerCase(); } PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectMaster, propertyName, objectInsert); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //update //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Map updateObject(Map dataMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id) { return updateObject(dataMap, null, null, sdesc, entityName, id, null, null); } public Map updateObject(Map dataMap, Map filterMap, Map hintsMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id, String entityNameParent, String idParent) {"updateObject:" + dataMap + ",filterMap:" + filterMap + ",module:" + entityName); debug("updateObject:" + dataMap + ",filterMap:" + filterMap + ",module:" + entityName + ",id:" + id + ",moduleNameParent:" + entityNameParent + ",idParent:" + idParent); Map retMap = new HashMap(); SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); try { ut.begin(); retMap = updateObject(sessionContext, dataMap, filterMap, hintsMap, entityName, id, entityNameParent, idParent); if (retMap.get("constraintViolations") == null) { ut.commit(); } else { ut.rollback(); } } catch (Exception e) { sessionContext.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(ut); } return retMap; } public Map updateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, String entityName, String id) throws Exception { return updateObject(sessionContext, dataMap, null, null, entityName, id, null, null); } public Map updateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, Map hintsMap, String entityName, String id) throws Exception { return updateObject(sessionContext, dataMap, null, hintsMap, entityName, id, null, null); } public Map updateObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, Map filterMap, Map hintsMap, String entityName, String id, String entityNameParent, String idParent) throws Exception { StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc(); String fieldName = entityName; if (entityNameParent != null) { entityName = constructEntityName(sessionContext, entityName, entityNameParent); } String user = sessionContext.getUserName(); checkPermissions(sdesc, user, entityName, dataMap, "write"); String config = sessionContext.getConfigName(); Map retMap = new HashMap(); String classNameUpdate = null; dataMap.put("_isnew", false); dataMap.put("_user", user); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); Iterator rit = null; Map permittedFields = null; if (filterMap != null) { // Query updateObject`s classNameUpdate = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); Class updateClazz = getClass(sdesc, classNameUpdate); Map fieldSets = m_settingService.getFieldSets(config, sdesc.getNamespace(), entityName); boolean hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, null); QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder("pg", sdesc, entityName, hasTeamSecurity, config, sessionContext, null, filterMap, hintsMap, fieldSets); String whereClause = "where " + qb.getWhere(); String from = qb.getFrom(null); whereClause = whereClause + getAddWhere(qb, entityName, null, null); String sql = "Select distinct id from " + from + " " + whereClause; debug("sql:" + sql); Query q = pm.newQuery("javax.jdo.query.JPQL", sql); q.declareImports(sdesc.getImports()); List results = (List) q.executeWithMap(qb.getQueryParams()); rit = results.iterator(); } else { Object updateId = null; // Get updateObject from parent over one-to-one Relation,Ex:data/contacts/30329/communication if (idParent == null && entityNameParent != null) { String propertyName = fieldName; if (fieldName.equals(entityName)) { propertyName = m_inflector.singularize(entityName).toLowerCase(); } Object object = null; String classNameMaster = m_inflector.getClassName(entityNameParent); Class masterClazz = getClass(sdesc, classNameMaster); Object masterId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, null); Object objectMaster = pm.getObjectById(masterClazz, masterId); try { object = PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectMaster, propertyName); } catch (Exception e) { debug("e:" + e); } if (object != null) { updateId = PropertyUtils.getProperty(object, "id"); } else { String className = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); Class updateClazz = getClass(sdesc, className); Object objectUpdate = updateClazz.newInstance(); pm.makePersistent(objectUpdate); PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectMaster, propertyName, objectUpdate); updateId = (Long) PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectUpdate, "id"); } classNameUpdate = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); } else { permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); updateId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, permittedFields); classNameUpdate = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); } entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); //evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, dataMap, "in"); debug("moduleName:" + entityName); rit = new DummyIterator(updateId); } int counter = 0; long start = new Date().getTime(); Class updateClazz = getClass(sdesc, classNameUpdate); while (rit.hasNext()) { Object row =; counter++; Object updateId = row; Object objectUpdate = null; boolean fCreated = false; try { if (updateId == null) { updateId = "dummy"; } objectUpdate = pm.getObjectById(updateClazz, updateId); } catch (javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException e) { String pk = null; if (permittedFields != null) { pk = getPrimaryKey(updateClazz); debug("pk:" + pk); } debug("pk:" + pk); Boolean create = true; if (hintsMap != null && hintsMap.get("create") != null) { create = (Boolean) hintsMap.get("create"); } fCreated = create; if (create) { objectUpdate = createObject(sessionContext, entityName); PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectUpdate, pk, updateId); dataMap.put("_isnew", true); } } debug("objectUpdate:" + objectUpdate + "," + updateId + "/" + counter); if (objectUpdate != null) { Object objectUpdatePre = null; if (filterMap == null) { objectUpdatePre = UtilsServiceImpl.copyObject(objectUpdate); } Map<String, String> stateMap = getState(dataMap, objectUpdate); ; evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, dataMap, "in"); populate(sessionContext, dataMap, objectUpdate, hintsMap); setState(stateMap, objectUpdate); List constraintViolations = validateObject(sessionContext, objectUpdate, objectUpdatePre, entityName, fCreated); if (constraintViolations != null) { retMap.put("constraintViolations", constraintViolations); retMap.put("created", null); break; } if (fCreated) { pm.makePersistent(objectUpdate); retMap.put("id", updateId); retMap.put("created", true); } debug("SEDSC:" + sdesc); if (sdesc.isDataPack()) { //sessionContext.getLuceneSession().addToIndex(objectUpdate); } if (filterMap == null) { Boolean bypassTrigger = (Boolean) sessionContext.getProperty("bypassTrigger"); if (bypassTrigger == null || bypassTrigger == false) { m_triggerService.applyUpdateRules(sessionContext, entityName, objectUpdate, objectUpdatePre); } } if ((counter % 100) == 0) { displayInfo("", start); start = new Date().getTime(); } } else { retMap.put("id", null); retMap.put("created", false); retMap.put("notFound", true); } } return retMap; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //delete //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Map deleteObject(Map dataMap, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id) { info("deleteObject:" + dataMap + ",module:" + entityName); debug("deleteObject:" + dataMap + ",module:" + entityName + ",id:" + id); Map retMap = new HashMap(); SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); UserTransaction ut = m_nucleusService.getUserTransaction(); try { ut.begin(); retMap = deleteObject(sessionContext, dataMap, entityName, id); ut.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { sessionContext.handleException(ut, e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(ut); } return retMap; } public Map deleteObject(SessionContext sessionContext, Map dataMap, String entityName, String id) throws Exception { StoreDesc sdesc = sessionContext.getStoreDesc(); String user = sessionContext.getUserName(); checkPermissions(sdesc, user, entityName, dataMap, "write"); String config = sessionContext.getConfigName(); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); info("deleteObject:" + entityName + ",id:" + id); Map retMap = new HashMap(); String classNameDelete = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); Object objId = null; if (sdesc.isDataPack()) { Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName)); objId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, permittedFields); } else { objId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, null); } Class deleteClazz = getClass(sdesc, classNameDelete); Object objectDelete = pm.getObjectById(deleteClazz, objId); Boolean bypassTrigger = (Boolean) sessionContext.getProperty("bypassTrigger"); if (bypassTrigger == null || bypassTrigger == false) { m_triggerService.applyDeleteRules(sessionContext, entityName, objectDelete); } //@@@MS should be reverse pm.deletePersistent(objectDelete); if (sdesc.isDataPack() && !"teamintern".equals(entityName)) { //sessionContext.getLuceneSession().deleteFromIndex(objectDelete); } return retMap; } private void checkPermissions(StoreDesc sdesc, String user, String entityName, Map<String, Object> dataMap, String action) { entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); debug("checkPermissions:" + entityName + "/" + action + "/" + dataMap); if (entityName.equals("team") && dataMap != null && "write".equals(action)) { String teamid = (String) dataMap.get("teamid"); if (teamid == null) { throw new PermissionException("JdoLayerImpl.checkTeamPermission.noTeamid"); } int status = m_teamService.checkTeamUserPermission(sdesc.getNamespace(), teamid, user); debug("TeamStatus:" + status); if (status == -1) { throw new PermissionException("JdoLayerImpl.noTeamPermission"); } } boolean b = m_permissionService.hasEntityPermissions(sdesc, entityName, action); if (b) return; throw new PermissionException("JdoLayerImpl.checkPermissions(" + sdesc + "/entityName:" + entityName + "/action:" + action + ") not allowed"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //populate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void populate(SessionContext sessionContext, Map from, Object to, Map hintsMap) { PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); if (hintsMap == null) { hintsMap = new HashMap(); } Map<String, String> expressions = (Map) hintsMap.get("__expressions"); if (expressions == null) expressions = new HashMap(); BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(to); String entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(to.getClass().getSimpleName()); debug("populate.from:" + from + ",to:" + to + ",BeanMap:" + beanMap + "/hintsMap:" + hintsMap + "/entityName:" + entityName); if (from == null) { return; } Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName, "write"); Iterator<String> it = from.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; Object oldValue = beanMap.get(key); boolean permitted = m_permissionService.hasAdminRole() || "team".equals(entityName) || sessionContext.isFieldPermitted(key, entityName, "write"); if (!key.startsWith("_") && !permitted) { debug("---->populate:field(" + key + ") no write permission"); continue; } else { debug("++++>populate:field(" + key + ") write permitted"); } String datatype = null; String edittype = null; if (!key.startsWith("_")) { Map config = (Map) permittedFields.get(key); if (config != null) { datatype = (String) config.get("datatype"); edittype = (String) config.get("edittype"); } } if (key.equals(STATE_FIELD) && !m_permissionService.hasAdminRole()) { continue; } if ("auto".equals(edittype)) continue; String mode = null; Map hm = (Map) hintsMap.get(key); if (hm != null) { Object m = hm.get("mode"); if (m != null && m instanceof String) { mode = (String) m; } if (mode == null) { m = hm.get("useit"); if (m != null && m instanceof String) { mode = (String) m; } } } if (mode == null) { mode = "replace"; } Class clazz = beanMap.getType(key); debug("\ttype:" + clazz + "(" + key + "=" + from.get(key) + ")"); if ("_ignore_".equals(from.get(key))) { continue; } if (clazz == null) { debug("\t--- Warning property not found:" + key); } else if (clazz.equals(java.util.Date.class)) { String value = Utils.getString(from.get(key), beanMap.get(key), mode); debug("\tDate found:" + key + "=>" + value); Date date = null; if (value != null) { try { Long val = Long.valueOf(value); date = (Date) ConvertUtils.convert(val, Date.class); debug("\tdate1:" + date); } catch (Exception e) { try { DateTime dt = new DateTime(value); date = new Date(dt.getMillis()); debug("\tdate2:" + date); } catch (Exception e1) { try { int space = value.indexOf(" "); if (space != -1) { value = value.substring(0, space) + "T" + value.substring(space + 1); DateTime dt = new DateTime(value); date = new Date(dt.getMillis()); } debug("\tdate3:" + date); } catch (Exception e2) { debug("\terror setting date:" + e); } } } } debug("\tsetting date:" + date); beanMap.put(key, date); } else if (clazz.equals(java.util.Map.class)) { info("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Map not implemented"); } else if (clazz.equals(java.util.List.class) || clazz.equals(java.util.Set.class)) { boolean isList = clazz.equals(java.util.List.class); boolean isSimple = false; if (datatype != null && datatype.startsWith("list_")) { isSimple = true; } try { Class type = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(to, key); debug("type:" + type + " fill with: " + from.get(key) + ",list:" + beanMap.get(key) + "/mode:" + mode); Collection valList = isList ? new ArrayList() : new HashSet(); Object fromVal = from.get(key); if (fromVal instanceof String && ((String) fromVal).length() > 0) { info("FromVal is StringSchrott, ignore"); continue; } if (from.get(key) instanceof Collection) { valList = (Collection) from.get(key); } if (valList == null) { valList = isList ? new ArrayList() : new HashSet(); } Collection toList = (Collection) PropertyUtils.getProperty(to, key); debug("toList:" + toList); debug("valList:" + valList); if (toList == null) { toList = isList ? new ArrayList() : new HashSet(); PropertyUtils.setProperty(to, key, toList); } if ("replace".equals(mode)) { boolean isEqual = false; if (isSimple) { isEqual = Utils.isCollectionEqual(toList, valList); if (!isEqual) { toList.clear(); } debug("\tisEqual:" + isEqual); } else { List deleteList = new ArrayList(); String namespace = sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(); for (Object o : toList) { if (type.getName().endsWith(".Team")) { int status = m_teamService.getTeamStatus(namespace, new BeanMap(o), null, sessionContext.getUserName()); debug("populate.replace.teamStatus:" + status + "/" + new HashMap(new BeanMap(o))); if (status != -1) { pm.deletePersistent(o); deleteList.add(o); } } else { pm.deletePersistent(o); deleteList.add(o); } } for (Object o : deleteList) { toList.remove(o); } } debug("populate.replace.toList:" + toList + "/" + type.getName()); if (isSimple) { if (!isEqual) { for (Object o : valList) { toList.add(o); } } } else { for (Object o : valList) { Map valMap = (Map) o; Object n = type.newInstance(); if (type.getName().endsWith(".Team")) { valMap.remove("id"); Object desc = valMap.get("description"); Object name = valMap.get("name"); Object dis = valMap.get("disabled"); String teamid = (String) valMap.get("teamid"); Object ti = Utils.getTeamintern(sessionContext, teamid); if (desc == null) { valMap.put("description", PropertyUtils.getProperty(ti, "description")); } if (name == null) { valMap.put("name", PropertyUtils.getProperty(ti, "name")); } if (dis == null) { valMap.put("disabled", false); } pm.makePersistent(n); populate(sessionContext, valMap, n, null); PropertyUtils.setProperty(n, "teamintern", ti); } else { pm.makePersistent(n); populate(sessionContext, valMap, n, null); } debug("populated.add:" + new HashMap(new BeanMap(n))); toList.add(n); } } } else if ("remove".equals(mode)) { if (isSimple) { for (Object o : valList) { if (toList.contains(o)) { toList.remove(o); } } } else { for (Object ol : valList) { Map map = (Map) ol; Object o = Utils.listContainsId(toList, map, "teamid"); if (o != null) { toList.remove(o); pm.deletePersistent(o); } } } } else if ("add".equals(mode)) { if (isSimple) { for (Object o : valList) { toList.add(o); } } else { for (Object ol : valList) { Map map = (Map) ol; Object o = Utils.listContainsId(toList, map, "teamid"); if (o != null) { populate(sessionContext, map, o, null); } else { o = type.newInstance(); if (type.getName().endsWith(".Team")) { Object desc = map.get("description"); Object name = map.get("name"); Object dis = map.get("disabled"); String teamid = (String) map.get("teamid"); Object ti = Utils.getTeamintern(sessionContext, teamid); if (desc == null) { map.put("description", PropertyUtils.getProperty(ti, "description")); } if (name == null) { map.put("name", PropertyUtils.getProperty(ti, "name")); } if (dis == null) { map.put("disabled", false); } pm.makePersistent(o); populate(sessionContext, map, o, null); PropertyUtils.setProperty(o, "teamintern", ti); } else { pm.makePersistent(o); populate(sessionContext, map, o, null); } toList.add(o); } } } } else if ("assign".equals(mode)) { if (!isSimple) { for (Object ol : valList) { Map map = (Map) ol; Object o = Utils.listContainsId(toList, map); if (o != null) { debug("id:" + map + " already assigned"); } else { Object id = map.get("id"); Boolean assign = Utils.getBoolean(map.get("assign")); Object obj = pm.getObjectById(type, id); if (assign) { toList.add(obj); } else { toList.remove(obj); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); debug("populate.list.failed:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key) + ";" + e); } } else if (clazz.equals(java.lang.Boolean.class)) { try { beanMap.put(key, ConvertUtils.convert(from.get(key), Boolean.class)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("populate.boolean.failed:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key) + ";" + e); } } else if (clazz.equals(java.lang.Double.class)) { String value = Utils.getString(from.get(key), beanMap.get(key), mode); try { beanMap.put(key, Double.valueOf(value)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("populate.double.failed:" + key + "=>" + value + ";" + e); } } else if (clazz.equals(java.lang.Long.class)) { try { beanMap.put(key, ConvertUtils.convert(from.get(key), Long.class)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("populate.long.failed:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key) + ";" + e); } } else if (clazz.equals(java.lang.Integer.class)) { debug("Integer:" + ConvertUtils.convert(from.get(key), Integer.class)); try { beanMap.put(key, ConvertUtils.convert(from.get(key), Integer.class)); } catch (Exception e) { debug("populate.integer.failed:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key) + ";" + e); } } else if ("binary".equals(datatype) || clazz.equals(byte[].class)) { InputStream is = null; InputStream is2 = null; try { if (from.get(key) instanceof FileItem) { FileItem fi = (FileItem) from.get(key); String name = fi.getName(); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(fi.getInputStream()); if (bytes != null) { debug("bytes:" + bytes.length); } beanMap.put(key, bytes); is = fi.getInputStream(); is2 = fi.getInputStream(); } else if (from.get(key) instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) from.get(key); String storeLocation = (String) map.get("storeLocation"); is = new FileInputStream(new File(storeLocation)); is2 = new FileInputStream(new File(storeLocation)); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); if (bytes != null) { debug("bytes2:" + bytes.length); } is.close(); beanMap.put(key, bytes); is = new FileInputStream(new File(storeLocation)); } else if (from.get(key) instanceof String) { String value = (String) from.get(key); if ("ignore".equals(value)) { debug("ignore:"); return; } if (value.startsWith("data:")) { int ind = value.indexOf(";base64,"); byte b[] = Base64.decode(value.substring(ind + 8)); beanMap.put(key, b); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); is2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); } else { byte b[] = value.getBytes(); beanMap.put(key, b); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); is2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); } } else { debug("populate.byte[].no a FileItem:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key)); continue; } Tika tika = new Tika(); TikaInputStream stream = TikaInputStream.get(is); TikaInputStream stream2 = TikaInputStream.get(is2); String text = tika.parseToString(is); debug("Text:" + text); try { beanMap.put("text", text); } catch (Exception e) { beanMap.put("text", text.getBytes()); } //@@@MS Hardcoded try { Detector detector = new DefaultDetector(); MediaType mime = detector.detect(stream2, new Metadata()); debug("Mime:" + mime.getType() + "|" + mime.getSubtype() + "|" + mime.toString()); beanMap.put("type", mime.toString()); from.put("type", mime.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); debug("populate.byte[].failed:" + key + "=>" + from.get(key) + ";" + e); } finally { try { is.close(); is2.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } else { boolean ok = false; try { Class type = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(to, key); if (type != null) { Object o = type.newInstance(); boolean hasAnn = type.isAnnotationPresent(PersistenceCapable.class); debug("hasAnnotation:" + hasAnn); if (o instanceof javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable || hasAnn) { Object id = null; try { Object _id = from.get(key); if (_id != null) { if (_id instanceof Map) { id = ((Map) _id).get("id"); } else { String s = String.valueOf(_id); if (s.indexOf("/") >= 0) { _id = Utils.extractId(s); } Class idClass = PropertyUtils.getPropertyType(o, "id"); id = (idClass.equals(Long.class)) ? Long.valueOf(_id + "") : _id; } } } catch (Exception e) { } if (id != null && !"".equals(id) && !"null".equals(id)) { debug("\tId2:" + id); Object relatedObject = pm.getObjectById(type, id); List<Collection> candidates = TypeUtils.getCandidateLists(relatedObject, to, null); if (candidates.size() == 1) { Collection l = candidates.get(0); debug("list.contains:" + l.contains(to)); if (!l.contains(to)) { l.add(to); } } beanMap.put(key, relatedObject); } else { Object relatedObject = beanMap.get(key); debug("\trelatedObject:" + relatedObject); if (relatedObject != null) { List<Collection> candidates = TypeUtils.getCandidateLists(relatedObject, to, null); if (candidates.size() == 1) { Collection l = candidates.get(0); debug("list.contains:" + l.contains(to)); if (l.contains(to)) { l.remove(to); } } } beanMap.put(key, null); } ok = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!ok) { String value = Utils.getString(from.get(key), beanMap.get(key), mode); // debug("populate:" + key + "=>" + value); // debug("String:" + ConvertUtils.convert(from.get(key), String.class)); try { beanMap.put(key, value); } catch (Exception e) { debug("populate.failed:" + key + "=>" + value + ";" + e); } } } String expression = expressions.get(key); if (!isEmpty(expression)) { beanMap.put(key, oldValue); Map scriptCache = (Map) sessionContext.getProperty("scriptCache"); if (scriptCache == null) { scriptCache = new HashMap(); sessionContext.setProperty("scriptCache", scriptCache); } Object result = Utils.eval(expression, beanMap, scriptCache); try { if ("string".equals(datatype) && !(result instanceof String)) { beanMap.put(key, ConvertUtils.convert(result, String.class)); } else { beanMap.put(key, result); } } catch (Exception e) { info("Cannot set value for(" + key + "):" + result + "/" + e.getMessage()); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //get //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Map getObject(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id) { return getObject(sdesc, entityName, id, null, null, null); } public Map getObject(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id, List fields) { return getObject(sdesc, entityName, id, null, fields, null); } public Map getObject(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id, String entityNameDetails, List fields) { return getObject(sdesc, entityName, id, entityNameDetails, fields, null); } public Map getObject(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id, String entityNameDetails, List fields, HttpServletResponse resp) { SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); checkPermissions(sdesc, sessionContext.getUserName(), entityName, null, "read"); debug("getObject:fields:" + fields + ",entityName:" + entityName + ",entityNameDetails:" + entityNameDetails + ",id:" + id + "/resp:" + resp); Map retMap = new HashMap(); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); boolean hasTeamSecurity = false; try { String className = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, null); Object objId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, permittedFields); Class clazz = getClass(sdesc, className); Object objectMaster = pm.getObjectById(clazz, objId); debug("getObject.master1:" + objectMaster); String oldEntityName = entityName; if (entityNameDetails == null) { entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); } else { //entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityNameDetails); entityName = getEntityNameFromProperty(sdesc, entityName, entityNameDetails); String propertyName = m_inflector.singularize(entityNameDetails).toLowerCase(); objectMaster = PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectMaster, propertyName); if (objectMaster == null) { return null; } debug("getObject.master2:" + objectMaster); } if (!oldEntityName.equals(entityName)) { hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, null); permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); } Map m = null; if (resp != null) { getBinary(sessionContext, objectMaster, hasTeamSecurity, permittedFields, resp); } else { m = getPropertyMap(sessionContext, objectMaster, hasTeamSecurity, permittedFields, fields); } if (m == null) { return null; } evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, m, "out", getInvolvedClasses(sdesc, entityName), pm); retMap.putAll(m); } catch (Exception e) { m_logger.error("getObject:", e); sessionContext.handleException(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(); } return retMap; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //query //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public Map query(Map params, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName) { return query(params, sdesc, entityName, null, null); } public Map query(Map params, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String idParent, String entityNameDetails) { SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); try { return query(sessionContext, params, sdesc, entityName, idParent, entityNameDetails); } catch (Exception e) { sessionContext.handleException(e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(); } return null; } public Map query(SessionContext sessionContext, Map params, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName) { return query(sessionContext, params, sdesc, entityName, null, null); } public Map query(SessionContext sessionContext, Map params, StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String idParent, String entityNameDetails) { debug("query:" + params + ",entityName:" + entityName + ",entityNameDetails:" + entityNameDetails + ",idParent:" + idParent); String config = sessionContext.getConfigName(); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); long start = new Date().getTime(); List<String> joinFields = new ArrayList<String>(); entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); String detailFieldName = entityNameDetails; if (entityNameDetails != null) { joinFields.add(entityNameDetails); entityNameDetails = getEntityNameFromProperty(sdesc, entityName, entityNameDetails); } else { entityNameDetails = null; } Map retMap = new HashMap(); try { Map fieldSets = m_settingService.getFieldSets(config, sdesc.getNamespace(), entityName); boolean hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, entityNameDetails); boolean hasStateSelect = hasStateSelect(sdesc, entityName, entityNameDetails); System.out.println("hasStateSelect:" + hasStateSelect + "," + params.get("state")); String orderBy = getOrderBy(params, entityName, detailFieldName); Map filtersMap = null; if (params.get("filters") != null && "".equals(params.get("filters")) == false) { filtersMap = (Map) m_ds.deserialize((String) params.get("filters")); } if (params.get("filter") != null) { filtersMap = (Map) params.get("filter"); } /*if (params.get("luceneQuery") != null && "".equals(params.get("luceneQuery")) == false) { filtersMap = createFiltersMapFromLuceneQuery(sessionContext, entityName, (String) params.get("luceneQuery")); if (filtersMap == null) { Map ret = new HashMap(); ret.put("rows", new ArrayList()); return ret; } }*/ QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder("pg", sdesc, entityName, hasTeamSecurity, sessionContext.getConfigName(), sessionContext, joinFields, filtersMap, (Map) params, fieldSets); qb.addSelector(entityName); List<String> fieldsArray = null; boolean fullyQualified = false; if (params.get("fields") != null) { if (params.get("fields") instanceof List) { fieldsArray = (List) params.get("fields"); } else { if (((String) params.get("fields")).length() > 0) { fieldsArray = (List) m_ds.deserialize((String) params.get("fields")); } } if (fieldsArray != null) { for (String field : fieldsArray) { int dot = field.indexOf("."); if (dot != -1) { qb.addSelector(field); fullyQualified = true; String[] name = field.split("\\."); String selector = name[0]; } } } } String andStr = ""; String whereClause = "where"; if (params.get("whereVal") != null && ((String) params.get("whereVal")).trim() != "") { whereClause += " " + params.get("whereVal"); andStr = " and"; } String w = qb.getWhere(); if (w != null) { whereClause += andStr + " " + w; andStr = " and"; } String jointype = null; if (entityNameDetails != null) { jointype = "join"; Class mainClass = sessionContext.getClass(entityName); Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); String pk = getPrimaryKey(mainClass); Map c = (Map) permittedFields.get(pk); if (c != null && c.get("datatype") != null && "string".equals(c.get("datatype"))) { whereClause += andStr + " (" + getAlias(entityName) + "." + pk + " = '" + idParent + "')"; } else if (c != null && c.get("datatype") != null && "number".equals(c.get("datatype"))) { whereClause += andStr + " (" + getAlias(entityName) + "." + pk + " = " + idParent + ")"; } else { //Default id = string whereClause += andStr + " (" + getAlias(entityName) + "." + pk + " = '" + idParent + "')"; } andStr = " and"; if (fieldsArray == null) { String alias = entityNameDetails; if (joinFields.size() > 0) { alias = joinFields.get(0); } boolean isMap = TypeUtils.isMap(mainClass, detailFieldName); if (isMap) { Class childClass = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(mainClass, detailFieldName); String varName = "v_" + childClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(); qb.addVariable(childClass.getName() + " " + varName); fieldsArray = qb.getProjectionListEntity(entityNameDetails, varName); whereClause += andStr + " (" + getAlias(entityName) + "." + detailFieldName + ".containsValue(" + varName + "))"; } else { qb.addSelector(entityName); fieldsArray = qb.getProjectionListEntity(entityNameDetails, entityName + "$" + alias); } } } if ("where".equals(whereClause)) { andStr = ""; whereClause = ""; } List<String> projList = null; if (fieldsArray != null) { projList = fieldsArray; String pk = null; if (entityNameDetails != null) { pk = getPrimaryKey(sessionContext.getClass(entityNameDetails)); } else { pk = getPrimaryKey(sessionContext.getClass(entityName)); } if (!Utils.containsId(projList, pk)) { projList.add(pk); } qb.addSelectors(fieldsArray); } else { if (entityNameDetails != null) { projList = qb.getProjectionListAll(entityNameDetails); } else { projList = qb.getProjectionListAll(entityName); } } String projection = getProjectionString(projList); String from = qb.getFrom(jointype); if (hasTeamSecurity) { if (entityNameDetails != null) { projection = projection + "," + entityName + "$" + detailFieldName; } else { projection = projection + "," + entityName; } projList.add("_team_list"); } List<String> involvedModule = qb.getInvolvedEntity(); Map<String, Class> involvedClasses = getInvolvedClasses(sdesc, involvedModule); String teamUserWhere = qb.getTeamUserWhere(); if (teamUserWhere != null) { teamUserWhere = andStr + " " + teamUserWhere; andStr = " and"; } else { teamUserWhere = ""; } String teamSecurityWhere = qb.getTeamSecurityWhere(); if (teamSecurityWhere != null) { teamSecurityWhere = andStr + " " + teamSecurityWhere; } else { teamSecurityWhere = ""; } String stateWhere = ""; if (hasStateSelect && !Utils.getBoolean(params, DISABLE_STATESELECT, false)) { String state = qb.getRequestedState(); String qualifier = null; if (entityNameDetails != null) { qualifier = entityName + "$" + detailFieldName; } else { qualifier = entityName; } stateWhere = andStr + " " + getStateWhere(qualifier, state); andStr = " and"; } boolean noResultSetCount = noResultSetCount(sdesc, entityName, entityNameDetails); String sql = "Select distinct " + projection + " from " + from + " " + whereClause + " " + stateWhere + " " + teamUserWhere + " " + teamSecurityWhere + " " + orderBy; info("========================================================================================="); info("sql:" + sql); info("========================================================================================="); info("Imports:" + sdesc.getImports()); Query q = pm.newQuery("javax.jdo.query.JPQL", sql); q.declareImports(sdesc.getImports()); int offset = getInt(params, "offset", 0); int pageSize = getInt(params, "pageSize", 30); if (noResultSetCount && pageSize > 0) { q.setRange(offset, offset + pageSize); } String vars = qb.getVariables(); if (vars != null) q.declareVariables(vars); List results = (List) q.executeWithMap(qb.getQueryParams()); Iterator itr = results.iterator(); int count = 0; boolean first = true; Field fields[] = null; String colNames[] = null; boolean isRelatedTo[] = null; int total = 0; List dataList = new ArrayList(); String defaultClassName = m_inflector .getClassName(entityNameDetails != null ? entityNameDetails : entityName); Map<Class, String> primKeyNameMap = new HashMap(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object[] row = null; Object no =; if (!(no instanceof Object[])) { row = new Object[1]; row[0] = no; } else { row = (Object[]) no; } if (noResultSetCount || pageSize == 0 || (total >= offset && count < pageSize)) { Map<String, Object> rowMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (first) { colNames = new String[row.length]; isRelatedTo = new boolean[row.length]; for (int col = 0; col < row.length; col++) { debug("\tColumn:" + row[col]); String colName = projList.get(col); Field field = getFieldForColName(sdesc, colName, defaultClassName); isRelatedTo[col] = field != null ? field.isAnnotationPresent(RelatedTo.class) : false; if (fullyQualified == false) { int dot = colName.indexOf("."); if (dot != -1) { colName = colName.substring(dot + 1); } } boolean isPermitted = true; if (field != null) { String clazz = getLastElement(field.getDeclaringClass().getName()); String name = field.getName(); isPermitted = sessionContext.isFieldPermitted(name, clazz); debug("\tisPermitted(" + clazz + "," + name + "):" + isPermitted); } if (colName.equals("id") || isPermitted) { colNames[col] = colName; } else { colNames[col] = null; } } first = false; } for (int col = 0; col < row.length; col++) { String colName = colNames[col]; if (colName == null) { continue; } if (isRelatedTo[col]) { if (row[col] != null) { Class clazz = row[col].getClass(); if (primKeyNameMap.get(clazz) == null) { primKeyNameMap.put(clazz, getPrimaryKey(clazz)); } Object id = PropertyUtils.getProperty(row[col], primKeyNameMap.get(clazz)); rowMap.put(colName, id + ""); //rowMap.put(colName,getTitle(sessionContext, m_inflector.getEntityName(clazz.getSimpleName()),new BeanMap(row[col]), id)); } else { rowMap.put(colName, ""); } } else if (row[col] instanceof byte[]) { debug("Bytearray"); } else if (row[col] instanceof java.util.Date) { rowMap.put(colName, String.valueOf(((Date) row[col]).getTime())); } else { rowMap.put(colName, row[col]); } } String _entityName = entityNameDetails != null ? entityNameDetails : entityName; evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, _entityName, rowMap, "out", involvedClasses, pm); if (hasTeamSecurity) { Object x = rowMap.get("_team_list"); if (x != null) { Set<Object> _teams = null; if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(x, "_team_list")) { _teams = (Set<Object>) PropertyUtils.getProperty(x, "_team_list"); } rowMap.remove("_team_list"); if (_teams != null && _teams.size() > 0) { debug("NOT Checking"); /*if (hasTeamSecurity && !m_teamService.checkTeams(sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), sessionContext.getUserName(), sessionContext.getUserProperties(), _teams)) { debug("No teampermission:" + rowMap); continue; }*/ } } } dataList.add(rowMap); count++; } total++; } long pagesTotal = (total == 0 || pageSize == 0) ? 0 : Math.round((total / pageSize) + 0.4999); if (noResultSetCount) { pagesTotal = total == pageSize ? -1 : 0; total = total == pageSize || offset > 0 ? -1 : total; } info("<== getTable.rows:" + dataList.size()); info("<== getTable.recordsTotal:" + total); debug("getTable.pagesTotal:" + pagesTotal); debug("" + getInt(params, "page", 0)); Map ret = new HashMap(); ret.put("records", total); ret.put("page", params.get("page")); ret.put("total", pagesTotal); ret.put("rows", dataList); retMap = ret; long end = new Date().getTime(); info("Dauer_query(rows:" + total + "):" + (end - start)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return retMap; } public Map querySql(SessionContext sessionContext, StoreDesc sdesc, Map params, String sql) { debug("query:" + params + ",sql:" + sql); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); Map retMap = new HashMap(); try { debug("========================================================================================="); debug("sql:" + sql.replace("\n", " ")); debug("========================================================================================="); debug("Imports:" + sdesc.getImports()); Query q = pm.newQuery("javax.jdo.query.JPQL", sql.replace("\n", " ")); q.declareImports(sdesc.getImports()); List results = (List) q.executeWithMap(params); Iterator itr = results.iterator(); int count = 0; int offset = getInt(params, "offset", 0); boolean first = true; Field fields[] = null; String colNames[] = null; int total = 0; List dataList = new ArrayList(); int pageSize = getInt(params, "pageSize", 30); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object[] row = null; Object no =; if (pageSize == 0 || (total >= offset && count < pageSize)) { dataList.add(new HashMap(new BeanMap(no))); count++; } total++; } Map ret = new HashMap(); ret.put("rows", dataList); retMap = ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return retMap; } /* private Map createFiltersMapFromLuceneQuery(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, String query) { Map ret = new HashMap(); ret.put("connector", "or"); List<Map> children = new ArrayList(); ret.put("children", children); List<Integer> idList = m_luceneService.queryIdList(sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), entityName, query); if (idList.size() == 0) { return null; } for (int id : idList) { Map cmap = new HashMap(); cmap.put("field", "id"); cmap.put("op", "eq"); cmap.put("data", id); cmap.put("connector", null); children.add(cmap); } return ret; }*/ private String getStateWhere(String qualifier, String state) { String w = null; if (state.equals(STATE_OK) || state.equals(STATE_NEW)) { w = "(" + qualifier + "." + STATE_FIELD + "='" + state + "' or " + qualifier + "." + STATE_FIELD + " is null)"; } else { w = "(" + qualifier + "." + STATE_FIELD + "='" + state + "')"; } return w; } private Field getFieldForColName(StoreDesc sdesc, String colName, String defaultClassName) { String fieldName = colName; String className = defaultClassName; int dot = colName.indexOf("."); if (dot != -1) { className = colName.substring(0, dot); fieldName = colName.substring(dot + 1); } Class clazz = null; try { int dollar = className.lastIndexOf("$"); if (dollar != -1) { String[] path = className.split("\\$"); className = m_inflector.getClassName(path[0]); clazz = getClass(sdesc, className); for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(path[i]); clazz = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(field); } } else { className = m_inflector.getClassName(className); clazz = getClass(sdesc, className); } Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName); return field; } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); debug("getFieldForColName(" + colName + "," + defaultClassName + "):" + e); return null; } } private String getEntityNameFromProperty(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String entityNameDetails) { debug("getEntityNameFromProperty1:" + entityName + "|" + entityNameDetails); try { Class t = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(newInstance(sdesc, entityName), entityNameDetails); String name = t.getName(); int ind = name.lastIndexOf("."); entityNameDetails = m_inflector.getEntityName(name.substring(ind + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.getEntityNameFromProperty:" + e); } debug("getEntityNameFromProperty2:" + entityNameDetails); return entityNameDetails; } public Map getObjectGraph(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String id) { SessionContext sessionContext = getSessionContext(sdesc); checkPermissions(sdesc, sessionContext.getUserName(), entityName, null, "read"); debug("getObjectGraph:entityName:" + entityName + ",id:" + id); Map retMap = new HashMap(); PersistenceManager pm = sessionContext.getPM(); try { String className = m_inflector.getClassName(entityName); Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); Object objId = getIdObject(id, sdesc, permittedFields); Class clazz = getClass(sdesc, className); Object objectMaster = pm.getObjectById(clazz, objId); debug("getObject.master1:" + objectMaster); String oldEntityName = entityName; entityName = m_inflector.getEntityName(entityName); boolean hasTeamSecurity = hasTeamSecurity(sessionContext, entityName, null); Object objGraph = SojoObjectFilter.getObjectGraph(objectMaster, sessionContext); //evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, m, "out", getInvolvedClasses(sdesc, entityName), pm); retMap.put("result", objGraph); } catch (Exception e) { m_logger.error("getObject:", e); sessionContext.handleException(e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { sessionContext.handleFinally(); } return retMap; } public void evaluteFormulas(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Map<String, Object> map, String direction) { evaluteFormulas(sessionContext, entityName, map, direction, null, null); } private void evaluteFormulas(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Map<String, Object> map, String direction, Map<String, Class> involvedClasses, PersistenceManager pm) { Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); Iterator kit = permittedFields.keySet().iterator(); while (kit.hasNext()) { String field = (String); if (permittedFields.get(field) instanceof Map) { Map cm = (Map) permittedFields.get(field); if (cm != null && cm.get("formula_" + direction) != null && !"".equals(cm.get("formula_" + direction))) { if (!"out".equals(direction)) { if (map.get(field) == null) { map.put(field, ""); } } } } } MVELEvaluator evalator = null; if (pm != null) { evalator = new MVELEvaluator((Map) permittedFields.get("_selListMap"), involvedClasses, pm); } else { evalator = new MVELEvaluator((Map) permittedFields.get("_selListMap")); } evalator.setLocalVars(map); evalator.setLocalVar("se", evalator); evalator.setLocalVar("inflector", m_inflector); Set<String> keyset = new HashSet(map.keySet()); for (String field : keyset) { int dot = field.lastIndexOf("."); String f = field; if (dot != -1) { f = field.substring(dot + 1); } Map cm = (Map) permittedFields.get(f); if (cm != null && cm.get("formula_" + direction) != null && !"".equals(cm.get("formula_" + direction))) { String formula = (String) cm.get("formula_" + direction); Object r = ""; try { r = evalator.eval(formula); debug("evalOk:" + formula + "/" + r); } catch (Exception e) { debug("evalError:" + formula + "/" + e); } map.put(field, r); } } } private String evaluteTitle(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, Map<String, Object> map, String titleExpression, String def) { Map permittedFields = sessionContext.getPermittedFields(entityName); Map vars = new HashMap(); Iterator kit = map.keySet().iterator(); while (kit.hasNext()) { String field = (String); if (permittedFields.get(field) != null) { vars.put(field, map.get(field)); } } debug("evaluteTitle:" + titleExpression + "/" + vars); try { String ret = "" + MVEL.eval(titleExpression, vars); debug("evaluteTitle.ret:" + ret); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); info("TitleEval:" + e); } return def; } private String getProjectionString(List<String> fieldsArray) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String komma = ""; for (String field : fieldsArray) { sb.append(komma + field); komma = ","; } return sb.toString(); } private String getAlias(String mod) { String mn = m_inflector.getEntityName(mod); return mn; } public synchronized SessionContext getSessionContext(StoreDesc sdesc) { try { debug("-->getSessionContext:" + sdesc); SessionManager sessionManager = (SessionManager) ThreadContext.getThreadContext() .get(ThreadContext.SESSION_MANAGER); if (sessionManager == null) { sessionManager = createSessionManager(); } SessionContext sessionContext = new SessionContextImpl(sessionManager); sessionContext.setNucleusService(m_nucleusService); sessionContext.setEntityService(m_entityService); sessionContext.setSettingService(m_settingService); sessionContext.setGitService(m_gitService); sessionContext.setPermissionService(m_permissionService); sessionContext.setTeamService(m_teamService); sessionContext.setStoreDesc(sdesc); if (sdesc.isDataPack()) { //LuceneSession ls = m_luceneService.createSession(sdesc); //ls.setSessionContext(sessionContext); //ls.setTransactionManager(m_nucleusService.getTransactionManager()); //sessionContext.setLuceneSession(ls); } sessionContext.setDataLayer(this); sessionContext.setUserProperties(sessionManager.getUserProperties()); return sessionContext; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.getSessionContext:", e); } } private SessionManager createSessionManager() { try { debug("-->getSessionManager"); SessionManager sessionManager = new SessionManager(m_nucleusService); ThreadContext.getThreadContext().put(ThreadContext.SESSION_MANAGER, sessionManager); if (noAuth()) { sessionManager.setUserProperties(new HashMap()); } else { Map<String, Object> userProperties = m_authService.getUserProperties(sessionManager.getUserName()); sessionManager.setUserProperties(userProperties); } return sessionManager; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.getSessionManager:", e); } } private void getBinary(SessionContext sessionContext, Object obj, boolean hasTeamSecurity, Map permittedFields, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(); BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(obj); if (beanMap.getType("_team_list") != null) { Set<Object> _teams = (Set<Object>) beanMap.get("_team_list"); if (hasTeamSecurity && !m_teamService.checkTeams(sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), sessionContext.getUserName(), sessionContext.getUserProperties(), _teams)) { info("getPropertyMap.notAllowed:" + _teams); resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } } if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(obj, "content")) { byte[] c = (byte[]) PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, "content"); if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(obj, "type")) { String t = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, "type"); resp.setContentType(t); } if (PropertyUtils.isReadable(obj, "filename")) { String t = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, "filename"); resp.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=" + t); } if (c != null) { debug("getBinary:length:" + c.length); IOUtils.write(c, resp.getOutputStream()); } resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); resp.getOutputStream().close(); } } private Map<String, Object> getPropertyMap(SessionContext sessionContext, Object obj, boolean hasTeamSecurity, Map permittedFields, List<String> fieldsArray) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(); BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(obj); if (beanMap.getType("_team_list") != null) { Set<Object> _teams = (Set<Object>) beanMap.get("_team_list"); debug("getPropertyMap.hasTeamSecurity:" + hasTeamSecurity); if (hasTeamSecurity && !m_teamService.checkTeams(sessionContext.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), sessionContext.getUserName(), sessionContext.getUserProperties(), _teams)) { debug("getPropertyMap.notAllowed:" + _teams); return null; } } map.put("id", beanMap.get("id")); if (fieldsArray != null) { for (String field : fieldsArray) { if (beanMap.getType(field) == null) { m_logger.error("getPropertyMap.property_not_found:" + field); continue; } Map cm = (Map) permittedFields.get(field); if (cm == null) { continue; } try { Class type = beanMap.getType(field); Object value = beanMap.get(field); map.put(field, prepareValue(sessionContext, beanMap, value, (String) cm.get("datatype"))); } catch (Exception e) { m_logger.error("getPropertyMap.field:" + field + "," + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { Iterator itk = beanMap.keyIterator(); while (itk.hasNext()) { String field = (String); Map cm = (Map) permittedFields.get(field); if (cm == null) { continue; } if (STATE_FIELD.equals(cm.get("id")) && !m_permissionService.hasAdminRole()) { continue; } try { Class type = beanMap.getType(field); debug("Type:" + type + "/" + cm.get("datatype") + "/field:" + field); Object value = beanMap.get(field); if ("binary".equals(cm.get("datatype"))) { continue; } if ("fulltext".equals(cm.get("datatype"))) { continue; } if ("set".equals(cm.get("datatype"))) { continue; } if (type.equals(java.util.List.class) || type.equals(java.util.Set.class)) { continue; } map.put(field, prepareValue(sessionContext, beanMap, value, (String) cm.get("datatype"))); } catch (Exception e) { m_logger.error("getPropertyMap.field:" + field + "," + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } return map; } private String getRecordTitle(Object obj) { String names[] = { "name", "title", "shortname", "shortname_company", "shortname_person", "name1" }; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String name = null; try { name = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(obj, names[i]); } catch (Exception e) { debug("ex:" + e); } if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { return name + ""; } } return "Id"; } private void setRelatedToFields(Map targetMap, String[] colNames, BeanMap beanMap, Object value) { BeanMap relatedTo = new BeanMap(value); Iterator<String> it = relatedTo.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key =; if (key.startsWith("_")) continue; if (key.equals("class")) continue; if (key.equals("id")) continue; if (key.equals("name")) continue; if (colNames != null && !arrayContains(colNames, key)) continue; if (beanMap != null && !beanMap.containsKey(key)) continue; Class type = relatedTo.getType(key); if (type.equals(List.class) || type.equals(Set.class)) continue; debug("\tsetRelatedToFields.key:" + key + "=" + relatedTo.get(key) + "/" + relatedTo.getType(key)); targetMap.put(key, relatedTo.get(key)); } } private boolean arrayContains(String[] arr, String key) { for (String a : arr) { if (a != null && a.equals(key)) return true; } return false; } private Object prepareValue(SessionContext sc, BeanMap beanMap, Object value, String dt) throws Exception { if (value == null) { if (dt.startsWith("array/string")) { return new ArrayList(); } else { return null; } } if (value instanceof java.util.Date) { return String.valueOf(((Date) value).getTime()); } else if (value instanceof java.lang.Boolean) { return value; } else if (value instanceof java.lang.Double) { return value; } else if (value instanceof java.lang.Integer) { return value; } else if (dt.startsWith("related")) { Object ret = ""; try { Object id = (Object) PropertyUtils.getProperty(value, "id"); ret = id; String name = getRecordTitle(value); ret = id + "/" + name; ret = getTitle(sc, m_inflector.getEntityName(value.getClass().getSimpleName()), new BeanMap(value), id, (String) ret); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ret; } else if (dt.startsWith("array/string")) { List arr = new ArrayList(); String[] vals = String.valueOf(value).split(","); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { String v = vals[i]; arr.add(v); } return arr; } else if (dt.startsWith("map_")) { return value; } else if (dt.startsWith("list_")) { return value; } else if (dt.startsWith("array/")) { String t = dt.substring(dt.indexOf("/") + 1); if ("team".equals(t)) { t = "_team_list"; } List arr = new ArrayList(); Collection<Object> _teams = (Collection) beanMap.get(t); for (Object team : _teams) { BeanMap bm = new BeanMap(team); Iterator itk = bm.keyIterator(); Map map = new HashMap(); while (itk.hasNext()) { String field = (String); if ("class".equals(field)) { continue; } Object val = bm.get(field); map.put(field, prepareValue(sc, bm, val, "")); } arr.add(map); } return arr; } else { return String.valueOf(value); } } public Class getClass(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName) { return getClass(sessionContext.getStoreDesc(), m_inflector.getClassName(entityName)); } private Class getClass(StoreDesc sdesc, String className) { return m_nucleusService.getClass(sdesc, className); } protected Object newInstance(StoreDesc sdesc, String entity) { Object o = null; String clazzName = m_inflector.getClassName(entity); Class clazz = m_nucleusService.getClass(sdesc, clazzName); try { o = clazz.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { } return o; } private Map<String, Class> getInvolvedClasses(StoreDesc sdesc, String entity) { Map<String, Class> classes = new HashMap(); classes.put(entity, getClass(sdesc, m_inflector.getClassName(entity))); return classes; } private Map<String, Class> getInvolvedClasses(StoreDesc sdesc, List<String> modules) { Map<String, Class> classes = new HashMap(); try { for (String m : modules) { classes.put(m, getClass(sdesc, m_inflector.getClassName(m))); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return classes; } private class DummyIterator implements Iterator { private int next = 2; Object m_id = null; public DummyIterator() { } public DummyIterator(Object id) { m_id = id; } public boolean hasNext() { next--; return next > 0; } public Object next() { return m_id; } public void remove() { } } private void setDefaultValues(Class clazz, Object o) throws Exception { debug("----->setDefaultValues.clazz:" + clazz + "/" + o); Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] anns = fields[i].getDeclaredAnnotations(); for (int j = 0; j < anns.length; j++) { try { Class atype = anns[j].annotationType(); if (!(anns[j] instanceof javax.jdo.annotations.Column)) { continue; } Method methDf = atype.getDeclaredMethod("defaultValue"); //Method methAn = atype.getDeclaredMethod("allowsNull");//@@@MS ???? String df = (String) methDf.invoke(anns[j], new Object[0]); //String al = (String) methAn.invoke(anns[j], new Object[0]); if (df != null && df.length() > 0) { Class type = TypeUtils.getTypeForField(o, fields[i].getName()); Object v = ConvertUtils.convert(df, type); debug("setDefaultValues:" + fields[i].getName() + ":" + v + "/" + type); PropertyUtils.setProperty(o, fields[i].getName(), v); } } catch (Exception e) { debug("setDefaultValues.e:" + e); } } } } private String getPrimaryKey(Class clazz) throws Exception { debug("----->getPrimaryKey.clazz:" + clazz + " -> "); Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] anns = fields[i].getDeclaredAnnotations(); for (int j = 0; j < anns.length; j++) { try { Class atype = anns[j].annotationType(); if (!(anns[j] instanceof javax.jdo.annotations.PrimaryKey)) { continue; } debug(fields[i].getName()); return fields[i].getName(); } catch (Exception e) { debug("getPrimaryKey.e:" + e); } } } throw new RuntimeException("JdoLayerImpl.getPrimaryKey(" + clazz + "):no_primary_key"); } private String getRecordValidation(SessionContext sc, String entityName) { Map m = m_settingService.getPropertiesForEntityView(sc.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), GLOBAL_SETTINGS, entityName, null); String val = (String) m.get(RECORDVALIDATION); return val; } private String getTitle(SessionContext sc, String entityName, Map<String, Object> map, Object id, String def) { Map m = m_settingService.getPropertiesForEntityView(sc.getStoreDesc().getNamespace(), GLOBAL_SETTINGS, entityName, null); String te = (String) m.get(TITLEEXPRESSION); if (isEmpty(te)) { return def; } return evaluteTitle(sc, entityName, map, te, def) + "/" + id; } private boolean hasStateSelect(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String entityNameDetails) { String en = entityName; if (entityNameDetails != null) { en = entityNameDetails; } Map m = m_settingService.getPropertiesForEntityView(sdesc.getNamespace(), GLOBAL_SETTINGS, en, null); return m.get(STATESELECT) != null ? (Boolean) m.get(STATESELECT) : false; } private boolean noResultSetCount(StoreDesc sdesc, String entityName, String entityNameDetails) { String en = entityName; if (entityNameDetails != null) { en = entityNameDetails; } Map m = m_settingService.getPropertiesForEntityView(sdesc.getNamespace(), GLOBAL_SETTINGS, en, null); return m.get(NORESULTSETCOUNT) != null ? (Boolean) m.get(NORESULTSETCOUNT) : false; } private boolean isEmpty(String s) { return (s == null || "".equals(s.trim())); } protected String getRelatedTo(Object insert, Class clazzMaster, String propNameMaster) throws Exception { debug("getRelatedTo:" + insert + ",clazzMaster:" + clazzMaster + "," + propNameMaster); Class clazzInsert = insert.getClass(); Field[] fields = clazzInsert.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { Annotation ann = field.getAnnotation(RelatedTo.class); if (ann != null) { Class t = field.getType(); debug("t:" + t); if (t.equals(clazzMaster)) { Class atype = ann.annotationType(); Method meth = atype.getDeclaredMethod("value"); debug("atype:" + atype + ",meth:" + meth); String val = (String) meth.invoke(ann, new Object[0]); debug("val:" + val + "," + field.getName()); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { if (propNameMaster.equals(val)) { return field.getName(); } } else { return field.getName(); } } } } return null; } private String getAddWhere(QueryBuilder qb, String entityName, String entityNameDetails, String detailFieldName) { String whereResult = ""; String andStr = " and "; String teamUserWhere = qb.getTeamUserWhere(); if (teamUserWhere != null) { whereResult = andStr + teamUserWhere; } String teamSecurityWhere = qb.getTeamSecurityWhere(); if (teamSecurityWhere != null) { whereResult = andStr + " " + teamSecurityWhere; } boolean hasStateSelect = hasStateSelect(qb.getSessionContext().getStoreDesc(), entityName, entityNameDetails); if (hasStateSelect) { String state = qb.getRequestedState(); String qualifier = null; if (entityNameDetails != null) { qualifier = entityName + "$" + detailFieldName; } else { qualifier = entityName; } whereResult = andStr + getStateWhere(qualifier, state); } return whereResult; } private List<Map> constructConstraitViolationList(Set<ConstraintViolation> constraintViolations) { List<Map> cvList = new ArrayList(); if (constraintViolations == null) return cvList; for (ConstraintViolation cv : constraintViolations) { Map<String, String> mapCV = new HashMap(); mapCV.put("message", cv.getMessage()); mapCV.put("path", cv.getPropertyPath() + ""); cvList.add(mapCV); } debug("constraintViolations:" + cvList); return cvList; } private String getAppName(String appName) { if ("xaddress".equals(appName)) { return "xaddr"; } return appName; } private boolean hasTeamSecurity(SessionContext sessionContext, String entityName, String entityNameDetails) { Map entityMap = sessionContext.getEntitytype(entityName); boolean hasTeamSecurity = Utils.getBoolean(entityMap, "team_security", false); debug("hasTeamSecurity:" + hasTeamSecurity); if (entityNameDetails != null) { Map em = sessionContext.getEntitytype(entityNameDetails); hasTeamSecurity = Utils.getBoolean(em, "team_security", false); debug("hasTeamSecurityDetails:" + hasTeamSecurity); } return hasTeamSecurity; } private String getOrderBy(Map params, String entityName, String entityNameDetails) { String orderBy = ""; if (params.get("orderby") != null && !"".equals(params.get("orderby"))) { String alias = getAlias(entityNameDetails == null ? entityName : entityNameDetails); if (entityNameDetails != null && entityName != null) { alias = entityName + "$" + entityNameDetails; } if (((String) params.get("orderby")).indexOf(".") == -1) { orderBy = "order by " + alias + "." + params.get("orderby"); } else { orderBy = "order by " + params.get("orderby"); } } return orderBy; } private Object getIdObject(String id, StoreDesc sdesc, Map config) { if (sdesc.getIdType().equals("string")) { return id; } else if (sdesc.getIdType().equals("long")) { return Long.valueOf(id); } if (config != null) { Map c = (Map) config.get("id"); if (c != null && c.get("datatype") != null && "string".equals(c.get("datatype"))) { return id; } else { return Long.valueOf(id); } } return id; } private String getLastElement(String path) { return getLastElement(path, "."); } private String getLastElement(String path, String sep) { int lastDot = path.lastIndexOf(sep); return path.substring(lastDot + 1); } protected int getInt(Map m, String key, int _def) { try { Object i = m.get(key); if (i == null) return _def; if (i instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) i; } return Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(m.get(key))); } catch (Exception e) { } return _def; } private Object copyObject(Object o) throws Exception { Map n = new HashMap(); BeanMap beanMap = new BeanMap(o); Iterator itv = beanMap.keyIterator(); while (itv.hasNext()) { String prop = (String); if ("class".equals(prop)) { continue; } Object value = beanMap.get(prop); if ("_team_list".equals(prop)) { Set teamSet = new HashSet(); Set teams = (Set) beanMap.get(prop); for (Object team : teams) { Map t = new HashMap(new BeanMap(team)); t.remove("teamintern"); teamSet.add(t); } value = teamSet; } else if (value instanceof Collection) { continue; } else { java.lang.reflect.Field field = o.getClass().getDeclaredField(prop); if (field != null) { if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Element.class) || field.isAnnotationPresent(Persistent.class)) { continue; } } } n.put(prop, value); } return n; } private boolean isStateEqual(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null && s2 == null) return true; if (s1 == null && s2 != null) return false; if (s1 != null && s2 == null) return false; return s1.equals(s2); } private Map<String, String> getState(Map dataMap, Object objectUpdate) { String stateNew = null; String stateOld = null; try { stateNew = (String) dataMap.get(STATE_FIELD); stateOld = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(objectUpdate, STATE_FIELD); } catch (Exception e) { debug("getState:" + e); } debug("State:old:" + stateOld + "/new:" + stateNew); Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("stateOld", stateOld); map.put("stateNew", stateNew); return map; } private void setState(Map<String, String> stateMap, Object objectUpdate) { String stateOld = stateMap.get("stateOld"); String stateNew = stateMap.get("stateNew"); try { if (m_permissionService.hasAdminRole() /*&& !isStateEqual(stateOld,stateNew)*/) { PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectUpdate, STATE_FIELD, stateNew); } else { PropertyUtils.setProperty(objectUpdate, STATE_FIELD, null); } } catch (Exception e) { debug("setState:" + e); } } private boolean noAuth() { String sh = System.getProperty("workspace"); try { String basedir = new File(sh).getCanonicalFile().getParent(); debug("NOAUTH:" + new File(basedir, "noauth").exists()); return new File(basedir, "noauth").exists(); } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /*public MediaType getContentType(InputStream is, String fileName,TikaConfig tikaConfig) { MediaType mediaType; Metadata md = new Metadata(); md.set(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, fileName); Detector detector = new ContainerAwareDetector(tikaConfig.getMimeRepository()); try { mediaType = detector.detect(is, md); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return null; } return mediaType; }*/ public static String replaceTokens(String text, Map<String, String> replacements) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\@\\$]\\{(.+?)\\}"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (matcher.find()) { String replacement = replacements.get(; builder.append(text.substring(i, matcher.start())); if (replacement == null) builder.append(; else builder.append(replacement); i = matcher.end(); } builder.append(text.substring(i, text.length())); return builder.toString(); } private void displayInfo(String where, long startTime) { long time = new Date().getTime() - startTime; long fm = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / (1024 * 1024); long tm = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / (1024 * 1024); debug("Memory(" + where + "):free=" + fm + "M,total=" + tm + "M,time:" + time + " mSec"); } protected void debug(String message) { m_logger.debug(message); //System.out.println(message); } protected void info(String message) {; System.out.println(message); } /************************************ C O N F I G ********************************************************/ /* public void setRulesService(RulesService rulesService) { this.m_rulesService = rulesService; System.out.println("JdoLayerImpl.setRulesService:" + rulesService); }*/ //@Reference(dynamic = true) //public void setLuceneService(LuceneService paramLuceneService) { // this.m_luceneService = paramLuceneService; // info("JdoLayerImpl.setLuceneService:" + paramLuceneService); //} @Reference(dynamic = true) public void setTriggerService(TriggerService paramTriggerService) { this.m_triggerService = paramTriggerService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setTriggerService:" + paramTriggerService); } @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true) public void setEntityService(EntityService paramEntityService) { this.m_entityService = paramEntityService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setEntityService:" + paramEntityService); } @Reference(dynamic = true) public void setNucleusService(NucleusService paramNucleusService) { this.m_nucleusService = paramNucleusService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setNucleusService:" + paramNucleusService); } @Reference(dynamic = true) public void setPermissionService(PermissionService paramPermissionService) { this.m_permissionService = paramPermissionService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setPermissionService:" + paramPermissionService); } @Reference(dynamic = true) public void setTeamService(TeamService paramService) { this.m_teamService = paramService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setTeamService:" + paramService); } @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true) public void setSettingService(SettingService paramSettingService) { this.m_settingService = paramSettingService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setSettingService:" + paramSettingService); } @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true) public void setGitService(GitService paramGitService) { this.m_gitService = paramGitService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setGitService:" + paramGitService); } @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true) public void setCamelService(CamelService paramCamelService) { this.m_camelService = paramCamelService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setCamelService:" + paramCamelService); } @Reference(target = "(impl=default)", dynamic = true) public void setDublettenCheckService(DublettenCheckService paramDublettenCheckService) { m_dublettenCheckService.put("default", paramDublettenCheckService); info("JdoLayerImpl.setDublettenCheckService:" + paramDublettenCheckService); } @Reference(target = "(impl=pg)", dynamic = true) public void setDublettenCheckServicePG(DublettenCheckService paramDublettenCheckService) { m_dublettenCheckService.put("pg", paramDublettenCheckService); info("JdoLayerImpl.setDublettenCheckServicePG:" + paramDublettenCheckService); } @Reference(dynamic = true, optional = true) public void setAuthService(AuthService paramAuthService) { this.m_authService = paramAuthService; info("JdoLayerImpl.setAuthService:" + paramAuthService); } }