Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2009-2014 DigitalGlobe, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.mrgeo.vector.mrsvector; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.mrgeo.geometry.*; import org.mrgeo.vector.mrsvector.pbf.FileFormat.Blob; import org.mrgeo.vector.mrsvector.pbf.FileFormat.BlobHeader; import org.mrgeo.vector.mrsvector.pbf.OsmFormat.*; import org.mrgeo.vector.mrsvector.pbf.OsmFormat.Relation.MemberType; import org.mrgeo.utils.Bounds; import org.mrgeo.utils.LongRectangle; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; public class VectorTile { public static class MrsVectorException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final Exception origException; public MrsVectorException(final Exception e) { this.origException = e; printStackTrace(); } public MrsVectorException(final String msg) { final Exception e = new Exception(msg); this.origException = e; } @Override public void printStackTrace() { origException.printStackTrace(); } } private class GeometryIterable implements Iterable<Geometry> { public GeometryIterable() { } @Override public Iterator<Geometry> iterator() { return new GeometryIterator(); } } private class GeometryIterator implements Iterator<Geometry> { int currentnode = 0; int currentway = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int currentrelation = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public GeometryIterator() { } @Override public boolean hasNext() { // MAX_VALUE is used here as a shortcut for testing we've looped through all the elements if (currentnode < Integer.MAX_VALUE && nodes != null) { while (currentnode < nodes.length) { if (hasKeyValue(nodes[currentnode++], singlePointKey, yesKey)) { return true; } } // finished nodes, now go on to ways currentnode = Integer.MAX_VALUE; currentway = 0; } if (currentway < Integer.MAX_VALUE && ways != null) { while (currentway < ways.length) { if (!hasKeyValue(ways[currentway++], inRelationKey, yesKey)) { return true; } } // finished ways, no on to relations currentway = Integer.MAX_VALUE; currentrelation = 0; } if (currentrelation < Integer.MAX_VALUE && relations != null) { if (currentrelation < relations.length) { if (!hasKeyValue(relations[currentrelation++], inRelationKey, yesKey)) { return true; } } // finished relations, all done! currentrelation = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return false; } @Override public Geometry next() { // remember, all the current... values are ONE MORE than the actual value to return! if (currentnode < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return toGeometry(nodes[currentnode - 1]); } if (currentway < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return toGeometry(ways[currentway - 1]); } if (currentrelation < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return toGeometry(relations[currentrelation - 1]); } return null; } @Override public void remove() { } } protected final static String OSMHEADER = "OSMHeader"; protected final static String OSMDATA = "OSMData"; protected final static String PBF_OSM_SCHEMA_V06 = "OsmSchema-V0.6"; protected final static String PBF_DENSE_NODES = "DenseNodes"; protected final static String MRSVECTOR_TILE = "MRGEO.tile"; protected final static String MRGEO = "mrgeo"; // Don't use a raw size greater than 30MB. This should make the compressed block size in the // 16MB range. // private final static int MAX_RAW_SIZE = (30 * 1024 * 1024); // max bytes for a stream. This prevents the OSM pbf from complaining about messages too big. protected final static int MAX_STREAM_SIZE = (500 * 1024 * 1024); protected String[] strings = null; protected Node[] nodes = null; protected Way[] ways = null; protected Relation[] relations = null; protected int granularity = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected int dateGranularity = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected long lonOffset = Long.MIN_VALUE; protected long latOffset = Long.MIN_VALUE; // we'll use a LongRectangle here so we don't have to convert when calculating or reading/writing protected LongRectangle bounds = null; protected boolean mrsvectortile = false; // is this tile a cleaned MrsVectorTile before writing static final String[] TRUE_KEYS = { "yes", "true", "1", "on" }; static final String[] FALSE_KEYS = { "no", "false", "0", "off" }; private int[] trues = null; private int[] falses = null; static final String AREA = "area"; protected int arealKey = -1; // static final String[] AREA_KEYS = {"aeroway", "building", "landuse", "leisure", "natural"}; // private int[] areas = null; // // static final String AEROWAYKEY = "aeroway"; // private int aerowayKey = -1; // // static final String TAXIWAY = "taxiway"; // private int taxiwayKey = -1; static final String SINGLE_POINT = "single_point"; protected int singlePointKey = -1; static final String NO = "no"; static final String YES = "yes"; protected int yesKey = -1; static final String INRELATION = "in_relation"; protected int inRelationKey = -1; static final String INNER_RING = "inner"; protected int innerKey = -1; static final String OUTER_RING = "outer"; protected int outerKey = -1; static final String TYPE = "type"; protected int typeKey = -1; static final String MULTIPOLYGON = "multipolygon"; protected int multipolygonKey = -1; static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; // protected so no one except us and WritableVectorTile can create a blank VectorTile protected VectorTile() { } protected VectorTile(final VectorTile copy) { this.dateGranularity = copy.dateGranularity; this.granularity = copy.granularity; this.latOffset = copy.latOffset; this.lonOffset = copy.lonOffset; this.mrsvectortile = copy.mrsvectortile; this.nodes = copy.nodes; this.relations = copy.relations; this.strings = copy.strings; this.ways = copy.ways; } public static VectorTile fromProtobuf(final byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { final ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer, offset, length); try { return fromProtobuf(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } } public static VectorTile fromProtobuf(final InputStream stream) throws IOException { final HeaderBlock header = readOSMHeader(stream); final boolean mrsvectortile = header.getOptionalFeaturesList().contains(MRSVECTOR_TILE); if (mrsvectortile) { final VectorTile vector = new VectorTile(); vector.readOSMData(stream); vector.loadKeys(); return vector; } final VectorTileCleaner vector = new VectorTileCleaner();; vector.loadKeys(); return vector; } // public static VectorTile fromProtobuf(final Value value) throws IOException // { // return fromProtobuf(value.get()); // } protected static double fromNanoDegrees(final long value, final long granularity, final long offset) { // we do the divide (instead of a multiply by a small number) return ((value / 1000000000.0) + offset) * granularity; // return (offset + (granularity * (double) value)) / 1000000000.0; } protected static long toNanoDegrees(final double value, final long granularity, final long offset) { return (long) (((value / granularity) - offset) * 1000000000.0); } protected static String human(final long bytes) { final int unit = 1024; if (bytes < unit) { return bytes + "B"; } final int exp = (int) (Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit)); final char pre = new String("KMGTPE").charAt(exp - 1); return String.format("%.1f%sB", bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp), pre); } protected static InputStream parseBlob(final DataInputStream dis, final BlobHeader header) throws IOException { final byte[] blob = new byte[header.getDatasize()];; final Blob b = Blob.parseFrom(blob); InputStream blobData; if (b.hasZlibData()) { blobData = new InflaterInputStream(b.getZlibData().newInput()); } else { blobData = b.getRaw().newInput(); } return blobData; } protected static BlobHeader parseHeader(final DataInputStream dis) throws IOException { final int len = dis.readInt(); final byte[] blobHeader = new byte[len];; return BlobHeader.parseFrom(blobHeader); } protected static HeaderBlock readOSMHeader(final InputStream stream) throws IOException { DataInputStream dis; if (stream instanceof DataInputStream) { dis = (DataInputStream) stream; } else { dis = new DataInputStream(stream); } while (dis.available() > 0) { final BlobHeader header = parseHeader(dis); if (header.getType().equals(OSMHEADER)) { final CodedInputStream blob = CodedInputStream.newInstance(parseBlob(dis, header)); final HeaderBlock hb = HeaderBlock.parseFrom(blob); return hb; } } return null; } private static void writeBlob(final OutputStream stream, final Message msg, final String type) throws IOException { final BlobHeader.Builder headerbuilder = BlobHeader.newBuilder(); final Blob.Builder blobbuilder = Blob.newBuilder(); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // uncomment to write uncompressed (and comment out zip section to before the msg.writeTo(baos); // add the uncompressed data to the blob blobbuilder.setRaw(ByteString.copyFrom(baos.toByteArray())); // // set up the zip stream // final DeflaterOutputStream zip = new DeflaterOutputStream(baos, new // Deflater(Deflater.BEST_SPEED, false)); // // write to the zipper // msg.writeTo(zip); // // // make sure we've finished processing // zip.close(); // // // set the raw size of the data // blobbuilder.setRawSize(msg.getSerializedSize()); // // // add the zipped data to the blob // blobbuilder.setZlibData(ByteString.copyFrom(baos.toByteArray())); final Blob blob =; // set the size headerbuilder.setDatasize(blob.getSerializedSize()); headerbuilder.setType(type); final BlobHeader bh =; // need to write length of the header... final DataOutputStream daos = new DataOutputStream(stream); daos.writeInt(bh.getSerializedSize()); // write the header bh.writeTo(stream); headerbuilder.clear(); // now write the data blob blob.writeTo(stream); blobbuilder.clear(); } static int findKey(final int key, final List<Integer> keys) { return keys.indexOf(key); } static int findValue(final int keyNdx, final List<Integer> values) { return values.get(keyNdx); } static boolean hasKey(final int key, final List<Integer> keys) { return findKey(key, keys) >= 0; } public void dump(final Node node, final PrintStream stream) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(node.getId() + ":"); builder.append(fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset) + " "); builder.append(fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset) + " "); for (int j = 0; j < node.getKeysCount(); j++) { builder.append(strings[node.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[node.getVals(j)] + " "); } stream.println(builder.toString()); } public void dump(final PrintStream stream) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); stream.println("strings"); builder.append(" "); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { builder.append(i + ":" + strings[i] + " "); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } stream.println(builder.toString()); stream.println("nodes"); if (nodes != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(" "); for (final Node n : nodes) { builder.append(n.getId() + ":"); builder.append(fromNanoDegrees(n.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset) + " "); builder.append(fromNanoDegrees(n.getLat(), granularity, latOffset) + " "); for (int j = 0; j < n.getKeysCount(); j++) { builder.append(strings[n.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[n.getVals(j)] + " "); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } stream.println(builder.toString()); } stream.println("ways"); if (ways != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(" "); for (final Way w : ways) { builder.append(w.getId() + ":"); long id = 0; for (int j = 0; j < w.getRefsCount(); j++) { id += w.getRefs(j); builder.append(id + " "); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } for (int j = 0; j < w.getKeysCount(); j++) { builder.append(strings[w.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[w.getVals(j)] + " "); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } stream.println(builder.toString()); } stream.println("relations"); if (relations != null) { builder = new StringBuilder(" "); for (final Relation r : relations) { builder.append(r.getId() + ":"); long id = 0; for (int j = 0; j < r.getMemidsCount(); j++) { final MemberType t = r.getTypes(j); switch (t.ordinal()) { case MemberType.NODE_VALUE: builder.append('n'); break; case MemberType.WAY_VALUE: builder.append('w'); break; case MemberType.RELATION_VALUE: builder.append('r'); break; } id += r.getMemids(j); builder.append(id); final int role = r.getRolesSid(j); if (role != 0) { builder.append("(r:" + strings[role] + ")"); } builder.append(' '); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } for (int j = 0; j < r.getKeysCount(); j++) { if (j == 0) { builder.append(" "); } builder.append(strings[r.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[r.getVals(j)] + " "); if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } if (builder.length() > 80) { stream.println(builder.toString()); builder = new StringBuilder(" "); } } stream.println(builder.toString()); } } public void dump(final Relation relation, final PrintStream stream) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(relation.getId() + ":"); long id = 0; for (int j = 0; j < relation.getMemidsCount(); j++) { final MemberType t = relation.getTypes(j); switch (t.ordinal()) { case MemberType.NODE_VALUE: builder.append('n'); break; case MemberType.WAY_VALUE: builder.append('w'); break; case MemberType.RELATION_VALUE: builder.append('r'); break; } id += relation.getMemids(j); builder.append(id); final int role = relation.getRolesSid(j); if (role != 0) { builder.append("(r:" + strings[role] + ")"); } builder.append(' '); } for (int j = 0; j < relation.getKeysCount(); j++) { if (j == 0) { builder.append(" "); } builder.append(strings[relation.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[relation.getVals(j)] + " "); } stream.println(builder.toString()); } public void dump(final Way way, final PrintStream stream) { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(way.getId() + ":"); for (int j = 0; j < way.getRefsCount(); j++) { builder.append(way.getRefs(j) + " "); } for (int j = 0; j < way.getKeysCount(); j++) { builder.append(strings[way.getKeys(j)] + "|" + strings[way.getVals(j)] + " "); } stream.println(builder.toString()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int findKey(final Node node, final int key) { return findKey(key, node.getKeysList()); } public int findKey(final Node node, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findKey(ndx, node.getKeysList()); } return ndx; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int findKey(final Relation relation, final int key) { return findKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); } public int findKey(final Relation relation, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findKey(ndx, relation.getKeysList()); } return ndx; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int findKey(final Way way, final int key) { return findKey(key, way.getKeysList()); } public int findKey(final Way way, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findKey(ndx, way.getKeysList()); } return ndx; } public String findKeyString(final Node node, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, node.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, node.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String findKeyString(final Node node, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, node.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String findKeyString(final Relation relation, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, relation.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String findKeyString(final Relation relation, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, relation.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String findKeyString(final Way way, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, way.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, way.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String findKeyString(final Way way, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, way.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public Iterable<Geometry> geometries() { return new GeometryIterable(); } public Bounds getBounds() { if (bounds == null) { calculateBounds(); } final double l = fromNanoDegrees(bounds.getMinX(), granularity, lonOffset); final double b = fromNanoDegrees(bounds.getMinY(), granularity, latOffset); final double r = fromNanoDegrees(bounds.getMaxX(), granularity, lonOffset); final double t = fromNanoDegrees(bounds.getMaxY(), granularity, latOffset); return new Bounds(l, b, r, t); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int getValue(final Node node, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, node.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, node.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public int getValue(final Node node, final String key) { final int ndx = findKey(node, key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, node.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int getValue(final Relation relation, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, relation.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public int getValue(final Relation relation, final String key) { final int ndx = findKey(relation, key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, relation.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public int getValue(final Way way, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, way.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, way.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public int getValue(final Way way, final String key) { final int ndx = findKey(way, key); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, way.getValsList()); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Node node, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, node.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findValue(ndx, node.getValsList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Node node, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findKey(ndx, node.getKeysList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Relation relation, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findValue(ndx, relation.getValsList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Relation relation, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findValue(ndx, relation.getValsList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Way way, final int key) { final int ndx = findKey(key, way.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findValue(ndx, way.getValsList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } public String getValueString(final Way way, final String key) { final int ndx = findString(key); if (ndx >= 0) { return strings[findValue(ndx, way.getValsList())]; } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKey(final Node node, final int key) { return hasKey(key, node.getKeysList()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKey(final Relation relation, final int key) { return hasKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKey(final Way way, final int key) { return hasKey(key, way.getKeysList()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKeyValue(final Node node, final int key, final int value) { final int ndx = findKey(key, node.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return value == findValue(ndx, node.getValsList()); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKeyValue(final Relation relation, final int key, final int value) { final int ndx = findKey(key, relation.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return value == findValue(ndx, relation.getValsList()); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public boolean hasKeyValue(final Way way, final int key, final int value) { final int ndx = findKey(key, way.getKeysList()); if (ndx >= 0) { return value == findValue(ndx, way.getValsList()); } return false; } public Iterable<Node> nodes() { return Arrays.asList(nodes); } public Iterable<Relation> relations() { return Arrays.asList(relations); } public Geometry toGeometry(final Node node) { final double lat = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset); final double lon = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset); final WritablePoint point = GeometryFactory.createPoint(lon, lat); addAttributes(point, node.getKeysList(), node.getValsList()); return point; } public Geometry toGeometry(final Relation relation) { // if (isArea(relation)) // { // // need to see if there are any other nodes in this collection other than a multipolyon // boolean collection = false; // final List<Integer> roles = relation.getRolesSidList(); // final List<MemberType> types = relation.getTypesList(); // for (int i = 0; i < relation.getMemidsCount(); i++) // { // switch (types.get(i)) // { // case NODE: // collection = true; // break; // case WAY: // final int role = roles.get(i); // if (!isInnerRole(role) && !isOuterRole(role)) // { // collection = true; // } // break; // case RELATION: // collection = true; // break; // default: // break; // } // // if (collection) // { // break; // } // } // // if (!collection) // { // return createPolygon(relation); // } // // } return createCollection(relation); } public Geometry toGeometry(final Way way) { if (isArea(way)) { return createPolygon(way); } // final List<Long> refs = way.getRefsList(); // final long a = refs.get(0); // final long b = refs.get(refs.size() - 1); // // if (a == b) // { // return createRing(way); // } LineString ls = createLine(way); if (ls.getNumPoints() > 2 && ls.getPoint(0).equals(ls.getPoint(ls.getNumPoints() - 1))) { return GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(ls); } return ls; } public byte[] toProtobuf() throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { toProtobuf(baos); // make sure we've finished baos.flush(); return baos.toByteArray(); } finally { baos.close(); } } public void toProtobuf(final File file) throws IOException { final FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { toProtobuf(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } } public void toProtobuf(final OutputStream stream) throws IOException { writeHeader(stream); boolean finished = false; while (!finished) { finished = writeOSM(stream); } } public Iterable<Way> ways() { return Arrays.asList(ways); } protected void calculateBounds() { // a LongRectangle initializes to "unset", so we don't need to do any initialization here bounds = new LongRectangle(); for (final Node n : nodes) { bounds.add(n.getLon(), n.getLat()); } } protected void loadAreal() { if (mrsvectortile) { arealKey = findString(AREA); // final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // for (final String str : AREA_KEYS) // { // final int ndx; // ndx = findString(str); // // if (ndx >= 0) // { // list.add(ndx); // } // } // // areas = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(list.toArray(new Integer[0])); // // aerowayKey = findString(AEROWAYKEY); // taxiwayKey = findString(TAXIWAY); } else { arealKey = findStringUnsorted(AREA); // final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // for (final String str : AREA_KEYS) // { // final int ndx; // ndx = findStringUnsorted(str); // // if (ndx >= 0) // { // list.add(ndx); // } // } // // areas = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(list.toArray(new Integer[0])); // // aerowayKey = findStringUnsorted(AEROWAYKEY); // taxiwayKey = findStringUnsorted(TAXIWAY); } } protected void loadFalses() { final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (final String str : FALSE_KEYS) { final int ndx; if (mrsvectortile) { ndx = findString(str); } else { ndx = findStringUnsorted(str); } if (ndx >= 0) { list.add(ndx); } } falses = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(list.toArray(new Integer[0])); } protected void loadKeys() { loadAreal(); loadFalses(); loadInRelation(); loadMultipolygon(); loadRoles(); loadSinglePoints(); loadTrues(); } private void loadInRelation() { if (mrsvectortile) { inRelationKey = findString(INRELATION); } else { inRelationKey = findStringUnsorted(INRELATION); } } private void loadMultipolygon() { if (mrsvectortile) { multipolygonKey = findString(MULTIPOLYGON); typeKey = findString(TYPE); } else { multipolygonKey = findStringUnsorted(MULTIPOLYGON); typeKey = findStringUnsorted(TYPE); } } protected void loadRoles() { if (mrsvectortile) { innerKey = findString(INNER_RING); outerKey = findString(OUTER_RING); } else { innerKey = findStringUnsorted(INNER_RING); outerKey = findStringUnsorted(OUTER_RING); } } protected void loadSinglePoints() { if (mrsvectortile) { singlePointKey = findString(SINGLE_POINT); yesKey = findString(YES); } else { singlePointKey = findStringUnsorted(SINGLE_POINT); yesKey = findStringUnsorted(YES); } } protected void loadTrues() { final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (final String str : TRUE_KEYS) { final int ndx; if (mrsvectortile) { ndx = findString(str); } else { ndx = findStringUnsorted(str); } if (ndx >= 0) { list.add(ndx); } } trues = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(list.toArray(new Integer[0])); } protected void parseDenseNodes(final DenseNodes dense) { final int count = dense.getIdCount(); final Node[] denseNodes = new Node[count]; final Node.Builder nb = Node.newBuilder(); // kv offset is the running offset within the key/value list for the nodes. // in dense nodes, the k/v are stored as consecutive values (k, v, k, v, ...) with a "0" key // value denoting the end of the k/v for a dense nodemap. int kvoffset = 0; long lon = 0; long lat = 0; long offset = nodes == null ? 0 : nodes.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { nb.clear(); // these are DELTA coded, so we need to keep a running count... lon += dense.getLon(i); lat += dense.getLat(i); // build the nodemap with the nodemap builder nb.clear(); // TODO: Add the original id as a k/v? (that will balloon the string table immensely) nb.setId(offset); nb.setLat(lat); nb.setLon(lon); if (dense.getKeysValsCount() > 0) { int k = dense.getKeysVals(kvoffset++); while (k != 0) { final int v = dense.getKeysVals(kvoffset++); nb.addKeys(k); nb.addVals(v); k = dense.getKeysVals(kvoffset++); } } nb.setUnknownFields(dense.getUnknownFields()); denseNodes[i] =; offset++; } if (nodes == null) { nodes = denseNodes; } else { nodes = (Node[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(nodes, denseNodes); } } protected void parseNodes(final List<Node> nodesList) { if (nodes == null) { nodes = nodesList.toArray(new Node[0]); } else { nodes = (Node[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(nodes, nodesList.toArray(new Node[0])); } } protected void parseOSM(final CodedInputStream blob) throws IOException { final PrimitiveBlock pb = PrimitiveBlock.parseFrom(blob); // System.out.println("pb: "); // load some constants granularity = pb.getGranularity(); lonOffset = pb.getLonOffset(); latOffset = pb.getLatOffset(); dateGranularity = pb.getDateGranularity(); // load strings if (pb.getStringtable().getSCount() > 0) { parseStrings(pb.getStringtable()); } // System.out.println("s: " + pb.getStringtable().getSCount()); for (int i = 0; i < pb.getPrimitivegroupCount(); i++) { final PrimitiveGroup pg = pb.getPrimitivegroup(i); // System.out.println("n: " + pg.getNodesCount()); // System.out.println("d: " + pg.getDense().getIdCount()); // System.out.println("w: " + pg.getWaysCount()); // System.out.println("r: " + pg.getRelationsCount()); // parse nodes if (pg.getNodesCount() > 0) { parseNodes(pg.getNodesList()); } // parse dense nodes if (pg.getDense().getIdCount() > 0) { parseDenseNodes(pg.getDense()); } // parse ways if (pg.getWaysCount() > 0) { parseWays(pg.getWaysList()); } // parse relations if (pg.getRelationsCount() > 0) { parseRelations(pg.getRelationsList()); } } } protected void parseRelations(final List<Relation> relationsList) { if (relations == null) { relations = relationsList.toArray(new Relation[0]); } else { relations = (Relation[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(relations, relationsList.toArray(new Relation[0])); } } protected void parseStrings(final StringTable stringtable) { // System.out.println(" strings (" + st.getSCount() + ")"); final String[] newStrings = new String[stringtable.getSCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < stringtable.getSCount(); i++) { newStrings[i] = stringtable.getS(i).toStringUtf8(); } if (strings == null) { strings = newStrings; } else { strings = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(strings, newStrings); } } protected void parseWays(final List<Way> waysList) { if (ways == null) { ways = waysList.toArray(new Way[0]); } else { ways = (Way[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(ways, waysList.toArray(new Way[0])); } } private void addAttributes(final WritableGeometry p, final List<Integer> keys, final List<Integer> values) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { p.setAttribute(strings[keys.get(i)], strings[values.get(i)]); } } private DenseNodes buildDenseNodes() { final DenseNodes.Builder db = DenseNodes.newBuilder(); long id = 0; long lat = 0; long lon = 0; long lastid = 0; long lastlon = 0; long lastlat = 0; for (final Node node : nodes) { id = node.getId() - lastid; lat = node.getLat() - lastlat; lon = node.getLon() - lastlon; lastid = node.getId(); lastlat = node.getLat(); lastlon = node.getLon(); db.addId(id); db.addLat(lat); db.addLon(lon); for (int j = 0; j < node.getKeysCount(); j++) { db.addKeysVals(node.getKeys(j)); db.addKeysVals(node.getVals(j)); } db.addKeysVals(0); } return; } private StringTable buildStringTable() { final StringTable.Builder sb = StringTable.newBuilder(); for (final String str : strings) { sb.addS(ByteString.copyFromUtf8(str)); } return; } private Geometry createCollection(final Relation relation) { final WritableGeometryCollection collection = GeometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(); if (isArea(relation)) { List<WritablePolygon> polys = new ArrayList<WritablePolygon>(); WritablePolygon poly = poly = GeometryFactory.createPolygon(); ; WritableLinearRing outer = null; WritableLinearRing inner = null; final List<Long> ids = relation.getMemidsList(); final List<Integer> roles = relation.getRolesSidList(); final List<MemberType> types = relation.getTypesList(); int id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < relation.getMemidsCount(); i++) { id += ids.get(i).intValue(); // DELTA encoding if (types.get(i) == MemberType.WAY) { if (id < ways.length) { final Way way = ways[id]; final int role = roles.get(i); if (isOuterRole(role)) { if (outer == null) { outer = GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(); } else { } addWayToRing(outer, way); if (outer.getNumPoints() >= 4) { // if the 1st and last points equal, the polygon is closed if (outer.getPoint(0).getGeohashBits() == outer.getPoint(outer.getNumPoints() - 1) .getGeohashBits()) { poly.setExteriorRing(outer); if (!outer.isEmpty()) { polys.add(poly); } outer = null; } } } else if (isInnerRole(role)) { if (inner == null) { inner = GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(); } addWayToRing(inner, way); // if the 1st and last points equal, the polygon is closed if (inner.getNumPoints() >= 4) { if (inner.getPoint(0).getGeohashBits() == inner.getPoint(inner.getNumPoints() - 1) .getGeohashBits()) { poly.addInteriorRing(inner); inner = null; } } } } } } if (outer != null) { outer.closeRing(); poly.setExteriorRing(outer); } if (inner != null) { inner.closeRing(); poly.addInteriorRing(inner); } // only 1 polygon, return it as a polygon. if (polys.size() == 1) { return polys.get(0); } for (WritablePolygon p : polys) { collection.addGeometry(p); } } else { final List<Long> ids = relation.getMemidsList(); final List<Integer> roles = relation.getRolesSidList(); final List<MemberType> types = relation.getTypesList(); int id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < relation.getMemidsCount(); i++) { id += ids.get(i).intValue(); // DELTA encoding final int role = roles.get(i); switch (types.get(i)) { case NODE: if (id < nodes.length) { collection.addGeometry((WritableGeometry) toGeometry(nodes[id])); } break; case WAY: if (!isInnerRole(role) && !isOuterRole(role)) { if (id < ways.length) { collection.addGeometry((WritableGeometry) toGeometry(ways[id])); } } break; case RELATION: if (id < relations.length) { collection.addGeometry((WritableGeometry) toGeometry(relations[id])); } break; default: break; } collection.setRole(i, strings[role]); addAttributes(collection, relation.getKeysList(), relation.getValsList()); } } return collection; } private void addWayToRing(WritableLinearRing ring, final Way way) { int wid = 0; for (final long ref : way.getRefsList()) { wid += ref; // DELTA encoding final Node node = nodes[wid]; final double lat = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset); final double lon = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset); ring.addPoint(GeometryFactory.createPoint(lon, lat)); } } private LineString createLine(final Way way) { final WritableLineString line = GeometryFactory.createLineString(); int id = 0; for (final long ref : way.getRefsList()) { id += ref; // DELTA encoding final Node node = nodes[id]; final double lat = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset); final double lon = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset); line.addPoint(GeometryFactory.createPoint(lon, lat)); } addAttributes(line, way.getKeysList(), way.getValsList()); return line; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Geometry createPolygon(final Relation relation) { // polygons can be tricky... // See final WritablePolygon polygon = GeometryFactory.createPolygon(); final WritableLinearRing outer = GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(); final List<Long> ids = relation.getMemidsList(); final List<Integer> roles = relation.getRolesSidList(); final List<MemberType> types = relation.getTypesList(); int id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < relation.getMemidsCount(); i++) { id += ids.get(i).intValue(); // DELTA encoding if (types.get(i) == MemberType.WAY) { final Way way = ways[id]; final int role = roles.get(i); // assume if the role is missing (role = 0), it's an outer ring if (isOuterRole(role) || role == 0) { int wid = 0; for (final long ref : way.getRefsList()) { wid += ref; // DELTA encoding final Node node = nodes[wid]; final double lat = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset); final double lon = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset); outer.addPoint(GeometryFactory.createPoint(lon, lat)); } } else if (isInnerRole(role)) { polygon.addInteriorRing(createRing(way)); } } } if (outer.getNumPoints() == 0) { // hmmm no outer rings, but have inner rings. That must be a mistake. We'll assume they should // be outer rings. if (polygon.getNumInteriorRings() > 0) { final WritableLinearRing o = GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(); for (int i = 0; i < polygon.getNumInteriorRings(); i++) { final LinearRing ring = polygon.getInteriorRing(i); for (final Point p : ring.getPoints()) { o.addPoint(p); } } o.closeRing(); final WritablePolygon p = GeometryFactory.createPolygon(); p.setExteriorRing(o); return p; } } outer.closeRing(); polygon.setExteriorRing(outer); return polygon; } private Polygon createPolygon(final Way way) { final WritablePolygon polygon = GeometryFactory.createPolygon(); polygon.setExteriorRing(createRing(way)); addAttributes(polygon, way.getKeysList(), way.getValsList()); return polygon; } private LinearRing createRing(final Way way) { final WritableLinearRing ring = GeometryFactory.createLinearRing(); int id = 0; for (final long ref : way.getRefsList()) { id += ref; // DELTA encoding final Node node = nodes[id]; final double lat = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLat(), granularity, latOffset); final double lon = fromNanoDegrees(node.getLon(), granularity, lonOffset); ring.addPoint(GeometryFactory.createPoint(lon, lat)); } ring.closeRing(); addAttributes(ring, way.getKeysList(), way.getValsList()); return ring; } protected void readOSMData(final InputStream stream) throws IOException { DataInputStream dis; if (stream instanceof DataInputStream) { dis = (DataInputStream) stream; } else { dis = new DataInputStream(stream); } while (dis.available() > 0) { final BlobHeader header = parseHeader(dis); if (header.getType().equals(OSMDATA)) { final CodedInputStream blob = CodedInputStream.newInstance(parseBlob(dis, header)); // for speed, we make _large_ tiles, we don't want protobuf to complain... blob.setSizeLimit(MAX_STREAM_SIZE); parseOSM(blob); } } } private void writeHeader(final OutputStream stream) throws IOException { final HeaderBlock.Builder headerbuilder = HeaderBlock.newBuilder(); headerbuilder.clear(); headerbuilder.setWritingprogram(MRGEO); headerbuilder.addRequiredFeatures(PBF_OSM_SCHEMA_V06); headerbuilder.addRequiredFeatures(PBF_DENSE_NODES); // headerbuilder.addOptionalFeatures(PBF_SORT_TYPE_THEN_ID); headerbuilder.addOptionalFeatures(MRSVECTOR_TILE); if (bounds == null) { calculateBounds(); } final HeaderBBox.Builder bboxbuilder = HeaderBBox.newBuilder(); bboxbuilder.setLeft(bounds.getMinX()); bboxbuilder.setBottom(bounds.getMinY()); bboxbuilder.setRight(bounds.getMaxX()); bboxbuilder.setTop(bounds.getMaxY()); headerbuilder.setBbox(; writeBlob(stream,, OSMHEADER); headerbuilder.clear(); } private boolean writeOSM(final OutputStream stream) throws IOException { final PrimitiveBlock.Builder pb = PrimitiveBlock.newBuilder(); final PrimitiveGroup.Builder gb = PrimitiveGroup.newBuilder(); pb.setDateGranularity(dateGranularity); pb.setGranularity(granularity); pb.setLatOffset(latOffset); pb.setLonOffset(lonOffset); pb.setStringtable(buildStringTable()); // add nodes // gb.addAllNodes(Arrays.asList(nodes)); // add dense nodes if (nodes != null) { gb.setDense(buildDenseNodes()); } // add ways if (ways != null) { gb.addAllWays(Arrays.asList(ways)); } // add relations if (relations != null) { gb.addAllRelations(Arrays.asList(relations)); } pb.addPrimitivegroup(; writeBlob(stream,, OSMDATA); // only clear the primitive group. Don't want to clear the initialized values. pb.clearPrimitivegroup(); return true; } int findString(final String str) { final int ndx = Arrays.binarySearch(strings, str); if (ndx < 0) { return -1; } return ndx; } int findStringUnsorted(final String str) { for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { if (str.equals(strings[i])) { return i; } } return -1; } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") int getValue(final int key, final List<Integer> keys, final List<Integer> values) { final int ndx = findKey(key, keys); if (ndx >= 0) { return findValue(ndx, values); } throw new MrsVectorException("Key not found: " + key); } boolean isArea(final List<Integer> keys, final List<Integer> values) { if (arealKey < 0) { loadAreal(); } final int ndx = findKey(arealKey, keys); if (ndx >= 0) { if (!isFalse(findValue(ndx, values))) { return true; } } // for (int key: areas) // { // // if we have any of these keys, we're a closed way (polygon) // if (hasKey(key, keys)) // { // // special case if aeroway == taxiway // if (key == aerowayKey) // { // int val = findValue(key, values); // if (val != taxiwayKey) // { // return true; // } // } // return true; // } // } return false; } boolean isArea(final Relation relation) { return isArea(relation.getKeysList(), relation.getValsList()); } boolean isArea(final Way way) { return isArea(way.getKeysList(), way.getValsList()); } boolean isFalse(final int v) { if (falses == null) { loadFalses(); } for (final int t : falses) { if (v == t) { return true; } } return false; } boolean isInnerRole(final int role) { if (innerKey < 0) { loadRoles(); } return role == innerKey; } boolean isOuterRole(final int role) { if (outerKey < 0) { loadRoles(); } return role == outerKey; } boolean isTrue(final int v) { if (trues == null) { loadTrues(); } for (final int t : trues) { if (v == t) { return true; } } return false; } public void printstats() { int totalsize = 0; int size = 0; if (strings != null) { for (final String s : strings) { size += s.length(); } totalsize += size; System.out.println("strings: " + strings.length + " (" + human(size) + ")"); } { try { final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes); out.writeObject(nodes); size = bytes.size(); totalsize += size; System.out.println("nodes: " + nodes.length + " (" + human(size) + ")"); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes); out.writeObject(ways); size = bytes.size(); totalsize += size; System.out.println("ways: " + ways.length + " (" + human(size) + ")"); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { final ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bytes); out.writeObject(relations); size = bytes.size(); totalsize += size; System.out.println("relations: " + relations.length + " (" + human(size) + ")"); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("total size: " + human(totalsize)); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length != 3) { System.err.println("Usage: VectorTile <vector> <tx> <ty>"); } else { String vectorName = args[0]; MrsVector vector = null; try { int tx = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int ty = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); MrsVectorPyramid vectorPyramid =; vector = vectorPyramid.getHighestResVector(); VectorTile tile = vector.getTile(tx, ty); if (tile != null) { tile.dump(System.out); System.out.println("WKT Geometries:"); for (Geometry geom : tile.geometries()) { System.out.println(" " + WktConverter.toWkt(geom)); } } else { System.err.println("Invalid tile, tile bounds are: " + vectorPyramid.getTileBounds(vectorPyramid.getMaximumLevel())); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("Invalid tile coordinates given"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("IOException: " + e); } finally { if (vector != null) { vector.close(); } } } } }